You suck.
Or rather, the database search facility on your website sucks on the verge of being totally useless. I mean, could it be any less responsive? Nine times out of ten the “Advanced Search” screen times out with an error message. If I’m lucky. And even when it does work, the UI is cumbersome, slow and clunky.
Please could we go back to the old interface? Pretty please?
I’ve found that sucky time-out problem is an IE problem, things go smoother using FireFox…
I’m sorry you find our award winning site a problem.
For your information, the old search the database can be found here and you are more than welcome to use it if you prefer:
The “new” site utilizes a completely different approach to presenting the vast information housed at the PDC. This was done so people who don’t know what they are looking for have everything presented to them instead of needing to forumulate a query, click submit, then have no results returned.
In addition to the new design, we are using web components that are JavaScript heavy. So, if you use a security program like McAfee or CA Security Center that does JavaScript filtering/scanning, it will slow the page loads down by 20-30 seconds.
Just so you know.
Michael Smith, CTO
Michael @3,
Hey, thanks for the quick response (much quicker than you’re website) and a big thanks for the link to the old UI!
FYI, it’s been timing out on me in both Safari and Firefox.
Apparently it’s the CTO’s job to monitor liberal blogs and set everything right when a few of you loons are unhappy. Smith @3 posted a comment only 27 minutes after the original post – no doubt during work hours and using taxpayer funded computer resources. His time would be better spent creating interfaces that work well in the first place.
Get back to work……………
some dumbass:
Apparently, it’s the CTO’s job to be responsive to the residents of Washington when they ask questions about the services provided to them. Damn straight it was during work hours — it was work product.
BTW, how do you know that Goldy didn’t send an email to the PDC at the same time, or even earlier? And what makes you think that it isn’t in the CTO’s job description to be of service to those who employ him?
numb in Seattle @6 – It IS the CTO’s job to be responsive to the residents of Washington. But trolling liberal blogs looking for opportunities to be responsive isn’t exactly the way I’d describe efficiency. If Goldy sent an email, then a direct email response to Goldy would have been in order. Goldy could then have posted his reply for all HA’ers to peruse.
The CTO commented 27 MINUTES after Goldy posted. Nothing better to do in Olympia?
So you’re at work trolling liberal blogs to bitch about people at work trolling liberal blogs because you’re a hypocrite?
Or you’re NOT at work because you don’t have a job and have nothing better to do than troll liberal blogs and bitch about everything because you’re a perfectly average, normal conservative asshole?
Either way you sound like a typical Republican.
It’s hard to hide the stench, Bubba…
X’ad @8 – I’m self-employed, self-sufficient and probably pay more taxes annually to this state than you’ll pay in your lifetime. Holding state employees responsible is ALL of our jobs – mine AND yours. Maybe we wouldn’t be in such a budget mess in WA if we did.
OT, you do know how RSS works don’t you? It’s very easy to set up a computer to read feeds from hundreds of sources and look for key phrases, like “Public Disclosure Commission”. You don’t think Tim Eyman is so stuck on himself that he daily reads his namesakes’ blog, do you? (Don’t answer that) This is why a post on HA that mentions Eyman can garner a boilerplate posting within minutes from his royal hineyness himself.
Jeez Goldy, quit getting your panties in a knot. I see you’re still unemployed, otherwise you wouldn’t have the abundance of time you so obviously have to whine about such minute shit.
X’ad @8…perhaps you should tell that to the lazy jobless leach known as YLB(alias “I dont hate anybody”, and few others names)….who posts all day long while his wife works to support the family.
Heh. When I see a bunch of wingnut IDIOTS clumped together in a thread I haven’t looked at it’s so freaking UNPREDICTABLE what they might be bullshittin’ about.
Carry on fools – your words have no effect.
YES on R-71
NO on I-1033
Dow Constantine for King County Executive!
STFU bitch.
LMFAO @ ylb..
X’ad @ 8 punked your ass and didnt even know it.
fucking classic!
And a hateful misogynist to boot.
Trade some notes with mark1 – he’s called Gregoire some pretty nasty names here.
I’m sure you’ll hit it off swimmingly.
And does anyone really wonder why I’m so anti-right wing?
Is this another one of your fantasies?
It must really suck to be so self-hating.
Why don’t you sue them for $250,000. That would be the responsible citizens response.
@18..wrong again bucko….NOBODY is wondering why your left wing – you pretty much answered that question with you unwillingness to even look for a job…
oh wait..are you crying now…boohoo…
re 15: And don’t forget: We need to give health insurance and freedom from prosecution to illegal immigrant Honduran criminals.
It’s right out of the Liberal Playbook, remember?
’nuff said
@18..misogynist??? are you kidding? you better look in the mirror. Your the one who fucks off on the internet all day long while the wife works.
Yawwwwwwn.. Wrong..
As is typical of the “wrong” wing.
What? No self-hating homophobic fantasy?
C’mon – you’re giving in too easily.
24 – Does a man who respects women tell every “bitch” he meets to STFU?
@27…nope, just pieces of shit like you.
Well I’m not misogynist. I defy you to show where I’ve referred to another as a “bitch” or a “cunt” or a “twat” like mark1 has done. (and yes a few of my lefty friends have done the same and I recommend they leave that to the right wingers.)
But you might take up the issue of respect for women with the strange one @ 16. He’s got a real problem with “bitches”.
Oh it’s you! Sorry. lol!
@29….ACTIONS speak louder than words..making the wife work while you fuck around all day long is an ACTION.
so go ahead, keep on with your dumbass labels – its all you got. Your ACTIONS have defined you. I see you really have a lot of respect(as you put it) for your wife – good thing she keeps roof over your head while you post on HA and surf other whackamole sites.
your done now…get lost you douchebag
..and for what its worth, I will be the biggest, nastiest homophobe misogynist in the world – but at least I man-up and take care of my family.
…now, back to the subject at hand…
it does seem kinda strange that a state employee would respond so quickly to a post here. Someone needs a talking to from a manager me thinks.
zzzzZZZ.. zzzzZZZZ…
Like all right wingers, you’re getting a bit repetitive and tiresome…
You’ve haven’t given ANYONE any reason at all to think better of your politics or your point of view.
You’ve played to stereotype just like almost every right winger who has come here. I can think of maybe only a few right wingers who took a thoughtful tack here and they made no converts because this place isn’t really that left. Quite a few lefties here are pro-gun (like me), want to see the best value gotten for our taxpayer dollar. We’d vote the odd Republican or two if they made sense but like BIAW and David Irons Jr and Dino Rossi and Susan Hutchison they are mostly batshit insane and have to play to a batshit insane base.
All I can say is thanks for playing, thanks for being just another batshit insane, name-calling right winger. You have shown to all the lurkers out there what they SHOULD strive to avoid when filling out their ballot.
YES on R-71
NO on I-1033
Dow Constantine for King County Executive.
@32….and thanks for being a lazy jobless leach who lives off of others…
and in your world, I guess we “SHOULD strive” to fuck around all day on the internet and have our lazy asses taken care of…no wonder you fit in so well with the nanny-staters.
now go do yourself a favor and surf the want-ads..
yawwn.. like any right winger.
Strive to do whatever the freak you please. The rest of us will reach our own conclusions about the choices you make. As long as you don’t hurt anyone you’ll do just fine.
I’ll do whatever the freak I please as well. I’m not hurting anyone. It is a free country, didn’t you hear?
More than likely I’ll be here trashing the right wing as long the right wing wants me. All the name calling and personal attacks just sends the signal that the right wing is in desperate need of my services.
Thanks for your vote of confidence.
Yes ylb arschloch, you are tiresome and repetitive.
Lazy, no good, useless, insipid, vapid, unemployed whackamole. Eventually unemployment insurance runs out. You have to actively look for jobs every week. While that’s easy on the Internet, Puddy wonders what the Unemployment folks would think if you were asked
“And what did you do otherwise?”
“Well, I cruised Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Center For American Progress, MoveOn, Michael Moore, and other web sites.”
“Those are Internet classified ads sites?”
“Ummm Uhhh Ohhh, no they are not.”
“Okay… and how are you actively looking for work again?”
What a loser. Picking on your silly ASS is a stereotype. Yes, it’s stereotypical to pick on a loser! Everyone picks on one who chooses to be a loser. You fit the bill. You remind Puddy of the dude on Free Credit Report Dot Com. At least he sings about being a loser.
You can’t change the subject to November 4.
You can’t change the subject to Dow Constantine.
You can’t change the subject to I-1033.
This is about you loser. You are the HA arschloch misogynist fool! A real man bucks up and gets a job. Sometimes they get two jobs. You wear the lace panties, calf boots and the pleated skirt fool!
We pity Mrs Arschloch because of your pinhead positions.
We strive to be Americans. Why do you hate America ylb arschloch?
@33 Cripes, these stupid trolls can’t even spell simple words like “leech.”
@33 “a lazy jobless leach who lives off of others…”
What’s wrong with that? I’m a lazy jobless leech who lives off others. All that says is I live like Republicans. What do you think the idle rich are? They’re lazy jobless leeches who live off others. Capital doesn’t make anything or do any work, you know. Workers do all the work, and everyone who lives off income derived from owning capital, myself included, is living off work done by others. Why should Republicans have a monopoly on being lazy jobless leeches who live off others? I want a piece of that action for myself! Everyone should be a lazy jobless leech who lives off others. No one should work. Working isn’t rewarded or respected. Just like at all the disrespectful comments in this thread by trolls who think Boeing workers should give up their union and work for $14 an hour. Screw that! I won’t work for 14 bucks an hour, and they shouldn’t either.
Unless you’re willing to work for $14 an hour, you have no right to tell other people to work for $14 an hour.
@35 “A real man bucks up and gets a job.”
Bullshit. A real man doesn’t waste his life making some other bastard rich! A real man inherits millions of dollars and spends his life playing polo, sailing, drinking, and laying women. Anyone who has a regular job and works for a living is considered a putz. You may not like it, but this is Capitalist America, and that’s the system here.
@39 The tax code proves my point. A worker gets a $3,500 personal exemption. A guy who inherits millions of dollars gets a $3,500,000 personal exemption — 1,000 times as much. A typical middle-class worker pays a marginal tax rate of 32.65% (25% + 7.65%). A person getting the same income from capital gains and/or dividends pays 10%, only 1/3rd as much. This country punishes work! Workers get no respect. People who don’t work consider people who do work their inferiors.
@37…show me where Boeing workers were being asked to work for $14/hour.
in other words, you made the shit up.
35 – Uhhhhh.. Sorry Stupes…. Not going anywhere fiend..
In a month you’ll be saying that same old tired crapola..
and I’ll still be here. Count on it.
You bring nothing but shit to the table fiend pretending it’s gold. And I will call you on it every time.
Keep up the great work fool – being a right wing failure. You’ve been working at it since Spring 2005 and you’ve succeeded!
At being a failure.
And remember:
YES on R-71
NO on I-1033
Dow Constantine for King County Executive..
So Roger you’re describing the late Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy who moved his money offshore not to pay taxes.
How is that projection going for you ylb arschloch? Puddy has two sons in college. They’ll graduate with no student loans.
You bring the same tired crapola every day instead of pounding the pavement job hunting. You sit on your fat ASS cruising whackamole kook-aid every day sucking on the government tit as Roger Rabbit recently said. Does the tit taste good ylb arschloch? Telling you to get a job is the same tired crapola? Wait… that’s giving you an order, so stay unemployed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Really? You have no gold to bring to the table in the first place. All you do is waste pixels sucking the government tit. Go for it fool!
Sure… keep that thought. Send in that letter asking Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm to extend unemployment benefits.
You are the parental failure. Never told you to go anywhere. You fate is sealed already. You can’t change the subject. You and the failure you are, is our every day subject.
Get a job fool!
You’re talking about the Kennedy clan again… Go for it Roger Rabbit. Call up that great environmentalist Robert Kennedy Jr and tell him to use commercial airlines to pollute the atmosphere. Tell Robert Kennedy Jr. to stop using limousines that idle in the summer keeping the car cool waiting for his sorry ASS when he leaves the MSNBC studios with his latest rant.
Go on Dumb Bunny, go for it.
Goldy says something that makes sense.
Granted, it’s on public disclosure, where we share the same general opinions, but still. A rarity, indeed.
Poor Stupes.. Will always fail in his silly quest to stick up for the right wing.
Pretending shit is gold indeed.
Keep up the great work moron – at failing.
I laugh at you.
Poor Stupes? You must be looking in the mirror when you pull out your skirt pockets and they are still empty.
Once again ylb arschloch doesn’t get it. Everyone on the right is writing about you fool, the unemployed HA lurker spending every waking moment on this blog. You are the failure.
Keep deflecting from yourself, you failure of progressive thoughts. Keep thinking it’s about conservatives when it’s about your sorry ASS!
I’m starting to wonder if The Feral Dumb Bunny and YLB arschloch are related. Perhaps Father and Son? That’d explain a lot of this “entitlement”/gimme!! mentality, trying to justify a meaningless non-contributing existence in society and sucking off the gov’t sow’s tits all day while being obsessed with this website….Learned behavior like all the trailer park trash and welfare Queens out there crapping out 10 kids with ten different men for the welfare benes….Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be hereditary as well.
It’s a waste of time trying to converse with Pudge. I recall a few weeks ago I tried to discuss corporatism with him. I mentioned “corporate bodies” and talked about corporatism in light of the relationship between the Bush administration and “corporations” like Halliburton, KBR and the like. Pudge, apparently so desparately in need of a “gotcha” moment, claimed that I thought that corporatism had only to do with corporations. I tried to steer him back to where I had opened with “corporate bodies”, which can include, say, unions, but he would not go there. Instead, he insisted that I had no understanding of what “corporatism” meant. I wondered, “How dense is this guy?” I also wondered, “Just how fucking fragile is this guy’s ego that he can’t admit even the smallest mistake?” I concluded that it didn’t matter what this guy’s problem is, the bottom line, whether he’s stupid or a psychotic, Pudge is a fucking waste of time.
“Obsessive Compulsive Disorder”
Another Puddy sockpuppet. More troll projection. It never ends, does it?
The old days really were better. The current interface bites and without regard to browser.
@51 Stevie:
This coming from you after all your goat references and obsessions? Ironic. Thanks for the laugh.
‘It don’t take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep.’ -UNKNOWN
And yes, it refers to you; the sheep are all the poor dumb ignoramouses mesmerized by the flame of Lord OBlahBlah. Good luck!
Which formulation of Steve’s Stupid Solution today?
Another one who thinks right tells the truth and you go nutzo! Gotta be the stupid solution.
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm good!
It looks like @53 has goats on the brain. Of course, what wingnut troll doesn’t?
Here’s a safe sex tip from Mr. Klynical for you, paint a big “X” on the goats that kick.
49 – Heh. It’s Klynical. Feckless as usual and deperate. You can tell his heart’s barely in it anymore.
48 – pfffffft. That doesn’t even merit a nice try. This is Goldy’s site and it’s always been about the corruption of the right wingers from Timmy Lieman to stupid ass tools like you.
Point to any successes of your tribe here. Look at how many have come and gone. Only the totally batshit insane like you and Klynical have stayed. Wow that’s some accomplishment.
Another election is around the corner. The results will be mixed I predict but nothing that’ll take the wind out of our sails.
I look forward to many more years of bashing your STUPID, SILLY ASS! LOL!
Someone who bragged about having a 120 IQ repeatedly talks on and on about some “Stupid Solution”. More troll projection. Can’t stop, can you? It’s a Psych 101 thing, Puddy.
Hey Steve,
Check it out. These dumbasses have GOT TO BE right wing:
Reminds me so much of a select few dumbass right wingers here. I don’t even put Stupes in this category. This is really DUMB!
I look here thinking I’m going to find an intelligent conversation about the relative merits of the old and new PDC query interfaces, and find just another degenerate HA comment thread. But should I be surprised? Oh, well.
If you haven’t noticed lately, this is as good as it gets.
The lefty’s are basically soiling their own drawers if you know what I mean.
I am starting to think that YLB’s whole life revolves around this website…read his posts closely and it becomes obvious.
when you have government tit suckers like ylb arschloch, well… what do you expect?
He would rather live here than find a job.
Doesn’t that explain the progressive libtardo mind?
Don’t need to. Point to your successes fool.
Get a job!
Why? Are you scared you can’t? Damn right you can’t. Look at the shape that chimp you voted for twice left this country.
ehh.. My side won the election contest, defeated I-912, got Brownie fired, defeated the woman abuser David Irons Jr., elected a Democratic majority in the Congress and the first African American President of the United States among other successes..
and we’re just getting warmed up.
Funny you fiends are calling out to Toby..
and I don’t see Toby calling back to you
searching for a job….YLB style….
Do you understand the word fool?
Your personal successes… Oh wait a minute… you created a tctmgr based database of PuddyMissives. Of course your use is chronologically malignant! Yep you are a cancer here.
Get a job fool! It’s all about you fool!
66 –
Yes on R-71
No on I-1033
Dow Constantine for King County Executive.
Send in your ballot today!
Didn’t expect it moron…
Get a job fool! Misguided progressive tit sucking libtardo.
GWB is old news fool.
Afghanistan became yours as of March 2009. Even the preznit’s mouthpiece admitted it.
The economy is yours fool. The Porkulus gave 3.5 GDP. The recession is over claimed preznit’s peeps.
Get a job moron! The power is yours. Ooopsie… you think classifieds are on HA Libtardos.
Can being laid off really make you better off? – This is ylb arschloch’s call to arms.
“As the Great Recession continues to devour jobs at an alarming rate, tales are legion about the millions of unemployed struggling to right their lives and recover their self-esteem. But what happens to those left behind?
Would it surprise you to learn that survivors can suffer just as much, if not more, than colleagues who get laid off? It certainly surprised a team of academic researchers who embedded themselves at Boeing from 1996 to 2006, a tumultuous decade during which the company laid off tens of thousands. The results of the study will appear next year in a Yale University Press book called “Turbulence: Boeing and the State of American Workers and Managers.”
What do you get when MrC, Mark1 and Marvie get together?
ButtPutty, and lots of it.
Why not Jan 20? Such a silly moron. Mine? Another piece of right wing stupidity. Afghanistan is all of our responsibility. Make your wishes known through your representatives to the Congress.
Keep repeating yourself fool. It’s all you got. It doesn’t bother me.
This website has been and always will be about how you right wing morons suck.
I’ll be here to gloat over our victories on election day and many days after that.
Count on it.
got a job yet ylb?…oh, wait, getting job would actually require LOOKING for one….nevermind…
74 – zzzzzzzzzZZZZZ….
Another sucky right wing moron…
Pffffffffft wrong again fool. Puddy gots lots of new stuff. Puddy just don’t waste it on a jobless fool!
and it will be entertaining to call right wing bullshit on it.
That’s all it is. All it’s ever been..
ah yes….the sounds of the lazy leftist…
notice how ylb wants EVERYONE ELSE to contribute to society, yet he does nadda…
78 – You do a lot of hating.. Must keep you warm at night.., but sometimes your wife does…..ZING!
80 – Groan… These right wingers and their pathetic schoolboy fantasies.
aawwwww…dont worry ylb, Im sure you can still play the bust-a-nut-in-gmans-butt game to your hearts content when she finally leaves…
82 – zzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz…..
Oh Ekim the goat abuser is so “funny”. Somehow he loves to make comedy on what he plows through for his “fun”.
ylb arschloch vicariously associates others success as his own because he doesn’t make societal contributions. He’s a leech!
Whats the matter ButtPutty, did your goat die on you? You have our sympathy.
You could take him to the butcher shop and make him into goat steaks. Talk about having your goat and eating him too.
A thought to ponder: there is one side of the spectrum here that sure seems obsessed by goats – why is that?…and it always seems to be the same people.
We don’t know.
Why are you trolls obsessed by goats?
(MrC being the exception, preferring Montana sheep.)