Finish up that 1040, stamp it, seal it, and drop it in the mailbox. And then join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Or stop by earlier for dinner.
Tonight we’ll probably spend some time finalizing our super secret plans for infiltrating the Wingnut teabagging events.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 328 chapters of Drinking Liberally spread across the earth.
Jamie Foxx is dissing Miley Cyrus on Sirius. What the fuck is that all about? Hasn’t he got better things to do than pick on a sixteen-year-old girl?
Watch the drinking and driving tonight, folks.
Chew on this lads:
From today’s Rasmussen (the #1 Poll in accuracy)
Generic Congressional Ballot
Latest Generic Ballot Shows Republicans and Democrats in a Dead Heat
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Mr. C- YAWN! Talk to me in a year and a half. The poll that counted was last November.
LOL CynCyn has to live in the past or his supposed future because in the current day and time – he’s utterly fucked. On Nov 4 there was a poll that mattered and Americans overwhelmingly through the cheating, cowardly, punks in the GOP out.
Current PRESIDENT OBAMA has some of the highest approvals in recorded history. He won by a landslide for a reason. America knows that CYNCYN and his pals on the right are traitors.
And FAUX NEWS controls Rasmussen – not that any of this horseshit CYNCYN spews matters, but if it did, Rasmussen wouldn’t be where you look for data.
Keep hoping CYNCYN. Maybe in 100 years your side will get another chance. For now AMERICA loves, loves, loves the PRESIDENT and the Democrats and there’s NOTHING you can do about it bitch.
Hey did you hear that the woman who killed the little girl in Tracy, CA also raped her? The sick bitch must have been a relative of some right wing punk here on HA. She was a Sunday School teacher. Why do we subsidize these sick fucks? They’re all perverts, fools and hypocrites.
Not to get off topic, but a really good commercial ale is Blue Moon with a thin slice of orange in it. It has a 5.4% potency — so you won’t have to buy a lot of them.
Oh, yeah! Republicans suck!!!
Yeah, Blue Moon is some good stuff.
Barack Obama discussing Bible stories in his speech? That must freak everybody here out…
Here it comes folks.
Micheal @ 11, this is from a CBS report on this ridiculous report…
“DHS, as Fox News notes, pointed out in response to critics that it released a similar report about left-wing extremists in January.”
What was that? Fox news? Oh yeah, fair and balanced reporting really means something to real reporters, unlike NPR and the alphabet networks.
Nuts on the left or nuts on the right are still nuts. I did think that they had the right to speech and assembly without governmental surveilance, but under Obama I guess that hackneyed old First Amendment doesn’t count anymore.
Thanks for voting for that frightening clown folks.
Hey I can’t wait to watch the right wing idiots let their heads spin right off their necks when the US Senate seats SENATOR AL FRANKEN. OMG! This is going to be huge on SO MANY levels. Coleman sued and then guess what – the court found more votes for FRANKEN! Man this is fucking great. Crying and whining is about to ensue on a major level.
re 10: The piety of the Right is cracked and cruel. The Bible’s fine, it’s th Right that’s wrong.
The only thing the Right is good at is soulless cant and empty rhetoric.
re 11 &12: Fear not. We have free speech zones pegged off for you guys.
We warned you that the excesses of the Bush administration would come back to haunt you. Who’s watchin’ who now?
re 13: I can’t wait for Franken to rip into the likes of a Mitch McConnell or Rep. Boner.
Instead of counting sheep to try to go to sleep, those of us on the adult side of the political aisle can just say, “Senator Al Franken, Senator Al Franken, Senator Al Franken . . .” As for the wingies, how might they coax themselves to sleep, how might they find some sort of comfort zone permitting them to curl up and find some REM sort of sleep? Actually, I haven’t the slightest idea. Sadly, their world is toppling upon them.
@14 Wingers remind me of the Nazi soldiers who wore “Gott Mitt Uns” belt buckles into battle — and were carried out dead.
Yea, so what? It isn’t going to gain you a single seat in this state and it isn’t going to keep you from losing 2-3 seats in the Senate.
Man I hope the stupid sheriff runs against Sen. Murray. It will be fun to watch her rip off his head and shit down his neck. Besides the democrats can probably win his district if the seat is open. Oh yea, they’ll blow a ton of money trying to unseat Patty.
Don’t tell me The Follicle is THAT stupid????
I AGREE with the protesters about the three biggest items in the 2009 Federal Budget: each of them over $700 billion: The bank bailouts, the military budgets, and Interest on the federal debt. Cut them all to zero. Works for me.
There is no other program anywhere close. Social Security and Medicare are transfer programs–they are not on the books of the federal government. They are a separate agency. But ask a teabagger– do you support social security? (I think 90% of americans do support it)