That fresh pile of poop on your front lawn, near the walkway? It wasn’t a dog. It was me.
Last night I was visiting friends on the Island, and I had a little too much to drink. So I drove over to your house, scaled the security gate, dropped my pants, and took a dump.
It felt good. (You know, the way you must feel every time your paper shits all over the citizens of Seattle.)
Now I know in a region with a functional, well-funded government, this is the sort of disgusting, uncivil behavior the authorities might investigate and prosecute, but since you clearly hate government (or at least, hate paying for it, and see absolutely no need to leave it in the hands of a qualified executive) I’m guessing you wouldn’t bother to waste precious tax dollars by calling the police over something petty like this.
Oh, and when you have one of your servants clean it up, tell them to double-glove and wear a face mask. I was eating beans.
Remind me to never read HA at the breakfast table.
Yeeeeech! An HA classic to be sure but this one I hope scrolls off the front page rather quickly.
Yet, it does kind of match my feelings for Blethen’s failed fish wrapper.
Note: don’t even wrap fish in it if you catch my drift.
@2 You know what to wrap in it.
To hell with the consequences. I don’t give a shit what anybody thinks (I literally gave a shit to Frank, however).
Impressive Feces
Well formed and copious.
That endorsement really pissed Goldy off. This is his third consecutive thread on the topic.
I don’t blame him. It isn’t even so much who Frank endorsed as how he did it.
You see, Frank didn’t really embrace Hutch, or at least, that wasn’t his primary goal. He’s merely exploiting her candidacy as an opportunity to spit venom at unions.
Which should give her an idea of what to expect if she’s elected. In a word, she shouldn’t expect anything from Frank. He’ll dump her like an aging joint operating agreement the moment a good-looking inheritance tax repeal comes along.
That’s just the way Frank is.
Does Goldy not know that Hutchison is running for King County Executive, and not Mayor of Seattle?
And does Goldy also not know that over 73% of the Seattle Times’ readers live outside the city limits?
PS, there is NO WAY that mangy lawn is Blethen’s. In my fantasies, I imagine his lawn to look lush and well-cared for, like this one:
Goldy – Your post is ridiculous and only shows your lack of intelligence.
To put this in context, the particular union Frank has it in for is the Newspaper Guild, of course. But he can’t get his claws into them until their contract comes up for negotiation again, so the Boeing machinists union and county employee unions will do as surrogates for now. He’s pretty typical of the type of Republican who has a bad day at work, so on his way home, he picks up a random cat and wrings its neck. That’s just how Republicans are. While he’s waiting for the Guild contract to expire, Frank amuses himself by endorsing Hutch and firing half of the newsroom.
Well, crap.
@5 Yes. A good scientist can find out all sorts of things from a turd. Without poop, we wouldn’t know who our ancestors were, much less what they ate. Shit is indispensable to science.
Let me see if I understand this. Goldy is angry that someone doesn’t think like him? He is angry that the owner of the Seattle Times votes differently than himself?
@12 No. You understand nothing. You have no brain.
@12 Troll
No, Goldy is angry that Blethen is a Troll.
@8 You’re an illiterate who knows nothing about allegory. As a feral rabbit with expertise on lawn shit, I think Goldy’s post is a literary tour de force.
Goldy “Tim can I ask a question?”
Eyman “NO, you’re not the media, you’re a joke”
Goldy “I AM THE MEDIA!!”
This is one of the 1000’s of posts that reinforce how NOT the media Goldy is…
Your daughter must be so proud of you today….
Grow up Goldy. This is immature and juvenille (kidding aside) even for your wimpy ass.
16, 17 — So now we have fools who voted for Bush, fell for his WMDs, and stuck with the smirking chimp through endless lies and scandals, preaching to us about “growing up?”
(crickets chirping)
Total fecal tour de’ force, Goldy.
For future reference, may I suggest the old tried and true flaming bag o’ shit, flung with a stout catapult, of course?
And BTW: For maximum effect, gorging on pickled eggs prior to disgorging ammo can’t be beat!
Yes, Grow up.
Nice try RR.
Again, Goldy, Your daughter must be so proud of her father today….
Great lesson for her…
@20 Your problem is you’re too stupid to know you’re stupid.
Re@19: That would be pickled eggs and several pitchers of beer.
Right Stuff,
“This is one of the 1000’s of posts that reinforce how NOT the media Goldy is…”
But then there is the fact that you looked, read, and commented on Goldy’s post…reinforcing that Goldy IS part of the media. You are, apparently, a regular consumer.
Roger Rabbit, if Frank Blethen held the exact same views on things as Goldy, do you believe Goldy would continue to be angry with Blethen? If the answer is no, then doesn’t that tell you that Goldy is angry with Blethen because Blethen doesn’t think exactly like him?
If Blethen does have a security gate, that would tell me Goldy really has been stalking the Blethen family.
OK Darryl, True that…
BTW- today is one of those days where I see light singles out and wonder, “WTF were they thinking…..”
I saw what looked like a 172 heading south down the sammamish river valley, near St Michelle winery.. looked to be ducking the cloud deck….
VALID 180000Z FOR USE 2000-0300Z. TEMPS NEG ABV 24000
FT 3000 6000 9000 12000 18000 24000 30000 34000 39000
SEA 2136 2240+03 2245-02 2247-08
TAF KPAE 171746Z 1718/1818 17014KT P6SM SCT010 OVC020 TEMPO
1718/1719 4SM SHRA BR BKN005 OVC012
FM171900 16014KT 5SM -SHRA BR SCT010 BKN018 TEMPO
1719/1722 2SM SHRA BR SCT006 OVC012
FM172200 16015G23KT P6SM VCTS SCT012 BKN020CB TEMPO
1722/1802 2SM +SHRA BR SCT005 OVC010
FM180200 17015G25KT 5SM -SHRA BR SCT010 BKN018
FM181200 16007KT 4SM BR VCSH SCT004 OVC008
@24 You don’t get it, do you? No, of course you don’t, you don’t get anything. Blethen’s beyond-lame use of his editorial to engage in union-bashing in order to satiate his own personal vendetta against his own employees’ union flew right over your head.
Ok, thank you. Then you are admitting that Goldy becomes angry at people who do not think exactly like him.
I share your feelings, Goldy, but sense that you have just made a waste of good turds.
Bottoms up!
Geez Goldy, I though you were older…but apparently your just a fuckin five-year-old.
@30…What do you expect, he’s from the east coast.
I think it’s becoming clear that Goldy is intolerant of those who do not think exactly like him.
It’s beeen clear for a long time that you troll, are a moronic ignoramus.
Goldy gets to have his view, and post it on HIS blog. You get to have your view and you have the right to post it for someone who cares. Get your own fucking blog you lazy weasel if you don’t like us so much.
Heh. It just came to me. That picture is a perfect likeness of what Stupes, Klynical, Troll, mark, mark1, idiotoflies, the hater @ 31 and the rest of their fellow travellers bring to the table here every freaking day.
Believe like I do or I blow you up! boom boom!
“@15. Roger Rabbit spews:
@8 You’re an illiterate who knows nothing about allegory. As a feral rabbit with expertise on lawn shit, I think Goldy’s post is a literary tour de force.”
Roger – you are wrong again as you are normally! Enjoy the weekend
At first I was surprised that you would condone Drinking and driving, but then remembered that you also sponsor Drinking Liberally events where liberals drink then drive home.
@28 No, you stupid shit.
@30 Which makes him 52 months older than you.
@31 What’s your excuse?
@32 Something like that. But let’s try to narrow the focus a little. He’s intolerant of stupid unpatriotic butt-sniffing wingnut whackamoles like you.
@35 Come’n’get it, towelhead!
@36 I’ve never been wrong and you’ve never been right. Enjoy the weekend yourself, insect.
Well, I was wrong once. I used to be a Republican. Everything about that was wrong. But I saw the light and reformed.
@37 That’s not nearly as bad as being one of those pricks who bitches about unions while collecting union pay and benefits.
wow; nurse ratched backed off the lithium and the left wing whackos go nuts.
Not sure why the hate of Hutchinson…i guess like Palin you hate any woman who isn’t a lefty. (ok, you are lefties, and you can’t like a moderate/righty , i get that, but why the special venom for women who don’t toe your line?)
And i don’t think Hutch is exactlcy conservative. She’s said she’s pro gay , so i’m not even keen w/ her.
Its wierd you all dont realize how your venom for minor things really bolsters people to support folks like her. I will support her only because you all hate her so much.
Oy! Wrongon is back… (groan)…
Gee I didn’t know you were so “anti-gay” wrongon.. What’s wrong with gay people? What did they ever do to you? Are they a threat to the family or something stupid like so many right wingers have said?
We don’t particularly appreciate right wingers because generally they tend to be batshit insane. Cheerleading recreational wars in Iraq, torture, things like that.
Was our disdain for the woman abuser Irons all over “minor things”? If so the “bolstering” shouldn’t be much of a problem for the election of Dow Constantine.
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I don’t hate Hutchinson at all. I just don’t think she is cut out for the job. It has nothing to do with her personally.
I would not hire someone with no interest in learning how to bake to make a wedding cake, I would not hire someone to fix my car that had never even seen an engine and I won’t hire someone to be the executive of the largest county in the state who has never been an actual executive much less interested in politics.
@46 “Not sure why the hate of Hutchinson”
Even though she’s a campaign law violater, a liar, a smear artist, and a BIAW lackey who panders to the loonie wing of the Wingnut Party, we don’t hate her. We just think she’s unqualified, that’s all.
@49 I can think of lots of people that applies to. All the wingnut trolls on this board for example.
Here’s an example of Hutchison’s mealy-mouthed two-faced double-talk. She’s tried to portray herself as the protector of taxpayers from abusive taxation. I’m watching the Suzie-Dow debate on TV and she just endorsed the tunnel. In other words, she just endorsed a huge tax burden — over a billion bucks — on city taxpayers. Well, you can’t have it both ways, Suzie! You can’t be for a tunnel and say you’re against taxes unless you plan to pay for it with helium.
Now she’s calling herself an “environmentalist” because she’s for Puget Sound cleanup. (Another huge tax increase! Or do you plan to pay for that with helium, too?) Fine, as far as that goes, but Suzie is pandering to the property-rights crazies who want to secede from King County so they can bulldoze and pave over the county’s remaining rural areas in order to get a million bucks for property they paid fifty thousand for.
Suzie isn’t against light rail across Lake Washington. She’s only against using road money to build it. Another huge tax increase! That’s right, you can build light rail across Lake Washington, and if Suzie is backing the lawsuit trying to block the funding for it, then money has to come from somewhere else, and there’s no somewhere else except higher taxes! Unless she plans to pay for it with helium.
Helium Suzie is going to pay for everything by taking health benefits away from bus drivers and jail guards.
Well, the debate’s over, and I have to say that Suzie’s years of TV anchor experience shows. She’s definitely slick. Dow, lacking her on-camera experience, looks a little more awkward. And Suzie obviously has spent a lot of time working with the best media consultants that developers’ money can buy to polish her presentation. Folksy anecdotes, and so on. But it’s all very contrived, and all it does is put pretty wrapping paper and a pretty ribbon around a box of bullshit.
Balloon Girl pumped out enough helium on TV tonight to fly cross the Pacific Ocean.
If you’re wondering why people don’t think this is a tasteful blog, at least you now know why.
ylb arschloch is a stupid ignorant historian.
Arschloch, How many times has the US entered another country militarily without a declaration of war?
Hey, I’m a female. But I’m not stupid. Voted yesterday, no way was I voting for someone so inexperienced as Hutchinson.
Just like I wouldn’t vote for a quitter twit like Palin, just because she knew how to wink.
Goldy – I don’t appreciate my comments being censored. How did they violate policy. Did the comments hurt?
Seattle Times Ridicules Hutchison’s Claims
Two separate articles by two different ST reporters debunk Suzie’s portrayal of Dow Constantine as a “big spender” and her touting of her own achievements at Seattle Symphony.
Reporter Keith Ervin wrote,
“When the … King County Council began deliberations on the 2007 budget … Dow Constantine … whack[ed] $3 million from … Ron Sims’ proposed budget and [increased] reserves. … Constantine … claims a record of financial restraint, focus on efficiency and spending cuts. It’s a far different description from the one offered by … Susan Hutchison, who paints him as a free-spending incumbent who … allowed the cost of government to spiral out of control.”
Meanwhile, reporter Bob Young writes,
“Susan Hutchison says she saved the Seattle Symphony from the brink of bankruptcy. … But … its budget problems, like King County’s, haven’t been fixed. The symphony ended its fiscal year … with a $1.2 million deficit. … Melinda Bargreen, former Seattle Times music critic, who covered the Seattle Symphony for 31 years, agreed: ‘The truth is, the symphony was not saved.’”
This is juvenile and reduces your credibility. And that’s coming from a fan who agrees 100% with your opinion of the Times’s endorsement.
Lots of projection going on here. If Suzie is a spender and inexperienced, yipes, don’t foist Dow off on us. For that matter, don’t give us any tired King County council hacks.
I still don’t get the vileness against the women…you all trash them worse than the men…are they ignoring their new place in your soviet new world (no blacks or women allowed to stray from the party line)?
Nope. Nothing against women. Just disgust and disdain towards an empty suit who puts on airs of entitlement just because she’s had her face on the tube.
67 – Her “qualifications” besides being a talking head include spending a rich man’s money and something with the symphony?
Wow! I’m so impressed!
This fool@68 is worrying about Sue’s qualifications from his ratty chair while his wife slaves in the kitchen, at her job, and she wipes his sorry ASS too. You can see this fool isn’t cultured. The symphony is fun fool. So are plays.
Ohhh sorry… you can’t afford that fun since you are really trying hard for that next job here 18 hours a day 7 days a week. Thought by now you’d answer #61.
69 – Wow Stupes. So Sue is into “fun things” – that makes her qualified to run a county with a bigger budget than some states and a whole slew of responsibilities from law enforcement, animal control, to sewage treatment and public transportation. Not only that but she has to chart an effective way forward to maintain the services people expect and make things even better even both quality of life and business climate.
Based on what she’s done so far in her various jobs I don’t believe she’s up to the task. Instead I believe she’ll just do whatever BIAW and developers want her to do.
let’s see what else… uhhhh… hmmm.. #61..
F you!
Why do you all ignore how badly Chairman Dow and Sims and the council have screwed things up? you focus on Hutchinson not being on the council…which to me is either great (she wasn’t one of the morons) or neutral in that she didn’t do anything related.
How does Dow feel about our bloated spending on the light rail to nowwhere?
There ylb arschloch projects again…
Puddy said they were fun things for Puddy. Puddy don’t speak for Sue. Butt as always you speak for everyone! This is why we laugh at you ylb arschloch, an arschloch position for everything.
And still the HA unemployed arschloch. We already saw what Ron “Max Tax” Sims did to King County with his positions you so loudly proclaim here fool!
“I’ve never been wrong and you’ve never been right. Enjoy the weekend yourself, insect.”
Hmmm… that’s not what this guy thinks:
Libertarian said:
“Roger Rabbit, how does it feel good to be a lying ideologue? What does it feel like to be an blind and arrogant liar?”
still no job for ylb?
Reminds me of that quote from SNL: “I’ve got chunks of guys like you in my stool!” So there….
@73 “Roger Rabbit, how does it feel good to be a lying ideologue? What does it feel like to be an blind and arrogant liar?”
Why are you asking me? I don’t know. Why don’t you ask someone with experience in this stuff, such as your friends?
@74 Why would he want a job? Why would anyone? What’s a job good for? It’s the worst way of getting money there is. The hardest. The most taxed. The least respected. I don’t work. I play the stock market for fun, capital gains, and tax breaks.
Isn’t that a still from a Frank Copra movie?
It’s about time we finally got a picture of the inside of Goldy’s
workingnon-functioning brain housing group.Just as I pictured it…
So David, what city did you find Blethen’s yard to be in? Seattle? Auburn?
Most of the time I just disagree with you but support your right to your views and keep my mouth shut and my keyboard silent. This time I just can’t help but think of what a moron you can be.
Others have promoted your getting a new radio program. I will now push to keep you off of the air and save those presious local radio jobs for an adult.
Not only is this further proof that Goldy is somewhat mentally imbalanced, it’s also pretty disgusting that he chose to drink and drive and endangered other drivers not inebriated out on the road. Time to grow up, Goldy.
@82: Ouch! Well said dude/damen.
More liberal brains lost on yet anmother lawn. Will the horror ever stop?
Just more of your spewing I see. You know, the state does now reqire insurers to carry mental health benefits in their coverage. Perhaps you should take advantage of it.
Seek help Goldy.