When Andrew Franz ran for the state legislature as a Republican in the 47th District, Dino Rossi couldn’t gush more effusively. But now that Franz has been arrested for soliciting the prostitution of a 13-year-old girl, Rossi barely knows the guy.
Of course it’s hard to blame Rossi for being taken in, as apparently Franz is such a charmer:
The documents say Franz, who went by the user name sugardad4u33, even admitted he worked as a professor at a university and that “the girls who went to the university were too old.” […] The documents say Franz wrote he would bring “muscle relaxants and alcohol” for the girl.
When he was arrested, agents say he had with him “a necklace with cherries on it,” “lingerie sets and fishnet stockings,” and “a form of Viagra pills.”
What a prince. So, how many hundreds of doorbells did Franz ring in 2006 with Rossi’s glowing endorsement in hand? How many underage girls did Franz scope out as he canvassed the 47th District? Sounds like a dream job for guy who’s clearly an experienced pedophile.
When asked about Franz by the Seattle Times, Rossi was reportedly “stunned“:
Rossi said that while he didn’t know him well, Franz “served his country.”
“He approached things with a very Army Ranger point of view. That’s why this is so out of character for him. That’s why it’s such a shock,” Rossi said Thursday.
Huh. So Rossi didn’t know him well…? That’s not what he said in a quote on a glossy piece of Franz’s 2006 campaign literature (front/back), in which Rossi’s was the only endorsement listed:
“Andrew is just the kind of person we need in Olympia. He’s hard-working, he respects different people’s viewpoints and he has excellent leadership skills. I’ve come to know him as a friend and I’m incredibly impressed by his personal integrity and commitment to serving others.”
So which is it Dino? Did you not know him well, or did you know him as a friend? It seems to me that Rossi is either a liar, or a very poor judge of character. Or both.
Either way it does say something about Rossi’s character. Dino Rossi is a fake and fraud (with a long history of associating with fakes and frauds), who will say anything to close a deal or get elected… and who fervently believes he can get away with anything as long as he says it with a smile.
I’m sure if Christine had a supported a candidate who turned out to be a pedophile that she would all of a sudden “not know them very well”…
Didn’t she support wife beater Geoff Simpson?
He’s innocent I say! He just has a wide stance!
No wait, that excuse is for bathroom sex with other guys.
Not sure you really want to go there . . . . do you really want to see if chris gregiore and the democrats can stand up to the same scrutiny?
We all know in politics the R’s support the other R’s and the D’s support the other D’s until something bad comes out about them. CG said the same things about the ex NY Gov Spitzer.
Umm…Rossi explicity endorses and says he knows the guy and vouches for his character. Trying to deny it after the fact is just stupid. Say you didn’t ever see this side of him – but don’t claim you don’t really know him. The Abramoff defense – all of the republicans who regularly met with him suddenly had NOOOO idea who he was – doesn’t work real well – when the evidence is out there.
This is not just ANY sexual deviancy (like hiring a hooker), this is a PEDOPHILE. A lower than scum person who preys on and recruits minors for sexual gratification. Let him rot away forever and Rossi needs to examine his character judgement – big time.
‘Cept the republicans who get caught going to hookers like Vitter – are still in office. Or Craig…or the page scandal or…..seems like the republicans in trouble are like th energizer bunny …they just keep going…
@ 4
Hannah, I hope you aren’t comparing the responses of Gregoire to Spitzer and Rossi to his friend the pedophile.
Gregoire admonished Spitzer, said she was shocked and basically a big “shame on you”.
Rossi said the kiddie toucher served his country well? WTF?
Spitzer served the people of NY as well, but I would not call the responses equal.
@3 Bring it on, sweetie.
@4 Spoken like the true wingnut you are, Wingnut Hannah! I knew we could count on you to parrot the Republican meme, “B-b-b-u-t the Democrats are just as bad as us!”
No, we’re not. When a Democrat does wrong, we don’t sweep it under the rug or cover it up like Republicans do, we demand accountability. When R’s were corrupt, the R-controlled House gutted the ethics rules and put Doc Hastings in charge of not policing R House members’ ethics. When a D got caught with cash in his freezer, the D’s denounced him, stripped him of his committee assignments, and handed him over to the Inquisition.
We’re not like you. We’re not at all like you and your ilk, Wingnut Hannah.
@7 – I’m not saying the responses were the same, I’m just saying ALL politicians have supported other dirty politicians in the past, pedophiles, tax frauds, cheaters and so on. Just because a person “supports” his cohort (because he had a D or R next to his name) does not mean they are best buds. Many a politician calls their cohort “friends”. Did Dino hang out and have family barbeques with this nutjob? Did they have fundraising functions together? I am sick and tired of people on the right linking D’s together and I am also sick of people on the left playing the same damn game. They ALL do it, BOTH parties is what I cam trying to point out.
@9 – The D’s “denounced him, stripped him of his committee assignments, and handed him over to the Inquisition”
Really? Not on HA they did not, all I have read over months about that guy was that the REPUBLICANS ordered an investigation and how had it been an R hiding $$ in his freezer no investigation would have happened. No one here denounced him, yes SOME of the big politicians did, those with morals. But not ALL did because they had no reason to, dude got his hand caught in the cookie jar, doesn’t make all other D’s criminals like him.
Like Larry Craig, MOST not ALL R’s did denounce him and called for his resignation.
And that was over something not hurting anyone else. Yet most R’s still called for his resignation. (probably because of the whole gay thing)
Leave a woman to drown in your car, you’re a fucking American hero.
Beat your wife in a drunken rage, and bloggers in your city will shamefully remain silent.
Verbally contradict yourself on the campaign trail, but belong to the Republican party, and watch the mock outrage commence.
Not on HA they did not,
Hannah seems to have that same laser-focus and obsession with the views of HA left leaning posters as..
I wonder why…
Darcy associates with David, and, by God, she should be held accountable for it.
YLB who hear on HA during the said fraud investigation denounced this guy? Anyone? I give props to the few politicians (D’s) who did from the get-go but as I believe the guys is a crook, doesn’t make all D’s crooks.
Like it or not, Hannah has a point here. Political alliances can make “friends” (for a time, at least) of people who’d otherwise cross the street to avoid getting near each other.
all I have read over months about that guy was that the REPUBLICANS ordered an investigation and how had it been an R hiding $$ in his freezer no investigation would have happened. No one here denounced him,
I doubt that’s true (no one here denouncing Jefferson) but let’s say it’s true for the moment. Why?
Maybe because a lot of wingnut trolls came in here gloating and ordering us to denounce him?
Sorry Hannah, we don’t play into the wingnut agenda.
Just give it up and don’t vote if you think both sides are the same Hannah.
I don’t think we’ll need your help to win..
I’m guessing Franz and Dino teamed up to pursue young girls. Dino just looks like a pedophile, don’t you think?
19 – I think he (Dino) looks French. That last name must have been changed from Rousseau to Rossi.
By the way McCain looks French too despite the last name – sure votes for French airplanes anyway.
@17 – Thanks! Someone who gets my point. I don’t believe CG, for instance, had a close “friendship” with Spitzer yet so many R’s around here were trying to use that against her, because she had fundraising events with him….who cares!?!
I also don’t believe DR has a close “friendship” with the Franz guy who never even held political office. He supported him for another R in a seat.
@20 – Actually I believe they are Italian or Greek.
I did not know I had to denounce him.
At the time I was more focused on the Gestapo like tactics being used to haul him off to jail.
@23 – Ekim ~ Personally I don’t see why anyone needs to denounce him, but RR said all D’s did denounce him, I was making the point that no, not most here or in the media. Truly there was no reason, he was a crook, other D’s didn’t have to “denounce” him for that.
When Goldy referred to his own comment section as a “toilet,” I think this is the kind of hate-speech and intolerance he was talking about.
And so if even Goldy believes people like Proud Leftist are turning his blog into shit and a place of hate, then how is this site any different than some white supremacy hate blog?
I will denounce Jefferson. I want them to lock up all pedophiles, and crooks, regardless of their party.
That is different than the Republiconvicts. They do all they can to shield their criminal friends from prosecution, accountability, and the long arm of the law, which they pretty much control 100% at the federal level.
Who busted Duke Cunningham? FBI? Not hardly, it was a newspaper. The FBI is doing all they can to ignore the thousands of crimes committed by Bush, and his friends.
If the FBI offered Tom DeLay a bag full of $100 bills, don’t tell me he would turn them down. He would take the money, and have his fake christian friends attack the FBI so they wouldn’t prosecute him. Works every time in retardoland where the GOP thrives…..
When they stop trying to destroy my country, I will stop hating them. Till then, every single traitor calling themselves a Republiconvict is my enemy. Rossi. Reichert. The rest. The GOP is nothing but organized crime. And I am not saying the Dems are perfect either. There is a difference between shoplifting, and 1st degree murder.
Calling yourself a Repuboliconvict these days is like calling yourself a NAZI after the concentration camps were discovered.
Actually RR said: When a D got caught with cash in his freezer, the D’s denounced him, stripped him of his committee assignments, and handed him over to the Inquisition. Not quite the same thing.
You don’t have the slightest sense of humor, do you?
@28 – And I was pointing out since this place is full of D’s, why didn’t anyone here back then denounce him? I hate all crooks, left or right. Lock ’em up!
Actually folks, the real point here is that Rossi knew Franz as a friend, or he didn’t really know Franz all that well. Either way he lied, either in a bullshit endorsement of Franz or to a Seattle Times reporter.
Rossi lied… the kind of little lie that is often dismissed as politics as usual, but which in Rossi’s case defines his whole public persona. If he says it with a smile, he believes he can get away with it. And up until now, he has.
Hmm, Rossi not only supported him politically, but PERSONALLY VOUCHED for him, going further to state that he has:
Look, everybody is fallable to some extent or another, and it wouldn’t be the first time that someone is let down by a “friend”. There are a few times I’ve had to say “Gee, that doesn’t sound like the friend I’ve come to know. I hope that there is an explanation somewhere….”
But then again, I’m very, very, careful about lending my own credibility in support of other people, because I can control my own behavior, but I can’t always control theirs. Rossi could re-affirm that they really were good friends and this comes as a complete surprise to him, but instead he tries to backtrack, trying to leave an impression that he really didn’t know him too well.
He’s beginning to sound like that real estate agent who says “Gee, I’m sorry that new house you just bought was built over a toxic waste dump that my business partner operated. Did I really say it was a “great place for raising the kids?” I’m sure you must be mistaken, I don’t think I would have said such a thing….”
Or maybe the party which preaches “personal responsibility” should insist that when their governorial candidate PERSONALLY VOUCHES for the moral character of a fellow party member, that they take the natural consequences when it turns out that the guy is a pervert?
commitment to serving others
Must be Repuke doublespeak for “likes to drug underage girls in order to have sex with them.”
I am incredibly impressed with his personal integrity
Must translate as: “I am stunned by how easily he obtains supplies of muscle relaxants and Viagra.”
@31: Goldy, we got the point, it’s just more fun to mock Republicans as the Grand Old Perverts.
32 Actually, it makes Rossi look like a real estate salesman saying “Mr. Jones, I’m so impressed by your personal integrity, and I know you really want this new home, so I’m going to help you take out a mortgage with a monthly payment that’s going to reset next year to three times your salary.”
Speaking of the FBI, its director was in the news this week complaining that while administration funnels more and more of its resources into chasing “terrorists”, it hasn’t seen any additional funding so it can keep chasing bank robbers and white-collar criminals. That being said, it seems the Bureau was able to muster the wherewithall to go after upscale prostitution in Manhattan, and wasn’t it fortuitous that it happened to nail a high-profile Democrat who’d long been a major inconvenience to the Wall Street shysters?
Pretty much a big yup to Goldy’s post.
David @ 31
“Everybody in politics lies, but they do it with such ease, it’s troubling,” says David Geffen about the Clintons.
Shit, “Troll”
How ’bout “leave your wife who was crippled and disfigured in a car accident, marry an hieress and you can run for President”
Don’t try to play moral equivalence here…
…you don’t have enough ammunition.
Imagine a fucked up world where the Dino Rossi brand holds some sway & legitimacy. Or maybe not, if you’re eating.
39: McCain & Gingrinch must have gone to the same school somewhere.
Gingrinch married his H.S. teacher shortly after he graduated, then after she supports him through college he informs her he is divorcing her for someone younger & prettier (while she is on her hospital bed recovering from cancer surgery!). Then he marries again, and has an affair with an aid (while still married) while, at the same time, acting morally outraged at Clinton for having a one-time dalliance with an intern, and calling for his impeachment and prosecution – then later Gingrinch divorces his second wife and marries the aid.
I think Limbaugh has been through a few marriages before also, and he hasn’t yet explained what he was doing trying with Viagra in his suitcase returning from a “boys weekend out” vacation to the Carribean….
I’m really beginning to wonder what they are feeding those guys at those Republican & NRA dinners that causes such perverted thinking among people who proclaim moral values. You know, the dinners where they laugh at jokes about people pointing guns at black Presidential candidates.
“I’ve found you can do pretty much anything you want if you do it with a smile on your face. It’s amazing what you can get away with if you do it with a smile on your face.”
Dino Rossi, September 11, 2007
It’s amazing what you can get away with if you do it with a smile on your face.
Imagine the worst. This guy cannot become governor.
@11 “No one here denounced him”
@13 Kennedy should have gone to jail for vehicular homicide, just as you or I would in similar circumstances. He got special treatment because of who he was. That was an outrage.
However, the voters of Massachusetts forgave him, and sent him back to the Senate. I understand their decision. Despite Kennedy’s crime, I would rather be represented in Congress by Teddy Kennedy than by the likes of Mike McGavick, or any number of other Republican sleazeballs. Kennedy cares about ordinary citizens and votes accordingly.
Republicans see workers and consumers as sheep to be sheared, who exist only for their own personal financial aggrandizement. And as for criminal behavior, Kennedy accidentally killed 1 person; I don’t see you crying for justice for Bush, Cheney, and the GOP cabal of warmongers and torturers who have deliberately killed thousands.
You = fucking hypocrite
@21 Welcome to the world of guilt-by-association and cheap shots, Hannah. Republicans are master practitioners of these black arts. For them to complain about Goldy doing it is like Ted Bundy complaining about women disappearing in his neighborhood.
@38 See #46.
re 4: How reassuring, Hannah! You are so concerned.
‘Hannah’ is a “concern troll”. She’s no more real than Puddy buddy or Marvin the cornet player. (By the way, Marvin, horns and rock really don’t mix well. You must be in your 70’s.)
re 46: Roger: What political party thought that Ted Bundy was a clean-cut up-and-comer?
re 45: Millions
But the regulars are left leaning.
I’m not “left leaning.” I’ve completely toppled over into the left.
We did.
@54 – I’d like to see that, since I have yet to see anything denouncing him. I am proud of CG fro denouncing Spitzer at least. How many here denounced Spitzer even? What’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander? Double standards?
52 – Stamm, you’re obsessed too. You just repeat the same bogus nonsense over and over.
Hannah at least pretends to do some research before misrepresenting and distorting people’s views. She’s blatantly told falsehoods about my views on at least one occasion.
How many here denounced Spitzer even?
All over the place. I mostly felt sorry for the guy. He was a rising star who had the arrogance to believe he’d never get caught – much like a Republican.
But don’t bother telling us to denounce someone Hannah.
We don’t take orders from anyone promoting the wingnut agenda.
So you would be less than authentic just to support your party?
Why so afraid to admit your views are left of center?
I’ve caught your viewpoints changing more than once myself. Hell, in #18 you admit to not saying something to prevent a troll from gloating.
58 – Stamm, we don’t concede an inch to wingnuts if we can avoid it.
After what they’ve done to this country, not a freaking millimeter. If a Dem crosses the line, let the wheels of justice turn how they may but in the meantime we’re agitating for more and better Dems.
And we’re in this for the long haul. Count on it.
59 – I think my views are pretty mainstream.
If I don’t say something it’s because I don’t want to feed the troll.
With that said, good night troll.
@56 – ” She’s blatantly told falsehoods about my views on at least one occasion.” PROVE IT!
Seems to me I proved last week you told falsehoods about MY views when you CLAIMED I agreed with some comment Pac-Man had made…you tried to distort that. Seems you are the one who makes distortions!
Obviously you’ve never listened to Cake.
Marvin, you could vote dem your entire life, but if you ever question a democrat, the likes of YLB will take that to the bank that your are a troll. See I don’t believe in trashing other peoples opinions and views, I was raised with mostly republicans and I value their opinions and choices and they value mine as weel. We may think different politically but we are all wanting the same thing, for America to be good again! They are not evil people just because they have more conservative values, like most here claim they need to be shot dead.
@63 – I love CAKE!!! They are one of my faves!
You should make this post more about being funny, like haha Rossi was dumb to go out on a limb for someone he didn’t know very well. But really it doesn’t make you a bad judge of character just because one guy you met turns out to be a creep.
Don’t become a Glenn Beck type of fool.
like most here claim they need to be shot dead.
Misrepresenting again Hannah.
We want their heads in a basket.
Just kidding!! Anne Coulter humor you know. The dyed blonde wingnut with the adam’s apple who committed vote fraud in FL?
YLB – I despise Ann Coulter! Still no proof of me making falsehoods about you?
The whole issue of “calling out Spitzer” is quite bogus. This is a Washington based blog, with most posters from Washington commenting on Washington issues.
And Spitzer was the governor of…………not Washington.
68 – I’ve got it Hannah and you know full well where you did it.
when you CLAIMED I agreed with some comment Pac-Man had made…
Are you saying you have NEVER agreed with something he said?
You’re too much.
You’re definitely NOT a part of the reality based community.
I am certainly willing to accept Hannah for who she says she is, so long as she is a real person having some resemblance to her claimed persona :) And her political views seem to make enough sense to me, and I don’t think she is a Republican or anything like that.
All that being said, Hannah does appear to be one of the rather few self-professed females who post on this blog.
YLB – even when I questioned you on where I “agreed” with something Pac-Man said, your comment was that I said “WOW” and that was it. So how does saying WOW to something someone wrote “agreeing with them”?
And I do NOT know full where I did make “falsehoods about you”, yet you can’t seem to point out where I did that. Go figure!
Hannah @ 64
Are you truly as naive as your post suggests? This nation is highly partisan at the moment. Historically, this nation experiences such cycles. When we are in an era of such intense partisanship, saying both sides are equal and want the same thing is not necessarily true. The Republican Party, at the moment, is simply wrong. The party has lost its bearings. The Democrats don’t have all the answers, but the Republicans have none of the answers. Arguing that both sides are basically the same, and both are equally good, is an equation that leads to quiet masturbation in a dark corner–progress is impossible.
However, the voters of Massachusetts forgave him, and sent him back to the Senate. I understand their decision.
You can say that again. Democrats have a habit of voting in all kinds of murderers, rapists and KKK racists. You are what you vote for. roof roof.
K – if calling out Spitzer shouldn’t be happening here in Washington, since he was not out governor, then calling out Dino…hmmm he is NOT our governor either and he won’t be anytime soon.
@74 Proud Leftist, I am not saying both sides are the same, I am saying the people (such as my family members and others I know) are not horrible people that should have theirs heads gathered in baskets, these people also want to see America come back to the great country it once was, just as we do. Just because they are “republicans” doesn’t mean they all think GWB is the greatest thing on earth. Politicians on the other hand are a whole other story.
Richard @72 – My views are very moderate nowadays, as I have been disappointed in the past by fellow democrats so I know the dems can make mistakes too. I can only think of a few politicians I find to be truly FOR the people. But my ideals fall more into the liberal issues. My problem is when groups slander others for this or that, but take no action against their own group if said group does the same things. I will call out when I see foul.
(and I am definately a female) ;)
Hannah @ 78
Well, you seem inherently likeable personally ;) And you have been consistent and persistent enough not to be some made-up fictional character.
So I think you are real. Of course, people caught in internet crime stings tend to think the other person is real too :)
Richard @ 79 – LMAO like Franz got caught! what an idiot! And a sick one at that! ugh!
Well I think you got me figured out…I call it like I see it, when I see corruption or lies (like most politicians do) I call it on the carpet! Especially if it’s someone representing my ideals!
I got a big day ahead of me so I am out for the night! Have a good night!
73 – Ok back in thread 4753 you said:
That’s untrue if not a blatant distortion or outright lie. Some wingnuts like Bill Kristol and David Brooks (whose hit piece you quoted the other day) write there but I’ve never said it’s a “haven” for those kinds of people. The NEW YORK POST is more of a haven for wingnuts.
That’s another distortion of my views. When it’s a lie, it’s a lie no matter where it is printed. Judy Miller supported the neo-con bullshit claims about Iraqi WMD in the NY Times – it was misleading propaganda if not lies.
The following is a real whopper:
That is patently false. I NEVER EVER claimed Obama was the primary sponsor of all legislation he had his name on. See my original comment here:
There, I have proved you’ve presented falsehoods about what I’ve said.
You’ve said that you “researched” the comments of people here about not denouncing Jefferson and Spitzer yet you refuse to back up any of your claims about me (thread 4753 again):
I’ve proved you wrong again Hannah. I have gone back and I’ve shown you to be dishonest.
Re: Pac-Man
Pac-man certainly “has a dream” but the right-wing people who come here like Mark who called Obama a “jigaboo” or “My Goldy Itches” who keeps claiming Obama is a muslim are a very, very long way from seeing it.
YLB – you are amazing, I like how you fail to link the post when I admitted I was wrong about your Obama senate posts, or did you not read those posts? Yes I admit when I am wrong and apologize for it, do you do the same thing.
Yes I felt Pac-Man’s post was full of compassion! Did I actually say “oh pac-man, I totally agree with you”? No? So how can you distort that comment to his passionate explaination of his views as to me totally agreeing with pac-man? I think some on the right and some on the left, know how tto put their feelings into words in a way that is very heartfelt, so when I gave him props for laying his feelings out there, you distort that into, I totally agree.
And once again, when someone like myself admits when they made mistakes (the Obama Senate) you only remember when I tried to say your posts were incorrect. You should join politics! WOW!
And “Pac-man certainly “has a dream” but the right-wing people who come here like Mark who called Obama a “jigaboo” or “My Goldy Itches” who keeps claiming Obama is a muslim are a very, very long way from seeing it.”
What does Mark and My Goldy Itches have to do with Pac-Man’s opinions and views???
Just because he leans right, are you saying he totally agrees with those two? Oh yeah lump all the republicans together, they are horrible, horrible people.
Pac Man = Puddy = Hannah – for those of you not paying attention. Right wingers often suffer from multiple personality disorder.
Hey Rog, what about that Dem down in Louisianna with the $90,000 in his freezer? Has he “come clean” yet or is that one still ongoing?
As much as you guys would like to think otherwise, all politicans are corrupt. Some get caught, some don’t.
We should throw out the lot of ’em in November!
Gee, a Republican candidate, who is personally vouched for by another Republican candidate, is arrested on charges of being a predatory pedophile (no trial yet, I’m not proclaiming guilt until that is determined).
In response, the Republicans here reply, in effect, that “Democrats do it to – what about that New York governor????”
Please note that a person charged with hiring an adult prostitute and concealing the money used to pay for it does not rise to the same level of a crime as does a charge of being a predatory pedophile. I find it rather offensive that the Republicans here even try to play that game, as it tends to trivialize the pedeophilia aspect of this case.
Similarly, Puddy claims (in another posting) that a few teenage volunteers who slash some tires on Republican get-out-the-vote vans in the 2004 election (potentially disrupting about a hundred votes) is evidence of Democratic “mastery” of election malfeasance, while completely ignoring that in the same election a Republican party official used laundered funds to hire a telemarketing firm to jam both the incoming and outgoing phone lines of the local Democratic party in order to disrupt the campaign and get-out-the-vote campaing of thousands of Democratic voters.
To some extent, at least, there is a complete lack of judgement being shown with respect to the seriousness of the offense and the impact upon our Democracy.
I like how you fail to link the post when I admitted I was wrong about your Obama senate posts, or did you not read those posts?
No, I don’t recall seeing that. Why don’t you put up a link? Don’t evade this now Hannah. You had the time for Spitzer and Jefferson. You certainly have the time to back this up.
Did I actually say “oh pac-man, I totally agree with you”?
Tears of joy spring easily from things you disagree with. I see.
Looking thru old threads, here’s a blatant lie since I have NEVER commented on Daddy Loves name:
And another one where you claim I “dis” Burner:
I am looking thru many old threads and will find the one where I admitted I was looking at Senate (as in US not state) where you were looking at both for your figures of bills introduced by Obama.
“Hannah” = concern troll
90 – Oh so now you’re doing a little “research”.
Yes, I pointed to 72 which was your comment. I meant to point to 78 which was Stamm’s comment. My mistake.
By the way in 84 in the same thread I acknowledge the mistype.
I distinctly remember you discounting Burner’s experience at Microsoft. I’ll have to dig it up but you did do that.
And you still haven’t found the link where you “apologized”.
What does Mark and My Goldy Itches have to do with Pac-Man’s opinions and views???
He leans right, declares we’re beyond the racial issues Rev Wright has preached about and then he has the NERVE to ignore his right wing friend’s racist attitudes and accuse anyone who criticizes him of feelings of “racial inferiority”.
@92 – I have 2 FT jobs, so during the day it is hard to juggle thru months old threads, I just don’t have the spare time, but yes I will find that!
All I recall is it was a week or so later, when you brought it up again, how incorrect I was and I commented saying I was wrong in regards to his STATE senate when I thought you were referring to his US senate. And as I have said it here AGAIN. How many times must one admit they mispoke before you accept that?
YLB – So are you saying all 3 of them think alike? They each have varied views and opinions.
I agree we are beyond the whole Wright racism issue. He is/was just another “extreme”, just like Hagee is another “extreme”. Pac-Man ignoring “his right wing friend’s racist attitudes and accuse anyone who criticizes him of feelings of “racial inferiority”? Are they his friends? And he is smart not to comment back on such childish behavior from those types that use racism. It isn’t worth your breath, my breath and I am his breath. Commenting to posters like that is a waste of energy.
94 – Very well Hannah. I accept your admission but you’re not completely off the hook.
Right wing Republican governance has been a DISASTER for this country.
The right wing response to their abysmal record of failure is along the lines of “conservatism has never really been tried”. The communists said the same kind of thing.
Well these wingnuts elected these people. They had their shot and failed. Miserably.
Our solution is more and BETTER Dems.
Their solution is more Republicans who are further to the right. Some of these fools make the bogus argument that both sides are hopelessly corrupt. They have no solution.
And if right wingers come here to a left-leaning website to call Obama a “jigaboo” or a muslim, you bet I’m going to remember it and shove in every self-righteous right winger’s face. They reap what they sow.
If you’re for real get with the program. Stop wasting so much bandwidth painting ugly pictures of the Democratic party or playing into right wing themes or narratives if you want people to take you at your word.
YLB – I see corruption on both sides of the fence, lately the republicans way worse than the dems have been, but I do not bash my conservative republican family and friends, they hate GWB and the cronnies for what they have doen to their party. I just don’t link ALL republicans into one big basket and call them horrible, just as I don’t do the same to the bad seeds in the dem party.
I think both dems and reps are needed in politics to help balance each other out, we need to weed out the corruption throughtout politics, when I see a foul, whether a rep or a dem, I will call it.
Obama is the best chance this country has to re-unite our people, he is new enough to not be corrupted yet!
I just don’t link ALL republicans
Might as well. That party is completely dominated by the extreme, inept right wing. See GWB, Cheney, Rossi, BIAW , etc.
Reps won’t balance out Dems unless a massive purge of right wingers happens in that party like what Dan Evans did in this State to the Birchers in the sixties.
What I take from your comment, is that every time right wingers come in here to bash Dems with some trash they’ve dug up you’ll join right in.
“…a Republican party official used laundered funds to hire a telemarketing firm to jam both the incoming and outgoing phone lines of the local Democratic party in order to disrupt the campaign and get-out-the-vote campaigning of thousands of Democratic voters.”
Subsequently in 2006, MoveOn got around that by having their members conduct massive get-out-the-vote calling sessions with each using his or her individual cellphone.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens this time around. Doesn’t seem likely there’d be any way to jam up thousands of cellphones from several different carriers, unless the carriers were in cooperation with the Republican party or the White House. That’d be just about as absurd as the phone companies agreeing to conduct warrantless monitoring of everyone’s calls….er, never mind.
The Group Of Pedophiles has a new theme song for this campaign. Maurice Chevalier singing “Thank Heaven For Little Girls”.
When Jim West died, Rossi was really candid about having been his friend – very forthright.
Sometimes “friend” means different things.
All Facts Support My Positions spews:
When they stop trying to destroy my country, I will stop hating them. Till then, every single traitor calling themselves a Republiconvict is my enemy. Rossi. Reichert. The rest. The GOP is nothing but organized crime. And I am not saying the Dems are perfect either. There is a difference between shoplifting, and 1st degree murder.
Calling yourself a Repuboliconvict these days is like calling yourself a NAZI after the concentration camps were discovered.”
I am going to just assume that someone under the age of 12 wrote that. It’s just got to be true. Then again, the schools in this state are so pitiful, maybe it is an adult who just didn’t get a decent education?
I find this whole thing hilarious. Andrew Franz was an instructor of mine my freshman year at Seattle University. He slept around with girls in my class. But I guess girls 20 years his junior are still too old for him…
He was creepy then…he’s creepy now…
Rossi also referred to Jim West as his good friend. I once spoke to him on edcation issues while he was helping then Senator West check into Fred Hutch for his cancer treatment. This was before his hidden sexuality came out. Rossi was long gone by then I am sure.