Cute, but the picture is of him sitting in a chair, not walking, so the caption doesn’t make sense.
You post does not make sense to call Cheney Dr Strangelove when we should be paying attention to the future and what Joe Biden can do for us.
The fact that Cheney has to be in a wheelchair for several days is entirely out the subject of the new President and his entourage. Please pay attention to the future rather than the past.
Too bad this evil fuck didn’t just do the patriotic thing and off himself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit told me in a dream that there really is a God but She doesn’t like to knock people off with heart attacks and stuff like that — it’s your responsibility to deal with the Hitlers and Cheneys of the world and She’s not gonna use a whole lot of divine intervention in these situations because she doesn’t want humans becoming co-dependent on Her. The GMRS told me to tell you guys to get more pro-active about using courts and tribunals for their intended purpose.
Blue Johnspews:
Pay no attention to Cheney’s energy policy that screwed over California. Look forward, not back…Look something shiny! Over there! Pay no attention to the greedy republicans who want to escape behind that curtain.
Not much time left for the chimp gang.
Any news on the Republican criminal pardon front?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“When Christopher Cox took over the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in June 2005, George Bush praised him as ‘a champion of the free-enterprise system’ who understood that it was ‘built on trust’.” — The Economist
We know how that went, don’t we? Oh well, at least he deserves some credit for helping to discredit laissez-faire capitalism.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Tune in at 11:50 AM EST tomorrow.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to the mouthings of his aides, Bush’s pardons today of 2 border patrol agents who went to jail for shooting a drug dealer in the ass were his last pardons. If so, this means he’s not going to pardon either himself or Cheney, but most of all, he’s going to leave all his loyal sycophants in the lurch — no Get Out Of Jail Free cards for the True Believers who followed Bush’s orders for God and Country.
That would be so like him.
I would be very surprised of Scooter doesn’t get a full pardon. So far his sentence has only been commuted.
I thnk I have that correct…..commuted, right?
I think commuted was what the border guards got too.
10 Bawney Fwank probably sucked him off to.
From Fox News:
“The White House has until noon Tuesday, when President-elect Barack Obama is to be sworn in, to grant any more clemency requests. But White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said Monday’s commutations would be Bush’s last acts of clemency.”
“How will Mr Bush be judged in the light of history? ‘Many historians’, says Princeton’s Mr Wilentz, ‘are now wondering whether Bush, in fact, will be remembered as the very worst president in all of American history.'” — The Economist
Personally, I think Bush has competition. Until now Lincoln’s predecessor, Buchanan, has generally been regarded as the worst for passively letting America slide into the Civil War. But Buchanan’s stock has risen slightly under the scrutiny of historical analysis that argues there’s little Buchanan or anyone else could have done to stave off disunion. Bush, on the other hand, took over a country that was not in the throes of a great national crisis or at odds with itself, and deliberately divided it. Although the division Bush created did not lead to civil war, it’s likely that the disunity he leaves in his wake will have long-lasting effects.
I don’t have much problem voting Bush as the lousiest of our lousy presidents. The only difficulty is that we’ve had so many bad presidents, and presidents who were so bad — Nixon, for example, and Harding obviously come to mind. The consistent thing about our really crappy presidents is that, in modern times, they’ve all been Republicans.
Btw, the article by The Economist, a conservative U.K.-based newsweekly, does a good job of summing up Bush’s failed presidency.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 I think you underestimate Bush’s capacity to screw over his loyal sycophants.
@9 Not much time left for the chimp gang.
Any news on the Republican criminal pardon front?
you mean something like the crimials clinton pardoned?
Time to get rid of Bush’s letterhead – FROM THE DESK OF STUPID!
LOL! Hey right wing assholes – YOU GOT YOUR ASS KICKED!
We won – be sure to stick around here Tue so I can laugh at you impotent little punks. WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON.
And you can’t do SHIT about it fuckheads. Your boy is a punk and a loser and we’re LAUGHING at you!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 No, he’s asking about the criminals doing the pardoning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 As I’ve always said, the best time to kick a wingnut is when he’s down, and the best place to kick him is in the nuts.
Morton Downey, Jr.spews:
“He who laughs last, laughs best.” That is a quote from my good friend and a staunch Democrat, Merv Griffin.
A wiser man I never knew! Did he really have a loverly buncha cocoanuts? Only God knows — and he ain’t talking — cause he doesn’t exist.
Good Morning President Obamaspews:
It’s a new day in America, somewhat dark and bitterly cold but the signs, at this moment, still point to a brighter future.
Now if only the criminals would just STAY OUT OF THE WAY. Thank you.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Blue John spews:
Pay no attention to Cheney’s energy policy that screwed over California.
You are no longer held in high esteem by re-run@9. That article has to be wrong cuz re-run said over and over like most of his moronic pendejos here that Fox News is right-wing BS.
fuck you
fuck you also.
What actually meant is, Fuck You Dick Cheney. May you eventually die and your may your soul sail into the coldness of space.
Cute, but the picture is of him sitting in a chair, not walking, so the caption doesn’t make sense.
You post does not make sense to call Cheney Dr Strangelove when we should be paying attention to the future and what Joe Biden can do for us.
The fact that Cheney has to be in a wheelchair for several days is entirely out the subject of the new President and his entourage. Please pay attention to the future rather than the past.
Too bad this evil fuck didn’t just do the patriotic thing and off himself.
The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit told me in a dream that there really is a God but She doesn’t like to knock people off with heart attacks and stuff like that — it’s your responsibility to deal with the Hitlers and Cheneys of the world and She’s not gonna use a whole lot of divine intervention in these situations because she doesn’t want humans becoming co-dependent on Her. The GMRS told me to tell you guys to get more pro-active about using courts and tribunals for their intended purpose.
Pay no attention to Cheney’s energy policy that screwed over California. Look forward, not back…Look something shiny! Over there! Pay no attention to the greedy republicans who want to escape behind that curtain.
Not much time left for the chimp gang.
Any news on the Republican criminal pardon front?
“When Christopher Cox took over the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in June 2005, George Bush praised him as ‘a champion of the free-enterprise system’ who understood that it was ‘built on trust’.” — The Economist
We know how that went, don’t we? Oh well, at least he deserves some credit for helping to discredit laissez-faire capitalism.
@9 Tune in at 11:50 AM EST tomorrow.
According to the mouthings of his aides, Bush’s pardons today of 2 border patrol agents who went to jail for shooting a drug dealer in the ass were his last pardons. If so, this means he’s not going to pardon either himself or Cheney, but most of all, he’s going to leave all his loyal sycophants in the lurch — no Get Out Of Jail Free cards for the True Believers who followed Bush’s orders for God and Country.
That would be so like him.
I would be very surprised of Scooter doesn’t get a full pardon. So far his sentence has only been commuted.
I thnk I have that correct…..commuted, right?
I think commuted was what the border guards got too.
10 Bawney Fwank probably sucked him off to.
From Fox News:
“The White House has until noon Tuesday, when President-elect Barack Obama is to be sworn in, to grant any more clemency requests. But White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said Monday’s commutations would be Bush’s last acts of clemency.”
“How will Mr Bush be judged in the light of history? ‘Many historians’, says Princeton’s Mr Wilentz, ‘are now wondering whether Bush, in fact, will be remembered as the very worst president in all of American history.'” — The Economist
Personally, I think Bush has competition. Until now Lincoln’s predecessor, Buchanan, has generally been regarded as the worst for passively letting America slide into the Civil War. But Buchanan’s stock has risen slightly under the scrutiny of historical analysis that argues there’s little Buchanan or anyone else could have done to stave off disunion. Bush, on the other hand, took over a country that was not in the throes of a great national crisis or at odds with itself, and deliberately divided it. Although the division Bush created did not lead to civil war, it’s likely that the disunity he leaves in his wake will have long-lasting effects.
I don’t have much problem voting Bush as the lousiest of our lousy presidents. The only difficulty is that we’ve had so many bad presidents, and presidents who were so bad — Nixon, for example, and Harding obviously come to mind. The consistent thing about our really crappy presidents is that, in modern times, they’ve all been Republicans.
Btw, the article by The Economist, a conservative U.K.-based newsweekly, does a good job of summing up Bush’s failed presidency.
@13 I think you underestimate Bush’s capacity to screw over his loyal sycophants.
Not much time left for the chimp gang.
Any news on the Republican criminal pardon front?
you mean something like the crimials clinton pardoned?
Time to get rid of Bush’s letterhead – FROM THE DESK OF STUPID!
LOL! Hey right wing assholes – YOU GOT YOUR ASS KICKED!
We won – be sure to stick around here Tue so I can laugh at you impotent little punks. WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON.
And you can’t do SHIT about it fuckheads. Your boy is a punk and a loser and we’re LAUGHING at you!
@18 No, he’s asking about the criminals doing the pardoning.
@19 As I’ve always said, the best time to kick a wingnut is when he’s down, and the best place to kick him is in the nuts.
“He who laughs last, laughs best.” That is a quote from my good friend and a staunch Democrat, Merv Griffin.
A wiser man I never knew! Did he really have a loverly buncha cocoanuts? Only God knows — and he ain’t talking — cause he doesn’t exist.
It’s a new day in America, somewhat dark and bitterly cold but the signs, at this moment, still point to a brighter future.
Now if only the criminals would just STAY OUT OF THE WAY. Thank you.
Blue John spews:
Oh you mean Enron in 1999-2000-2001
Ken Lay loved Wee Willy Clinton.
drool spews: From Fox News:
You are no longer held in high esteem by re-run@9. That article has to be wrong cuz re-run said over and over like most of his moronic pendejos here that Fox News is right-wing BS.
That should be Great Job Holder…
Like Tim Geithner who wrote off his kids summer camp experience as “child care expenses”. BTW this guy is reported to be a millionaire.
Yep, another worthless Donkey.
#27: Fact: Geither was a Repub, then declared himself an “Independent”. GOPers and “Libertarians” especially like the tax cheating tricks.
Yeah, so Tim was a Repub in the 90s and left the party. If Obama chose him he must be leaning lefty!
So eliza what does that have to do with anything? Joe Lieberman got left by your party.