It’s primary night tonight…well, it is in DE, MA, MD, NH, NY, RI & WI (oh yeah…in DC, too). So please join us tonight for an evening of electoral politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 246 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Roger Rabbit can’t attend tonight because he can’t piss without a rubber hose shoved up his dick.
Roger, eeps! Hope you’re better soon.
Go Maria!
Why I Support The Death Penalty
I support having the death penalty on the books, and using it sparingly, because some people need to be killed. Really, they need to be killed, and society should kill them. Case in point:
” … The triple murder trial of Steven Hayes, 47, began Monday … with the chilling testimony of a bank manager, a neighbor and a police officer who each recounted their entrees into the horrific scenes that shocked the quiet New England town of Cheshire three summers ago.
“Prosecutors say Hayes’ accomplice, Joshua Komisarjevsky, picked out Jennifer Hawke-Petit, 48, and her two daughters, Hayley, 17, and Michaela, 11, at a grocery store parking lot the day before and followed them home, returning to the house later with Hayes. Prosecutors say the suspects broke into the home and forced the mother to drive to the local Bank of America on the morning of July 23.
“Mary Lyons, the bank manager, told jurors Monday that Hawke-Petit was calm when she explained to the teller that her family was being held hostage, that she needed to withdraw $15,000, and that nobody should call the police, The New York Times reported. …
“Meanwhile, Petit told the court today, he eventually managed to untie the rope around his wrists and break through the plastic zip tie, but he couldn’t free his feet. For the most part, he said, the ordeal occurred fairly quietly. But then he heard ‘three loud noises, like someone was throwing 20- or 30-pound sacks on the living room floor.’ … Scared for his family, he hopped up the basement stairs and then crawled and rolled the distance to his neighbor’s driveway, CNN reports.
“David Simcik, the neighbor, testified yesterday that his wife told him she heard someone calling his name. When he went to investigate, he saw a man lying in the driveway, so bloody that Simcik didn’t recognize him at first. Komisarjevsky had beaten Petit with a baseball bat, according to Hayes’ attorney, Thomas Ullmann, and he was bleeding from the head.
“After Lyons called 911, police began arriving on the scene. As Simcik was placing his 911 call, police officer Thomas R. Wright appeared in the driveway and told him to get inside his house. As he turned, he heard Wright ask Petit if anyone was in the house. Petit responded, ‘The girls.’
“By then, Michaela had been sexually assaulted and tied to a bed. Hayley had been tied to a bed in another room. And Hawke-Petit had been raped and strangled. The suspects had doused the house with gasoline and set it on fire, according to prosecutors.
“During his testimony, Wright said he saw Hayes and Komisarjevsky trying to escape in the family’s tan Chrysler, with police chasing after them. He and another officer tried to get into the burning house but were forced back by the heat and smoke. He said he tried to put the fire out with a garden hose while he waited for the fire department to arrive, according to the New Haven Register.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The two defendants are accused of taking a doctor’s wife and two teenage daughters hostage in order to extort money from the family. They beat the doctor with a baseball bat, raped and strangled the doctor’s wife, raped and shot his daughter, shot his other daughter, and set the house on fire to burn up all four of them. Of course, the two named defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty, and are entitled to a fair trial. I’m not saying they committed this crime. All I’m saying is the State of Connecticut should kill whoever did commit it.
@1 Rog, Been there, done that.
Sorry to hear about it, and hope you are recovering well.
Yes. Whomever committed those crimes lost their right to live.
That shout be @4
@ #1 RR
Hell, man. That just means you can park a bucket under the table and stay there all night.
Well, at least until the bucket gets full.
Just bring a big one.
Well let’s see…so far, the Blue Dog, Swett, has lost the Dem primary to an actual liberal in NH, and the Anti-Masturbation candidate Christine O’Donnell has won the Re-teaparty nomination in Delaware… goodness!!!
I may disagree with Senator Cantwell frequently but of all the politicians in this state I have a high degree of respect for her. In this case I must disagree with her. There have been a few articles I have read in recent months, one in the Sunday N.Y. Times that start-ups, that is new businesses, are were the growth is.
Puddy watching the CNN coverage for a change and the Red State commentator made a great point, something Puddy brought to the forefront earlier this year. There are now 5 BLACK Republicans, a Latino and women backed by Tea Party peeps. So much for the “racist” Tea Party individual arguments from the moronic leftist crew.
There are now 5 BLACK Republicans
Wow how diverse the lipton tea bag party is Puddybud!
I bet those 5 lovers of liberty even have a sense of humor
Hey Odumba Cheerleader Noam Chomsky said:
Hey Noam… Pining for Bush again?
Oh my the leftist loon guy and his left porn eye is back. You looked better with your avatar. Wife got tired of your pink hair? Arms to short to box with God?
Anyway… it’s the “moderate Republicans” who backed the white guys while the Tea Party backed the best candidate.
Of course this is lost on someone dumber that dirt!
Is it curious Mrs Odumba comes out and sez hide the french fries and push the apple slices. Now this is the one who went to Martha’s Vineyard on vacation on the public dime and took their personal chef on this vacation. They are out of touch and pushing Cass SunStein’s Nudge Book.
@8, Poor O’Donnell has already been thrown under the bus by the NRSC. So in honor of Roger, and as a show of good faith we should all chip in and send her a rabbit.
Ahhh it’s a great day. Charlie Rangel is still available for campaign commercials. Thank you NY City!
Sorry to hear about the issue (or lack thereof as it were). Hope you get well soon.
Ha, this was pretty funny. I betcha Ms. YLB wishes her “man” had such a great sense of humor!
Looks like victory for the baggers and baguettes. Too bad Didier didn’t win too to complete the silliness. Standing by for the “War on Masturbation” plank in the R’s platform with O’Donnell giving us the hard facts climaxing with a great victory. She will just need to watch out for the 4 hour Boehner (see a doctor).
Rangel’s a crook. He was a crook when we had a Republican president and a Republican house and they did nothing to stop him. Why, because our current crop of Republicans are pro-white collar crime, that’s why.
18 – Ha, glad you liked it you lipton kid you!
How’s jon and sue? Haven’t seen them for a while.
I’d like to take a moment to thank the Tea Party for insuring the continued implosion of the Republican Party.
Haven’t seen them for a while.
I see Puddy shamed you back to the picture you use on the security badge required for your database work!
Ha! Puddy is good entertainment. I move from one computer to another and it always gets a “pavlovian” rise out of him.
You entertain me too you chamomile kid you!
That kooky kid Chris! I’m sure looking forward to seeing her barnstorm for Joe Biden’s seat!
She’s so “chaste”. So virtuous! She’s our Earline Grey! You betcha!
Oh and I can’t wait to hear her tales of “mental anguish” while trapped at the mercy of that nefarious Scaife/Koch funded den of intrigue!
You’re missing the big point, which is par for the course with you.
If the Congressional Republicans went after Rangel and Maxine Waters you and the HA libtardo lefty gang would call racism. So would the slobbering libtardo press. So would the moronic of the moronic Keith Odormann. It’s just like the Erza Klein fools on Journolist did when they cabaled together and said call anyone who went against Odumba a racist. rujax got the memo. So they didn’t and now you are soooooooo stupid to infer that without thinking out the possibilities. Good job Michael!
You move from one computer to the other so your gravitar changes? So all of your computers are “tuned” into HA?
What a life. Who knew?
ylb to Mrs Pants Wearer: “Don’t close that window, it’s on HA.”
Mrs Pants Wearer: “Yeah I know. That’s all you do all day when you are ‘coding'”.
They’d have to go after DeLay and others – oops they didn’t thanks to do-nothing Doc Hastings.
Did they go after Jefferson? Ooops. The FBI did and DeLay and Hastert howled to the freaking moon. Jefferson’s now in Jail. Anyone cry racism???
There are no ethics investigations when Republicans rule the roost.
Too freaking stupid..
In your fantasies maybe.
They are SO entertaining!
28 – Jefferson is free upon appeal of his guilty verdict which is expected to be heard in early 2011. Excuse me.
Well they didn’t so we’ll never know… We do know that they’re going after them now and no one’s crying high tech lynching.
Your stance is that the Republicans are afraid of liberals?
How many ethics violations investigations did good old Doc Hastings start?
Once again your TEH HA DATABAZE moron ylb is a chronological idiot. Witness the BULLSHITTIUM
Since you only bring up partial facts (when have you ever told the whole truth with TEH HA DATABAZE) here are the facts fool. The FBI had videotaped Jefferson taking $100,000 in bribe money and then found $90,000 of that cash stuffed inside his apartment freezer. They were marked bills moron! Nancy Pelosi said “Justice Department investigations must be conducted in accordance with Constitutional protections and historical precedent.” Who was head of the DoJ? Alberto Gonzalez. Many non-partisan legal experts thought the FBI crossed over the constitutional line and it would complicate the trial when they tried to use the frozen money as evidence.
Butt you get your information from BULLSHITTIUM web sites while Puddy gets his from lamestream media. This is why many of us who think right know you are the missing link and Puddy knows you are dumber than dirt!
DeLay was NOT found to have broke any laws moron. Now when did this happen? August 2010. Keep your stupid mantra alive. They were DUMMOCRAPTIC led trumped up charges in the Abramoff scandal and Odumba’s Justice dropped the charges cuz they were baseless. Butt your puny pink-haired mind forgets this fact so you can eat shit and howl at the moon like the moonbat! you are. If you remember if was BUSH’s DOJ which started the investigation against DeLay. When did this happen? 2005!
The issue wasn’t about Jefferson being black and Hastert and Delay. This is about your daily ASS-sitting BULLSHITTIUM delivered as always without the real facts, direct for leftist BULLSHITTIUM web sites.
Yes ylb you are too freaking stupid and dumber that dirt.
Get off of it Michael. Again you forget the Ezra Klein Journolist expose where they have the media call everything racism and the slobbering lamestream DUMMOCRAPTIC loving press following their orders. rujax got the memo. Have ylb check TEH HA DATABAZE. Apparently you didn’t. 88% voted for Odumba in 2008.
Facts are facts Michael and your argument is devoid of them!
Uh, Pudd.
You forgot to take the yellow one again.
@35: He forgot more than the yellow one… It’s kind of sad actually.
Max, you interested?
No gleeman – I’m not interested in anything your nutty sick-ass posts.
You dressing up as John Wayne Gace for the Halloween party at the local rainbow bar this year?
31 – What??? You mean the orders to “cry racism” among the “libtardo MSM” conspiracy was something recent?
Dig deeper Puddybud – I’m sure the order can be traced to Soros somehow. Andy Breitbart’s for sure on the case.
He’s your goto guy. Give him a hand why doncha?
Let’s see.. DeLay… Yes DOJ couldn’t nail him on his obvious dealings with Abramoff. Here’s a salient quote:
Still under criminal indictment for his shenanigans in Texas. We’ll see how that goes.
I don’t get it Puddybud. I thought that was some “donko libtardo MSM” conspiracy of some kind. Why would you get information from that?
Why not from?
Andy Breitbart? (You did 82 times)
NY Post? (77 times)
Fox News? (66 times)
Real Clear Politics? (49 times)
Moonie Times? (43 times)
National Review? (40 times)
Torygraph? (36 times)
NewsWhacks? (28 times)
DailyMail? (right wing brit rag 23 times)
WSJ editorial page (23 times)
cnsnews? (23 times)
heritage foundation? (18 times)
New York Sun? (17 times)
Michelle Malkin? (16 times)
Zombietime? (15 times)
Weekly Standard? (15 times)
and on and on…
Surely THOSE sources of information are preferred to you over some “donko libtardo lamesteam” conspiracy manipulated by Soros or some other demigod.
Always troubling when YLB can’t tell us apart. To a bigot like YLB we all look alike.
Even more troubling is that YLB keeps beating up Jonah Goldberg’s Jewish mother, Whoopi. Goldy, who has a Jewish mother, should be very annoyed.
Heh. I got a little problem with unhinged haters who think Stalin, Castro and Wilson’s Virginia-bred white supremacy has the least bit of bearing on today’s health insurance market failures.
Mea culpa..
Jonah Goldberg? That scribe of such weighty tomes like “Liberal Fascism”?
I revere him. He’s highly entertaining.
Here’s liberally drunk racist bigot YLB in whiteface. Stick a fork in him. He’s done.
What’m I saying?! Goldy is a Jewish mother.
Now he’s playing the racism card!
Only race I’m concerned about is the right wing race to the bottom. It started in 1981 and Obama has barely put a dent in its momentum.
Drunk? It’s been a week since I’ve had so much as a beer. If Dino edges out Patty, Carly or Meg bamboozles the CA electorate, yep, I’ll imbibe a couple of strong ones and watch Entourage in bed on my laptop.
I’m only human.
YLB’s a butt-itch kind of bother
Like father, alas, like son
He’s a vicious racist mother
Stick a spork in the bitch, he’s done
48 – Heh. He’s a poet and he knows it.
And like Newt a man of too obvious historical importance.
I do not in the least apologize for disparaging the right wing race – to the bottom that is..
More poetry, from someone else. Translate the rest yourself.
As a randy mandy bigot rocker
with a four on the floor and dolly’s knockers
Learned to live the American way –
alligator shoes and a chevrolet
Taco fumes culture void
nickel slots racist freud
Come on baby shoot – it’s the wild west
Here’s a nuanced rebuttal to YLB’s Semitophobic racism from Jonah Goldberg’s liberally fascist Jewish mother.
50 – Semitophobic? Pffft. I’m drawn to HA like a moth to the flame…
Or like a volley of IDF bullets to a swarthy flotilla videographer?
Or like a despairing slob starved for yucks to the pages of “Liberal Fascism”?
O by the way O scribe of historical importance, I NEVER click on right wing .jpg links.
But keep posting them anyway expecting different results.
Castros’s got a whole lot of “bearing” on today’s insurance market failures. Didn’t you get the memo from Michael Moore? Those pesky market failures were solved in Castro’s workers’ paradise, by Castro, long long ago.
No more health insurance problems in Cuba, not since Batista bit the big one. No market problems. No health problems. No markets. No problems. Leftist liars in the US, liars like Michael Moore, said so. So it must be true.
No education problems, either. No racism. No prison-industrial complex. Just prisons. Lots and lots of them. For dissidents who didn’t get Michael Moore’s memo or who didn’t get their propaganda from Goldy or the New York Times.
O my! First the racism card now the homo card!
This is one fine fellow! A credit to the cause.
Castros’s = Castro’s
YLB = Semitophobic bottom racer or bottom feeder in very bad drag
Ecce homo, YLB.
Credit to the cause? I’m a credit to my race. Race to the bottom, that is.
outta here.
missed you while i was gone.
Indeed. Keep blathering about the Caudillo’s sins lest a flotilla of Marxist Physicians makes a stop in a sports palace near you.
56 – Likewise. Stop by again soon.
Gosh he leaves just I was just getting warmed up..
Here’s my next caffeine induced reverie. After me everyone:
Y… L… B….!!!
What does it stand for?
Shoot, he’s split…
you said:
I said
It sure seems to me like you were saying the Republican’s were afraid to go after Rangel out of fear of being called racist by liberals. That Republican’s are chicken shit isn’t really news, Ooo… I need my gun to keep me safe… Ooo keep the scary brown Catholics away, it’s not safe… Ooo send the working class off to war while I stay home, nice and safe, to keep me safe… Bug the phones! Track what people checkout at the library!
oh look…the wife is back at work so YLB gets to post all……….long……
61 – Heh. tehchickenshit is taking a coffee break.
A late one..
Ten percent cut in pay equals more daily froth at HA..
Ahhh the benefits of cheap labor conservatism.
@59 Shoot, he’s split…
He has a job and a family to help feed and care for . . .
and what did I tell everyone….
School is back in session, YLB’s wife is back at work, and now we get YLB all……day…….long.
Dude, whats it like to not have a job, not have a nuzack, and pretty much be an absent parent and husband?
Question: is YLB the typical progressive? What say the other progressives here?
Pavlov calls it right on time as ylb runs to TEH HA DATABAZE. That’s all you got with all Puddy’s links? Oh yeah you have to hide the WaPo and NY Times. Using TEH HA DATABAZE because the con artist known as ylb was busted with leftist BULLSHITTIUM!
Campaign for Fair Elections – CEO was a community organizer… Hmmm…?
64 – Got a new name for you:
teh 40-grit chickenshit..
Chris O’Donnell must not be married yet because of worn-to-the-nub wonders like you.
Dude what’s it like to be an ignorant, name-calling right wing lout who lives to denigrate others who don’t care to be way?
Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.
65 – LMAO!!! That’s reality staring you in the face Puddybud. Any MSM links are mostly camouflaging your right wing bullshit reading. (Pssst you know there’s ways to discover that too.) It’ll get even better soon once I tag some of your recent handles and decode your url-shortened links
A url-shortener is just a glorified hash table on the net.
66 – don’t care to be THAT way.
Damn Chrome!