Does Dino Rossi oppose legal abortion under any circumstances?
Pressed at the Spokane breakfast forum, Rossi said he opposes abortion for “anything other than maybe rape, incest or life of the mother.”
Um… “maybe” rape, incest or life of the mother? Does Rossi mean “maybe” like, “maybe I oppose it, maybe I don’t… I haven’t really given it much thought”…? That’s kinda hard to believe considering he’s been running for office for so long, and has been asked this question so many times. So how could he possibly be unsure whether he supports an exemption for rape, incest or life of the mother?
Or maybe he means “maybe” as in “maybe… depending on the circumstances.” Like, if a black man rapes a white woman, then Rossi supports the right to an abortion, but if it’s date rape, well, she was probably asking for it, so she should carry the baby to term.
Or maybe Rossi isn’t nearly so nuanced, and knows exactly where he stands on this issue, but just refuses to say?
Where he stands on the issue–any issue for that matter, no doubt is tailored to appeal to whatever audience he’s standing in front of. That is, if he can get them to hold still long enough.
The Virgin Mary spoke to Dino in a dream and told him that “maybe” is a magic word that can absolve him of any mortal sin. “Maybe” is magical invisible motor powered by ego and ambition that spins Dino’s moral compass so fast even God can’t see which way it points.
Imagine the things Dino believes he can do with “maybe”.
As I was reading this, Jason Calhone, from the Rossi campaign, cold called me to support the Rossie Campaign, I told him I am not sure (don’t worry I am sure I wont), that I had heard that in a Spokane he had said the he “anything other than maybe rape, incest or life of the mother.”, I told Jason as a good Conservative I need more than maybe, he said (poor kid was trying) that to hold one, he came back with Dino Rossi is Pro Choice, I pushed the issue, so what does that mean when it comes top incest, rape of life of the mother, poor Jason said hang on again, came back and said all he could say was he was pro life and that I could go to their web site. etc etc, I kept on the phone for quite some time, at least I kept him from calling others! HA He seemed like a nice little trouper, what a shame.
Funny how ol’ Dino always says rape twice.
Maybe that’s true leadership…then again maybe not.
Maybe Dino’s a douchebag.
Rossi is pro rape.
aw, goldy, what a shame rossi doesnt want to use a metal tube to suck the brains out of beings with a beating heart. and to think you even eat choclate to celebrate the stoppage of that beating heart. he doesnt realize how wonderful you must feel. he doesnt know your code…suck out brains as long as you dont use a racial slur.
by the way goldberg, why dont you invite your homies, the compton crypts to meet your daughter. you’d be proud to have her marry someone from the society you helped create, wouldnt you. yeah homes, do da dippidy.
Ha! ManOfTruth thinks blastocysts have brains! I guess they didn’t cover biology in his homeschool curriculum.
Also, he has a little problem with the spell checker. It’s spelled “Crips.” Stay KKKLassy, Aryan Superman.
“Stay KKKLassy, Aryan Superman”
I like that.
i love it…..defending the killing of living human beings. and you think there will ever be peace. what sad, pathetic fools.
btw, you fools..ever see the pamphlets by planned parenthood? “the PREGNANCY is removed”!
the PREGNANCY!!!!! thats what they call a baby. because the fucking kike doctor cam make schekels, you fucking jewboys.
btw, whats the difference between chuck schumer and jon stewart? oh, only about a 16th of a centimeter in the size of their nose.
now thats kkk, morons
btw, you fools..ever see the pamphlets by planned parenthood? “the PREGNANCY is removed”!
the PREGNANCY!!!!! thats what they call a baby. because the fucking kike doctor cam make schekels, you fucking jewboys.
To say that you are a fucking idiot is an insult to idiots. To say that you are a racist would be an insult to racists. To say that you are a scum sucking asshole who has only one goal in life and that is to suck Rossi’s dick would be an insult to the next whore that Dino hires…
“Tax revenue down; state could see broad budget cuts later this year
“Across-the-board cuts in state spending are expected this year despite $540 million in federal aid approved by Congress earlier this week.
“By Andrew Garber
“Seattle Times Olympia bureau
“OLYMPIA — Across-the-board cuts in state spending are all but certain this year despite $540 million in federal aid approved by Congress earlier this week.
“Gov. Chris Gregoire said Thursday that tax collections in June and July were about $125 million below projections. …
“The governor is telling state agencies to prepare for cuts of between 4 and 7 percent, which … could mean whacking … $500 million from the state budget ….
“She said steps to reduce spending could mean ‘we’re going to see the end of programs. Not the cutting of a program, but the end of programs ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Wow! Agency budget cuts of 4% to 7%! Ending programs! 500 million bucks of cuts! Sure sounds like a taxaholic, free-spending, governor to me! (sarcasm)
Washington residents have received billions of dollars in tax cuts over the last 3 years. And it didn’t even require any action by the legislature or governor. All they had to do to give themselves these tax cuts was stop buying stuff. And they did.
@16 Republicans love babies until they’re born. Then they want to work them to death in their factories or send them to die in the GOP’s wars. A human life is valuable to a Republican only until he figures out how to make money from the person’s death.
Rabbit @ 19
I’ve said it before and will surely say it again: the only human life that Republicans want to preserve is whatever we might call what is in the womb and the brain dead (Terry Schiavo). Those who might actually be breathing, walking, and thinking? Not so much. Therefore, war and capital punishment are good. War and capital punishment are, in their little minds, “pro-life” positions. Funny world in which they live.
Dino brings nothing to the table.
Not even scraps for the dogs. Not even napkins to clean up spilled wine. His head is as empty as his party’s agenda. Dino is truly dumb.
Rossi is pro-foreclosure, in the same sense that Dick Cheney is pro-war. If you can make some money on the deal, he’s for it. If there was some way Rossi could make some money on abortions, he would be for them. That’s where the maybe comes in.
If there was some way Rossi could make some money on abortions, he would be for them.
jewish doctors beat him to it.
Therein lies the rub.
Ya see MOT, when people like you, saying things like that, come into a discussion about something such as abortion or economics, you are automatically dismissed by people who actually spend time studying the issues, looking at options and differentials, making comparisons etc.
You wanna know why?
It is simply because statements like that clearly illustrate to the world, that all you are is a reactionary asshole, who has NOT really spent much time thinking about what should be, or what can be, when people, individuals or groups are allowed to make their own decisions about their own personal issues. Be they health issues or dogmatic issues or moral issues. It is all about what you want.
You “conservatives” prattle on endlessly about “personal responsibility”. But then, in the same fucking breath, claim to have the better sense of what that means, by flat out refusing people to even make their own choices. Their own decisions. You have the superior sense of “right or wrong”, therefore, you lay claim to making those decisions for others, no matter what their personal situation.
It is all about YOU. It is selfishness on your part.
Liberty means making allowances, permission to make personal decisions without sanction or threat of retribution from higher authority.
Conservatism means refusing to even let them consider their own options, refusing permission or forcing punishment for making decisions that are very personal at the individual level. It means dictating to others what defines “right and wrong”. And those constraints always, without exception, become more and more narrowly defined over time. Because reactionary assholes cannot stand it when people do things for themselves without having to seek permission from that higher authority without breaking some law that they can be punished for if they subvert the decision making process already set up for them.
Chew on that whilst you goose step around your mommas basement, ya nazi fuckhead.
Frogg spewed:
Wingnut “argument” boils down to rationalization of evil, particularly selfishness and greed.
deathfrogg, you’re right, pretty much. but, i dont much care what anyone here thinks, except to bust goldsteinbergs balls, be one of the few people to point out its seems to be ok to potray, for example, a baptist minister on family guy as a bible thumping, southern yahoo, but never criticize jews. and pretty much just take names for when the fiat monetary system comes crashing down and the good ‘ol boys need to know who to arrest.
@ 28
The problem seems to be that folks, no matter what their faith or religion, cannot be defined as anything without presenting themselves as something they define for themselves. I have Jewish freinds, Christian freinds, and a couple Moslem freinds, but that all means nothing when other folks pigeonhole them based on those terms alone.
There are plenty of those asshole banksters who need to be strung up on the nearest lamppost who are not Jewish. There are many, many christians who support the ideas of fiat currency, and over the last 50 years or so have made serious inroads as to how that currency is distributed and manipulated, purely for their own selfish purposes. The largest credit card company in the world, the largest bank, is actually almost wholly owned by the Saudi Royal Family, and that group of corporations controls nearly ALL the personal credit system as we see it now. Worldwide.
Greed is a major indication of mental illness, and is defined as a symptom in every psychological textbook in the world. A little serves a good purpose in personal survival, but too much is psychotic behavior, and should be treated as such.
You want people to take your rants seriously, lay off defining the symptoms of greed in terms of the individuals faith or cultural/genetic heritage. There are plenty of greedy, psychotic assholes in all religious faiths.
Devotional adherance to dogmas is merely relieving oneself of personal responsibility for ones own decision making processes. It is rejection of intellect in favor of unthinking reaction and fostering the idea that responsibility is not personal, it is all part of gods plan, so no matter what, it is gods responsibility, and he knows best. Even when the greatest evils are committed against the world and the various lifeforms that inhabit it.
As a radical, liberal, athiestic left wing libertarian, I have contempt for ALL religious faiths, mostly because I see that deliberately ignoring the input from ones own eyes and ears is a form of insanity.
Faith is not a survival trait in humans, except when taken in the context of the society that surrounds those who would be faithful to that society to survive and prosper within it. Social influences are the root of all human behaviors, whether individual perceptions of acceptable or unacceptable behaviors are acceptable to the greater societal grouping.
Schizophrenics do this in every moment, asleep or awake, and so many of them turn to extreme religious faith as a way to mitigate their own confusions in how they perceive the world around them. Simply because, their internal wiring is messed up, and the inputs they get from their own minds are all catterwampus and mixed up.
Synesthesia is very common amongst schizophrenics, but not a defining symptom of schizophrenia. There are many people who “smell” colors, who “hear” musical notes when they see certain words in a body of text, who “see” sounds who are not schizophrenic. The possible combinations are really endless.
Believing in things that cannot be observed, measured, quantified or even specifically defined in literal terms is mental illness, when it results in ignoring ones surroundings or engaging in personal behaviors that conflict with the other basic survival traits.
The simple reason abortion is legal, and must remain so, is the fact that it is a personal decision that cannot be made by anyone else. It is often the only option available to that individual if they seek to prosper without having their lives disrupted by having to care for a child, especially if there is no support system in place to allow them to do so, while continuing to advance their own personal ambitions.
It is a selfish decision. But one that must be theirs to make. Not anyone else’s.
That IS Liberty. That is personal responsibility.
I lean toward the view that religion is a by-product of malnutrition.
Five will get you ten you’d find plenty of Little Debbie wrappers scattered around the floor in MOT’s momma’s basement.
I have written notes in books from Kant to Kierkegaard, from Hugo to the Federalist papers written when I was a much younger man. I no longer do this on the same theory as no longer writing date and subject on the backs of photos. If it’s important I’ll remember it. If not I won’t and don’t need to be reminded.
Nearly all of this marginalia can make me wince to think about the time in my life when I believed what was written, or interpreted that text in that way.
I’m very curious what most of your beliefs look like to you in 15 years or 30.
You want people to take your rants seriously, lay off defining the symptoms of greed in terms of the individuals faith or cultural/genetic heritage.
ok deathfrogg. that entire post was well written. but i’ll pick the above passage out. with this question for you. lets see if you have as much inegrity as it appears. you said above, dont define people by their faith. how many times in the next 3 years do you think the msm will mention that romney is a mormon?
@ 31
I don’t mark up my books, not even my textbooks over the years. I always kept my notes separate with references directed to the pages in question. Until the advent of the World Wide Web, my personal opinions were almost always cloistered amongst freinds and family, and when I did write them down, often left to stagnate in storage boxes and eventually disposed of.
My opinions are often to the right of that of my parents, often to the left. They were hippies at one time, living in a couple of communes and multi-family houses. Pop was NASA for 22 years, being layed off when Reagan decided that its primary mission should be to support the Military and its Corporate support infrastructure. There was no room left for non-military research and design work. No room for a non-military civilian research organization tasked with realizing the dreams of all those science-fiction writers and the futurists of the 1950’s and 60’s. Those people whose ideas I devoted myself to absorbing during my entire childhood and adolescence, through my 20’s and well into my 30’s. I really believed that I would end up with a house on the moon when I was a kid. It really seemed possible at the time. It would have been so cool to live on the moon. To work there.
After my pop and my mother divorced we wandered around southern California a lot. My influences were my grandfather who helped design and build the first atomic bomb, and later did much of the design work on the B-29’s designed to carry them. His wife, my grandmother, was an artist, who had spent much of her early life hiking in Yosemite, the deserts and the Pacific Crest, and painting and potting and running a household, with education and intellect being held to the highest standards she and her husband could think of. She was the harshest, and most vehemently correct english teacher I had in my life.
My other grandfather was a man who walked, and I do mean walked, from central Oklahoma to Imperial California when he was fourteen. He served in combat in the Pacific with the Army, and later after he was wounded, the Air Corps during WW2 where he was tasked with wiping his friends off the interiors of combat aircraft with rags and spatulas. He then farmed a small hillside plot in Eastern San Diego county, until the taxes and his own lack of initiative forced him to chip off little pieces of it until all he had left was the house and the little square of dirt it sat on, while the suburbs took over the rest and turned it into pavement and tightly packed houses.
His nearly beating my grandmother to death on more than one occasion was what really first made me understand that people can be serious assholes, no matter what the rest of their personality structure was like.
Those people left lasting impressions on my mind. They were mostly left wing, but also pacifistic in nature. They instilled upon me the understanding that propaganda, for its own sake, was designed to manipulate perceptions, for right or wrong. To look at things behind who is disseminating it, and their motivations. It was mostly about not being too trusting of information, no matter the source.
My personal take on it was during my folks sojourns into the anti-nuclear protests during the late 70’s and early 80’s, when it became clear that the real dangers of Nuclear power as left in the hands of the Corporations came mostly from their desire to generate profit, at any and all costs but to themselves.
When I discovered that much of the propaganda about the dangers of nuclear power was coming straight from the oil, gas and coal industries, I really started to look at how such propaganda was originated and disseminated. It ended up with me looking into the nazi-era propagandists, the Soviets and others such as Isreal and that of the right wing here in the U.S. How they functioned, how the ideas they disseminated spoke to their own motivations.
It again made me realize that people can be assholes, and those with the power to influence public perceptions of events and ideas are mostly the biggest, lyingist assholes of all. Their motivations are never altruistic, only selfish and therefore evil.
Nixon was a master propagandist, as well as Kissinger and Johnson. Reagan was so slick, used the points so smoothly that it finally led me to realize that when the Right Wing talks, people listen, even to the point of harming themselves or destroying their own livelihoods. For example, why did the farmers vote for him almost en masse, when his policies resulted in so many of them losing their land and professions to the banks and other megacorporations? Why did so many industrial workers vote for him, even though he practically promised to shutter their factories and allow the corporations to send the work and the technology to foreign countries?
It really blew my mind. I still don’t understand it.
Much of the anti-nuclear propaganda was true, some of it was panic-mongering, but it also led to a very real national caution about its potential dangers, with little room for those same companies to make headway with information about the possible benefits of it. Those companies had lost all credibility on the subject, through their own actions. The frauds, the lies about the waste products and the engineering. Their flat out manipulation of data.
The accidents at Idaho National laboratory, Three-Mile island, the Hanford reach and later Chernobyl solidified those fears in the national conciousness. The WPPSS scandal (being led by Dixie Lee Ray, a fucking Democrat) made people realize how much money the companies were making, entirely at taxpayers expense, for literally doing nothing but fucking up the entire design engineering and construction processes. Doing so deliberately, not because they were trying to increase the income, but simply because to build the machinery and such correctly would be impossible if they were to make a real profit on the deals they made with the US Government.
It became clear that there is more energy and expense put into building and maintaining those plants, than we could ever get back in return. They are always a negative sum game, except to the companies that build them. That is why we haven’t started any new projects in almost 30 years.
So when I look at information, I look at the propaganda, and then look at who is paying for it, what they do for themselves, and what motivates their opinions. I have always sought to refine my ideas, and hopefully can continue to do so. What my opinions will be in 20 years I have no idea.
But all four of my grandparents were leftists their whole lives. They hated the banks, the insurance companies, the wall street flim flam artists, the energy companies, and the borderline fascists in the U.S. government that support them and parrot their propaganda. I look to see how such people react to the successes of their propaganda, how they behave after they win that influence when people start to really believe it. You know what? It is always the same. Never altruistic, always selfish. Always personal.
Woody Guthrie was right.
@33: Nice story of your family. I agree with most of what you wrote and how the right wing can pervert things.
But Dixi Lee Ray was a democrat in name only – she shifted so far to the right that she lost the democratic party here in Washington. She also was a biology professor who forgot all of her science.
sooo….please don’t whistle ole’ dixi as a democratic song.
oops – I meant Dixie…’cept for the little pun.
33 – Interesting.
I too was anti-nuclear power for much of my life until recently. I still look at the light water reactors as something of a corruption magnet. The plants are built very large and very expensive generating enormous profits for the parties involved.
And the machine rolls on even after TMI rained on the parade. I didn’t know until recently that Bechtel is responsible for 60 percent of the contracts for uprating, upsizing or otherwise maintaining existing plants in this country which of course keeps them operating beyond their rated lifetime.
But now we’re facing a really bad crisis in climate change. We’re on course for yet another record hot year. It gets harder and harder for the denialists to keep their scam going.
Nuclear power cannot then be shrugged off any longer. Even some environmental groups are choosing not to actively oppose it.
For me the silver bullet is the element Thorium which when it is fissioned in a Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactor will produce a Gigawatt-Year of power per metric ton of feedstock. 100 grams of Thorium can serve an American’s energy needs for a lifetime. Thorium is 4 times more abundant than uranium. We’ll never run out of energy.
Such a dense energy source scares the daylights out of the well-connected and politically powerful incumbent fossil-fuel energy producers. I wish I knew what could possibly break the logjam.
@ 36
$15 per gallon for motor fuels for one thing. A serious war with Iran, taking their oil off the market just as our little fiasco in Iraq did. Another coal mine explosion that kills a dozen or more workers and takes that mine offline for a while. The Saudi royal family being overthrown by Baathist radicals. Nigeria falling into anarchy, more than it already is. Venezuela falling to Columbia in a war. Former soviet-bloc nationalists disrupting delivery or extraction.
Something like that. To me electricity ought to be so available, it should be too cheap to meter. That would be a major boost to the economy.
Modern nuclear reactor designs could do this, if they were only permitted to be explored at the industrial level. Carefully regulated and inspected of course. By real cops, not the industry rubber-stampers and bootlickers that the conservatives traditionally install in such positions.
Well Ted Bundy’s mother was raped by her father. Well maybe she could have an abortion, or maybe not.