Why are you giving Dino Rossi a hard time about this. He is not the one fueling a senate campaign. Dino, when asked, said he is not interested in running for office. Leave him alone unless he decides to run.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Taking a look at how Barry “l’il messiah” Obam-Mao is performing and the current sentiment of the country toward incumbents, if he wants the job…he ought to run. Read & weep Goldy-
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15. Just 29% say the U.S. is generally heading in the right direction.
It’s time for the one-day summit on health care legislation. Forty-one percent (41%) of voters favor the plan proposed by the President and Congressional Democrats while 56% are opposed.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And here is another reason to run–
Joe Biden’s old seat. Joe’s son Beau chickened out because he could see the writing on the wall
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Now it’s official: There’s an announced Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Delaware, but, as party leaders feared, he has a long way to go.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in Delaware shows Republican Mike Castle leading Democrat Chris Coons by 21 points, 53% to 32%.
You see Goldy, outside the People’s Socialist Republic of Regressive Progressive Seattle, people are pissed. You KLOWNS can circle-jerk at HA all you want. The country is desperate for….HOPE & CHANGE!!
Hey, maybe that should be Rossi’s Senate Campaign Slogan…HOPE & CHANGE!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is another reason for Rossi to run–
Generic Ballot: Republicans 44%, Democrats 35%
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
For the second straight week, Republican candidates lead Democrats by nine points in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 44% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 35% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.
The reasons keep stackin’ up.
Frankly, Patty is very fortunate because I don’t think he will run.
His family loves Issaquah.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And what the heck….he is the Democrat Senate Majority Leader! And this is BEFORE all his recent idiotic comments!
Friday, February 05, 2010
Harry Reid may soon have one more Republican opponent in Nevada’s race for the U.S. Senate, and his numbers remain in troublesome territory for an incumbent. Reid, like a number of Democratic Senate incumbents, appears to be suffering from voter unhappiness over the national health care plan and the continuing bad state of the economy.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Reid earning 39% to 41% of the vote against any of four GOP challengers.
Even the Democrat Mayor of Vegas hates Obam-Mao, who Reid hugs like a long lost son.
Yes, the American voter is unhappy with the current national health care plan. Most of them like me want a government plan! Like Bartcop says, Reid is a pink tutu wearing dancer. Meaning that he is a coward who caved to the Republican’s do nothing policy that favors the insurance companies death panels. Lets hope Reid finally grows a back bone and puts a government plan back into the bill. He might still lose but he will go down in history as a winner whether he loses or wins if he helps working America.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Sad isn’t it?
Daddy Lovespews:
The only reason Dino Rossi is polling so well is that as the anointed GOP gubernatorial candidate he was more or less able to hide (or refuse to talk about) the conservative views he holds. In a contested primary when the teabagger support is THEY key to GOP votes? Not so much.
Then, after the state’s moderates have been hearing him bleat his allegiance to “teh Crazy” for a few months, IF he succeeds in the primary, which is far from a sure thing, Patty Murray will beat him like a teabagger drum.
Daddy Lovespews:
Speaking of polls, wasn’t McCain polling ahead of Obama in September 2008? Shit happens.
Perfect Voterspews:
Yep, ol’ Dino wins a knockout in every poll that’s held, except the ones where he’s on a real public ballot.
Dino is an enrolled member of the Tlingit and Haida Tribes of Alaska. I drop this factoid because it will make a vessel in Cynical’s head burst.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I simply want to point out, in case anyone missed it, that Mr. Cynical’s comment in yestereay’s Ross Hunter thread that asserted a state liquor store clerk makes $100,000 a year blew up in his face when I proved BIAW combined the incomes of TWO state liquor agency employees with the same name, neither of whom earns over $35,000 a year. (In addition, BIAW double-counted these employees’ leave pay in reaching their absurd “total compensation” figures.)
How did Mr. C make this boneheaded mistake? By not fact-checking, even though any rational person seeing a six-figure salary next for a liquor store clerk would be suspicious and dig deeper. Conclusion: Mr. C is not rational; he’s a gullible fool who will swallow anything, no matter how obviously stupid, at face value if it’s what he wants to hear.
You can’t trust the BIAW, or their mindless lackey, Mr. Cynical, either. Keep this in mind when you his comemnts in this or other threads.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I just want to remind everyone that Mr. Cynical told us on June 27, 2008 that he spent $97,000 buying 4,000 shares of Wells Fargo at an average cost of $24.25 per share; and that in March 2009 — only 9 months later — he could have bought the same shares for $7.80 or $31,200 (i.e., $65,800 less). What a chump!
If that’s what Mr. Cynical’s investment advice is like, I don’t think I want his political advice, either.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Yet another lie….but keep spewing them, cuz that’s all you’ve got.
I sold and then re-bought WFC at 12.
Keep gasping for air…smoking those cigs for all those years must be someone else’s fault.
Blame someone else for your lung disease.
That’s our Rabbit!
No personal responsibility.
proud leftistspews:
Roger @ 12
Excellent work. I, of course, never believe anything Cynny spews as his alienation from reality is so profound. He did sure like that liquor store clerk claim, though. Did he acknowledge his mistake and apologize?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I called the folks who put together the website. They said they got the information directly from the State OFM. Seems like the State had some duplicity in employee recrods.
Thanks for helping to stab State Government guys!!
Why are you giving Dino Rossi a hard time about this. He is not the one fueling a senate campaign. Dino, when asked, said he is not interested in running for office. Leave him alone unless he decides to run.
Taking a look at how Barry “l’il messiah” Obam-Mao is performing and the current sentiment of the country toward incumbents, if he wants the job…he ought to run. Read & weep Goldy-
Thursday, February 25, 2010
And here is another reason to run–
Joe Biden’s old seat. Joe’s son Beau chickened out because he could see the writing on the wall
Thursday, February 25, 2010
You see Goldy, outside the People’s Socialist Republic of Regressive Progressive Seattle, people are pissed. You KLOWNS can circle-jerk at HA all you want. The country is desperate for….HOPE & CHANGE!!
Hey, maybe that should be Rossi’s Senate Campaign Slogan…HOPE & CHANGE!!
Here is another reason for Rossi to run–
Generic Ballot: Republicans 44%, Democrats 35%
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The reasons keep stackin’ up.
Frankly, Patty is very fortunate because I don’t think he will run.
His family loves Issaquah.
And what the heck….he is the Democrat Senate Majority Leader! And this is BEFORE all his recent idiotic comments!
Friday, February 05, 2010
Yes, the American voter is unhappy with the current national health care plan. Most of them like me want a government plan! Like Bartcop says, Reid is a pink tutu wearing dancer. Meaning that he is a coward who caved to the Republican’s do nothing policy that favors the insurance companies death panels. Lets hope Reid finally grows a back bone and puts a government plan back into the bill. He might still lose but he will go down in history as a winner whether he loses or wins if he helps working America.
Sad isn’t it?
The only reason Dino Rossi is polling so well is that as the anointed GOP gubernatorial candidate he was more or less able to hide (or refuse to talk about) the conservative views he holds. In a contested primary when the teabagger support is THEY key to GOP votes? Not so much.
Then, after the state’s moderates have been hearing him bleat his allegiance to “teh Crazy” for a few months, IF he succeeds in the primary, which is far from a sure thing, Patty Murray will beat him like a teabagger drum.
Speaking of polls, wasn’t McCain polling ahead of Obama in September 2008? Shit happens.
Yep, ol’ Dino wins a knockout in every poll that’s held, except the ones where he’s on a real public ballot.
Dino is an enrolled member of the Tlingit and Haida Tribes of Alaska. I drop this factoid because it will make a vessel in Cynical’s head burst.
I simply want to point out, in case anyone missed it, that Mr. Cynical’s comment in yestereay’s Ross Hunter thread that asserted a state liquor store clerk makes $100,000 a year blew up in his face when I proved BIAW combined the incomes of TWO state liquor agency employees with the same name, neither of whom earns over $35,000 a year. (In addition, BIAW double-counted these employees’ leave pay in reaching their absurd “total compensation” figures.)
How did Mr. C make this boneheaded mistake? By not fact-checking, even though any rational person seeing a six-figure salary next for a liquor store clerk would be suspicious and dig deeper. Conclusion: Mr. C is not rational; he’s a gullible fool who will swallow anything, no matter how obviously stupid, at face value if it’s what he wants to hear.
You can’t trust the BIAW, or their mindless lackey, Mr. Cynical, either. Keep this in mind when you his comemnts in this or other threads.
I just want to remind everyone that Mr. Cynical told us on June 27, 2008 that he spent $97,000 buying 4,000 shares of Wells Fargo at an average cost of $24.25 per share; and that in March 2009 — only 9 months later — he could have bought the same shares for $7.80 or $31,200 (i.e., $65,800 less). What a chump!
If that’s what Mr. Cynical’s investment advice is like, I don’t think I want his political advice, either.
Yet another lie….but keep spewing them, cuz that’s all you’ve got.
I sold and then re-bought WFC at 12.
Keep gasping for air…smoking those cigs for all those years must be someone else’s fault.
Blame someone else for your lung disease.
That’s our Rabbit!
No personal responsibility.
Roger @ 12
Excellent work. I, of course, never believe anything Cynny spews as his alienation from reality is so profound. He did sure like that liquor store clerk claim, though. Did he acknowledge his mistake and apologize?
I called the folks who put together the website. They said they got the information directly from the State OFM. Seems like the State had some duplicity in employee recrods.
Thanks for helping to stab State Government guys!!
Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit thinks he’s fucking warren buffet…LMFAO..
nobody believes your bullshit rabbit…your just an another angry ex-lawyer waiting to kick the bucket and check out of your unhappy life.
The Rasmussen polls are considered by independent media as being conservative-slanted.