Over at The Stranger, Dan Savage and Goldy have teamed up to lay out the Big Case against gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna:
Rob McKenna has been running for governor his entire adult life. And his whole electoral strategy has always relied on tricking enough King County voters—voters like you—into believing he’s not another one of those Republicans. McKenna doesn’t want you to think he’s one of those Romney/Ryan class-warfare-waging, Koch-sucking GOPers who wants to bust unions, repeal Obamacare, ban gay marriage, outlaw abortion, and unravel what remains of the social safety net, all in the service of cutting taxes on corporations and millionaires.
It is an electoral strategy that almost worked for Dino Rossi in 2004, and one that McKenna has been expertly executing for years. You may have seen those posters asking you to vote for President Obama, R-74, and Rob McKenna—McKenna opposes both President Obama and R-74—and it’s clever messaging. It is also a complete and total fucking lie. And McKenna is praying that you’re stupid enough to fall for it.
But you’re not that stupid, are you?
The piece is epic…it systematically, issue by issue, lays out the case that McKenna is NOT the politician that he has been selling to King County voters. It’s a damn fine read, too.
My guess is that, if you’ve read this far, you need no further convincing. You’ve seen the arguments before—probably right here—on each point. But you’re not like every other King County voter, because most King County voters don’t read either HorsesAss or The Stranger.
Instead, they’re reading the Seattle Times Political Action Committee. They probably haven’t a clue about the Real McKenna.
Instead, these arugula-eating, Prius-driving, war-hatin’ liberals may only be listening to KUOW and KPLU. Rob may come off as, meh, but inoffensive; they don’t see the Big Picture.
Instead they’re young, politically disengaged, voters struggling with a minimum wage jobs. They’re likely unaware of the huge stake they have in this race.
What Goldy and Dan have done is given YOU a tool: A detailed, well-written, logical, and organized portfolio of The Real McKenna.
You now have the framework to educate your family, friends and neighbors that Rob Mckenna is no Dan Evans Republican. He is much closer to a Scott Walker—just a lot smarter and more cautious.
Friends don’t let friends get fooled!
Who the fuck who’s making minimum wage can afford a Prius–even a clapped-out used one?
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@2 ha ha ha — that’s what you get for jerking off in the HA comment threads!
Now for the topic of this conversation: McKenna’s trickery. Or, I should say, attempted trickery. As poll results posted in the previous thread indicate, he’s not getting away with it. And that poll is statewide — it would be interesting to see how far down he is in King County, his native stomping ground. And has anyone besides me caught on to the irony of a former Eastern Washington Democrat beating the pants off a King County Republican?
Hey Roger,
Isn’t it time for your election picks?
I still research candidates myself but always like to have your opinion, especially when it comes to the judicial races.
It could be that Inslee might not even need the help of King County Elections folks to get elected.
Yep, there’s The Lie again. Why do Republicans think they need to lie about everything?
re 5: “It could be that Inslee might not even need the help of King County Elections folks to get elected.”
It’s iggri’nt comments like this that put you back at the bottom of the barrel with trolls like Puddybud.
All you have to do is start posturing and mushmouth talkin’ like the Kingfish to be an exact double.
Number one reason not to vote for Inslee…he is borderline retarded.
“Number one reason not to vote for Inslee…he is borderline retarded.”
Classic wingnut PROJECTION. You just told us why you would never vote for yourself!
Believe me…we already knew.
Speaking in very broad generalities:
One of the things I’ve noticed is that the Republicans are (usually) pretty good at supporting their back bench, those who are being groomed for eventual elevation to higher office. Although the Tea Party has disrupted that process somewhat, the Republicans do a pretty good job at recruiting party stallwarts from the College Republicans, inviting and supporting them in the Young Republican organization, and supporting their run for small down-ticket offices as they progress up the ladder from water districts, land commissoners, lower state offices, high state offices, Congress, and eventually the Presidency. Just look at any of the Bush family, and you get an idea of how it works.
Democrats, on the other hand, tend to have to elbow their way into the lower offices and fight their way up each step of the ladder. They aren’t picked by the party for their potential national appeal, most have little more than a local constituancy until they reach the highest offices.
So in order to cut off the Republican attempts to control the state and national agendas, we need to disrupt that process. We do so by removing those Republican candidates who can appear to be moderate, but will follow the Republican party line whenever the party needs them to do so.
Reichart and McKenna are both those types of Republicans. Reichart admitted to supporters he votes for environmentalism when the votes don’t mean anything, but only if given permission to do so by the Republican bosses. McKenna, also, joined the lawsuit against Obamacare only because the national party wanted a 26th state Attorney General to sign on, so they could say they had a majority of the states opposed to the plan.
So even if McKenna was usually a bright, friendly guy, a competent Attorney General and might make a reasonably good governor, we need to vote him into the ranks of the unemployed. We need to do that not just for the sake of this state, but because the governor’s mansion is just a stepping-stone for his higher ambitions (the Presidency, or at least the Senate).
And just to pile on to the Robby Mac train wreck….
Funny thing about Washington Republicans, they get hammered when they let their freak flag of views be known (See Ellen Craswell & John Carlson) and they lose when they pretend they are not freaky bigoted money loving Republicans.
From 7:
It’s iggri’nt comments like this that put you back at the bottom of the barrel with trolls like Puddybud.
All you have to do is start posturing and mushmouth talkin’ like the Kingfish to be an exact double.
I’m not a conservative or a Republican you dolt! I’m glad, however, that I managed to piss off an arrogant fucking asshole like you! Go fuck yourself, Harry. You’re so fucking in love with yourself that you secretly like to sponsor an initiatve that would declare youa supreme being. Eat shit and die!
How many times is this idiot going to run for governor before he discovers “Nobody Likes YOU ROB”. And are there no other Republicans in Washington that could run. Why is it always this TURKEY running?
I’m sick of seeing this scmuck running. He must think Washington voters are stupid, but he’s the stupid one. He keeps doing the same thing and getting the same results. Rob McKenna
give new meaning to “The Biggest Loser”.