If you are dissatisfied with the editorial content here on HA… if you find it offensive, insulting, narrow-minded, blindly partisan, dishonest or just plain poorly written… please, please cancel your subscription.
Every page you view earns me a little money. More importantly, I take pride in maintaining such a relatively large and engaged audience. So the best way for you to send me message is to simply stop reading my blog.
I mean it. Leave. Go away. Erase the bookmark. And don’t come back. That’ll teach me a lesson.
Otherwise, I’ll just take your continued readership and active participation in the comment threads as an indication that I’m doing something right.
“please cancel your subscription”
No! No! No! Who will we kick around if the trolls leave?
So I take it the Times endorsement of Hutchinson is sitting as well with you as UW’s clock management is with me!
Do what I do…get hammered!
Speaking on behalf of myself and my tax-sheltered retirement accounts, I don’t want Republicans’ respect, I want their money. I can hardly wait until the stock market opens Monday morning!
@2 I’m with you — there’s nothing else to do right now, so may as well get stoked. There aren’t any trolls to kick around at this time of night, because they’ve all been tucked into beddy-bye by their mommies.
Please don’t leave. As my over-the-top post indicated, I desperately need attention. More than anything, I need Frank’s validation or response.
I can hardly wait until the stock market opens Monday morning!
Actually, the fun begins at 5 pm Monday when Apple releases their numbers.
I agree on all points. But, one pains more than others because there was control over that one–what the hell was Sarkasian thinking?
Two quotes come to mind:
(1) You can judge the validity of an idea by the amount of hot opposition it stirs up (paraphrasing Robert Townsend Up the Organization),
(2) If you throw a rock over a brick wall and hear a dog yelp, the dog that yelped was the one that you hit (author unknown).
And if anyone thinks that I am comparing your trolls to dogs, well, DUH!
“Otherwise, I’ll just take your continued readership and active participation in the comment threads as an indication that I’m doing something right.”
You are. Nuff said…..even if I disagree many a time.
I’m with Rabbit…I don’t want the trolls to leave.
Wayyyyy to much fun kicking their shit-filled diaper clad bottoms.
We can still ridicule ’em, right?
I noted proudleftist was kind of kissin’ up to pudpuller the other day.
I hope that’s not a trend around here.
A couple of suggestions, Goldy:
We should have a troll identification and rating system. It would be a lot of fun! Much snark potential, methinks.
An “ignore” button that you could toggle would be nice. That way you could hide the cut n’ paste nonsense from Marv and his assistant, Mr. Klynical, or the deranged ranting of pudpuller. So, when you’re not in the mood to marvel at teh stoopid, you could click (aaahh, that’s nice…) — and read the value added stuff.
When someone is intolerant and divisive, I feel it my duty to speak out.
I’m not going anywhere.
@13: Agreed. Not going anywhere.
It appears Goldy’s panties are soiled. It’s fun and entertaining to kick around posters like YLB arschloch and Roger Rodent. Besides, someone has to keep you Libtards and the rest of the non-contributing “entitlement” and “gimme!, gimme!, gimme!” crowd in check.
As far as ‘earns me a little money‘ Goldy, when you get off the chronic unemployment train and get a real job, we’ll tone it down. Until then, TRY and man up, and good luck!
Awwwww poor Zotz (headelss),
No one to kiss up to your worthless positions or tripe huh headless? Living in a cocoon and only venture out when you feel safe around other HA Libtardos? That’s because we who think right know your kind and can smell you from ten miles out.
Goldy should have a headless meter. When one of us who thinks right guesses the latest headless sock puppet incarnation, our comments become unblockable that week. This way YOU become our pinata. Right now there are 36 versions of headless on this blog. Puddy guesses you like to keep Goldy in spare change. You give Goldy hope. So it looks like that hope and change is working out for Goldy!!!!!
@13 You must spend a lot of time listening to yourself; and you must enjoy hearing yourself talk.
The beautiful thing about trolls posting on HA is they’re committing their treason where we can get at ’em.
@15 “That’s because we who think right know your kind and can smell you from ten miles out.”
Poor confused puddy doesn’t realize that’s his own ass he smells.
You forgot the dumb cinder block rujax, who couldn’t figger out who occupied the Nobel Peace Prize committee, or their personal comments about the selection process, being placed on this blog directly from Norwegian newspapers. He’s another of those stuck on stupid dense as spent uranium bottom dwellers.
@14 “It’s fun and entertaining to kick around posters like YLB arschloch and Roger Rodent.”
You must be daydreaming because you’ve never kicked me.
“someone has to keep you Libtards and the rest of the non-contributing “entitlement” and “gimme!, gimme!, gimme!” crowd in check”
I admit I’m a freeloading mercenary who doesn’t work and lives off the capitalist system, just like you Republicans. But looking at my recent portfolio statements, you sure as hell aren’t keeping me in check. The stock market keeps giving and I keep taking! I’m gonna live like a Republican too!
Unlike Roger Rodent,
Puddy washes his ass. Butt we see every day this part of your body is skipped Roger Rodent, Feral Dumb Bunny.
#19 Since Rujax is at least 20 times smarter than you, where does that put you?
Another of the Feral Dumb Bunny Hall of Fame ignorant comedy statements. Reminds me of your recent North Korea nuclear rant… Now that was very funny and wrong too.
@21 Your link’s no good. Cripes, if you can’t even do that right, do you expect anyone to believe you clean your ass?
Of course, in your case, nobody would be able to tell by looking.
It’s good that goldy is making a little $ from page visits.
Say, does sound politics still get more page views?
@24, link is just fine fool. Butt then you are a stumbling bumbling Feral Dumb Bunny quick with worthless facts and rewriting other people’s comments and posting them as your own.
@23 NK nukes. Ah yes, the goofy little madman in N. Korea now has A-bombs. He got ’em on your watch. Another GOP/Bush clusterfuck.
I was wondering why someone like the rabbit never travelled to sweden.
Oops, now I see why.
Swedish people have discovered a grim new way of culling nuisance wild rabbits – by burning them in their thousands to heat their homes.
If only america was as civilized as those europeans, we too could solve the pest problem.
Anyone here that the EFF investigative reporter is MIA here?
Maybe the EFF oughta buy ads on HA?
@27 It wasn’t the first 3 times I tried it. Merely took me back to the top of this HA page every time. Thanks for fixing it.
WOW, Rodent’s O.C.D. is really flaring up today! I guess that happens when they let retired courthouse janitors that think they have the stock market beat out of the home this early in the morning. Seek help Rodent, I think your pills are on the nightstand.
Sorry I forgot to name Rujax there Puddy, but being so irrelevant to anything, he is easily forgettable.
Ahhh Pavlov’s Doggie strikes again… Remember Madeline Half-Bright, “We were Duped!” Meet the Press Tim Russert. Her agreed framework allowed NK to create the bomb before 2001.
Such a simpleton fool Roger Rodent, Feral Dumb Bunny!
I would ask for a link as proof but we both know there is NO link you could ever find to prove little rujax is smarter than a dead rabbit in the road.
Prove me wrong, how is rujax smarter than a dead rabbit in the middle of the road.
@29 Feel free to try it. Any. Time. You. Like.
No problem bud. rujax is forgettable. Fugeddabouim! Butt you need to include all the bottom dwellers. That includes headless and his 36 “personalities”. MPS is virulent in that one. – Yoda!
@30 Yeah, I noticed. Maybe crackpiper is stoned on company time. They’re not getting much value for investment from him.
@32 Someone’s farting around here. You trolls need to go easy with the lima beans.
Can you remember rujax actually discussing a topic without
1) A kook-aid link?
2) Copying someone’s previous comment and going crazy as always?
3) Piling on some HA Libtardo comment and making himself look “pretty”?
4) Thinking first?
5) Thinking second?
6) Thinking at all?
Watch now as Pavlov’s Doggie rujax will copy any of our comments and make another moronic entry into the rujax hall of daily stupidity.
If you are dissatisfied with the editorial content here on HA… if you find it offensive, insulting, narrow-minded, blindly partisan, dishonest or just plain poorly written… please, please cancel your subscription.
Ironic reaction for someone who spends so much time ranting against the Seattle Times, especially its editorials.
ode to ylb arschloch!
Oh where oh where has the arschloch gone,
oh where oh where can he be?
He’s hiding today behind his wife in pants,
We miss all his daily rants!
Oh where oh where has the arschloch gone,
oh where oh where can he be?
He’s searching all the kook-aid sites today,
To keep conservatives at bay!
Oh where oh where has the arschloch gone,
oh where oh where can he be?
His tct manager database,
Is another of his jobless wastes!
Oh where oh where has the arschloch gone,
oh where oh where can he be?
The classifieds he’s reading today
For his one line resume!!!!
Oh where oh where has the arschloch gone,
oh where oh where can he be?
He’s missing in action on this Sunday
Writing his one line resume!!!!
The one line resume – Job qualifications – Whine about my worthless life ranting against Republicans on a web site blog called HorsesASS!
Any positions like that available?
As a rabbit owner, I strenuously protest the use of the term “rodent” to describe rabbits. Rabbits are lagomorphs, not rodents. Humans are far more closely related to chimps than rabbits are to rodents – lagomorphs and rodents split 55 million years or so ago.
You mean that’s why ylb arschloch has simians on his mind all the time?
@33 Nice try, puttbutt, but NK didn’t even reactivate its reactor until the end of 2002 and its October 2006 test fizzled so there’s no chance NK had a working bomb before their April 2009 test (and that one didn’t produce much bang either).
The tiny yields of NK’s two announced tests to date prove their nuclear technology is very primitive, not even up to Hiroshima level, as of 2009. Given that fact, do you really think anyone will believe they had a bomb prior to 2001? Only you are fool enough to believe that.
@34 Click on any HA thread and you’ll see proof.
Damn this so true…
@40 Nothing ironic about it. Reading is a voluntary activity. Which you trolls have spent your entire lives proving.
@42 No one owns rabbits, just as no one owns cats. If you think you own your cat, ask the cat who owns who … the answer may surprise you. Same goes for rabbits.
@43 No, that’s why Bush looks (and acts) like a chimp. He has crossover genes.
@46 Puttbutt calling something “true” automatically makes it not true.
RR @ 42 – LOL. No truer words were ever spoken. Excuse me while I go clean his hutch and give him his carrots.
It’s wingnut logic:
1. Wingnuts would never stay somewhere that is offensive, insulting, narrow-minded, blindly partisan, and dishonest.
2. Goldy and this blog are offensive, insulting, narrow-minded, blindly partisan, and dishonest.
3. Therefore, they will stay.
And the simple irony is plainly lost on you, dumb rabbit. To borrow from Goldy, the Times can take his “continued readership of their editorial pages as an indication that they’re doing something right.”
Nice try Roger Feral Dumb Bunny…
Using Wikipedia correctly Abdul Qadeer Khan gave nuclear secrets to NK while the “framework was in place” along with centrifuge technology.
Tim Russert: But didn’t North Korea develop a nuclear bomb on Bill Clinton’s watch?
Madeline Half-bright: No, what they were doing, as it turns out, they were cheating.
Cheating Ms Half-bright? She spun her lunacy right out of it. And we know NK used Khan’s centrifuges before 2001 to use those fuel rods.
Puddy also placed the Stratfor links here before. Ask your nephew ylb arschloch for them.
Keep stupid Roger Feral Dumb Bunny. Spin it anywhay you can. To develop a nuclear weapon takes many years of research especially if you are some back woods hole in the ground like North Korea. Just like your burrow, some back woods country hole in the ground.
Daddly Love,
HA Libtardos say offensive, insulting, narrow-minded, blindly partisan, and dishonest comments. We who think right correct them.
Does that mean you have a trip planned to sweden?
Roger Feral Dumb Bunny’s WikiPedia link changes…
Puddybud’s Wikipedia link changes…
Pay special attention to what was changed to protect Madeleine Half-bright…
With that level of thinking is it any wonder your employer’s products NEVER improve? The latest:
“The hundreds of thousands of users of T-Mobile’s Sidekick phones may yet recover the contacts, calendars, notes and other personal data that a server meltdown had apparently vaporized last weekend.”
Microsoft Says It Can Recover ‘Most’ Sidekick Data
And to add insult to injury, those were the “backup” servers that failed. Next product release just around the corner. Fingers are crossed . . . once more!
It’s one of the planks of liberalism.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Yawwnnnnn.. The moron chorus bellows right on cue driving up Goldys numbers…
Here they are..
The nastiest log of course is Stupes…
Daddy Love works for T-Mobile? Back-up servers failing? Was it MSFT OS without configured and tested replication systems?
Yes ylb arschloch, a single Puddybud entry. Puddy asking you a question. That’s nasty isn’t it since you can’t answer questions.
Oh where oh where has the arschloch gone,
oh where oh where can he be?
He’s hiding today behind his wife in pants,
We miss all his daily rants!
Visit #41 again fool!
Seattle Times Reporters Dispute Hutch’s Claims
Two separate articles by two different reporters call Suzie Cute’s portrayal of Dow Constantine as a “big spender” as buncom and her own achievements at Seattle Symphony as overinflated.
Reporter Keith Ervin wrote,
“When the Metropolitan King County Council began deliberations on the 2007 budget, the man leading that process gave staffers signs to post on their office doors and windows: ‘Spend less, save more.’ It’s a commitment Dow Constantine says he kept, whacking $3 million from County Executive Ron Sims’ proposed budget and putting more money into reserves. Now, as a candidate for county executive in a terrible budget year, Constantine … claims a record of financial restraint, focus on efficiency and spending cuts. It’s a far different description from the one offered by his opponent, Susan Hutchison, who paints him as a free-spending incumbent who … allowed the cost of government to spiral out of control.
“A central question before voters Nov. 3 is whether Constantine … is to blame for [the county’s] budget crisis ….
“Others in county government say Constantine was a moderating influence who saw ‘the big picture’ in county finances[.]”
Meanwhile, reporter Bob Young writes,
“Susan Hutchison says she saved the Seattle Symphony from the brink of bankruptcy. … But while Hutchison gave the symphony a lift, its budget problems, like King County’s, haven’t been fixed. The symphony ended its fiscal year … with a $1.2 million deficit. Its accumulated debt had reached $4 million. … And the symphony, during Hutchison’s tenure, got a lot of help: Millions in assistance came in from the city of Seattle …. The bailout from … Seattle taxpayers amounted to about $700,000 a year.
“While Hutchison successfully asked for money, her achievement was ‘revenue enhancement, not an example of fixing a structural budget deficit,’ said Deputy Mayor Tim Ceis …. Melinda Bargreen, former Seattle Times music critic, who covered the Seattle Symphony for 31 years, agreed: ‘The truth is, the symphony was not saved’ … Bargreen said the orchestra still has a deficit ‘and is in peril of adding to that every year … Susan’s success entailed persuading people to part with large amounts of money,’ Bargreen said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Several things are interesting here.
First of all, these reporters apparently didn’t get the memo, because they’re clearly not on board with Frank Blethen’s clumsy and transparently partisan endorsement editorial. Don’t be surprised if they’re looking for other work by next week.
Second, Hutchison LIED about Dow being a spender, when in fact he was the council’s most aggressive member at reining in Rom Sims’ spending.
Third, Hutchison touts herself as the savior of Seattle Symphony but she did it with city money. What’s her game plan for rescuing the county budget? Ask Seattle’s next mayor for another handout? And doesn’t that money also ultimately come from taxpayers’ pockets?
@53 You’re so right, the Seattle Times is not a wholly lost cause, it does (sometimes) do things right. See #63.
In other words, even though the editorial page is a whore, ST still has some honest reporters.
Wow such candidness from the NY Times.
The Battle Between the White House and Fox News
So Roger Feral Dumb Bunny@63,
What you are saying between the lines is you are in agreement with us who think right that Ron was “Tax and Spend to the Max” Sims. This is what Puddy and others repeatedly said on HA Libtardos and you and your ilk repeatedly rejected.
Thanks for finally clearing that up and agreeing with our Ron “Tax and Spend to the Max” Sims King County Fiscal Analysis for so many years. About time you finally came around.
Also thanks for running away from the North Korea nuclear facts. Puddy knows you run when the facts are in.
Fucking idiot @54: Oh please! The old wingnut “it’s Clinton’s fault” game ain’t gonna cut it here. North Korea did NOT get the bomb during Clinton/Albright’s tenure. The “framework” was not the cause of NK getting the bomb. South Africa got, and dismantled, nuclear bombs long before there was a “framework.” Pakistan and India got the bomb without the “framework.” Libya had an advanced nuclear weapons program, which it ultimately gave up, before there was a “framework.” Khan gave nuclear technology to lots of people besides NK, notably India and Pakistan. The “framework” delayed NK’s acquisition of the bomb; it didn’t speed it up. Do you know what has accelerated nuclear weapons proliferation more than anything else? Bush/GOP’s unprovoked attack against Iraq, tough talk, cowboy diplomacy, and saber-rattling, that’s what. By convincing the world that a loose cannon was in charge of the world’s most powerful military forces, Bush motivated every tinpot dictator on the planet to get nuclear armaments as fast as he could. If there’s ever a mushroom cloud over Seoul it will be 100% made in GOP. God you are stupid, not to mention dense. Either that or you must hate humanity to support the GOP. You are a pathetic apologist for catastrophic incompetence.
@55 You’ve never been correct about anything in your entire life.
@56 No.
All is not lost for you, though, puddy. Despite everything you’re not the dumbest human on the planet. Marvin is.
@59 “Do as I say, not as I do.”
That seems to be a pretty universal human trait, especially among Republican “family values” adulterers.
@66 It’s about time someone called out Faux’s bullshit.
Between Fox and Obama’s propaganda shop, I’ll take the propaganda as more reliable — every time.
@67 “What you are saying between the lines is you are in agreement with us who think right that Ron was ‘Tax and Spend to the Max’ Sims.”
I’m not saying anything between the lines. I’ve been front and center in calling Ron “Never Met A Tax He Didn’t Like” Sims a big spender. Which you would know if you’d ever read this blog.
@67 “Also thanks for running away from the North Korea nuclear facts. Puddy knows you run when the facts are in.”
Wtf are you prattling about? Your problem is you’re too stupid to know when you’ve just gotten your ass kicked.
@67 You LOST that argument, dumbshit.
I swear puddy is getting crazier every day. Is it just me, or do the rest of you notice it, too?
Roger Feral Dumb Bunny calling someone a “fucking idiot” when Half-bright admits “No, what they were doing, as it turns out, they were cheating.” during the framework period? Puddy didn’t lose the argument fool. Puddy used Half-bright’s own words. North Korea cheated, processing the fuel rods during the “agreement”. What part of over the years processing to make a bomb don’t you comprehend fool?
Carry on Roger Feral Dumb Bunny. Carry on with your lunacy!
Nice try at rewriting the Abdul Qadeer Khan Wikipedia entry, butt your style of historical revisionism doesn’t get past people who think.
Prove it!
43. Puddybud
As opposed to Trolls who dream of sodmy with cattle?
Hmmmm …..
Is this a biobehavioral marker for Reprican Recidivist Syndrome? Do Remanat Repricans have sexually aberrant dreams of intercourse with rabbits?
The content of such a dream is so repugnant, it may even exceed Goldy droppings …
Dream Scenes of Trolldom
Troll dreams he is Tarzan and Janer is a soft and purdy lioness.
Piper sees hisself a Mel mACGibson, the lady sheep run in fear as the fleet beskirted piper throws his Haggis aside and ….
Marvin Stamm rescues the hagus, wraps it in a condom and …..
Puddy Im know Puddy to well to hurl such obscenities in his direction, nor do I remmebr many of his posts laced with Reprican Sewer Speak.
As for my friend the Rabbit … de secure, even the trolls are smart ’nuff NOT to screw with a Pookah!
Roger Feral Dumb Bunny always posts multiple comments to a losing battle to make it seem he “I won I won” when the data shows otherwise right from Madeleine Half-bright’s own mouth.
Keep the “manic depressive” state Feral Dumb Bunny!
You mean Roger Feral Dumb Bunny, Ekim, Steve, ylb arschloch, etc.?
While we are on the topic of obscenities …
I read a Muslim account of the Florida story of Rebbecca/Rifqa, the young Muslim gorl the Christians claim is threatened by her parents
Seems as if Puddy’s tribe is at it again. Rifqa was apparently seduced by fundie Christian fanatics in FA and convinced to leave her now bereaved parents.
Considering that Puddyt’s own ancestors were abducted from non Christian scosiety, I wonder if he wants to comment?
Puddybud: Priceless! LMFAO.
And @82:
Well stated. He reminds me of a little kid throwing a temper tantrum and just has to get the last word in, making him feel like he won. But, in the end, suffered a brutal beating. :) Ah yes, angry and disgruntled old courthouse janitors….I wonder if there’s a support group for them?
So SeattleJew, are you saying Honor or Mercy Kilings DO NOT HAPPEN in Muslim circles?
@82 Puddy
The puddyt dissing the bunny??
Roger, at the least, does often post facts and thought.
Puddy, OTOH, ////////////////////////////////////////////
BTW as a service to HA readers, SJ has started posting the real pictures of Trolls .. starting with Puddy.
@86 So Puddy
Are you saying that Christians do not abduct children?
Thanks for the love. But Puddy has fewer gray hairs.
Au contraire, Christians abduct children. Not the point and you know it. Puddy asked about “Honor or Mercy Kilings DO NOT HAPPEN in Muslim circles?”
Why are you running away from the question?
Yeh ???
Where were you on that certain night???
And Puddy proved last week Roger Feral Dumb Bunny takes other people’s posts and rewrites them.
@91: We were visiting you at your house! You invited us!
@90 Puddy
Christians abduct children
That IS the point and YOU are changing it.
The hype on Faux has been that this little girl’s life has been endangered because of the threats that he parents might abuse her (by death or anything else).
The facts appear to be that the girl was seduced by your evangelists. While child evangelism is legal in the US, youy and UI both know the huge evil done by Christi9ans in the name of their god.
The numbers of American children, Jewish Children, African Children, forcibly converted are easily in them millions.
Indubitably something very much like this, albeit even more forced, lies in your own background.
If this story is true, any HUMANE CHRISTIAN would condemn the pastor in Florida and offer to assist this Muslim family in retrieving their daughter.
62 – Are you ordering me around right winger? Uhhh F you? As you well know I don’t cater to silly right wing fantasies..
85 – Heh. The next nastiest log in the pile has to be this asswipe. Witness:
All hope is not lost.. Heh. The snout of this vile right winger is indeed deeply embedded in the pile.
W H A T?
The teenager knows all about her previous religion and how they deal with apostates. You choose to ignore these facts to attack her and the people who have her. So what would you say if she goes back and she disappears into the Middle East or worse, she’s killed like the lady who tried to divorce her husband in Buffalo and he beheaded her? Puddy remembers since you are Libtardo, memory is a deficiency!
@14 –
That’s the thing about you trolls. You constantly attack liberals NOT for what we actually believe in, but for caricatures of what we believe in. That tells me that you’re either too stupid or too lazy to actually figure out what we believe in or you can’t argue your points on the merits.
Either way, it’s a lot of fun to point and laugh at your transparent idiocy.
Hey ylb arschloch
10. Goldy spews: Auntie @3, ConFirst @8… What a bunch of humorless twats. 01/03/2007 at 3:08 pm
22. headless lucy spews: re 20: Dan Rather was on the front lines of the Vietnam war reporting the news while George W. Bush was busy snorting coke, getting drunk, and deserting his easy military post. You don’t deserve to mock a brave American journalist in favor of that murdering, deserting pig who stole the presidency twice. You are a sniggering, mindless twat of a man.
05/04/2007 at 7:59 am
2. SeattleJew: European descended folks, some of whom I suspectr we both know, (incl Limbaugh), are druggies with the means to NOT steal TVs or sell twat. Of course the crime .. drug use, is the same. So, I guess we would need to have affirmative action drug enforcement? 06/27/2007 at 11:05 pm
30. Will spews: @ 15 Being “carbon neutral” isn’t only for rich people (and really, what’s a ‘conservative’ got against rich people anyway, you Marxist twat), as lots and lots of regular people do things everyday to make themselves if not carbon neutral, then almost so. 02/26/2007 at 7:09 pm
5. headless lucy spews: That self-important little twat Stefan Shartwatski banned me from commenting on his little electronic rag again. He’s done this many times. I’ll have to go back over my comments and find the one that pissed him off so I can keep wringing that nerve until it hurts. It was probably the reminder that I was right about Tom Delay and the Newsweek thing as well. He’s selling bumper stickers that say: “Newsweek Lied, People Died.” What utter trash this man is. 05/27/2005 at 3:47 pm
40. headless lucy spews: re 37: Was he riding around in a limousine with a bumper sticker that said “Ask Me About My Dead Son” like Ann Coulter said he was? That girl is one nasty-smelling miserable twat. Right up your alley. 06/28/2007 at 9:12 pm
32. stedman spews: re 48: Beer is a mind expanding drug which when imbibed with Jack Daniels makes the Charlie Daniel’s band sound like Yo-hann fuckin’ Sebastian Bach, I’ll tell you what! You are a cowboy like George Will was a varsity baseball player in college. Grow up, you twat! 10/27/2006 at 6:54 pm
61. grasshoppah!! spews: re57: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Need I say more, twat breath? 01/25/2008 at 4:46 pm
Once again ylb arschloch’s tctmgr fails him miserably!
You are a failure in everything you try fool. Does Mrs ylb arschloch know about these HA failures?
stedman and grasshoppah! are two of the 36 headless sock puppets identified by Puddy.
Oh, and the other thing is the fact that you can’t even come up with respectable epithets. Your overuse of “libtard” reminds me of the kid I went to high school with who proudly sported his matching white belt and shoes, obliviously convinced of his own coolness.
Hmmm, what high school did you go to?
Me ordering around the ylb arschloch? On the human body the arschloch follows. You are a follower on HA ylb arschloch. Haven’t you figgered that out yet?
When Puddy suggests you provide assistance to the dumb cinder block rujax, Puddy is trying to help the dumb cinder block rujax. Since you choose to leave rujax hanging, like someone offering their palm for a low or high-five, it only demonstrates the fecklessness of and continual stupidity of ylb arschloch!
See ya moron!
That’s because you all are libtardos! Prove Puddy wrong. Start remembering facts from this blog!
High school? Which high school did you sniff and leave your scent at?
I never attacted Rifqa.
Aren’t you defending the most odious part of Chrstianity.
How would YOU feel if some Muslim (we Jews do not abduct kids) were to invite your child to services and convince her to recite the shehada: “I testify that there is no God but Allah. I testify that Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.”
Christians have a similar procedure. How do YOU feel about this being done to your own ancestors? What were THEY told about returning to Islam or their original faiths? You might get some ideas from this cite at SJ.
Then, of course, the Iman who seduced your child would warn hewr of the threat to her would if she returns to her parents ….
Dumbshit @79: Of course they were cheating, and everyone knew that, but the inspections slowed them down and delayed their acquisition of a working bomb by several years. You seem to think that an unregulated full-bore nuclear weapons development program would have been better than the North Koreans cheating on a U.N.-imposed “framework.” Not only that, but you equate “cheating” with having an actual bomb. You haven’t offered a shred of evidence that NK got the bomb faster because of the “framework” or had it before 2006 at the earliest, and you won’t, because you can’t, because they didn’t. Yes, you are a fucking idiot!
I would support that. No need for affirmative action, just an even hand.
Same thing for taxing wealthy folks at a rate commensurate with their use of society.
@80 Fuck you. Look for it yourself! You’re able-bodied, aren’t you? If you want me to do your research, pay me for my time.
98 – Heh. I notice almost all those names are being hurled at MEN (and Anne Coulter’s true gender is uhhh questionable perhaps) but the vile Mark1 has special animus towards the Governor who is female. It makes you wonder..
I also notice none of my handles are up there? What’s wrong Stupes??? Your google skillz can’t show me not walking my talk? I may have slipped up once or twice but I really don’t remember right now.
I recommend to my fellow lefty-leaners to leave the anti-female epithets to the extreme right wing. It comes much more naturally to them and helps our cause.
Heh. Stupes you failed again….
Moronic Roger Feral Dumb Bunny@103…
The evidence from the 1999 Congressional Study and Stratfor disagree with you. Also all the “careful” edits on your wikipedia article chuck your argument out the window. In 1998 the DIA and the CIA reported to Congress North Korea was cheating Feral Dumb Bunny. Clinton ignored it, probably while scenting his cigars with Lewinsky’s Bartholin’s Glands!
ylb arschloch… Puddy didn’t look for your handle fool. Puddy placed the twat commentary for all to see.
Another EPIC FAILURE and Puddy doesn’t have a tctmgr data base of worthless facts like ylb arschloch!
See Post #41. It has you perfectly pegged.
Hey your leftist pinhead friends always tells Puddy to prove what Puddy wrote earlier on HA. And Puddy provides the evidence.
So up yours with chirping crickets Feral Dumb Bunny… Prove it!
@82 “the data shows otherwise right from Madeleine Half-bright’s own mouth”
What the data shows is the Cowboy Chimp abandoned the “framework” process so carefully put together by Clinton and Albright, followed by North Korea getting the bomb within 5 years.
Not only that, but Bush got no movement from Iran, and probably caused them to speed up their bomb program by threatening them.
Only a dolt like you could possibly believe you “won” this argument. You’re like the lemming who thinks he won the race because he jumped off the cliff into the sea first, ahead of all the other lemmings.
Nope. You’re ordering me around. That is the fantasy of the right wing. You are authoritarian – you take orders from the Murdochs, Moons, Scaifes of the world and you fantasize about barking orders to those you’re conditioned to hate.
That’s why you’re here more or less.
@85 You and puddy remind me of the blimps Germany floated over their lines in World War 1 — full of gas, and such a juicy target the good guys couldn’t resist shooting them down, even though they had no value.
And Rujax can handle his own affairs just fine. I have nothing but respect for him.
Rujax has chosen to be on the winning side of the issues.
You’ve chosen a world of insanity, hate, misery and defeat. Max Blumenthal nailed people like you referring to Eric Hoffer (The True Believer) and Erich Fromme (Escape from Freedom).
Hah! The orders, always the orders. You’re so well trained. You can’t help yourself can you?
@92 “And Puddy proved last week Roger Feral Dumb Bunny takes other people’s posts and rewrites them.”
Uh, if you mean I take news stories from reputable sources, condense them, post them with attribution and links, and summarize and analyze them in my own commentary, uh, yeah, I do rely on factual sources for making my points, as opposed to you pulling brainfarts out of your ass.
Have you heard of the psych term, projection?
@97 “That tells me that you’re either too stupid or too lazy to actually figure out what we believe in or you can’t argue your points on the merits.”
All three. Puddy and Marvie are leading examples.
ylb arschloch,
Never introspective…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA still an arschloch.
Always thinks the world revolves around his arschloch. Only in ylb arschloch world does the arschloch lead.
@99 “Hmmm, what high school did you go to?”
Puddy didn’t make it that far in school. Doesn’t it show?
Besides for little rujax being a “yes man,” any chance you can provide a link of him “handling his own affairs?”
Rerun from ylb rerun arschloch!
This Puddy has to see. Hold the presses while ylb arschloch uses tctmgr…
Searching… Searching… Searching…
Ooops… that’s an order from a right-winger… does not compute!
Feral Dumb Bunny @110 review the facts from @107
@107 “evidence”
Be careful with big words you don’t understand, puttbutt. You might embarrass yourself.
At least North Korea was “cheating” when Clinton ran our foreign policy. That’s something, and something is always more than nothing. After Bush took over, there was nothing to cheat on, because he dumped the whole policy and sat on his thumbs while North Korea went ahead and built and tested a bomb. Clinton did more to stop North Korea even when he was sticking a cigar up Monica’s crack than Bush did in his whole 8 wasted years.
And, of course, we can always count on puddinghead to sign up with the Moron Chimps Party and support policies that will arm the entire third world with nukes as soon as possible. Fucking idiot. Voting Republican should be automatic grounds for involuntary commitment to a mental institution in the interest of public safety.
@109 I don’t have to prove “fuck you.” You fuck yourself every time you post. It’s in plain sight for everyone to see.
@112 Rodent:
The difference here is neither Puddy or I give a shit what you think. I place no value whatsoever in delusional old retired courthouse janitors opinions, nor from people suffering from extreme O.C. disorders as you do. I really hope you get help, and I mean that sincerely. I feel sorry for your children, if you have any. You must be a huge burden on you poor family. Hopefully they haven’t learned your “entitlement” mentality and are happy, contributing members of society. Good luck!
@123 See #110 again.
@127 No, you’ve got it ass backwards — this is a liberal blog and we don’t care what you and puddy think, because you’re wrong. You two twist your nasal and butt hairs together and blow farts into each other. Then the gas comes out in loud burps. If someone lit a match you’d both explode.
@127 I don’t mind if your children work. Someone’s gotta pay SS taxes to support me.
You are now searching for anything to keep your shit afloat. Butt as always your pellets start sinking.
What is cheating Feral Dumb Bunny? Processing those “frozen fuel rods”? How does one get the fissionable material to make a bomb? Processing those fuel rods? centrifuges? Processing plants. Abdul Qadeer Khan selling processing technology during the framework timeframe?
Even NPR admitted:
See ya fool!
Easy old timer, remember what the Doc said. Obviously you do care what those that disagree with what you think/spew on this blog, otherwise you wouldn’t obsessively post and always attempt to get the last word in all day, every day. I really do wish you luck.
Deep breath now, before you set off that blood pressure monitor….easy old fella.
@131 You appear to have forgotten what your own argument was, sillyputty. To wit, North Korea got the bomb before 2001. I never said they weren’t reprocessing fuel rods, idiot! Everyone knows they were. I didn’t say they weren’t cheating. Everyone knows they did. Focus, pud, focus! The question is when did they get the bomb. Answer: On Bush/GOP’s watch. Nothing you’ve said or cited contradicts that.
You lost this argument dozens of posts ago, puttbutt. You’re too stupid to know it, that’s all.
Some passages from one of my favorite books, “Crowds and Power” by Elias Canetti:
This book has taught me a lot about the anatomy of power, exactly HOW it corrupts and what freedom really means. Every time I read it, I learn something new.
@132 Why should I let you horses asses get away with posting bunk in a public forum? Of course I’m going to expose your spew as the sewage it is. I’m not gonna let you lying scum mislead HA’s honest readers.
You have the trollops pegged, dude.
It’s like crack to them, huh? Like rats in a Skinner box: there’s no reward when they push the lever 99% of the time, but man — they’re whackin’ like there’s no tomorrow!
Well done!
LMAO!!! Brilliant!
@129 No, you’ve got it ass backwards — this is a liberal blog and we don’t care what you and puddy think
Obviously you do you dope, or you wouldn’t spend hours EVERY day of the week responding.
Once again Roger Feral Dumb Bunny… How can the fuel rods be frozen if they were under processing? That was the framework dumb bunny… If the rods were frozen, they would still be developing the bomb today fool!
Specious argument! YOU LOSE AGAIN!
So when Iran develops the bomb under Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm, we’ll use your definition?
Yes, Feral Dumb Bunny is a dope. Or as Mark1 says courthouse janitor!!!
Busted – Puddybud.
One of the admins can verify but I’m sure the “network engineer” has enough dim circuits in the sea mucilage between his ears to use a proxy.
In any case, a lot of the stuff crapped here by the right wing (especially Stupes) is pretty much ignored.
Exactly, almost.
Who doesn’t want life to be fair? The difference, liberals believe the government can make life fair while conservatives understand life isn’t and never will be “fair.”
Who wants people to be poor? The difference, liberals want to take $ from those that have it and give it to the poor while conservatives want all the government roadblocks in their way removed so they have the freedom to do as they wish and earn their own money. Kinda like the give a man a fish or teach him to fish way of looking at things.
Who doesn’t want world peace. The difference, liberals believe “can’t we all just get along” while conservatives understand there will always be hate & envy and a bunch of other human failings. Liberals can’t even get along with fellow americans that don’t believe as they do politically yet they believe the world can get along?
Who doesn’t believe we need government? The difference, liberals believe the power of the government should be a “one size fits all” federal one, while conservatives the power should be local and reflect the area.
Who doesn’t want the school system to educate the children? Liberals believe more money and everything will be fine while conservatives see the schools failing despite “more money” and want to give the parents the freedom to use their piece of the tax money to allow them choice of schools for their kids.
It’s not that liberals/conservatives are arguing the end result, it’s the method used to get there. Kinda like personal responsibility or government power… who do you want making your life decisions.
Correct me if I’m wrong…
Isn’t Puddy’s from a government school and your jesus camp is from a private activity?
@142 ylb arschloch,
Once again irrelevant fool. Even JSA knows that fool.
Try again irrelevant fool!
Please tell the arschloch ylb arschloch Puddy ain’t Sue.
What a fool!
145 – Does it matter? Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think any White House staffer or campaign organizer for either Bush or Obama had anything to do with either of those tapes.
IIRC, the kids made up the Obama song inspired by Obama’s achievement but the Jesus Camp kids were more or less guided to lay hands on and pray over the cardboard dummy (a fitting visual metaphor by the way).
147 – Maybe not but she kind of uses the same words you do.
I wonder why.
That’s because it’s easy when you use less-toil! Cleaning up the toilet messes of fools like you! Reaching as always. Projecting as always. Fool forever!
There’s a ditty @41 and it describes the arschloch, ylb arschloch!
@144- actually, based on the last three decades, we now know that this generation’s trolls and wingnuts are supremely cynical about government, believe it exists only for their own enrichment and to be looted for their benefit and the benefit of their allies, and have no commitment to the common good or any of the true principles of a Democratic Republic. Thtas not based on anything other than empirical observation.
So if we had an oligarchy like say Putin’s Russia (which we kind of sort of do) we shouldn’t even try to change that.
Caricature.. Proves the point. Liberals and progressives aren’t just into transfer payments. What “government roadblocks”? How can there be “roadblocks” when there’s not even roads in many cases. Liberals are into building “roads” to begin with if you can possibly understand that.
No problem with that.
No we can’t get along too well with people who substitute propaganda (like all the links you bring here) for reality and choose to fight tooth and nail for a status quo that isn’t working for anybody but them (maybe).
Another caricature that ignores history. Federal reach has grown because people wanted it to (in the case of civil and voting rights among many other things), even business and commerce wanted it to in the case of making uniform regulations that didn’t vary from state to state.
Until every public school in this country gets the resources they need to provide adequate facilities for children to learn in, a curriculum that prepares them for the greater world, teacher pay that keeps good teachers teaching – you have NO argument that just handing out vouchers would be any better. That’s giving up. That’s abdicating responsibility.
Not right wingers like Tim “starve the beast” Eyman for sure!
@ 116. Marvin Stamn … does hen understand Freud?
As in forward thrusting????
~ lotsa Puddy
Funny … you always change the subject when you are wrong. I suspect that behind the guise, lies someone who wants to look intelligent?
LMAO! Now who’s reaching?
Thanks for proving my point!
It’s all about hope and change.
More hope than change.
Talking about the speech of obama bono said-
But for me, these 36 words are why I believe Mr. Obama could well be a force for peace and prosperity — if the words signal action.
Many have spoken about the need for a rebranding of America. Rebrand, restart, reboot. In my view these 36 words, alongside the administration’s approach to fighting nuclear proliferation and climate change, improving relations in the Middle East and, by the way, creating jobs and providing health care at home, are rebranding in action.
General Jones was curious about the work many of us were doing in economic development, and how smarter aid — embodied in initiatives like President George W. Bush’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief and the Millennium Challenge Corporation — was beginning to save lives and change the game for many countries. Remember, this was a moment when America couldn’t get its cigarette lighted in polite European nations like Norway; but even then, in the developing world, the United States was still seen as a positive, even transformative, presence.
So, bono gives credit to obama for his “words.”
Sounds like the nobel committee.
Did you catch that blurb about america under the bush regime?
initiatives like President George W. Bush’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief and the Millennium Challenge Corporation — was beginning to save lives and change the game for many countries. Remember, this was a moment when America couldn’t get its cigarette lighted in polite European nations like Norway; but even then, in the developing world, the United States was still seen as a positive, even transformative, presence.
The obama has that hope stuff working for him.
@156 “Marvin Stamm”
I posted his pic too .. or rather of the talent he wishes he had ..
Lazy unemployed fool. There is no point to be made except your ASS doing nothing to help your family.
Keep dat faith fool. Hope and change working well for you!!!
Watching these fucking morons PROVE they are fucking morons is really hilarious.
Better than the crappy Seahawks gams.
A much bigger tragedy is the fact that Heterosexuals are murderers, rapists and thieves…Why all these murderers, can’t you people contain yourselves. You are monsters, the ill to Society. God hates Heterosexuals.
54 P
Depends. To which Khan are you listening? Are you listening to the Khan whom in your article “confessed (in January 2004) to having been involved in a clandestine international network of nuclear weapons technology proliferation from Pakistan to Libya, Iran and North Korea”?
Or are you listening (and apparently not) to the Khan about whom your linked article says
“In interviews from May through July 2008, Khan recanted his previous confession of his involvement with Iran and North Korea.”
Which one? And why? And the answer can’t be “because he said what I wanted to hear” no matter how true that is.
Oh, and BTW, when you refer to an article, don’t call out a phrase in quotes unless it is a phrase quoted from the article, which nowhere uses the phrase you quoted: “framework was in place.” Don’t worry, that one’s free.
Daddy Love, look at the Far Eastern newspaper reporting. Puddy placed the links before. Gently ask ylb arschloch… he’s touchy today. Must be couch sleeping…
Daddy Love, framework was in place was referring to Ms Half-bright. Pay attention. She was the one screaming this on Meet The Press.
As a great man once said:
I take that back.
I am sick of you fucks. The stupidest bunch of fucking fucks who ever crapped on a thread.
Puddy…I don’t care HOW many cites you cite…YOU ARE WRONG. Every thing you look up you twist, nothing you ever claim is true is true…your stupid P-Bonics bullshit is just old and tired and boring. You make something wrong just by looking it up you are so comically, pathetically wrong.
NO ONE here believes you. Oh except your little cabana boy marvin and the excreble Mr. Cynical.
Go the fuck away and stay there. They probably don’t believe you on (u)SP either.
Puddy is so fucking smart (so he says)…
…why doesn’t he post his own fucking blog?
Just do it, asshole. You’re so brilliant…show Goldy how it’s done. Show all of us just what you got. Chickenshit motherfucker like you won’t throw down with the big boys? Go ahead…it’s easy.
79 P
Wrong. We got reports from the Bush administration that wre almost certainly mistaken (ignorance or lies–it’s amazing how often that choices comes up regarding Republicans) that purported that NK was enriching uranium hexafluoride with an eye toward eventual weapons-grade refinement (highly enriched uranium or HEU). Not that they had numerous enough centrifuges, sophisticated enough centrifuge equipment, or enough yellowcake to do this. But that’s what they said. I’ll come back to this at the end.
However, yellowcake enrichment into HEU is NOT the same as fuel rod reprocessing into plutonium, even though you seem to think it is. Fuel rod reprocessing began in 2002 after Bush began rhetorically (“Axis of Evil”) and substantively (breaching the Agreed Framework) attacking NK. How do we know this? Because the fuel rods were in a sealed reactor under the control and 24-hour watch under the IAEA, until in 2002 NK broke the seals, pulled out of the NPT, and began reprocessing. It was in the news, but of course you have no sure knowledge of actual eventrs and prefer to remember vague crap that “supports” your incorrect ideas.
So, IOW, it’s clear that no fuel rod reprocessing took place under the Agreed Framework but rather it began in 2002 after Bush’s abrogation of said agreement.
The IAEA provides a handy timeline here establishing what I just said. That timeline assumes the truth of the Bush claims about NK uranium enrichment efforts.
However, those claims are now thought to have been, well, pretty much bullshit. Or at least so thinks the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists:
Assessing North Korea’s uranium enrichment capabilitiesBy Hui Zhang | 18 June 2009
This report states:
You see, a November 2002 declassified CIA report to Congress stated, “North Korea was constructing a plant that could produce enough weapons-grade uranium for two or more nuclear weapons when fully operational–which could be as soon as mid-decade.” The Bush knew this, but told the press INSTEAD that the plant could be finished by the end of 2003 and then make enough HEU for up to six nuclear weapons per year. As I said, bullshit.
Pops @165…
Good de-bunking of colonelsandersfavoritechicken. Let’s just see what kind of arrant nonsense the craphead comes up with. Ought to be good.
ylb, this is what I mean when I call little rujax a yes man.
Just because YOU don’t know about it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have one.
Cleaned puddy’s shit off your nose yet marvin?
OK, marvie poo you little freak…give it up.
How do you get paid for running a blog? Advertising revenue? What?
Why would a complete and total narcissistic egomaniac like stupes NOT want to trumpet his “brilliance”? I don’t buy it.
Peddle your papers somewhere else.
“…a November 2002 declassified CIA report to Congress stated, “North Korea was constructing a plant that could produce enough weapons-grade uranium for two or more nuclear weapons when fully operational–which could be as soon as mid-decade.”
Sounds like a South Korean, Chinese, Russian, and Japanese problem to me. Why does the US need to even be in the area? Can’t those well-developed economic and military powers take care of North Korea? I say leave North Korea to the neighborhood and withdraw the US forces now.
Ouch. You outed me as not the real marvin stamm.
You know, if you had checked the spelling of the name you might have figured it out earlier.
You did figure it out earlier didn’t you?? Only 2 years ago and you couldn’t remember it. What’s left of your mind is quickly leaving you.
Interesting thread… the one where you were posting as harvey. (interesting considering your projected dreams & fantasies #81 in this thread) And calling me gay and your little “blow” jokes. How “adult” of you.
As said by someone replying to himself.
I’m sorry you did your usual “yes man” act on cue. You should have read a few more messages before setting yourself up like that.
And thanks for letting me use your words to prove my point.
176. Marvin Stamn spews:
What the fuck are you talking about…
..you’re some kind of sick fuck pretending to be marvin?????
My god…what a fucking idiot.
Oh no, another democrat donor being busted…
The New York hedge fund billionaire indicted today in an alleged $20 million insider trading scheme, Raj Rajaratnam, was a major contributor to the campaigns of Hillary Clinton and also the single largest known U.S. contributor to a charity linked to the Tamil Tiger terror group in Sri Lanka, according to records obtained by ABCNews.com.
major contributors to a number of Democratic campaigns, giving a total of $118,000 to, among others, the Senate campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer and the presidential campaigns of Mrs. Clinton and Barack Obama.
“He was big with Hillary and then jumped over to Obama after Hillary lost,” said one Democratic party figure involved in fundraising.
Associates of Rajaratnam formed a Tamils for Clinton fund raising group for her presidential campaign and sought her help in getting the Tamil Tigers taken off the Stte Department’s Designated Terror List.
This guy, madeoff, hsu, why are all the scammers contributing to the democrats?
It’s easy?
Sure maybe for some small minded little person to write 3-5 words per thread, quote/link from some left-wingnut website, get ZERO comments and call it a blog, sure.
We could use your Rujax! blog as an example of that kind of blog.
agree with me or I blow you up! BOOM BOOM!
What makes you think I had forgotten?
I just though others might want to know you were not the person you are passing for.
I blow you up!
So marvin…or whatever sick fuck you are…
…fuck off.
LMFAO…rujockstrap got owned…
How’s that fuckhead?
Owned to the point that little rujax had his feelings hurt and ran to his blog to write about me.
Yup, all those (0) comments reflect the value of your blog. No traffic, no visitors, no $.
So tell us, what’s the point of a blog if no one reads it? Just to make yourself feel good making all those little snide comments and believing you’re witty or something?
…heee heee heee!
Loved the poop post!!!!
Keep up the good work!!!!
THis wouldn’t be the first time you exhibited memory problems.
Do you feel the same way about roger rabbit? Hell, he even blathers on about being a rabbit.
Yeah, I’m really trying to pass myself off as marvin stamm. You can tell by the replies that only little rujax was dumb enough to believe I was posting under my real name.
Thank you marvie-poo for driving traffic to my blog.
I really forgot all about it. Thanks to you I’ve been getting hits. Now you’ve put up a nice posting of mine showiing what a small-minded little ass-wipe you are.
That’s what I enjoy most about you marvie-poo…how you completely out-smart yourself (you are so stupid even YOU can do it), and make your own self look like a complete fucking idiot.
Good job as usual, marvie-poo.
Maybe YLB and the rabbit would like to join me. Such fun we could have at you jerk-off’s expense.
Rujax! has a dream, viz., to have a blog: “I HAVE a blog . . . I don’t get here all that often, but maybe that will change”
HOPEFULLY it won’t . .. wouldn’t you be better off just putting it to sleep? I mean, it was last updated BEFORE today in November 2008. That strategy will build an audience!
So, you were a big fan of John Edwards . . . that makes sense.
PS- OH! marvie-poo…you musn’t have cleaned Puddy’s shit off your nose yet…it’s starting to stink in here, cabana boy…
Which explains why your stat counter is set to private.
Wouldn’t want to show off that 5 hits today is the yearly total. Assuming you excluded your ip from the stat counter.
By the way, your “FUCK YOU Marvin” shows more anger than it does someone having fun at my expense.
And even when you’re cussing me out you can’t help but talk about Puddy. How obsessed are you with him?
I’m sure when Puddy shows up, oops, I am Puddy, at least gbs said so. Do you also believe I’m Puddy?
When Puddy shows up, I’m sure he’ll be flattered that you have written about him on your blog.
No offense, I wouldn’t waste the bandwidth to write about you on my blog. I can understand why putting my name on your blog would help you get traffic.
@189….sounds like rujoke is looking for a circle-jerk….dont forget to invite gman!
@190…HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA – rujax fucking OWNED again!
nice blog dillhole! hahahah
not to mention he’s a John Edwards fanboy! hahahhahhahah……gay much?
Suckered YOU in dumbass motherfucker.
1. The man of two americas, the one he lives in and the one regular people live in.
2. The man that was cheating on his cancer stricken wife.
3. Got his mistress pregnant.
4. Lied about the affair.
5. Lied about the kid.
6. National enquirer outed edwards as a cheating liar.
7. Edwards admits late friday night news show he have a brief affair.
8. Had his staff lie to cover up for him.
9. Punked his mistress. She asks for paternity test.
10. Finally edwards decides to admit it is his kid.
Yeah, I can see why little rujax would support someone like edwards. Rujax family values.
While you people senselessly argued your stupidities, 4 more heterosexuals murdered, raped and stole. I hope you heterosexuals are happy now….you must be ecstatic with the corrupt world that you have build. Animals, and God hate you.
Golly Puddy goes to the gym with Mrs Puddy and upon return rujax had a cluster event.
Nice BLOG rujax. November 2008?
I like yours too asshole.`
Cabana boy?
Like you would say…
Suckered YOU in dumbass motherfucker.
Wow! 40 page views!
Thanks guys…I (sniff, sniff) love you all!
Daddy Love
That’s nice. There are two references to plutonium in your “piece” daddy love.
Fuel Rod single sentence – In the same period an ore processing plant and a fuel rod fabrication plant were built.
Plutonium two sentences one right after the other – Shortly thereafter inconsistencies emerged between the DPRK’s initial declaration and the Agency´s findings, centring on a mismatch between declared plutonium product and nuclear waste solutions and the results of the Agency´s analysis. The latter suggested that there existed in the DPRK undeclared plutonium.
Uranium – Four sentences –
– The second – indigenous – phase started in 1979 with the construction of a 5 MW(e) natural uranium, graphite moderated reactor in Nyongbyong.
– A new phase started on 16 October 2002 with the announcement by the US that the DPRK side had acknowledged, in talks with Assistant Secretary Kelly in early October that it had a “programme to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons”.
– The Board recognized that the programme to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons “or any other covert nuclear activities, would constitute a violation of the DPRK´s international commitments, including the DPRK´s safeguards agreement with the Agency pursuant to the NPT”.
– However, the reports about a clandestine uranium enrichment programme, the end of the “freeze” pursuant to the Agreed Framework, and the expulsion of the IAEA inspectors have brought this phase to an end.
Butt here are the two telling sentences Daddy Love…
The IAEA has been in the dark over the NK nuclear program since 1993.
Puddy loves how you “debunked” the argument with a curious link of nuthing!
And naturally rujax, king of blogs drinks another blogger’s kook-aid without checking the cites! What a tool!
Butt Daddy Love what you say? How does this happen Daddy Love?
Uranium-238 + Neutrons = Uranium 239 -> Neptunium 239 + something -> Plutonium 239 + something
Now what can the something be Daddy Love.
See ya fool.
People wanna see what the dumb brick has as a blog.
Is your stat counter still set to private?
As long as it’s private, you can’t prove a single thing you say.
But go ahead and lie if it makes you feel more important.
I found something strange…
You were invited to blog,
On the road again
I’m on the road again until Friday night. This time I’ve asked some the Evergreen State’s vilest Frenchmen to blog in my absence. They include:
Goldy of Horsesass
Darryl of Hominid Views
TheHim of Blog Reload
Rujax of Rujax and Blog Reload
Carl of Washington State Political Report (Invited, but hasn’t replied yet)
Jim of McCranium
And you didn’t post anything.
Good choice.
marvie-poo, puddy’s brown nose cabana boy seems to think rujax and his blog and personal business is really interesting.
Got anything better to do sooper-dooper-pooper-snooper? Or is invasion of privacy a right-wing value?
wow rujax,
looks like being called a dumb cinder block and acting like one has gotten to you!
@196…wrong again! I didnt have to go to your dumbass blog to learn that…I read it HERE! ahahahhhahh
Guess who else liked John Deadwards?
ylb arschloch… the hardly working one!
Puddy Remembers
This is why one is a dumb brick and the other is a dumb cinder block…
Puddy Remembers
Not so much, puddy…but I do wonder occasionally why you like to have marvie-poo’s beak up your butt. Seems kinda perverted to me but hey, whatever floats your boat.
Interesting in a funny yet sad way. Kinda like looking at the scene of an accident as you drive by.
Funny you should mention that…
Remember that obama supporting government employee that used government computers to look for information to use against the man that asked the obama the wrong question?
Brett A. Gerke, 52, of 2329 Woodcreek Place on the Far North Side, is charged with attempted unauthorized use of property, a first-degree misdemeanor.
Gerke entered a diversion program Oct. 2, which typically results in the dismissal of a criminal charge. He has not entered a plea.
As far as invading your privacy… HAHAHAHAHA
It is YOUR responsibility to protect it.
Step 1- Remove the link to your blog in your name on this blog.
marvi-poo (with the shit covered nose)…mind-numbingly stupid cabana boy to the stars.
Obviously inferring gay activity is what you consider an insult.
Unfortunately for you, I don’t share your same view of gays so I wasn’t insulted.
marvie-poo…we really have been over this before.
I remember the touching moment wheen you outed yourself to your supportive and compassionate friends here in the HorsesAss community. We were all so proud of you for your courage and trust in all of us. And now just because you want puddy’s butt all to yourself (must be the uSP crowd that’s making you jealous…we all WANT you to have your precious puddy), you’re getting all testy and turning your back on us.
Poor poor marvie-poo…we’ll give you your “space”. We still love you here. Really marvie-poo…it will all be OK.
rujax, knowing Marvin is in LA and Puddy somewhere in the NorthWest, you are speaking in useless metaphors. Since rujax probably means rumpled jackass, Puddy will ignore that brown nosing comment as another in the long line of racial epithets coming from that small withered by drugs brain.
Butt keep the faith. Brain regeneration could happen someday! You might have two cells to rub together.
Hmmm…that would be at least ONE more than thou.
Sure rujax, whatever you “think”.
Any chance you want to list your daily meds?
Just a little while ago you went running to your blog to write about me. Even said “FUCK YOU Marvin” so I know you were pissed.
And now you’re talking about loving me.
First guess is some kind of bi-polar personality disorder. Does that sound like what your doctor also said? Don’t worry, just keep taking your meds. I promise, someday you won’t be so obsessed with Puddy & I. Please keep the hope you can change.
little rujax is scared to answer, but when gbs said he had the proof I was your sockpuppet I feel that rujax being the “yes man” he proved himself to be earlier in this thread actually believed gbs.
OK, marvie-poo…I know we’ve have our litttle spat today.
Just know that I am very supportive of you.
Do trolls know when they’re being talked to? Or do they think you’re talking about someone else and go on blithly doing and saying troll-like things?
I hope that I’m not a troll. I’d like to think I say some things now and again that people don’t agree with, but I try and add value to the debate. I see what I think are trolls and they’re not acting anything like met, but could I be a troll and not know it?
@ 222…
1) yes
2) no
@139 No, I kick you wingnuts around because I enjoy it.
@139 (continued)
P.S., you’re the dope for taking the bait!
@222 Matty
I have had quite a bit of experience with trolls and the mere fact that you are introspective and ask yourself questions disqualifies you as a troll.
Real trolls:
1. Are never wrong
2. Like to change the conversation away from facts and policies to personal insults
3. Insult (Pick one: liberals/conservatives/your mother) in every paragraph.
4. Will not actually present their real point of view – but prefer cynical or snide comments about political figures (preferably the President).
5. Will not commit to actual poltical views. When you ask a real troll what their helath care policy would be….they have no answer.
so no – you are not a troll. Merely hving diffferent viewpoints does not make you a troll.
Trolls come on with out-of-context quotes, bad information, inaccurate statistics and try to change the conversation. They go to rightwingnut websites and come back with a factoid that is invariable wrong, misapplied, misunderstood or simply made up.
When you challenge them, they change the subject.
That is the troll modus operendi.
They also mix in volleys of name-calling while changing the subject – their version of “declaring victory and then going home”.
@140 There you go dodging the question again. The only thing the processing of fuel rods is relevant to is getting the bomb. If they never get the bomb they can process fuel rods to their hearts’ content and nobody will care.
You’d make a lousy witness in court, pudpacker. Let me explain why: You wander all over the map instead of answering the question you were asked!
Visualize this courtroom scenario:
GOP LAWYER: Your Honor, I’d like to call my witness.
JUDGE: Proceed.
GOP LAWYER: Would Mr. Pudpacker take the stand please.
[Witness is sworn.]
GOP LAWYER: Mr. Pudpacker, could you briefly describe your qualifications?
PUDDY: I’m a wingnut.
ROGER RABBIT: Objection, nonresponsive answer.
JUDGE: It’s a gray area, Mr. Rabbit; I’ll let it go this time. Mr. Pudpacker, please try to answer the questions in a responsive fashion.
GOP LAWYER: Mr. Pudpacker, when did North Korea get the bomb?
PUDDY: It’s Clinton’s fault they have the bomb.
ROGER RABBIT: Objection, your honor, nonresponsive and in addition the witness is giving opinion testimony without having been qualified as an expert witness, plus it’s hearsay.
GOP LAWYER: He’s entitled to state the facts as he knows them, your honor.
JUDGE: Well, maybe I’ll allow it, if you ask appropriate followup questions to lay a foundation.
ROGER RABBIT: Your honor, if you intend to allow them to proceed with this, then I’d like to request a clarification.
JUDGE: State your request.
ROGER RABBIT: Which Clinton is he referring to?
PUDDY: All of them. Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea. Plus Monica. It’s all their fault.
GOP LAWYER: Nothing further of this witness, your honor.
JUDGE: You may cross-examine.
ROGER RABBIT: I thought you wanted him to lay a foundation.
JUDGE: You can do that just as easily on cross.
ROGER RABBIT: I’d like the court to note an exception on the court’s original ruling to allow the answer into the record for all the reasons I previously stated.
JUDGE: Noted.
ROGER RABBIT: Mr. Pudpacker, isn’t it true that North Korea didn’t test a bomb until 2006?
PUDDY: The framework let them get it.
ROGER RABBIT: Objection, your honor, irrelevant and nonresponsive.
JUDGE: Well, Mr. Rabbit, if I correctly understand what he’s referring to, and I think I do, your relevancy objection would fail …
ROGER RABBIT: Your honor, if I may, I asked him a simple straightforward question that calls for a “yes” or “no” answer.
JUDGE: What was the question again?
ROGER RABBIT: I asked him if it’s true North Korea didn’t test a bomb until 2006.
JUDGE: Answer the question, witness.
PUDDY: It doesn’t matter when they got it. What matters is it’s Clinton’s fault they got it, because of the framework.
ROGER RABBIT: Mr. Pudpacker, did you have a mother, or were you hatched from a rock?
JUDGE: What?
GOP LAWYER: Objection, your honor! Irrelevant.
ROGER RABBIT: Let me explain the relevancy. I’m trying to find out whether the witness is capable of answering the question he’s been asked, or if he’s always gives answers to questions he wasn’t asked. You ought to allow this, your honor, because you’ve allowed everything else so far.
JUDGE: I don’t quite see where you going, and this had better get relevant pretty fast, or I’ll shut it down without further discussion.
ROGER RABBIT: Answer the question I asked you, Mr. Pudpacker. The last question I asked you, that is.
PUDDY: I guarantee you my mother wasn’t a feral rabbit living in a public park. I come from a respectable family.
ROGER RABBIT: Your honor, at this time, I request the witness be dismissed and directed to leave the courtroom — no, hell, directed to leave the state — and his entire testimony be stricken as nonresponsive, irrelevant, opinion, speculative, hearsay, and stupid.
JUDGE: Is there such a thing as an evidence rule on stupidity?
ROGER RABBIT: You have that discretion under the inherent equitable powers of the court, your honor.
PUDDY: Does that mean I can go now?
PUDDY: I’m telling you, it’s Clinton’s fault. All of them. It’s the Clintons’ fault. Chelsea too. And Socks … their cat had a paw in this, too. They never should have let North Korea get the bomb. It was the framework. Socks should have stopped them.
ROGER RABBIT: You’re nuts.
JUDGE: I’m inclined to agree with you this time, Mr. Rabbit.
GOP/LAWYER: Your honor, if I may have the last word, it makes perfect sense from the Republican point of view …
ROGER RABBIT: That’s the whole problem. With all of you.
JUDGE: Agreed. I think we’re adjourned now.
goldstiien, i cany stop reading, i have to moniotr what you kikes are up to.
Does anyone here know a pudpacker?
Boeing Bob?
Blue John?
Contact Roger Feral Dumb Bunny Wabbit. He forgot there was plutonium enrichment outside of the fuel rods happening before Clinton’s agreement and that enriched plutonium wasn’t removed in the framework.
Butt that’s another story and play attempt by Feral Dumb Bunny!
@222 . . . I try and add value to the debate.
Well, you keep trying there, Matty, and maybe one day your dream will come true. Meanwhile, I’m sure the HA base is eagerly awaiting Rujax!’s next blog post here:
which, if all goes well, SHOULD precede Halley’s Comet!
TrollPatrol Silly Thread Award
And the prize for the silliest posts in HA history go to Roger, Stamm’s imposter, and Puddytat.
Go here for your prize!
Rujax, SJ, et all get honorable mention.
228 – Hilarious! Lays bare the idiocy of Stupes and the wingnut mentality.
One for the ages!
Rabbit @228…
Perfect representation of Puddy’s uhhhh…debating “style”. Although it may have suffered a little for the lack of “P-Bonics”.
Horses can communicate how they are feeling by their facial expressions. They use their ears, nostrils, and eyes to show their moods. Beware of a horse that has flared nostrils and their ears back. That means it might attack!
@232 Why do I have to share it with those stupes? I was brilliant @228, and they’re always boring …
@233 I agree it’s one of my best pieces, a true Roger Rabbit classic. I have no idea where the inspiration for work of this caliber comes from — maybe extraterristrial inspiration.
@230 I personally think my cross examination was brilliant. It takes only one good question to destroy the credibility of a witness, if you set it up properly. Your problem is you’re too insentient to feel devastated after getting taken apart on a witness stand. I think your mother was a rock.
@235 You get stepped on a lot, don’t you?
@ 238
Close. His momma rolled when she should have rocked.
re 97:
Democrat in an affair = evil liar
Republican in an affair = letting off steam
Roger …
Why you got the prize with others.
The HA Silly is a TEAM award. Think of it a similar to the Nobel.
I like this part:
That is too damn funny!
Roger wins this thread hands down.
Once again, rujax proving he is a “yes man.”
Say, that was a real good new post on your blog. (snicker snicker)
You copied and pasted the rabbit and didn’t even add a word of your own. And you wonder why I call you a yes man?
Why can’t you write something of your own on your blog? Are you that devoid of thoughts? You have no problem when it comes to gay innuendoes on this blog. Why not just do that schtick on your blog.
I think after introspection and affirmation by others…I’m not a troll. Phew!
However, I *think* Rujax might be a troll, but doesn’t realize it…or want to admit it.
The Internet has been so helpful in these troubling times. :)
kicking the trolls out? i thought this blog was written by trolls, for trolls! har har har!
@242 I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. I’ll always take a freebie. But you already know that.
@242 (continued) I only wanted to know what I had to share it, that’s all. Those asswipes deserve nothing from you or anyone else.
@249 why not what
It sucks that Goldy’s edit function isn’t working.
Is a Troll simply one who disagrees or a hit and run poster who stirs thing up but won’t stick around to engage?
Not that your really interested in little else than call names and making personal attacks as opposed to, you know, thoughtful and civil debate.
Actually, if you step back and squint a touch, BOTH sides are silly sycophants of spewage.
Though your points are well taken, the rules for the Silly award do not allow the Silly Committee to admit error.
Speaking as the Chair of that Committee, I feel your comments in this thread are wonderful but without the foil of your colleagues, the humor would be lost.
@252 What if I use dummies instead of real trolls?