Join us tonight for a fun-filled evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
No doubt a hot topic for tonight will be the new GAO report suggesting that the Bush administration is cooking the books on sectarian violence in Iraq. (Perhaps another hot topic will be the shameless way that Republicans have blown off the restless leg syndrome constituency….)
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for the dates and times of a chapter near you.
While there at Drinling Libtardly, why not discuss how cheap labor liberals Mattel will recall seven Barbie accessories for a total of 675,000 units. This is their 3rd recall. Cheap labor liberals them Mattel guys!
ASSIE Voice, you did buy your daughter a Barbie right? Have you invested in accessories?
Are you sayin’ that Requip™ would’ve saved Larry Craig?
Hey Goldy…were you aware that you were “eviscerated” by The Shark on your radio show last week? I didn’t either.
But that is the word on Blatherwatch! check it out under the Matt Drudge story!
No doubt the reason for Bush’s snap visit to Iraq over the weekend was to make sure Gen. Petraeus’ report says what Bush wants it to say. Once again, facts are being fixed around the policy.
Meanwhile, it turns out our swaggering leader is actually a fucking crybaby:
“’Self-pity is the worst thing that can happen to a presidency,’ Mr. Bush told Mr. Draper, by way of saying he sought to avoid it. ‘This is a job where you can have a lot of self-pity.’ In the same interview, Mr. Bush seemed to indicate that he had his down moments at home, saying of his wife, Laura, ‘Back to the self-pity point — she reminds me that I decided to do this.’ …
“In response to Mr. Draper’s observance that Mr. Bush had nobody’s ‘shoulder to cry on,’ the president said: ‘Of course I do, I’ve got God’s shoulder to cry on, and I cry a lot.’ … Mr. Bush added, ‘I’ll bet I’ve shed more tears than you can count as president.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When you send a boy to do a man’s job, shit happens.
Well, he’s got plenty of reason to feel sorry for himself. What a miserable fucking failure. He hasn’t done a single damn thing right, and now he’s the laughingstock of the entire world.
It’s Off: Craig Flips On Resignation
“BOISE, Idaho (AP) – Sen. Larry Craig is reconsidering his decision to resign … and may … fight for his Senate seat, his spokesman said Tuesday evening.
“‘It’s not such a foregone conclusion anymore, that the only thing he could do was resign,’ said Sidney Smith, Craig’s spokesman ….
“Craig, … announced Saturday that he intends to resign from the Senate …. But since then, he’s hired a prominent lawyer ….”
Puddypud at 1
Assie voice? This is supposed to hurt whom? All it does is show you for the immature, childish, vindictive, bitter, and self-hating black man that you are.
Is is a shame that you have decided to settle for being such a small minded individual. You could have been so much more than a common variety ignoramus.
7 Oh, dear Lord…the temptation to indulge in some awful puns about “flip-flopping”, versus being “firm in one’s…er, convictions” are just too uh, “hard” to resist…
And gee whiz, doesn’t the right always have brickbats and derision for “trial lawyers”? Oh, yeah, that’s just when they happen to be Democrats running for President, or advocates of limiting the ability of giant corporations to bugger honest working folk.
Yeah, but he’s so easy to scroll past. He’s like a big neon sign that says, “Here’s another message of contempt, because I just KNOW you want eat my shit”.
All snipe, no substance.
@7 Roger
Well Arlen Spector all but he insisted that Craig do this on Sunday Television.
The question is, is Spector exacting revenge on the Xtian conservatives who insisted that, as a condition of his Judiciary Committee chairmanship, he had to rubber stamp all their wingnut candidates?
This would be one hell of a slapback, because Larry Craig around for the next year would be a most marvelous gift to those of us doing funeral planning for the Republican party.
You just know though, that Jane’s bitch gobbles that right up.
11 delete extraneous “he” from 1st line, plz.
My basset is convinced that Jane’s dog is merely a victim of Doofus perversion, and that Republican bestiality, while evidently genetic, needs to be curbed.
Your basset is a wise dog!! Smarter than our trolls.
Lots, maybe most, domestic animals are smarter than our trolls.
Take Marvin….please!
I neglected to attribute the possible motives of Arlen Spector to the originator, Howard Feinman, on the Chris Matthews program today. It’s rebroadcast on Directv at 2400 tonight, and maybe at other times on other providers, for those wishing to see it…
No doubt the reason for Bush’s snap visit to Iraq over the weekend was to make sure Gen. Petraeus’ report says what Bush wants it to say. Once again, facts are being fixed around the policy.
09/04/2007 at 5:10 pm
Nope. Actually they were making sure they were using a certain subscribt on all internal documents to catch you lying assholes in another forgery. hahaha… I mean roof roof
My Left Foot says:
Puddypud at 1
Assie voice? This is supposed to hurt whom? All it does is show you for the immature, childish, vindictive, bitter, and self-hating black man that you are.
Is is a shame?
Well not quite. I am sure you donks will come up with the definition of what is “is” someday though.
Janes’ dog:
You poor thing! You need to see a vet specializing in canine mental disorders. You can’t even form a rational thought…even for a dog.
Whining for you, my dear.
chadt says:
My basset is convinced that Jane’s dog is merely a victim of Doofus perversion, and that Republican bestiality, while evidently genetic, needs to be curbed.
09/04/2007 at 6:39 pm
My Left Foot says:
Your basset is a wise dog!! Smarter than our trolls.
09/04/2007 at 6:41 pm
chadt says:
Lots, maybe most, domestic animals are smarter than our trolls.
Take Marvin….please!
Well it doesn’t take much. We already know that our chimp beat the crap out you dems in 2004. heheheheroof
Oh, and while I’m at it, my dear, I have a word for you:
Shitting in the house is not something nice humans like, and while YOUR human is, well, beastly, it’s not gonna do you any good to keep up the crap.
It’s OK for you and your human to drool (and I take it that’s an understatement), you should take the other business outside.
I know your human isn’t housetrained, but is also unable to learn anything, so it’s up to you to do it on your own.
Jane’s bitch at 19:
I guess you agree with my post since all you could find was a typo to pick on.
And just for you, a special comment:
I wonder why the strange silence from our black friend, Puddypud? Embarrassed? Ashamed? Out dog fighting?
And she can’t spell “subscript”, either.
An intellectual giant like DOOFUS provides lots of comic relief…
Out trolling around on his sapphire throne, furiously trying to think of a clever comeback.
Never fear, he can’t keep himself from pompous blather to “show us how intelligent he is”. He fancies himself a brilliant satirist. It’d work better if he could keep himself from spitting when he speaks.
There is also a strange silence from MTR lately. I wonder if his mental health professional has limited his internet access?
MTR if you read this: Pay your debt!
Left Foot: You asked why I call him ASSIE Voice in another thread. I suggest you navigate back to see the answer. I think it’s pretty pithy.
When you find my answer Carl Left Footy, you’ll see you struck gold with your last sentence in #22 post!
I am not navigating back,searching or otherwise. I don’t really care why you call him that. I don’t really care why you need to make as issue of his daughter. In fact, my black friend, I don’t really care why you do anything.
I just know that it is childish, immature and ineffective. You seem to like it though so, please, continue. It shows you for the childish black dolt that you are.
Are you better than me because you referred to the gold in another of my posts? I mined gold. Thank you.
Perhaps I should have added:…….and the horse you rode in on.
I want to encourage you to continue your posting here. You are not only an example of an ignorant ass, but you are a shining example for all young black men as to exactly what not to project to be a positive black influence.
Now go back to your culturally accepted dog fighting.
By the way, we had a wonderful holiday weekend. We went property shopping. “The economy that you are touting is actually sliding downhill and we are in a position to take advantage of the mistakes made by the huge lending institutions in the real estate market. Lucky for me, Teresa is able to read a contract better than the folks who wrote it so there will nothing but straight up interest and no phoney baloney ARM or other creative mechanism.
Hope this finds you well.
OK so I broke down and went and read your answers. Sue me.
I see where Sen. Craig is reconsidering. Do you support his decision? Should he resign because he is gay or because he lied, or because he is a convicted criminal? Remember, there are no gays allowed in the Republican party.
Jane’s dog @ all
Lay off sniffing all the butts of the other dog’s at Republican get togethers. It could lead to something that might get you arrested at the nearest fire hydrant.
Whoopi G on the View said it is culturally acceptable. So I asked.
Carl Where did I make an issue of his daughter? I asked him if he bought her a Barbie or bought her Barbie accessories. Mattel, the champion of cheal labor liberals is recalling Barbie accessories. So if ASSIE Voice has bought a recent gift I was warning him moe-ron. I have 37 nieces and great nieces moe-ron. Do you know how much I spent on Barbie gifts moe-ron?
You Carl are a moe-ron.
My Left Foot @ 26
Maybe we can negotiate a compromise solution to MTR’s gambling debt problem. I guess he didn’t want to give his $100 to Maria Cantwell. With Goldy’s blessing, maybe we could convince MTR to write a $100 check to my campaign?
Carl let me make this simple for you. He is the head ASS of HorsesAss. He is the voice for this blog. Since he is the voice and his blog is HorsesAss I call him ASSIE Voice. Pithy huh?
Carl F^%& Y*# is gold? No I said I expected it from you.
#23 Carl: I have other things to do and I visit this place when I have free time. Right now Carlos Mencia is on!
@11 “Larry Craig around for the next year would be a most marvelous gift to those of us doing funeral planning for the Republican party.”
My thoughts exactly.
@18 Don’t worry, we don’t need documents this time, because reality is fixing itself around Bush.
@20 “You poor thing! You need to see a vet specializing in canine mental disorders. You can’t even form a rational thought…even for a dog.”
No problem there that the vet can’t fix by euthenizing the cur.
@26 “There is also a strange silence from MTR lately. I wonder if his mental health professional has limited his internet access?”
No, I suspect MTR morphed into Marvin Stamn. They both spell “stupid” as “stoopid”. Sort of a dead giveaway.
Carl: What Senator Craig does is for his Idaho constituents to decide. I don’t understand this “culture” but George Michael the singer did the same thing some time ago. I understand there are Seattle Toilets where this happens…
Strange huh?
MTR/Marvin Stamn makes $9 an hour. Down in L.A., they think that’s a lot of money.
#44: Interesting detective work there Pelletman or is it Truth Teller?
Stefan Sharansky doesn’t make anything. He lasted only 1/2 day on his $9-an-hour job as a pollworker.
#47 I’m not sure Truth Teller is. Mrs. Rabbit has used that screen name (and, therefore, I have used it inadvertently a few times when she didn’t tell me to change it back to Roger Rabbit), but I have seen comments by “Truth Teller” that my Mrs. didn’t post. I think one of your troll pals is using it now. That’s so … well … wingnutty. A wingnut troll thinks using the word “truth” will make people believe his bullshit.
You said I mined gold. You attempted to use the “fuck you” without having to type the words. Makes you better than me somehow.
The assie voice is childish. Not pithy. You are taken with your black self and have no reason to be.
We all know your intent with mentioning Goldy’s daughter. You can spin it all you want. It is what it is. Goldy, of all people does not need a warning about Chinese made goods.
Black Jackass! (how is that for pithy?)
@27 Someone pithed you?
Roger, moonbats, et al-
Don’t forget that W is not going to be running, so you need a new schtick, you pompous ostriches.
Have fun here on HA preaching to your two bit choir.
@30 “Lucky for me, Teresa is able to read a contract better than the folks who wrote it …”
After they figure out they need a lawyer will you send them my way?
@31 I think he should help elect Democrats by staying in office.
Man I would just love to see the Idaho Republicans picketing Craig’s Boise office!
That’s a possibility that occurred to me, too, but Marvin displays none of the continuous foul-mouthing characteristic of MTR, nor the blatant condescension. But maybe he’s trying very hard to be subtle.
@36 Puddy, I hope you don’t mind my asking, but where do you get the “liberals” in “cheap labor”? I mean, cheap labor is pretty much a Republican thing, and so is owning companies, so where do “liberals” come into this picture?
@37 Gee, Richard, if he did that you’d have to file a PDC report.
@38 You have the right idea but it needs a little polishing. How about “Head Voice for the Troll Asses”?
@52 “Don’t forget that W is not going to be running, so you need a new schtick, you pompous ostriches.”
How about, We’re not Republicans? That should do it. Most rational people understand the problem isn’t confined to W — it extends to all the other Rs, too.
I wonder which Republican will get arrested next week? Never a dull moment when these guys are around.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends Drinking Liberally.
Here is the statement that will bring the White House back to the Democrats:
“As president, I will bring our troops home”, followed by “The patriot act will be scaled back”, followed by “there will be accountability in government”.
There is no chance of a Republican winning. The Republican pollsters and pundits are all saying that taking back congress is impossible. The goal is to limit the losses at this point”.
So keep drinking and dreaming.
It wasn’t just the Minn airport that was hanging over Larry Craig. Does he not realize that even if he can change his plea and force an acquittal that his (w)hole past will be up for review?
JCH is a Nazi.
@63 The pithiest pundit comment I’ve seen so far is this one:
“It’s always darkest right before you get clobbered over the head with a pipe wrench. But then it actually does get darker,” said a GOP pollster who insisted on anonymity in order to speak candidly.
Does JCH hang around the men’s room when you take a pith?
@64 Apparently Craigs, um, proclivities have been an, er, open secret for quite some time.
“As early as 1982 the mainstream media reported claims that Craig had had sex with men. In 1982, Craig appeared on NBC News to deny rumors about cocaine use and sex with male teenage congressional pages …. In October 2006, gay activist blogger Mike Rogers, who has earned a … reputation for outing … conservatives, alleged on his blog that Craig was gay. … On August 27, 2007 Roll Call broke the story to reveal details about Senator Craig’s arrest at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport and his subsequent guilty plea in that case. After the conviction came to light, the Idaho Statesman published a story on August 28, 2007 about three allegations involving the sexual conduct of Senator Craig. A college student, who was considering pledging at Craig’s fraternity at the University of Idaho in 1967, told a reporter … that Craig led the student to his bedroom and ‘made what the man said he took to be an invitation to sex.’ In the second reported incident, a man, who identified himself as a homosexual, told a reporter that Craig cruised him at the R.E.I. store in Boise in November 1994, following him around the store for half an hour. The last reported incident … came from a professional 40-year-old man with close ties to Republican officials … [who] ‘reported having oral sex with Craig at Washington’s Union Station, probably in 2004.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit: Cruising R.E.I.? CRUISING R.E.I.??! Holy shit … !!!
Cruising for gay sex at R.E.I., fer chrissakes … is nothing sacred to Republicans?
I have a 5-digit R.E.I. member number, neener neener.
I’m going to leave my R.E.I. member number to one of my grandchildren in my will.
I can’t believe that asshole CRUISED R.E.I. … !!!!! Do they have the death penalty in Idaho?
@67 I didn’t ask the guy in the trenchcoat hanging back in the shadows in the far stall if he was JCH. Maybe I should have. Maybe he was waiting for the Senator.
Take it easy. You are gonna bust a bunny aneurysm. Look at the bright side, he was not cruising you.
Or was he?
@74 From my unique viewpoint as a rabbit, it’s sometimes hard to tell whether Republicans would rather shoot me or fuck me.
Where have the trolls gone? Have they slunk off with their tails between their legs again?
In Senator Craig’s case…….wouldn’t that be the same thing?
Ba Da Bump!
Remember when Mark the Retardo taunted us about global warming by asking how many hurricanes there have been this season? Well, here’s his answer:
Central America got slammed by TWO hurricanes today, one from the east (Felix, a Category 5) and one from the west (Henriette).
“Tuesday’s twin hurricanes were historic. It was the first time on record that two Category 5 Atlantic hurricanes made landfall in the same year with Felix coming two weeks after Hurricane Dean slammed into southern Mexico. Also it was the first time Atlantic and Pacific hurricanes made landfall the same day, according to records dating back to 1949.”
BTW, where’s the retarded Redneck? I haven’t seen him post here for a few days. Did he get carried away by the winds?
Bush Redefines ‘Progress’
“Bush Shifts Terms for Measuring Progress in Iraq
“Published: September 5, 2007
“WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 — With the Democratic-led Congress poised to measure progress in Iraq by focusing on the central government’s failure to perform, President Bush is proposing a new gauge, by focusing on new American alliances with the tribes and local groups that Washington once feared would tear the country apart.
“That shift in emphasis was implicit in Mr. Bush’s decision to bypass Baghdad on his eight-hour trip to Iraq, stopping instead in Anbar Province …. By meeting with tribal leaders who just a year ago were considered the enemy, … a president who has unveiled four or five strategies for winning over Iraqis — depending on how one counts — may now be on the cusp of yet another.
“It is not clear whether the Democrats who control Congress will be in any mood to accept the changing measures. … It was the White House and the Iraqi government, not Congress, that first proposed the benchmarks for Iraq that are now producing failing grades, a provenance that raises questions about why the administration is declaring now that the government’s performance is not the best measure of change. …
[S]ome of Mr. Bush’s critics … believe it amounts to a grudging acknowledgment by the White House … that Iraq will never become the kind of cohesive, unified state that could be a democratic beacon for the Middle East. ‘They have come around to the inevitable,’ said Peter W. Galbraith, a former American diplomat whose 2006 book, ‘The End of Iraq,’ argued that Mr. Bush was trying to rebuild a nation that never really existed, because Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds had never adopted a common Iraqi identity. ‘He has finally recognized that fact, and is now trying to work with it,’ Mr. Galbraith said Tuesday. Still, like the other strategies Mr. Bush has embraced, this one is fraught with risks. …
“The White House insists that by flying into the tribal areas, Mr. Bush is not undercutting Mr. Maliki or cutting him loose. Instead, White House officials say that … Mr. Bush has been pursuing a dual strategy, pressing for ‘top down’ change from Baghdad as well as ‘bottom up’ change from the provinces … the White House is arguing that the ground-up relationships they are building in places like Anbar are more important than keeping a scorecard of legislation passed or stalled in Baghdad.
“Whether that argument is enough to keep a few wavering Republicans on board may determine whether Mr. Bush gets a bit more time to try his latest strategy.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see;emc=rss
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Interesting that Bush, after flying all the way to Iraq, doesn’t even bother to meet with the head of state he installed with the help of 3,700 dead American soldiers (and the rest of the U.S. military).
So, after this strategy fails, do we get to see Strategy To Win The War In Iraq #7? Wonder what that will be? Depopulation?
This are the mere machinations of a hack worrying about his “legacy” who viscerally feels what he cannot consciously accept: That history will remember him as a liar, an idiot, and a failure.
Since an inordinate amount of time gets spent here shouting at the trolls, I’ll give everyone a parting thought for the evening.
It is a common trick of propagandists of all stripes to, in addition to framing their own message in the most favorable light, also frame their opponents message in such a way as to appear absurd. I think a lot of HA’s posters take it as a given that Fox News does this with their hopeless and hapless “liberal” spokespeople.
Our trolls serve the same purpose here. There are valid points to conservative governance, but you are not going to hear them from the HA trolls, who spout rhetoric so bile filled and completely divorced from any sort of pragmatic approach to solving problems as to make conservatism appear completely ridiculous.
So I would like to extend my thanks to all those present and departed. Puddy, MTR, Marvin, Jane’s Rabid Dog, klake, Dan Rather, and so many others now gone from the scene. You’ve all been just wonderful, and I want to thank you for defining our opposition in such a way as to take it to it’s final, most extreme possible logical absurdity. You have all been helpful in doing your part to promote Democratic governance, and we wish will be counting on you in the years to come. When moderates and liberals need not a sane opposing view, but a straw man to make conservatives look completely insane, we know you’ll be there for us.
Thank you, thank you, a thousand times over, thank you for, hey, just being your wonderful selves.
straw-grasping hack
Carl: Sping what moe-ron? Where did I impeach his daughter? When others were commenting on his daughter at camp I never wrote a word moe-ron. Review the tape moe-ron.
You are way overboard. Since you know what I was thinking when I wrote Post#1 you tell me. I knew some whack-job lefty librul would cause-jump over my comment. I didn’t expect you to be that whack-job lefty librul.
The commentary is on Mattel. They make Barbie dolls and accessories. I realize you having macho sons never bought them Ken dolls. Well I didn’t either for my sons. Anyway, I asked ASSIE Voice if he bought Barbie for his daughter moe-ron!
Pelletizer@57 asked about cheap labor liberals.
Well Pelletman, back when the Mattel story broke I wondered why ASSIE Voice didn’t jump all over this like Katrina, Chinese Foods, etc. I went to Kos, Media Morons, Stinky Non-Progress, etc. all the whack-job librul sites and there was nothing.
So I went to the FEC databases and looked up the Mattel corp officers. What did I see? Almost 100% Moonbat! giving in 2002, 2004, 2006. BIG TIME Moonbat! giving. Can you say $MM at a time? They gave to all the known Moonbat!s and their PACs.
They are cheap labor liberals. They stopped manufacturing here in the US and now have their factories in China. Hmmm…? Pelletman, you need to stop skipping my posts or take some gingko for expanded memory experiences. Oops… you a librul, your memory only lasts 24 hours.
Pelletman: I realize you are short on common man brains. Otherwise you’d remember Carl bragging how Teresa told him to sit on the couch and blog while she wins the bread as a lawyer. How they moved to LA cuz she got high powered barrister job.
These fact”oid”s are lost on you cuz you are soooo forgetful. Maybe you need some memory enhancement. Buy Kevin Trudeau’s book on healthy lifestyle. It could do your “30 lb.” body good.
81 JSA: Wow you really are full of yourself. Your side will dissect any fallen human and ridicule them ad mauseum. When we demonstrate the same behavior in your “friends” you try to write it off as status quo!
Have you seen the number of Union hack-job presidents who make $200,000 or more each year?
Did you see the earmarks taken from the “most ethical congress” ever this year?
Feinstein $382.3 Million, Murtha $186 Million, Boxer $152.5 Million, Pelosi $141.3 Million, Obey $96 Million, Hoyer $85.5 Million!
The beat just goes on JSA.
JSA: Maybe you need to read Thomas Friedman more and Paul Krugman less.!lb,)k)bklN!IM)UaeokQ5EQ25Q51eh
Oh yeah Moonbat!s get your own subscription.
JSA: Maybe you should call your “good friends” at ABC and ask why the Path to 9/11 is being blocked from DVD release.;cset=true
Oh yes, Path to 9/11 showed how the Clinton Administration really looked at terrorism.
Waaa haaa haaa haaa
JSA: More on “your friend” Norman Hsu. Let’s see how long this takes to percolate in the librul MSM.
JSA: I’m sure you remember Bernie Schwartz, another cheap labor liberal who gave misslie technology to the chinese. I blogged about it.
JSA: Is Phil Spector your hero too, like Pelletman’s?
When moderates and liberals need not a sane opposing view, but a straw man to make conservatives look completely insane, we know you’ll be there for us.
Thank you, thank you, a thousand times over, thank you for, hey, just being your wonderful selves.
On cue, compulsively:
Oh yes, Path to 9/11 showed how the Clinton Administration really looked at terrorism.
Waaa haaa haaa haaa
That is teh awesome.
The parents of Moonbat!s in action.
I’m glad you agree ATJ. I bet George Stepalloverus has something to do with it. Maybe Terry Moran too.
Puddybud: your son goes to a “Moonbat” school. I bet he takes one of prof Darryl’s classes.
Why couldn’t you send him to a proper “wingnut” school like one of Pat Robertson’s or Jerry Falwell’s outfits?
Moreover, why isn’t your son serving the chimpanzee you voted for twice in Iraq? Just think Puddybud, your son could be defending the
ConstitutionSimian of the United States of America right now.What are you doing to your children Puddybud?
I’m glad you agree ATJ.
Yes, I agree with JSA, and thank you again for providing a perfect example of his point. It really was great.
Your side will dissect any fallen human and ridicule them ad mauseum.
Craig played “holier than thou” by bashing gays. That’s what your side does and especially you in particular.
When hypocrisy is exposed, we don’t pull our punches.
Puddybud’s political philosophy is simple for he has a simple mind after all.
Put women in shackles and keep men over a barrel.
Puddy’s ultimate delusion is that if he keeps on sucking up he’ll avoid being put over a barrel.
81 JSA: Wow you really are full of yourself. Your side will dissect any fallen human and ridicule them ad mauseum. When we demonstrate the same behavior in your “friends” you try to write it off as status quo!
Whether I am full of myself I’ll leave to someone else to decide. I’m usually pretty self deprecating actually, which is said by some to be the highest form of arrogance.
but, again, you’re proving my point. When the opposition does something wrong, you don’t try to rise above it, you throw it back and go “HAW HAW! HOW’S IT FEEL WHEN THE SHOE IS ON THE OTHER FOOT SUCKA!”
Not only is fourth grade is so over, I’m wondering if they’ve talked about the Sermon on the Mount at your church lately.
If you want advice which is constructive and not mocking, I will say this. You and the other trolls here really do sound insane. I hang with liberals, I hang with conservatives. There are good things to say about small c conservative governance because, hey, money and social programs, however well intentioned, cannot solve all the world’s ills. You will not hear these points from the HA trolls because they are far too busy saying “liburulz are teh stoopid!!” and linking to sites saying the same to get around to explaining themselves.
I don’t think you’re stupid Pud. I do think that someone put a big old bug up your ass that turned into an irrational hatred for a really large group of people. And yes, I will say it again and again, you sound irrational on this blog. take the contents of this thread with your nom de blog redacted, share with a friend of yours and say “whaddya think of this guy?”
(note when I say “friend” I mean just a friend friend. I have friends who are really over the top lefties and are really shrill. they wouldn’t be the sounding board you’re looking for here.)
try it. It’ll be good for the growth of Pud the human. Or ignore me and keep spewing bile. I’m happy either way.
Whether I am full of myself I’ll leave to someone else to decide.
I hope you’re not full of someone else. That would be… icky. And probably wrong.
Do all black men lie?
@103 ATJ
Can’t we give the Larry Craig thing a rest?
Well, now that I rethink that, NO :>
@104 MLF
I think we can agree that Puddy is, thankfully, an exception.
Few humans try so hard, and succeed so well, at such hebephrenic obnoxiousness. It’s a combination of inflated self-righteousness and serious overestimation of credibility.
Mattel- Cheap labor users. Outsourcing job, importing dangerous product, delaying the reporting of such.
This is not a liberal company. Why do we continue to allow imports of tainted items? Dog food, toothpaste, toys, etc etc….?
I buy only American made. I do not shop at Walmart (they support child labor) I don’t buy Nike (same reason).
What are you doing Mr. I Am So Concerned (puddy)?
As a black man are you concerned about human dignity and rights? Or are you only concerned about you?
NOTE: I have a daughter. She collects Barbies. Just thought you would like to have the facts since you claim to be a well informed black man.
104 was addressed to 102. Something happened to the numbering sequence whilst I was typing. (Probably idiocy on my part).
@107, prolly not your fault…I’ve seen posts disappear (including my own) and numbering get thrown off.
I betcha there’s an issue with threading and database locks.
He is a special case alright. But someone above said that he believes if he keeps sucking on the pipe all will be well. The problem is that he is already over the barrel. He is just too blind to see it.
I just don’t understand the Rove mentality that Puddy has bought into. You keep saying and doing the same things…. hoping, praying for a different outcome. But the result is never going to change. Where I come from, this is insanity.
Maybe it is just me, but I have it in my mind that Republicans are a white and elite bunch. I can’t for the life of me understand why a Black, Jew, Hispanic or any other minority would vote for what they represent. There is no concern for fellow man. No compassion. No tolerance of opposing views.
I thank my stars everyday that my father instilled in me the ideals that I hold most dear.
1. No matter if in a room of 200 angry men, if in your heart you have an opposing view, you have an obligation to stand and speak.
2. You have an obligation as a man to defend that man’s right to his view, even if you disagree.
3. Patriotism is more that loving America, it is standing up for what you know is right.
Another TJ says @ 102:
I hope you’re not full of someone else. That would be… icky. And probably wrong.
It depends a lot on the someone in question. ;-)
Well, it’s icky either way. Whether or not it’s wrong, that’s where the other someone matters.
Patriotism is more that loving America, it is standing up for what you know is right.
Nationalism is loving America. Patriotism is defending its values.
The filter still scoops up certain comments, but I’m supposedly going to be added today to the list of folks who can free them from their captivity so that they aren’t hidden for so long.
I think that is what my dad meant. Thank you.
Well, it’s icky either way. Whether or not it’s wrong, that’s where the other someone matters.
If you define it as consuming humans, I will quote Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka:
“… that my children is called cannibalism and it is frowned upon in most societies.”
There are some cases where it’s best to explain yourself very clearly and in detail so there’s no room for ambiguity.
And then there are things like this where ambiguity is half the fun.
Absolutely. He was a wise man.
@87 “Pelletman: I realize you are short on common man brains.”
I’m smarter than the average rabbit, and you’re dumber than the average human.
Lee, it isn’t so much that posts “hide” for a while. They are there and then they disappear and AFAICT never come back. It’s not critical (jeez, this is a political blog after all…) but it IS annoying.
That’s weird. I’ve never seen a comment appear and then disappear. That would certainly piss me off.
@121 Just look at the backward references in this thread. The referred-to posts are either off by a couple or apparently are posts that have disappeared altogether.
@121 Lee,
It happened to me a couple days ago. If it helps, it disappeared right after someone, (Darryl, I think,) deleted a post prior to mine for rules infraction, and I just assumed that he accidentally got mine as well, (I say accidentally because I can’t think of anything besides my usual inanity that warranted its deletion) so maybe there’s a connexion.
Yeah, thanks for letting me know. It still looks like I don’t have the admin rights yet to filter comments, but even if I did, it sounds like they’re already in the black hole of the internets.
!!Geeze: My comment has been incorporated into Larry Craig????
My Left Foot says: Mattel- Cheap labor users. Outsourcing job, importing dangerous product, delaying the reporting of such. This is not a liberal company.”
Oh yes it is Carl. The high ranking Mattel officers all supported Congressional Moonbat!s 2002 2004 2006 and John Effin Kerry. Isn’t that the definition used by Pelletmaker?
JSA: I tried another moniker. It was RECKLESS. RECKLESS was nice, never swore, wrote proper English and he was treated the same was as Puddy by the ‘WIPES here on ASSWipes.
Nuff Said SUCKA!
Carl: I am for the dignity of my people. Having explained that I came from the inner city of Philly (not a burb boy like ASSIE Voice), I watched the installation of Moonbat! after Moonbat! and nothing changed. When I left, I noticed this was true of all Moonbat! controlled cities. I noticed how my people have substandard schools, substandard books, etc.
Having explained that I came from the inner city of Philly
I thought you said you lived on City Line Ave?
Or was that a relative?
RECKLESS was nice, never swore, wrote proper English and he was treated the same was as Puddy by the ‘WIPES here on ASSWipes.
Yep. Nobody here ever says mean stuff to me or calls me names. Nope. Never happens.
Somehow, I keep my cool through all of this. In the time I have been posting on HA, I recall just completely losing it once. (you’ll have to use teh google to find out when this happened).
I will say the same thing like a broken record. If your purpose here is to vent, you’re doing a great job. If you are trying to persuade people about the benefits of conservatism, you suck at it. If I thought you were doing a good job at selling GOP soap, I’d say so, no matter how little I like the brand. You’re not.
Y’know, I have a very good friend. He’s a lefty, but that’s not the point. In person, he’s great. Really kind, warm guy. When he talks about political issues, he’s interesting, persuasive, and a great storyteller.
When he went in front of a keyboard, he went insane. He sounded a lot like you, but he was writing for the other side. He became foul, dismissive, disrespectful, and generally a pain in the ass. He was so bad that I got mail messages (I was the sysadmin on the system he used to pick up email and post on USENET) demanding I revoke his account. (I refused).
So the question remains. What’s the purpose of being here? If you’re trying to get lefties to lose patience and insult you so you can say “see how small they are?” I guess you’re succeeding by being a small person yourself. It’s what they called a Pyhrric victory in the old days. For any other purpose, you’re failing. I kind of enjoy your brand of bullshit, but you’re wearing my two weeks of finishing school pretty thin.
I’m saying his as constructive criticism. I doubt you behave like this in your professional life. If you don’t want to improve yourself, it’s not my job to improve you for you. I’m done. back to our usually scheduled arguing.
you fail
Why are you lurking in dead threads? I used to be an undertaker, for me it’s normal, but you….?
Just bored. I should just go home. We just had a release last week and I have no work to do right now…
Lee@129: I said my cousins live near City line ave.
I posted with Google mappings where I grew up in Philly almost down to the block. Have ASSIE Voice “play the tape”!
JSA: You speak out of both sides of your mouth. You decry me when I use similar speak to many Moonbat!s here but you do not chastise the mASSes here. So I ask why did you put your “liberal friend” here as a canard?