An anti-Gregoire email has been making the rounds since the weekend, and has apparently gone viral in the agricultural community. The email falsely characterizes the governor’s record on water issues, and touts an anti-Gregoire rally that never happened.
Farmers Rally in Yakima Against Governor Christine Gregoire
YAKIMA, WA – Over 100 Farm Bureau members braved strong winds and heavy rains to hold a rally in Yakima on November 1st to protest against Governor Christine Gregoire and her lack of support and action in building water reservoirs in Eastern Washington during her first term in office.
In particular, the Farm Bureau members at the rally expressed strong dissatisfaction at Governor Gregoire for her lack of leadership on several issues…
[…] During the rally, the Farm Bureau members chanted “Jay Manning must go!” in reference to Department of Ecology Director Jay Manning.
Nearly all of the farmers at the rally indicated that they would now be supporting Gubernatorial Candidate Dino Rossi because of the lack of action that Governor Gregoire and Ecology Director Jay Manning have shown in regards to building water reservoirs in Eastern Washington.
The email even includes pictures, presumably taken at the rally:
Only problem is, the rally never happened. The image on the right is cropped from a farm rally in New Jersey, while the image on the left is cropped from a milk protest in Germany.
Dino Rossi couldn’t actually generate much support from farmers in central Washington, so he had to fabricate it. Pathetic.
New Jersey & German farmers rally against Gregoire.
Simply pathetic, Dino.
Yet one more reason to send Rossi back to obscurity as a flaky real-estate salesman. Maybe he can sell swampland in Florida, but don’t trust any pictures he sends you.
Just gotta know: How did you locate the pictures that were cropped? That is excellent work.
It’s not evident from your post that Rossi fabricated it. How do you know he fabricated it?
LOL… Signs at a protest in Yakima are far more likely to be in Spanish than German.
I’m assuming the “water reservoir” they are talking about is the umpteen dollar Black Rock Reservoir, which is a complete work of fantasy.
Hey, at least he didn’t try to pass off Denali as Mt. Rainier. Bob Schaffer, who won’t be the next junior Senator from Colorado, mistook it (Denali) for Pikes Peak.
to MLF at #3:
Goldy has informed sources. Yes, they do most excellent work.
I was fooled again.
what a fucktard Dino is.
If Dino loses then the BIAW will have wasted seven million dollars. That is reason enough to vote for Gregoire. It’s time to pull the plug on the right-wing extremists at the BIAW.
If Dino wins he’ll have a state house and senate packed to the gills with Dem’s. Hopefully the BIAW’s 7M will go for naught win or lose.
If Dino ever runs for office again, I plan to start a website devoted entirely dedicated to chronicaling the number of false statements made by him in his ads or on his behalf.
Whoever knew there would be so much material, so readily available?
How do we know Goldy didn’t fabricate this???
How does this prove their was no Farm Bureau Rally??
It doesn’t.
Did Goldy even interview the Farm Bureau??
This is why Goldy, you are not considered a journalist.
@13 “you are not considered a journalist”
And you are not considered a human being. You’re just a stupid, goatfucking fascist troll. Your remaining relevance can now be measured in hours and minutes.
Of course, Dino’s whole problem is trying to convince voters that there are big problems with the Washington State economy. Yet in comparison with the nation as a whole, we are doing fairly well, with a budget surplus tucked away in a “rainy day fund”, and our economy humming along much better than most of the rest of our nation.
So he’s focused on trying to make a hypothetical projection of a budget shortfall years from now seem like an immediate crisis, that tracking of sex offenders (which has improved over the past four years) is a major crisis which suddenly arose “on Gregoire’s watch”, and here he’s trying to make the a water shortage which doesn’t yet exist into a major crisis “due to her lack of action”.
I’m dissapointed that Gregoire didn’t respond more forcefully to those deceitful ads. But it’s quite possible that her calm, collected strategy, her perseverence in following her predetermined course of action, and her faith in the wisdom of the Washington State Voters will win out over the BIAW’s blatant attempt to buy this election.
Cynical @ 13: So, if a statement is issued with attached evidence purporting to prove the veracity of the statement, and the accompanying evidence is proven to be a complete fabrication, then according to your “rules” Goldy still has to prove that something didn’t happen?
Are you aware that it is logically impossible to prove a negative?
Goldy proved the purported evidence sent in the e-mail, sent on Dino’s behalf, was materially false. There being no other evidence attached, then the presumption is that the facts stated in the e-mail are false. At this point the burden of proof shifts to the Rossi camp to defend the truthfullness of the statement. But I doubt they will want to do that – the whole thing was designed to be a last-minute election tactic with “inherent deniability” (they could always claim they didn’t authorize it).
But either way, it shows that veracity among Rossi and his supporters is lacking. If they make up stuff like this, then what does that say about everything else in their campaign?
My question is:
How do you know there wasn’t a Farm Bureau Rally in Yakima??
Goldy says it never happened.
How does he know that??
@17 Each of your posts is more stupid than the last, you PINHEADED KLOWN!
You have three hours and fortyfive minutes of relevancy left, troll.
Cynical @ 17: I already explained it to you. The rally pictured did not happen in Washington State, it happened in Germany.
Feel free to investigate and prove otherwise if you wish. But after seeing that evidence provided to support the existence of the rally was falsified, Goldy’s under no obligation to run down every hypothetical possibility. The burdon of proof has shifted.
Mr. M @ 17 Completely irrational, Mr. Marginalized. It is impossible to prove a negative. The impetus is on those who claim there was a Rally in Yakima to prove it. And they attempted to do so by using phony pictures. They failed.
Or perhaps you would like to prove that Rossi did not eat 15 newborn infants at the alleged Yakima rally?
If you insist on tripping over your own BIAW feet, Cynical, here’s what Andrew reports over at the NWProgressive blog (emphasis in the original, italics added):
Cynical, you are a real piece of
shitwork. It’ll be good to see you crushed like a bug.It looks like some poor, hapless Republican goat has lost its head for the cause. Geez, Cynical, how could you?
It was a goat fuckers rally for Rossi in Yakima.
Duh, goats and f-tards in every bedroom.
Dino Rossi is a smarmy liar who smears his opponent with transparent falsehoods and tries to hide his real views from the voters. This race will be his last.
QUIT LYING! Rossi has ample support amongst central Washington Farmers. Although the email is a crude fraud, I really doubt Dino was in the “loop”. Jay Manning is not the greatest (for example, the Pine Hollow project is a well conceived off-stream idea which has languished under the Manning/Gregoire leadership (that word just doesn’t fit christine)). Hopefully, this will change with the hopeful election of Mr. Rossi. The rest of the election seems to be yours, enjoy it while it lasts!
For now, I am hopeful in helping in creating the “New Republican Party”. However, tonight and at least the next 2-4 years it is the Dems turn in our nations history.
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
For now, I am hopeful in helping in creating the “New Republican Party”.
Good luck with that.
One day, the history of Rossi’s campaign will be entitled:
“I’m not running on that issue”.
rhp6033 sez:
Two thoughts from me:
a) I’ll be satisfied if what we hear from Mr. Smarmy is even shorter … “I’m not running.”
b) I seriously doubt that the BIAW ever heard
their propertyDino say that he wasn’t running. Before or after late 2007.@24 “For now, I am hopeful in helping in creating the “New Republican Party”.”
Would that be at all like today’s Republican party of the easily frightened, the proto-fascists, and stupid trolls like Marvin?
@25, uptown:
Sure worked for the dems after the 1994 and 2004 elections. You don’t really think (well, maybe you don’t actually think) that the D’s after tonights historic win will rule happily ever after, do you? Our nation is a swinging pendulum, hence the large turnarounds after the 92 and 04 elections. Even myself as a moderate R could see the stupidity of the far right R’s after the 2004 so-called mandate. Fate dictates that any parties power tends to be short lived as the electorate brings them back to the (approximate) center. After tonight, there will be a need for new MODERATE blood in my GOP, and as a younger republican, I will gladly fill that gap and watch the dems deal with reality and the fate of world and domestic events.
To think you will rule from the left with an iron fist will leave you in failure, just as the far right did over the last cycle.
You’ll see!
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
@28, steve;
Read 29; Its people like you that will send the pendulum the other way (again, and then again, etc).
So, keep on publishing! Your lower level IQ and name calling only helps my future in politics!
The D’s are about to win an historic election, and you are already repeating the mistakes of the party you just defeated (at least on this blog)!
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
@29 “To think you will rule from the left with an iron fist”
Perhaps your perception of the so-called left has come from watching too much Hannity. It’s Republicans who tried to “rule” and they failed. Democrats govern. There’s a big difference.
@30 “Your lower level IQ and name calling only helps my future in politics!”
What, you’re hoping to become der Fuehrer of the Goatfucking Squad? Good luck with that. Mr. Cynical and Marvin will no doubt want to joust with you for the title.
Oh, and keep on believing that the so-called left won today and that your opposition has a low IQ. It’ll just make it easier for decent Americans to keep the likes of you christo-fascists out of power for good. Good riddance to you.
@31, steve;
If your on the opposite side its an iron fist; when you are on the majority side and hold power you call it governing. Its just semantics.
For an example, a D running in our district of all R’s said we had “no representation”, because we did not have a D at the table (state level). This implies that if you don’t bend to a certain party distinction, you are not eligible to govern. Sounds like a “iron fist” to me! And to boot, all of our local R’s are good legislators, mostly moderate. Just to be voted in by your party is a lame excuse to get elected, whichever party uses that strategy.
Let me know when you really put thought into your posts, I’ll be waiting for you to get the big picture!
Enjoy your victory tonight! Its your turn!
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
@32, steve;
Really blowing a gasket, aren’t we? Take the time to read and “understand” my posts. My opposition has a fine IQ, but to resort to name calling and goat ? basically confirms my perception of you. My posts are relevant, just go back and read recent history, pro and con on both sides.
I know very few smart people who use the words you do. How are you helping the D party?
After a party takes a major hit; it adapts, re-adjusts, and moves on to another day. Heck, just 4 years ago the R’s were talking about a long-term majority! Same as with the D’s in 1992 and 1998 (to a lesser extent).
My posts stand on their own, intellect is not a bad thing!
I am also nearly atheist, so the “cristo-facist” statements are almost funny!
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
@34 Blowing a gasket? Sorry, I don’t do that for the stupid. Good luck with the Fuehrer thing, you stupid goatfucker. And get used to the iron fist of the so-called left. It’ll be around for a generation or two. Hey, it’s just semantics, huh?
@35 steve;
Lots of words, so little sense! Sorry I have to go, and forgo continuing this exercise in election political education. Enjoy your victory!
Generation or Two? The senate will be back to 53-47 with-in 4 years (Patty “ding bat in tennis shoes” will fall, M Cantwell will stay in, she’s a good senator). I’ll give Pres. O 8 years, but the dem house will be R in again in 6 years.
But if your a goat, I guess this would be a couple of generations!
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
Educating idiots one post at a time.
Well, if the Farm Bureau had a rally, they forgot to put it on their calender.
The Dutch word “boer,” which means farmer as in Boer Wars is the etymological antecedent of what comes to us speakers of English as “boor.” The French word “ville” refers to a rural place perhaps similar to a village and is related to the term villain. The word pagan in English was originally taken from one in Italian, “pagani” which refers to the people who live in the countryside. Gosh Farmer Fred, you are the legatee of a rich terminological tradition and certainly one that seems to suit you. I don’t know what the Republican party would do without devotees such as yourself. I sure hope they never have to find out.
Why should we pay taxes to give welfare to Yakima Valley farmers? They’re all Republicans anyway, so we don’t owe them any favors, much less a $4 billion reservoir they can’t begin to pay for themselves. I know, I know, more socialism being sent to eastern Washington by those socialist Seattle taxpayers!
@39 Roger Rabbit;
The black rock reservoir is a boondoggle and should not be built, and you are correct a waste of taxpayer dollars. The same goes for the Boeing tanker contract, if they can’t win it legitimately, it should not go to them as “just because” they are Seattle!
@38 sealth bomber;
Nice use of the dictionary, now if you can just see the big picture, and re-read history, you will see that there is no dominant party in the LONG term. The D’s have the current momentum, and deservedly so.
I find it ironic that the same traits of being power hungry and retaliatory that were show by R’s 4 years ago (and doomed them) are now being produced by the left of our country. If you lead from the fringe left (or right), you are setting yourself up for failure. Thus my predictions.
My only concern is whether the R party wakes up from this loss, or if we stay disorganized for another cycle. My hope is for the party to move toward the center, the independents generally control the elections, and I see this continuing into the future. In the end it all comes down to the candidates, not the party.
I wish President-elect Obama the best of luck, and if he truly governs from the center, he could have a tremendous 8 years.
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
If the Republicans return to power sometime in the future, it will only be because We the People have a short memory. No one recalls the pernicious way that Nixon smeared Helen Gahagan Douglas in 1950. But I do. No one remembers the obscene machinations that Karl Rove used to destroy the reputation of Mark Kennedy in Alabama in 1994. But I remember. Very soon no one will recollect how the Brian Darling memo advised the Republican Party that turning the sick room of Terry Schiavo into a three ring media circus could be advantageously exploited for the re-election of Mel Martinez in Florida in view of the fact that her brain was liquid. Perhaps I could help people stroll down that memory lane. For quite a while now the Republican Party has not been chock full of enlightened individuals spilling over with the milk of human benevolence, let alone decency. But I will be happy to tell whoever is willing to listen about what I know and what I’ve seen: the flood waters of Katrina and the black sites of Bagram and Abu Ghraib.
@41, remind them also of the Daley Machine Fraud that gave kennedy a false victory, the dirty adds against Goldwater, the debacle of Vietnam, King county voting irregularities, “I did not have sexual relations…,etc., etc.,
To think that the dems are kings forever based on the fact that they are “perfect” is a hallucination. Memory lane runs both directions.
Another question, if you remember 1950 politics, lets say you WERE a bright 10 year old; How does a 64-67 year old get to go to Abu Ghraib?
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
Memory lane? Don’t forget the right-wing nuts who danced a jig when an American president was murdered and five years later when his brother was murdered. That’s something I’ll never forget.
Oh, and have a nice day.
Uh, didn’t his own party/communists/MOB take down JFK? Do you have a new conspiracy theory that the R’s are to blame for that also? Bush2 as a kid with his super soaker? McCain on military leave? From what I have heard, the entire nation mourned. The murder of any elected official/individual is a horrible event. Of course, all democrats were praying for Reagans speedy recovery when he was shot. Right?
My point I am trying to make is that both sides have participated in poor behavior in past elections. I don’t feel any party/individual deserves sainthood based on an election victory (blowout in this case). I said we were doomed (as a party, short term) in Mid 2005 with the way the R’s were handling things, and I was a R PCO at the time. Lots of my friends owe me beers!
And I did have a nice day, snowed all day! Did you, Steve?
Have a nice day/weekend (you heard it here first),
Farmer Fred