From The Hill:
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave’s (R-Colo.) entrance into the contentious battle for the open Appropriations Committee seat pits the House campaign committee chairman against two of his most vulnerable members.
And who is the other “most vulnerable” member seeking to plump up his coffers via a lucrative seat on the Appropriations Committee? None other than our own “Desperate Dave” Reichert.
The NRCC spent $1.8 million to defend Musgrave and $2.3 million defending Reichert last cycle. Both members narrowly won reelection and are once again targets for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).
Musgrave defeated Democrat Angie Paccione 46 to 43 percent. Reichert faces a rematch in 2008 against his 2006 challenger, Democrat Darcy Burner, whom he defeated 51 to 49 percent.
And that $2.3 million doesn’t even include the god-knows-how-much RNC money Karl Rove spent directing 585,164 voter contacts into the 8th Congressional District, a stunning 41,666 on election day alone!
With Musgrave now in contention for the Appropriations seat, Reichert can pretty much kiss his chances goodbye. Both lay equal claim to the need to prop up a vulnerable incumbent, but Reichert’s call for geographical diversity is trumped by Musgrave’s: currently, no Colorado member sits on the 36-seat panel, whereas Washington is well represented on the Democratic side by appropriations-savvy Rep. Norm Dicks.
Which I suppose explains why Reichert is suddenly changing his tune. On Friday he anxiously told reporters that “I need a seat now. Those open seats for people who are in safe seats will come later.” But in the face of Musgrave’s equally desperate challenge, Reichert spokesman Mike Shields is now touting loftier objectives:
“[Reichert] is the person who will help the conference the most … Dave is for more transparency and accountability.”
Yeah… um… ’cause what could be more transparent than admitting on camera that he votes the way his party leadership tells him to vote, because “I have to do that over here … I have to be able to be very flexible in where I place my votes”…? And really, who should be held more accountable for Gary Ridgeway’s 18-year killing spree than the detective who dismissed him as suspect early in the investigation despite an eyewitness account?
“Transparent” and “accountable”… yeah, that’s Dave Reichert. And nothing could be more transparent than Reichert’s desperate effort to prop up his flagging campaign by securing himself a seat on the lucrative Appropriation’s Committee.
Thanks for the great link on Reichert and his inept job as head of the Green river Task force – I have seen most of this before, but not in one place.
Gee- where is puddy when you need him? tell us how great a job Reichert did on the green river task force! this link makes it very clear that Reichert, was, at best, a second rate cop who went after the wrong guy, didn’t follow the leads, didn’t initiate surveillance until too late and generally was nothing but a publicity hound.
Luckily, he has followed that up with his pathetic performance as a congressman.
Don’t forget “invisible”:
Still not much of a “record of independence and bi-partisan leadership”!
Doesn’t matter which of these clowns gets the seat because they’re both short-timers anyway.
@1 Nah, confronted with irrefutable evidence of Sheriff Blowdry’s ineptitude, puttybrains will just spew that this is a slam on the other dedicated men and women of the task force who worked on the case. That’s a falsehood, of course; it’s not the fault of Washington Mutual’s tellers and loan officers that their CEO made strategic mistakes that brought their company to ruin.
Yea, I remember when they first televised the show on the Green River Killer, which featured Reichart interviewing Ridgeway. But he wasn’t asking questions. He wasn’t fishing for information. He was making a speech, to Ridgeway, but for the benefit of the camera, about what a horrible human being Ridgeway was.
At the time, well before Reichart announced he was running for Congress, I remember thinking: “That’s very strange. It serves no law enforcement purpose. If anything, it puts an end to any further cooperation from the defendant. This only makes sense if Reichart is planning on becoming a politician soon”.
Normally, I’m loath to second-guessing something as complicated as the investigation into a serial killer. Those involved have lots of information they have to sift and distill, to determine what is important and what is not, and just about as many theories, all of which are plausible until investigated and discounted. It’s not really fair to cherry-pick the items which ultimately prove to be important after years of investigation, and criticize the investigator for not recongizing their significance at the time.
But in Reichart’s case, I find the comments by his supervisors and fellow investigators fairly compelling. If they think he did more to sidetrack the investigation than to solve it, I defer to their expert opinions.
By the way, has ANYBODY discovered ANYTHING that Reichart has accomplished after three years in office? I certainly don’t recall anything. During his election campaign he tried to propose a plan for the U.S. Dept. of Justice to be required to document and track gang activity “in suburban areas”. Like his district, perhaps? If this was such a good idea, then why didn’t he do it when he was Sherriff? And how was the Dept. of Justice going to do anything with this information, since they were supposed to do it without any additional funding, or no resources apportioned for the task? Election-year grandstanding was all it was.
It seems to me if you want transparency and accountability, the best way to get it is by replacing Republicans with Democrats.
@5 “By the way, has ANYBODY discovered ANYTHING that Reichart has accomplished after three years in office?”
Nothing. Nothing at all. He hasn’t even hugged a rabbit.
Ridgway’s IQ is only 82? That’s interesting. It sure doesn’t make Reichert look good that a killer only slightly smarter than a candidate for a sheltered workshop eluded capture for 20 years. Any thinking person will have to attribute that to police stupidity, not the killer’s smarts.
RR: @8
Hey – please do not denigrate Ridgeway’s IQ – he could still fill important postions in FEMA or the Bush justice dept.
also @6:
another grammatical error – please do not put republican and accountability in the same sentence!
I was not aware of the fact that Reichert didn’t recognize that Wendy Coffert was linked to the later cases. Several dead girls in the life who ended up dead in the same stretch of river? How can you not wonder if they weren’t linked? How do people with no intuition make detective? (I know how they make Congresscritters, but by the FSM, how unimaginative is this vanilla wafer anyway?)
rhp: Yeah – I remember now, Melvin foster was the guy they tried to pin it on – but Reichert couldn’t come up with any evidence and the killings kept happening even though the cab driver was under surveillance.
Reichert fixated on this guy to the exclusion of all other suspects – but the most damning thing in this article is that Reicherts boss said he impeded the investigation.
Where is Puddy when you need him?
You people sure have a hard-on for this guy Reichert.
You are all just envious of the PRODUCERS and all you can do is whine and complain.
We have all the great ideas: Like taxing the middle class out of existence because they practice cultural and class warfare.
How’s zat for a Puddy impersonation?
Ugh. This account gives an all-too-plausible impression of Sheriff Dave as another closet perv hiding behind a facade of authoritarianism and piety.
I have to admit that it must have been difficult for any of those who worked that horrid case for years not to have wound up a little bent…but for the boss to step in and attempt that kind of a grandstand play when the heavy lifting was already done is really embarrassing–particularly if he fucked it up!
This also fits perfectly well with Norm Stamper’s characterization of Reichert in his book Breaking Rank as an unprofessional, egotistical boor.
Reichert was a career cop, muddling his way into upper-mid-management, when the opportunity to run for Sheriff coincided with the weirdest wackjob in decades being the only man running against him. Then the GP targeted him as a potential candidate, had him give the “interview” with Ridgeway (which all our local channels dutifully aired and covered as “news.” He beat a local radio host for the open 8TH CD seat by less than 5%, then nearly lost to an unknown upstart cadidate in 2006 as the incumbent by less than 3%.
He has no platform, no vision, and barely won an election that a competent candidate would have walked away with, with the resources of majority behind him, a massive infusion of party money, and the franking privilege he used to send out glossy, four-color political ads within an inch of election law violation.
Now he’s a minority back-bench whiny butt in need of a long trip home.
thanks I needed a dose of the usual right wing BS to liven my day and you came through.
Next time don’t give it away with the last couple of lines – really believe (in your heart) that Bush is great for america and anyone who questions you on that is a complete idiot.
@12: politically pathetic:
Gee- a hard on? I don’t think so – but we know an incompetent when we see one. Bush, Brownie and Reichert – republican politicians without a clue. Shoot – reichert makes old “wide stance” Larry Craig look lucid in comparison. I haven’t heard as much about the “big tent” the republican party supposedly has after all the out of the closet republicans have been exposed. Maybe the tent wasn’t so big after all – seems the republicans have turned on their own – if they were in the closet.
where are all the right wing defenders of Reichert?
Licking their tails after their losses on the stock market.
the Bush economy is beating their tails too.
Gee, no response to my questions from the right wing? Won’t anybody come to Reichart’s defense and reply?
By the way, has ANYBODY discovered ANYTHING that Reichart has accomplished after three years in office? I certainly don’t recall anything.
It would be a fair argument that he was in the minority for this past year, and that limited his ability to accomplish much. But what about the previous two years? Did he just spend two years collecting a paycheck, soliciting campaign contributions, and preparing to run for re-election?
“This also fits perfectly well with Norm Stamper’s characterization of Reichert in his book Breaking Rank as an unprofessional, egotistical boor.”
You mean the Norm Stamper who fubared the SPD response to the 1999 WTO riots when Dave Reichert was the only law enforcement leader to take action against looters, thieves, and thugs while Ol’ Norm stood by and let it happen? That Norm Stamper?
The Norm Stamper whose incompetence cost Paul Schell his job when he got creamed by current Mayor Quarters and Mark Sidran – that’s MARK SIDRAN!!! – in a primary election?
The Norm Stamper who’s a lefty loon, ACLU supporting, death penalty opponent who thinks the police are the bad guys?
The Norm Stamper who’s without a doubt the worst police chief Seattle has had since the heyday of 1950’s and 1960’s tolerance policies?
Stamper is jealous of Reichert, and that’s pretty obvious.
The Piper
In the last three years, Dave found a faaabulous hairdressser. Does that count?
Yes, Norm Stamper and his ridiculous notions that a police department need not brutalize their citizen employers puts him in the odious company of those batshit-crazy “tolerant” *ahem* people.
19 I take it you don’t particularly like Mr. Stamper.
Somehow I’m not surprised.
By the way…as someone who had to go to work within a whiff of tear gas’s distance from the “festivities”…I’d say your memory of those events is a trifle distorted.
(Gimme a break here, folks. I’m trying to be kind to this poor fool.)
when Reichert’s boss says that Reichert’s focus on the wrong guy (due to personality differences they had) impeded the investigation – well, that isn’t exactly a vote of confidence for the competence of congressman Reichert.
23 CNR
But Reichert’s boss was clearly one of those namby-pamby “tolerants.” Probably thinks that we should give Gary Ridgeway some ice cream and a ticket to the circus.
Hey, um, how many WTO arrests were thrown out later as violations of the civil liberties of legitimate protestors?
You know, I mean arrrests by that famous tough guy Dave “Don’t touch the hair” Reichert?
Dave Reichert’s Congressional Accomplishments in 3 years.
Congressman Reichert has championed work on health care in the 110th Congress and throughout his tenure in office. His most recent health care accomplishments include: Founding and Co-Chairing the bipartisan Congressional Children’s Health Care Caucus; sponsoring and passing an amendment to bolster children’s emergency medical care (H.R. 3043), leading the fight in Congress to significantly increase funding for critical medical research at the National Institutes of Health, and serving in the Centrist Health Care Coalition, a congressional working group that meets monthly to explore and discuss a range of bipartisan, pragmatic ideas for reforming our health care system.
Jay Inslee’s Congressional accomplishments in during 10 years of service.
Key Legislation.
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Darcy Burner’s Liftime achievements in Government: She was on her homeowners accociations board.
All-wrong-not-right @ 17,
If you had any fucking brains you’d be investing like a bastard in the market. Even RR is smart enough to take advantage of a good opportunity.
And, personally, I could give a shit about Reichert: I was just commenting that you nimrods are frothing at the lips over the dumbass. Fuck you in the nostrils, dick-face!
When you have young punk ass libs demonstatig in a city controled by elite libs you get the WTO riots.
Sherriff Davey…Ron Sims’ worst. Appointment. Ever. A hot dogging clown who apparently believes budgets are just made to be broken.
And he wants a seat on APPROPRIATIONS?
Re: 30, Reichert was elected not selected.
The queen was the only one selected in this state. Re elect Dino. roof roof
@30: That’s not what history says. In 1996 voters approved a measure making the sheriff’s position an elective office. Sims filled an open slot selecting Reichert to finish the term until the next election, which Riechert won as the ‘incumbent’ eight months later.
@28: “If you had any fucking brains you’d be investing like a bastard in the market.”
The market is still trading at the high end of historic PE ratios, and is still above long term trend.
Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
And don’t forget to always ask: “Where are all the customers’ yachts?”
RE: 33, you got me there, he was a sims appointee for 8 months before he was easily elected. I didn’t know that, thanks.
correctnotright says: Blah blah blah
Where did I say he did a great job on the task force? I said he wasn’t the main dude you make him out to be. He was a leader but his supervisors verified everything.
The last time you made an ASS of yourself I asked you:
How many polygraph tests were given to Gary Ridgway?
Who gave the polygraph tests to Gary Ridgway?
Who determined Gary Ridgway wasn’t their culprit?
You continue to impugn Frank Adamson, Jackson Beard, Randy Mullinax, Dan Nolan, Rupe Lettich, Cheri Luxa, Matt Haney, Bob Keppel, Sue Peters, Mike Hatch, Jon Mattsen, Matt Haney, and Fae Brooks who also worked the case. So buy your reckoning they are bad cops, worthless investigators? Due tell stupid one.
I’m sure Reichert’s superior officer at the time Lt. Dick Kraske would have something to say about your stupidity too.
You are such a piece of work nevercorrectstillnotbright. I hope King County Sherrifs never figure out who you are.
I provide facts. You are just a liar. Just about everything you’ve said about Reichert has been thoroughly disputed by Puddyfacts!
You make all these incorrectnotright claims and scurry away. You won’t engage in a dialog because you’ll be destroyed. You are just like Clueless. You run from facts.
Where is your defense of poor old Dave Reichert?
Dave Ross or Darcy Burner would’ve made far better Congressman than the ol’ Sheriff. Instead you resort to attacking the messenger Norm Stamper.
Goldy Links to another left wing website to support his spin. My question would be to Frank Atchley who apparently was Reichert’s supervisor. If he was so bad and women were being murdered, why didn’t you get rid of him Frank?
From Goldy’s left wing link. Another question would be to the P-I or Blatherwatch, why do I have to ask that question regarding Frank Atchley, I am a citezen not a fake reporter.
Blatherwatch: (they didn’t provide a link to the supposed P-I story they supposedley quoted but hey, that’s how politics works.
“Frank Atchley, who supervised Reichert in the 1980s, told the P-I that Reichert “actually was more of an impediment to the investigation. He was probably the worst detective I’ve ever worked with,” Atchley said. “He developed tunnel vision.”
RE: 37. 2cents says:
“Dave Ross or Darcy Burner would’ve made far better Congressman than the ol’ Sheriff. Instead you resort to attacking the messenger Norm Stamper.”
Are you a physic or do you have some proof of that statement?
rhp6033 says: ????
I just did this Google search Reichert impede the green river investigation and all I saw was lefties for Burner saying it. Show me a link I can read where this “claim” is? I posted his fellow investigators and how novercorrectnottobright impugned them too.
Goldy, This is the first time I have read Blatherwatch. Why would you link to a site that has no links to prove what they are saying? All I see there and here because you linked to it are two left wingers having a fantasy chat. You can do better can’t you ?
Rob and Puddybud @38, 40, and 41:
The PI article in question is at and includes Reichert’s supervisors saying the things quoted on Blatherwatch.
Interestingly, it was the first link when I Googled “Atchley Reichert impediment” so if you need some remedial tutorials in how to use Google, I am sure some of the other commenters would be happy to help.
Why didn’t Frank Atchley talk about how the FBI dropped the case when they reopened Gary’s file in 1986?
rob @41,
Half the post is in fucking quotes. What… you think he made up all those quotes?
Michael Hood is a freelance journalist published in a number of local publications. The link was to Part II of a two part post in which he summarizes an academic text and a published book. Those are his sources. Check out Part I for the details.
Fred: Sure you’ll get that as the first link. The operative search not to put “Atchley’s name in the search to see if others have that thought.
I see Frank has a hard-on for Dave. Where are the others?
Re: 42 and 44. Why yes actually I do, now that I READ the article. You should maybe try it.
“Supervisors’ evaluations of Reichert during that time mostly describe a diligent worker and key task force member. Reviews of Reichert by both Atchley and La Moria say positive things, too: “You are clearly an asset to the Task Force!” says a review the two supervisors co-wrote of Reichert in 1987 (PDF. They rated his performance as “an overall exceeds officer.”
I couldn’t find the mythical quote from blatherwatch that
“Frank Atchley, who supervised Reichert in the 1980s, told the P-I that Reichert “actually was more of an impediment to the investigation. He was probably the worst detective I’ve ever worked with,” Atchley said. “He developed tunnel vision.”
Was it in a different artical or did Blatherwatch make it up?
Oh wait, I found it, it was right before they wrote this.
Supervisors’ evaluations of Reichert during that time mostly describe a diligent worker and key task force member. Reviews of Reichert by both Atchley and La Moria say positive things, too: “You are clearly an asset to the Task Force!” says a review the two supervisors co-wrote of Reichert in 1987 (PDF. They rated his performance as “an overall exceeds officer.”
I guess evaluations that actually mean something and are put in writing to the citizens of King County mean less than some ramblings sherrif’s turned political hacks 15 years later.
Goldy, you and blatherwatch are easlily fooled.
Goldy and his Minions, I just found this: Search on Ridgway.
My point is Goldy in case you missed it is while Atchley and La Moria were supposedly unhappy with Reicherts work they were writing glowing reviews of his work. Maybe they were lying then or maybe they were lying in 2006, Oh maybe about the time of an election.
I report you decide.
OK trolls. Tough bitches you are. You can write yourselves a blank check and own the world. I’m really impressed.
Which public men’s room(s) are you trolling in tonight?
Sorry, but you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube after you have spurted it out.
Lookie here@51: Something crawled from the toilet.
Thorn never says anything worthwhile.
So incorrectneverrightnottobright: Can you answer the Reichert History lesson? Are you searching the Internet looking for those answers like you did on the Philadelphia Project?
Yeah, Right!
Goldy, it does answer my question why didn’t Atchley and La Moria fire him if they thought he was “impeding the investigation”. They were to busy writing glowing reviews of Reicherts work. They only decided he didn’t do such a good job right before an election. In my opinion Atchey and La Moria lie alot depending on the political climate.
Behold the power of the interwebs Goldy, I can see now why blatherwatch doesn’t provide links. Someone might read the whole article.
Rob, I want them to answer who gave the polygraph tests. That’s a simple question.
“Ridgway’s IQ is only 82? That’s interesting. It sure doesn’t make Reichert look good that a killer only slightly smarter than a candidate for a sheltered workshop”
MR starts at 79. Just curious how knew about that and sheltered work shops?
Re: 56, I don’t know that much about the details of Green River. I do know that Reicherts supervisors were praising him in writing when the investigation was going on and one month befor his re-election to the House were all of a sudden changing their tune. You would think the Propoganda-Intellegencer reporter would have questioned them on that? Or maybe not.
@55 & 56
Where’s your defense of the Congressman?
You read between the lines of a P-I article, that doesn’t seem to praise him much as a Sheriff.
Blog oh great ones. What has Reichert done for Washington state?
Re: 59. See 27
Re: 59. The P-I isn’t praising a republican???? Wow that’s a first.
@27: rob
Umm- didn’t reichert vote against s-chip? so all that supposed health care stuff he worked on served what purpose?
I can’t vote for a partisan congressman who voted against S-chip.
1) Reichert is not my congressman so what I say has no bearing in what his constituents think
2) Praise – Well I already said there were deputies who had big time shenanigans in the office. Unfortunately that mindset started with his predecessor. I showed that too.
3) Why not take the Puddy History Test.
I provide the test but none of the Minions will step up!
Reformed: While there were good things in Schip there were many bad sections. Did you miss the Puddymemo? Search the site.
Re: 62. I don’t know if he did or didn’t. I’ll check. Personally I am against S Chip though. I don’t believe people making $85,000 a year including adults need my help with their medical insurance. That is why it failed.
Bwahaaahaaaaha, I just ordered a new bumper sticker for the race for President.
Monica Lewinsky’s Ex-Boyfreinds Wife
For President!
Re: 59. Other than serving on her homeowners association board, What exactly has Darcy Burner done for the State of Washington?
Would that be nothing, like no community service, no local government experience, no anything?
Ok thanks.
Washington State Caucus sucks second to only one in the United States.
Legislature now has second largest gay caucus in U.S.
28, 34 – The market risk now is that corporate profits are likely to fall, but no one knows how much, which makes short-term valuation extremely difficult to do. WaMu is a good example: What if you buy a stock based on it’s P/E, estimated earnings, and yield; and then, a short time later, the company announces huge asset writedowns and slashes its divided by 76%? You may not live long enough to see the stock reach your target price.
Careful investors avoid uncertainty like the plague, and the market is full of uncertainty right now. I’m planning to make a couple of limited moves (buying, not selling) but it’s awfully hard to value those stocks and make a judgment on the plausibility of target prices in the absence of earnings visibility.
its not it’s
In general, though, when newspapers run front-page stories about how bad the market is, that’s usually the bottom — and a buy signal.
Rob, irrespective of facts, when the Goldy NorthWest Division of Moonbat! Donkey NEW Progressive Leftist Liberal Minions gets a thought into their head, no amount of real facts will change their minds.
And they claim we on the right are scary. Look at the jackbooted goose stepping ones on this topic.
Rob at 27: Thanks for the info. I guess it never occurred to me to check the info which the Congressmen’s staff inserted into the Congressional website.
I’ll have to look at the details later, when I have more time. I’m usually never impressed much by campaign-literature language such as “championed work on…”, “leading the fight in Congress for…”, because they are relatively meaningless phrases. or merely serving on caucuses or committees, which are expected to be part of their normal duties. Now, “Sponsoring and passing an amendment to bolster children’s emergency medical care (H.R. 3043)” is at least a specific claim which can be researched, so I will do it in the future.
This is the part overlooked: “Larry Mayes, a now retired commander who worked on the task force, says those criticizing Reichert now simply have personal axes to grind. For instance, in later years, Reichert twice denied promotions to Atchley, Mayes said.”
Frank does have a hard-on after all. Maybe Frank was the incompetent one.
rhp6033: I like you so here’s some Puddyhelp for you:
“House Approves Labor-HHS Funding Bill
Also on Thursday, the House approved, by a vote of 276 to 140, the fiscal year 2008 Labor, HHS and Education appropriations bill (H.R. 3043). While this legislation does not include any funding for the Trauma/EMS program, an amendment was offered by Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA) to increase funding for the EMSC program by $2.5 million. The Reichert amendment was agreed to without opposition and the total funding for EMSC now stands at $22.3 million in the House bill.” – American College of Emergency Physicians.
Reformed: Here is Reichert’s Schip response. I think the 16%ers misrepresented his position here too.
In addition to the $50 billion slash and burn of seniors’ Medicare plans, Reichert opposed final passage of H.R. 3162, [schip] because it would also cut the following Medicare programs over the next 10 years:
– $6.5 billion from Medicare nursing home benefits;
– $7.2 billion from seniors’ Medicare home health benefits;
– $11.4 billion from acute care hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, long term care hospitals;
– $6 billion for seniors with home oxygen equipment;
– $3.4 billion for dialysis facilities for seniors with kidney problems;
– $2.9 billion for specialty hospitals; and,
– $900 million by limiting seniors’ access to power wheelchairs.
You saying donkeys were against seniors in this bill Reformed, rhp6033, correctnotright? So all of you who have elderly parents or grandparents supported the donkey position on those programs too? Whodathunk dat?
Darcy Burner sponsored a…
Choose two (2) correct answers:
1) Local program
2) Childrens walk
3) Tulip Planting
4) Home show
5) Anti-Bush Rant
6) ????
5 & 6
@65: rob and Puddy
Reichert voted against the compromise Schip bill (not the 85K bill for a family of 6 – have you acrtully calculated your family medical expenses lately?)) – following in lockstep with his fearless leader GWB. the guy votes identically to Bush and Bush is about as popular in the 8th as….hmm, hard to think of anyone as morally bankrupt and inept….
the damn medical expenses are cutting into everything – they make us less competitive – even business is getting behind some reform. Of course bush and the republicans (DelaY) pushed through the plan B drug plan written and supported by the big Pharma and costing us all money by nmaking us pay retail for drugs that canada gets for less.
this was just one big coporate ripoff that we are all paying for in higher taxes and health care benefits – way to go Bush!
Piper’s a ‘Good German’.
correctnotright: Are you sure? Cuz I will do my PuddyStudy on this comment later.