I am glad that the action of Governor Inslee meant that Washington’s unemployment system still worked during President Trump’s delay. No missed payment. No reapplying. It would be better if President Trump had not fucked around, but at least we mitigated most of the damage.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
The American Taliban = GOP
Enough said. Needs no further comment.
And I’m glad that in the face of a certain and yet more humiliating override, the cowardly incel GOP FailPresident capitulated in disgrace.
Perhaps the only thing more humiliating is for Rapepublican voters to have spent the last five years supporting that failure only to see it all come to this. And it will only get worse going forward.
Batshit insane.
‘It was a missile strike’: Trump fans go nuts claiming Nashville bomb was Chinese plot to steal election
Earlier this morning, Bernie Sanders said Trump should sign the virus relief bill and then start working on additional funding over and above the $600 benefit. This was what I suggested yesterday and was attached for suuggesting it.
@ 3
‘It was a missile strike’: Trump fans go nuts claiming Nashville bomb was Chinese plot to steal election
No worse than the average HA post by G-clown.
@4 not sure you were attacked (attached)…..quote the attack.
I, if one of those, just suggested that The Fuckhump should just sign it…..you kind of inferred that it was a “Congress” problem or stink…..but you were wrong, it was a Repuke problem.
Did anyone realy attack you for making the suggestion (as an option)?
You are one of the Batshit insane.
@5 you mean the election fraud of 2016 and how the Fuckhump is a illigitame dumbfuck like you?
You are one of the Batshit insane. Deflect. Dumbfuck.
Face it Dumbfuck you and your party are a bunch of dimwitted lunatics.
A bunch of failures eating pizza in a basement.
Trump’s friends who traded short-dated options came out pretty well.
Me, too.
YLB’s kids, not so much.
Hey Dumbfuck, I could have three penis’ in my mouth, two in my ass, and one in each ear, and I wouldn’t be as Batshit crazy as you and your ilk. You sorry ass mother fucking lunatics. You want a talk about the merits of a liberal arts degree? You lunatics are short of 5 liberal arts degrees. You are a bunch of useless fucks that nobody would miss if you were gone.
Good day on Wall Street today, Bob is having a sad because he can’t put the skirt on though, and he has to stare at the Pom Poms sitting by the horse.
Batshit insane Bob weeps.
Murdoch trying to save face. Bunch of fucking shameful Repukes and IndePussy sheep.
G-clown @ 10 with 7 cocks is just spending another lazy Saturday night at the bath house.
He’s a Chlamydia super-spreader.
Republicans really learned from the Todd Akin disaster. How could Dems not know this was coming?
Camper Recounts Abuse at Warnock Church Camp
G-clown sees nothing wrong with this, of course. Water sports are how G-clown passes the time between gentleman visitors at the steam baths on Saturday nights.
@1 At least they fired him, but it’s more evidence that LE agencies are sloppy in their hiring practices, and aren’t doing enough to screen out recruits who don’t belong in the profession.
There has to be legal consequences for behavior like this.
There are some very small, very insecure, people in the world — but we already knew that.
Rasmussen, heh. A Republican polling firm. Quoting Stalin. The batshit insane never give up.
Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. – Stalin
Come January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence will be presented with the sealed certificates containing the ballots of the presidential electors.
At that moment, the Presidency will be in his hands.
And there is nothing stopping Pence, under the (plenary and unappealable) authority vested in him as President of the Senate, from declining to open and count the certificates from the six disputed states.
If they are (as more than 70% of Republicans believe) certificates from non-electors appointed via voter fraud, why should he open & count them?”
If the votes of all 7 contested states are registered as zero, President Trump will have 232 votes, Joe Biden will have 222.
Per the 12th Amendment: “[T]he votes shall then be counted[.] … The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President[.]”
There is no point in reaching out to the batshit insane.
FEMA camps and prison for most. GITMO for some. Gallows and firing squads for the rest.
@4 No, you were attached (sic) yesterday for babbling nonsense about unspecified “pork.”
@5 Your sense of proportion doesn’t work, either. In your case, nothing upstairs does, but at least you can still keep the horse happy. There’s that.
Shorter, easier to summarize 15:
Republicans learned absolutely nothing from the Associate Justice Rohypnol Railroad disaster. The cars keep piling up. One swing state after another.
@6 He’s wallowing in self-pity over being attached for his silly “pork” remark.
When I saw the word “attached,” I immediately thought of leeches.
Every time I see the word “Republican,” I think of leeches, too.
That’s what makes his bleating about “pork” so hilarious.
@15 Nobody’s listening. Your feeble attempts to cast aspersions have been drowned out by your tribe’s recent behavior. It’s going to be a long, long time before you can get attention this way again.
The entire GOP has put itself in a position where the average, normal, sane voter would vote for a bank robber before voting for one of your candidates.
Speaking of robbers, both of your candidates in the Georgia Senate runoffs are insider traders who exploited closed Senate briefings on the coming pandemic to pocket millions. I wonder how much of those illicit profits have found their way to food banks?
Mayor Pete wished everyone a Happy and Joyful Kwanzaa.
Did Klubfoot?
It was a missile attach. Right?
The predictably tedious stupidity of Trolls4Trump is evergreen.
@ 18
Who installs an outdoor sculpture made of ceramic?
Antifa probably did it.
@19 “And there is nothing stopping Pence, under the (plenary and unappealable) authority vested in him as President of the Senate, from declining to open and count the certificates from the six disputed states.”
Other than the word “shall.” As with all things, when someone entrusted with an official duty (e.g., a juror, president of the senate, or whatever) fails/is unable/unwilling to perform the duty, the alternate (juror, president pro tem, or whatever) steps in and takes over.
@ 26
Mayor Pete wished everyone a Happy and Joyful Kwanzaa.
Even the police chief he fired, G-clown?
I am grateful that Mayor Pete took down Fauxchahontas. But he can pander to black America all he wants, and none of it will make a damned bit of difference. They know he is pandering to them, G-clown.
A lot of ceilings will need cleaning next week.
More on Mayor Pete’s Xmas pandering to black America:
If G-clown would pull a few of those 7 cocks out of his orifices @ 10 and stop the cheerleading for a gay man solely because he is gay for just a minute, he might see Mayor Pete the way others see Mayor Pete: As a very intelligent guy without the requisite executive background, and with a disdain for black Americans that he will never be able to overcome.
It’s a little sad to see Rasmussen debase themselves in this way. But of course, that is what happens now in Trump’s party. They’ve been doing this to themselves for years now. But it’s still shocking sometimes.
Even to try and pass this off as a mere “quote” from some “provocative” third party is an exercise in self-humiliation.
Fundamentally Pence has no constitutional role beyond a ceremonial one as the presiding officer who invites the tellers to record the certificates from each state and announces the counts as reported by the certificates from each state.
Moreover, it’s a joint session in which every member present is able to cast a vote should any be called for. But they are not called for or conducted in joint. Joint sessions are entirely ceremonial and no legislation is proposed or considered. The tellers each open and record the results for each state certificate. Members may object to any state certificate, but only if their objection is supported by at least one member from each chamber. For any objection to be upheld and the certificate rejected requires a majority vote from both of the two chambers in a separate session.
There’s no secret work around that some community college dropout just discovered.
These kinds of suggestions are facially ludicrous. They are the product of a unique combination of laziness, hubris and stupidity that is oddly endemic to the modern “conservative” movement under Trump. It would not have cost Rasmussen one or two minutes of his life to have invalidated the musings of his quoted essay. Far less time than it took for him to read it to begin with.
This betokens an avowed willingness to be completely, factually wrong about something important.
Why would anyone trust his polls after this?
This is just another example of how “conservatism” destroys itself, while spastically insisting that it is being done “to them”, by others. Sometimes it’s “the librul media”. Sometimes it’s the Chinese.
And sometimes it’s “a missile attach”.
@ 33
It’s a little sad to see Rasmussen debase themselves in this way.
It’s worse to see it elsewhere. Right-leaning sites went all-in on this the way left-leaning sites went all-in on Trump-Russia collusion four years ago. I’m disappointed in some of them – the ones I didn’t think would do it.
Put up or shut up was a month ago. It’s time to shut up and focus on 2022.
Of COURSE the old bat will be reinstalled as Speaker. I mean, who the fuck else do the Democrats have? Swalwell the walking fart?
C’mon. It’s gonna be her, and she’ll retire in 2022 to avoid being around to accept the blame rightfully due her for the Democrats’ failure in the midterms.
Doesn’t mean shit like this isn’t fun.
Here’s How a Republican Could End up Speaker of the House Instead of Nancy Pelosi
One big difference might be that so called “Trump-Russia” collusion is not fundamentally predicated on affidavits of convicted felons with universally acknowledged records of lying and substance abuse who build their allegations on assertions that are known to be entirely false having been repeatedly tested in court.
Aside from the obvious fact that the highest ranking members of the GOP presidential campaign and their long time business associates have been repeatedly convicted in court of conspiring with Russian agents, more than a few of them have admitted doing so.
That’s always going to be a problem for you, Tara.
It’s going to become an even bigger problem after Jan 20th when the impeached GOP FailPresident is no longer protected from investigation by the DOJ.
Fourteen times Mueller identified specific instances of action on the part of the impeached GOP FailPresident in which those actions met the statutory elements of obstruction. Crimes which Mueller was not only specifically forbidden to investigate, but which it is DOJ policy to never, ever indict.
Ignoring the obvious question here as to why so much obstruction if “no crimes” (and of course ignoring all the convictions), we still have the lingering and fundamental rule of law challenge arising from the circumstance where the potential offender is excused by policy and directive from being prohibited from concealing those offenses or destroying evidence of them. Obstruction is not a “process crime”. There’s no such thing.
Enforcing the legal prohibitions against obstruction leaves the criminal offenses of the powerful in the hands of the offenders themselves. That’s convenient for racist authoritarians like you right now. And it might have continued to be convenient for you if you all hadn’t lost so badly and disgracefully.
But lose you did. And in a spectacularly debasing and disgraceful way, entirely characterized by sweeping false claims and spurious legal arguments, frequently crossing well into the realm of defamation and bordering on criminal sedition.
That’s also a pretty fucking big difference. Your fail president is impeached, in an entirely legal and actually remarkably circumscribed process. And it was a process that the record clearly demonstrates was entered into very reluctantly by the opposition leadership. And that in no small way goes to the growing and wide public acceptance of the outcome of that process.
That contrasts rather poorly with the growing public horror and open, laughing mockery associated with your mighty “Kraken”. But you’re stuck with it now. Nevertheless, you were warned. Repeatedly.
Remember Tara?
BTW, Tara’s Mighty Kraken is now 0 for 5 in Georgia as of this morning, and IIRC 1 for 90 overall (the one being a procedural win in a motion hearing).
More please.
@ 36
… universally acknowledged records of lying …
I think that now it can be universally acknowledged that Adam Schiff lied through his fucking teeth.
Sure Tara.
Looks good right alongside your claims:
– that Schiff paid $40 million to witnesses to get them to lie about your FailPresident;
– that Schiff’s father is actually Jeffrey Epstein;
– that “the whistleblower” is Schiff’s daughter’s boyfriend;
– that George Soros is Schiff’s brother-in-law;
– that Schiff is in business with “a Ukrainian arms dealer”;
The only thing you left out was the finger-banging.
Cry more now please.
Godwin. Stop repeating the lie. The truth is
Bipartisan Senate Report Shows How Trump Colluded With Russia in 2016
I think this is why I’m going to call her Tara from now on.
It’s become pretty pointless with these crybaby fuckups.
Through absolutely nobody’s fault but their own they shit themselves one way or another. Then, despite the overpowering retch-inducing stink, they deny it. Then they scream that the stench is a FAKE NEWS conspiracy. Then to complete the humiliating performative tableau they breakdown sobbing that it is someone else’s shit in their pants.
We know somebody just like that.
I know – he probably should be more like you, and not pander, right. You prefer to falsely revise the narrative becuase now you’re bitter because you have to put the skirt and pom poms away for four years.
Stop and think for just a moment how trivially easy it would have been for Trump to win and avoid all this. It’s just shocking, actually. Just a modest effort to contain the virus well within the reach and power of any president, combined with any expression of sympathy for all the grief and loss. That simple bit alone would have done it. To seal the deal and perhaps even bring in a landslide all he needed to do was show some leadership in the Senate and get some relief passed before November.
He went golfing, he fired people, and he complained about slippery ramps. That’s about it.
And people like Tara want to blame Adam Schiff.
They need to blame themselves if they are to have any hope of a political future. They could have easily had Pence/Haley. And instead they rallied around that incompetent failure and called it success.
No need to fix it for the Dumbfuck. If it suited the Dumbfuck, he would try to convince you that green money is bad.
Bob knows how to use google……linking an article from May 2019…..someone tell him that that’s almost 2 years ago.
The traitor thinks he and his orange moron are both exonerated. Hell, he’s already tried to convince us he never even voted for his orange moron. Those 5,000 pro-Putin hashtags? They never littered these threads. Steve made it up. It’s a hoax! Russia, Russia, Russia!
The traitor will pay dearly for his fucking sins.
Impossible – the dude is a lie.
@47 speaking of bad decisions. The Fuckhump and The Dumbfuck, one in the same.
Bob has served no purpose in life, but to pretend to his horse that he’s a man.
Hilaria Baldwin is of Spanish descent.
Elizabeth Warren is a minority Native American Indian.
Hunter Biden is an honorable man.
Kamala Harris celebrated Kwanzaa every year while growing up.
Q: Which of the preceding is true?
A: None. They are all claims made by Democrats.
Hillary Rodham was named after Sir Edmund Hillary after he became the first to summit Mount Everest.
That lie is so Clintonian it deserves to stand by itself.
@50 and 51
Rome is burning and dumbfuck is spewing obscure irrelevant bullshit. Dude is fucked in the head.
And he’s using bold as if everyone should be so proud that he is so talented
Treasonous Traitor
Treasonous Traitor
Which one of the above is not true.
@30, 32 More honorable than pandering to white supremacists.
Putin would be proud of @50 and @51 though.
@48 Nah, just a figment of his own imagination. He doesn’t actually exist. What you see on this blog are quantum posts.
@50 Great. Now do GOP election claims. Should be easy, because the Q&A is simple cut-and-paste.
Tabloid headline: “Computer repairman who made Hunter Biden hard-drive contents public sues Twitter for $500 million after moderators ‘labeled him a hacker'”
Who’s his lawyer? Sidney Powell? Lin Wood? A second-year law student?
Trumpies seem determined to prove frivolous lawsuits actually exist.
That was just desperately sad. I’m almost starting to feel some sympathy for you.
But then I remember
More crying please!
It’s not enough. He also needs to use all caps.
So is this.
Trump photoshopped Nobel Prize into campaign-style ad — despite not winning the award
And despite there being no campaign. What a loser.
Oh, there’s a campaign alright.
And it’s working beautifully!
More. Please Tara. More.
All it needs is CAPS!
And where is @realtara today? Proven liar, that’s where. Also known to exaggerate.
“Update, Nov. 19, 2020: District Attorney Jeannine M. Pacioni announced today that her office has completed its investigation of testimony by Tara Reade. Between 2006 and 2019, the prosecution called Ms. Reade as an expert witness on domestic violence in 10 cases the office could locate. … In four of the felony cases (one of them had two co-defendants), Ms. Reade testified she obtained an undergraduate degree, usually specifying it was from Antioch University in Seattle, Washington. In the co-defendant felony case, another felony case and in one misdemeanor case, she testified she had not taken the California Bar exam. … According to an assistant general counsel at the California State Bar, Ms. Reade twice took and failed the bar exam before she testified to the contrary in three cases. Also, according to Antioch University, Ms. Reade did not graduate and holds no degree from that institution. However, the district attorney’s office will not file perjury charges because of the difficulty of proving the materiality of her false testimony.”
Doctor Dumbfuck sure made a fool of himself with this one.
Same day it was filed. Order from the bench for lacking jurisdiction.
“Conservatism” is an idiot circus.
@ 60
Trump photoshopped Nobel Prize into campaign-style ad — despite not winning the award
Yeah, Trump came up short on hope and only got results. The Nobel is about hope, y’all.
The regret for pinning it all on hope comes later.
Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize
Meanwhile, Middle East nations these days seem to be falling all over themselves to establish diplomacy with Israel.
Results are not Nobel-worthy. The Nobel is about hope.
Saudi Arabia Is Scrubbing Hate Speech from School Books. Why That’s a Win for the Trump Administration
There’s even something for G-clown to love:
You’ll never see Trump given the Nobel, just as you never saw Melania on the cover of any fashion mag.
Machts nichts. Iran is reeling, and unless Biden does something about it the Middle East will be the better for it.
What matters is that Biden will do something to prop up Iran. Bob Gates guarantees it:
The former Defense Secretary is defending his contention in a new memoir that vice president Joe Biden has been wrong about every major foreign policy issue in the past 40 years — reaching back to the Vietnam War era for evidence.
Hey Y’all, Bob is a Dumbfuck, but you already knew that. Right Y’all?
A Troll. That’s what a Repuke and IndyPussy can aspire to be, A Troll. The low self esteem Proudboys having a baby fit tantrum. The domestic terrorists that they are. What more will they blow up and then complain about Yasser Arafat.
Constitution, Constitution, Constitution, bla, bla, bla.
Murdoch should stop giving the Fuckhump a hard time and tell the Proudboys to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, bunch of Dumbfuck Bob losers that they are.
65, 66,
Constantly telling himself that it isn’t size that matters, but technique.
@ 68
I also tell myself that while the genetically shortchanged children of YLB celebrate the $2k checks they might receive, the immediate and downstream benefits of those checks to my wife and me will probably total two hundred times that. Plus, we won’t bear the burden of the additional debt larded onto the nation. That will fall to YLB’s kids. Trump isn’t calling for big checks because he’s stupid. He’s calling for them because the Mar-a-Lago contingent wants them, too.
OK, so I didn’t just tell myself.
Gonna be a tough sell revising the impeached GOP FailPresident’s well earned reputation as an anti-Semite after this:
Try to remind yourself Tara, as you sob into your pillow, that you idiots did this to yourselves.
You are doing all of this to yourselves. Every single day.
I don’t want you to, but you can stop any time you like.
Now cry more, please.
Guess what, Tara?
Elliot Rogers bragged anonymously online about having a big dick too!
Nicely done.
Who’s going to ask the horse about the latter?
@ 70
Gonna be a tough sell …
Maybe not so much:
Trump ends Obama’s 12-year run as most admired man: Gallup
Melania is not on the covers because it is not good for business. Sure some of the rubes will buy it but everyone else will boycott it. It’s capitalism
They certainly cry a lot.
Trump supporters seethe after hotel cancels their reservations ahead of January 6th protest
82% of those polled named someone other than the incumbent, impeached, GOP FailPresident.
Two-term President Obama still surpasses the impeached GOP FailPresident in first mentions and top ten finishes.
Also surpasses the impeached GOP FailPresident in election results, litigation success, and not having to declare his court appointees “Traitors” and “Cowards”.
Gosh! How could playing host to a well known violent terrorist group be considered a risk to other guests?
Uh huh. And they had it far earlier than reported, too.
Nearly half a million people may have had Covid-19 in Wuhan, study shows. That’s almost 10 times the official figure
This isn’t OAN. It’s a CNN piece.
@ 78
I’ll take “Questions Jenny Durkan took far too long to ask about the CHAZ occupation” for $500, Alex.
How could playing host to a well known violent terrorist group be considered a risk to other guests?
Hey guys,
remember that time Tara warned us all about bleach injections and butt flashlights?
Yeah. Me either.
“CHAZ occupation” other guests = “Rome Man”
Will nobody think of the
childrenProud Boys?Just keep flogging that dead horse Tara
There’s now a pretty good chance that Caribou Barbie is going to have to pay the NYT’s legal fees in her idiot defamation LOLsuit.
Heh. Dumbfuck has already spiked the ball on these several times.
Ossoff 50, Perdue 48 Ossoff 2
Warnock 50, Loeffler 49 Warnock 1
“Just keep flogging that dead horse Tara”
Don’t you mean “fucking”?
This is what the dumbfuck is reduced to clinging to after having lost the WH in a landslide. Sad!
Just one reason why Dumbfuck lost Arizona.
What a Socialist. Get us a Vacine you Dumbfuck!
Rubio Calls on Congress to ‘Quickly’ Pass $2,000 Payments: Americans in ‘Dire Need’ of Relief
Does it matter if every person in Wuhan had the virus when it was supposed to be gone here by Easter? And USA is exceptional we don’t lower the bar to Wuhan China.
1/2 million – 18 million what’s the fucking difference!
I honestly expected to click on it and find them calling Sen. McCain a cripple and mocking his widow.
Never mind. Found it.
@82 I read that Proud Boys are trying to smuggle guns into D.C. to celebrate Biden’s victory on Jan. 6.
@65 People can debate Nobel Prizes endlessly (e.g., why didn’t Jonas Salk get one?), but what’s indisputable is that Obama was a far better president, and is a vastly better human being, than your Orange Tyrant. The best thing that can be said about Trump is that he was ineffectual.
@92 Bobs formulated excuses and valid reasons of justification as we speak.
@92 Bob is formulating excuses and valid reasons of justification as we speak.
And Putin can’t wait!
Like all those monuments your buddies defaced this year right senile wabidiot?
How do you know dummocretin are lying?
1) Their mouths are moving
2) Unknown and indecipherable sound is emitted from their moving mouths
3) They take their “grievances” to the dummocretin libtard lamestream media
4) BULLSH^TTIUM abounds when found out!
Oh look.
degenerate lying freakRepublican is defending monuments to treason.Oh look.
degenerate lying freakRepublican has a negative opinion about a President-elect who kicked his ass so badly he hasn’t stopped crying about it for more than a month.More please.