I got to the Ale House a bit late, but here is the open thread….
5:18: Wow…the five minutes I’ve watched has been a big hatefest on Cain’s 999 tax plan. Funny how Republicans suddenly embrace reality when it gives them something to crush their opponent with.
5:20: Apples and oranges. Double-topping pizza for only $9.99: Feast of the top .999%
5:22: The Newtster still insists on being called, “Mr. Speaker”. What a putz!
5:23: Michele wants to “Go back to the miracle of Ronald Reagan’s plan”, “abolish the tax code”, “flatten taxes”. My god, is she an idiot!
5:26: Once again, Rick Perry is caught napping. He doesn’t have a rival tax plan. Instead he wants to talk unemployment. That’s sooooo last month.
5:29: Rick Santorum shouldn’t show his teeth like that. People’ll think he’s British…..
5:34: Michele Bachmann points out that the Obama administration is arguing with itself over the CLASS act. Not really. A good discussion of CLASS come from Ezra Klein.
5:39: Ron Paul is in fine babbly form this evening!
5:42: Rick Perry’s health care plan is to prosecute those who hire “illegals”?!? (Like Mitt Romney, apparently?) I’m feeling healthier already!
5:45: It pains me to say this, but Mitt made mincemeat of Rick Perry over the interruptions and also the “hiring illegals” business.
5:50: Perry had a strong “border” comeback after the “illegals fiasco”, but it was prepared. After Bachmann’s babblery, Perry babbles back.
5:52: Perry tries mining the “Mitt Hires Illegals” again. Less disastrous.
5:53: A Hispanic man just asked a question. Who will be first to ask if CNN checked his citizenship documents?
5:55: I have no idea what Ron Paul just spewed about putting people in groups and group mentality.
5:57: Bachmann: America has problems with magnets and anchor babies. Magnets and anchors can be quite unwieldy! So…good point.
6:03: The Mittster solution to nuclear waste: Let the states BID on it!
6:04: Rick Perry just said that the Government shouldn’t subsidize energy in any form. Wait…wasn’t that his entire fucking Jobs Plan?!?
6:08: Huh…Michele Bachmann is a mom?
6:12: Ron Paul just admitted he is incompetent.
6:18: Fuck…a group of noisy diners just sat down at the table behind me. I could barely hear the debate as it was. Fortunately, the closed caption text is on. Looking at the bright side…is’s good practice for old age!
6:21: Candidates are now going through their pre-prepared statements on “faith”. Fucking YAWWWWWWNNNNN. None of them are going to go there about Mormonism, obviously. I mean, it wouldn’t be fair with Huntsman not there….
6:22: Rick Perry talking about “the founding fathers” is like Mike Tyson talking about nuclear physics….
6:25: A “question from the audience” CLEARLY being read off of a screen. Sheesh. What bullshit!
6:28: Was it a Closed Caption error or was the Newtster talking about “illeteral politicians”???
6:31: Herman Cain: “Policy that we do not negotiate with terrorists”…but maybe we can send ’em some pizza and coke….
6:33: Let’s step back for a moment. Is it my imagination, or is Anderson Cooper, essentially, trying to simply drag the most controversy out of the “debaters”? Seriously…the substance is excessively thin, but the show ain’t half bad!
6:40: Damn…even Ronald Reagan’s movie roles are sacred to the Republicans. They are in a FUCKING REAGAN CULT!!!!!!
6:42: Okay…I’m outta here. I have to go to a birthday dinner a couple of doors down. It has been another enjoyable debate, watching Republicans presidential wannabes trying to out-crazy each other.
So far, it seems that Herman Cain has succeeded in not being destroyed. Perry is toast…very burnt toast that has been thrown into the kitchen sink only to get soggy. What a mess. Michele, “Mr. Speaker”, and Santorum (eeewwwww!) are where they started—amusing sideshows. Romney still comes off as the condescending prick he probably really is…and he continues to be the reluctant choice of Republicans. Oh, yeah. Ron Paul…still the fucking kook-job he has always been.
And that concludes another fascinating episode of “The GOP Primary Asylum Reality Show.” And may God HELP America!
I can’t believe no one’s made this joke – or if they have, my apologies…
(to Clapton’s tune…)
9-9-9, 9-9-9, 9-9-9, Koch-Cain
Good one!
I can do a lot better than that, if given a little time.
Hey cretinous right wing zombies. How many of Perry’s “Texas Miracle” jobs when to undocumented workers?
ONE HALF says Romney!
I love it when they eat each other!
This is the asshat troll’s favorite Raygun moment:
Trickle-down slaponomics from “good-old” Ronnie Raygun.
“The Tax Policy Center has released its analysis of Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan, and it finds that the only people who would benefit from it are those making more than $200,000 a year. Everyone else, especially the poor, would pay more. And the middle class would now have the highest effective federal tax rate.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Analysis after analysis is concluding the same thing: Cain’s “999” tax plan soaks the poor and coddles the rich. But now that we know Cain is the Koch-embedded candidate, this should surprise no one.
Shhhh, don’t telly anyone — especially the trolls — but the Obama administration is deporting illegals in record numbers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It was the Bush administration that let these people in — because employers wanted cheap labor.
@4 And the other half went to government hires who will be laid off next year.
Oh, and don’t tell anyone, but Texas also has one of the nation’s highest proportions of minimum-wage job. Ever try to support a family on minimum wage? Don’t even think about it.
It has come to me in a flash of insight, Herman Cain is Uncle Ruckus from “The Boondocks”.
You Dems are lucky these losers are all we have… Obama would be in a heap of trouble if we had an even half-decent candidate.
10 – You don’t belong on the right.
You’re seem halfway connected to reality.
Three posts from Darryl. All on topics unrelated to Occupy Seattle.
He doesn’t fool me.
Intelligent people will realize he’s trying to draw attention away from a man with a rifle was among the protesters today. He was arrested. And the child molester SPD was looking for was discovered among the protesters. He also was arrested.
Ricky ‘Frothy’ Santorum reminds me of this guy, especially the way he bares his teeth when he talks.
And I was listening to part of the love-fest – and Santorum said “I’m a Catholic” – which was ok, grammatically, but then he said, “Catholic believes…, and Catholic teaches…”
I was shocked that this imbecile couldn’t put a sentence together in the English language that required the word “Catholicism”.
I thought it looked like Paul was losing his right eyebrow again.
Felon found with rifle at Occupy Seattle protest.
Man accused of exposing himself to children arrested at Occupy Seattle protest.
I see that the Republicans have finally started to show up at OWS’er rallies.
Sounds like a couple of unstable folks wandered down to Westlake to see what all the hub-bub was about. Glad they’re off the streets.
Occupy Cleveland protester rapes another protester.
Wow. Those stories you found – that makes me totally rethink my position on economic justice and the maldistribution of wealth in this country, not to mention what I previously thought of as the corrosive effects of money on democracy.
Is that you, Maxie? If so, your post would suggest you do have some grasp on reality. Obama is not popular, but, for fuck’s sake, take a look at who might be opposing him.
I’m still laughing when you bitch about 999., your party can’t even submit a budget, only a 1.3 Trillion dollar deficit, sure to race us down the road to Greece.
@10 Today’s GOP is structurally incapable of nominating a halfway decent candidate, so I interpret your comment as an admission that Democrats will win every presidential election from now until Kingdom Come.
@12 Ted Bundy tried to pose as a respectable person, too, and it didn’t work for him, either.
@15 Looks like the GOPers lost both of their embedded observers at Occupy Westlake.
@21 How about if we renege on those parts of the national debt that were run up by Republicans and which are owed to Republicans? Just write it off — not pay them. Would that make you happy?
Roger, remember the concept in a court of equity called “unjust enrichment”?
Maybe we should get a review of all the Bush administration single-source contracts they gave to their buddies, and use that to require them to disgorge all their profits back to the national treasury. That ought to go a long way towards reducing the accumulated federal debt.