Goldy won’t be there tonight, but us second stringers will.
Join us tonight for another exciting edition Drinking Liberally (Seattle Chapter). We meet at 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area, check out their chapter of Drinking Liberally. Jimmy will have the details. For dates and times elsewhere check out the Drinking Liberally web site to find a chapter near you.
And if you don’t find a chapter near you, start one!
In case you haven’t heard, Jerry Falwell died this morning. Rabbit will not be at DL tonight. I got sicker than hell last night on some melamine-tainted pet food, and have to go to the veterinarian this afternoon to get my stomach and intestines pumped.
You can bet I’ll be hoisting more than a few to celebrate that fat fuckers death.
Well, Jerry’s with his maker; “allah akbar” Mother Fucker!
Jerry’s already defiled his 72 virgin boys by now. Yep, no doubt about it.
GBS@2: I know you hate Jerry Falwell. I didn’t like him either. But isn’t that over the top?
BTW can you quote me the Biblical verse where Jerry has met his maker?
Yes, Just a Puddy predicted last fall:
According to two members of the House Democrat Caucus, Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer have informed them that they will “aggressively pursue” reinstatement of the so-called Fairness Doctrine over the next six months.
Can you say VETO?
I love it when the Moonbat!s get caught. Now showing at a Chicago school near you:
Brokebutt Mountme!,2933,271935,00.html
Can you imagine if Drinking Libtardly was in Minneapolis, most Moonbat!s wouldn’t be able to catch a cab while drunk or in possession of alcohol!
Posts #3,#4,#5, and #6 Mod -20.
I love this site because it show the real mind of the NEW Democratic Party!
Yes TFF: Them facts just hurt!
So much for the credibility of MSNBC:
Posts #8, and #9 Mod -20.
Moonbat!: Why not discuss Al Franken polling 28% behind Norm Coleman?
Failed at radio! Soon to fail at politics? I guess you all need to read this book. It’s funny.
Or Moonbat!s: Why not discuss why your Congress doesn’t care about whistleblowers who see potential evil and report it? I’m sure you can tip a couple for that!
Or Moonbat!s: Why not discuss the lack of a Tom Delay indictment? You guys are in control.
Rabbit @ 1,
sorry to hear about it.
But hpefully in your condition, if called upon, you could manage to summon the energy to tell AGAG to go fuck himself if he comes to your bedside and asks you to sign some papers authorizing illegal surveillance.
‘Cause, after all, it’s just toxic poisoning, right? It’s not like your brain stops working.
Puddybud wrote:
“Moonbat!s: Why not discuss the lack of a Tom Delay indictment? You guys are in control.”
This is what wrong with America. Conservatives are so brainwashed by their leaders, like Tom DeLay, that they actually believe that the party in control of congress runs the justice system.
Puddybud, we are NOT in control of the justice system; it is in control of itself, or at least it supposed to be. See that’s what our Founding Fathers wanted, a legal system that is separate of the political system so that everyone can have faith that the scales of justice are blindfolded.
This is whay the US Attorney scandal is a Constitutional Crisis whose proper remedy is Impeachment.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. That’s OK, Puddybud, us patriotic Americans who are loyal to the Constitution and the ideals of our framers, will save you from yourself.
You’re welcome.
Puddybud wrote:
GBS . . . BTW can you quote me the Biblical verse where Jerry has met his maker?
Why would I want to quote from a book of mythology?
But I will give you this. I was probably a little over the top when I said Jerry Falwell has probably already defiled his 72 virgin boys.
First of all there’s probably 36 boys and 36 girls and he’s only molested 18 boys and 18 girls and he’s saving the rest for tomorrow.
@3: “BTW can you quote me the Biblical verse where Jerry has met his maker?”
Irrelevant. By Falwell’s own admission and repeated public statements, he was probably pretty well convinced that he would go to heaven (he probably wasn’t too sure about you). In the warped protestant christian theology, that’s all you need…that and, a wish upon a star. Jimminey Cricket!
We can all agree, no doubt, that Jerry isn’t in Kansas any more.
Puddybud @ 12:
OK, let’s discuss Al Franken vs. Norm “the troop hater” Coleman who only rates a solid “D” from the IAVA because he votes against things like more research for traumatic brain injuries for vets getting blown up by IED’s in Iraq. But voting for their care is not the American way, right, that’s what you guys believe.
So as the voters learn more about this guy who clearly does not support the troops in a time of war they are going to seriously consider someone else to represent them in congress.
If a comedian/ex-radio jock gives this guy a run for his money how embarassing would that be?
I’ll put your money where my mouth is again, we’ll bet lunch again. If Franken qualifies for the General election against Coleman, the people of Minnesota will vote the troop hating coleman out of office.
Of course, I know if I win I won’t get lunch until 2010 or 2011 depending on how long it will take you to put together $12 – $15 dollars.
PS: If you’re worried about your wife seeing the bill just pay in cash. That way you don’t have to race her to the mailbox for the credit card bill.
GBS: You’re on for the bet. The wife wants to meet you. I think Mrs PacMan is interested too.
Proud To Be An Ass: It does matter: Lying about truths in the Bible is what sets people apart. No where in the Bible does it say you go to heaven. This is why I disagree with all those “preachers”.
Let me Clarify: No where does it say in Bible does it say you go to heaven immediately upon death.
Hey guys you could discuss this gadget for your desk:
Or you Moonbat!s can discuss your good friends Hamas using Mickey Mouse to create Israeli hatred!
23 That’s wonderful!
I can just hear the debate…”computers don’t nerf people, people nerf people…”
Why not discuss See BS?
Now we know where the Eye on America is now!
Here’s something that traitors, cowards and baby-rapers like Puffybutt don’t want to talk about…
Like rats jumping from a ship, we’ve seen four very high-level members of the AG staff have quit. This is one of the worst scandals in American history and it’s one of four or five large scandals that will cover the memory of this terrible White House and the Bush regime for all time.
I am SO glad we TOOK – yes we TOOK the fucking Congress away from these traitors so that we can now investigate the HELL out of these criminals.
Glad to see that DL is continuing the tradition of not supporting Unions, by going to a Non-Union bar. Way to keep your promises to the American people, by helping out the middle class. Thanks again for your hypocrisy Libs!!!!
Hey one of the fired PUBLICAN US Attorneys just said on Hardball that he has evidence that Bush’s criminal AG obstructed justice. This is getting GOOD.
Isn’t it a crime to pretend to be a fireman when you’re really just an AWOL, out of work, inbred, cross-dressing sex offender?
“Like rats jumping from a ship, we’ve seen four very high-level members of the AG staff have quit. This is one of the worst scandals in American history and it’s one of four or five large scandals that will cover the memory of this terrible White House and the Bush regime for all time.”
Only in the Lib moonbat blogoshpere is this “the worst scandal in american history”
next comment from stupid will be about him screwing my wife……..yawn…..
Right Stuff
Let me ask you a question that requires putting aside the ideological blinders that all of us wear from time to time: If the Department of Justice, the highest law enforcement body in our fair country, uses partisan and political criteria to determine who and what to investigate and prosecute, is that a threat to the rule of law? I want you to answer that question in the abstract. I would suggest as you ponder that question that you consider that democracy, and the health of the rule of law, requires the ongoing consent of the governed–and that means all of the governed, not just the members of one political party.
27 Seems that Gonzales was back on the Hill yesterday, not to testify but to push a warmed-over bill that failed last year that imposes more draconian penalties for infringing on copyrights, or even attempting to do so.
Sounds like Gonzo sees the writing on the wall about the likelihood of keeping his present job for long, so he’s trying to run a little demonstration of what a great job he can do shilling for the Pigopolists if they hire him.
31 It sounds like maybe John Ashcroft was given the boot after Gonzo and Andrew card barged into his hospital room and demanded that he go along with Bush’s warrantless wiretaps, and he refused.
There’s also a news item picked up by The Register about how Michael Chertoff has raised some hackles on the other side of the Atlantic by refusing to provide information on just what US government intends to do with the huge database it’s building on European citizens who cross our borders. Skeletor asserted that perhaps the traditional legal principle of “innocent until proven guilty” is soooooo last-millenium.
Don’t expect wrong stuff to talk about things from a “fair and balanced” perspective. He’s a Publican. Incapable of rational thinking. He’ll call his hero Lush Flimbaugh and ask for guidance. And Wrong Stuff no worries, you’re wife is so fucking ugly I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick. But your sister, we’ll she’s a different story. If she stops pulling trains on the UW football team long enough for me to get a chance, I’ll go for it and report back here.
The new evidence of Bush’s AG trying to get Ashcroft to sign off on wiretapping while sick is revealing of how evil this regime really is and is more fodder for the investigation into the most corrupt administration since Trickie Dickie.
Puddybud @ 20:
That is potentially playing with fire and I’m not sure you want to go down that road. I don’t have a problem with meeting your wife, or PacMan’s, but I cannot be responsible for my natural animal magnetism that women find totally irresistible.
C’mon, you know, and I know you that even you and PacMan were developing a slight man crush on me.
OK, so you’ve been forewarned.
“Or you Moonbat!s can discuss your good friends Hamas using Mickey Mouse to create Israeli hatred!”
Stop it! You’re making a fool of yourself. Everyone with half a brain knows Disney and ABC are jointly owned and ABC is the one the ran the conservative hit job by running the historically inaccurate “Path to 9/11.”
Hamas using Mickey Mouse, you know a conservative is behind it!
Should you find yourself in a menage a trois with the spouses of Puddybud and PacMan, please report back, would you? We all know Republican wives are starved for sex as their husbands care about nothing but money and pretending to be macho. So, a night with a couple of them could be hazardous to a guy’s health.
Proud Leftist:
You forget two things about black men; ie. naturally endowed and studs. No matter what your hear, remember SIZE DOES MATTER!
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa!
You think Republican women are like Moonbat! women. Wrong!
GBS: So Fahrenheit 9.11 was the truth?
Please tell me?
Golly: Pat Goudell said Chris Wallace & Wendell Goler didn’t assert themselves like the Moonbat!s did in the first debate!
Chris Matthews such a loser!
misspell Pat Caddell!
I didn’t even fucking bother to read the mean spirited hateful bilge you moonbats wrote about Rev Fallwell. But don’t worry, I really do believe you when you say there’s no war on Christianity. Really… I do…
Rev Fallwell was a great political pioneer who galvanized most American’s beliefs into a powerful politcal movement that somehow managed to salvage the last fifth of the 20th century, whose influence continues today, and will continue well into the future. Despite the illusionary world you moonbats live in, America is a conservative Christian country with the exception of a few cesspools like Seattle and San Francisco. But you’re a distinct minority whose bleatings cannot ever become “mainstream”.
So spew your hate, and burn in hell.
MTR you dick sucker who says there’s no war on Christianity? I say there should be. So fuck you bitch.
The Publican debate offered some lowlights tonight…
Rompin Rudy Says he’s pro choice, but wants to reduce abortions.
Mormon Mitt said he believes in the 2nd Amendment, but voted against assault weapons.
And old man MacCain said he’d make Bush’s tax cuts permanent even though he voted against them in the Senate. Are these lying fucks the best you inbred righties have to offer?
Looks like the bitches can’t get along…
Publicans John McCain and Rompin Rudy are soft on immigration – that according to fellow Publican Tom Tancredo.
Roy has one of the better posts on the Campari adman’s passing:
And Digby has a different take:
@3 No worse than the shit you fascist motherfuckers mouth about liberals.
@3 Whatsamatter, pud? Aren’t you being a little thin-skinned? Didn’t expect our side to talk to you like your side talks to us, did you? Surprise!!
@4 Hooray!
The Fairness Doctrine is a good thing, puddy. It means you can post as much as Roger Rabbit.
@15 Not to worry … as you can see, the bastards didn’t kill me this time. I merely spent all last night retching my guts out. I’m fine now.
@21 “Proud To Be An Ass: It does matter: Lying about truths in the Bible is what sets people apart.”
It sure does. The good people go to Heaven, where there’s lots of fresh green grass to eat, and the liars go to Hell, where they have to eat dirt.
@22 It also doesn’t say anywhere in the Bible that Jerry Falwell is going to Heaven. That’s because Falwell was a liar. He said a lot of things that aren’t even in the Bible.
23, 25 Soooo low tech. One of my co-workers had a fake rat that ran on rubber-powered wheels. It could go a lot farther than 15 feet, but it didn’t have to.
rubber-band powered
@28 Don’t lose sleep over it. Give us four years and every bar in the country will be unionized.
@31 Stay tuned, Wrong Headed. The best is yet to come.
Fox News established its racist credentials yesterday by running a segment on “double voting” in S. Carolina using file footage of (presumably legal) black voters.
Clueless@64: Is that your first public prayer since you were in grade school? Wow!
Where is the humbleness?
Where is the contriteness?
Where is the soul searching?
Why do you swear to the Almighty?
Where is the outpouring of your heart?
Where is your request for sin forgiveness?
Where is your forgiveness to people who owe debts?
Where is your acknowledgment that God created all things?
PelletHead when the NY Daily News .NOT. a MURDOCH newspaper documented approximately 1,000 voters who voted in Florida and NYC (snow birds). Another article lost in the paramecium celled brain of PelletHead.
“At the request of Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood, the Justice Department has initiated an investigation following a report that 46,000 New York City voters are also registered to vote in Florida and that as many as 1,000 may have already voted in both states in the same election.
On August 24, the New York Daily News published the results of an investigation by reporter Russ Buettner. Buettner determined that 46,000 New York City residents are also registered to vote in Florida. Of these, the investigation “found that between 400 and 1,000 registered voters have voted twice in at least one election.” This is a federal offense punishable by up to five years in jail.
Not surprisingly, these twice-registered New York voters are overwhelmingly Democratic, 68% to only 12% registered as Republicans. Another 16% did not list a party affiliation. This would mean about 31,280 are Democrats, while only about 5,520 are Republicans, giving the Democrats a 25,760-voter advantage among those who-at least theoretically-could vote illegally in both New York City and Florida on November 2.
In 2000, Bush beat Gore by only 537 votes in Florida-thus securing an Electoral College victory.”
Like taking carrots from the dumb PelletHead!
Puffybutt proves once again that his version of Christianity is something right out of a bad movie. You and your pal Jerry can take turns sucking each other’s dicks in Hell you cunt.
And your wife says hi.
PelletHead why did a hole you can’t hop out of? PelletHead when the NY Daily News .NOT. a MURDOCH newspaper documented approximately 1,000 voters who voted in Florida and NYC (snow birds). Another article lost in the paramecium celled brain of PelletHead.
Looks like the filter eats the link.
“At the request of Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood, the Justice Department has initiated an investigation following a report that 46,000 New York City voters are also registered to vote in Florida and that as many as 1,000 may have already voted in both states in the same election.
On August 24, the New York Daily News published the results of an investigation by reporter Russ Buettner. Buettner determined that 46,000 New York City residents are also registered to vote in Florida. Of these, the investigation “found that between 400 and 1,000 registered voters have voted twice in at least one election.” This is a federal offense punishable by up to five years in jail.
Not surprisingly, these twice-registered New York voters are overwhelmingly Democratic, 68% to only 12% registered as Republicans. Another 16% did not list a party affiliation. This would mean about 31,280 are Democrats, while only about 5,520 are Republicans, giving the Democrats a 25,760-voter advantage among those who-at least theoretically-could vote illegally in both New York City and Florida on November 2.
In 2000, Bush beat Gore by only 537 votes in Florida-thus securing an Electoral College victory.”
Like taking carrots from the dumb PelletHead!
PelletHead: when Voice of Chalk Scratching decides to free my post NY Daily News did an expose on snowbirds double voting in NYC and Florida. You won’t like the outcome of Moonbat! double voting.
GGSS@66 Do you read and comprehend? I already answered Rudejacks! on what I think of Jerry Falwell.
But continue to make a jackASS of yourself. You perform that task perfectly with every post.
OH BTW GGSS: If you knew the Lord’s Prayer you would understand my version of Christianity. Butt since you are a lover of Brokebutt Mountme, you have no clue!
” If the Department of Justice, the highest law enforcement body in our fair country, uses partisan and political criteria to determine who and what to investigate and prosecute, is that a threat to the rule of law?”
Well yes and no. Given the fact that the justice dept is overhauled every 4-8 years by whichever ideology wins the whitehouse, it is impossible to believe that partisan political influence is absent. That is the reality of our system. In abstract, it would be ideal to have a non partisan, purely non-political justice system. But that is not what we have. It is then up to the governed to determine the “judgement” of the members of the justice system. The responsibility lies with the governed to be informed about the power their vote holds.
Fairness Doctrine: We on the right need a government sponsored and tax paid for mouthpiece too like the Moonbat!s use NPR.
Since you all want to shutdown Michael Medved, Rush Limbaugh and others with the “fairness” doctrine.
I notice you didn’t address my comment that you and PacMan have a “man crush” on me.
Am I to suppose that because you didn’t refute it that it’s true?
GBS: There is no man crush. We like you but not like Stupidman loving Brokebutt Mountme types. It was ignored by both of us.
@ 77:
Really?!?!? Not even in the slightest?
No, not in the slightest. Nice tie though!