Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We officially start at 8:00 pm, but some folks show up early for dinner and a drink. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 328 chapters of Drinking Liberally spread across the earth.
Be carefull about drinking and driving.
Yet another DEMOCRAT tax-cheater.
Yet another creepy Obama Cabinet appointment.
None other than Health and Human Services nominee Kathleen Sebelius. She “corrected” three years of tax returns and paid more than $7,000 in back taxes after finding “unintentional errors” — the latest tax troubles for an Obama administration nominee.
The Kansas governor explained the changes to senators in a letter dated Tuesday that was obtained by The Associated Press. She said they involved charitable contributions, the sale of a home and business expenses.
Obama continues to deal with the deficit ONE NOMINEE AT A TIME!
This is unbelievable.
How many does this make?..
Geithner, Daschle et al
Rangel and other Dems leaders.
The most Corrupt Cabinet and Congress ever!
No wonder Ashley Biden is snortin’!
@1 News item: Some yahoo in Ohio got arrested for DUI after crashing a lawn mower with a bar stool strapped to it. I’ll bet he’s a Republican.
@2 Yeah right, IRS forms are so easy to fill out that nobody ever makes mistakes, so it must have been intentional.
Republicans sure spend a lot of time worrying about taxes other people owe.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL on the last day of the month because that’s when I have no money for bus fare.
On of your HA team members in good standing.
” Twenty-eight-year Kile Wygle was hospitalized for minor injuries. Police say he was charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated after he told an officer at the hospital that he had consumed 15 beers. Wygle told police his motorized bar stool can go up to 38 mph.
Wygle has pleaded not guilty and has requested a jury trial. ”
tax fraud means nothing less than parking ticket. Unless it’s a Republican. You liberal Losers boys.
If you find any tax fraud here let me know:
@7 A drunk redneck riding a bar stool on a lawn mower? He looks like one of yours.
You liberals believe in profiling now?
Such a CHANGE in just a few months.
I just think it’s funny how this ADM can’t sniff out bad apples. Remembering how strong obama’s words where over the very first vetting problems. President G.W. Bush protected us from foreign and inside attacks. Fear not al-Qaida has been allowed into LOSER BOYS cabinet. Loser Boys just let’s them in.
Look who where talking about, people who want to control your life can’t take care of their own tax liability. Where not talking about Bill the butcher in town.
These tax cheats are either to stupid to be in LOSER BOYS Cabinet, Too cheap to pay and have their taxes done by professionals, or have cheated the Government out of taxes for years.
No cabinet has ever had this many tax cheats through vetting. Perhaps by looking at their charity giving you will see how cheap these liberals are towards fellow man.
clueless wonder asks:
monomaniacal synonyms: neurotic, delusional, disturbed, psychoneurotic, maladjusted, paranoid, deranged, schizoid, obsessional, obsessive, pathological, phobic.
So yes it’s you, clueless wonder, hiding behind your own screen name.
And just think everyone, it was an HA lefty who named clueless wonder this wonderful adjective…
You lose. Correctly tagged by his own kind. Weasels.
4. Roger Rabbit spews:
@2 Yeah right, IRS forms are so easy to fill out that nobody ever makes mistakes, so it must have been intentional.
WASHINGTON – The Justice Department said Wednesday it would drop corruption charges against former Sen. Ted Stevens because prosecutors withheld evidence from the senator’s defense team during his trial.
Roger Rabbit spews:
High ranking DEMOCRATS and Presidential Cabinet Nominess….you bet!
I guess it’s ok with you to be amongst the lying, tax-cheaters Rog.
I’m imagining Rog in his hole wringing his grubby little paws in angst as the Obama bubble is popping!
Cynical, Just read the Ted Stevens story. The libtards will be spinning on their pointy little heads today.
Puddy distinctly remembers this blog thread – Review the vomit of the leftist weasels who posted in the thread.
Pelletizer asked Puddy to name a tax cheat in Obama’s Cabinet. Puddy told Pelletizer that was too easy, TurboTax Tim Geithner. Pelletizer acknowledged TurboTax Tim. Now he can also acknowledge Sebellius as another long line of goosestepping Dummocraptic tax cheats.
Watch for some leftist lunatic bring up so arcane fact about some Republican. Remember how they all complained if we whom think right went back in time. Now that’s all they have left.
Cynical the operative words in the Stevens story
. Now why would they do that?
Had this been a Democrat…Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats would be tied in knots & outrage.
I feel badly for Sen. Stevens.
We need an investigiation into the government misconduct and get to the bottom-line of who should be held accountable and FIRED>
They will try to sweep it under the rug…like the tax-cheater plague.
Good Morning.
I invited Headlice to join us for lunch so he can meet you and tell you what he thinks personally. I’ve never eaten with a vile Racist before in my entire life Puddy. It would provide for some interesting discourse…don’t you think?
Yeah, the KLOWNS were mighty hard on Ted.
Looks like they are now in quite a cunundrum!
These KLOWNS also have told us it’s ok to discuss Tall-Tale Joe Biden’s coke-snortin’ daughter….but I think even though she is 27…not a teenager, it would be best to ignore it EXCEPT she could have left the Country vulnerable to some kind of extortion attempt! Ashley needs to go to rehab. Jow needs to go to Chronic Liar School. And the Dems in general need to take a series of Tax & Honesty Classes to help them deal with a series outbreak of “Honest Mistake Syndrome”.
How many honest mistakes are allowed before they become dishonest mistakes?
Did you read about the NY Congressional Race to replace the Democrat who went to work for O-blah-blah:
65 votes with 5000 absentee/Military Votes to count…and registered R’s exceed D’s by 1100.
Looks like the R’s will pick this one up.
It was a referendum on Obama and the Democrats…a precursor to 2010.
The Republicans already have a clear Priority List for House & Senate seats in 2010…all of them!
Cynical, Puddy waits on a voter race until it’s certified. You never know how Dummocraptics manufacture additional votes.
If headlice appears I’ll wear white face and use latex gloves. It has to be something contagious to think that way.
Looks like the republican alternative plan (republican version of the stimulus package) is out. Unfortunately, the plan seems to lack any…..shall we say details.
Typical republican whiners, they have nothing positive to add and can’t even get a plan that is actually real.
Republicans will stay a minority party of wingnuts and discontents as long as they stick to their “principles” of not proposing anything worthwhile or anything detailed enough to even be considered an alternative.
Yes, we have the Obama and democratic plan ….or nothing. Republicans can’t even manage to come up with an alternative that actually mentions something important called….money.
the first GOP plan:
The latest GOP plan:
Note the specifics!
This fool Joe the FAUX Plumber is a dipshit.
Righties won’t want to watch this video or talk about this because it’s actual proof this guy (you know an official GOP spokesman) is devoid of any brain power – just like Oreo Puffybutt and Pervert CYNCYN.
You have to wonder if God isn’t a comic. Who could think this shit up? This motherfucker is one dumb sum bitch!
I would be embarrassed for the right if they weren’t already so far down below whale shit that it doesn’t matter.
@23: Yes – just like they had a priority list last time …and failed miserably. Keep advocating for tax breaks for the rich, foreign workers, giving away our jobs and no stimulus – you guys will be left in the dustbin of history.
The republicans have NO leaders and NO agenda.
What a sorry bunch of fools!
25. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
My sister-in-law used to wear that white pancake makeup about 25 years ago. I’ll see if she still has some left.
The latex gloves are essential & a germ mask.
Headlice’s overt racism seems to especially attack the other KLOWNS like YLB, ByeBye and KOUNTRY KLUBBER Steve via the Internet. Now that is contagious!
Also, perhaps we ought to take a couple doses of Airbourne. I was looking on the label and it doesn’t mention anything about addressing Racist Germs…but it doesn’t say it doesn’t work either.
We can’t be too careful Puddy.
Headlice is one sick bastard…and I sure as hell don’t want what he’s got!
27 – Joe the fake plumber is the perfect poster boy for the right wing: ignorant, an attention whore and a fraud.
The circle jerk between Stupes and Mr. Klynical is too funny.
It’s as if those two were destined for each other. LOL!
Obama is a LUNATIC!
Seems like Obama’s vision of himself as the 2nd coming is running into some reality resistance!
31 – Oh and I forgot – a total toolbag.
The Republican alternative offered by Ryan is awesome.
It offers a clear choice to contra to the Dems “spend our way to prosperity and nationalize everything approach”
It keeps more money in the pockets of American rather than funnelling it thru the “leaky syphon” of the Federal government.
Plenty of cuts for hard-working average Americans and incentives to invest and create jobs.
35 – Awesome? I heard that Ryan on NPR one morning. Pretty slick talker.
But a look at his ‘plan” reveals teh most awesome insanity I’ve ever seen.
A 4 TRILLION dollar tax cut for the rich ON TOP of the Bush/Cheney tax cuts. Oh wait but it gets better!
A five year non-defense discretionary spending freeze in the face of a pending DEPRESSION which is bat-shit INSANE.
Oh and a shitty voucher system for medicare that guts the program and will leave many older americans choosing between eating/rent and paying for crappy health care from sleazy operators.
Yep, a plan right after Mr. Klynical’s black, cold heart.
We have a lawyer or a judge who yesterday complained how difficult the IRS 1040 is
Apparently, The Republicans will have two options one same way of doing the 1040 for smart people. Option 2 :Republicans say they would allow taxpayers to fill out their income taxes on an index card for the dumb loser boy people.
Obama, blamed America for the wall st failures.
The loser boy told this to the same countries that we bailed out of mud of Europe.
Let him stay and be with people that love his words . obama can go and !@#$%^ himself I understand he has a way to do that.
LOSER BOYS losses jobs again. When will he do something? Like create ONE JOB?
“U.S. private sector axes 742,000 jobs in March”