Does the heat have you feeling disorderly or acting stupidly? Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence, where the lion will have a refreshing beer with the lamb.
This little taste of beer diplomacy takes place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. tonight beginning at 8:00 pm. Or stop by earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 335 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Heterosexuals are murderers. The world would be better without you. You’ve screwed up the world to point of no return.
O to hear “hawky mawm” for the last time…
Here is sumtin for some to think about……
CNN: When you heard about what happened with this sergeant, what did you think?
Kelly King: I was appalled. I know Jimmy. I’ve known him for more than the 11 years with the Cambridge police. I knew him when he worked for Harvard.
I know him to be a good police officer, a good man with character. And I knew these charges were bogus.
There has been a tremendous rush to judgment. And I think the thing to be learned first and foremost from this is to look at all of the evidence, to consider all, to weigh all.
I think Professor Gates has done a very good job of throwing up a very effective smokescreen, calling race into this. It had nothing to do with it.
CNN: And the president?
Kelly King: It’s unfortunate. I supported him. I voted for him. I will not again.
I agree that I think that it’s admirable that he would speak on behalf of his friend, but he should have recused himself.
He should have stepped back. And he should have said, “I support my friend, but I don’t have all the facts. I won’t weigh in yet.”
CNN: Governor?
Kelly King: I would apply the same to him.
CNN: What do you want people around the country to know who may have already made up their mind about Sergeant Jimmy Crowley?
Kelly King: Keep their minds open. And realize that we would not support someone that we felt wronged someone else. We took this job to do the right thing. We all took this job to do the right thing. We would not support anyone in blue doing the wrong thing.
@3 You think this is an issue? I mean, compared to starting a war against a country that didn’t threaten or attack us, a war that has killed over 4,000 American soldiers and God knows how many innocent Iraqi civilians?
You think this is an issue? I mean, compared to the kidnapping, torturing, and killing of innocent people? And lying to the world about it?
You think this is an issue? I mean, compared to the wholesale corporate corruption of the Bush years, and the millions of jobs given away to foreign countries, and the tens of millions of American workers denied basic health care?
You think this is an issue? I mean, compared to the sordid and bloody history of lynchings and discrimination that characterize the history of white-black relations in America?
You have fucked up priorities, puddinghead.
Rog doesn’t get the fact that Obama’s support is quickly deteriorating….one boneheaded move at a time.
O-blah-blah got in office on his Blah-blah.
The more people get to know him…the worse he looks.
The polls speak volumes.
Pelletizer, when “the messiah” decided to speak out on it saying “Cambridge police acted stupidly”, it became an issue.
As the lovely and articulate (get the Joe Biden pun Pelletizer?) black policewoman Kelly King said:
Puddy realizes being a dumb bunny it sucks when you can’t think properly!
Puddy is sure Pelletizer supported Saddam and his sons raping women in front of their husbands and children.
Puddy is sure Pelletizer supported Saddam and his sons using electric power tied to genitals to fry testicles and penises off of males.
You must be talking about Saddam and his torture and rape rooms and the killing fields found in southern Iraq.
Puddy is sure of those things.
Here is what Rog is in denial about:
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
President “Feelgood” the marxist wears no clothes….he’s exposed for what he is…and accountable for what he says.
Hey Rog–
It’s obviously an issue for quite a few folks–
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Puddy is sure Pelletizer supported the Chicoms getting improved rocket telemetry and then sharing it with North Korea when Clinton allowed Bernie Schwartz of Loral to sell that technology without export controls. Here is more info for Pelletizer to chew on since he can’t fathom the truth.
Under the Open Skies Treaty, Russian military planes began flying over and photographing US military bases last year. Chinese military aircraft will be allowed to fly over US military bases beginning in 1999. Information Russia and China obtain from these flyovers would be invaluable if they ever attack the US.”
Puddy is sure Pelletizer forgot this…
The barely repressed hatred takes strange forms at first – “tea parties”, “birther” conspiracies – but eventually it must find full expression.
Hmmm. Shall I diagnose Obama Derangement Syndrome?
Puddy is sure Pelletizer supported the Chicoms getting improved rocket telemetry and then sharing it with North Korea when Clinton allowed Bernie Schwartz of Loral to sell that technology without export controls.
Puddy is sure Pelletizer forgot this…
Under the Open Skies Treaty, Russian military planes began flying over and photographing US military bases last year. Chinese military aircraft will be allowed to fly over US military bases beginning in 1999. Information Russia and China obtain from these flyovers would be invaluable if they ever attack the US.”
When Puddy gives the link Goldy’s system rejects the entry.
Stupes is sure “Mr. Frosty” was guilty.
Funny I don’t recall a trial of any kind. Even Saddam got that.
What is amazing is the missing and removed info from WikiPedia on the Open Skies Treaty during the Clinton Years. But you can see it here: The State Department web site below is a permanent electronic archive of information released prior to January 20, 2001.
clueless wondermoron, check back in all your PuddyArchives and see where did Puddy applaud anything of Charles Graner or the people who answered to him fool.
What a tard. What a clueless moron. What a clueless wondermoron.
Yeah! I got the impression you were taken with her. Her loss if she prefers the likes of your ugly party next go around.
If MA can keep sending Teddy backing ignoring right wing idiocy they will do the same for Barack.
4 more years!!!
15 – Your chimp and Duck! Cheney were responsible. You voted for them twice.
Let’s see you blame Bill Clinton for that one!
@6 Like I said, your priorities are fucked up. There are bigger issues in the world than this. This simply isn’t in the same class as lying about Nigerian uranium and then using your own lie as an excuse to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians.
@7 “Puddy is sure Pelletizer supported Saddam and his sons raping women in front of their husbands and children.”
No, I didn’t, but you boneheads screwed up this operation so badly the Iraqi people actually were better off under Saddam than they are under you. Saddam didn’t kill nearly as many innocent Iraqis as you lying Republican warmongers did.
Oh, and speaking of rape, what do you think those Marines in Haditha did to that little girl, before putting an M-16 to her head and blowing her brains out, and then doing the same to the rest of her family? What I mean is, if you’re an innocent Iraqi civilian, how are you supposed to tell the difference between Saddam’s goons and the felons and sociopaths the Busheviks recruited into our military forces? There isn’t any difference.
Puddy sees clueless wondermoron is skeeeeeered of a intelligent and articulate black policewoman. Ohhhhh noooooo she’s leaving the Dummocraptic reservation.
Been reading some WND lately Stupes? I thought you weren’t a birther. This kind of paranoid bullcrap is right up their alley. Maybe you got it from a Regnery book? That’s some batshit insane stuff.
20 – Naaahh.. You’re skeeerred of your own shadow when radical feminists are about.
Code Pink! Hillary! The View!!!
LOL! Look he’s under the bed!
If you guys keep voting for the same old Democrats and Republicans, you’re going to be bitching at each other until you all lie down for the final dirt nap.
Enact term limits to keep these political dynasties from forming and vote for ANY party other than the Dems or Reps. (Yes, I know: establishing term limits for representatives and senators involved amending the Constitution.)
Puddy you always kick the asses of tards with facts. Damn you’re good. You make the tards cry with envy.
Does anyone think the police acted appropriately?
After they knew his name, and presumably that he lived there why not back off?
The right wing wants to keep talking about race, about conflict, about pitting one side against the other.
Anything to distract from making needed changes like health care. The fight there is the insurance companies versus everyone else.
Who in their right mind will take the side of the insurance companies?
Look how their products have helped these people:
That medical team is planning eight more of those expeditions. They’ve treated 25,000 people in southwest Virginia alone over the last 10 years.
Obama is a racist just like alot of his friends. I say who gives a shit, I’m more concerned about the stupid shit he’s doing in office. Wait until the doctors quit as many I have talked to say they will. You tards are opening a can of shit that is truly unbelievable.
Nigerian Uranium again Pelletizer? Same old tired mantras. French intelligence, British Intelligence and the Senate Report seem to say “Wilson provided misleading information to the Washington Post last June.”
Will Puddy see Cuyahoga County next? Haiti? If?
@24 Oh, yeah….Haha….I’m really crying…HAHAHA…Heeeeeheeeeeee….I’m just all to’ up from the flo’ up! HAAAAAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
You guys really must not realize how pathetic you are.
Golly clueless wondermoron, we’re discussing the Open Skies Treaty happenings before Bush took over. Once the treaty was ratified, Bush implemented it.
What a chronological tool clueless wondermoron is.
Oh not reading WND lately. Butt if Puddy was they’d be exposing more Dummocraptic lies.
I’m sitting here at Drinking Liberally doing a quick check of the comment threads; I look up, and who do I see? Roger Rabbit!
Long time, no see, Roger!
Oh you mean Obama being a citizen is a lie? That’s the crap Joe Farrah is pushing.. Birther bullcrap.
Nice stuff you read.
nuthin like a heaping helping of “col sanders favorite chicken” chickenshit.
got a real load on this thread.
Really, this guy is the ugly face of batshit insanity on the right today.
This guy makes up his reality (if you can call it that) as he goes along. Michelle Bachmann can learn from him.
Roger Rabbit is at Montlake Ale house. Roger, you naughty Rabbit you were supposed to be fetching greens for dinner. Next thing I know, you stinking Rabbit, you show up at Montlake having a tall cold one.
P.S. All will be forgiven if you bring home a tall cold one for Mrs. Rabbit
Signed, Mrs. Rabbit
Puddy’s so cool!! He’s the grandson of Levi “Too-Tight” Collins and learned everything he knows at that man’s footstool.
dingbat @14: The Open Skies Treaty? You mean the treaty first proposed by Eisenhower, pushed by Bush I, and went into force under Bush II in 2002? That treaty?
You really are a moron. What next, proof that Armstrong really didn’t set foot on the moon? 9/11 was an inside job? The Holocaust didn’t happen? Hillary ordered Vince Foster’s murder? The earth was created 6,000 years ago? Obama was born in Kenya? The earth is flat?
You parade only your smug ignorance.
You two — puddinghead and klynikalklown — are deluding yourselves if you think the voters who elected Democratic majorities in ’06 and Obama last fall care 1/100th as much about the Cambridge police incident as they do about how utterly and completely the Republican Party and its minions have trashed this country over the last 8 years. Don’t believe me? Wait ’til 2012 when President Obama wins easy re-election against whichever monkey from the GOP menagerie you clowns run next time.
@38 was posted by Roger Rabbit.
@23 Term limits? Been there, dne that, now a non-starter because SCOTUS declared term limits unconstitutional. Can’t do it without amending the Big C, dude.
@27 “I’m more concerned about the stupid shit he’s doing in office.”
Only a complete, moronic, juvenile fool could make a remark like that in reference to anyone but Bush. GWB is the PROTOTYPE of “stupid shit in office.” He is the template against which all future stupidity will be compared. It is unlikely anyone will ever do as much stupid shit as he did, or shit as stupid as his stupid shit, but inevitably some will try. And they will be Republicans, because Republicans are in a class by themselves when it comes to stupid shit.
@28 There was no Nigerian uranium, you stupid shit. The letter was a forgery. The intelligence services, including ours, knew it was a forgery. The CIA told Bush not to use it in his SOU speech. He did anyway. So whose head is that lie on, huh? Don’t blame Bush’s lying on the intelligence services.
@35 I didn’t have a tall cold one at Montlake Ale House and I ain’t bringing any tall cold ones home to our burrow. You don’t need a tall cold one! All you have to do is dig down a few feet and its 55 degrees year-round. Even on days like this.
That’s sumtin stupid headless lucy would say Erich. So another doppelganger eh? You also know most HA Leftist Libtardos have no idea what you be talkin bout!
Mrs Rabbit, you mean you are tired of getting a small old one so you wanted a tall cold one!
Hmmm… interesting…
Golly “Mrs” Pelletizer…
“Twenty-six percent (26%) of voters nationwide say President Obama did a good or excellent job answering a press conference question about an incident involving a white Cambridge, Massachusetts policeman and a black Harvard professor. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 46% rate the president’s response as poor.”
Guess dat sez it all…
Wow Pelletizer calling the French, British and Senate Committee liars?
ProudAndAFatASS, you who claimed Walter Cronkite didn’t take Clinton and Hillary out on his yacht after the Monica Lewinsky affair? You who told Marvin Stamn to shrivel up and die? And when proved wrong by many Libtardo MSM sources cum again and can’t make heads or tails out of facts?
You who is another chronological idiot who skipped Puddy’s post above
Puddy was quoting how WikiPedia had all the Clinton references missing fool.
Keep up the “lousy” job fool!
BTW you need to talk to Proud Leftist, as Puddy sees you are about two days short of a full truckload.
Wow clueless wondermoron now watching batshit BULLSHITTIUM Kos TV.
What a libtardo loon!
Butt saying that you do make my day as the most clueless idiotic monomaniacal wondermoron here.
@46 No, “dat” doesn’t say it all, because the president was right. It was a stupid arrest. The cop was wrong. It’s not a crime in this country to mouth off to a police officer. Only a stupid wingnut who either (a) knows nothing about, or (b) care nothing for, the First Amendment constitutional right of free speech would think otherwise.
@47 No, I’m calling Bush a liar. Which he is. And while I’m at it, I may as well call you a liar, too, because the intelligence services knew the Nigerian uranium story was bullshit and our own CIA told Bush not to use it in his speech. He ignored them and “fixed the facts to the policy,” which is a fancy way of saying he lied.
Oh no it’s from the New York Post so clueless wondermoron will discount it’s veracity being oh so monomaniacal…Golly it’s the deputy press secretary to a New York City Dummocrapt. She made Puddy’s day being a white Dummocrapt showing her true colors.
Golly this is Toooooo Damnnnn Funnnny
None of this will matter when Obama is elected a second time in 2012.
Buttputter @48: “…you who claimed Walter Cronkite didn’t take Clinton and Hillary out on his yacht after the Monica Lewinsky affair?”
Never made any such claim, you lying fuck.
“You who told Marvin Stamn to shrivel up and die?”
The world would be a better place? You guys routinely call for the deaths of many people…what’s the matter? Hurt feelings, bozo? Your humanity is defective.
You provide no cite @11, and your link @14 does not back up your dishonest inference. So you are a lying fuck.
Puddy’s exploding head is one of the marvels of today’s GOP.
The only interest the old white men of the GOP and their sad lackey, Puddy, have in the Lib State cop is using him to smear our president as a racist. To Republican’s, the officer is only a means to an end, similar to how they used 9/11 first responders as an excuse to drape themselves in the American flag. Now that the 9/11 kleig lights are long turned off, how do Republicans like Puddy, Marvin and Mr. Klynical act out their real values towards our nation’s first responders? How do they really view the heroes of 9/11?
ProudWithFatASS, oh yes you did. Marvin asked is the first entry about Cronkite and you Answered “NO”. Then you told Marvin to die. Puddy proved you to be the consummate liar you always are.
ProudWithFatASS, oh yes you did. Marvin asked is the first entry about Cronkite and you Answered “NO”. Then you told Marvin to die. Puddy proved you to be the consummate liar you always are.
Puddy will be traveling for a while. But Puddy will be watching the left wing haters.
So, you finally wake up at noon, and then just reassert a lie? You are shameless, Puttfucker. A shameless liar. You didn’t even produce the link, because it would show you are a liar.
While you are away running from the process servers, it is my wish that you will search your conscience (I assume you have one), and come to grips with your hypocrisy, your guilt, and your shame, lickspittle.
HA 7/18/09: Marvin, cocksucker, Stamn on the death of Walter Cronkite: “Are we talking about the same walter cronkite that took clinton and his wife out on his yacht to help bubba relax from the attention to the woman he didn’t have sex with, monica.
Of course walter isn’t one of those liberal biased reporters. :)”
Fuckputt–I saw nothing funny about this snide remark and its totally unsubstantiated assertion and underhanded snide insinuation. You might also actually fucking read what that shithead Stamn asked, and what I answered, because obviously the Cronkite he has in mind is a creature of his sick twisted imagination. You might actually bone up on English. It does not appear to be your first language.
So fuck you. Fuck Stamn, too.
You are totally lame.