Join us tonight at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
Yeah…I’m late with the post tonight but, hey, I’m busy already!
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 332 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to get lost at.
Roger Rabbit can’t attend tonight because of a scheduling conflict. He has to impregnate 10 cute fluffy female bunnies! They’re lined up and waiting!
I challenge chickenshit “troll” to show up at one of these. I don’t think troll is a real human being.
No one person can be that vapid, self-centered and stupid all at once.
You pick the Tuesday troll and I will show up to see if you are real.
In another thread NutsTooTight was tasting his Cowpers Glands again when Puddy said the M Thomas Eisenstadt rumor of Palin & Africa was debunked in the NY Times. This fool called Puddy a liar. Again Puddy will produce the link to show NutsTooTight are so Tight NutsTooTight is now tasting his prostate gland.
Now what Puddy said was all the leftist pinhead web sites using M Thomas Eisenstadt as their source had to retract their commentary including MSNBC. Puddy used the HuffPo to prove it. The report from Eisenstadt was false. The NY Times proved it. So what did those libtard sites do, they withdrew the M Thomas Eisenstadt links and then put up the Fox News links. Now why would libtardo web sites who run around calling Fox News Faux News now want to use Fox News? To cover their own asses for using a discredited source, discredited by the chief of “the messiah’s” supporters.
Butt, NutsTooTight is tasting his prostate secretions and called Puddy a liar. Puddy said the M Thomas Eisenstadt source was a liar and was proven by the NY Slimes. Now this is the same fool who used a link from TPM claimed it wasn’t from TPM and when Puddy proved it was TPM, he STFU. Well dude here is your chance again to STFU.
See if you can do it again moe-ron! (Kudos to Carl)
NutsTooTight at a DL? Wow Puddy will have to make another showing. Maybe Puddy will invite PacMan.
Troll let Puddy know when you show. Puddy’ll bring nose plugs because Puddy has never met someone who’s NutsTooTight!
@4 He doesn’t have to let you know — you can always smell a Republican coming … even with nose plugs.
Fool, that’s for NutsTooTight. Of course being the dumb bunny you’d get it wrong, as always.
Freefall continues for O-blah-blah!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
@3: You never refuted my quote that Faux news did not back off their report.
Therefore, you lose again. You can put out the same stupid link – but it doesn’t prove your point. My point was that Faux news reported the story about Palin not knowing where Africa was – and they did not retract it or claim Eisenstadt as the source.
Are you so dense you can’t get that?
@6 Fool, I’m covering his back! Haven’t you morons figured out yet that if Glenn Beck shows up with his deer rifle, I’m gonna show up with my A-K?*
* Just kidding! I’m for peaceful solutions to human conflicts. If Beck and his fanatical cohorts try to overthrow our democratically elected government by force and violence, as he says he wants to do, the whole business can be resolved without a shot being fired. All it takes is for the Rapture to spirit these stupid Republicans awwaaay!! The sooner the Rapture gets here, the better!! What’s delaying it, anyway?!