Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for another fun-filled evening of politics under the influence. We meet at 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Our Seattle hosts are Nick Beaudrot of Electoral Math and HorsesAss’ Lee (also at Blog Reload and EFFin’ Unsound).
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times for a chapter near you.
UPDATE (–Goldy):
State House Speaker Frank Chopp will be stopping by tonight. Let’s see if we can get him so ripping drunk that he publicly comes out in support of a state income tax.
You’re still hosting this thing, Lee? Jeezy Creezy.
For another month or so before I start up the Kent chapter.
I’ll miss the festivities this time around, unfortunately. My sister roped me into attending tonight’s preview/premiere of Young Frankenstein.
Save some of the tales of YK2 for next week, OK?
Will and Lee,
Hey…it give me a way to promote Lee’s other blogs. (And it minimizes the chance that I have to deal with the group bill.)
Yearly Kos Two.
Ahso, Tengs.
You angry pinheads waste your time with each other.
Goldy is the head loser with a grand total of 6 of you idiots that listen to his pathetic Radio diatribes.
Enjoy your Seattle traffic gridlock!
What a precious bit of self-parody. Someone calling them self “sickofassholes” writes:
“You angry pinheads waste your time with each other.
Goldy is the head loser with a grand total of 6 of you idiots that listen to his pathetic Radio diatribes.
Enjoy your Seattle traffic gridlock! “
Angry pinheads, eh? Looks like a textbook case of projection!
Sounds to me like somebody with too many assholes.
Why did Air America fail?
What the hell has that to do with the topic at hand???
#12 chadt says:
If everyone was drinking liberally, I thought people might let their guards down and be honest for a change.
Can’t you guys keep this dreck out of at least ONE thread in this joint for ONE LOUSY HOUR????
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL because of traffic problems caused by bridge repairs. The only time bridges get repaired is when a Democratic governor runs things. In state with Republican governors the bridges simply fall down.
Yeah, we need an income tax. Washington has the worst tax system in the country.
Lowest income households pay 17% of their income in state and local taxes.
Highest income households pay 4% of their income in state and local taxes.
Not hard to figure out who the freeloaders are.
What’s the status of the dogs in bars bill? Stefani wants to know if she can come to DL.
@16: Agree profusely, wholeheartedly….our tax system sucks, sucks, sucks.
sick asshole @8: “You angry pinheads waste your time with each other.”
What? We should waste our time with you? Lunatic.
“When the lanes were closed, it was not uncommon for inspectors to be the target
of insults — even thrown objects — from inconvenienced motorists.
Damn, maybe there is a voting bloc in Minnesota for al franken.
@21 Those were Jesse Ventura voters.
Minnesota has a Publican governor. Why wasn’t this bridge fixed? Oh, that’s right, the highway repair money is needed in Iraq.
If you can get Frank Chopp on his lips, you deserve to be House Majority Leader.
Another Republican rapist is exposed.
Are you happy about that Stamn?
re11: Because it didn’t have a bunch of rich, right wing cranks propping it up.
Why DOESN’t the Weekly Standard fold?
#24 headless lucy says:
Excellent answer. So the only way a liberal program will work is if rich right wing cranks support it. Got it. Thanks for playing along.
#22 Roger Rabbit says:
I’ll type slowly to make it easier for you to read. Despite your wet-dreams about the war, bush gave minnesota more money than the previous administration
“Minnesota state and local governments can expect to receive about $3.5 billion
in federal transportation funding through 2009, an increase of about 46
percent (or about $1.1 billion) over the previous six-year bill.
Well what do you expect from a red city….. wait,Minneapolis is a blue city. Nevermind.
HA talking points….
1. The bridge collapse in MN is the fault of George Bush
2. The bridge collapse in MN is the fault of Dick Cheney
3. The bridge collapse in MN is the fault of Haliburton
4. The bridge collapse in MN is the fault of Republicans
5. The bridge collapse in MN is the fault of Global Warming
6. The bridge collapse in MN is the fault of the war in Iraq
7. The mine accident in UT is the fault of…. see list above.
re 28: Your talking point (singular)
state and local,state and local,state and local,state
state and local,state and local,state and local,state
state and local,state and local,state and local,state
state and local,state and local,state and local,state
state and local,state and local,state and local,state
state and local,state and local,state and local,state
state and local,state and local,state and local,state
state and local,state and local,state and local,state
re 25: It’s more complicated than that, but it won’t fit on a bumper sticker, so you wouldn’t understand it anyway.
You have the same arch tone as Bill Cruchon. I’ll bet that’s who you are. “The Crutchster”
#30 headless lucy says:
I’m guessing that’s some kind of insult, otherwise you wouldn’t have said it.
Why don’t you take a shot at answering the question in an adult manner, why did air america fail?
Marvin Stamn says:
Why did Air America fail?
Just look at the lineup. That buck tooth idio Al Franken? Gimme a break. Jenine Garafolo? Nuff said. Left wing radio will fail 100% of the time because who wants to be talked down to by a bunch of arrogant assholes?
Here ya go.
Outside of the HA echo chamber….the answer to your question is lack of audience, due to poor content.
Inside the echo chamber the answer is
Cheap labor Republican billionaires who dominate the media kept A.A. in small markets and kept major advertisers from participating.
who wants to be talked down to by a bunch of arrogant assholes?
Like Rush the Lush, Medved, Ingraham, Handjob Hannity, Bill O’Lielly, Mike Weiner Savage, etc?
Another scumbag Republican commits rape.
Fine party you work for Stamn.
The only way liberals get their message out is by others subsidizing it:
CNN- Subsidized by Ted Turner and Sponge Bob Square pants
NBC,CBS, ABC news is subsidized by night time TV.
Liberal press NY Times,LA Times ect is subsidized by the sports section
PBS- subsidized taxpayers and Big Bird
Public Schools and Universities- subsidized by the taxpayers and business majors
Air America- subsidized by the Boys and Girls club of America.
No wonder the liberal leeches want the fairness doctrine. They want to destroy the only media that is self sufficient?
re 31: Air America is on the air as we speak. Why don’t you tell me, instead, why United Airlines failed? Why don’t you tell me how Fox lost money for its first 15 years of existence, but managed to “survive”, anyway?
You already have your wingnut 3×5 card talking point embedded in your hypothalamus, so why don’t you just say it and be done with the little fem mind games.
AAR was a hothouse flower. It was pushed too hard, and grew too fast, to support its previous infrastructure.
It has not, however, “failed.” It’s still on the air, still selling advertisers, still entertaining.
Headless Lucy has some good questions, though. How come Rupert Murdoch allows properties to lose tons of money? How does he keep them afloat? (I don’t think the Times of London has made a farthing since he bought it, though I’m not 100% sure.) If I lost money on my business three years out of five the IRS would declare it a hobby and not let me deduct my expenses any more.
Come on Marvin, answer Lucy’s question: What keeps the ‘Weekly Standard’ afloat? Any free market economic model you want to invoke says it should have closed up shop years ago.
The Fox Network makes no sense econcomically. Murdock spent a billion propping it up for years. Now it makes peanuts. Demonstrate to me the free market efficiencies realized here–can you do that?
The Moonie Times is subsidized by a religious cult. Explain this in terms of marginal cost and marginal revenue. Well, don’t try. You can’t.
That is because you are a fucking dolt.
“Dan Rather” avers: NBC,CBS, ABC news is(sic) subsidized by night time TV.
OK Dan. Here’s your chance. Explain to the peanut gallery how ‘night time TV’ ‘subsizes’ entire networks.
Well, maybe you shouldn’t try, ’cause you can’t explain your ridiculous assertion.
Fucking moron.
@27 That’s not surprising considering Congress was controlled by Republican obstructionists during Clinton’s presidency.
@28 Why do so many wingnut trolls pretend to be Democrats? Because they don’t want anyone to know they’re Republicans? The GOP brand name is a bit tarnished these days.
GOP = pedophile
Hank Aaron’s record was technically exceeded tonight.
29(7) The mine accident in Utah was the fault of the greedy, lying Republican owner who hired cheap labor (Mexicans) and sent them into a deep hole to conduct “retreat” mining, a highly dangerous mining method whose only advantage is higher profits, and is now trying to blame the predictable cave-in on an earthquake that seismologists say didn’t happen.
@32 “I’m guessing that’s some kind of insult, otherwise you wouldn’t have said it.”
You’re new here, aren’t you? This is a liberal blog. We take pride in dishing out to wingnut trolls their just desserts. References to wingnuts as unpatriotic, Constitution-shredding, troop-hating, fascist eunuchs isn’t name-calling; it’s merely stating facts.
@33 Al Franken has more smarts in his toenail than all of you wingnut pigfuckers put together.
Loved what Hank Aaron had to say. classy guy.
I wonder how many pitchers that Barry faced were juiced?
@34 No, the real answer is: Air America is still on the air.
Of course, Air America doesn’t have the audience share of rightwing hate-talk radio. It takes time. The screeching monkeys of the Far Right spent billions of dollars and 30 years building up their noise machine. It’s not reasonable to expect A.A. to match the goppers’ audience share overnight. Patience, fascist fucks. Your haters will soon be shouting into empty airspace. The country is turning against you. In very short order, you and your morally bankrupt ideology will be tossed onto the garbage heap of history. You’re done.
@48 “I wonder how many pitchers that Barry faced were juiced?”
Does that make the cheating a wash, and make Bonds’ “record” legit?
@51 It seems to me if the pitcher is juiced, he would throw harder, the ball would come across the plate faster, and it would go farther. Everyone knows a fastball is the easiest to homer, and a slow pitch is the hardest.
@48 Yep, Hank IS a classy guy. As opposed to a sore loser like, say, Dino Rossi (and the shoe shine boys who fawn over him). I had the privilege of watching Aaron play when I was a young rabbit. In those days, my burrow was in shallow right field.
Of course, Air America doesn’t have the audience share of rightwing hate-talk radio. It takes time. The screeching monkeys of the Far Right spent billions of dollars and 30 years building up their noise machine. It’s not reasonable to expect A.A. to match the goppers’ audience share overnight. Patience, fascist fucks. Your haters will soon be shouting into empty airspace. The country is turning against you. In very short order, you and your morally bankrupt ideology will be tossed onto the garbage heap of history. You’re done.
This is right out of the play book Rog. Get Real
There has been liberal talk radio……NPR…and it is no where near as successful as conservative talk radio. NPR’s been around since the 70’s….
It’s not time that’s the problem…it’s the content.
RR = uninformed bullshitter who makes shit up and accuses people of shit without a shred of evidence. Something along the lines of this.
Bush = pedophile, Clinton = God, Cheney = rapist, and other outrageous shit he pulls out of thin air with ZERO evidence.
RR, how the hell do you ever expect anyone to talk anything you say about anything seriously?
Answer: You dont and they dont
“@48 Yep, Hank IS a classy guy. As opposed to a sore loser like, say,
Dino RossiAl Gore”@51 No, not at all. Just wondering. Juiced pitching is more than just having a better fastball. Curve, slider, change, split finger, etc all take a toll on the shoulder and elbow.
He cheated, so his record is an * in my mind.
@37 “The only way liberals get their message out is by others subsidizing it”
CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NY Times, and LA Times are all profitable commercial enterprises, unlike the Washington Times, which loses over $50 million a year and is kept alive with subsidies derived from its owner’s criminal enterprises, and virtually all neocon propaganda publications, which are subsidized by rich paleoconservatives like Richard Scaife.
Roger Rabbit says:
@37 “The only way liberals get their message out is by others subsidizing it”
CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NY Times, and LA Times are all profitable commercial enterprises, unlike the Washington Times, which loses over $50 million a year and is kept alive with subsidies derived from its owner’s criminal enterprises, and virtually all neocon propaganda publications, which are subsidized by rich paleoconservatives like Richard Scaife.
Inventing more bullshit out of thin air yet again I see RR?
It should be pointed out that the $500 million or so that Scaife has invested in rightwing propaganda didn’t come from his personal funds. He looted that money from nonprofit charitable foundations established by his mother, an heir to the Thomas Mellon fortune.
@58 “Inventing more bullshit out of thin air yet again I see RR?”
An apt description of your comment. What I stated is fact: CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NY Times, and LA Times are profit-making commercial enterprises; Washington Times is a money-losing plaything of “Rev.” Sun Myung Moon.
I’m not asking you to take my word for it:
“The Times was founded in 1982 by Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, to be a conservative alternative to the larger Washington Post. The Times is widely perceived as maintaining a strongly right-leaning editorial stance. By 2002, the Unification Church had spent about $1.7 billion in subsidies for the Times. The paper has lost money every year of publication since 1982.”
Your turn.
You can always count on a wingnut liar like Mark to peel words off a wall and fling them into the ionosphere, with no research, no facts behind them, no truth in them. Lying is a wingnut’s stock-in-trade.
@54 There’s no shortage of brain-dead wingnut lemmings, all right. Talk to one of these people and all you get is a replay of Rush’s show. None of them can think for themselves. Doesn’t matter how many lemmings run off a cliff; they’re still lemmings.
@55 Where did I say Clinton is God? Cite, please. You may cite to comment #62 if you wish.
I didn’t specifically call Bush a pedophile, either. You’re extrapolating that from my comment,
Republican = pedophile
Perhaps, technically speaking, I should have posted that as,
Pedophile = Republican
because that’s the way it always seems to turn out whenever the authorities round up another pedophile. Bush is a lot of things (and isn’t a lot of things, as well), but I don’t think he’s a pedophile, even though some Republican office holders in Congress and state legislatures are. I don’t think he condones pedophilia, either. It’s not fatal enough to suit his temperament. He likes warmongering and torture better. He’s also a liar and unconvicted felon. But I don’t think he likes children. Nope, I think he hates children. He doesn’t want them to have health care. He wants them all to just fucking die.
@56 Uh-huh. Like President* Bush.
@56 C’mon now, there’s no denying Dino Rossi’s very public temper tantrum and graceless exit from the 2004 campaign. The guy is a SORE LOSER. So are his sycophantic followers. Your fuckers LOST fair and square. Close, but no cigar. It’s your own fucking fault it turned out the way it did. You didn’t steal enough votes with Snohomish County’s black-box voting machines.
67 RR
Rossi’s actions in ’04 were orchestrated by Karl Rove start to finish–including Rossi’s pronouncement of himself as Governor-Elect after LOSING the hand count. They were hoping to replay the Republican bully-boy scenes from 2000 Florida.
Re: Barry Bonds
He didn’t face only juiced pitchers. He faced juiced infielders, juiced outfielders, juiced catchers, and probably juiced umpires.
The whole sport was and is dirty. It wasn’t due to Bonds, no one has dscovered any use by him of banned substances, and he’s one of only two men who ever got this far.
Mark The Traitor is a perfect study here on HA. When he’s confronted with documented, extremely well-known facts such as Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church’s backing of the right wing screed – the Washington Times, Marky just pretends that’s not true. And while pathetic, and in an odd way, even funny – it’s something reasonable people need to take note of.
You see, right wing cowards and traitors like Marky are no real threat to America. They’re typically blowhard chickenhawks, stuck in their janitorial job at the sex offender unit of the prison. But when one of them manages to grab power, like Baby Bush, then you have to realize that their zeal to embrace ideology over facts is dangerous.
Marky you go ahead and pretend the sky isn’t blue and that the world isn’t round. If that helps you survive in your pitiful life – go for it. But the rest of us know that when you deny simple, established, incontrovertable facts, you’re clearly on the wrong side of an argument.
Now that Tony Blankley has had gastric bypass surgery and a facelift, he’s dressing like a $2 Tijuana whore. What a freeking spectacle.
Buh-bye, now!
re 69: Before integration in baseball, all the records were tainted by the fact that 1/3 of the best players were excluded from the game.
I’ll type slowly to make it easier for you to read. Despite your wet-dreams about the war, bush gave minnesota more money than the previous administration…
First of all, Bush didn’t do that, Congress did.
More importantly, dispersal of those funds via a transportation budget was held up by the Republican Governor of Minnesota. Why? Holman Field. It’s a private airport in St. Paul, on the banks of the Mississippi river. It’s used by a bunch of rich friends of the Governor, and it floods every four years (so these pitiful rich guys have to use the airport the rest of us use–what a hardship).
That’s right. The Republican Governor of Minnesota kept sending transportation budgets back to the Minnesota legislature, because they wouldn’t fund a little pet project of his–namely flood protection for Holman Field.
And, Mark, lest you think I’m just pulling facts out of my ass, use “the google”. You’ll find that everything I’ve said here is true.
Daddy @ 69
So just because everyone else cheated and put ILLEGAL substances inside their bodies, that somehow makes it alright?
Please, the balls he hit were artificially enhanced and flew farther than than they would have without the Cream and the Clear. He increased his production of home runs (an average of nearly 17 more per year) at an age where EVERY other player is declining.
Read “Game Of Shadows”. The fact he did not sue the authors is proof enough for me. The obvious physical evidence aside.
Barry Bonds brought the asterisk upon himself. No one helped him. Well, Greg Anderson helped him. He is in jail “earning” a nice payday from Bonds for keeping his mouth shut. In the end, it won’t help.
PuffyButtPretendingToBeBlackSays says:
Mark The Traitor is a perfect study here on HA. When he’s confronted with documented, extremely well-known facts such as Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church’s backing of the right wing screed – the Washington Times, Marky just pretends that’s not true. And while pathetic, and in an odd way, even funny – it’s something reasonable people need to take note of.
You see, right wing cowards and traitors like Marky are no real threat to America. They’re typically blowhard chickenhawks, stuck in their janitorial job at the sex offender unit of the prison. But when one of them manages to grab power, like Baby Bush, then you have to realize that their zeal to embrace ideology over facts is dangerous.
Marky you go ahead and pretend the sky isn’t blue and that the world isn’t round. If that helps you survive in your pitiful life – go for it. But the rest of us know that when you deny simple, established, incontrovertable facts, you’re clearly on the wrong side of an argument.
You keep referring to me as “traitor” and I keep asking for specific facts and reasons that make me a “traitor” but you keep ducking the question.
Specific facts and specific examples please…..I’M WAITING!!!
@76 Instead of dodging the issue, how about answering the allegation that you stubbornly deny well-known facts and make up bullshit? PBP has you dead to rights.
@76 (continued) And yes, you’re a traitor … because you slavishly support an ideology and faction that is striving to overthrow the Constitution and rule of law and replace it with a dictatorial executive government that answers to no one.