Okay, so I show up at the Montlake Alehouse and Goldy is sitting here with his daughter but wearing ear buds.
“I can’t be social right now, I’m live slogging the gubernatorial debate.”
So, I decided to do the same thing. Mostly, I’m leaning over, reading Goldy’s screen and writing it here. At least until Goldy catches on.
7:15: Catch the livestream here.
7:16: I’m jumping in on the middle of things and I hear McKenna trying to claim that failure of immigration reform is not a partisan issue.
7:17: McKenna doesn’t want undocumented persons to have drivers licenses because it serves as an ID, too. Why wouldn’t we want undocumented persons to have ID?? I’ve never understood that. Shouldn’t they be able to show their landlord a picture ID like anyone else?
7:18: To carry Inslee’s point a bit further: Isn’t it better to document otherwise undocumented people so that when anyone interacts with them they have a valid way of knowing they are really interacting with who they think they are interacting with?
7:24: Inslee gets cut off by the moderator and McKenna complains that Inslee didn’t give specific examples. And then McKenna doesn’t give examples. Nice.
7:25: McKenna claims that the Inslee Plan is to raise taxes and give pay raises to his biggest donors. Yeah…that’s grounded in reality.
7:27: Inslee, twice now, suggests that McKenna is the (property) tax raiser he is the candidate who will not raise taxes. True or not, I’m not sure how credible the whole thing comes off as.
7:29: McKenna, “Drive by shooting!” Ooooh…scary. Rob tries a little “scare ’em into voting for you strategy, a la George W. Bush.
7:31: McKenna seems to be spending more time doing “meta-analysis” of what Inslee is saying than he is actually presenting his own positions. “Notice what my opponent is doing…making false accusations and….”
734: Both Goldy and I are streaming the debate on our computers. But the TV in the Alehouse has the baseball game on. Seattle is up on the Angels one to nothing.
7:35: Goldy seems to be taking this VERY seriously. I guess that’s what happens when you are actually paid to blog.
7:39: I briefly lost my feed, and now Goldy’s feed is like a minute ahead of mine! Damnation.
7:40: McKenna is on a first name basis with Mr. Blethen.
7:41: On I-1185, Inslee’s argument is weak…he should just point out that the fucking initiative is unfuckingconstitutional.
7:45: Other than a pro-environmental statement by Inslee, I can’t really find a difference between the candidates on the coal trains. (FWIW, I am pro-Coltrane, but undecided on coal train.)
7:56: It’s over. Inslee wasn’t, what I’d call, daring. He was sticking with his talking points. Since his is clearly up in the polls, that is a reasonable (if unsatisfying) strategy.
McKenna, on the other hand, came off as whining way too much. As I said, he whined about Inslee more than he actually answered questions. To me, it came off as rather pathetic.
Yeah, Coltrane!
McKenna is De MasterBater.
Well as Inslee helped wrack up 16.1 trillion in debt before he bailed, he would be a perfect replacement (NOT) for Gregoire.
Coltrane very good, coal train bad.
You can burn organics for energy. But you can also use organics for fertilizer and plastics, among other things.
Solar, wind, tidal and geothermal can also make useful energy. Not so good for fertilizer and plastics.
Shifting energy production to alternative sources will extend how long the organics will last before they finally run out.
That’s like saying water comes off as being wet way too much.
Somewhere over the rainbow, Naima took giant steps after midnight to the blue trane. Once there, she pointed out there is no such thing as clean coal, exemplifying a love supreme without coal trains. (Though rail transport is preferable to trucks….)
“Shifting energy production to alternative sources will extend how long the organics will last before they finally run out.”
Wingnuts whine about leaving the next generation monetary debt. But their own desire to leave future generations a wasted world, depleted of natural resources? Eh, not so much. Debt caused by huge tax cuts to the oil industry? No whines for that. Debt caused by eliminating taxation on the rich? No whines for that either. Greedy, selfish, Randroid bastards. They don’t give a flying fuck about future generations of this world’s populace. If they care for future generations at all, it’s only for their own spawn.
What Owebamma’s debt has done is wipe out retire’s savings earnings. Pretty hard to retire, even if you did all the right financial things all your lives, when you get .01 on savings checking and money markets, 1% on CD’s and 3% on Muni’s (if you are stupid enough to risk that cities can keep from defaulting on them)IE California and Illinois).
@ 7
Actually, most peoples 401Ks (with the exception of people like Romney who was able to create a nearly $70 million dollar monster out of his) were wiped out by the bank runs and collapse in 2007. My pops’ went to zero between May and September of ’07. Pretty much his life’s savings. Now, we have two candidates on the GOP ticket who stand to rake in hundreds of Million$ if the dollar collapses on the currency market, as they have taken active short positions on it.
Of course, my pop had also invested in Enron, and dumped his Apple stock in 97. Then he started buying gold about a year ago.
Stupid fuck.
As for the coal train issue, I’ve been quite vocal locally about this, and have done a shitload of research on it. As I have school in an hour or so, I’ll reserve this for later.
Interesting segment on NPR this morning, I caught it on the way in to work. It describes how politicians “pivot” away from questions so they can give their own talking points instead. They do this as much as 67% of the time during a debate, and viewers catch few of them because they are focusing on visual cues: body language, etc.
I think they have a point. The Kennedy-Nixon debates were a lot better than the modern ones in sticking to the topic and responding to the question. But more people listening to the radio thought that Nixon won the debate, those watching on television thought Kennedy won the debate.
So, are we better off than 4 years ago?
October 2008 – 240,000 jobs lost, marking 10 straight months of lost jobs under GWB43.
Mckenna looked and acted pathetic, not gubenatorial or executive-like. He showed no respect to his opponent, only constantly attacking and never looking at him and often looking down. He came off as disrespectful, petulant, immature, and especially full of himself, especially the snickering and laughing at his own attacks on Inslee. Jay on the otherhand, seemed the governor type, mature, respectful, warm, and human, not the snake or weasel that was Mckenna’s persona.
Goldy landed at SLOG. Home of the war monger Dan Savage and other snarky dipshits. Water does indeed find it’s own level.