Ken Schram is upset about McGinn’s apology for his police using pepper spray on peaceful protesters. Not for the police using pepper spray, but for the apology.
What is it that we expect of police?
To protect people and property throughout the community. Professionalism. Integrity. They don’t always meet those standards, of course. No group of people will 100% of the time. So I assume this will be a post about how we better handle that? Awesome! We rarely have the chance to discuss that at that level.
I ask that rhetorical question in light of Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn apologizing for cops who pepper-sprayed Occupy Seattle protestors last Tuesday because there were some who refused to obey their legitimate orders.
Really you think, “What is it that we expect of police?” is a rhetorical question? It’s not foundational? It’s not the basis for how media folks like Ken Schram ought to deal with the police?* Anyway, if you’re wondering what we can reasonably expect from Seattle police, well good news, there’s an SPD Manual (large .pdf). We can judge them against that, for starters.
So let’s play this out.
Would Mayor Mike have issued a mea-culpa if it had been a Ku Klux Klan demonstration and some elderly racist had taken a face full of pepper spray for ignoring police orders?
I would hope so. Everybody has a right to protest. And even despicable people don’t deserve to be pepper sprayed. It’s impossible to know, except presumably YOU COULD HAVE ASKED HIM. What with you being a TV and radio personality, and all.
I don’t think so.
You’re on TV, for Christ sake, you don’t really have to just guess. Call him up and throw the hypothetical at him. That’s what we expect of our news people.
Also, are there lots of demonstrations that McGinn disagrees with that are getting pepper sprayed? If so how about write about them? If not, then it sort of disproves your point, doesn’t it?** Finally, your analogy doesn’t hold up since the Klan have never, to my knowledge, made a commitment to nonviolence, as Occupy Seattle have. So, really, awesome metaphor all around.
What’s obvious here is that police need to be given a list of protesters that we absolutely won’t tolerate breaking the law, and a list of protesters that we give a wink and a nod to when they do something illegal because we agree with what they’re demonstrating against.
Or how about a specific set of standing orders. Like in the Manual linked to above that says (OC Spray is what’s commonly referred to as Pepper Spray, bold mine):
Personnel assigned OC spray, Patrol C.A.R.T or TASER less lethal force options are authorized to use these agents or devices during Unusual Occurrences (UOs), consistent with Department policy, unless otherwise directed by a Supervisor or the Incident Commander. Officers should weigh the capabilities and limitations of these force options in a crowd control setting. Less lethal force, specifically OC spray (Oleoresin Capsicum) or other riot control agents, shall not ordinarily be used to overcome passive resistance by nonviolent and/or peaceful protesters, absent additional compelling factors, or unless previously approved by the Incident Commander.
So it’s true that anyone, regardless of ideology, shouldn’t get pepper sprayed by the cops when they’re acting nonviolently. That seems like the logical thing.
If Mayor Mike would just inform police which illegal actions deserve his dispensation then SPD could save their pepper-spray for those whose protests genuinely offend his sensibilities and political points of view.
Nobody is saying don’t do anything. They’re saying don’t pepper spray people when it goes against procedures, and when you do, it’s right to apologize. People were willing to get arrested, and the police should have complied, but this is beyond that.
Also, Ken Schram often complains that the government is too big, wasteful, and out of control. Take for instance his most recent commentary that there must be waste out there somewhere in Washington State. Really, how someone like that says if you don’t obey police orders, you should be pepper sprayed is beyond me.
If Mayor Mike wants selective law enforcement, the least that should be expected of him is to do the selecting.
You still haven’t proved that he wants selective enforcement; you’ve only had a pointless hypothetical where you compared nonviolent protesters to people who engage in lynching. If McGinn supported selective enforcement, I think there would be camping at Westlake, the food tent wouldn’t have been removed, the city wouldn’t have ticketed people who honked in support, and the police wouldn’t have cleared the nonviolent protests at various places at all, pepper spray or no. Here, to cite one example, McGinn makes the point that he isn’t going to make specific exceptions for Occupy Seattle. “But when it comes to free speech, government does not get to do that. We are not allowed to favor one type of speech over another. That is anathema to the Constitution.”
With that, we’ll all be clear on exactly what we expect of police.
We should expect professionalism from them at all times. We give them a gun, we give them TASERS, we give them pepper spray, and we expect them to use it in a manner consistent with the rules. It doesn’t look like the officer who used pepper spray on peaceful protesters did that, but there will be an investigation. I support the due process rights of the officers who used pepper spray, and if there were orders, to use pepper spray, etc. I’d like to know that.
* Ken, if you don’t mind me using your first name, those were rhetorical questions.
** Also rhetorical questions.
Well there goes the comparison with the Tea Party in Seattle.
Excellent as usual Carl.
Ken, how’s it feel to be called out for laziness and stupidity?
Great post.
And yeah, when you’re cops go against their own training and policies and people get hurt an apology is in order.
Hope the lawsuits wont ding the city coffers for too much.
Funny how Schram’s glibertarianism disappears when it involves the state kicking some DFH ass.
But seriously, Ken being a fiscally responsible guy and all, he should understand this: that pepper spray incident will result in a lawsuit against the city, probably multiple ones, and they will cost Seattle taxpayers a lot of money, just as similar incidents have led repeatedly to payouts in other cities over the years. If McGinn’s apology mollifies the victims of SPD’s violation of its own field manual enough that they don’t go for the legal jugular – or, better still, don’t sue at all – it’s well worth offending Ken Schram’s tender feelings.
Exactly! Seattle’s police riot at the WTO cost the city plenty.
I think Kenny-boy needs more fiber in his diet.
I just emailed Schram some ideas on high fiber breakfast options. He sounds like he could use them…
Feel free to tell him what you think:
That was a lot of research just to arrive at the already known fact that many cops are authoritarian assholes. But someone has to do it. Ken Schram certainly couldn’t have been bothered with it — but then again he’s an authoritarian asshole too.
I wonder what Schram was like at 22? Does he write these tirades wondering what happened to that free loveing hippie that he used to be?
Wait-a-minute, I thought America is the land of the FREE?? When did we become a police state where citizens are expected to obey “orders” and cops dictate what is a “legitimate” order? Doesn’t our Constitution give us the right to peacefully assemble and freely speak our minds and petition our government with grievances? I like Ken Schram, but he sometimes has his head up his ass, and this is one of those times.
@1 For once you’re right, puttbutt — it seems Seattle’s rightwing cops only pepper spray peaceful demonstrators if they’re left of Mussolini.
Let’s review: Tea Partiers and their apologists (e.g. pussybutt) will spend gobs of money to kill foreigners in their own villages but insist it’s Fiscally Irresponsible, Unconstitutional, and the Work Of The Devil to spend a dime helping our own citizens.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
Nope, they don’t; guns are inert and unthinking objects that can’t hurt anyone until an insanely jealous ex-wife who happens to have a couple of handguns shoots her ex and a bunch of kids.
But hey! Despite almost-daily incidents like this one, Wisconsin’s Republican legislators think anyone should be able to buy a handgun without a background check and carry it anywhere without a permit, including into courthouses, kindergartens, and schools.
You Can’t Trust A Republican Dep’t
Now that deficit reduction talks have collapsed because Republicans insisted that Democrats agree to middle class tax increases and cuts in spending on middle class entitlements to fund a huge reduction in the millionaire tax rate, Republicans want to renege on the automatic Pentagon spending cuts they agreed to back in August.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP motto might as well read: “Trillions for war, but not one fucking cent for American workers!!” Well I say, screw ’em, make the automatic spending cuts take effect and let Bush’s Tax Cuts For The Rich (TM) expire in March 2013!
“I would hope so”
He wouldn’t.
One of my favorite publications is The Economist, a U.K.-based business-friendly conservative weekly opinion magazine; not because they’re conservative, but because despite their conservatism they’re thoughtful, insightful, and have something that’s utterly lacking in the rightwing political movement: Common sense.
Here, in this article, they talk about one of the Wing’s favorite recent memes: The young Occupy protestors, they allege, are unemployed because they made bad educational choices.
This is complete, utter, rancid bullshit. And because it is deliberate and premeditated, it is prosecutable as well.
The world doesn’t need incompetent puppeteers, but it does need excellent puppeteers. It also needs to transfer what we know about architectural history to future generations. What it doesn’t need is more investment bankers who produce nothing but get paid millions for developing an adeptness in the techniques of skimming off the top; which, of course, makes everything we buy as consumers more expensive than it needs to be.
“It is remarkable to me how readily old, successful professionals dismiss the labour-market difficulties of young adults as the product of their poorly-chosen majors and general lack of ambition, and on what flimsy evidence they’re prepared to base these views. There are now 3.3m unemployed workers between the ages of 25 and 34. That’s more than twice the level in 2007. There are over 2m unemployed college graduates of all ages; nearly three times the level of 2007. There are many millions more that are underemployed—unwillingly working less than full-time or unwillingly working in a job outside their field which pays less than jobs in their field. As far as I know, the distribution of college majors didn’t swing dramatically from quantitative fields to art history over the past half decade.”
Professionals. Now there’s a word. I’m a “professional” — a lawyer, to be precise — and under our nutty capitalist system I currently get paid $100,000 a year for doing no work and producing nothing of any value, i.e, I spend my time spewing progressive propaganda. There was a time when I worked my ass off, but even then, I produced nothing. Judges don’t make anything. All they do is tell people what they’re going to do even though they don’t want to do it. Which, it seems, is a necessary societal function — human nature being what it is, and all that.
Actually, it’s not true that I’ve never produced anything. For one thing, I’m an inventor who was granted a U.S. Patent on an invention that formed the backbone of a business I started in law school that eventually sold over $1 million of product a year and employed about 30 people full-time. It wasn’t profitable, so I didn’t make anything for the 10 years of hard work I put into it (on top of my day job), but everybody else — suppliers, contractors, employees, etc. — got paid. That’s not where the 100k a year came from, though. Some of it comes from FREE MONEY that I get from flipping stocks. This makes no fucking sense to me, but what they hey, it’s our system so I might as well exploit it — why should Warren Buffett get all the FREE MONEY that capitalists are so eager to part with?
Even though I think capitalism is a nutty system, I’m not suggesting we jettison it, because I can’t offer a better one. I was thinking about this the other day on my way home from the grocery store — if somebody didn’t make money every time I buy groceries, there wouldn’t be any groceries, and I’d have to go back to eating grass or raiding gardens. (It’s even worse for you humans; you’d all starve.)
Let me close this comment this way: This would be a pretty damn piss-poor world if all we had was investment bankers, we had no puppeteers, and there was no generational transfer of institutional knowledge about the history of architecture.
Like my banker/M&A lawyer buddy, I’m a skimmer. You can do this, too! After all, America is the land of the free — no, not free speech, we don’t have that (see, e.g., Seattle cops pepper-spraying 84-year-old woman) — but this is the land of FREE MONEY!
Here’s how you do it. Everybody’s really scared right now because they think the world is coming to an end, so they’re selling all their stocks, even though corporations are making money like they owned the printing press. (You didn’t know the reason you have no money is because corporations took it all? Well, that’s where it went.) Just wait a little while longer, until the professional investor class that runs mutual funds, pension funds, bank and insurance company investment pools, hedge funds, etc., get even more scared and liquidate even more stocks — then scoop them up DIRT CHEAP!! Then wait a little while longer, until they want to buy their stocks back from you at much higher prices.
Trust me, this works. There’s trillions of dollars in cash sitting on the sidelines. That money isn’t being used to hire workers, pay dividends, or buy capital equipment. It’s just sitting there, and at today’s artifically low short-term interest rates (courtesy of the Federal Reserve), it’s earning less than nothing. I say “less than” nothing because interest rates are below the inflation rate, which means all those investors sitting on cash and waiting for something good to happen in the world are losing purchasing power. They know this, of course, and they’re eager to get back into investments that actually pay them for the use of their money, such as dividend paying blue-chip stocks. But for now, they’re too chicken to do it.
Well I’m not! I’m gonna wait a little longer for things to really go to shit in Europe, and when the market really tanks, I’ll jump in and scoop up the dividend-paying blue-chip stocks the chicenshits are dumping because they think the world is ending or they have to meet margin calls.
Why? Because I know what’s going to happen to all those trillions of dollars of cash sitting on the sidelines. It doesn’t take a fucking genius to figure this out; it’s a no-brainer. Only one thing can happen to it — someday it has to come back into the stock market because there’s nowhere else for it to go. When everyone is selling stocks, stock prices go down; when everyone is buying stocks, stock prices go up; so you buy when the lemmings are selling and you sell their stock back to them when the lemmings are buying en masse. Buy low, sell high.
Any questions?
This nutty system sure beats the fuck out of working for some Republican asshole who wants to pay you $5.25 an hour for the prerogative of harassing you 8 hours a day.
Believe me, there’s no shortage of money or oil in the world; the planet is awash with both. As a scientist quoted in National Geographic said a few years ago, the world is going to run out of atmosphere before it runs out of fossile fuels. Likewise, the stock market is going to run out of shares before the world runs out of cash. No matter how much you don’t want to believe me — because you yourself don’t have much money — for your own good, you’ve got to take my word for this, there’s GOBS of cash out there. Trainloads, shiploads of it. Shit, the whole center of the planet is solid cash! There’s an incredible amount of unspent cash out there, and ALL of it eventually will flood back into stocks, real estate, and other tangible assets. That’ll happen when the people sitting on cash-stuffed matresses realize this isn’t Armageddon after all. (It never is; if any of humanity’s endless and innumerable crises had morphed into Armageddon, I wouldn’t be writing this, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Armageddon is one of those things that everyone keeps expecting but which never shows up. It won’t this time, either.) Robbing people is always a matter of being ahead of the curve — who ever succeeded at robbing someone, unless they were waiting around the bend before the robbee got there? Well, just get ahead of the curve and realize there’s an enormous amount of cash out there looking for a home, and maybe some of it will come to you. You know what they say, any damned fool can make money, but fools and their money are soon parted. Shit, why would anyone want a job and work for money under a system like ours?
You think Jesus will keep making enough oil to supply the planet’s needs until He comes again?
Lots of folks actually believe He will …
Shram’s spews seem to always be against compassion.
I would say this may probably be the first expensive lawsuit: http://www.democraticundergrou.....15;2359626
Tee Veee “journalists” get to decide on the law now?
What is the value of a Constitution that can be swept aside whenever a police officer claims to feel “threatened”?
Golly I thought ObamAA+ killed Osama Bin Laden? Golly I thought ObamAA+ killed friends of Awlaki?
You mean George Bush and the Tea Party had something to do with it after all? Whodathunkit?
Butt butt butt Dorky Dorkman (headless lucy’s latest name) said years ago on HA oil was a zero sum game! We’re running out of oil. So the 63 different names headless was wrong again Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
Do tell!
Roger DOPEY Rabbit: I realize facts a queer things to you, but here is the real evidence…
U see Puddy loves using federal statistics while morons like rujax will plant whole cut and paste articles from raw story… HAHAHAHA
College majors with the highest unemployment
* 1. Clinical psychology 19.5%
* 2. Miscellaneous fine arts 16.2%
* 3. United States history 15.1%
* 4. Library science 15.0%
* 5. (tie) Military technologies; educational psychology 10.9%
* 6. Architecture 10.6%
* 7. Industrial & organizational psychology 10.4%
* 8. Miscellaneous psychology 10.3%
* 9. Linguistics & comparative literature 10.2%
* 10. (tie) Visual & performing arts; engineering & industrial management 9.2%
* 11. Engineering & industrial management 9.2%
* 12. Social psychology 8.8%
* 13. International business 8.5%
* 14. Humanities 8.4%
* 15. General social sciences 8.2%
* 16. Commercial art & graphic design 8.1%
* 17. Studio art 8.0%
* 18. Pre-law & legal studies 7.9%
* 19. Materials engineering and materials science and composition & speech (tie) 7.7%
* 20. Liberal arts 7.6%
* 21. (tie) Fine arts and genetics 7.4%
* 22. Film video & photography arts and cosmetology services & culinary arts (tie) 7.3%
* 23. Philosophy & religious studies and neuroscience (tie) 7.2%
* 24. Biochemical sciences 7.1%
* 25. (tie) Journalism and sociology 7.0%
They should have added blogging from your home 24×7 not looking for employment as it’s own category!
The 25 majors with the lowest unemployment.
College majors with lowest unemployment rates
* 1. Medical technology technician 1.4%
* 2. Nursing 2.2%
* 3. Treatment therapy professions 2.6%
* 4. Medical assisting services 2.9%
* 5. Agriculture production & management 3.0%
* 6. Industrial production technologies 3.1%
* 7. Pharmacy 3.2%
* 8. Communications & disorders sciences 3.3%
* 9. Elementary education 3.6%
* 10. Special needs education 3.6%
* 11. Miscellaneous education 3.7%
* 12. Mechanical engineering 3.8%
* 13. High school teacher 3.8%
* 14. Theology & religious vocations 4.1%
* 15. Management info systems & statistics 4.2%
* 16. General education 4.2%
* 17. Health & medical administrative services 4.3%
* 18. Transportation science & technologies 4.4%
* 19. Finance 4.5%
* 20. Physics 4.5%
* 21. PE/health education 4.5%
* 22. Criminal justice and fire protection 4.7%
* 23. PE/Park & Recreation 4.8%
* 24. Civil engineering 4.9%
* 25. (tie) Electrical engineering; environmental science; math 5%
20 Best-Paying College Degrees by Salary in 2011
College Degree Mid-Career Median Salary
1. Petroleum engineering $155,000
2. Chemical engineering $109,000
3. Electrical engineering $103,000
4. Material science & engineering $103,000
5. Aerospace engineering $102,000
6. Physics $101,000
7. Applied mathematics $98,600
8. Computer engineering $101,000
9. Nuclear engineering $97,800
10. Biomedical engineering $97,800
11. Economics $94,700
12. Mechanical engineering $94,500
13. Statistics $93,800
14. Industrial engineering $93,100
15. Civil engineering $90,200
16. Mathematics $89,900
17. Environmental engineering $88,600
18. Management Info. Systems $88,200
19. Software engineering $87,800
20. Finance $87,300
Facts are strange bed fellows to liberals.
Cool. I can bear to read puddy when he’s actually talking about real stuff.
I wonder if this information is out there for beginning college students, or would telling them this, be a burdensome regulation.
Notice how about half the jobs in the College majors with lowest unemployment rates list are under attack by conservatives as free loaders and over paid leeches?
Does this behavior by the police surprise anyone? It seems right in line with their recent behavior of kicking handcuffed (and, oh by the way, completely innocent) men in the head and threatening to beat the ‘Mexican piss’ out of them. Seems right in line with shooting a disabled wood carver three times for carrying a folding pocket knife.
In fact, I would be surprised if the officers did anything other than show disproportionate and unconstitutional violence and aggression in reaction to peaceful protestors.
Ummm blue john you forgot what Roger DOPEY Rabbit said above about these facts…
So which is it blue john?
Got link blue john?
The puddywuddypussy is ALL about the complete and utter rancid bullshit.
PS-blue john…
…you don’t need to put up links for the motherfucker, check this out:
See? Don’t bother.
Oh my poor rujax such a moron… I posted the comment weeks ago. I don’t repost for idiots such as you or rhp6033.
Life is tough for you being an idiot rujax!
Wait for this full cut and repaste!
Don’t worry little teeny-tinee MISTER puddywuddyduddypussy…I’ll have PLENTY more opportunities to show what a god-damned fucking idiot you are…
…oh BTW…don’t hear much about ol’Superduper Fly Herman Cain. How’s the your home boy doin’? Teh jesus must not want that hater to be Preisident.
Add @32…
Did you know that Obama sent Cass Sundstein out to PERSONALLY fuck Herman’s shit up???
True story!
The Cassassinator!
It’s all over the news for the last year. It’s been discussed so many times here in HA. If you choose not to remember what your own party has been systematically doing, no link I provide can help you remember.
To Puddy @ # 31:
I’ll re-paste this, which is on the previous thread, just for your convenience:
I would like to know the demand for the jobs listed in the
20 Best-Paying College Degrees by Salary in 2011 College Degree Mid-Career Median Salary.
Are there 20 openings or 200,000. It makes a difference.
I see that
10. Biomedical engineering $97,800 pays well, but 24. Biochemical sciences 7.1% is also listed as one of the College majors with the highest unemployment.
You are exhibiting your typical behavior of muddying the discussion. This is why I generally don’t read your posts. You are unwilling to stand up for what you post.
I was talking about your post about jobs.
Instead of responding to the post about jobs, you blather on about something rabbit said, that had nothing to do with your post about jobs.
Why are you so unwilling to discuss what you post?
Or would you rather try to change the subject and blame something on rabbit or rujax?
# 24: I also applaud you for posting something usefull for discussion – and readable in the King’s English.
Now, let’s start by pointing out a couple of things.
Your third list is for “Mid-Career” salary levels. Interesting that this has nothing to do with entry-scale wages, or even wages within the first five or ten years. # 5 is for Aerospace Engineering, and # 9 is for Nuclear Engineering. My own thought is that these aren’t particularly high wages for someone with that amount of responsibility and probably a couple of decades on the job. But more importantly, those happen to be cyclical industries. You might not have anybody lower than a mid-career level, because they have been laid off in the previous cycles. Note that despite being in the top 20 wage levels, these professions don’t show up anywhere in the list of lowest unemployment figures.
Now, nuclear engineering is probably going to go through at least another five years of no growth, while they sort out the damage from the Fukashima disaster in Japan. Sure, the Fukashima disaster is old technology, and there’s a lot newer technology available. But governments are doing brand-new risk-assessments based on the risk of a combination of earthquake and tsunami, either or both of which could cut off power to the reactor for weeks at a time.
But with respect to Aerospace Engineering, there is a demand right now. It will probably continue for an uncertain amount of time as both Boeing and Airbus have new commercial products in the the development and engineering phase. But a lot of that work is increasingly being out-sourced overseas, Boeing has invested heavily in a Russian firm to provide some engineering work. Defense work relies upon U.S. Citizens as engineers so it is more difficult to out-source overseas, but except for the 787 tanker project and the Poseiden anti-submarine project (which is already in production at Renton), this may get scaled back.
So the problem is that an incoming freshman in college has to make some choices fairly early on in his/her education. Choosing a degree based on current demand isn’t any more likely to make one employable than taking a stab in the dark. Predicting the future has always been mostly guesswork.
Oh, and as for the # 21: PE/Health Education majors. These former college athletes get jobs in middle schools and high schools as football and basketball coaches. Once the PE/Health class slots are filled, they hire them to teach history, and also assign them to work as assistant football and basketball coaches. That’s why history majors have such high unemployment rates – our school systems think that having another assistant football coach is more valuable than someone who actually knows history. It also explains why our high schools graduate students with such a poor knowledge of history.
Ummm blue john, Roger DOPEY Rabbit called it uhhh oh yeah…
So now you claim Republicans have been picking on some of these professions? Where? They PICKED ON SOME PEOPLE in these professions blue john.
As I said rhp6033 I will NOT repost it. Ask the crazed databaze producer.
Be a man rhp6033, grow some marbuls… ask ylb. He’ll provide the evidence. Or, as I suspect you are a gasbag, posting long winded posts.
“Notice how about half the jobs in the College majors with lowest unemployment rates list are under attack by conservatives as free loaders and over paid leeches?”
“Got link blue john?”
Half? Almost the entire list falls under education, public service and the sciences.
Do wingnuts hate on these folk? After spending years here hating on these people, the hate-filled, self-loathing black loon who converses here with his sockpuppet about his dick, who believes that the earth is 6,000 years old, and who believes that Sunday Blue Laws herald the end of the world, requires a link. So you best come up with a link, Blue John, or stop with the wild accusations.
Wow this is the newest attack by Stupid Solution Steve… Another Puddy Stalker 24×7.
Only certain people in those professions Stupid Solution Steve. Too bad you can’t figger out the difference.
You lose sucka!
Fuck…time to turn the Cassassinator loose on the poorpoor little puddywuddyduddypussy…
“absent additional compelling factors”
The “compelling factor” at this point regarding OWS is that the downtown business interests (in Seattle and elsewhere) want everything sanitized and prettied up before Black Friday.
Look it up blue john. Can you research?
The GOP is simultaneously emasculating teachers’ unions while adopting the worst parts of their agenda. The result could be devastating.
For years, teachers’ unions have claimed that education reformers are mounting a “war on teachers.”
Stripping teachers of collective bargaining rights is only part of a larger assault on the credibility of the teaching profession. Republican governors in Michigan, Wisconsin, New Jersey and Florida have repeatedly demeaned teachers as lazy and overpaid (although their average salary is less than one-third of those of the governors who attack them) while cutting school budgets and laying off teachers by the thousands.
And all can see I am totally inside the head of rujax. Well I am filling the vacuum caused by the missing brain aka anencephaly.
@24 Puddy, I’ll certainly give you credit here for posting something interesting and potentially useful. A couple of thoughts come to mind:
First, that there are a lot of unemployed clinical psychologists is somewhat alarming, being as there are certainly plenty of people out and about who are at least a bubble and a half off plumb.
Secondly, for the two last groups (occupations with the lowest unemployment and highest salaries) I’d think that a lot of members of some of those professions have advanced degrees. (What, for instance, does someone with only a bachelor’s degree in math or physics do for a living?) If so, it may be an unfair comparison with some other lines of work in which four years of college is sufficient. On the other hand, going back to clinical psych, the same thing is true–you need at least a master’s.
Look it up blue john. Can you research?
Oh my blue john let’s review the facts…
Watch the video blue john.
The Cassassinator is on to you puddywuddyduddypussy! He’s gonna do you like he did Herman Cain.
The Democrat Machine will not be denied.
…and the link is from the Heritage Foundation.
SUCH an unimpeachable source.
Ouch…the puddywuddyduddypussy strikes again!!!
I cracked up on this
Especially when you see the brain power of HA leftists who are a bubble and a half off plumb posting here attacking Puddy!
It’s the initial choice ArtFart.
You hate unions and and all things union. I get that.
Your party is doing it’s best to destroy public education in the name of union busting.
Let’s see. The link is from 2 years ago, so already it’s stale.
Lets see 550 by 80,000…so for 0.69% of the teachers, you want to destroy the teachers union and teachers in general. I wished you would spend that fury against a 1% against the 1%!
Oh the video is from the Heritage Foundation?
How absurd!
As I said above “HA leftists who are a bubble and a half off plumb posting here attacking Puddy”!
Is nothing blue john?
Well when you have family members all over America FORCED to pay union dues because they don’t march to the DUMMOCRAPTIC line, yeah there is a very big extended family distaste for Teacher Union activities!
Cops should not have the right to collective bargaining.
THIS could have been written by the liar puddybuddy.
Deliberate distortion and twisting to gain a political advantage. My my my my my how ABOUT that!!!
Fuck the puddywuddydudypussy…here is his lie in all it’s glory…for ALL the world to see.
Have fun in hell, pally…your teh jesus don’t like them liars…liars like you.
Fuck. I fel dirty even going to that site.
Why, only this morning a Galtian lackey was giving America’s educators some love,
Fox News, radio Tony Katz sez,
“There’s no such thing as income inequality. A stockbroker makes more than a schoolteacher and a schoolteacher exists off the excesses of the stockbroker and the capitalist and people who pay into the system to allow the educator to exist.”
You see, it’s like this. In the Galtian universe of job creators and ungrateful leaches, educators are only allowed to exist.
I see it another way. Our Galtian overlords live only as long as we allow them to live. They taunt us at their own risk.
This is an expansion on your point, Steve…by David Frum no less…
What a putz this rujax is.
Yes the video was MADE BY THE &*^%$# HERITAGE FOUNDATION. Those words spoken on the video by the man were from a HERITAGE FOUNDATION script.
“HA leftists who are a bubble and a half off plumb posting here attacking Puddy”! – that’s rujax!
# 40. Typical. “I will NOT repost”.
I’m not asking you to duplicate your previous post. Just say “yea” or “nay” as to whether you repudiate Glenn Beck’s comments.
I’m not going to waste YLB’s time in trying to find a post which may, or may not, answer the question. I suspect you may be referring to one comment where you said that before you would reply, you wanted me to jump through some hoops for you. I’m not your circus animal.
Your efforts to avoid this subject are pretty clear.
The Scientific American has an article about Oleoresin Capsicum Spray AKA Pepper Spray and the known risks involved in its use.
In short, the stuff is dangerous and can and does kill people.
# 61: So, the finance guy who only makes money trading financial notes back and forth is the only real “producer”, and the teachers who taught him the basic skills he needed to qualify him for that job exist only due to his good graces?
Wow. What a screwed-up mindset these guys have.
That would mean I am reposting my answer just with one word rhp6033. Don’t play games dude!
No marbuls eh?
Damned…(literally…your teh jesus hates liars)
Proved…as we all do here…rhp and ylb and the bunny and Steve and all the cats that are MUCH SMARTER than Ol’ Rujax! do 24/7/365.
Every god-damned day these assclowns like puddywuddyduddypussy get pwned.
Every day…sooooooo easy, sooooooo much fun.
Is nothing blue john?
Of course not. 0.69% is something. But out of every $100 in dues, $0.69 is spent on them and $99.31 is going toward helping the members in other ways.
Are CEO salaries only 0.69% of cost of a company’s profits? Are you railing against that?
Is there only 0.69% waste fraud and abuse in the defense spending? Are you railing against that?
What I fault you on, is your sense of scale. You want to destroy a vital liberal leaning organization over 0.69%, but you won’t think of touching anything conservative for amounts much bigger.
Yeah puddy, what do you say?
Look, as much as I hate to admit it, the financial guys are useful in society. Not nearly to the extent they are compensated under the present system, but useful nonetheless. They are the brokers which allow the available money to match up with those who need it for investment purposes – whether it be for an individual to buy a house, or an entrepreneur to fund his business.
Also useful are the salesmen, because until a sale is made, then nothing gets produced. Similarly, the government regulators who make sure the system is set up so that everyone is operating on an even playing field, that the products are safe, and that customers aren’t being defrauded. Likewise, the lawyers are useful for the same purpose, making sure that all parties follow those rules, and judges for the purpose of enforcing those rules.
Then you have the people who actually design and produce the product, ane are ironically among the lowest paid of all in the process.
Don’t forget the ancillary support staff – quality assurance, customer service, accounting, etc.
What is rather amazing is so many people don’t accept that it takes a team effort to bring any product to market. Those that spend their time trying to assert that they are the most important people in the chain, or the ONLY important people in the chain, are clueless.
By far, the important person in the product production and distribution chain is – the customer.
LMAO!!! The “mental midget” Puddybud is too sceeeeeeeered to say:
“yea or nay”..
What a tool…
Already said it once blue john. Won’t repeat it because rhp6033 missed it. He can ask ylb to find it for him but he won’t. I don’t do his bidding because he stated long ago he don’t read Puddy posts. Well looks like rhp6033 missed that post blue john.
Also that $65 million is part of the taxpayer money being wasted blue john. What do CEO salaries have to do with school budgets blue john? What does that wasted salary have to do with union dues blue john.
Two useless canards from blue john.
# 67: No, I’m tired of trying to get you to answer a simple question. You simply will avoid it. You’ve already showed what type of person you are, I don’t need to do it any more. How’s it feel to have your lack of humanity displayed for all to see? Most people would be embarrased, but I would guess you are beyond that by now.
Why is rujax a bubble and a half off plumb? The words and video are not from Heritage. The words are the teacher’s union leader. The video is from youtube. I can find another source and the words and video will be the same.
rujax a bubble and a half off plumb! He can’t understand that!
Stupid is as stupid is and rujax is really really stupid 24×7!
Nope you dope. I answered this weeks ago. I am not on Earth to do your whims or biddings.
See ya!
The coward Puddybud is just too much of a bought and paid for tool to stand on conviction.
Either Beck was right to call those kids gunned down by that right wing maniac “Hilter Youth” or he was wrong..
Yea or nay…
But the tool has said many, many times that “Glenn Beck is right again!”.. That’s a fact. Infer what you want from that.
# 73: Just to re-cap, Puddy didn’t answer for weeks my repeated calls to repudiate Glenn Beck equating the victims of the shooting in Sweden as participants in a Hitler Youth Camp.
Then when I called him on it again, he said he had responded. But he refuses to post a link, or refer to a date – he says I have to go search for it.
I quit going on snipe hunts a long time ago. I called on Puddy to just repeat, here and now, whether he agreed with Beck or not. He just answers that he won’t repeat his comments. Note that he won’t say he repudiated Beck’s comments, he just says he responded.
It’s so easy – either you agree with him, or not. Puddy doesn’t want to say. That tells you a lot about Puddy, doesn’t it?
Puddy @ # 76:
Getting a little to hot for you here? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Ummm no ya moron. I have to visit the Feds to get official documentation for my next overseas installation. So the see ya was for your benefit. There is no heat.
Oh my the crazed databaze moron appears to “pile on”. Why not tell him the results of your “search”. I know you have the exact data and time I posted my initial answer to rhp6033. So why not share it ylb? Or did your search mechanism fail again stalker?
Gotta go. FedEX is calling!
78 – Ok here the coward Puddybud excuses Beck’s reprehensible rhetoric:
Then a couple of weeks or so later he uses a putrid old trick of his – he hides behind a distortion of an ha liberal blogger or commenter’s words:
Anything but “yea or nay”… He’s a coward.. Nothing to see here folks. Move on…
This puddybuddy character is psychopathic.
The puddywuddyduddypussy is SUCKING ON THE GUMMINT TIT???
Oh my god…too fucking funny. What an asshole hypocrite.
Let’s cut funding for HIS job.
# 84: Well, I wasn’t going to ask you to waste your time trying to figure out where he commented. But you graciously proceeded to sift through the threads to come up with those little “gems”.
If that’s a “response”, it’s clearly not a repudiation of Beck’s analogy.
Pavlov called it. ylb will always stalk Puddy.
ylb, keep searching… it’s just like your monomaniacal search failure. I didn’t use the name Beck in the response specifically so you would have to search more.
Getting back to Ken Schram: Does anybody listen to him anymore? His commentaries have always been the most lightweight possible, mostly devoid of content.
Oh my rujax has lost it… I said I needed Fed official documentation not Fed assistance. I realize rujax is an abject moron in so many things, he’s never heard of the GOES program. You know the one where you don’t have to enter the x-ray scanners like the common HA leftist creeps at Sea-Tac. When you fly as much as I do well… Every so often you need to provide supplemental documentation.
So you can keep calling Puddy a liar and Puddy will keep making bank! What a moron! What an idiot!
He’s such a fool. rujax is a bubble and a half off plumb!!!!!!!!! He hangs upside down from the rafters and howls at the moon!
88 – zzzZZZzzzz. Like I said folks.. Nothing to see here… You’re better off moving on…
This is totally excellent!
Pepper Spray Cop as internet meme of ridicule!
Gee, Puddy phrases this comment to imply that he has to go work with the federal government for his “installation” overseas. He wants us to think that needs to secure permits for some high-technology project or another, and is therefore a very important person!
Oh, he just doesn’t want to stand in line with the rest of the Hoi Paloi. That’s why he thinks he’s a very important person!
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAH…and the whole Jennifer Fox thing was proven to be a SCAM! HAHAHAHA
of course fools like you and the mini-minded robots at DU fell for it! HAHAHAHAHHHAHA
I’m not sure how it is surprising to people, both left and right, that a poor peoples movement, which erects street encampments, would attract and include at least a few mentally ill homeless people. Why people didn’t check her story out before repeating it is beyond me.
The left to their credit has at least treated the mentally ill, the disabled, and the homeless with compassion and tried to help them out. The right, who seem to love to talk the talk about kindness, charity, and what would Jesus do, seem to have a hard time walking the walk.
With employers hiring for round about 60K jobs in Washington State and round about 317,000 people on unemployment it’s understandable (it’s 3rd grade math) that some people would have a hard time finding work.
Yawwwn… Just checked.. No discussion of Jennifer Fox at all here in the threads..
Google search of this site turns up nothing.
First mention of jennifer fox is your mean-spirited bullshit.. Typical..
Your link links to an :
I think there was a whopping one mention of her, just not by name. Slog reported first and as pretty much fact. At least they were just talking about a homeless kid, not mobile WMD factories or Saddam Hussein’s connection to 9/11, I’m sure the media would do a more through checking of the facts for something like those.
I bet she is a skank
You think this woman did this because she’s promiscuous? She is obviously not well.
Anonymously bashing a homeless 19 year old girl can’t possibly be the best use of your time. Shove off, idiot.
100 – Our mean spirited right wing trolls can’t help themselves.. Idiocy is the least of their problems.
Sargent Pepper spray?
Oh my rhp6033. Do you have GOES approval? What does it mean? What do you have to do every so often?
I don’t have to stand in certain lines rhp6033. There are special machines which deliver special paperwork. Do you comprehend what GOES allows you to do? Probably not since you are a Cass Sunstein malleable Homer Simpson moron!
Let’s see the leftist moron answer those questions!
Ummm Michael… she ran to The Stranger first thing. And we all know the connections between The Stranger and this blog right Michael? Now if she was pregnant, she should be providing the miscarriage documentation.
Once again the moronic ylb with the crazed HA databaze search fails again. Now he’s using Google search. Well we know why. His own coded search method is worthless and useless. I mentioned it first here.
This is the reason why he still can’t find my Glenn Beck comment. He thinks one dimensional. He searches specific phrases. This is why his code SUCKS and how come his Google search sucks.
105 – zzzzZZZZZzzz… Stupid… A Glenn Beck comment without glenn or beck in it…
Let me guess.
Was that it???
Oh my “zzzzzzZZZZZzzzz” What a tard! Keep looking dickless wonder. Did I first mention Jennifer Fox or not ya moron? Admit you can’t search to save your sorry ASS from ridicule!
R I D I C U L E!
You are rujax are two nappy headed hos and the most lunatic and stupid people I have ever met!
107 – A change of pace..
A while back you had a question about my wife appearing in a video…
I will answer that question if you answer one from me first about your wife. Hint: I’ve asked one form of it before.
Are you game?
Running away from another failure? There you go again derailing the train from the tracks. NOPE you have some ‘splaining to do above! First answer my question above. Then admit you are a search failure fool! GAME?
Then I’ll consider the next step! Remember I asked first!
108 – NO FUCKING DEAL. Forget I asked..
Never made your miserable acquaintance to my recollection… Don’t plan to.. EVER!
ta ta fool. Happy turkey day…
@110 Cha-ching!
ylb what a useless leftist moron!
Met you here on HA and must say it’s been very distasteful!
Thanks for playing!
I didnt day HA, you fucking fool – I said DU, which was where the link was from.
Get a clue fuckhead.
go back to selling greencards and fake ID’s.
112. Nice try dumbass.. You lambasted David too who is commenting here in the threads.
Have a supremely racist turkey day chump..
Have a healthy helping of hating native americans to go with the rest of your miserable hateful existence tomorrow ya moron!
In you stupid dreams fool! You wouldn’t be trying every which way till Saturday to get me to go to DL to “meet” your miserable ass if that were true.
Why do you always change the subject when you are losing the argument. Answer the questions!
Wait for it… Pavlov calls the classic answer to appear!