I am putting this up early tonight because I am in Redmond, heading to the Roanoke. The SR520 bridge is closed, which makes my commute a bit uncertain. So have at it in the comment threads, and I’ll join you as soon as possible.
6:04: We’ve started!
6:07: “We’re going to respect each other.” We’ll see!
6:08: Overheard at the Roanoke: “Oh my God…he’s medicated!”
6:09: Trump isn’t going to even try to answer the question.
Did Donald Trump take advice from Jeb! for this debate?
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) October 10, 2016
Trump has been completely out-alphaed and now sounds like he's in a hostage video.
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) October 10, 2016
I spend a fair amount of time in locker rooms (I'm assuming more than DJT) – we don't brag about sexually assaulting women. #debate
— Michael Maddux (@michaeljmaddux) October 10, 2016
Trump: "No one has more respect for women than I do." Laugher…
— NPI (@nwprogressive) October 10, 2016
…Certainly here at the Roanoke!
6:12: When asked about sexual assault, Trump talks ISIS. I’m sure he’s hit on her, too.
Smart of Clinton to tie the sex tape to a broader indictment of Trump's hate speech and pathologically abusive tendencies.
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) October 10, 2016
Anderson Cooper: Why did you brag about sexually assaulting women?
Trump: ***SNIFF***#debates— Megan Burbank (@meganireneb) October 10, 2016
6:16: “For THE African Americans.” Hasn’t ANYONE talked to him about his awkward use of language?
OK, this just went nuclear
— Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) October 10, 2016
Hillary quotes Michelle Obama. Unlike Melania, she gives credit to the source. #debate
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) October 10, 2016
The preparation gap here is just extraordinary.
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) October 10, 2016
Calling trump a bullshit artist is an insult to bullshit artists. #Debate #ImWithHer
— Jeff Davies (@JeffDavies206) October 10, 2016
6:23: Holy fuck…Trump is having a melt down!!!!
6:25: “You should be You’d be in jail.” Very presidential.
Gloves are OFF those itty-bitty hands! Whoo!
— Mordant FreedomVoter (@MordantFV) October 10, 2016
Flashback: Donald Trump Called Bill Clinton's Accusers 'Terrible' and 'Unattractive' and… https://t.co/OqK7hUgu3R https://t.co/bH0dzXtFHo
— memeorandum (@memeorandum) October 10, 2016
Q about Healthcare: HRC ANSWERS THE FUCKING QUESTION!!!! #debate
— Michael Maddux (@michaeljmaddux) October 10, 2016
What good is power if you're not going to use it to prosecute your political enemies? https://t.co/scUDSSqYpb
— Omri Ceren (@cerenomri) October 10, 2016
ObamaCare has obviously failed to fix Donald Trump's breathing problems. #debate
— (((Goldy))) (@GoldyHA) October 10, 2016
Trump is saying he has no idea what his health care replacement would be. #debate
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 10, 2016
6:36: Donald Trump cannot give specifics. His health care plans are more aspirational than operational.
reminder that health care prices are actually rising at the slowest pace in 50 years https://t.co/CfeBDdorS8 pic.twitter.com/y04VNMXEd2
— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) October 10, 2016
6:39: A lot of sniffing going on there, Donald.
Shorter Trump: Shame about your islamaphobia but you muslims have to pick up your game and be batter.
— Sam Seder (@SamSeder) October 10, 2016
If HRC was sniffling like Donald Trump is, Breitbart would claim she has Black Lung.
— Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) October 10, 2016
6:46: Trump is very whiney this evening.
With all of those sniffles, I don't think Trump should talk about "drug problems" #Debate #CokeNose
— Michael Maddux (@michaeljmaddux) October 10, 2016
Trump's position on Iraq over the years #debate pic.twitter.com/wUMZVWTQVQ
— Roll Call (@rollcall) October 10, 2016
6:50: “She is blaming it on the late, great Abraham Lincoln”. Do we really say “late, great” for someone who has been dead for so long?
Trump just promised to make the wealthy pay their fair share by making them pay less. #Debate
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 10, 2016
7:00: Okay…he’s unhinged again!
Trump admitted that he hasn’t paid taxes — and that won’t be the big story tonight.
— Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) October 10, 2016
Bill 5 seconds from swinging on Donald #Debate pic.twitter.com/rpCcSDgeH5
— Corey Johnson (@coreymaurice) October 10, 2016
Trump: "Hillary Clinton has been president for 30 years!" Apparently. #debate
— (((Goldy))) (@GoldyHA) October 10, 2016
7:02: Clinton should have responded, “There you go whipping out that ’30 years of experience’ thing again.
My two reactions during the #debate pic.twitter.com/26P0Kg1nNW
— Greg Baumann (@glbaumann) October 10, 2016
7:09: Trump is now debating his running mate. This is precious!!!!
Whoah…well, maybe Pence drops the race now? #Debate
— Michael Maddux (@michaeljmaddux) October 10, 2016
This debate is the second-worst thing that ever happened to Abraham Lincoln
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) October 10, 2016
7:15: Dear Donald, Maybe they don’t interrupt Clinton because her answers are coherent, responsive. Quit your persistent whining!!!
Whenever a black person asks a question, Trump talks about inner cities. The racism is breathtaking. #debates
— Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) October 10, 2016
7:22: Q about Trump’s “sextape” tweet. Trump: “Benghazi!!!!”
— Erica C. Barnett (@ericacbarnett) October 10, 2016
Trump denies he sent a tweet urging people to check out a sex tape. #debate
Fact check: https://t.co/h2RhMd2oPm
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) October 10, 2016
The billionaire who promised to fund his own campaign just bragged about all the small donors he's scamming #debate
— Richard Hine (@richardhine) October 10, 2016
Conclusion: Trump was better medicated and didn’t do worse than last time. Clinton, as always was in control. Trump may GAIN from this debate…but probably not enough to offset the big losses from his “bus tape”.
IN CONCLUSION: Trump vowed to jail his opponent, admitted he paid no taxes for over a decade and kneecapped his running mate.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) October 10, 2016
Trump is the king of empty sentences. No actual information. Like giving a presentation in class when u did none of the reading. #Debate
— jesseWilliams. (@iJesseWilliams) October 10, 2016
The only story the media should be covering is Trump threatening to jail his political opponent.
— Nick Hanauer (@NickHanauer) October 10, 2016
More popcorn! I need more popcorn! I crave popcorn!
The trolls right now are gnashing their teeth..
Why isn’t the Donald going into detail about the Bill’s rape technique?
Why isn’t the Donald talking about Bill’s pee-pee?
F “presidential”! This is about “grabbing”
p***ypower!6:25: “You should be You’d be in jail.” Very presidential.
“You’re no Jack Kennedy” wasn’t very (vice) presidential.
We’re still talking about it, nearly 30 years later.
For those who think #CrookedHillary broke the law, it was direct and on-point, and that’s enough for now.
Sorry boob, they don’t “think” – they parrot what they read in Matt Sludge and Breitbart and Infowars and the rest..
Just like you parroted “unskewed polls”..
Hillary’s not going anywhere except, most probably, the White House – she got the same treatment as David Betrayedus.
Advocating a no fly zone over Syria makes as much sense as the Russians enforcing a no-fly zone over the West Bank.
So yeah, that’s where Hillary falls short.
Now the Donald is babbling about Iran, Mosul, blah, blah… Just babbling…
By all appearances, the guy appears to be snorted from here to Sunday, and constantly stepping on his dick.
Sloppy @ 3,
So…essentially threatening to imprisoning your political opponents is fair game.
Get the fuck out of here, you ignorant asshole.
Question about the Supreme Court and Drumpf immediately appeals to the gun idolators. How the hell does this jibe with supporting “human life”?
Trump’s answer to the final question was his best moment of the debate, if not the entire campaign.
She doesn’t give up. She fights..
Indeed, we saw it before those a-holes in the Ryan kook-haus and other places.
Yeah, despite my own reservations, I’ll gladly throw the lever for her.
And in doing so, cancelling out the shit vote of the maxwipe butt plugg troll. Oh that will be so sweet!
Did I just see Dennis Miller talking to Drumpf?
The most unfunny jerk in existence..
And little maxwipe butt plugg is of course a big fan who’s actually PAID to luxuriate in its jerkiness. Figures… Absolutely NO SURPRISE there.
@ 7
“You’d be under indictment.” would have been more accurate.
Wow, what this site could use fewer of is ignorant assholes. Feel free to ban me if that’s really what you think.
A bit of personal disclosure…I presently work for the federal government. I also happen to run my own email server. Over the last couple years, I’ve deleted thousands, if not tens of thousands of messages. This is in addition to an approximately equal number of messages my system has deleted on its own.
It’s called spam. Sound familiar?
@12 Don’t forget you have to run this by a jury, too.
Trump’s response to locker-room talk question: “I’m not as bad as ISIS.” (From CNN)
Working in New York City for the last three years, in one of the biggest building booms this city probably has seen with no current end in sight, im working on 9 high rises that are currently under construction or very close to starting, for many different developers, except for one. That one is Donald Trump.
I also read of many planned projects by many different developers, except one. That one is Donald Trump.
I think if he were building something in this city then I’d say he is creating jobs. He could also be partly responsible for creating my job.
But he’s not. He isn’t a job creator of any significant value. He makes money by moving money around.
@ 13
Pretty sure I heard the FBI director absolve #CrookedHillary using the same rationale, Art. Thanks for clearing it up.
I was expecting an interesting debate on the issues, but those were dashed in the pre-debate coverage with Trump and Bill Clinton’s women.
Locker Room talk. Justifying that as locker room talk?
I guess saying nigger is just white talk or Kkk talk.
Or saying fag I’d just straight fun talk.
And two black guys calling g some guy a like is just black talk.
And two Mexicans calling a white guy a hick or ho key is just Mexican talk.
Two women calling a man a pig is just woman talk.
A Muslim calling a Christian an infidel just Muslim talk.
When you try to justify any type of disrespect that is a problem. Why even ask the last question that was asked. This campaign talk is just Politician talk.
Giuliani is desperately trying to get a job. Just another Career Politician.
Heh. HA Trolls pine for a piece of whatever Drumpf is grabbing.
@19 Hmph. Maybe he’s stiffed enough people and stepped on enough toes that he’s really trying to run for POTUS as a deux ex machina. Or…maybe he’s simply buying time by letting the Secret Service protect him for the time being from a mob hit.
If you were ever going to recognize the huge hole all the lying has dug you into, it would have been these three days. And the biggest lie of all has always been the delusion that your perverted drunken uncle was fit to run the show. He’s your brand now. He’s your ideology and your id. You squandered it all for the sake of a racist dirty joke. That bloated impotent gasbag is who America sees whenever we hear “Republican”.
Suck it.
@3 Nice false equivalency. One quip was an observation from a political veteran that a confirmed idiot did not measure up to the grandiose claim he had just made… the other was from a confirmed idiot essentially threatening to Erdogan his political opposition. I am frequently entertained by the mental gymnastics I see from people like you who claim not to support Trump but invariably make statements in stark contrast to that premise daily.
Heh. How Putin-like of Drumpf to threaten Hillary with imprisonment..
Due process???
Is the turd running for preznit or dicktator?
God damn i love having my own stalker. You guys should get one too. They are so fun to twist around…..
How stupid is the “prefers I’m-Not-A-Republican party” ex-candidate for King County Executive? So stupid that Republicans are calling for her head after she excused Drumpf’s groping by asserting “he was a Democrat at the time.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What an airhead.
So, how exactly did Drumpf get all those Bill Clinton accusers together in one place at one time?
“A sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before Sunday night’s debate was paid $2,500 by a political action committee founded by Trump ally Roger Stone. …
“Earlier this year, Stone sought to raise money to pay off the mortgage of Kathleen Willey …. Stone claimed in an online video interview that Trump had personally contributed to the fund.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why yes, you pay them, of course. Some people will do anything for money.
@27 Susan Hutchison may not have said or done anything that’s made sense since she last raised her middle finger at Lloyd Cooney.