I’m at the Roanoke Tavern this evening with a couple of friends to watch the debate (starts at 6pm local). Please join us if you wish. Otherwise, join the fun in the comment thread.
I’ll post some commentary, snark, and (mostly) other people’s excellent Tweets.
5:59: I’ll be watching the debate on PBS rather than CNN. Just a personal choice (and a choice endorsed by the bar management).
6:03: Opening shot of the candidate’s backs…looking for the secret radio receivers strapped to Clinton’s back…
6:07: Sander’s opening statement “Yuuuge count”: 1
6:09: Shorter Hillary, “I’m just like him.”
Who would have thunk that PBS would cut quicker to commercial break than the cable nets.
— michaelscherer (@michaelscherer) February 12, 2016
Winner of the debate so far: Commercials.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) February 12, 2016
I thought Hillary loved the gays, why won’t she let them dress her?
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) February 12, 2016
6:21: Hillary is sure “we” will have the political capital to raise taxes on wealthy. Don’t think so, but probably better than Sanders.
.@BernieSanders answer to health care question suggests Coverage For All will be delivered by unicorns.
— Paul Singer (@singernews) February 12, 2016
O'Malley is good tonight.
— Jeffrey Goldberg (@JeffreyGoldberg) February 12, 2016
Ok look I made a graphic so you can see how important this is. POTUS –> SCOTUS. pic.twitter.com/b2JHPqEI2j
— Hanna Brooks Olsen (@mshannabrooks) February 10, 2016
Glad someone is keeping track of this. https://t.co/ck7Dsf0DdJ
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) February 12, 2016
Debate needs to start focusing on where the two disagree. That's what the debate format is for. Let them litigate differences.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) February 12, 2016
6:43: Come’on, when is Bernie going to go all Christie on Hillary?
6:46: Will someone PLEASE ask the candidates about their position on waterboarding?!?
I understand why he didn’t, but I really wish Biden was a third person on this stage right now.
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) February 12, 2016
Sanders is doing better than Clinton tonight. More passion. More compelling. Even if Hillary’s pragmatism may be more realistic.
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) February 12, 2016
I'm confused as to what's happening right now on PBS. Mid-debate commentary and highlights? Is this the halftime show? -cd
— PurpleStrats/Chris (@PurpleStrats) February 12, 2016
Hard to make jokes when two intelligent people are talking and not saying things like "The Chinese are tremendous people. Let's waterboard."
— Jen Kirkman (@JenKirkman) February 12, 2016
PBS should've held a fundraiser. Early: "Your donation will help us return to the debate. Later: "Your donation can stop this debate."
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) February 12, 2016
tens of thousands of young bernie supporters are totally lost right now during the Kissinger portion of this debate
— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) February 12, 2016
Gotta admit, I didn't expect Kissinger-bashing tonight.
— Douglas Heye (@DougHeye) February 12, 2016
Have things really reached the point where we're debating Henry Kissinger? #WhatDecadeIsThis
— HowardKurtz (@HowardKurtz) February 12, 2016
7:50: Man…Democrats SUCK at negative campaigning.
The difference between the Democratic and Republican debates is stark. The Democrats argue about programs, policies, and data. The Republicans call Obama and Clinton names and tell us what they’re against (practically everything). Which party would you hire to run our government?
Roger @ 1,
Only an idiot would hire the person who loudly proclaims (s)he hates the entire concept of the job.
@2 Yes, what corporation would hire a CEO whose stated goal is to destroy the corporation?
You’ve got a serious problem when ordinary law-abiding citizens are more afraid of police than criminals.
Sanders will be the true family-values president. Republicans? They think only white native-born families matter.
Want that additional 20% of the under-30 vote, Bernie?
Hire a porn star for one of your commercials.
Probably won’t hurt you in the general. Not now, anyway. And it’s not like Hillary’s gonna try it.
@6 Bernie appeals to a different demographic than the porn-watching Republican voters.
“Hard to make jokes when two intelligent people are talking and not saying things like “The Chinese are tremendous people. Let’s waterboard.”
The intellectual level of this debate is immeasurably higher than anything you’ll hear in the GOP debates.
I”m sure Google is all “Who is Henry Kissinger?” this a.m. and millennials are all like, oh no she didn’t! I think of our current situation as a swamp of past errors. Republicans want to expand the swamp. Hillary wants to plant flowers around the edges. (Is that sexist?) And Bernie is the only one that wants to start draining the swamp. He has a vision of what has worked in the past and what has not. Hillary thinks right wing positions are “centrist” and that disturbs me. But at least they both applaud Obama, though to lesser degrees.
@9 I see Bernie as wanting to correct all the mistakes — as you put it, drain the swamp — made since the ’60s because too many people listened to the warmongers instead of the flower children.
@10 It’s a flaw in democracy. Ignorant people, like all animals, are easily herded by fear and lies. Republicans always use fear and lies. But fear and lies lead to bad policy. Policy that leaves disaster in it’s wake and takes decades to correct, if ever. And I could go on and on with the complicit role of religion in all this but it would just be another rant.
@3 Are you kidding? Happens all the time. You can get rich building up a company, or by destroying it. Just ask Ms. Fiorina, or for that matter Mitt Romney.
@12 Yeah, lots of corporations hire bad CEOs, but most boards don’t intentionally hire incompetents, like Republican voters do.