After months of legal maneuvering and public grandstanding in his futile effort to reverse the results of his excruciatingly close loss to Al Franken, former US Senator Norm Coleman is now calling for a revote in the Minnesota senate race. Sounds familiar, huh?
This represents a come to Jesus moment for Coleman and his attorneys, for as we learned here in Washington state during the 2004 gubernatorial contest—where Dino Rossi only started calling for a revote after it became clear he had lost the recount—a call for a do-over election is not only the last, desperate refuge of losers, it is a losing argument in itself.
“What does the court do?” Norm asked rhetorically. “Yeah, you know some folks are now talking about simply saying run it again, just run it again. … Ultimately the court has to make a determination, can they confirm, can they certify who got the most legally cast votes?”
Yeah… except, Coleman is an attorney, and so he knows that’s not the determination before the court. It’s the canvassing board that determines who got the most legally cast votes; the court ultimately only determines if the board acted properly, and within the applicable statutes. There are irregularities and errors in every election, and in a contest this close, nobody can absolutely confirm who got the most legally cast votes.
Coleman’s self-serving and situational solution?
“I got to believe next time this happens folks are going to say … if you have something within a couple of say percentage – this is by the way was thousandths of a percent – but if you have something within a couple of hundred votes out of three million cast, probably the best thing to do next time is run it again in three weeks and put all this other stuff aside.”
And, um… if three weeks later, it still comes to within a couple hundred votes out of three million, what then?
The problem for Coleman and his revote argument is that our election statutes clearly anticipate extremely close elections, as best illustrated by the provisions in place for handling an actual tie; in Minnesota as in most other jurisdictions, once the recount and challenge provisions have been exhausted, ties are determined not by the courts or by a new election, but by lot. This is because our election statutes generally prefer finality over certainty… and with good reason.
See, what Coleman has understandably lost sight of is that this election is not about him or Franken or their supporters or even the voters of Minnesota and their sense of justice and fair play. Elections are about the smooth, peaceful and efficient transfer of power. Elections are sometimes very close, and they are almost always conducted imperfectly, but the stability, continuity and legitimacy of our government is too important to be threatened by lengthy court challenges and perhaps an endless cycle of do-over elections.
In Minnesota in 2008, as in Washington state in 2004, the margin of victory is so far within the likely rate of error that it is fair to categorize both contests as a statistical tie. Perhaps Coleman did receive a few more legally cast votes than Franken, perhaps not. We’ll never know. But Franken was determined the winner by the rules in place at the time, and that makes him at least as legitimate as those who are selected by the drawing of straws or the flip of a coin… and certainly more legitimate than Coleman and his ill-conceived, selfish and ultimately futile calls for revote.
IF the Court swings the election to Coleman….will you be calling for a “revote”?
All Coleman was saying is a “revote” was an option IF the Court felt they simply could not determine (because of some of the issues at question) who actually got the most votes.
That’s a reasonable option.
BTW Goldy…once again you twist & turn what Coleman said…Coleman speculated how voters might feel NEXT TIME it happened.
No wonder your wife divorced you.
Notice how Goldy shifts his argument depending on whether it’s a D or an R who’s the challenger? If it’s an R who’s behind, Goldy says there shouldn’t be a challenge for stability sake. But if it’s a D who’s behind, he argues every vote must county, and that we have to make sure, no matter what, that no voter is disenfranchised, and that the process is fair.
But then again, this is the guy who’s remained silent on the Democratic King County assessor Scott Noble DUI story, so I guess I’m not surprised.
“Notice how Goldy shifts his argument depending on whether it’s a D or an R who’s the challenger?”
Actually, I did not notice that. In fact, I think you are either lying or simply bullshitting.
Given that Goldy was blogging through the entire 2004-5 election contest in WA and the 2008-9 election contest in Minnesota, maybe you could actually find a concrete example where Goldy has changed his stance on an issue based on the change in the lead.
Well then, I guess Franken has a corrupt and incompetent buddy in the elections office, had felons, dead people, dead felons, ACORN pals, illegal aliens, pets, phantom apparitions and Casper the ghost voting for him like the illegitimate Queen in ’04. Let me guess, they also tossed out the military overseas ballots as well?! Deja vu for sure….maybe Franken will get “lucky” on the third recount!
4 – The long discredited fantasies of fools.
Here in WA State, Bridges, a Republican judge in a Republican county, took AWAY votes from Rossi in the end and did all he could to not throw up at the Republican’s frivolous and poorly litigated suit.
Make that Coleman….more coffee for me! :)
If Franken lost a second race by a razor thin margin, there would be precedent for him to call for yet another election.
re 2: That’s a lie. That’s the Republican strategy. After all, who was basking in Hawaii after his ‘victory’ in ’04?
re 4: The one thing that I noticed that you did not ascribe to Democrats was rigging the voting machines.
That’s the Republican specialty. Now that everyone’s on to it, you can’t elect a dogcatcher
They should have a revote in Minnesota: after Franken finishes his first term and comes up for reelection in 2014.
Goldy, recently a Minnesota panel of judges ruled that Coleman could argue for the admission of about 4,800 absentee ballots that were allegedly rejected improperly.
So you don’t want all votes counted?
Sure, no problem. I’ll back it up.
November 16th, 2004, Goldy, in commenting about Rossi being ahead of Gregoire, says: “I guess winning is more important than discerning the will of the voters.”
See, back then, when an R was ahead, Goldy argued discerning the will of the voters is everything. Now that a D is ahead, he argues ensuring stability is the most import thing.
Goldy, GOP Gov. Tim Pawlenty cannot certify the certifiable nut Al Franken[stein] until all legal appeal avenues have been exhausted. That’s Minnesota law, so he can’t certify Franken[stein] the winner.
Too bad for you huh?
Ahhh@12, the power of the ‘Nets!
Troll @2,
If you actually bothered to read my posts, and the links within, before commenting, you would have learned that my arguments now are entirely consistent with my arguments back on December 2, 2004, at a time the automatic machine recount still showed Gregoire trailing, and before she even requested the hand recount that ultimately gave her the lead.
As for the November 16, 2004 post, what did I just write?
But you don’t really bother to read my posts before commenting. Lazy.
Gee….if Coleman’s argument has any validity, could we maybe go back and have a do-over of the 2000 presidential race?
1. Don’t expect republicans to know the law.
2. Don’t expect republicans to play by the rules.
3. Don’t expect republicans to realize their own hypocrisy: Coleman has tried to get votes counted that he already agreed should not be counted. then he tried to get votes to be thrown out that he already agreed should be counted.
After calling for Franken to not pursue a recount or a lawsuit – Coleman pursued the lawsuits and now wants a recount.
Coleman is a complete hypocrite who has reversed himself on almost every major decision. Coleman’s guiding principle is that what is good for Coleman is good for the the country.
Of course, the lobbying ties, the illegal contributions and the illegal payments to Coleman’s wife are also good for the country. What a tool.
Goldy, all I did was go back and find an instance where you said discerning the will of the voters was more important than winning. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Troll at 12,
What the fuck? How can you show inconsistency by only pointing to a single statement?
Here is what Goldy said:
What statement by Goldy is this inconsistent with?
@11: Minnesota has already counted all the eligible votes – they went through meticulously ands counted every eligible ballot. coleman and Franken agreed on what ballots to count. to try and go back now and count ballots they already agreed to throw out – is hypocritical.
Hey Troll!
You and me…we may be having ourselves a game of Lee-Ball!!!
Better start hunting for that inconsistent pair of statements. Or fess up to bullshitting about it.
Mmmmmmmwaahhhhhhhh, haaaaa, haaaa, haaaa!
No, it’s not hypocritical, it’s “discerning the will of the voters.”
re 12: And what official body had certified Rossi as the winner?
Franken’s a certified winner. You lose.
…and the Minnesota court went through each and every contested ballot, one by one. And Franken won.
All the Democrats have insisted on, both in Washington State in 2004 and in Minnessota in 2008, was an accurate count of the votes, and to follow the proceedures under the law for a manual recount. It is the Republicans, both in Washington in 2004 and in Minnessota in 2008, that once they are on the losing side of the recounts, suddenly demand a “mulligan”.
Nice try. As Goldy pointed out, it’s a sign of desperation, like the gambler who keeps losing, and tries to make it “two out of three”, or “three out of five”.
Hey, do what you have to do. I would totally respect you deleting my comments. I think they’re crap, too.
Troll @ 25,
Come on, Troll, don’t be bashful. You claimed that Goldy made inconsistent comments about the recount.
Please share your specific example. We’re waiting!
Or were you simply lying?
Coleman is a shameless piece of shit. As a lawyer, he knows that courts are not free to make up remedies. They are bound by statutes and case law, as well as state and federal constitutions, in determining what remedy is appropriate in any given situation. Ordering a new election is not a possible remedy in Minnesota. There is no legal authority for a court to order a new election. If the Minnesota Supreme Court ordered a new election, that would be judicial activism of the highest order. Now, we don’t have an example of a Republican begging for judicial activism, do we?
@27 pl – I thought Gore was a shameless piece of shit for contesting the 2000 election. What goes around, comes around heh?
As a troll, I simply don’t have the time, or interest, in doing much more than cursory research. I’m going to stand by my @12 comment. In that comment, I quoted dates and statements, then wrote my analysis for others to either agree or disagree with.
You don’t understand the point of my post, but given your party affiliation, that is to be expected. Coleman is perfectly within his rights to contest the election in court as permitted by Minnesota law. I do not fault him for that. What he is doing that makes him shameless is asking for an extrajudicial remedy which is not permitted by Minnesota law–a revote. There is a big difference. Al Gore did not ask for a revote. Do you guys understand anything? Do you still drink from a sippy cup to prevent spills onto your overalls?
We have a Republican here who appears to believe that Norm is a “shameless piece of shit”.
Darryl, thanks for reminding me of that.
I appreciate having the bubble memory reactivated. When Puddy provided the link for all to see the perp was a registered Democrat, Lee didn’t accept it as a good enough for his censorship.
Thanks again Darryl.
…will these asshats admit to being wrong.
Nuke ’em I say…bury the bastards with scorn and ridicule. They won’t go away so might as well have some fun.
“As a troll, I simply don’t have the time, or interest, in doing much more than cursory research.”
In other words, you are simply lying. That is, you did not find a pair of inconsistent statements as implied by your comment @ 2.
” I’m going to stand by my @12 comment. In that comment, I quoted dates and statements, then wrote my analysis for others to either agree or disagree with.”
You did not quote “dates and statements.” You “quoted” a SINGLE date and a single statement. You failed to provide an equivalent statement from Goldy arguing the opposite position.
In fact, you badly bungled your analysis. You stated:
Yet, as Goldy pointed out, Rossi was ahead at the time. Additionally, in 2004 Goldy was criticizing the Republican lawsuit to dismiss ballots that elections officials had deemed legal.
In fact, Goldy’s post above is not even commensurate with the 2004 post in the way you suggest. Goldy did not take a stand on the issue of what ballots to count or not count (as he implicitly did in 2004).
Rather, here Goldy is criticizing Coleman’s suggestion for a remedy (revote) that is not available under Minnesota law. This position is 100% consistent with multiple previous posts (in 2005) where Goldy had exactly the same criticisms for suggestions of a revote for the WA gubernatorial race (which is not a remedy under WA law either).
So…maybe your problem is that you simply lack the intelligence to understand what Goldy has written?
Is that it, Troll?
LOL… Troll flashes EPIC FAIL on his lame-ass gotcha!
Of course, given how close control of the Senate is, you could expect the Republicans to pull out every trick in the book to try to keep even a single seat. After Franken is sworn in, and with two Independents caucusing with the Democrats, that leaves the Republicans with only one slim vote that allows them to block legislation with a threat of a filibuster over the next two years. That’s why they are hammering so hard on Burris, and expending so much money and effort to try to keep Franken from taking office.
By my count there are 34 Senate seats up for election in 2010, 19 of which are currently held by Republicans and 15 by Democrats. The Republicans have to defend every seat, and hope to pick up several of the Democratic seats (an unlikely prospect). Among the seats the Republicans will be defending are those of Jim Buning in Kentucky (Republican leaders are already asking him to step aside to make room for a more electable Republican candidate), and Vitter of Louisianna (assuming he doesn’t step aside due to the baggage he’s carrying from the D.C. Madam prostitution scandal). In Ohio, Voinovich has already announced he will not be running for re-election, creating an open seat after polls showed him running behind any hypothetical “unnamed Democrats”.
Adding to proud leftist’s rebuttal to (not even close to)Honest Republican, who penned this inanity:
Bush, not Gore, is the one who took it to court. As Republicans always do, he wanted to stop the counting of ballots. The SCOTUS case, as I’m sure you recall, was Bush v. Gore … plaintiff v. respondent.
To say nothing of the fact that Gore did not contest the election in Florida. What Coleman is losing in Minnesota courts right now is an election contest. What Rossi lost so ignominiously in 2005 was an election contest. IOW, a court case alleging that the election was intentionally and knowingly conducted illegally.
Seeking a fair and honest count of all legitimate ballots the first time (in the case of Florida 2000, the only time) in an election is the antithesis of “contesting” the election.
If the folks in Minnesota are dumb enough to vote for Al Franken, then they deserve what they get.
N in Seattle @ 37: I’m not sure who brought the case first. If my memory serves me correct, once in the U.S. Supreme Court, whoever is seeking review of a lower court decision comes to the top of the case caption as the Petitioner (as in, “Petitioner for Review”). I think there were both state and federal cases in progress at the time, perhaps one brought by Gore’s camp and the other brought by Bush’s camp – enough time has passed that some of the details escape me now.
But either way, it doesn’t matter. The point of the lawsuit was whether or not the re-count would be stopped before it was completed. Republicans drug out the re-count process, then insisted that the Florida Secty of State was required to certify the election by a certain date regardless of the status of the recount. Gore was insisting that the recounts continue. Since the re-counts were never finished, it is hardly fair to say that Gore challenged the election itself.
A special project by several newspapers examined every ballot in Florida over the course of the next two years, and proclaimed that Bush won the state by some 500 or so votes after every ballot was manually counted.
Of course, in all the confusion over the re-counts, lawsuits, appeals, press conferences, party hacks being brought in posing as “outraged citizens” to force the suspension of re-count activity, “hanging chads”, military ballot deadlines, etc., what got lost is some rather blatant attempts to influence the voting itself. These included attempts to intimidate minority voters by having police cars at polling stations with the officers carefully observing every person who entered. Of course, priviledged white persons argue that they don’t feel threatened by such conduct. But minorities know, depending upon the police force in their community, that detention and arrest can be rather arbitrary, without so much as an apology if they later have to dismiss the charges or upon acquittal. We will never know how many votes were lost by that tactic and similar voter suppression efforts in Florida in 2000.
4 M
Speaking of all those terrible, horrible, illegal votes for the so-called “illegitimate queen” in ’04, I’ve dragged this over from th “Hey, didn’t you used to be Dino Rossi?” thread…there weren’t any.
The WA State election in 204 was carried out TO THE LETTER OF STATE LAW, which was further reinforced after the state GOP and Rossi spent $2 million arguing that is wasn’t in front of a Republican-appointed judge in Republican Chelan County…and lost. Not just lost:
Funny how “NO EVIDENCE” is still evidence to conservative brains.
BTW, I Googled “decision 2004 judge Rossi Gregoire” and found the NYT piece in about two seconds. These guys are ignorant because they WANT to be.
13 Pud
Actually, Pud,
!. The election has already been certified by the cavassing board. The holdup is issung the certificate of same.
2. Al Franken has a lawsuit that attempts to force the state to issue the certificate. I am neither a lawyer not have I read their briefs in the case, but my assumption is that they argue that the legal requirements for issuing the certificate have been met.
When THAT lawsuit is tried and decided, perhaps the whole thing changes right then.
11 Pud
recently a Minnesota panel of judges ruled that Coleman could argue for the admission of about 4,800 absentee ballots that were allegedly rejected improperly.
Yes, he is allowed to argue this. That doesn’t mean the court will rule that even one of these ballots should be counted. And Coleman’s track record so far has been dismal. His attorneys make the most ridiculous arguments one could imagine and the courts have been ruling aginst his side nearly every time.
Recently the court struck (that is, removed from the record and barred consideration thereof for judgment) the testimony of one of his key witnesses because she had provided notes to Coleman’s attorneys that they did not share with the Franken legal team. Naughty, naughty. Not the actions of supporters of the rule of law.
38 PI
I couldn’t agree with you more. The same goes for Tom Coburn, Jim Imhofe, Jim DeMint, John McCain, Lamar Alexander, Bob Bennett, Kit Bond, Sam Brownback, Jim Bunning (especially Crazy Jim), Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Mike Crapo, Big John Cornyn, Bob Corker, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Chuck Grassley, Lindsay Graham, Johnny Isakson, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jon Kyl, Orrin Hatch, Mitch McConnell, Dick Lugar, Mel Martinez, Lisa Murkowski, Jim Risch, Pat ROberrts, Dick Shelby, John Thune, Arlen Specter, Olympia Snowe, George Voinovich, David Vitter, ROger Wicker, and Joe Lieberman.
That’s actually a pretty good post, Goldy.
Hey, the Senate approved a bill this afternoon to give D.C. a vote in the House. It passed 61 to 37, and 36 of the Senate’s 41 Republicans voted against it.
Yeah, Republicans are big believers in representative government and every vote counts, right?
We need Franken to be a senator. This will put the icing on the cake for the senate. Showing what a comical amusement the senate is today.
So now the constitution of the US means nothing?
Is this how far down the shit hole where going with the RATS in full power.
I seen on TV gun shops are running out of stock.
Lock and load Buddies….
I also saw the fairness act went down in flames in the senate. Guess even the Rats took note on all the phone calls.
LMAO!!! History repeats. The angry wingnut heads to the hills with his brand new toy gun to play army..
Too funny.
Not to worry next the rats will tax your illegal drugs !!!!
@48 I was reading the comments in a wing-nut blog the other day and the freaks were talking about making their “last stand” in South Carolina. Too funny!
48 and 50
Don’t you love it when “The Truth” appears here? We should have to pay for such amusement, but we get it here for free. I’ll bet if we prick him, “The Truth” would say that we should have a constitutional amendment stating that English is our official language, even though the guy can’t write in the language. Frankly, I’m surprised he even knows how to find his way here, given his lack of language skills.
Hmm, trolls with “truth” in their screen names. Funny shit!
When you have no thoughts on current events as you never do, you then waste time on me. I thought you could have been more amusing then I look at who posted this. Aren’t you the one with the manly problems and still pee in bed?
Your a laugh lefty… keep us laughing.
the “truth” is pretty funny:
I seen? Maybe you meant I have seen?
So now the US constitution means nothing….
What are you referring to here? Last I remember the constitution referenced one person one vote.
No taxation without representation was one of the principles of the revolution – and DC has no representation. I think the founding fathers would have been in favor of millions of Americans being represented.
Are you against millions of Americans being able to vote for their own representatives?
Are you that much of a facist?
As far as your use of swear words – don’t criticize others when you use swear words yourself. It shows a lack of maturity to use them and it also shows that you are a hypocrite when you use them and fault other for doing so.
Oh, and it is we’re going, not where going.
How do you expect to be taken seriously when you make third grade grammatical errors?
“The “truth” is pretty funny: I seen? Maybe you meant I have seen?”
You like correcting my grammar bucko that’s fine with me at 62 years old and dying of Terminal cancer I hope I make your day a fun one by my fast have ass typing.
“don’t criticize others when you use swear words yourself. It shows a lack of maturity to use them and it also shows that you are a hypocrite when you use them and fault other for doing so.”
If your going to accuse me of this then you should at least have the courage to prove it.
I’m sorry but “Daddy Love” seems very pedophiliac type name and photo!
Coleman likes our model for school levy and stadium elections: If his side loses, we have to vote again until his side wins.
@56 “Honest Republican”
Boy that’s a contradiction in terms if there ever was one.
@52 Anytime a wingnut flings around the word “truth” — watch out!!!
Re-vote is the one thing our laws don’t provide for, and that we never do. So it makes me think that when Republican losers call for a re-vote, they know it’s not going anywhere, and they’re actually relieved that they didn’t win and won’t have to bear the burdens of the office, but they still have to put on a good show for their donors and supporters.
Good thing Coleman was too small to play football. If his team lost the coin flip, he would have demanded another flip.
I was too small to play football, too. I’m only 30″ tall, including my ears. When you’re too small to play football you go to law school instead. Law is kinda like football except there’s no penalty for kicking the other side in the nuts.
The Truth,
Sorry to read about your terminal cancer above. Let me the first to say you are in our prayers. We’ll pray for you at church. We on the right Cynical, GS, Real Republican, Troll, Politically Incorrect, MOT, Right Stuff, Pudge, Piper, Marvin, Mark, Mark1, Janet S, Jane, EJN, Delbert, MTR-X, Puddy and others will pray God will reduce your pain and calm your fears of dying. You hang in there and deal. Te malos insolentesque vexare noli sinere.
Those on the HA left will not… They are atheists.
Slingshit, scurry along little boy and don’t read this one either…
The Truth,
Feel free to email me. I’m sure Cynical and the others above #63 will say the same
The Truth–
Our prayers are with you.
Yes, I’m an atheist and for me death is merely the end of life and it’s the ultimate reality trip. There is no escaping it. Those who’ve gone close and come back almost universally say it’s a bleak place but I think that’s only by contrast.
Life is precious and fragile. Therefore I do not waste my time on Limbaugh, playing soldier in Joel’s army, “making a way” for Sarah, being audited by Tom Cruise’s pals, the stations of the cross and other foolishness and neither should you. It’s a free country though. Do what you like with the rest of your time. I wouldn’t waste it here at though.
Kubler-Ross said the last stage is acceptance. I bet right wingers have a very difficult time with that.
What was that about Cynical saying we on this side of the ailse being afraid of death.
Witness every day what passes for a mind being in the grip of fear and madness.
knuckle dragging clueless village idiot…
What Puddy said in true humbleness to The Truth you provide for all to see the asshole you are.
Puddy fully accepts you are clueless village idiot. It’s very easy to accept that fact.
Good job bottom feeder…
knuckle dragging clueless village idiot…
Instead you waste time on Daily Kos, CAP, Think Progres, TPM, HuffPo, Media Matters,
How do we know? They are your daily posts. Don’t worry Puddy expects to see the moronic But You Puddy live on these sites response. You betcha. Puddy reads a lot in my free time. England, Germany, Israel, Arabs, Australia, Malaysia, etc.
So The Truth, measure the sincerity of fools like knuckle dragging clueless village idiot… If he was watching your back, you’d be dead!
Yeah, right. What a humble guy you are.
You can return to your Limbaugh now.
Yeah, a lot of right wing bullshit in your free time to shore up your delusional system.
Good luck with that.
Ahhh yes, the top of Post #69 stands unanswered. Yes truth is difficult to refute.
Thank guys, I don’t need payers for healing.
My wife of 45 years passed on Dec.1,2008
I came down Jan.2009 this was truly a blessing as she would never wanted to see me today on oxygen and going down hill every week.
90% of my life ended when she passed away.Again I’m blessed I will be with our lord,her and the rest of our family who pass on. So If you will pray I will be with them soon.
Thanks and God bless all of you.
You just don’t get it. We believe in the Kingdom of God. I’m Sorry you think this is foolish.
I’m a happy man with no regents. When the time comes and I see the Holy Sprite that will be my rebirth Glory to God.
“I wouldn’t waste it here at though.”
Coming here and reading your wacko’s lefty post, as I’ve said may times before is hilarious.
It’s unbelievable to me that you libs can say these things and not laugh at your postings.
I think you do this as a joke to pass the time of day.
proud leftist and correctnotright
Must be one of the same. The odds of having two looneys on the same site is about zero.
74 – LMAO!! So you’re going to enter the gates of heaven with malice in your heart towards those who do not share your beliefs. I’d think by this time in a person’s life one would let go of such childishness with some regret for the wasted energy.
So go then. If heaven is a place filled with Limbaugh fans who crack lame jokes about commenters at – I personally want nothing to do with the place.
Don’t worry knuckle dragging clueless village idiot, we all know hell is your final destination.
BTW The Good Book doesn’t say anywhere you die and go to Heaven. It says in 1 Cor 15:50-end and 1 Thess 4:13-end that Jesus Christ is coming again to receive His People! You chose not to be in that group! See ya fool.
LMAO!!! I hope that’s as far away from YOU as it gets.
Hell for me would be spending an eternity in proximity of your UGLY BUTT!
Let us pray,
It’s been 2000 years. WTF are you waiting for? Please Jesus, please take Stupes away!!!
“As a troll, I simply don’t have the time, or interest, in doing much more than cursory research.”
In other words, you are simply lying. That is, you did not find a pair of inconsistent statements as implied by your comment @ 2.
” I’m going to stand by my @12 comment. In that comment, I quoted dates and statements, then wrote my analysis for others to either agree or disagree with.”
You did not quote “dates and statements.” You “quoted” a SINGLE date and a single statement. You failed to provide an equivalent statement from Goldy arguing the opposite position.
In fact, you badly bungled your analysis. You stated:
Yet, as Goldy pointed out, Rossi was ahead at the time. Additionally, Goldy was criticizing the Republicans lawsuit to dismiss ballots that elections officials had deemed legal.
In fact, Goldy’s post above is not even commensurate with the 2004 post in the way you suggest. Goldy did not take a stand on the issue of what ballots to count or not count (as he implicitly did in 2004).
Rather, here Goldy is criticizing Coleman’s suggestion for a remedy (revote) that is not available under Minnesota law. This position is 100% consistent with multiple previous posts (in 2005) where Goldy had exactly the same criticisms for suggestions of a revote for the WA gubernatorial race (which is not a remedy under WA law either).
So…maybe your problem is that you simply lack the intelligence to understand what Goldy has written?
Is that it, Troll?
“LMAO!! So you’re going to enter the gates of heaven with malice in your heart towards those who do not share your beliefs. I’d think by this time in a person’s life one would let go of such childishness with some regret for the wasted energy.”
I have no malice towards anyone; perhaps you missed what I’ve been saying for a long time…
You guys at HA are hilarious is this malice?
I never said anything of bad will towards you libs, however the other day I was told by one of you libs to go and die.
I have no malice towards him or you.
After being on this web site for hummmmm maybe 6 months it became perfectly clear to me that Libs are mean spirited people. I feel sorry for you guys and have said this many times. You take yourselves too seriously for others looking in at your postings it’s like reading the comics. So my friend if your going to accuse me of malice prove it please.
All my post has been in fun…..
The Truth:
Sorry to hear about your wife’s passing, and your own difficulties. I will join in prayers for your comfort and a resolution as you best desire.
Thank you.