Well, this is great news.
That is, until today, when the Supreme Court overturned section 3 of the 1996 law as unconstitutional, so now the Starling-Littlefields can enjoy all the financial benefits and equal dignity of a recognized marriage.
“I’m in tears,” Starling told ABCNews.com right after the decision was rendered. “Today’s ruling means the federal government will no longer be allowed to treat some American families differently. Now all same-sex couples who are married or who have the freedom to marry will be able to provide their children the necessary legal and economic protections they need in life.”
The 5-4 decision read: “DOMA violates basic due process and equal protection principles applicable to the federal government. Under DOMA same sex married couples have their lives burdened, by reason of government decree, in visisblt and public ways.
“By its great reach DOMA touches many aspects of married life from the mundane to the profound”
They’ve also dismissed the Prop 8 appeal. So yay, and there’s more work to do.
To think that this case started with just a widow suing because this law said that the Federal government could not recognize her as such.
By the way, in Australia, Labor nounced Prime Miniater Julia Gillard in favor of former PM Kevin Rudd, who is for Marriage Equality.
DOMA unconstitutional. I wasn’t really sure it would be struck down, even though it was the right and constitutional thing to do.
Listening to the conservative talk shows on my commute, the bigots and haters were NOT happy. I didn’t know you could say those words on the radio.
2)On the second part of your comment, I wonder if it was anything that George Carlin would say, and if Pacifica vs. FCC is still in force.
As for DOMA, I thought that the judges would be worried about moving too fast, and go for a narrow ruling in favor of Mrs. Windsor, at the very least, get a refund. Section 2 of DOMA, which prevents Full Faith and Credit, still stands. So basically, Idaho does not have to recognize a same-sex marriage license issued in Washington State.(Going for a local example)
2)On the second part of your comment, I wonder if it was anything that George Carlin would say, and if Pacifica vs. FCC is still in force.
As for DOMA, I thought that the judges would be worried about moving too fast, and go for a narrow ruling in favor of Mrs. Windsor, at the very least, get a refund. Section 2 of DOMA, which prevents Full Faith and Credit, still stands. So basically, Idaho does not have to recognize a same-sex marriage license issued in Washington State.(Going for a local example)
By, by, DOMA, don’t let the door hit yeah on the ass on your way out.
Keep in mind this was a 5-4 decision, with Kennedy as usual furnishing the swing vote. The court’s 4 conservatives voted in favor of legalized discrimination again.
Now all the white male Republican congressmen and senators can marry their teenaged boyfriends when they reach their
18th birthdays.
This is a bad day for the disgusting rightwing peeping toms who want to peer through other people’s bedroom windows and throw them in jail if they don’t like what they see.
One impression I am getting from the reports, is that this may help immigration reform. It removes an obstacle
Of course the celebrations are having an impact in Los Angeles. This traffic alert in West Hollywood.
I knew something was off today because I woke up and my wife said our marriage was destroyed. I tried to explain that I supported traditional marriage because I was still hoping her father would hand over the plot of land, four cows and a case of mead.
And then I went outside and two of my male neighbors were trying to woo my dog.
Countdown to Pastor Ken calling for a boycot of all federal courts in 5…4…3…
@11 I think the issue all along was that Republican wives all across the country were afraid their husbands would run away with the next-door neighbor and then they’d have no one to talk to except another lonely abandoned woman.
One of the pro-equality captions that I had seen floating around Facebook involved two late Astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Dr. Sally Ride. The former’s widow got benefits that the latter’s partner was denied under DOMA.
4 Political monkeys that voted against overturning DOMA – and they preach the constitution and wave the American flag – what dispicable bigots.
“they preach the constitution”
Is that the same fixed constitution that says that black are only 3/5 of a vote and women and 18 year olds shouldn’t vote?
Things change, societies evolve. Grow or die.
@15 Republican thinking is stuck in the 19th century. Maybe their fondness for that century stems from the fact that back then we still had slavery, women couldn’t vote, and there were no anti-trust laws.
This is nasty
But I should have expected that.
Off topic, deleted by poster
@17 – those heterosexuals who are hating hopefully feel better that a heterosexual football player is a murderer. Hope they celebrate that.
This is the best of times (heh) and the worst of times (belaboring the obvious)…
We must remain hopeful that this klownservative insanity will pass..
You can’t have a historic court decision without also getting the usual jackassery from the usual jackasses.
“God created marriage, and the Supreme Court has not risen to the level of God.” — Michelle Bachmann
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Thank God.
@17 Look at the bright side: America is such a big tent there’s room in this country even for those freeper assholes.
21)Guess she was not invited to her sister’s wedding.(Bachman’s sister is a Lesbian and campaigned against Michelle’s cherished amendment last year)
Family reaction from Chief Justice Roberts’s Lesbian Cousin. She’s proud of the ruling on Prop8. He joined the majority on that one.
Gay men can’t gert pregnant because their form of intercourse isn’t “accurate intercourse!”
Accurate intercourse? WFT???
@25. And won’t anyone think of the Santorum?
Somebody might bring it up, since the opponents say it all the time, one story out of Utah. There is a pending case against the bigamy/polygamy laws there.
With Prop 8 struck down on standing, I was thinking, that this decision was set in motion by then-Governor Schwarzenegger refusing to appeal, and then Lt. Gov Able Maldonado said he wouldn’t, claiming he was busy(had a pipeline explosion in San Mateo County to attend to). That decision deadline was in the middle of the 2010 election. Maldonado lost the race for a term in his own right, to the Mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom, and I think it was clear what side Newsom has always been on.
What’s funny is Scalia huffing and puffing that the majority overturned the will of the people (via Congress) effectively overstepping their constitutional mandate (that specifically gives the Supreme Court that right). He had no such qualms yesterday when throwing out part of the Voting Rights Act.
29)That is the case. On the California Case, I noticed that the Chief Justice joined Scalia and three Liberals on the opinion, and one Liberal justice joined the dissent, but that one is on standing, not on the merits.