Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We start at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Some folks will show up earlier for dinner.
For this week’s activity, we’ll celebrate the liberation of embryonic stem cell research with a harmless dose of eugenics. We’ll begin by designing Mr. and Mrs. Perfect, who will spawn a liberal master race as the Final Solution for dealing with Neocons and Wingnuts.
Or maybe we’ll just share a couple of pints over some beaver talk….
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 327 chapters of Drinking Liberally spread across the earth. Join the Master Race in a neighborhood near you.
Can it really be almost a calendar year since the Jayson Blair Times put McCain’s beaver lobbyist problem on The Front Page? A story so vacuous and vapid that National Enquirer wouldn’t touch it? A story that neatly displaced discussion of the real big beaver problem, that of AG John Edwards, Goldy’s love daddy?
Once again we prove the righties are weak assed punks.
They can’t stop us from doing anything. We run everything. And life is grand. GOP = punk, bitch, coward.
‘Crat = tarC spelled backward, punk bitch retard.
@3 did your parents have any kids that lived? How’s it feel to be bent over by America? LOL!
That eugenics bullshit is right up crazy Stupes’ alley.
I bet he’s glued to that POS Beck show.
For all those rabid right wing republicans that think Bush kept them safe (like Puddy), here is some news. It turns out that many of the prisoners still left at Gitmo are not dangerous and fairly innocent. However, the Bush (dumbass) administration released some prisoners that were still dangerous – and one of them is now the head of al qaida in Afghanistan.
Talk about your major screw ups and NOT keeping us safe:
@1 It’s been only 4 months since you wingnuts got the ass-whupping of your lives. Seems like ages, doesn’t it?
@5 Beck is a traitor. John Brown was hanged for trying to start an insurrection to free the slaves; Beck will be hanged for trying to start an insurrection to re-enslave the free.
None of our wingnut friends will get your reference, but, damn, I do. Fucking brilliant. Kudos, man, or beast, or whatever.
Here is an interesting newstory on a rightwingnut who hated Obama. The right wingnuts say they are “just talkin” – but their hate speech and their ideology is pure Nazi:
Most LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS don’t even know who their sperm-donor was! That’s why many are so cavalier about stem-cell etc.
Thanks for the laugh.
stillbentovergettingitfromrujax is the first surviving abortion in US history. You can see the forceps did a number on that femtometer sized brain.
Shocking that a forceps squeezed with all an abortionists might can take a human skull like rujax’s and turn it into a PINHEAD!