Goldy notes the flat jobs numbers for August.
But not to worry, if the lack of jobs really was an issue for the majority of real Americans, I’m sure Congress wouldn’t have put off President Obama’s jobs speech so as not to preempt a Republican presidential debate.
I don’t think the people who’ve been obsessing about deficits (Democrats included) are going to be able to do what’s necessary to get jobs back on track. We need something as large in scale as the Tree Army and we shouldn’t pay for it until the economy is doing well again.
No more belt tightening in the hope that it’ll impress Wall Street. If we want jobs, we can create them. Not tax breaks. Not magical thinking. We have enough need in this country, we have willing workers. We ought to make it happen.
Tax credits for companies to return US jobs from overseas?
How about sending more people to school for training to be respiratory therapists? We’re going to need them, because President Cave-In today blocked EPA smog regulations to make the Party of Pollution happy. Also, thanks to the higher infant and senior mortality that will results from dirty air, we can put all those immigrants to work as gravediggers.
U.S. Reactors Vulnerable To Earthquakes
“The risk that an earthquake would cause a severe accident at a U.S. nuclear plant is greater than previously thought, 24 times as high in one case … a quarter of America’s reactors may need modifications to make them safer. …
“The NRC and the industry say reactors are safe …. But emails obtained … by The Associated Press show that NRC experts were worried privately ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As I’ve posted before on this blog, the nuclear industry and their NRC lapdogs are utterly untrustworthy, and nuclear power isn’t a viable option until we get rid of the entire industry and everyone who works in it — these people have consistently lied, covered up, and dodged responsibility. That will create tens of thousands of high-paying jobs for honest people who know what they’re doing and have some respect for the public.
About 14 million Americans are unemployed.
America has about 14 million illegal aliens.
@4 You can almost see his three brain cells turning, can’t you?
We need something like the National Defense Education Act
And the tree army and we can pay for it by cutting corporate welfare, taxing polluters, and closing overseas military bases.
@6 Tax polluters? Are you kidding? President Cave-In just gave polluters a free pass. See #2 above.
Yeah, I saw that. His brilliant move will cost us a bunch of money.
@2 I’ll be more interested in his speech where Obama announces that he’ll be officially switch parties and run as -R during the next election.
@9 I wish he would. I’d be even more interested to hear the speech where he announces he’s not running for a second term.
(This is a repost of a link I posed a couple weeks ago.)
Anybody But Obama
I’m not kidding. I was just telling Mrs. Rabbit that I’m going to my Democratic caucus next spring to cast an “anybody but Obama” vote. President Sellout has lost his party’s support and it’s time for him to quit.
The GOP has a spirited primary contest going on among their hopefuls. On the Democratic side, we don’t necessarily need a primary, because it’s obvious who our candidate should be — the one we should have nominated back in 2008, the one I voted for at my caucus: The bitch in combat boots.
We knew all along, even back then, that Obama was the most rightward-leaning of the 2008 Democratic candidates. But I don’t think anyone, even those of us who were skeptical of him back then, anticipated what a sellout he would be. Not even when we saw his most-expensive-in-history campaign being fueled by Wall Street dollars raised for him by former Bush fundraisers.
President Sellout is so eager to appease Republicans that he’s losing his own party. Just google “anybody but obama” and then read a random selection of the hits that come up, and you’ll see what I mean.
Obama doesn’t understand that caving in to extortionists, pirates, hostage-takers, and hijackers gets you nothing but more piracy and hijacking.
Obama sold himself to us with silver-tongued oratory. Unfortunately, he’s a one-trick pony, and glibness is all he has. A jellyfish has more backbone.
His latest sellout, on EPA smog regulations, isn’t the last straw. The last straw was quite some time ago. If it wasn’t his cave-in on public option, or his weak-kneed approach to stimulus, then it surely was this summer’s cave-in to the Tea-Party debt screechers and his acquiescence to Hooverite economic policies that are shoving us back into recession. What’s he going to do next, agree to go back onto the gold standard?
He might as well be a Republican. Hell, even McCain would have done a better job of standing up to his own party than Obama is doing.
Obama has to go.
But he has to go in the right way. Voting for whoever the GOPers nominate in 2012 isn’t an option. That leaves us with two choices: An ineffectual protest vote for a third-party candidate that will hand the election to the Republican candidate, or trying to re-elect President Jellyfish so he can continue to stab us in the back for another four years. As things stand, the GOPers don’t have to win in 2012, because Obama will give them everything they want. To a great extent, he already has.
And that spells disaster for ordinary working-class and middle-class Americans, because Republicans are wrong about everything and an expansion of Republican policies will kill off the American Dream for all but the already-very-rich.
The right way to get rid of Obama is to keep him off the 2012 ticket, either by a voluntary LBJ-type “I will not seek re-election” speech on his part, or, if he doesn’t know or won’t acknowledge that it’s time for him to quit, by throwing his ass off the ticket in Democratic primaries and caucuses.
If Hillary won’t overtly run against him, and it’s understandable that she won’t, we should write her in. If we do that en masse, Obama might get the message, or she might get the message, or they both might get the message. It’s hard to miss the “handwriting on the wall” when millions of people spray-paint it on every primary and caucus.
When I say “anybody but Obama,” I don’t necessarily mean some nondescript little-known governor or some obscure House representative who swallowed too many vitamin pills. We have only one alternative to Obama: The bitch in combat boots. If she won’t run, we should make her run. If we elect, and she refuses to serve, we should kidnap her and chain her to the desk in the Oval Office. I’m sorry, Hillary, but your country needs you, and you have no choice.
It’s time for President Appeaser to leave. Hillary may not be a Churchill, but she’s a damn sight closer to an FDR than Obama ever was. Infinitely so.
“…these people have consistently lied, covered up, and dodged responsibility…”
We could say the same for practically every government body or agency from the federal government right down to the local schools’ hall monitors.
The Dems best bet is still Obama. He has the best chance of beating any of the Rep challengers.
re 13: Our best chance at what? The only harsh words this president has had for American voters has been to dun liberals — the very people who put him in office.
What we have now is what you get when you start thinking that politics is the ‘art of the possible’ or being ‘realistic’. What would be realistic would be to put a candidate forward like Dennis Kucinich who has the courage of his convictions and a vision that what is politically possible would be much greater if we would only reach for it.
So carl and goldy want to go with more massive spending in the hopes making more jobs……I onder if carl or goldy arewilling to hire anyone or open up their checkbooks to uncle sam……of course tey won’t, because they only want everyone else pay up.
I already employ 5 people…why don’t guys step up to plate, take on some financial risk, start a business, and hire someone. Until then, I’m caling bullshit on you.
So carl and goldy want to go with more massive spending in the hopes making more jobs……I onder if carl or goldy arewilling to hire ahnyone or open up their checkbooks to uncle sam……of course tey won’t, because they only want everyone else pay up.
I already employ 5 people…why don’t guys step up to plate, take on some financial risk, start a business, and hire someone. Until then, I’m caling bullshit on you.
Damn I posting from a phone
It’s time for President Appeaser to leave. Hillary may not be a Churchill, but she’s a damn sight closer to an FDR than Obama ever was. Infinitely so.
What a laugh. The HA faithful, RR included, bought Obama’s “Hope and Change” gospel hook, line and sinker during the campaign. THIS, despite the skeptics, who were regularly shouted down, often viciously, including on this board.
After this you’re offering more advice? You clowns need to look in the mirror if you want to point a finger . . too frickin’ much.
Incidentally, RR and YLB and some of the other remaining HA regulars – not many are left – were AND are big Afghanistan war boosters. Another bad decision.
@11: Except maybe for women’s issues — particularly choice, Hillary would have been worse than O, Roger.
ZzzzzZZZZZ.. Only a total idiot would support Afghanistan returning to the likes of the Taliban.
How’d that work out last Sept 11, 2001?
I never support war for its own sake.
@18 “The HA faithful, RR included, bought Obama’s “Hope and Change” gospel hook, line and sinker during the campaign.”
Another wingnut asswipe pulling bullshit out of his ass. Anyone who read this blog in 2008 knows I consistently supported Hillary.
@15, @16 Don’t bother repeating yourself. Your infantile whining doesn’t come across any better the second time around.
Hey right wingers,
Look at all the socialism breaking out in…
Why can’t Texas pay for its own socialism???
Oh they must be broke..
How could this happen in a right wing state?
(Yeah.. comment editing is working for Chrome again! We’ll see how long this lasts..)
I had to be reminded on the radio this morning by a Republican (well, sort of one: Colin Powell) that the reason Obama didn’t close Gitmo was that Congress wouldn’t let him.
On the other hand, I don’t have great hopes about whatever he’s going to talk about next week. I’m fully expecting his much-heralded “transportation infrastructure initiative” (or whatever he’s calling it) to be camouflage for a cave-in to the Republican governors who collectively refused billions of dollars for rail and public transit and demanded that they be given the money to build more roads instead.
I’m also expecting that there’ll be a “tax break for the middle class” that’ll be nothing more than just handing us another wad of our Social Security before we really need it (i. e. another cut in FICA).
@18 I can’t speak for the others, but at least at one time going into Afghanistan made at least a modicum of sense because (1.) the Taliban truly sucked and (2.) apparently there was reason to believe that bin Laden and the rest of the al Qaeda masterminds were located there. Now, even #2 seems like it may have been dubious at best (they may well have been in Pakistan all along) and it appears that we’re about to hand the country back to the Taliban for the second time.
LMAO! See the “socialism” in Texas @ 23 – a right wing paradise!
@12 Bullshit. Most government bodies do a good job. The same can’t be said of many private-sector industries, and the nuclear industry is among the worst. That industry from the top on down, for decades, has been pervasively irresponsible and dishonest. It has disregarded safety, evaded regulatory compliance, falsified paperwork, and persecuted whistleblowers. Government nuclear regulators have been their patsies. The nuclear industry deserves no public trust whatsoever. Like banking, the industry needs a thorough housecleaning, and until that happens they shouldn’t be given the keys to a storage locker.
@13 That’s immaterial if he’s no better than a Republican.
@15 Yesterday you told us that you manage hundreds of millions of dollars of projects. Today you tell us you employ five people. Wow! FIVE people! It takes that many to clean a horse barn.
@19 Why?
@27 If the FAA and the airlines had the same sort of relationship as the NRC and the private power companies, we’d have two or three major air disasters a week. Of course, if the air travel industry was as hamstrung by litigation and obstructionism as the US nuclear industry, they’d still be flying 707’s and DC-8’s built in the late 1950’s, every Airworthiness Directive would be subject to an extensive court challenge, and sewage from the on-board lavatories would be accumulating in huge, leaky tanks on top of the passenger concourses at all the airports because nobody could agree on how to permanently dispose of it.
I’m putting Bartertown Boy on the ignore list. It’s just the same old tired cant and rhetoric with every one of his tiresome little excursions.
@32 That’s pretty much true of all the trolls here, but he’s more cloying than most.
15-16: You were born several generations too late; Hooverism went out of style in 1932.
“The world’s developed economies are trapped at the ‘stall speed’ of low growth and need to have greater fiscal stimulus and less austerity to kick-start growth, leading economist Nouriel Roubini told CNBC Friday.”
Roubini, dubbed “Dr. Doom” by the media, is notorious for his pessimistic views of the economy; but he at least has an economics education. And it’s obvious to anyone who bothers to look that (a) the U.S. economy is stalled, and (b) isn’t pulling out of this malaise by itself. Keynesian theory, which history has proved to be right, says stalled economies don’t rescue themselves and have to be jumped-started. Republicans across the board are in denial about this. Their prescription is more austerity, which is exactly the wrong thing to do.
Roubini says data indicative of what lies ahead is “all moving in the wrong direction.” He doesn’t think more quantitative easing would work and believes “further fiscal stimulus across Europe and the US will be needed,” adding, “fiscal austerity is negative for growth.” But try telling that to a Hooverite.
I wish Obama had more of the “Give ’em hell, Harry” than the professorial mannerisms and “Can’t we all just get along” social mindset. Carter found out in 1980 that an actor who hits his spot and reads his lines is a better candidate in the TV age than a really smart guy who was struggling with a bad economy inherited from eight years of previous Republican rule.
But I’m not prepared to abandon President Obama yet, because there really isn’t a realistic alternative.
Hillary hasn’t even begun campaigning or fundraising, so I just don’t see her offering an effective opposition unless she declares very soon – like last month. Also, kicking out Obama and substituting a white woman would appear, to many black voters, as a sell-out of their efforts – they might vote, but I doubt they would mobilize to support her. And because nobody previously contemplated running against Obama, there’s really nobody else out there in a position to do it this time around.
Roger – the whole world except maybe for China and Japan are into Hooverism. Japan’s case is interesting because even though they spent like crazy they refused to allow their rich to take losses. That happened in spades during the Great Depression.
In the “good old days” at least you had some “out with the old in with the new”.. Now the same old dopes are bailed out and enabled to do the same old same old except “better”.
The last few G20 meetings were all into Hooverism. Not a peep about raising taxes or fiscal stimulus much less refusing to bail out the rich.
re 35: I do think a lot of black people voted for Obama carried by the enthusiasm of participating in the election of the first black president. But, and I have no evidence for this, I do not think that black people will go for a second round with Obama just because he’s still black.
I think if a better candidate is put forward, you can count on many black voters going for the better candidate.
Regular HA readers know I was skeptical of QE2 all along. I pointed out that expanding the money supply by $600 billion could cause inflation, and didn’t help the economy because most of the money went straight into the stock market.
I began taking my money out of stocks in April, shortly before QE2 ended (thereby cutting off the fuel for rising stocks), and all of the stocks I ditched then — which included big names like Disney, Starbucks, Exxon, IBM, and Walgreens — are now trading well below what I sold them for.
The bottom line of this comment is that I’m even more skeptical of QE3 than I was of QE2.
There should be no QE3 at this time.
I’m a lawyer, not an economist. I don’t figure this stuff out myself. All I do is read what people who do it for a living say about it, and pass the information to you. You don’t have to read my comments or believe what I post here. That’s up to you. If you don’t, it’s your loss.
Paul Ashworth, a British-trained economist for a London-based economics consulting firm who specializes in modeling, econometrics, and forecasting, predicted last fall that QE2 would produce “little actual growth” because it was “too modest” and now calls it “a failure.”
So, what should policymakers do? Here’s Roger Rabbit’s prescription. Big corporations don’t need more tax breaks or corporate welfare; they have mountains of cash, but aren’t hiring but aren’t hiring for lack of demand. It’s consumers who need relief, so any tax stimulus should be directed at households and wage earners.
Small businesses need relief from regulatory burdens and access to credit. Tinkering with interest rates won’t help them, because they can’t get credit at any price, so the cost of borrowing is irrelevant. We need policies that will unlock credit for small businesses who have demand and want to hire but lack of the working capital. I’m not sure how to move money into the small business sector — we clearly can’t rely on the dysfunctional banking sector — but in the past, this sort of thing often was handled on an incentive basis, although you run a risk of creating market distortions.
We’ve got to do something about housing. Workers trapped in underwater houses can’t move to where the jobs are. Consumers drowning in mortgage debt can’t generate demand for businesses. It’s clear we have to wipe a lot of mortgage debt off the books. Lenders won’t get paid this money anyway, so the banking system won’t be materially worse off. In fact, banking might be better off if they were relieved of the high transaction costs involved in repossessing homes — at which point they have to write off unpayable debts anyway. So, I probably would support a federal intervention that involves writing down bad mortgages to a level that permits unemployed homeowners to leave and allows the real estate industry to clear the distressed properties out of the market by selling them at prices the market can pay for them. Sort of a class-action bankruptcy. The lingering bankruptcy of the real estate market is holding back the entire economy.
Finally, we clearly need more government-directed stimulus, but it should be directed at things that support economic growth, such as infrastructure and education. With so many young people unable to find jobs, this is a good time to send them back to school — with government help — to give them skills the economy needs, employers are looking for, that will lead to jobs. With apologies to Darryl, we don’t need more anthropology professors; we need engineers, health care professionals, and people trained in business entrepreneurship. It’s silly to be cutting Pell Grants and slashing state support of public colleges while America’s future talent rots on the streets.
@35 You’re still thinking in terms of political expediency. The situation has moved beyond that. It’s time to act for the good of the country.
The two small businesses my wife and I own are unrelated to my 9-5 job you jackass.
its called multiple income streams, you should try it sometime…
@37 There’s something that. There’s also this to consider. Once people leave a party it’s very hard to get them back. Right now the Democrats have 90% of the black vote. Hardly any demographic job is suffering more from unemployment than blacks. If the Democrats lose a substantial number of those voters because of lousy policies, it could take a generation or more to get them back.
@36 Yeah….there’s plenty of talk about “shared sacrifice”, with the clear message that said “sacrifice” is gonna be “shared” by someone other than those who are doing the talking.
Then again, in 2008 we were truly between a rock and a hard place. I didn’t like Obama’s slant toward “preserving the institutions”, but had the Wall Street giants, depraved and undeserving though they were, been allowed to collapse, they would have taken everything with them all the way down to the lowliest storefront credit union. We would have had so many banks fail at the same time that the FDIC’s slush fund would have been exhausted in a matter of days. Considering that in this age of plastic nobody carries any cash around any more, tens–perhaps hundreds–of millions of Americans would have been left fighting to keep roofs over their heads and clothes on their backs, and wondering what they were going to eat once they used up whatever was in their larders. The downside to having dodged that bullet is that we may still be facing something even worse yet to come.
ya? so?
@40 “its called multiple income streams, you should try it sometime…”
I don’t need any financial preaching from you, thank you very much. I know all about multiple income streams. I’ve been retired for 10 years now, but you still have a day job; that speaks for itself.
It so happens I own a small business. I let someone else run it. All I do is cash the checks and figure out the taxes. Takes me 20 minutes a year.
ya, well Im not the one pushing 70 either
ya, sure you do… must be getting paid by the post here…..
Darcy Quoted In MSNBC Story
“Obama ‘needs to fight tooth and nail to revive the economy, or the consequences — not just the political ones — will be devastating,’ said another progressive leader, Darcy Burner, executive director of She and Ruben were among the 72 progressive and labor union leaders who sent an appeal to Obama this week urging him to propose a robust public-sector jobs plan. ‘A lot of American families are already teetering on the brink,’ Burner said. ‘If the economy nose-dives between now and Election Day, it seems extremely unlikely that he’ll be given a second term by voters. They deserve someone who will go to the mat for them. If he won’t fight for them, they’ll choose someone who they believe will.'”
God Smokes Pot Dep’t
“This summer’s Las Conchas fire in New Mexico scorched tribal lands, threatened one of the nation’s premier nuclear facilities and pushed bears into nearby cities. But it somehow spared more than 9,000 marijuana plants in a remote area of Bandelier National Monument.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These plants clearly were spared by divine intervention. Which makes you wonder whose supply was threatened?
42 – The rich are going to spend more bucks than ever to preserve the status quo in 2012. And why not? The strategy has paid off for them staggeringly well election cycle after election cycle since they put Reagan into office and even before that.
Boo hoo hoo! Don’t they understand? All you gotta do is keep cutting taxes on the rich, ban abortion , hand out medicare vouchers to the old folks’ kids and let all companies pollute and the jobs will come!
As for the complaints about immigrants taking jobs” perhaps we should have deported this guy a long time ago, as is the goal of the current Arizona and Alabama immigration policies?
Former Cowboy Rescues Dogs Caught in Irrigation Canal
Sounds to me like just the type of hard-working, helpful, and remarkably skilled fellow I would love to have a a neighbor. Come to think of it, I do have a neighbor who is much like him, except he is from Vietnam, not Mexico.
And no, I don’t know his current immigration status. I presume he was originally from Mexico, becuase of his name and he says he learned his lasso skills while working in Mexico some thirty years ago. But his immigration status isn’t really relevant. The anti-immigrant right-wingnut folks like to say it’s all about “obeying the law”, but what they really mean is “don’t let in any more of those brown people”. After all, you don’t see them standing guard at Blain to keep out all of those illegal immigrants from Canada (yes, there are some, I’ve met a few of them).
You don’t even see them at the local Home Depot. They don’t want to run into one of their right wing friends hiring the cheap help.
Or maybe you DO see them and THEY are hiring the cheap help.
And how about that minority of Real Americans who have given up on Obummer’s economy? They don’t count?
I supported Richardson at the outset and then figured that Obama was the least of two evils. I just don’t like Hillary.
@53 I don’t like her, either, but that has nothing to do with it.
Rudy! Rudy! Rudy! Dep’t
A 61-year-old Vietnam veteran who was laid off from his construction job returned to college and made the football team.
You’re Shittin’ Me Dep’t
Speaking to an American Legion convention yesterday, Michelle Bachmann compared herself to Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.
Speaking of veterans conventions and bullshit, remember this one?
@52 What would you know about Real Americans? For a photo of Real Americans, click here:
For a photo of make-believe Americans, click here:
That was P R I C E L E S S! The stuff coming outta Teddy’s mouth was gibberish and smelly!
Another wingnut asswipe pulling bullshit out of his ass. Anyone who read this blog in 2008 knows I consistently supported Hillary
Sez Rabbit. Clinton wasn’t on the ticket come election time, Obama was, and you went right along with the rest of the HA faithful getting behind him without a peep. There were skeptics on here, but it wasn’t you.
And you sure loved his Afghan war policy along with YLB, who still can’t enough of that war (and rather than stay glued to HA all day, he should at least enlist rather than talk the talk. What a wuss.).
@59 “you went right along with the rest of the HA faithful getting behind him”
So what? Given a choice between Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin, what did you expect me to do?
@59 (continued) “And you sure loved his Afghan war policy along with YLB, who still can’t enough of that war (and rather than stay glued to HA all day, he should at least enlist …”
I did enlist. In 1968. And to all my brothers out there, I want to say, Welcome Home.
@58 Since you can’t read, puddydope, I’ll spell it out for you.
Wingnut E-Mail Version: “Bill Moyer, 73, wears a ‘Bullshit Protector’ flap over his ear while Senator Ted Kennedy addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars.”
Actual Caption Under Associated Press Photo: “Bill Moyer, 73, wears a ‘Bullshit Protector’ flap over his ear while President George W. Bush, on screen at rear, addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars at their 106th convention Monday, Aug. 22, 2005, in Salt Lake City. Moyer served in Korea and Vietnam, and in the post-WWII occupation of Germany.”
Inasmuch as you can’t figure out what the point of my link to the Snopes article is, I’ll spell that out for you, too, puddinghead: If you find a rightwing e-mail in your inbox you’re gonna need a “Bullshit Protector.”
@62 Give puddy 30 seconds and he’ll distort that, too. I’m eagerly waiting to see what bullshit his fertile brain hatches this time. Pussybutt’s creativity never fails to astonish me.
Ummm Roger Dopey Rabbit… You forget when Obummer compared himself to Ronald Reagan? Now that was a megabarf moment! Only thing was Reagan stood up to Gorbachev while Obummer has his overseas apology tours.
So what military effort did Obummer finish in Libya? Where is the response to the El-Assad killings each day? Oh yeah Jesse Jackson had something to say about Obummer failed foreign policies. I posted this a few days ago (the crazed HA arschloch databazer can corroborate)
So I asked back in May (the crazed HA arschloch databazer can corroborate) how cum leftists who are avowed Reagan haters speak so glowingly about him when they think it’s politically expedient?… Oh yeah, that’s only when they are speaking to the crazy libtardo, hate filled socialists, moonbat loony leftist progressives at home on the TOTUS. Or when Jay Carney is at the daily whitey house presser. Or when you send Black Caucus members out embarrassing themselves in public. When it’s politically convenient Obummer compares the Obummer magnificence and oratory brilliance to a truly effective communist hating former president. You know, the president you crazy libtardo, hate filled socialists, moonbat loony leftist progressives otherwise despise….
Ahhh yes Roger Dopey Rabbit, I quickly scanned it thinking it was on the order of this…
”I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”
”I promise NO NEW TAXES on a family making less than $250K a year.”
”I will allow 5 days of public comment before I sign any bills.”
“I will remove earmarks for PORK projects before I sign any bill.”
“I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year”
“I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!”
“I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration”
@58 “The stuff coming outta Teddy’s mouth was gibberish and smelly!”
Uh dummy, the speaker was George W. Bush, and here’s what he said:
“Bush refers to those who protest his war as ‘motherf—king traitors’ and he was so enraged when he heard reports about the ‘bullshit protectors’ that he screamed at his aides, ‘Tell those VFW assholes that I’ll never speak to them again if they can’t keep their members under control.’ [Niagara Falls Reporter]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nice way to treat our war veterans — but then, what do you expect from a draft dodger and deserter who used his congressman daddy’s connections to get into a National Guard unit to avoid serving in Vietnam, then went AWOL from the Guard?
@65 “Ahhh yes … I quickly scanned it thinking …”
Next time use your scroll key and look at the whole page so you don’t embarrass yourself, Ace. I’m not saying you have to read it, but at least look at it.
One more thing, please don’t insult our intelligence by claiming you “think”. You don’t know how.
See #64. You decidedly skipped it because of the facts!
See ya!
@68 “Se ya!”
Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out.
> So what? Given a choice between Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin, what did you expect me to do?
Don’t play dumb, bunny. There’s a difference between voting for him because McCain was a worse choice, and voting for him but making clear as some did on HA that there were some serious red flags. HA was absolutely giddy over him and shot down anyone who questioned his resume or friends. You went right along with this. Funny how all those former believers have done a total disappearing act on HA.
> I did enlist. In 1968.
Right. And that war killed over 58,000 Americans and killed or wounded millions of others. The really brave people in this country refused to go and went to jail instead.
You just go with the crowd, bunny, that’s clear. A bump on a log.
There’s a door? What is Roger Dopey Rabbit seeing? Surely not looking at what Obummer said!
From Roger Dopey Rabbit’s previous love of John Deadwards
@70 “Funny how all those former believers have done a total disappearing act on HA.”
Last I checked we’re all still here, but trolls seem to come and go, you being one of many cases in point.
“The really brave people in this country … went to jail instead.”
The approximately 4,000 people who went to jail for refusing to report for induction during the Vietnam War had the character of their convictions, but going to jail doesn’t require the same level of bravery as going to war does. The really brave people in this country during that time were the young men on the battlefields, whether willingly or unwillingly. The bravery of America’s Vietnam veterans is without peer among their generation.
“You just go with the crowd, bunny, that’s clear. A bump on a log.”
Only an idiot who has been reading this blog for less than a week would make a remark like that.
That’s why friends of Bill Ayers denigrated them when they returned eh Roger Dopey Rabbit?
@72 WTF are you babbling about now? I see why Darryl thinks you’re impersonating puddy — he’s dense, but compared to him, you’re a black hole.
@75 He went to Vietnam too idiot,
You admitted you were for John Deadwards before Hillary before Obummer Roger Dopey Rabbit. Wanna see it again? It’s a Google special Roger Dopey Rabbit.
You can’t remember what you say write or do anymore Roger DOPEY Rabbit! And you think others are dense. You are high density concrete!
Even the HA crazed databaze arschloch has it saved.
Stoopid, forgetful, ROGER RABBIT and DOPEY too! Who’s mind is a black hole? Yours!
@74 “That’s why friends of Bill Ayers denigrated them when they returned eh Roger Dopey Rabbit?”
Since you’re too young to remember, I’ll explain it to you.
First of all, Ayers and his group (the Weather Underground) had an agenda much broader than opposing the war; they were communists revolutionaries who advocated the violent overthrow of the U.S. government. Opposition to “U.S. imperialism” was a core part of their agenda. They protested the war and attacked government buildings, but as far as I know, they didn’t target Vietnam veterans.
As a Vietnam veteran, I personally experienced a limited amount of harassment. I returned to CONUS (Continental USA) through McChord Air Force Base and Fort Lewis, from where a group of us were transported by Army bus to SeaTac Airport to catch flights to our hometowns. We were met at the airport by a small group of protesters (less than a dozen) who verbally harassed us but did not spit on us or physically assault us. The first thing I did at the airport was go to a men’s room and change out of my Army uniform into civvies so no one would know I was a veteran. I would describe the atmosphere at the airport as “hostile” by the protesters but merely indifference on the part of travelers.
By far the largest problem I encountered after the war was the passive hostility of older people — my parents’ generation, the World War 2 generation, the people who supported the war and voted for the politicians who sent us to Vietnam. Some of these people overtly blamed Vietnam veterans for “losing” the war, but the more pervasive problem was the employment discrimination encountered by Vietnam veterans. At that time, the World War 2 generation were the employers who owned businesses or worked in management jobs, and I quickly learned not to tell prospective employers that I was a veteran. I don’t think it was politically motivated, but Vietnam veterans were being portrayed in a negative light, and they just didn’t want to deal with our supposed problems — drug use, adjustment problems, psychological disorders, and other stereotypes.
The media, also dominated by the World War 2 geneartion, were very bad. Hollywood, in particular, churned out movies and TV shows stereotyping Vietnam Veterans as crazy, psychotic, and violent. This reinforced existing negative public attitudes toward Vietnam veterans. An example that sticks in my memory was a TV show in which a Vietnam veteran was portrayed as a madman who sniped at people from a rooftop and had to be taken down by the hero cops.
Bill Ayers is not to blame for employers who refused to hire veterans or for opportunistic screenwriters and producers who exploited negative stereotypes of veterans for gain. Those people, from my point of view, were a bigger problem for veterans like me than Ayers’ little band of revolutionaries who made “statements” by blowing up rest rooms in government buildings with pipe bombs. They didn’t try to kill people, and they never did anything approaching the scale of the rightwing fanatics who blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City.
In recent years, our society (including people of my generation) have warmed up to Vietnam veterans. It’s common now for strangers, when they learn I’m a veteran, to say, “Thank you for your service.” I like that and appreciate today’s more positive attitude toward Vietnam veterans. I think I can speak for all veterans when I say it makes a difference to us that people respect us now, and we appreciate it.
Ayers committed violent crimes and escaped prison because of prosecutorial misconduct. For some people, I suppose, his unpaid debt is an unsettled score. A lot of time has passed and most of us just want to move on. I don’t care about Bill Ayers; he isn’t an issue for me. He’s a professor now, and if he can make positive contributions to society in that role, more power to him and I have no problem with that. I don’t see how his abandoning the revolutionary activities of his youth to take up the education profession is a bad thing — I don’t know about you, but I’d rather he do that than plant bombs.
Maybe Ayers is useful to people like you as a symbol of something, puddy. If so, that’s your problem. It seems juvenile to me. I’d rather see you put that energy into solving the problems we face right now.
Get enough? Have had plenty. But I’ve had plenty of the likes of the Taliban too. Maybe you haven’t? Nice lot you’ve thrown in with.
Follow your example right?? Yea right…. Sorry I don’t get Faux News. I got the cheap cable.
@76 “You admitted you were for John Deadwards before Hillary before Obummer Roger Dopey Rabbit.”
So what? Preferences evolve during the course of a campaign. What’s your fucking point? I suspect that, as usual, there isn’t one.
You behave a lot like the YAFers I hung out with when I was a teenager who thought political debate was nothing more than a sophomoric game of “gotcha.” Even at that level, the “gotcha” usually was against them.
Wow that Education Prof Ayers really scares people like Puddydope.
Why didn’t Bush declare him an enemy combatant? Didn’t Her Highness Sarah Palin call him a terrorist?
Yes, yet another failure of the Bush years.
Yet another stinking pile of bullcrap from Puddyidiot @ 64..
Not a single mention of Raygun in these remarks:
Unless he provides his own link, figure it’s just more bullshit.
Obama is a great president. History will show him to be so. A tide of fundamentalism is flowing against him. Taliban, Mormon, fundamentalist Christian, orthodox Jew, whatever. He is to the right of me. But, in the context of the times, He’s doing quite alright.
@76 You think I keep a file on the 75,000+ comments I’ve posted on this site? Hey, if you want to go looking for comments I posted 3 years ago be my guest. You’re more than welcome to do that. But don’t ask me to do it. I’m not your free fucking research assistant. If you want me to do research for you, pay me.
@83 Obama has sold us out more often than not. He campaigned on a theme of ending the divisive politics of Washington D.C. by bringing a spirit of civility and compromise to the White House. The problem is, you can’t negotiate with Republicans, any more than you can negotiate with terrorists. With Republicans, it’s all or nothing, and they take hostages as we’ve seen. If you don’t give them what they want, they’ll shoot the hostage.
Obama has done two noteworthy things in office for which history will credit him. First, he made the right moves to keep the economic crisis he inherited from the disastrously inept Republican administration that preceded him from becoming a reprise of the 1930s Great Depression. If that doesn’t make him a great president, it at least makes him a competent one. Obama spared millions of people from great suffering by not screwing up, in the same sense that JFK saved millions of lives by not screwing up during the Cuban missile crisis, which we now know came much closer to nuclear war than anyone realized at the time.
Obama’s other noteworthy accomplishment is passing health care reform. Thanks to Republican intransigence, he was only able to get a flawed and inadequate bill through Congress, but that’s more than any other president had been able to do and provides a foundation on which to build improvements in the future when Congress is under the control of more reasonable people than we have there now.
Obama also materially affected the wellbeing of many Americans by appointing people who were not Republican hacks to the Supreme Court, federal courts, and other key federal jobs; but that’s not the sort of thing that’s normally considered as rising to presidential greatness.
But it’s hard to see Obama as a great president when his leadership, for the most part, on issues that his supporters care about resembles that of Neville Chamberlain more than FDR, Truman, or JFK. He doesn’t fight for things he ought to fight for. He doesn’t fight when he ought to fight. In pursuit of a chimerical compromise (despite caving in to Republicans on public option and a number of other key provisions of the healthcare reform bill, he didn’t get a single Republican vote in either house for the bill, so one must ask why he made any accomodation at all) he has merely given away the store for little or nothing in return. That’s not great leadership nor is it the hallmark of a great presidency. Rather, it’s a recipe for a disastrous surrender to an opposing political party that was rejected by the voters of our country.
“@12 Bullshit. Most government bodies do a good job.”
Yeah, right – been to the post office lately?
Ok, just go ahead, then, and vote for some other “progressive” rather than Obama, and in January of 2013 you’ll have another Republican in the White House to attack.
I have no dog in the fight because I think the Dems and Reps are equally bad. I’m still going to write-in Ron Paul for president and Dennis Kuchinich for vice-president.
Anyone who won’t end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, won’t end the War on Drugs, won’t end the outrageous empire, and will not withdraw all our troops to US soil will never get my vote. We need to stop supporting Israel, not-matter-what, and deal with all countries at arm’s length. We can’t afford the empire any longer.
That is my point Roger Dopey Rabbit. You skip over your jockstrapping of John Deadwards like it’s the plague now. You hide from it. Puddy will remind everyone of you, the arschloch and My Left Foot being the prime HA John Deadwards jockstraps here on HA. I suspect it was a bitter taste for you to vote for a black man for president since you supported the others before finally settling on Obummer.
You definitely are a yellow dog DUMMOCRAPT.
There is an serial plagiarizer arschloch sighting. Unfortunately for the serial plagiarizer arschloch Roger DOPEY Rabbit does have some honesty owning up to his actions unlike you serial plagiarizer. He admitted his previous “love” for John Deadwards up front. You on the other hand called me a liar when I said you were a John Deadwards jockstrapper. Then when proven by delivering your own word you wimpered away with your prehensile tail wrapped around one of your legs.
Roger DOPEY Rabbit dropped this smelly pellet
Then he has his minions go on national TV and ratchet up the same divisive politics in early 2009. David Plouffe the nasty mouthed one, David I signed Rahmbo’s Wedding Ketuba Axelrod, Rahmbo Dead Fish Emanuel who never passed up a crisis were Obummer’s chief water bearers. So let’s review history correctly Roger DOPEY Rabbit.
Those three started with Obummer’s 2009 Porkulus bill running to the libtardo press with the standard progressive playbook of Republican attacks. When Obummer was asked about Republican involvement he had them march out and say he didn’t need them.
Then when the Health Care debate began, when asked at the whitey house about incorporating Republican health care ideas, here’s the truth Roger DOPEY Rabbit.
So from those two examples, every can see early in 2009 Obummer didn’t extirpate divisive politics. Instead Obummer and his minions fomented them.
Good try Roger DOPEY Rabbit. Facts prove you wrong again!
Hey Roger DOPEY Rabbit,
You don’t remember Nancy Stretch Pelosi and Scary Harry Land Deal Reid saying if they got control of the Legislative branches they would stop earmarks? That was a failure and it caught up to Pelosi!
“I will remove earmarks for PORK projects before I sign any bill.” – Obummer!
”I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”
”I promise NO NEW TAXES on a family making less than $250K a year.”
”I will allow 5 days of public comment before I sign any bills.”
“I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year”
“I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!”
“I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration”
Hey serial plagiarizer arschloch,
Now it’s my turn. Watch and learn.
Stepping up to the plate #24 Puuuuddddddddddddyyyy.
Here’s the pitch… It’s a long drive to deeeeeeep center field. The HA arschloch stumbles and runs back and watches it sail outta here right over his arschloch… Seems the arschloch was weally weally upset Roger DOPEY Rabbit decided to leave John Deadwards and jockstrap Hillary at this point.
Oh Roger DOPEY Rabbit… The SDS did protest returning Vietnam vets. You too can Google it.
Why Roger DOPEY Rabbit? If you were skittish about being seen in the US Uniform because of left wrong protest pressure then what does that say about you Roger DOPEY Rabbit? Why are you on the same page all those years after the war as those people who made you less of a man wearing the US Military uniform?
. And who runs Hollyweird Roger DOPEY Rabbit? Left wrong types. Those who’s friends met you at SeaTac protesting you in a military uniform. Yet you jockstrap with them today.
Do you remember writing this crap
Remember how you jumped on the John Murtha “I hate marines bandwagon” Except that was later found out to be trumped up?
You are one strange ROGER DOPEY RABBIT person
I came late to this thread, and started off at the end, @93 above.
What a miasma of logical fallacy, – well, let’s call it what it is – a series of cognitive car wrecks, piles of twisted thoughts pushed off to the side of the road, impossible not to gawk at, leaving one thinking, “There but for the grace of God…” and holding on to the wheel a bit tighter, watching the other drivers a bit more closely…
To Libtardo Unscientist,
Proverbs 14:15 “A fool [insert here HA progressives] will believe anything [insert here out of Obummer’s sadministration]; smart people watch their step.”
Wall Street Journal! Oh year the serial plagiarizing arschloch doesn’t like the opinion section of the WSJ. Too many truths are delivered and serial plagiarizing arschloch’s head explodes!
You see when the libtardo MSM tells their lies about disaster relief, who will clear the air except Fox News and the WSJ?
Wow moronic tool! The holes expand ever wider in the swiss cheese hole bubble memory. But that’s kind of hard when the space between your ears is as dense as a black hole.
Lies are what YOU are about fool!
I’ll say it again:
If you ask anybody to “corroborate” and YOU DON”T provide your own links?
Figure it’s just bullshit.
No I won’t say what you LIED ABOUT or BRAINFARTED up above.
By the way. Follow the link in my handle.
And you’ll find a certain LIAR “jockstrapping” the….
Reading lesson for the terminally STOOOPID (Puddydope)..
Look at that for a second. It says Mark1 HATES two things:
1) women (calling Christine Gregoire a “smelly twat” and the like).
2) Roger Rabbit (“government cheese”, OCD and many other stupid things – you get the picture – Puddyhater does that all the time)..
See??? That wasn’t so hard.. Mark1 hates a couple things (among many other things) and like Puddysilly marches lockstep with the “audacity of dopes”…
Could I have worded that better? maybe.. But any other interpretation aside from the one proffered above is a sign of idiocy or just more evidence of a malignant LIAR…
> 83 Obama is a great president
I don’t know if he’ll be a great president – time will tell – but placing a stamp on him now, especially in view of all the issues he’s had to confront, is far premature. Personally, I have little patience with the 180 turns many have done on him when, as someone pointed out above, there were questions being raised about him from the beginning. If you ignored them, that’s your problem. And saying someone else would have been a better choice, as someone did above, is a fool’s game.
And if Obama gives you heartburn, Perry will almost certainly give you a coronary.
@100 “if Obama gives you heartburn, Perry will … give you a coronary”
Did any of us say Perry is an alternative to Obama? Yes, Obama has us over a barrel, and he knows it. Wall Street is chortling. We have to re-elect Wall Street no matter who the parties nominate.
Which reminds me of an old joke. Here in America, we hold primary and general elections; but in banana republics, they dispense with the primary and only hold a general election. That means you have to re-elect the generals again.
We’re not too far removed from being a banana republic ourselves. Just because we can’t do anything about it doesn’t mean we have to like it.
According to someone who actually read the jobs report…
Sadly this was
The serial arschloch plagiarizer is all upset!
I don’t march to you moron. I already proved it. Everyone saw it two weeks ago.
Stupid tool! You are my beta!
The serial arschloch plagiarizer wrote this link…
In the thread I asked him to explain it. Read the 4067 thread. He never explained it then. So this “explanation” now is useless, worthless and moronic. Just like the The serial arschloch plagiarizer!
103 – You’re FUCKING LYING! (or brainfarting – again…. Your memory loss is too pathetic.)
I’ve never denied my one time support for Edwards..
You on the other hand had at least two BRAINFARTS about my initial support for Obama..
Wanna see the proof dumbass? AGAIN???
Oh you’re welcome beneath slime right wing tool!
Your words type with your stinky fingers serial arschloch plagiarizer.
Find them ASSwipe! You have the vaulted crazed databaze!
That’s all you’re getting serial arschloch plagiarizer. I have the thread up right now!
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Boy this is so much fun!
What a turkey!
Where has Puddy ever not said he originally supported Obummer serial arschloch plagiarizer ? NOWHERE!
Another of your train wrecks! Whatafool!
You are a fatal chronological monomaniacal failure!
Looks like the serial arschloch plagiarizer found his comment.
puddypussy is constitutionally incapable of telling the truth.