Do you want to know more about running a successful campaign, political fundraising, political communications, or volunteer recruitment for political efforts?
This Saturday and Sunday a DfA Training Academy will be held in Kent, Washington in the IBEW hall (19802 62nd Ave S, Kent, WA). (Note the corrected address.) The event is sponsored by the Eastside DfA, the 8th CD Democrats, and the Darcy Burner campaign.
Day One is similar to Camp Wellstone—focused on learning the ropes to help in campaigns. Day Two is focused on grassroots organizing in precincts and neighborhoods. Darcy Burner will show up to kick off the training and give a brief talk.
There will also be a social from 6:00–8:00 pm on Saturday with great food ($12) and bluegrass music.
This document (pdf) is the agenda for the weekend. Here is a sampler of some of the training:
If you’ve ever wanted to know the secrets of running a successful political campaign, don’t miss this great opportunity for first-rate training.
To find out more or to sign up, begin with this DfA event page.
American war in the Phillipenes 1899 “Water cure torture”
“Within the first year of the war, news of atrocities by U.S. forces—the torching of villages, the killing of prisoners—began to appear in American newspapers. Although the U.S. military censored outgoing cables, stories crossed the Pacific through the mail, which wasn’t censored. Soldiers, in their letters home, wrote about extreme violence against Filipinos, alongside complaints about the weather, the food, and their officers; and some of these letters were published in home-town newspapers. A letter by A. F. Miller, of the 32nd Volunteer Infantry Regiment, published in the Omaha World-Herald in May, 1900, told of how Miller’s unit uncovered hidden weapons by subjecting a prisoner to what he and others called the “water cure.” “Now, this is the way we give them the water cure,” he explained. “Lay them on their backs, a man standing on each hand and each foot, then put a round stick in the mouth and pour a pail of water in the mouth and nose, and if they don’t give up pour in another pail. They swell up like toads. I’ll tell you it is a terrible torture.””
PS: On occasion, someone—a local antiwar activist, one suspects—forwarded these clippings to centers of anti-imperialist publishing in the Northeast. But the war’s critics were at first hesitant to do much with them: they were hard to substantiate, and they would, it was felt, subject the publishers to charges of anti-Americanism. This was especially true as the politics of imperialism became entangled in the 1900 Presidential campaign.
Posted to (U)sp
What’s the deal with the Shark not having feedback on his posts?
Is there some reason that he doesn’t want people to discuss his thoughtful insights?
Is he at a point, which he is not willing to hear people that disagree with him? (How Bushy)
Isn’t that the idea of a Blog?
Should we just consider his posts the rants of a angry man?
Jumping on the O’Reily Bandwagon with the Michelle Obama statement. Not taking the entire statement in context with the rest of the speech. Talking about the political excitement and the huge crowds of people showing up for change, for the first time in her lifetime. But the intent is not important to some people, only partial sound bites to be misconstrued. (Yeah I am sure she hates America)
Kind of like John McCain being taken out of context, on 100 more years in Iraq. You have to take the following parts on; ‘Bomb, Bomb Iran’ to get it in context and know what he really thinks.
That’s actually not the correct address. The event is in Kent, at their IBEW Hall. Mayhaps someone with Mod Authority might be able to make the change… *cough*HINT*cough*
IBEW hall in Kent.
*achoo* 19802 62nd Ave. S., Kent, WA *sniff*
Susan and Neal…thank for the correction!
A pleasure to help!
@3 Just one more sign that Wingnut World is coming apart at the seams.
If Democrats are going to swoon over candidates like Darcy Burner and Barack O, please get your talking points together, or at the very least, be able to describe why and what the candidate has done to deserve such loyalty.
I mean this is priceless.
One Democrat grilling another, and I have to hand it to Mathews whom I 99.9% disagree with, but please.
Awesome, Right Stuff @ 9!
I got wood just watching it.
Tonight I’m having Mark Foley, Larry Craig, and Ted Haggard over with special guest Bob Ney – I hear he learned a thing or two in the joint ;). You should join us.
I’m providing the baby oil, the Chardonnay and the college wrestling videos. You bring your checkbook.
no thanks,
knock yourself out though.
your still racist headless.
and classless
Too bad. Your loss. I just got the RSVP from Vicki Iseman. She also said to have my fisting lube ready for a “special guest” she’s bringing. Might be a chance to “network”, if you know what I mean. And I know you do.