I wonder what Washington state Democratic elected officials think about Keith Olbermann?
Have a deeper thought and wonder WTF the Democrat Legislature is doing about the deficit. They either have a plan and won’t admit it or they don’t have a plan and won’t admit that, either.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Puddy wonders if Washington state Democratic elected officials get a thrill up/down their leg with Chris Matthews?
They wondeer if they are too old for his taste.
Funny, I’ve never heard about any Democratic politician getting hauled onto Olberman’s show to grovel after having criticized him. As for the GOP, I hope they keep kissing Rushbo’s pucker, it gives them so much credibility with the voters! LOL
Speaking of Republicans, State Senators, Chis Marr (R-Spokane) and Deb Eddy’s (Can we kick her out of the party, please?) bill (SB 5840) to gut Initiative 937 got a write up in today’s Seattle Times.
The initiative’s backers say they support minor tweaks, such as allowing utilities to count renewable power they buy from around the West.
But when you add up all the changes in Marr’s bill, it would effectively nullify the initiative, slashing the amount of new renewable energy needed by power utilities in 2015 to zero, according to an analysis by the Northwest Energy Coalition, a Seattle-based energy-conservation group that helped write the initiative.
“We don’t think the law is broken. We think, in fact, it’s working,” said Nancy Hirsh, coalition policy director.
Initiative supporters say it already has a relief valve for very slow-growing utilities and in cases where power rates rise too high.
Politically Incorrectspews:
If the Reps think Rush Limbaugh is their party’s leader, then they’re going to be out of elected office for a very long time.
If Obama doesn’t get his mojo working, he’s gonna be out of office, too, in about 4 years.
@5: LOL. Imagine Keith Olbermann as the presumptive leader of the Democratic party, and DNC chair Tim Kaine having to apologize and kiss the ring for calling him an entertainer. Heh.
proud leftistspews:
Comparing Chris Matthews and Rush Limbaugh is truly apples and oranges. I’m starting to wonder if you ever get the point of a post. Chris Matthews is simply a Democrat-leaning commentator with no influence over Democratic politicians. Limbaugh, however, has been deified by Republican politicians, none of whom dare ignore or scorn him. He is indeed the de facto head of the Republican Party. Try to understand the difference, Puddy.
Farmer Fredspews:
Micheal- Marr is a DEMOCRAT; obviously one with brains. This initiative had flaws from the get go. Glad its not my party raising input costs during a recession.
As a republican, I think Rush is damn idiot, and doesn’t do much for the party. If I were a state republican official, I’d find a way to negate him, similar to the way Clinton did to the far left during his campaign and presidency (to a greatly positive effect, I might add).
Our state R party is being handed an opportunity with our Democratic leaders handling of the economy. I thought President Obama would have a long 8 years; now, uh, he might be augering in quicker than expected. As a republican, all I can say is “Thank you, Rep. Pelosi, and Governor Gregoire, your making our future much brighter!” Can’t blame Bush for everything forever!
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
Blue Johnspews:
I beg to differ, Every logger and mill worker in my home town worships every word Rush says. Rush is Right to them. He absolutely is the king maker of the republican party.
11 Isn’t that fascinating…and how are their timber-industry jobs doing as the mills close and the forests get turned into ticky-tacky developments or left to erode into muddy wastelands? Rush treats his supporters like Hannibal Lecter did one of his victims, feeding them their own brains.
Blue Johnspews:
I liked this commentary about rush
On the one side, the president of the United States: soft-spoken and conciliatory, never angry, always invoking the recession and its victims. This president invokes the language of “responsibility,” and in his own life seems to epitomize that ideal: He is physically honed and disciplined, his worst vice an occasional cigarette. He is at the same time an apparently devoted husband and father. Unsurprisingly, women voters trust and admire him.
And for the leader of the Republicans? A man who is aggressive and bombastic, cutting and sarcastic, who dismisses the concerned citizens in network news focus groups as “losers.” With his private plane and his cigars, his history of drug dependency and his personal bulk, not to mention his tangled marital history, Rush is a walking stereotype of self-indulgence – exactly the image that Barack Obama most wants to affix to our philosophy and our party. And we’re cooperating! Those images of crowds of CPACers cheering Rush’s every rancorous word – we’ll be seeing them rebroadcast for a long time.
Rush knows what he is doing. The worse conservatives do, the more important Rush becomes as leader of the ardent remnant. The better conservatives succeed, the more we become a broad national governing coalition, the more Rush will be sidelined.
Ummm Proud Leftist, you don’t get the point of satire. Comedy is lost on leftist losers.
Al Minkmanspews:
r 2: The plan is to tax rich people. On what grounds, you may well ask:
Failure to trickle.
The Truthspews:
Rush Limbaugh is a great American. All the hoopla over Rush is great news for him and us.
The DNC including the newly elected monkey want to stifle their biggest challenger of truth.
Without Rush where would we get the other side of the lies from the DNC and the monkey?
The only reason the dnc, nightly news and the monkey are after him cause they have no one that could stand up to him in a debate or prove him wrong.
The failures of the DNC or the monkey to have anyone get ratings like Rush upsets them.
They want no opposition to the plan of destroying America. Without Rush we Republicans would still get our side heard it would just take a little longer to spread to us.
The monkey is terrified of opposition and will use all means to stop it.
Some of his sheep are starting to ask questions about his economy going farther south. Questions are good news to the American people, bad news to the monkey and DNC.
Hey, libs who do you have that could debate Rush on TV for 2 hours?
My Goldy Itchesspews:
“The only reason the dnc, nightly news and the monkey are after him cause they have no one that could stand up to him in a debate or prove him wrong”
Uhhhhh……when has Rush ever gone on a cable news program other than Fox (where he knows he won’t be asked difficult questions)??? He will NEVER appear on any of these shows because he won’t be able to have his finger on the “dump” button to hang up on someone that refutes his BS. His hot air rhetoric would collapse like a house of cards if he were ever in a forum where a REAL debate took place. For that reason, the only place you will ever find Rush is on “Hannity’s America”, since Sean has the same problem as Rush in this regard.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
The top eight radio shows
1. Rush Limbaugh
2. Sean Hannity
3. Michael Savage
4. Dr. Laura Schlessinger
5. Glenn Beck
6. Laura Ingraham
7. Don Imus
8. Ed Schultz – Leftist Pinhead
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Did any libtard notice Rush didn’t need a teleprompter for his CPAC speech? I wonder why that is?
Chris Stefanspews:
The Truth,
You’re doing some sort of satire right? Kind of like Jesus’ General?
The Truthspews:
No facts are given just words and how you feel about Rush.
anyhow back to this:
Hey, libs who do you have that could debate Rush on TV for 2 hours?
My Goldy Itchesspews:
The commercial constraints of AM radio fit very neately into a right wing format. Why? Because they have to go to a commercial every 5 minutes and conservative ideology is simplistic enough to fit into a 5 minute rant. A progressive philosophy doesn’t neatly fit into a bumper sticker. There are nuances and subtleties that take time to discuss at length. This naturally puts liberals at a disadvantage when it comes to commercial radio. But thanks for playing anyway.
@16: It has to be FUNNY to be comedy and it has to STING to be satire.
I have seen some of your better satire and that worked for me (even if I disagreed with it).
The Chris Mathews dig was just weak.
My Goldy Itchesspews:
You and I both know that would NEVER happen, for the aforementioned reasons. Unless of course, it was on his own show where he was in control of what actually came across the airwaves.
@20: Yup – and the polls show that those 18% can listen to Rush and the radio and little else.
Big deal – republican blowhards rule talk radio. they are behind on the internet and behind in the polls. Those angry rightwingnuts (who sometimes spout racist crap) are just a small minority and turn off the independents.
Thanks rush – you have emasculated the republican party and helped to create a new democratic majority.
I hope Rush gains MORE influence in the republican party. I hope the republicans tie themselves (inextricably) to his amoral, right wing bigot, drug-addled, fat slob personality.
The Truthspews:
Guess that’s the problems for them on cable too?
If they would allow a different view’s time to be equal to a lib and if they could keep the lib from yelling when it’s not their turn perhaps Republicans would tune in and help the ratings.
This could never happen as libs need to be rude and loud.
Hey, libs who do you have that could debate Rush on TV for 2 hours?
The Truthspews:
your poster children are Monkey,Shurmer(sp),Franken Franks,Walters,Dodd and that wacko rep from ca. that everyone calls nostrils. Who I could go on however, this should be enough.
@ 18 & 23
We have lots of people, but Rush refuses to be on air with anyone who isn’t pre-screened. Why is it that he only gets interviewed on Fox, but never say, Larry (softball) King? Why does he invite Dick Cheney on his show repeatedly, but never say, Joe Biden or Al Gore? I for one would love to hear a Rush global-warming Hoax vs. Al Incovenint Truth debate. That would be awesome radio. But Rush is a pussy and won’t do it.
Find me a transcript of any TV show or radio program where Rush was on a panel with credible lefties, ie someone not Alan Colmbes. You can’t. Doesn’t exist. He doesn’t debate, just pontificates.
I’d love to see Rush debate:
Thom Hartman
Al Gore
Al Franken (mostly for comedy gold)
John Kerry
Keith Olberman
Joe Biden
Barack Hussein Obama
Hillary OR Bill
Bill Moyers
Ted Kennedy (Admittedly hard at this point but why was ElRushbo afraid to have him on air for 2 decades?)
Hell, I’d give him Jesse Jackson if he’d take it, but he won’t. He’s afraid.
If he could actually debate someone and stay credible, more power to him.
Here’s what happens when the Airbag gets in front of an unscreened audience. It’s not pretty:
Rush is a very busy man and likes playing Golf over the weekends. If I a had a choice play golf or look at John Kerry for two hours guess what.
“Ted Kennedy (Admittedly hard at this point but why was ElRushbo afraid to have him on air for 2 decades?)”
Where did you read Rush is afraid of ted kennedy as long as ted’s not driving I see no reason he didn’t. I would ask ted why didn’t he seek out Rush.
“Hell, I’d give him Jesse Jackson if he’d take it, but he won’t. He’s afraid.”
Again where do you base this finding on fact or fiction?
The Truthspews:
The only time I heard him cut some off was a left wing wacko who wouldn’t let Rush answer the question. you libs have a history of doing that on talk shows.
The Truthspews:
“where do you get your white sheets laundered? Do you get a special deal?”
I would suppose your talking about my bed sheets as you have no other fact or reason to accuse me of something else.
You guy/gals like saying this stuff for what reason?
Deb Eddyspews:
Michael@6 … your facts are wrong. I am not in the Senate. I cosponsored HB1133 with Rep. John McCoy. Our bill has been put down, in favor of working on the Senate bill, if it comes across the rotunda.
Deb Eddyspews:
Michael@6 … your facts are wrong. I am not in the Senate. I cosponsored HB1133 with Rep. John McCoy. Our bill has been put down, in favor of working on the Senate bill, if it comes across the rotunda.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Seattle Mike,
yeah Puddy watched it and the man with the sweater wanted to remove Rush’s First Amendment right to free speech on both topics. What a douchebag. Puddy didn’t see the mongrelized attacks from Rush, yet your buds in the audience proved how mongrelized and hateful they are when someone dares question them on their positions.
That man was priceless.
My Goldy Itchesspews:
Uhhhh……because you are a bigot? Is there another reason?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Truth, ignore another of leadless douchy’s sock puppets@30.
BTW how are you feeling today?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Itchy Goldy… The Truth ain’t a bigot. The Monkey is Nancy Pelosi. She wrote the porkulus bill. Man you read something on a leftist blog and forget everything else.
From Congressman Charlie Dent:
Dent says he wanted to talk about some of his concerns, but Democratic leaders ignored him. Pelosi didn’t share the president’s dream of brotherly love breaking out in the Capitol. She was in charge, this was her bill and she would decide what was in it. To the ire of Republicans, and some Democrats, Pelosi maneuvered to put the stimulus package on an emergency fast track, cutting short debate on the bill and cutting Republicans out of the discussion. “I believe the president was absolutely sincere in looking for a bipartisan outcome,” Dent says. “But the White House lost control of the process when the bill was outsourced to Pelosi.”
Hey Charlie Dent… When Obama bragged in a white house conference he won, bipartisanship lost.
Pelosi is the monkey Itchy Goldy and Jennie Tlaz. People with a brain understand this. Losers like you two drink the kook-aid. I am surprised at you Itchy Goldy. Usually you are cogent. Jennie on the other hand has fallen off the “flat” earth…
Man what ignoramuses.
The Truthspews:
Based on what?
The Truthspews:
They have nightmares and think their real and post them her as facts.
Funny the stuff they throw out to see if any of it sticks. Funny little people.
Had a good week thanks. Ha is a good laugh have nice little sheep.
@34 Damn, I hate to have to concede on the Barbara Walters interview, but what part of that was a debate on policy? It was a profile piece but you’re right, it exists.
I don’t care if Rush is busy getting oxy-contin’d up on the weekend. Who said anything about weekends? Rush has 15 hours a week where he gets paid handsomely. He can’t spare 20-30 minutes? If Rush is so sure his arguments can win the day, have a credible lefty on the show for an hour. Live, no tape. Why doesn’t he do it? If his opinions are so guaranteed correct and he had a spine, his producers would be chasing down the kind of interviewees I’ve suggested so Rush can prove his points.
He’s afraid. I’m basing that on opinion but a pattern over 20 years emerges with Pork-boy. He won’t appear at public forums with progressives on the panel. He won’t invite guests who articulately disagree with him on his show. He won’t appear as a panelist on any network except FOX. Why?
My opinion, because he can’t risk being exposed as an intellectual fraud. He’s so afraid of even slightly being made a fool of by the other side that he’s afraid to try.
The Truthspews:
Know that sounds like it could be a very high rated show. Why don’t you try to find someone that will face him off with no strings attached.
I’ll e-mail him about it. this might be a very good time to have this happen.
Good Idea
Micheal- Marr is a DEMOCRAT; obviously one with brains. This initiative had flaws from the get go. Glad its not my party raising input costs during a recession.
Oops, my bad.
Other than making Marr a Republican and you a State Senator (oops!) I was cribbing straight out of the Seattle Times.
Guess I forgot to eat my Wheaties or something this morning…
If you folks pass something that includes Black Liquor be prepared for a court fight.
The Truthspews:
Rush just invited Obama to debate him. Being Obama started this attack on an America Citizen it will show us what type a person obama is if we backs out of the debate.
The Truthspews:
Will the offer is in. yes in rushes studio.
Only a fool would go to one of Obama tv stations to have a debate. However, the offer is out. Now it’s up to obama to see what’s he made of. I think he’s spineless and all the WH attacks will stop. As they all crawl back under their rocks.
I wonder what Washington state Democratic elected officials think about Keith Olbermann?
Have a deeper thought and wonder WTF the Democrat Legislature is doing about the deficit. They either have a plan and won’t admit it or they don’t have a plan and won’t admit that, either.
Puddy wonders if Washington state Democratic elected officials get a thrill up/down their leg with Chris Matthews?
They wondeer if they are too old for his taste.
Funny, I’ve never heard about any Democratic politician getting hauled onto Olberman’s show to grovel after having criticized him. As for the GOP, I hope they keep kissing Rushbo’s pucker, it gives them so much credibility with the voters! LOL
Speaking of Republicans, State Senators, Chis Marr (R-Spokane) and Deb Eddy’s (Can we kick her out of the party, please?) bill (SB 5840) to gut Initiative 937 got a write up in today’s Seattle Times.
If the Reps think Rush Limbaugh is their party’s leader, then they’re going to be out of elected office for a very long time.
If Obama doesn’t get his mojo working, he’s gonna be out of office, too, in about 4 years.
@5: LOL. Imagine Keith Olbermann as the presumptive leader of the Democratic party, and DNC chair Tim Kaine having to apologize and kiss the ring for calling him an entertainer. Heh.
Comparing Chris Matthews and Rush Limbaugh is truly apples and oranges. I’m starting to wonder if you ever get the point of a post. Chris Matthews is simply a Democrat-leaning commentator with no influence over Democratic politicians. Limbaugh, however, has been deified by Republican politicians, none of whom dare ignore or scorn him. He is indeed the de facto head of the Republican Party. Try to understand the difference, Puddy.
Micheal- Marr is a DEMOCRAT; obviously one with brains. This initiative had flaws from the get go. Glad its not my party raising input costs during a recession.
As a republican, I think Rush is damn idiot, and doesn’t do much for the party. If I were a state republican official, I’d find a way to negate him, similar to the way Clinton did to the far left during his campaign and presidency (to a greatly positive effect, I might add).
Our state R party is being handed an opportunity with our Democratic leaders handling of the economy. I thought President Obama would have a long 8 years; now, uh, he might be augering in quicker than expected. As a republican, all I can say is “Thank you, Rep. Pelosi, and Governor Gregoire, your making our future much brighter!” Can’t blame Bush for everything forever!
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
I beg to differ, Every logger and mill worker in my home town worships every word Rush says. Rush is Right to them. He absolutely is the king maker of the republican party.
11 Isn’t that fascinating…and how are their timber-industry jobs doing as the mills close and the forests get turned into ticky-tacky developments or left to erode into muddy wastelands? Rush treats his supporters like Hannibal Lecter did one of his victims, feeding them their own brains.
I liked this commentary about rush
To some degree, Go Rush Go! Sideline the Republicans even more. More More More!
@13: I hope Rush fails.
@14 Ha! That’s funny!
Ummm Proud Leftist, you don’t get the point of satire. Comedy is lost on leftist losers.
r 2: The plan is to tax rich people. On what grounds, you may well ask:
Failure to trickle.
Rush Limbaugh is a great American. All the hoopla over Rush is great news for him and us.
The DNC including the newly elected monkey want to stifle their biggest challenger of truth.
Without Rush where would we get the other side of the lies from the DNC and the monkey?
The only reason the dnc, nightly news and the monkey are after him cause they have no one that could stand up to him in a debate or prove him wrong.
The failures of the DNC or the monkey to have anyone get ratings like Rush upsets them.
They want no opposition to the plan of destroying America. Without Rush we Republicans would still get our side heard it would just take a little longer to spread to us.
The monkey is terrified of opposition and will use all means to stop it.
Some of his sheep are starting to ask questions about his economy going farther south. Questions are good news to the American people, bad news to the monkey and DNC.
Hey, libs who do you have that could debate Rush on TV for 2 hours?
“The only reason the dnc, nightly news and the monkey are after him cause they have no one that could stand up to him in a debate or prove him wrong”
Uhhhhh……when has Rush ever gone on a cable news program other than Fox (where he knows he won’t be asked difficult questions)??? He will NEVER appear on any of these shows because he won’t be able to have his finger on the “dump” button to hang up on someone that refutes his BS. His hot air rhetoric would collapse like a house of cards if he were ever in a forum where a REAL debate took place. For that reason, the only place you will ever find Rush is on “Hannity’s America”, since Sean has the same problem as Rush in this regard.
The top eight radio shows
1. Rush Limbaugh
2. Sean Hannity
3. Michael Savage
4. Dr. Laura Schlessinger
5. Glenn Beck
6. Laura Ingraham
7. Don Imus
8. Ed Schultz – Leftist Pinhead
Did any libtard notice Rush didn’t need a teleprompter for his CPAC speech? I wonder why that is?
The Truth,
You’re doing some sort of satire right? Kind of like Jesus’ General?
No facts are given just words and how you feel about Rush.
anyhow back to this:
Hey, libs who do you have that could debate Rush on TV for 2 hours?
The commercial constraints of AM radio fit very neately into a right wing format. Why? Because they have to go to a commercial every 5 minutes and conservative ideology is simplistic enough to fit into a 5 minute rant. A progressive philosophy doesn’t neatly fit into a bumper sticker. There are nuances and subtleties that take time to discuss at length. This naturally puts liberals at a disadvantage when it comes to commercial radio. But thanks for playing anyway.
@16: It has to be FUNNY to be comedy and it has to STING to be satire.
I have seen some of your better satire and that worked for me (even if I disagreed with it).
The Chris Mathews dig was just weak.
You and I both know that would NEVER happen, for the aforementioned reasons. Unless of course, it was on his own show where he was in control of what actually came across the airwaves.
@20: Yup – and the polls show that those 18% can listen to Rush and the radio and little else.
Big deal – republican blowhards rule talk radio. they are behind on the internet and behind in the polls. Those angry rightwingnuts (who sometimes spout racist crap) are just a small minority and turn off the independents.
Thanks rush – you have emasculated the republican party and helped to create a new democratic majority.
I hope Rush gains MORE influence in the republican party. I hope the republicans tie themselves (inextricably) to his amoral, right wing bigot, drug-addled, fat slob personality.
Guess that’s the problems for them on cable too?
If they would allow a different view’s time to be equal to a lib and if they could keep the lib from yelling when it’s not their turn perhaps Republicans would tune in and help the ratings.
This could never happen as libs need to be rude and loud.
Hey, libs who do you have that could debate Rush on TV for 2 hours?
your poster children are Monkey,Shurmer(sp),Franken Franks,Walters,Dodd and that wacko rep from ca. that everyone calls nostrils. Who I could go on however, this should be enough.
@ 18 & 23
We have lots of people, but Rush refuses to be on air with anyone who isn’t pre-screened. Why is it that he only gets interviewed on Fox, but never say, Larry (softball) King? Why does he invite Dick Cheney on his show repeatedly, but never say, Joe Biden or Al Gore? I for one would love to hear a Rush global-warming Hoax vs. Al Incovenint Truth debate. That would be awesome radio. But Rush is a pussy and won’t do it.
Find me a transcript of any TV show or radio program where Rush was on a panel with credible lefties, ie someone not Alan Colmbes. You can’t. Doesn’t exist. He doesn’t debate, just pontificates.
I’d love to see Rush debate:
Thom Hartman
Al Gore
Al Franken (mostly for comedy gold)
John Kerry
Keith Olberman
Joe Biden
Barack Hussein Obama
Hillary OR Bill
Bill Moyers
Ted Kennedy (Admittedly hard at this point but why was ElRushbo afraid to have him on air for 2 decades?)
Hell, I’d give him Jesse Jackson if he’d take it, but he won’t. He’s afraid.
If he could actually debate someone and stay credible, more power to him.
Here’s what happens when the Airbag gets in front of an unscreened audience. It’s not pretty:
Hey, libs who do you have that could debate Rush on TV for 2 hours?
My dead granny? Honestly, do you think Rush could win any debate where he can’t cut off his opponent’s mic? LOL!
Hey “Truth” – where do you get your white sheets laundered? Do you get a special deal?
You asked about interviews other than Fox.
Rush is a very busy man and likes playing Golf over the weekends. If I a had a choice play golf or look at John Kerry for two hours guess what.
“Ted Kennedy (Admittedly hard at this point but why was ElRushbo afraid to have him on air for 2 decades?)”
Where did you read Rush is afraid of ted kennedy as long as ted’s not driving I see no reason he didn’t. I would ask ted why didn’t he seek out Rush.
“Hell, I’d give him Jesse Jackson if he’d take it, but he won’t. He’s afraid.”
Again where do you base this finding on fact or fiction?
The only time I heard him cut some off was a left wing wacko who wouldn’t let Rush answer the question. you libs have a history of doing that on talk shows.
“where do you get your white sheets laundered? Do you get a special deal?”
I would suppose your talking about my bed sheets as you have no other fact or reason to accuse me of something else.
You guy/gals like saying this stuff for what reason?
Michael@6 … your facts are wrong. I am not in the Senate. I cosponsored HB1133 with Rep. John McCoy. Our bill has been put down, in favor of working on the Senate bill, if it comes across the rotunda.
Michael@6 … your facts are wrong. I am not in the Senate. I cosponsored HB1133 with Rep. John McCoy. Our bill has been put down, in favor of working on the Senate bill, if it comes across the rotunda.
Seattle Mike,
yeah Puddy watched it and the man with the sweater wanted to remove Rush’s First Amendment right to free speech on both topics. What a douchebag. Puddy didn’t see the mongrelized attacks from Rush, yet your buds in the audience proved how mongrelized and hateful they are when someone dares question them on their positions.
That man was priceless.
Uhhhh……because you are a bigot? Is there another reason?
Truth, ignore another of leadless douchy’s sock puppets@30.
BTW how are you feeling today?
Itchy Goldy… The Truth ain’t a bigot. The Monkey is Nancy Pelosi. She wrote the porkulus bill. Man you read something on a leftist blog and forget everything else.
From Congressman Charlie Dent:
Dent says he wanted to talk about some of his concerns, but Democratic leaders ignored him. Pelosi didn’t share the president’s dream of brotherly love breaking out in the Capitol. She was in charge, this was her bill and she would decide what was in it. To the ire of Republicans, and some Democrats, Pelosi maneuvered to put the stimulus package on an emergency fast track, cutting short debate on the bill and cutting Republicans out of the discussion. “I believe the president was absolutely sincere in looking for a bipartisan outcome,” Dent says. “But the White House lost control of the process when the bill was outsourced to Pelosi.”
Hey Charlie Dent… When Obama bragged in a white house conference he won, bipartisanship lost.
Pelosi is the monkey Itchy Goldy and Jennie Tlaz. People with a brain understand this. Losers like you two drink the kook-aid. I am surprised at you Itchy Goldy. Usually you are cogent. Jennie on the other hand has fallen off the “flat” earth…
Man what ignoramuses.
Based on what?
They have nightmares and think their real and post them her as facts.
Funny the stuff they throw out to see if any of it sticks. Funny little people.
Had a good week thanks. Ha is a good laugh have nice little sheep.
@34 Damn, I hate to have to concede on the Barbara Walters interview, but what part of that was a debate on policy? It was a profile piece but you’re right, it exists.
I don’t care if Rush is busy getting oxy-contin’d up on the weekend. Who said anything about weekends? Rush has 15 hours a week where he gets paid handsomely. He can’t spare 20-30 minutes? If Rush is so sure his arguments can win the day, have a credible lefty on the show for an hour. Live, no tape. Why doesn’t he do it? If his opinions are so guaranteed correct and he had a spine, his producers would be chasing down the kind of interviewees I’ve suggested so Rush can prove his points.
He’s afraid. I’m basing that on opinion but a pattern over 20 years emerges with Pork-boy. He won’t appear at public forums with progressives on the panel. He won’t invite guests who articulately disagree with him on his show. He won’t appear as a panelist on any network except FOX. Why?
My opinion, because he can’t risk being exposed as an intellectual fraud. He’s so afraid of even slightly being made a fool of by the other side that he’s afraid to try.
Know that sounds like it could be a very high rated show. Why don’t you try to find someone that will face him off with no strings attached.
I’ll e-mail him about it. this might be a very good time to have this happen.
Good Idea
Oops, my bad.
Other than making Marr a Republican and you a State Senator (oops!) I was cribbing straight out of the Seattle Times.
Guess I forgot to eat my Wheaties or something this morning…
If you folks pass something that includes Black Liquor be prepared for a court fight.
Rush just invited Obama to debate him. Being Obama started this attack on an America Citizen it will show us what type a person obama is if we backs out of the debate.
Will the offer is in. yes in rushes studio.
Only a fool would go to one of Obama tv stations to have a debate. However, the offer is out. Now it’s up to obama to see what’s he made of. I think he’s spineless and all the WH attacks will stop. As they all crawl back under their rocks.