It looks like Dino Rossi isn’t the only Republican with a moral hazard, and he might want to look to Ohio for a timely example of how one’s business “success” can turn into a political failure:
Republican John Kasich, the former congressman and Fox News host who is running for governor of Ohio, used to tout his eight years at Lehman Brothers.
But in the wake of the firm’s collapse, it’s Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland who is putting Kasich’s Wall Street ties front and center in one of the marquee races of 2010.
Co-founding Eastside Commercial Bank to help him and his associates cash in on the recent real estate bubble may have been a smart business move for Rossi, but now that his banks “unsafe and unsound” practices have come to light, he sure as hell won’t profit from it politically.
But if he can’t run as a successful businessman, what can Rossi run on? Almost winning the governor’s mansion in 2004? I’m not sure that’s enough to defeat Sen. Patty Murray, even in an anti-incumbency year.
oh look! another Rossi thread….zzzzzzzzz
still waiting for that thread extolling the virtues and accomplishments of Murray…..
Dre @1,
Apparently, you don’t pay attention.
Form today’s Seattle Times:
Murray lines up $44M for further Hanson Dam repairs
If you want more go back to yesterday or the day before or the day before that, etc. She has always been working hard.
Dr. Dre @ 1,
“oh look! another Rossi thread”
Your mistake. OF COURSE there is another Rossi thread. There will be dozens or maybe even hundreds of Rossi threads in the coming years on this blog.
Your failure here is that you don’t understand that this is Goldy’s blog, so he blogs about whatever the fuck he want to blog about.
Look, Squirt…you have to lick your own problems, rather than letting them lick you, or asking someone else to fix ’em for you. If you find your self uninterested in or unable to comprehend the posts on this blog, simply don’t read them! Or go elsewhere.
Either way, stop whining. goldy, one whole thread….golf clap.
@4…he fucktard, your right this is goldy blog and he can write whatever he wants. Do you practice stating the obvious when teaching?
And just like a few others, I will continue to comment on his apparent fear of Rossi running. Why don you take your own advice and ignore what I write.
Dr. Dre,
“And just like a few others, I will continue to comment on his apparent fear of Rossi running.”
In fact, you will want to ensure your future comments fall squarely within the comment policy, or you won’t be.
“Why don you take your own advice and ignore what I write.”
My advice was that you fix your own problems rather than asking others to fix ’em for you. And if you continue to be a problem on this blog, I most certainly will take my own advice and fix that problem.
Got that, Squirt?
As regards moral hazards and unsafe and unsound practices, David, you’ve been pretty quiet about a truly great debacle: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congress, including Jim, Patty, and Maria, bears the responsibility. That scandal dwarves Eastside Commercical Bank. We’ll be living with the consequences for years, as will your daughter.
@7… post was on topic.
and take your “squirt” comment and shove it where the sun dont shine.
you want to talk about off topic, then go hit up Goebbels Rabbit.
Dr. Dre,
“@7… post was on topic.”
Please review the policy again. Being off-topic is but one criterion for taking action against a comment.
“you want to talk about off topic, then go hit up Goebbels Rabbit.”
Roger Rabbit has had numerous comments deleted.
“and take your “squirt” comment and shove it where the sun dont shine.”
…says the moron who just said “Goebbels Rabbit.” Good one, Squirt!
What’s “fear” got to do with it? The GOP offers Goldy almost nothing else to blog about. Get it?
You wanna offer some recommendations of leading “Prefers” with statewide appeal and some sort of track record of success? It’s absolutely fucking pathetic. The Washington State Republican Party has actually managed to launch a few pretty decent political careers in the past, in case you were too drunk on NyQuil to notice. And since they all decided to turn batshit during the Clinton years they’ve driven every single one of them out of the tent. The GOP in this state is a fucking joke. That’s probably what makes it so much fun to write about. Dino is damn near all the GOP has got. And as a two-time loser whose every “big bidness” deal has turned to shit, that aint sayin’ much. At the rate he’s going, Rossi’s gonna wind up living in a van down by the river.
When it happens I suppose you’ll try to make us all feel guilty for mocking the poor bastard. Fuck that.
#8 nailed it; Goldy, you fret over a tbd tie for Dino, that is small potatoes compared to a real tie to the failed gov’t supported home lenders….how about the millions that Dems both personally “made” (e.g. overpaid) and then the billions they cost all of us..
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
It’s all part and parcel of the Republican sociopathic personality. Never talk about mistakes and they simply don’t exist. Never mention failure, and it goes away.
Mention the disasterous two terms of the Bush/Cheney cancer, for example, and they vault into demented cartwheels of projection and denial.
One other point, David. You are a big supporter of increased government regulation.
Congress created an agency, OFHEO, with a mandate to watch Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
OFHEO failed in its responsibilities. Who protects us, David? Maybe Congress should have created an agency to protect us from OFHEO.
David, please see Warren Buffett’s opinion on page 17 of Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report of 2008:
16 – How’d that drilly, baby, drilly thing work out for you Luigi?
The disaster you voted for twice overthrew the Taliban and Saddam with Bill Clinton’s downsized military.
The Solid Red South is now enjoying an oily rubdown with Shrubya’s regulatory agencies.
Thanks for supporting it twice Luigi.
Wow! Things are truly fucked up in this country. The oil companies screwed the deep red south big time. Unemployment remains stubbornly high. The war in Afghanistan remains ugly, Iraq winds down slooooowly and we can’t close Gitmo to save our lives.
So I guess what this country will need come November is a good old fashioned program of Republican tax cuts for the rich.
Any takers?
I’d rather we cut our state overspending (graft basically to keep unions happy) or our national spending (running 50bb monthly deficits will ruin us)
murray is making a killing off obama’s drone war. how could anyone vote against that kind of awesome power?
Murray lines up $44M for further Hanson Dam repairs
now see how long it takes to rack up $44M on obama & murray’s wars:
So that’s the right wing solution – put State and local employees out on the street and/or cut their wages.
In the face of already massive unemployment.
YLB, just out of curiosity how many comments have I put up on HA?
ylb et al.
Why do unionized gov’t workers get a better deal than the rest of us? We know how they’ve gotten to this point….politicians folding, also knowing that they get a secure voting block. But why do we divert private capital for the benefit of heightened benefits for state workers? That is, are we better off letting citizens decide where to put their money, or to have the power of the govt take it from them and hand it to state workers? Nobody is say slash and burn state employment, but we are saying that in the face of massive deficits, its suicidal to preserve their payments but not preserve my tax rate. Why should i have to pay more taxes, when the only thing that changed is you guys want to give them greater pay and benefits.
go look at california and decide how you want this to play out..
So that’s the right wing solution – put State and local employees out on the street and/or cut their wages.
… while demanding the same level of government services. Followed by loud complaining that government doesn’t work.
Michael @ 23
As of the end of March I count 3,347 comments stamped with the handle “Michael”. Remember that more than one person could have used that handle.
Guess I should add April to the database.
I’m sure Stupes is now relieved that after months of barking orders at people about the database, someone has finally asked me something about it.
RELIEVED as in after taking a dump though not even castor oil could relieve that constipated fool.
24 – Last I looked fool many WA state agencies have cut staff.
My wife’s union had their recent contract rejected by the Governor’s office. They came to an agreement but didn’t get everything they wanted out of an already compromised collective bargaining process.
Her clinic has been understaffed for almost 3 years causing a great deal of stress. When workers can’t get the time off they need (even for the most simple things like parent/teacher conferences) they’ll steal it calling in sick, taking vacation days, fmla, whatever.
So you got a big mess. Government doesn’t deliver the quality of services it should. Right wingers crow about it – all because everyone’s scared to death of taxing rich people and big players like Boeing and Microsoft.
Heh. The right wingers are now fanatical about fiscal responsibility.
Never heard that from them during the reign of the disaster they voted for twice.
Thanks! I’ve seen a few posts by Michael’s other than me, but I’m probably 99% of them.
Dino Rossi isn’t a successful businessman, he’s a “set up” businessman. He’s been plied with easy deals and cushy setups from the time he started running for governor, because the GOP gentry thinks he’s the perfect stealth candidate. They still believe that, so he stays on the easy gravy train. Dino’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you know. It’s impossible to picture him as a shrewd investor more plausibly than a smiling glad-handing huckster.
Shrewd investors don’t erupt in public fits if pique, for example.