Join us tonight at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
Tonight’s crowd will, no doubt, be filled with wisdom and empathy.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 332 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to get lost at.
One interesting news item to hit the streets yesterday is about the aftermath of failed real estate development. It seems the developer ran through the proceeds of his original loan, took out a second one, then defaulted on both. Now the bank that issued the first loan is suing everyone in sight, including the issuer of the second loan.
The issuer of the first loan: Wells Fargo Bank.
The issuer of the second loan: Wells Fargo Bank.
Yep, folks…the bank is suing itself. It’s even hired an attorney to defend itself against the suit, which is being prosecuted by a different attorney.
We’re supposed to trust these people with our money?????
Heterosexuals are Neanderthals. 6/7 of them are responsible for murdering the 2 parents in Florida. All heterosexual. Keep up your superior beings, and screw the world you fucking Neanderthal losers!
Gman, you need to lay of grandpas cough syrup.
$750,000 for ferries from the Porkulus Bill. Most went to Michigan.
Looks like their guvnur won and ours lost.
Say wha?
Gman found Steve’s Stupid Solution in his goat barn!
This new “authority” would enforce global economic, environment and immigration policies to help construct a social order that “conforms to the moral order.” They would overrule many Dummocraptic laws. Can you imagine the Pope has one of his “fathers” viewing Internet sites and they stumble onto HorsesASS. With all the vile atheists here what is a Pope to do?
What will the libtardos do now?
i’m just as stupid as jeremiah wright,
(although obama never seemed to notice anything wrong with him in 20 years). so , let ben bernake and tim geithner control your money, let henry waxman control your energy, amd let steve rattner (actually now ron bloom), control your manufacturing…there’s your life gentlemen, dont say i didnt warn you.
Here’s another piece of upcoming Americana…
“Lawmakers are waiting for the Congressional Budget Office to determine how much the bill will cost. The nonpartisan agency said in a partial and preliminary analysis today that the plan would run to more than $1 trillion over 10 years and reduce the number of uninsured by roughly 37 million. The agency said that by 2019 some 17 million people — about half of them illegal immigrants — would lack coverage. ” Hmmm… illegal aliens getting health care coverage? Puddy thought being in America illegally meant you were illegal and services are not legally going to you? So Puddy was right AGAIN. This is a health care bill for illegal aliens after all.
@6 “What will the libtardos do now?”
Many of us who happen to be Catholic are laughing our asses off at you, pal.
You evidently aren’t aware of the “morality” he’s referring to.
@7 “i’m just as stupid as jeremiah wright”
Nope. You’re far, far dumber. Compared to you, he’s Einstein.
In fact, whatever validity there is to his “God damn America” rant, it has a lot to do with you and those like you.
artie, you make me laugh. jeremiah wright has shown himself to be at the least, an antisemite, and you close your eyes to the fact that either obama never noticed that for 20 years, or didnt care.
This morning Rush bashed Obama’s three-finger under-over sissy girlie throw.
Check a recent post, @11, re Jeremiah Wright’s complaint that “them Jews” are keeping him away from Obama.
Liberal Empathy Edition
* Science Czar John Holdren favored forced abortion and stealth sterilization for achieving a sustainable brave new one-world government;
* Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg favors the Holdren eugenics approach to family planning: “Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion.” Populations that we don’t want too many of. Margaret Sanger or Reinhard Heydrich couldn’t have said it better, assuming that Bader Ginsberg had, say, Jews in mind. Nevermind manoftruth: you uptight Seattleites who think mangledtruth’s over the top need to vent some of your cloying and annoying indignation at a progressive race baiter or race hater on the Supreme Court;
* And if wise Latina Sonia’s confirmation crashes, I’m available. I’ll shape-shift into any diversity token du jour you want me to be;
* Albert Einstein searched for a unified field theory of everything, but Glenn Beck found it. It’s all about Goldman Sachs. Goldman’s Paulson Big Banged Lehman, and the universe spun out of control;
* Cornell’s Greatest Hits: Dave Ross, Puddy, Ann Coulter, doper doctor Dean Edell, my daughter, whose birthday was yesterday, Bastille Day ….. Far above Cayuga’s waters/ There’s an awful smell/ Some say it’s Cayuga’s waters/ I say it’s Cornell. Mazel Tov;
* Trasparency Obama Style;
* Car Czar Steve Rattner, mentioned @8, is the latest entry-and-departure in the Obama Culture of Corruption: “New York attorney general’s office has intensified scrutiny of Quadrangle Group and Mr. Rattner, 56 years old, as part of a long-running probe …” Question: Is Steve Rattner related to media whore Ellen Rattner who said her only problem with Bill Clinton’s lewinsky is that Clinton didn’t lewinsky with Rattner?
steve rattner, another corrupt jew stealing money from the stupid goyem.
actually, almost as funny, who replaces him? ron bloom…it never ends
manofContradiction, you don’t do the conservative side any good with your rank anti Semitic posts.
Accusing people of antisemitism, while being guilty of it yourself is just plain stupid.
Perhaps Stormfront would be great place for you.
KLake, Puddy asked this Quadrangle Group question weeks ago of Lee. Why hasn’t Lee created a thread on Dummocraptic Pension Fund shenanigans. When Puddy said it was first brought up in the Washington Times, right on cue HA clueless wonder attacked the WA Times as a Mooney Paper. Now that the shenanigans are getting libtardo MSM face time cuz they can’t bury it on page A-25 of a 24 page Section A newspaper, you’ll never see any commentary from Lee or other HA Libtardo leaders.
No wonder CNN has Jeffrey Toobin as their law specialist.
“You know, it’s funny, the way that this hearing goes, you would think that Supreme Court precedent is some unchanging thing- that is just the law that is changed. But if you look at the Second Amendment, that’s something that’s changed dramatically over the last- for 50 years, including when I was in law school, which was more recently than 50 years ago- the idea that you had a Second Amendment right to a gun was considered preposterous. The text of the Second Amendment, I believe we have it- we have it in our system- you know, speaks of a well-regulated militia and the right to bear arms.”
Yep typical Libtardo MSM guy!
BTW KLake, “K” and Goldy are Cornell grads too.
Really? Cornell?
The Piper
Yup! Puddy has a brain. It doesn’t get exercised much at HA Libtardos! Yes there are actually more than one verse to our alma mater
Far Above Cayuga’s Waters
With its waves of blue,
Stands our noble Alma Mater
Glorious to view.
Lift the chorus, speed it onward,
Loud her praises tell.
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
Hail, all hail, Cornell!
Far Above the busy humming
Of the bustling town;
Reared against the arch of Heaven,
Looks she proudly down.
Lift the chorus, speed it onward,
Loud her praises tell.
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
Hail, all hail, Cornell!
Sentry-like o’er lake and valley towers her regal form,
Watch and ward forever keeping, braving time and storm.
So through clouds of doubt and darkness gleams her beacon light,
Fault and error clear revealing, blazing forth the right.
Lift the chorus, speed it onward,
Loud her praises tell.
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
Hail, all hail, Cornell!
To the glory of her founder rise her stately walls.
May her sons pay equal tribute whene’er duty calls.
When the moments, swiftly fleeting, ages roll between,
Many yet unborn shall hail her: Alma Mater, Queen!
Lift the chorus, speed it onward,
Loud her praises tell.
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
Hail, all hail, Cornell!
In the music of the waters as they glide along,
In the murmur of the breezes with their whispered song,
In the tuneful chorus blending with each pealing bell,
One refrain seems oft repeated: Hail, all hail, Cornell!
Lift the chorus, speed it onward,
Loud her praises tell.
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
Hail, all hail, Cornell!
Here, by flood and foaming torrent, gorge and rocky dell,
Pledge we faith and homage ever to our loved Cornell.
May time ne’er efface the memory of her natal day,
And her name and fame be honored far and wide alway!
Lift the chorus, speed it onward,
Loud her praises tell.
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
Hail, all hail, Cornell!
KLake tell you daughter happy belated birthday. I have two friends who celebrated Bastille Day birthdays.
High above Cayuga’s waters
There’s an awful smell.
Some say it’s Cayuga’s waters,
Some say it’s Cornell.
The Piper
High above Cayuga’s waters
There’s an awful smell.
Some say it’s Cayuga’s waters,
We know it’s Cornell.
Gotta git it right Piper!
Gotta go. See ya this afternoon!
I guess we learned it differently – but it works either way.
The Piper
Piper, you from Cornell too?
No – Inglemoor HS, ’68, WWSC (now WWU) ’72, UPS (now SU) Law ’75.
I just remember hearing those parody lyrics long ago.
Understand, though, that Cornell has a good hospitality industry management curriculum. Apparently Goldy never got past busboy.
The Piper
“I just remember hearing those parody lyrics long ago.”
Yeah, long ago, all the way back to Klake @13.
Ba-dum-dum Piper! Yeah when Puddy was there it was the Statler School of Hotel Administration. The guys across the hall were Hotelies. Some times they brought home some good food though, no matter what others said!!!