Please join us tonight at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence . The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Or stop by earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 328 chapters of Drinking Liberally spread across the earth.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL because of dogs in the neighborhood.
Michelle Bachmann needs to be re-educated. Send her back to the planet she came from!
@1 – General Woundwort was not afraid of dogs; you shouldn’t be either.
Welcome to the bat-shit crazy wing of the Publican party – wait a minutes – that’s the ENTIRE Publican party.
@3 Why do you assume I’m afraid of dogs? Did it not occur to you that I’m being kind to the dogs?
What is better publicity than crazy?
Glenn Beck got nowhere on CNN until he started channeling Howard Beale. Every conservative is as mad as a hatter. Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, Malkin, O’Reilly the list goes on and on.
Anything for ratings and their public eats it up.
They should rename the republican party. The Dumb and Dumber Party or
The Crazy and Really out there Party or
The Completely Hypocritical Party
Didn’t you land under the buss?
Like a bad penny you keep showing up,
you thrive for getting bruised up and everyone walks on you. or Your trying desperately of getting rid of you guilt that your mom placed on you when you where very young.This was in your younger life when she showed you off to the other women and children.
Have you every searched the net for different ways to spell an English word? This might keep you out of our hair a for 6 hours without cheating. Ohhh Did i say that?
The commentator said that Michelle Bachmann is popular with the “right flank of the Republican Party.” In fact, Bachmann is, by any measurable standard, totally nuts. If she is popular with the “right flank of the Republican Party,” which from what I can tell is all but about 12 people still claiming membership in that party, can’t we justifiably say that virtually everybody in that party is certifiably insane? For God’s sake, she is screaming about a bill sponsored by Orrin Hatch (R-Utah Mormon). Is there an end to the lunacy?
@8 Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it was your party that voters threw under the bus.
For discussion at DL and HA weasels here,
Bush asks the Europeans to send troops for the War on Terra. They don’t. Obama accuses Bush as being a bully to the Europeans. Obama ends the use of the term War on Terra. Obama calls the US arrogant. Obama asks Europeans to send troops for the War on Terra. They don’t.
Does Obama get it? Nope! Now our enemies are laughing!
You’re making no sense, buddy. Best stop digging when you’re in a hole, man. Obama’s trip abroad showed what a superstar he is across the globe. Diplomacy starts with listening. That is what he can do and what BuCheshney could not. I would never expect you to grasp something like that, though.
This is only April 7 but the U.S. has already had 7 mass shootings that have taken 53 innocent lives this month. Tonight a couple of guys opened up with AK-47s on a car near Sea-Tac because, according to a witness, they “had issues with the occupants of the car,” i.e., 2 men, a woman, and her child. They also blew the windows out of a couple other cars. And this afternoon, in Mossyrock, a guy intentionally ran over and killed a gas station owner who tried to stop him from leaving without paying for $34 of gas. He told police he had to kill her because she was “a Budda” (sic).
Is it really a good idea to close all our mental institutions and let crazy people run loose on the streets?
And if so, isn’t it a bad idea to let crazy people have guns?
@11 Apparently you don’t get it, either. Osama bin Laden was the best thing that’s happened to the Republican Party in the last 25 years. Unfortunately for GOPers, the shine has worn off that asset, like so many of their other assets.
Presidents Carter, Reagan, HW Bush (was there in WWII), Clinton, Bush all visited Normandy. Obama won’t visit the most revered American war dead cemetery, the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, while in France, because he doesn’t want to offend the Germans? I guess it doesn’t fit in well with his agenda of apologizing for American “arrogance.” Even the French President Nicholas Sarkozy begged Obama to visit the Cemetery, where over 9000 American soldiers who gave their lives in WWII’s invasion. Sorry Nick, no can do, must be friendly with MS Merkel. What Merkel isn’t sending troops to Afghanistan now?
This is what you all voted for.
What a tool!
Laughing is sugarcoating it. Our enemies had dinner without Loser Boy it was said 911 had to be called a few times as our Liberal pals started shocking on the red string meant dripping with blood. Surly this was in between mass amounts of drinks and laughing at Loser Boy.
They can’t get over the give aways they asked for Star wars and LOSER BOY wanted to know if they wanted more.
Puddy forgot to add, Obama told the Europeans, “I’m closing Guantanamo”. He got applause. He got not troops.
Puddy @ 15
These are serious times. Obama has work to do. If he had visited the memorials you identify, you, and whomever you got your talking point from, would have criticized him. How about you trying to just shut the fuck up?
I thought Obama was the saviour of the Universe.
The seas will recede. The planet will heal. Everyone will love America again.
We were slapped back when the US went to the UN for sanctions against NK. No results in the UN.
So did this European trip accomplish anything except applause?
proud leftist,
My talking point? When I read Obama wasn’t going to visit Normandy with Sarkozy, Puddy went back and searched to see the dates each President visited Normandy fool.
You are a fool. Obama polls everyday. Who said that? David Axelrod. The vets are not happy. And you are a moron!
Roger @ 13
On the other hand, you have long advocated that “liberals must arm.” In that spirit, I went out to a shooting range this weekend and blew away lots of sporting clays. Just in case the wingnuts, you know, think they can launch a revolution, having a shotgun handy, and knowing how to use it, doesn’t hurt.
Nothing happens in Europe in a day. You change attitudes slowly because history has taught Europeans that, and, now, you really should get the bulk of the EEU on board to do things right. The constituencies you must convince are vast and varied. Are you really as dumb as you come across or are you just not paying attention? After the last 8 years of dissing Europe has received from this nation, you think Obama should herd them up and show them into a corral in 2 months? Damn, you must have head pain.
@22 I’m for liberals having guns. I’m only against crazy people having guns. You know, the Glenn Becks of the world.
Pubbydub lied
You have a source for that liar?
I didn’t think so.
If Pubbydub couldn’t lie, he wouldn’t be able to post.
The Euros have helped us with Afghanistan since 2002. But Shrubya made the mistake of invading Iraq and since then Afghanistan turned into “Forget-it-stan”.
The Afghan occupation and nation-building is unpopular in Europe. That’s why the European’s enthusiasm is lacking.
@ 23
Unfortunately that includes the Trolls here at HA.
Pubbydub: Liar? Lunatic? Lawdy!?
Pubbydub @ 19
Nope, just the best President we have had in at least 45 years.
But you can worship whomever you want, Pubbydub.
When is LOSER BOY going to do something like send more of our money for another bailout?
Another embarrassment for all pass presidents.
He must be gay with all the screw ups. LOL!
Yeah, right….
We’ll see.
surreal the moron@24: Actually there are about 732,000 sources for Obama calls US arrogant. So Puddy ain’t a lunatic or lying fool! How is that Bin Laden bunker you living in surreal?
Shows how much you are a current events moron you are everyday.
And you cum on HA like the big weasel you are typing vacuous commentary with no rhyme or reason.
You are a worthless amerikkkan, surreal.
proud leftist, Obama’s spokesman admitted the meeting with Medvedev was coordinated and set before Obama left for Europe. What Obama didn’t expect was the facial reactions of Medvedev while Obama was giving his speech. Watch the YouTube of the event. Looks like Obama got no where on Iran with Medvedev. Looks like Obama got no where on North Korea with Medvedev.
Obama is “loved” by Europeans, yet they reject his call for troops. And you blame that on Bush? WTF is that? Maybe Obama’s lack of respect for Normandy cost his French Troops in Afghanistan.
clueless wonder@25, did you get that wonderful commentary from Kos? How about HuffPo?
You never have an original thought here. Proven by you being called monomaniacal by another HA weasel. That was:
Well, at 31, Puddybud demonstrates mad Google skills, but a rather interesting read on what Obama said.
Let’s go to the transcript:
About 25% of the way down, you see this line:
In America, there’s a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.
Words matter. He said American policy had at times been arrogant. I’d say that’s a correct statement. He did NOT say that America as a whole was arrogant. That would be wrong.
From Today’s Rasmussen:
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
You KLOWNS all seem to want to Europeanize the USA….with all the SOcialist gimmicks. Seems like you are in the vast minority
Excellent points.
Obama may be a Rock Star…but what substantive changes or committments have resulted. Nothing.
Who cares if the Yer-A-Peein’s cheer and ogle.
The bottom-line is committment…which is still about zero.
Our enemies are laughing at us.
When Joe Biden’s prognostication comes true, the world will see our weak, inexperienced leader fumbling when he should be leading.
Community Organizer’s for ACORN don’t make leaders in a dangerous world.
Obama now has 100% responsibility to control terrorist strikes in America. He can blame no one. His obvious weakness strengthens our enemies.
You only get one chance to make a first impression on our enemies.
Not good for America.
Interesting that you librulz are so scared of all us big bad conservatives with our guns. Think you might lose Civil War 2.0?
JSA, good to see you. Since the HuffPo seems to be the clueless wonders favrit location See what a lefty writes…
When someone says America has show arrogance, what does that “really” mean?
Wow – the morons are truly out there now – Klynical keeps citing a stupid poll without giving the full data or citing real polls (not the biased Rasmussen).
Poor Puddy keeps trying to blame Obama for the Bush administration failures in NK, Iran and Russia. Remember, it was Bush who stuck his nose in the election in Iran that got us the current government – also he put us into Iraq unnecessarily and they also spooked the Iranians. Now the troops are cheering Obama as he fulfills his campaign promise to get out of Iraq.
Luckily, we don’t have an idiot President who “looks into Putin’s soul” and gets completely run over due his pathetic ignorance.
I guess the policy on alienating and isolating “Dear leader” in NK really worked…hahahaha.
The Bush Administration ruined the reputation of the US, failed to stop NK and Iran and thier nukes and led to a deeper rift with Russia. Every one of those Bush policies was a complete failure and Obama is trying to fix all of them, with some success. As Biden said, the US is much safer today becuase our military is less stretched, our allies are more behind us and we aren’t throwing meaningless insults at our enemies – but are engaging them. This is the foreign policy bof an adult – not a petulent child, like Bush/Cheney.
We don’t torture anymore and we are not an embarassment to the world. The rightwingnuts prefer the juvenile, steroid-based foreign policy of the Bush/Cheney fools who let our guard dwon on 9/11 becuase they thought Russia was the major threat.
Same old repetitive crapola from Stupes this morning who asked me to prove in previous threads that he was batshit insane.
Go ahead and try to use them like Jim Adkisson did. You’ll only end up in cage for the rest of your miserable, misguided lives.
Google republican perverts
184,000 entries – I am sure that the Oreo Puffybutt and the child rapist CYNCYN are in there somewhere.
Nope. My reading of the facts on the ground fool.
Too bad you can’t see/hear past your Limbaugh, Matt Sludge Report programmed eyeballs and eardrums.
Such a fool!
Limbaugh? Man you are cluelessly and not wonderfully deranged. Where is that on Limbaugh moron? It’s you standard catchy phrase fool. Standard re-run all the time. That’s why you are monomaniacal. HA lefties know one when they read one. Same old shit every day!
BTW Matt Drudge is read way more than your kook-aid Kos site fool. You are so stupid the neon light in your eye went from Vacancy to Stupid. Keep that eye out for Porn. Stupid Porn that is.
Have you not seen the repeated posting evaluating polls?
PEW and Rasmussen are #1
You are so stuck on ideology…rather than judging polls accuracy based on past results.
Ignore Rasmussen at your own peril.
I am so tired of the porn that is Puddy and Cyniclown stroking and sucking each others dicks.
Can’t we please have another movie. Scrolling past their imbecilic drivel is giving me carpal tunnel syndrome. It is to the point now that I take two extra strength Tylenol and a Xanax just to get through it.
How do you get so wrapped up in ideology to the exclusion of all fact and reason?
What they are is what they appear to be…. Two fucking idiots.
That obese drug-abuser is the leader of your party fool. No right wing politician crosses him lest they crawl to him, hat-in-hand apologizing to the bloated whale on the air like whipped dogs!
Shows there’s no shortage of crap-headed morons like you. In fact, there’s an overwhelming SURPLUS of the fools!
NutRight where did Puddy blame the Obama Admin for anything above moron? Why do you always say things untrue?
It was Madeline Halfbright and Jimmy Cahhhhhhhhhrter who “negotiated” the 1994 North Korea deal which the “Il one” abrogated and started his re-enrichment activities. It was Halfbright who admitted she was “duped” fool. Why does NutRight continue to implement revisionist history?
It was Bush who told Europe to get it’s house in order over Iran. And the Europeans called Bush arrogant because they didn’t want to deal with Iran, so Bush did fool. It was France and Germany who were caught red handed supplying Saddam military weapons around the officially approved UN Embargo. Why not ask Gerhard Schoeder and Jacques Chirac why they did this fool? Or better yet ask France why they continued to buy Saddam’s oil fool?
It was Bush who called Europe on their lack of response to Darfur in the Sudan. The Europeans called Bush arrogant over this.
It was Bush who called Europe on the African Aids issue and their lack of response. Even Randall Robinson of TransAfrica (Remember Max Robinson of ABC News, his brother fool?) said Bush did a great thing and Randall hates Bush.
Get your facts together NutRight.
Regarding Russia, Bush felt he could reach out to an ex-KGBer. And Bush made a mistake. Can’t change that mindset. Russia has been using it’s petro reserves to make hay. When Russia invaded Georgia what did Obama first say? Something really stupid! GO look it up fool!
When I read clueless wonder I laugh.
That was tried and a big EPIC FAIL by Rahmbo and Stanley Greenberg and James Carville. This “blistering” attack upped his listening audience fool. Such a monomaniacal moron 24 hours a day. Do your “children” know of this disease? Wait… you said you were conservative at home while being a bug eyed progressive libtard in public. Monomaniacal and Schizo too! What a combination in a Goldy chimp!
Spoken like a true simian since many of the HA weasels here read Drudge too. Man you don’t know when to quit.
Carl The Two Left Footed one. I see Houston has a problem. You!
BTW on a serious note, is the new environment helping your condition?
46 – Yeah MLF, that’s what those two fools have reduced themselves to by clinging to their failed ideology.
It’s a millstone around their pathetic necks.
Just when you think they can sink no lower – they find a way to do JUST THAT and MORE!
Hey Puddy,
The warm is easier for me to handle physically than the colder climate. Remains to be seen how the heat and humidity of summer will affect me.
I am doing well so far, and Teresa is really happy with the new position. She has promised next move is to our retirement dream home. Elvis and I are tired of moving now.
@45: Klynical
Rasmussen is good at polling for elections – but lousy at asking questions – they have been shown to be biased and I have posted on that before. they ask biased questions and they have a republican tilt.
Guess you weren’t pauying attention when I documented the bias in their questions. You need to ease off on those meds – they are affecting your memory.
48 – Where’d you get that line of crap fool?
Shit. You’re the one who voted for a chimpanzee twice idiot.
LMAO! Right wing bullshit! If that whale’s ratings rose then it’s because bankrupt right wing fools like you have no other place to go.
@48: hahaha
You and your revisionist history – once again you go off-track and fail to even read or refute what I said. You would get an F in debate 101.
After 8 years of Bush – we are worse off in Europe, in Iran (they were working on nukes the whole time) and in NK. Period. Your BS cannot make up for the EPIC failure of the Bush/Cheney moronic foreign policy.
Why do you think the Europeans would not cooperate with us?
Could it have anything to do with us lying to them about Iraq?
You try to excuse everything and coat it in your pathetic pro-bush sugar.
Sorry – Bush/Cheny was a failure. Just look at the European approval ratings for Bush vs Obama – you lose again. Bush was despised and rightly so. He FAILED to stop Iran and NK and wasted our time, influence and money in Iraq. The Axis of evil was a stupid myth and Bush/Cheney blew it.
blah, blah, blah… Nothing but a fool dribbling at the mouth.
You mean a mammon, chimp/whale worshiping moron like you?
No one’s buying that bag of shit in any lifetime I can see.
Good to hear you are in good spirits and feisty as ever. I’ve always enjoyed the banter with you Carl. I think Puddy and I are the reason you are still alive…
We have kept your heart pumpin’ and kept you from falling off the left-side of the Earth.
You are in Conservative Country now Carl.
That ought to be very healing for you.
NutRight: Can you prove anything Puddy wrote is wrong?
Regarding the Iran Nukes, go back and see how Bush tried to get Europe to play. Go on moron search.
All the rest of your rant is pissing into a fan!
clueless moron, you forget where Puddy created it. Let Puddy educate you again fool…
See ya fool!
Houston the city is a bastion of leftist progressives. Search how Houston complained they were accepting N’awlins finest in the aftermath of Katrina. It’s a hoot to see how libtards progressives think. PRobably the Houston Chronicle removed the stories but Google should have them cached…
BTW NutRIght, each of Puddy’s comments had multiple links on HA and you were a recipient of those links moron!
Always good to see you too Pud.
Followed the link. It’s as you say, except for one thing.
The article was written by Sam Stein. Sam Stein is not the President of the United States. He’s a writer for the Huffington Post.
You’re trying to infer that the President made these wild, America-hating statements, when it plain and simply didn’t happen. A leftie journalist made some statements that veered in that direction. That’s his job. Just like it’s the job of righties to act with indignity any time anyone criticizes any aspect of the United States (except Philadelphia, which I am certain by the Treaty of 1849, is actually in Mexico).
I don’t see the point.
Stupid fool @ 60
You voted for a primate twice. Maybe I shouldn’t call him a chimp because that devolved primate is a mortal insult to the Chimp species.
The only things possibly lower than that catastrophe of protoplasm are THE IDIOTS WHO VOTED FOR IT!
C’ya Sucka!
There are plenty of idiots here to be sure. Neighbors asked about my earring and wanted to know if I was one of “them” Democrats. I copped to it, proudly of course.
Houston is like a foreign country. They don’t think fast here. They are against a helmet law for motorcyclists and young kids on bicycles which borders on lunacy. They have the highest tax on cigarettes here in the country (or close to it) yet they allow smoking in restaurants and other public places. I will never understand why someone is allowed to foul the air I breathe. Particularly inside.
But I am happy anywhere Teresa is. So I wait for the pool to warm with the season, play with Elvis Pupsley and visit the Space Museum and Minute Maid park now that baseball is in getting underway.
Cynical, I know you are not a bad guy at heart, but dude, your politics are all askew.
The right wing has reached the near-nadir of their decline but as is their nature, they find a way to sink even lower:
The paranoia about Soros is priceless. Fools like Stupes and Mr. Klynical are totally in sync with this fecklessness.
Funny that there’s one right wing website out there that is actually trying to think their way through the mess they’re in but the sheep thankfully aren’t paying attention.
Damn, after a week’s hiatus, it appears we’re going to have to dust off the Golden Goat again. The troll lunacy of the past week has been at fever pitch. Gees, guys, you’re all going to have strokes maintaining the level of aggressive and persistent insanity that you have lately been maintaining.
Jesus Fucking Christ, why don’t we just label this blog Puddy’s Cum Rag? It is pretty much exclusively the domain of that idiot.
@68, so you can suck the rag? Go for it fool!
clueless wonder, back to the kook-aid sites? They feed your need well. Puddy will visit Free Republic and see what’s up now.
@70 Solipsistic Moron
What a pompous, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing,
condescending and complete asshole. You are so wrapped up in your delusional little universe you can’t even begin to perceive the contempt in which most here hold you. And you don’t care, of course, because in Puddy’s tiny universe, no one else matters.
@67 I thought it might be a shared Goat last week, with Troll and Puddy taking the Golden Goat for their splendid, though pathetic Stormfront impersonation. Later, I had to give the nod to Puddy for his willingness to have his ass handed to him by Don Joe over the course of some 300 posts.
C’mon, man, don’t be so harsh with our Puddy. He can’t help himself. He can’t stop spewing his wingnuttery any more than a fat man can turn down a frosted doughnut. His hunger for lunacy is insatiable.
jsa on beacon hill, America has been the leader since it came on the national stage.
“His speech in Strasbourg went further than any United States president in history in criticising his own country’s action while standing on foreign soil. But he sought to use the comments, which amount to a mea culpa for recent American foreign policy, as leverage to alter European views of America and secure more troops for the war in Afghanistan.”
When the preznit says: “In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world.” Well let’s see:
Who spends the money to keep shipping lanes open and allowing European goods to move freely away from pirates?
Why did the Balkans Genocide happen as a civil war in Europe’s backyard? What did Europe do? Nuthin, as they saton their hands until the US came in.
Why didn’t Europe help the Christians in Darful against Muslim agression? It took Bush to make them react.
All we hear is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, all I got is this WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA all I got is that from Obama.
Also the preznit said: “We got sidetracked by Iraq and we have not fully recovered that initial insight that we have a mutual interest in ensuring that organizations like al-Qaida cannot operate,” he said. “I think it is important for Europe to understand that even though I am president and George Bush is not president, al-Qaida is still a threat.” Well that worked didn’t it jsa. Obama surely got them troops with that comment. Oh wait a minute… No he didn’t.
And jsa have you been paying attention to the elections in Europe during the Bush years? Basically only Spain elected a libtard leader. Most of the new European heads of state (presidents and prime ministers) are more conservative than President Obama.
Have at it. It’s your life. Waste it as you please.
There’s no law against being a fool.
clueless wonder, Rahmbo has a statement on your worthless comments above
I used to be a fat man and last summer lost 82lb. And you think, therefore, Puddy can do the same? (well, actually he can if he rids his mind (?) of shit) But you get what I mean. If I can turn down frosted donuts are you willing to believe Puddy can stop sucking up insane shit?
@71: It’s sooooooooooo good to see the progressive libtard mind in action. You are a credit to the progressive movement. Bowel movement that is. I’m sure clueless wonder has a rag you can suck on!
Wow X’ad is admitting he was full of shit last year. Looks like his mind is still full of shit this year.
Left Foot, was that a diamond stud or an emerald? Was it one of the 14 stones on the linen ephod?
clueless moron why do you run all over the place…
Now that you see that was PuddyOriginal… you run… run clueless wonder run
I thought the puddybiotch was off at the detox ward or something.
Could we please get the ddumbass trolls into those re-edumacation camps??????
Steve, Don Joe handed me my ass?
You cannot even avoid being hopelessly lame in your pathetic rejoinders. It IS true. You are a congenital loser.
Oh is that so? So aren’t why aren’t they bustin’ a gut to send troops to kill terraists in Iraq and Afghanistan?
I’ll tell you why fool. Been there, done that with the devolved primate you voted for twice. Over-militarizing the conflict might buy a few votes from fools like you seated in front of that Faux Snooze bullshit but it’s worthless at solving the problem!
Thanks X’ad.
Let’s compare W2s.
clueless wonder can’t prove Puddy is batshit insane cuz he’s afraid very afraid. Let’s see if X’ad can prove Puddy is a congenital loser. You game fool?
87 – I’ve posted the proof that you’re batshit insane twice. Do I have to do it again?
Meeting your worthless ass is not only worthless it’s injurious to one’s health.
Your ego sucks all the oxygen out of the room and replaces it with Limbaugh whale gas!
You’re the freaking walking death!
Golly clueless wonder you are an idiot. This is Obama’s Administration now. If Europe is so happy with Obama why was Obama rebuffed? Man you are stupid, really stupid.
Europe has been on the American tit since WWII. They get free support from the US. Take out the military bases in Europe and see if Europe changes.
87. YLB spews:
I wholeheartedly agree. Yes you are. And Puddy answered both of those comments. Wear oxygen equipment. Wear an environmental suit. Get one from that SEIU wife.
88 – That’s right wing bullshit. Obama is popular in Europe, Afghanistan isn’t.
Between the two a solution for that country will be crafted – a lot faster than devolved primate policies could ever dream of in my opinion.
clueless wonder –
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? What a bunch of crap. Where is it “right wing bullshit” except in your femtometer mind? Prove it otherwise fool.
@ 86 lets skip to the hidden truths in Pubbydub’s post
Good point Pubbydub!
@83 “Steve, Don Joe handed me my ass? HARDLY!”
My goodness, you’re still in denial over that? What Don Joe did to you was…
That you are batshit insane?
Good. That’s the first step.
But I judge the chances at recovery dismal at best.
@82 I’m retired, asshole. I don’t GET W2s. And you wanting to “compare” is somewhat unnerving, and if you don’t get it, the others will.
@ 93 Yep, Don Joe really gave Pubbydub the SMACK DOWN!
surreal amerikkkan, step up to the plate.
Let’s compare W2s.
clueless wonder can’t prove Puddy is batshit insane cuz he’s afraid very afraid. Let’s see if X’ad can prove Puddy is a congenital loser.
Let’s see if surreal amerikkkan can prove Puddy is a congenital loser and batshit insane.
You game fool? Puddy will skip scouts one Tuesday and be at DL. HR Block does Puddy taxes so they are verified fool. Come on be a man show some brass balls. Maybe you can add up all any two together and see if Puddy comes out ahead.
Wow. Steve is here and X’ad. Do I get the impression that I’m not alone in my opinions about Stupes the feckless name-caller?
There’s goes another piece of his bullshit into the septic tank.
Ooops @86 for @95…..Been exposed to the Pud too long…mind slipping….must get back to other humans…..arrrrghh
Spoken like the true Christian Pubbydub is. There is Christian, and then there is Pubbyub Christian.
It all comes down to the size of the W2, doesn’t it Pubbydub?
@95, 100 Puddy has a bit of the narcissist in him, but not nearly as bad as the pathological Mr. KKKLynical.
77: ” If I can turn down frosted donuts are you willing to believe Puddy can stop sucking up insane shit?”
The comparison was unfair to heavy people. Puddy is incurable. His posts just over the lunch hour show how utterly unhinged he is. It’s sad to watch a mind unravel.
X’ad. Unnerving? If Puddy is batshit insane or a congenital loser then people wouldn’t use PuddyServices fool. As Popeye said “I Yam What I Yam.”
clueless wonder is conservative at home yet a bug eyed freaky libtard progressive on this blog. Not only is he a chimp but a schizo chimp. What’s wrong with that picture? Only God knows.
surreal when one compares W2’s that includes the size of charitable contributions fool. Let’s compare those sizes too!
Come on why do you HA weasels run. You called Puddy batshit insane. You called Puddy congenital loser. Puddy sees projection on HA.
@98 “Do I get the impression that I’m not alone in my opinions about Stupes the feckless name-caller?”
You do not stand alone against Puddy’s extremist right-wing bullshit, my friend.
clueless wonder, you started the name calling at Puddy. You and Puddy both know this. You can run clueless wonder. That’s all you have. That’s why Puddy is calling you out. You are an insignificant monomaniacal moron, called it by your own peeps fool!
@102 <There WAS a mind?
Awwww poor Steve. Puddy isn’t interested in breaking bread with him and he went batshit stupid on his Steve Stupid Solution (TM).
87. YLB spews:
Get it right clueless wonder. Priceless!
Kountry Klubber steve..drinking Martini’s before lunch again at the Kountry Klub.
Good for you!
Seems to make you even more outrageous and goofy.
Are you drinkin’ doubles at your Kountry Klub??
steve is the typical white guy who sits around at his Kountry Klub drinking with his KLOWN pals until all of a sudden they work up a tremendous guilt and start blathering about poor people and injustices. Then they come up with ways for OTHER PEOPLE to pay for all their lameass ideas to squealch their guilt…while steve goes out and staggers around the Back 9!
I can picture this slurring, drunken prick wailing away about evil America and evil rich people while he screams at the black bartender
“Hey Boy, can’t you see my glass is empty!”
What a KLOWN.
We have to get a diagnostic psychologist to read some of these threads where Puddy and Cynny go nuts. I think the diagnoses would be fascinating (as well as endless fodder for future shit-flinging).
I see the pathological narcissistic Mr. KKKlynical is reduced to making shit up again. I’m here to help you, Mr. KKKlynical. From the Mayo Clinic site:
“Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around psychotherapy. There are no medications specifically used to treat narcissistic personality disorder. However, if you have symptoms of depression, anxiety or other conditions, medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications, may be helpful.
Because personality traits can be difficult to change, therapy may take several years. The short-term goal of psychotherapy for narcissistic personality disorder is to address such issues as substance abuse, depression, low self-esteem or shame. The long-term goal is to reshape your personality, at least to some degree, so that you can change patterns of thinking that distort your self-image and create a realistic self-image. Psychotherapy can also help you learn to relate better with others so that your relationships are more intimate, enjoyable and rewarding. It can help you understand the causes of your emotions and what drives you to compete, to distrust others and perhaps to despise yourself and others.”
Yes proud leftist do that. Why not a psychiatrist? He can provide the psychotropic drugs that HA weasels love. We’ll wait for the diagnosis.
109 – I did get it right.
From the start. You are batshit insane and not worth the pain to meet in person.
This blog is as far as it gets.
On behalf of all of us here at HA, let me express my gratitude to you for your reaching out to Cynny with the therapy recommendation. Plainly, he’s got a steep hill to climb and the climb will stretch over years, but at least he knows a route he can follow now. We would all feel so much better if Cynny got healthy.
Fool you called yourself batshit insane.
Great job.
@116 I posted the symptoms from the Mayo Clinic site yesterday. Damn if they don’t fit our Mr. Klynical to a tee. Too damned funny!! Oh hell, it was so good, here it is again:
“Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:
Believing that you’re better than others
Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
Exaggerating your achievements or talents
Expecting constant praise and admiration
Believing that you’re special
Failing to recognize other people’s emotions and feelings
Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
Taking advantage of others
Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
Being jealous of others
Believing that others are jealous of you
Trouble keeping healthy relationships
Setting unrealistic goals
Being easily hurt and rejected
Having a fragile self-esteem
Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional
Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence or strong self-esteem, it’s not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence and self-esteem into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal. In contrast, people who have healthy confidence and self-esteem don’t value themselves more than they value others.
When you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may have a sense of entitlement. And when you don’t receive the special treatment to which you feel entitled, you may become very impatient or angry. You may also seek out others you think have the same special talents, power and qualities — people you see as equals. You may insist on having “the best” of everything — the best car, athletic club, medical care or social circles, for instance.
But underneath all this grandiosity often lies a very fragile self-esteem. You have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have a sense of secret shame and humiliation. And in order to make yourself feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and efforts to belittle the other person to make yourself appear better.”
Wow, Holy Hell. Cynny manifests all those symptoms. The diagnosis could not be more clear. (Of course, they seem to fit another of our wingie friends here as well.)
117 – Nope I called you that. Not only that I proved it – twice. Laugh at typos all you want. It doesn’t change anything.
118 – Yep, that’s our Stupes and Mr. Klynical!
@119 I’ve long said that Mr. Klynical doesn’t have a past, he has a case history.
@118 “You may also seek out others you think have the same special talents, power and qualities — people you see as equals.”
Puddy and Mr. Klynical. We all know how they’ve found each other.
Well, to be fair to Puddy, I don’t see him as being so much the narcissist. I’d say he’s just generally fucked up in the head.
122 – Side splitter of the day! Thanks! LMAO!!!
Also the preznit said: “We got sidetracked by Iraq and we have not fully recovered that initial insight that we have a mutual interest in ensuring that organizations like al-Qaida cannot operate,” he said. “I think it is important for Europe to understand that even though I am president and George Bush is not president, al-Qaida is still a threat.” Well that worked didn’t it jsa. Obama surely got them troops with that comment. Oh wait a minute… No he didn’t.
I’m sorry. I have no idea what you’re trying to say here. Obama said that Al-Qaeda is still a threat. What’s the problem with this?
I think you’re somehow trying to rehash an old talking point, namely that the entire Democratic party hates the United States.
Give it up, Pud. Nobody is listening to that song and dance any more.
And jsa have you been paying attention to the elections in Europe during the Bush years? Basically only Spain elected a libtard leader. Most of the new European heads of state (presidents and prime ministers) are more conservative than President Obama.
And yet my sister in “conservative” Italy gets full-day public school for her kids from age 2 and state-provided health care (alongside her private policy when mama stato doesn’t do what she wants when she wants), while Hell will freeze over before either of these things happen here.
I have paid attention to the elections in Europe Pud. I just came back from Europe a few months ago. You are making a major mistake in assuming that Continental left-wing parties are identical to the Democratic party in the US. They are not. Most of Europe’s leftist parties are real-live socialists. Class struggle, historical inevitability, the whole nine yards. Not the very modest “well, perhaps the rich should be taxed somewhere close to what everyone else is” of the US Democratic party.
Angela Merkel in Germany has argued that the continent’s regular social benefits have been pumping out money at a prodigious rate and work in place of a one-time stimulus. I haven’t looked at her numbers that carefully, but perhaps she’s right.
Pud, if I were a Republican, I wouldn’t be worried about this stuff. I would be worried about the fact that you lost my legislative district by something stupid like 85-15. There is this huge bunch of voters, many of whom like me are not in love with the idea of living in a single-party state. The GOP runs clowns who talk about God, guns, and gays in permissive multi-culti Seattle and then after getting stomped they say “Oh. We can’t win there. They’re just hopelessly liberal.”
The reason why the GOP is losing is that as amusing as Rush and Sean are, their message, as spoken, is shared by maybe 10% of the voting population. You need a majority. Get to work.
@ 104 Pubbydub lied
Really? Pubbydub, do you even know what a W2 form is?
PUDDY:Also the preznit said: “We got sidetracked by Iraq and we have not fully recovered that initial insight that we have a mutual interest in ensuring that organizations like al-Qaida cannot operate,” he said. “I think it is important for Europe to understand that even though I am president and George Bush is not president, al-Qaida is still a threat.” Well that worked didn’t it jsa. Obama surely got them troops with that comment. Oh wait a minute… No he didn’t.
JSA:I’m sorry. I have no idea what you’re trying to say here. Obama said that Al-Qaeda is still a threat. What’s the problem with this?
It’s simple JSA. Obama says he’s different. Obama does a mea culpa to the Europeans asking for troops by saying he’s different from Bush. Europeans say no deal Obama. Plain and simple.
Didn’t say that or infer that. Great Don Joe impersonation though.
And you are saying Obama isn’t marching us there? Well maybe fascism. Remember Mussolini from history? He nationalized the banks. Last week we found out Obama will not allow banks to return TARP Funds because they want to keep the banks as the evil ones.
Regarding the loss of FUWA. We see the infighting among Donkey. People are learning no Republicans are involved.
surreal do you know what a W2 form is?
Let’s up the stakes here. Why not show the full 1040 surreal the unreal?
@127 “Well maybe fascism”
One week it’s commies, the next it’s fascists. In the end it amounts to nothing more than infantile namecalling. Not that you’ll ever stop.
BTW surreal@126, Puddy has charitable contributions deducted from the pay directly. Don’t you do that? Or as many of us whom think right know you are a useful idiot – there is a section #14 which employers use for these deductions. Thanks for proving you are stupid.
Ohhhh poor poor Steve Steve Steve, historical facts elude you. Those who ignore history are bound to repeat again.
Puddy @ 130: “Puddy has charitable contributions deducted from the pay directly. ”
Your self-righteousness is beyond contemptible. BTW, is your alleged employer aware how much of the work day you spend here spewing nonsense?
Wow proud leftist, I’m sure they really care. Since my hours are not conventional. See ya dude.
Puddy: ” . . . my hours are not conventional . . .”
How about you try this: “I don’t have any hours, so I spew on blogs all day and all night.”
That’s a good one. Why don’t you look at your HA friends and claim the same thing dude?
@131 “Steve, historical facts elude you”
Sure thing, Puddy. Fascism? Alas, I suspect sanity is what eludes you.
reading Puddy is like watching a dog chase its tail. In the dog’s fantasy world it’s worth chasing, but he just goes ’round and ’round in circles. Never gets anywhere, but funny as hell to watch.
Klynicyl, the KONSERVATIVE KRISTIAN KLOWN and FATUOUS PHARISAICAL PHONY is harder to explain. But almost as funny as the dog, with just as broad an outlook.
Pud writes:
It’s simple JSA. Obama says he’s different. Obama does a mea culpa to the Europeans asking for troops by saying he’s different from Bush. Europeans say no deal Obama. Plain and simple.
That’s legitimate. Obama wants the Europeans to put up troops so that the US does not have to put them all up. He’s trying to save a buck on something which is necessary (defending Afghanistan) but where there will never be a dollar at the end of it. He is not getting troop commitments immediately. Such is life.
And you are saying Obama isn’t marching us there? Well maybe fascism. Remember Mussolini from history? He nationalized the banks. Last week we found out Obama will not allow banks to return TARP Funds because they want to keep the banks as the evil ones.
Pud, I’m a longtime liberal (not quite lifetime, but close) and I’m not a closet communist, fascist, or any other ist. I like making money just as much as you do. We have some differences over the role of government in that big happy machine that lets us all make scads of money. Don’t use “Obama is a wannabe fascist” with me. It’s wrong and you know it.
The Obama administration does not want TARP funds returned just yet for a simple reason. Banks that don’t return the funds will be seen as weak, and depositors may run for the exits. That will mean more banks for the FDIC to take over, which will cost us all MORE MONEY.
I’m not mentioning that the Democrats won because I want to gloat. I mention it because single-party government is bad government, no matter which party runs it.
You’re not running for office, so you can derisively call the state which you still call home FUWA. You should study WA closely, as the way the Republican party has run elections here is how they’ve run the entire country. They traditionally write off Seattle as hopeless, and count on running up big wins in the hinterlands of the state to pull them through. Likewise, they write off New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, etc. etc. There’s just one problem with this strategy. That’s where people live! The GOP lost the War on Demographics here about 15 years ago and has turned into a permanent minority.
(And yes, you lost that long ago. Dino Rossi is a charming, telegenic man [whom I violently disagree with] who ran twice against a woman who is smart and capable but has the stage presence of a dish mop. If this were anything close to a 50-50 state, the first race should have been a happy romp for Rossi, not a 3-recount cliff hanger).
If they don’t figure out urban voters pretty quickly, the Republican Party will be dead as dirt nationally for a long time to come. Here’s a hint. City folks have lots of different opinions about economics. A lot of us are a lot more conservative than you might think. We live next to all sorts of different people. White people, black people, immigrant people who speak weird languages like Hmong, gay people, straight people, church-going people, lazy agnostic people, etc. When the GOP paints itself as the party of White Church-Going Protestant America, it permanently pisses us off. It even pisses off white, church-going Protestant city dwellers!
Learning to like urban voters and getting them to like the GOP is poison for a lot of the “true believers” because it will involve creating a more flexible and less ideological Republican Party. If you don’t want another 10 years in opposition, I’ll advise you to take the red pill now.
@108 “Awwww poor Steve. Puddy isn’t interested in breaking bread with him and he went batshit stupid on his Steve Stupid Solution (TM).”
Oops! I missed that one. Please understand that I have no interest in “breaking bread” with a fucking lunatic who appears to have no interests beyond his batshit crazy politics. There’s more to life, in case you didn’t know. Further, I want nothing to do with a coward who refuses to stand up against racism and bigotry. You showing your love to Troll for his hateful use of the word “nigger” and your pathetic excuses was the last straw for me. I’ll have nothing to do with such a person as yourself.
“Steve Stupid Solution”
You could post that line another 10,000 times and it will never have any affect but to further bore me with your infantile namecalling. It says volumes about you, nothing about me. So knock yourself out with it.
By your own delusioned reasoning, you are Headless Lucy. Too weird.
@130 Puddy, i shall be spending the rest of my life in the provinces and jungles of the Visayas in the Republic of the Philippines donating free medical care with the charity medical teams who go to those who are so poor that they can not come to the hospitals. That will not appear on any W2 forms anywhere. I do not talk much about, certainly not to brag about how much charity work I do, and certainly not to justify any opinions I have.
I be that we’ve heard the last of you on THIS thread, haven’t we?
Nice. And, I laud you for your choice of how to conclude your time on this planet. Puddy is a putz. I’m not quite sure I’ve ever encountered anyone so quick and capable of singing his own praises. I have yet to see any objective evidence that he has any attributes to actually praise. Plainly, he doesn’t think very clearly. As far as I can tell, the world is worse for the time he has spent here. That is a sad commentary on a life; high numbers on a 1040, despite Puddy’s contrary protestations, surely don’t mean much in the big picture.
@141 Don’t count on it. He’s too stupid to know when to quit. For example, take a look at the thread of two weeks ago where Don Joe repeatedly hands Puddy’s ass to him over the course of some 300 posts. Then look at the thread from last week where Don Joe again hands Puddy’s ass to him over yet another 300 posts.
Here’s a reminder to everybody why Puddy’s undeserving of any respect whatsoever:
That is truly pathetic. Puddy seems to have plenty of self-respect, but where it comes from is entirely unclear. He needs therapy, and I’m not actually joking about that.
That is to be expected. Pubbydub posts 24/7 so his hypocrisy and blatant idiocy is bound to come out like the stench from a sewer.
And with Pubbydub hypocrisy and idiocy are so abundant they become obvious at least 20 times everyday.
But every morning Pubbydub fires up the computer for yet another round of getting his ass handed to him. The man is just a masochist.
I think you’re making it too complicated. Puddy is a FANATIC who simply rejects as meaningless anything that disagrees with the voices in his head.
I just read the sad news that Marvin “the Human Eraser” Webster has passed away in Tulsa. He was one of the 77-78 Sonics who took the Bullets to seven games in the finals. They lost that year, with DJ going 0 for 14 in the last game. Aarrgh!! Marvin was traded to the Knicks during the off season and, with the rules of the time, we got Lonnie Shelton in return. The next year the Sonics met up with the Bullets again in the finals, this time taking the championship in five games, ending the greatest season in Seattle professional sports history.
I’ve said a number of times that the 77-78 season was the most exciting, more so than the 78-79 season. Expectations were low. Our top draft pick was an unknown kid from a small school, Jack “Who?” Sikma. Maybe we just might get into the playoffs. Instead, the Sonics got off to a horrible start, resulting in coach Bob Hopkins being replaced by fan favorite Lenny Wilkens. The team began an immediate turnaround. Lenny’s new starting lineup was JJ, Jack, DJ, Gus and Marvin, with Paul Silas and Downtown Freddie Brown coming off the bemch. Slick was traded. The team turned around the 5 and 17 record that Lenny inherited and not only made the playoffs, but knocked off the defending and much hated Bill Walton-led Trailblazers on the way to the finals matchup with Washington.
Marvin was a big piece of the Sonics team. When he went to the Knicks in the off-season I thought the Sonics were done for. Especially after replacement center, Tom LaGarde, was injured and out for the year only 26 games into the season. But it turned out that Lenny still had a few tricks up his sleeve.
Those were great sports years. Seattle’s first run at a championship, losing, then winning it all in a rematch with Elvin Hayes, Wes Unseld, Kevin Grevey and the Bullets. Just imagine! 40,000 fans screaming their heads off. And quite often those tremendous cheers were for a very modest and deeply religious man named Marvin Webster. The Human Eraser.
Rest in peace, Marvin.
Fuck you, David Stern. Fuck you, Howard Schultz. Fuck you, Speaker Chopp. Fuck you, you Swiftboating bastards from OKC. Fuck you, Governor Gregoire. And fuck you, Mayor Nickels.
I got a ticket to one of the championship games of the following year. A poor college student who could barely afford Regal Select beer (“One of America’s Two Great Beers”), which had the impact of piss with an Alka-Seltzer thrown in, I actually found a way to get an NBA championship ticket. Unfortunately, at the KingDome, seating 40,000 for a basketball game, the sense of triumph deflated a bit when we took our seats. We actually looked out directly at a tennis court, of all things, hidden behind the seats that really counted. But, if we strained our necks and squinted, we could see the court off in the distance. And, with 18 year-old eyes, we could even occasionally figure out who had put the ball in the hoop. That was a memorable time in Seattle sports history.
Never was much into basketball, but 148, 149, 150 are great remembrances.
I can sense the excitement and loss.
Thanks for the stories, Steve and PL.
SeattleJew, yep, perfectly. surreal iranian, clueless wonder, and proud loony claim Puddy is batshit insane and a congenital loser yet when it comes time to prove it they run and hide behind their HA weasel personas. Puddy is willing to show his face at a DL and you all run like stuck pigs.
X’ad, guess what? That’s great. Enjoy your life. Get your shots. Puddy did. Puddy contributes monthly to Maranatha and ADRA as they are State Department sanctioned church aid groups with some of the lowest administrative overhead.
proud leftist – the top eleven from the PuddyList for a preacher man’s son you exhibit what?
1) Love of God – Nope
2) Love of your fellow man – Nope
3) Hatred – Yep
4) Charitable contributions – Nope
5) Helped out in Katrina – Nope
6) Helping out in Italy – Nope
7) Condemnation of your political foes – Yep
8) Sit in Judgment all the time – Yep
9) Never looks at both sides – Yep
10) Believes in Malachi 3:8-10 – Nope
11) Twists Bible teachings for political gain – Yep
Steve, dream on dude dream on. Since you chopped off what I said and proud loony is too loony to ask is that all, here is another part of my statement left off by Stupid Solution: “Robert KKK Sheets Grand Klagon Byrd told all of us about white niggers.” So why did you chop off my comment Stupid Solution Steve. BTW “Stupid Solution” is the qualifying noun.
Fuck you, Speaker Chopp. Fuck you, Governor Gregoire. And fuck you, Mayor Nickels.
Steve, such hatred for your local Democratics. I love it when you get screwed by the politicians yoou luv.
These KLOWNS seem obsessed with attacking you.
Kind of like they attack any Conservative.
However, now they are in-charge.
In-charge of the State.
In-charge of the Country.
They have no one to blame…yet they keep attacking…while their chosen leaders ignore them.
Puddy is just the punching bag for the frustrated KLOWNS…someone to kick around so they don’t have to face the reality that they worked hard to get their folks elected…and were duped!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Remember our deal over your Canada question? If Obama gets troops from Germany or France in the next 12 months, I’ll double it.
What? Did you read what the Bank CEOs story later? You missed this so let Puddy give it again…”I’m an Englishman. We invented class warfare, and I know it when I see it. This legislation allows the administration to dictate pay for anyone working in any company that takes a dime of TARP money. This is a whip with which to thrash the unpopular bankers, a tool to advance the Obama administration’s goal of controlling the financial system.” Now let’s go to Chrysler. Chrysler tells the world “This is a very important vehicle for us. It’s one of the primary legs of the Chrysler stool,” Chrysler spokesman Rick Deneau said. “Customers have told us they want this vehicle and that it’s the right size.” Yet Obama Motors Corporation is tell Chrysler nope you gotta stop these gas guzzlers. You gotta build cars like the Toyota Prius
More JSA because Akismet has been eating the PuddyLinks lately…
People know Jim McDimWitt is a lunatic (Baghdad Jim). Yet he hasn’t updated his lawsuit site. Yet there is an update which McDimWitt decided not to add. Seattle keeps voting this fool in day in, day out. JSA, please tell Puddy you don’t vote for Jim McDimWitt. Regarding the other cities, with large minority populations and you have the poverty pimps Hi-Jackson in Chicago, Not-So-Sharpton in NYC, La Raza in LA, controlling their interests and the other issues of MLK’s legacy in Atlanta, Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein’s base in SF, so how can anyone crack those nuthouse cities?
These KLOWNS have their hands over their ears screaming loudly so they can evade the malodorous smell of CLASS WARFARE they are permeating.
You KLOWNS really stink.
Class Warfare will backfire on you real fast.
It’s part of your Marxist Dogma obviously…but once publicly vetted, you will be like the cockroaches you are…scurrying for shelter when the light comes on you.
Now JSA this is too funny
Who are you kidding? This is the libtard MSM press presenting the GOP this way everyday as their part in Dummocraptic class warfare attack. Did you see the latest comments from Obama on his Trash America European Vacation, regarding religion and our country. “One of the great strengths of the United States,” the President said, “is … we have a very large Christian population — we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.” Huh? Where do Americans get those values? Well if you are a preacher’s son and you look at the proud loony spoutings on HA weasels I’d guess you’d scratch your head. I guess all those years listening to Jeremiah Wright molded this commentary for his Turkey stop. It’s well known the NorthWest is the most unchurched part of the US. Puddy presents the HA weasel crew and their continual atheistic commentary.
Fool @ 157
The class war ended with the election of Raygun back in 1980 and as Warren Buffet said – his class won!
It’s not at all apparent that any clawback is going to happen.
All your ranting is just right wing bullshit.
HA is the “hovel” of Atheist Progressives.
Remember how they squealed when I started questioning their faith??
It was hysterical.
Seems like many are embarrassed to admit they are Atheists?? Why?
Either you have faith…or you don’t.
It’s a watershed issue. No middle-ground to muddle around in.
Puddy, some of these Atheist Progressives are so arrogant, they actually believe they can fool God.
Can you imagine that?
Or, they feel if they IGNORE the topic, act offended by being asked and live a good life…that’s good enough.
Not how I was raised. Denial is no defense.
Hey Puddy–
Happy Maundy Thursday!
Day of The Last Supper.
Our church has services today, Good Friday & Easter.
The crucifixion & Resurrection is the essence of Christianity.
Praise you Lord!
JSA you been paying attention to the libtard attacks on Sheriff Arpaio in AZ? The man has been married to the same woman for almost 50 years, runs a tight ship jail and the libtards are attacking him for upholding the law. Read the latest from the morons John Conyers (Donkey-Mich.), Jerrold Nadler (Donkey-N.Y.), Zoe Lofgren (Donkey-Calif.), and Robert Scott (Donkey-Va.). They all are trying to intimidate the Sheriff.
Over 2,000 TV news programs, magazines, newspapers foreign and domestic, have profiled Sheriff Arpaio. He opened an animal cruelty center staffed by the inmates. Yet the Congressional Donkey attack the sheriff because he rounds up illegal aliens, and the Congressional Donkey are watching their voting base being deported…
Once again clueless wonder appears with no links and standard kook-aid.
You live up to the monomaniacal label given by HA leftists. Keep up the good work. You need to visit a kook-aid site for the latest injection.
Cynical: This missive from Steve is exactly Steve. While I expressly said good for him growing up in a minority situation the following is true for him and most HA weasel leftists …
Believing that you’re better than others
Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
Exaggerating your achievements or talents
Expecting constant praise and admiration
Believing that you’re special
Failing to recognize other people’s emotions and feelings
Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
Taking advantage of others
Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
Being jealous of others
Believing that others are jealous of you
Trouble keeping healthy relationships
Setting unrealistic goals
Being easily hurt and rejected
Having a fragile self-esteem
Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional
Did you notice the HA weasel projection? Puddy did.
@150 During the Kingdome era I would occasionally be given tickets by a season ticket holding client. While the seats were great – center court, either row 3 or 17, depending on which tickets I got, the season ticket holders were allowed to sit in the press area where there was a great smorgas board and drinks.
I sat in the press box for one memorable playoff game against the Bucks. It was the first year of the 3-point shot. The Sonics were down by two with seconds to go. DJ had the ball about six feet out from the top of the key. Three Bucks collapsed on him and he let fly with a shot that went in at the buzzer. Still not used to the 3-pointer, the initial roar was everybody thinking we’d tied the game. Then the roof came off as 40,000 fans realized as one that we’d just won the game.
DJ. Another Sonic who died too young.
@152 Puddy, do you think for even a nanosecond that your talking about so-called “white ones” somehow makes you look good after you let pass Troll’s calling blacks who commit black-on-white crime “niggers”? You are truly one fucked up piece of shit of a man. I can say at this point that my ass is blacker than yours, you oreo bitch.
Why didn’t you donate those tickets to some unde-privileged kid?
Oh, that’s right…you only want to donate OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY!!
Great Sonic Tickets, Kountry Klubber…you are really a fat-cat, aren’t you steverino!
Typical Lefitst…all talk. Livin’ the high life.
Watch the Masters and drink Martini’s.
166. Steve spews:
Steve has finally snapped…and shown his True Colors!
I knew you would eventually smoke the cockroach out. He sits at the Kountry Klub dreaming he is Black?? Wow.
Trolls projecting their projection. Too fucking much! Then followed by the usual display of narcissistic spewings. Too fucking weird for words!! You’ve only managed to confirm for any reader here your pathological condition. Way to go, morons.
I was wrong to say that you, Puddy, gave Troll a “pass”. Hell, Troll called blacks “niggers”, Puddy, and instead of standing up like a man, you showed him your love! And you have the situational nerve to whine about Headless, Rujax! and BBG calling you an “oreo”. Listen up, Puddy. I’ll give it to you straight. They’re right, Puddy. You are an oreo, you despicable piece of shit.
Thanks Steve. Take another swig of the Stupid Solution.
steve has blown his entire cork!!
Look at how he spews when he is angry.
The Kountry Klub racist stuff comes spewing out.
I asked steve how many black friends he has that he plays golf with.
No answer.
Steve longs to be “black”..but lives like the typical white guy he claims to despise.
And steve is pounding on Puddy??
Nice of steve to finally come out of the closet!
Steve’s Stupid Solution==
Kountry Klub Martini’s Before Noon!
Mr. Klynical might do well by going back and reading the post about treatment for NPD. In short, meds are no cure, but they might help with your daily breakdowns here at HA. You’ll have to pull your head from Puddy’s ass to take a pill, though. Or maybe Puddy can take the pills for you and they’ll work their way down the his digestive track where you can eventually lap them up.
Steve, you exhibit all of the same qualities above BIG TIME. Puddy guesses your psychiatrist or psychologist gave Steve that diagnosis and you said this would work on HA. Did they have a black or red leather couch Steve?
@174 Lame.
Let’s recap for any reader who happens by. A crazed wingnut here calls blacks niggers and you, Puddy, a black man, show him your love. A person on the left calls you an Oreo for doing so and you display the self-loathing hatred that’s within you.
I always knew you to be a self-loather, Puddy, I just didn’t figure that it had anything to do with the color of your skin. I can see now just how wrong I was about you.