Join us tonight at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
Author Mike Lux will stop by Drinking Liberally tonight (around 8:30) to discuss his new book The Progressive Revolution: How the Best in America Came To Be.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 332 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to get lost at.
Hey Goldy, will you be “walking & riding” to DL tonight?
Fucking hypocrite.
Why would you asking Goldy how he is getting to DL make him a hypocrite???
Are you fucking retarded?
You don’t remember his “Walk & Ride” post from July 17th, where Goldy scolded people in the Rainier Valley who complained that the walk to a Link station was too far?
I want to know if Goldy is going to follow his own advice. Is he going to walk to the Link station, then get off at Mt. Baker station, then transfer to a route 48 to go to DL?
In his post, I believe he told other Rainier Valley residents to quit their bitching about walking a half mile to the nearest station.
So … is going going to take his own advice, or is he going to drive?
Darryl lost that one. Maybe he should try harder next time.
Troll @ 2,
But, but, but, Troll, how would Goldy’s mode of transportation be relevant? I mean, do you understand what the word “hypocrite” means?
Please be specific.
Marvin Stamn @ 4,
No comments from the peanut gallery, there, Squirt.
Shout out to Darryl, who I met there, tonight! &, yes, I rode the beak-rattler. There are, at least, enough buses on that route, but I can see I’m going to hate it once I have to stand in the cold & transfer.
Hey Raven,
It was good to meet you tonight. Hope to see you frequently.
You wanna talk about hypocrites? Then let’s talk about all the Republican congress-critters who smugly talk about how important it is to deprive the rest of us of any significant health care reform, then smugly go off and get there precious little Republican carcasses fixed up on the taxpayer’s dime.
Or if you want to talk about just plain dumb, let’s consider a moment that Chairman Steele (who….well, occupies a chair, I guess) didn’t even know, when asked on the air, what kind of health coverage he has.
9 Maybe his teleprompter fell over….?
Just delete it if your ego is so fragile you don’t like it pointed out you lost that argument.
You should talk about the negative impact of the Progressive bowel-movement on the Democratic Party!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Advocating for light rail does not mean you have to ride it every time – only a complete moron like Troll (or Stamm) thinks like that.
Argument won, trolls shown as stupid, once again.
The pint of the video is that republicans don’t care about anything but making political points.
The health care system is broken. The republicans have no plan. The republicans spend all their time attacking Obama, but have no alternatives.
The republicans don’t care about the people in our country – they care about scoring political points. That is the very reason they lost so big in the last election. Republicans cannot be trusted with making policy decisions becuase they don’t care about people – they only care about politics and thier political bedfellows: rich people and the big corporations. Everything else is window dressing for them.
Jim DeMint is the poster child for the no party. A party that has no ideas and policy except to bring down Obama.
@12: Delusional Klynical is off his meds again:
Is that why the republicans lost so big in the last election?
A real poll: About 60% dissaprove of republicans in congress over the last 4 months. Less than 40% approve and most of the time the approval is near 30%.
Case closed: Republicans suck and the public thinks they suck.
ABC News/Washington Post Poll. July 15-18, 2009. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.5.
“Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are doing their job?”
Approve Disapprove Unsure
% % %
36 58 6
30 64 6
38 56 6
25 69 6
1/30 – 2/1/08
30 63 7
32 63 5
Troll? Troll!
ABC News/Washington Post???????
One of the historically more UNRELIABLE polls.
Heavy Leftist leaning.
Obamacare is in DEEP TROUBLE.
Every day that passes, more & more people dislike it. That is why Obama tried to ram it thru. It’s baaaaaaaad for America…but good for Obama’s Amerika!
Thank God for grown-ups like Max Baucus.
The Finance Committee can and is holding this up. It will not happen as Obama dreamed in August. By September, you will see a massive opposition to this Socialist debacle….and Obama scrambling to say he is glad we had the conversation.
Like Hillary, Obama has already ID’d himself with Porkulous and Obamacare.
1-term Prez
Well….it’s starting to become apparent that, aside from seeking to humiliate Obama and scare the shit out of the rubes by telling them the Democrats want to take something away that that’s been gone for a long time, the Republican leadership wants to beat the drum for “tort reform” as the way to truth, justice and the ‘Murrikan way. In other words, they want us to think it’s to our benefit if a for-profit HMO or a pharmaceutical giant can fuck you up without having to pay for it.
If you truly believe the Republican brand is on the rebound, then your disassociation from reality is even more profound than I had thought. The Democrats are pushing an agenda in Congress; that’s necessarily going to cause some backlash. The Republicans in Congress are trying to bring the nation down. Their sin will not be quickly forgiven.
Interesting banter about the implications of Obama’s meltdown. He is actually wise politically to try and jam thru his nonsense now…so folks have 3 years to forget.
Unfortunately for Obama, not all Democrats believe in ramming thru stuff they haven’t even read…especially after the backlash from doing so with the Porkulous Bill.
How many Democrats have read and can explain Obamacare?? This stuff has been glued together by a bunch of inexperienced, young idealogues….like a “Phantom Government”.
Why do we even need Congress if they fail in their duty to read, understand and help the public to understand the pros & cons of what they are voting on????
Apparently the fringe lunatic left is fine with Obama’s secret meetings with big hitters in the Medical arena.
Aren’t you the same folks who screamed about Bush and Cheney doing stuff like this?
Heck, it is justifiable with Defense.
No way justifiable with this Health Care Obamacare joke.
Why the hurry???
Because the more Americans know what is in the Bill and the consequences, the less they like it.
Look at the polls…all the polls.
Obama is losing the public support.
Why change a massive part of economy in a way the majority do not support? Why??
Cynical spews: “Why change a massive part of economy in a way the majority do not support? Why??”
Doing nothing with regard to healthcare is simply not an option. The Republican strategy of endless ass-sitting and wanking is irresponsible. It is a “it’s my ball and I’m taking it and going home” form of juvenile petulance. People like you would drive this nation into the ground. Bush almost got us there; you must regret that he didn’t quite finish the task.
This just in—
By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press Writer Ricardo Alonso-zaldivar, Associated Press Writer – 26 mins ago
Obama is left hanging out there…just before yet another speech.
Obama “fatigue” has clearly set in.
Americans are tiring of his face, his voice and his lame-assed Marxist ideas.
“Obama ‘fatigue’ has clearly set in.
Americans are tiring of his face, his voice and his lame-assed Marxist ideas.”
Yeah, right. Count Obama out at your peril. You don’t like being on the losing side, do you, Cynical?
And what Marxist ideas are those?
That americans should have health care?
Tell me, what’s the republican plan? How do they propose to change the system for the better of average Americans?
Cyn’s definition of a socialist is anyone who does not buy off on his brand of wingnuttery.
Obama is plummetting in every poll..especially when you look at likely voters.
Marxism, at it’s core, is about redistribution of wealth at every turn. This is the biggest part yet of Obama’s Big Government scam to make us all “more equal”.
Americans should have ACCESS to Health Care.
It is up to them to figure out how to negotiate the best deal…not the Government.
How would I change things?
1) Tort Reform–massive. Will not only reduce amount of settlements, but cost of Professional Liability Insurance AND MOST IMPORTANTLY…eliminate massive costs associated with excessive, unnecessary testing that Docs must now do to cover their asses from Ambulance Chasing lawyers like Johnny “Family Values but screw his wife with cancer for some young chick” Edwards.
Also, Sen. Baucus just completed some apparently successful negotiations with Drug Companies.
Regarding Insurance Companies—
It’s either them with the overhead & profit…or the Government with a bunch of overpaid Union wonks.
I’d rather die because of some insurance company than a Government KLOWN.
You asked.
That’s how I feel.
We absolutely do not have the Medical Infrastructure to add 49 million more insured people. It would be a catastrophe. Free Health Care==more visits. Hard to argue with that.
Also, Medical Insurance is about PERSONAL CHOICES. When it comes down to it, a lot of the sob stories you here about people going bankrupt is they CHOSE nice cars, nicer place to live & toys (incl. cellphones, HDTV’s etc) above some kind of existing insurance.
They took a gamble by being uninsured…and lost. They were free to awesome is that!
Interesting. When you say Marxist ideas, I see policies that would give advantages to allow small and medium sized entrepreneurs and workers. I know of several people who would quit their jobs for big companies and start their own business if they could get heath care.
You despise lawyers and unions. I get that. There is no solution for you that doen’t involve gutting both.
If you get Medical Insurance from your company, and get laid off, you have to make choices of what you decide to pay. Because of gambling that they would have a job, they lost?
They took a gamble by being uninsured…and lost. They were free to awesome is that!
It’s a very Darwinian world you live in. You revel in people’s pain.
Hey cyn, What have the Republicans done for Gays and Lesbians?
Cynical’s proposal for repairing the healthcare system? Tort reform. That’s it. Of course, tort reform would not secure healthcare for a single uninsured American, improve quality of care, or reduce premiums by a nickle, but, by God, it would slap lawyers down. Cynical, you really are special. You are so gifted at finding solutions where there are no problems and ignoring problems for which we need solutions.
cyn, it seems it’s only a small fraction that gambled on not having health insurance and then getting a illness.
Medical Bills Leading Cause of Bankruptcy, Harvard Study Finds
February 3, 2005
Surprisingly, most of those bankrupted by illness had health insurance. More than three-quarters were insured at the start of the bankrupting illness. However, 38 percent had lost coverage at least temporarily by the time they filed for bankruptcy.
Most of the medical bankruptcy filers were middle class; 56 percent owned a home and the same number had attended college. In many cases, illness forced breadwinners to take time off from work — losing income and job-based health insurance precisely when families needed it most.
Please remember that when you cite further examples of why people don’t have health care.
Please don’t throw facts at Cynical. They make his head explode.
@28 I respectfully refer you to Dave Horsey’s latest contribution on
@30 Cyn’s statement comes from the same line of reasoning as George W. Bush’s claim that the only reason people are poor is that they’re lazy.
It’s all good old-fashioned American-style Calvinism. Those that gots, gets…and hold firm in their belief that it’s because they’re just so much more worthy than anyone else who doesn’t.
‘SuperJew,’ boys and girls, is not a slur. No more than ‘Seattle Jew.’ Somewhere from way back in the day there’s a Time (?) Magazine cover, hyping a laudatory article, showing an up-up-and-away Kissinger in tighty tights and a SuperJew shield. Any questions?
Seattle Jew and Lee (now there’s a fun-couple dream team for all seasons) are very upSET with lovable old SuperJew. SuperJew trolls for the truth about bottom feeder Richard Pope, but SJ and Lee — who throw their dirty underwear at each other in public — get in a private snit of indignation and start sharpening their long knives to cut up somebody else for a change. Then they stick their tongues down each other’s throats, hop in their newlywed PopeMobile and ride ride ride away.
Well, as worldly philosopher Ice-T said, I’m back, motherfuckers. Should of killed me last year.
Please, Babe Magnet Richard Pope, please briefly demobe yourself from the Goldstein-Barnett Axis of Evil’s War on Hutchison. Please tell us if you are the Richard Lamar Pope we know and love.
And tell us when you were born: 01/01/01? Really?
And tell us how a hot babe magnet like you, 108 years old, can get it up; is Geritol your secret weapon, old man?
And tell us about Seattle Municipal Court citations …
(And that other Richard Lamar Pope, d-o-b 18 August 1962. What’s up with him and all those scofflaw citations?)
HA REMFs told you that Trick Dick and Kissinger could have ended the Vietnam War in 1969, but they let it draaaaaaag out because they loved the smell of napalm in the morning and because they loved letting people die. Napalm and death are what Republicans are all about.
Here’s the rest of the story:
Thanks to continued support for the Vietnam War by the Democratic-controlled Congress, however, American troops were finally withdrawn only in 1973, with the strategic situation no better than it was five years earlier.
– via Policy Analyst Stephen Zunes,, 3 December 2006
High above Cayuga’s water/
There’s an awful smell/
Some say it’s Cayuga’s waters/
We know it’s Goldy