Republican challenger Ernest Huber says incumbent Rep. Dave Reichert "has sold us out and has disqualified himself for office."
Looks like Rep. Dave Reichert has drawn himself a teabagger challenger, and he appears to be a doozy.
Ernest Huber, with 21 years of service to his name in the United States Army, Air Force and Navy (what… he couldn’t hack the Marines?) has now officially filed with both the SOS and the FEC, and has some pretty harsh words for the incumbent:
Reichert has sold us out and has disqualified himself for office.
In 1997, King County Executive Ron Sims, a Progressive, appointed his friend Dave Reichert as King County sheriff. Sims and Reichert endorsed each other in 1997 and 2001. In 2004, Reichert was elected as a Republican to Congress from the Eastside’s 8th Congressional District. He has voted against our party in Congress hundreds of times, and has had no bills enacted. He’s a follower, not a leader. Reichert has been called a RINO, but he is much worse. His ideology is “moderate” Progressivism. Our district is not Progressive. He does not represent us. Reichert has to go.
Reichert’s sole job is on the corrupt Progressive Charlie Rangel’s House Ways and Means Committee. It oversees borrowing by the Treasury Department’s Bureau of the Public Debt from the private Federal Reserve bank. It allocates money, then writes the nation’s tax bills and raises revenue to pay for the debt. This Committee is a cesspool of pork, earmarks, lobbyists, and bankers. Reichert is also on its Oversight Subcommittee, which theoretically investigates wrongdoing by Obama’s administration. Remember that as you read the following samples of his voting record, because Reichert is an insider who knows exactly what he’s doing to us, our district, and our nation. This is cold-blooded betrayal.
And Huber only gets more strident from there, as he launches into a 9,000 word “Conservative Manifesto” that includes such teabagger staples as repealing health care reform, eliminating both the IRS and the Federal Reserve, closing off the Mexican border and deporting all “invaders,” and immediately deposing the “radical communist” Obama:
After his election, Obama and his followers began incrementally overthrowing our government and installing a dictatorship. They must be immediately arrested and jailed by whatever means necessary. Impeachment can come later.
Now that’s the kinda plain spoken patriotism that makes one proud to be an American, and if our local Tea Partiers have any integrity or balls, you’d think they’d rally to Huber’s support, rather than sheepishly collude with a RINO who appeases environmentalists (or “Leninists,” as Huber calls them) and votes Yes on “Soviet-style” cap and trade.
But of course, our Tea Partiers don’t have integrity or balls — they’re just pawns of the usual corporatist suspects — so don’t expect Reichert to spend much time looking over his shoulder to the right this cycle, as he instead tries to patch up his moderate image after the embarrassing leaked audio fiasco.
Free ads for Huber!
Invite him to DL!
I offer to “do” a bumper sticker: “Huber Uber Alles”
What a maroon.
Eliminationism at it’s finest.
Damned auto spell check.
His manifesto says his website is for “traditional Democrats”. I presume he wants to return to slavery.
I don’t think so. After all, cotton caused slavery. We don’t grow cotton in Washington. It’s too cold for that here.
This one goes to 11.
Too bad Reichart doesn’t have to debate this guy in a primary. With the “top two” system, a marginal candidate such as this one could be safely ignored by Reichart.
Come to think of it, perhaps that’s the point. Someone with a true Machiavellian mindset might decide that the way to make Reichart look good in comparison is to convince some REAL whacko to challenge him. In the meantime, the left and the media spend way to much time giving this guy attention he doesn’t need, allowing Riechart to fly in under the radar again.
Has anybody seen what Rove’s been doing lately? This is just the type of tactics he has in his bag of tricks. Send out some operatives to convince this guy that he’s got a real chance, give him a little seed money (but not too much), and set him loose. Reichart and the Democratic challenger still make it to the general election, but Reichart looks a little better by then than he does now.
But as much as I want to resist discussing this wingnut, I have to point out that by advocating the arrest of Obama and “his followers” without waiting for impeachment, he is advocating the armed overthrow of the U.S. government (not to mention Article I, Sec. 6, Par. 1., which protects lawmakers from arrest while Congress is in session).
So much for a platform of protecting the U.S. Constitution.
Gee, what a strange resume.
Air Force sergeant from ’63-68, something to do with intelligence and survival school training. I presume that he started out as a private in 63?
Goes to school at Gonzaga, gets a four-year degree in ’72, presumably on the G.I. Bill.
Graduates from Gonzaga Law School in ’75. Presumably his legal reasoning skills have deteriorated with age.
Nothing listed for ’75 -’78. Interesting gap. Wonder what he was doing then?
Goes back into service, switching to the Army as a Warrant Officer, 78-80 (kind of a bridge whereby an enlisted man is recognized as a semi-officer, usually researved for very experienced NCO’s with special skills). He’s an interrogation technition. Waterboarding?
Suddenly switches from the Army to the Navy, serves twelve years 1980-94 (through the Reagan, Bush Sr., and first two years of the Clinton administration). He retires as a Lt. Commander. Why the switch in services, again? Did he hit a wall in the Army (bad performance review, etc.)?
Nothing for the next 16 years, other than serving as regional chair for the Issaquah Republicans. Well, he’s retired, I guess that’s no big deal one way or another.
I’d do some more research on this guy, trying to fill in the gap in time, but considering his self-published statements, why bother? You can’t bring up anything more crazy in his background than what he’s already bragging about on his own website.
So we have two anti-government Republican candidates that have never drawn a paycheck anyplace but the government vs a person who was extraordinarily successful in the private sector and has now committed to public service.
“Regional Chair of Issaquah Republicans 1997-1998”
Why do idiots so frequently rise to the top of the GOP?
He didn’t last very long at the top.
@14: Neither did Sarah Palin.
He looks like that guy from the first season of the x-files.
Jerry Hardin aka Deep Throat.
I bet that show is really popular with teabaggers – that right wing, Art Bell kind of paranoia.
21 years of active welfare and now drawing tax-payer funded retirement with paid health care. And he’s anti-gubmint.
You can’t make this shit up.
rhp @ 10
Teabaggers are very choosy about which parts of the Constitution they like. Some parts, like the 17th Amendment (direct election of United States Senators), for instance, they quite detest and want to repeal. Here’s a great article concerning the Teabaggers’ nonsense in this regard:
Whatever his failings, they pale in comparison to dumber than a carrot Patty. She can do us great harm by her votes; him less so.
He should keep Reichert under a majority in the primary …
And the lunatics, sociopaths and religious fanatics (oops, repeating myself) come out of the woodwork. American Taliban indeed. This has the smell of KKKarl Rove all over it.
Take one limpdick do-nothing congressman, add a good dose of outright psychosis and gently stir.
I really hope this guy gets the nomination. We need a liberal Representative in that district.
Jesus, this guy is a certifiable nutcase
Is this the best the GOP has to offer?
Noodles almighty.
Re 17
By ‘active welfare’ you mean serving ones’ country? I’ll have to let my father, brother in law and brother all know they are welfare rats for defending this country. (Being blind in one eye I was ineligible for service, or would have followed their examples.) Actually I won’t bother telling them about your detestable little diatribe. I’ll just pass on a message for them and all other active and retired servicemen and women. Go to hell.
Of all the loony government sponsered health care options the VA is the only one that is defensible. It isn’t defensible as a great way of delivering health care or as the most efficient. The VA is an expression of American gratitude for the service of men and women who risked their lives for fellow citizens. Frankly, how dare you compare this and the relatively small pay Huber would have received to welfare?
I don’t defend his views. I didn’t and won’t look up his website to verify the contextual accuracy of the quotes above. He won’t win, he isn’t in my district, so I don’t honestly care about his views.
I will say that oddball or not the man must have a basically high intelligence and abilities given his resume. Often those who think too much are the ones who go out of the realms of common sense. This is possibly to be pitied rather than censured. Had Neitze for instance had buddies who dragged him off for a beer on occasion and ragged him about his theories we might have had some more interesting and subtle philosophy from him.
Re 21
“Take one limpdick do-nothing congressman…”
McDermott? That’s not nice to Baghdad Jim!
Isn’t this:
sedition and maybe treason? I mean, this does seem to call for the violent overthrow of the US government.
This guy flunks math. Gets out of the Army in 1968, 3 years later gets a 4 year degree. Gets his law degree in 3 years. (it takes 4). He got out of the Navy in 1994 but has been living in Issaquah for 22 years. Which means he moved there in 1988. Just what Navy stations are in Issaquah? Yep if somebody checks his background out they will find holes in it. And nothing about him practicing private law. (His says he has a JD, did he pass the bar?).
He sounds insane! GI Joe should also understand that the illegal immigration problem started in 1492. (shoots arrow in his ass)
How interesting. We express our gratitude with a socialist health care system.
The VA system is almost the same as the British system which is the most “socialist” of any system out there. Yes, more socialist than France, Germany, Switzerland or Japan.
Why not let the market decide? Let the military men and women barter for health care with chickens or paint jobs.
@ 24
This teatard isn’t running against Mcdermott, he’s running against Reichert, a fellow Republican.
The man who voted to close the Walla Walla VA hospital, and to reduce veterans benefits just when the Republicans permanent war was ramping up. The man who has voted with his Great Obstructionist Party 85.6% of the time. The man who has voted to maintain the Forever War every time the subject has come up.
This feller here is just to the right of Michelle Bachmann. I suppose that Corporate-Nationalists will always sound alike. His only purpose is to make Reichert look more moderate than he really is even though they both are Corporatists.
In order to campaign against this fool, Reichert will have to steal some of the mans opinions. That practically guarantees a Democratic takeover of the district.
I think I would piss myself laughing if this turkey got the GOP nomination.
Big Glen @ 26: Well, by my reading, he got out of the service sometime in ’68, and received his undergraduate degree in ’72. That’s four academic years, assuming he started in the fall of ’68 (Freshman ’68-69, Sophomore 69-70, Junior 70-71, and Senior 71-72). Besides, it’s not impossible to get a four year degree in three years, I did it by going during the summers.
A law degree is a post-graduate degree and is almost always a three-year program, so him graduating in ’75 with a law degree seems right. Must have been frustrating for him, seeing Vietnam fall while he was finishing law school, that might have altered his psychology a bit.
But not passing the bar might very well explain at least part of the three-year gap in his resume. He isn’t listed as having ever been admitted to the Washington State Bar. He might have spent a couple of years studying and re-taking the bar, and giving up after the third attempt?
@30: A law degree takes three years – where is big Glen from that he doesn’t know that?
# 31: In the old days, a law degree WAS an undergraduate four-year degree. It hasn’t been like that for quite some time in the U.S., but perhaps he Big Glen was thinking of that system, and thought that Huber was getting two undergraduate degrees.
Speaking of which, I wonder what Huber’s major was in his undergraduate degree?
Strangely enough, Huber’s complaints about Reichert pretty much echo our own complaints about him. He’s a “follower”, not a leader, he departs from the party line (only) when necessary to get ensure his re-election, he has no record of successfully initiating and sheparding meaningful bills through Congress.
Using the teabagger slur again. And Goldy wonders why he gets about 100 hits a day.
And you’re Jim Walker’s cardboard cutout.
re 25
I didn’t express support for the VA its methods. ALL that I said was that if anyone deserves it is the veterans who served this country.
Re 29
Yes, I know. McDermott lives in a district made up of people just slightly to the left of Mao, so his seat is safe, no matter how idiotic he is. My post at 24 was a joke for those of us in the center or to the right who realize this about him.
Again, I don’t vote in Reicherts district. Nor, contrary to Goldys baseless claim are most Tea Party (not teabagger, didnt’ Goldy just post a complaint about other people naming your party?) anywhere in reach of Hubers seeming craziness. They just want their government to abide by the Constitution, do its job as cost effectively as possible, and leave them to live their lives. I’m not a Tea Party guy myself. But what is interesting is that a tiny minority expressing an opinion have accomplished more politically than 4 years of war protests blocking I-5 or major streets. That should tell you something about where American voters are.
LOL! Why not let our military men and women have the best then?
The “best” is the “free market” is it not? (See St Raygun staring misty eyed in the distance as he says the magic words).. FREE MARKET..
According to the recently trounced Republican fool in Nevada, all it requires is a chicken or a paintjob – stuff like that. Barter..
Yes. The free market not insurance companies. The free market, not Blue Cross alone.
I went into the hospital with a broken arm several years ago from a jetski accident. After having a splint and sling put on, xrays that confirmed the arm was broken and 2 pills costing $20 each which I didn’t ask for I escaped with a minor $1200 bill. The next day the Orthopaedic surgeon took new xrays and put on a cast. He put on a second cast a few weeks later and removed this at the end. Total cost? $550. I paid cash for all of this and both prices reflected a cash discount.
I know the hospital has an enormous overhead. I also know that insurance companies negotiate what they will pay. So do your socialized pets medicare, medicaid etc. That leaves those of us with cash to pay with a choice. I can buy full coverage insurance (I already carry catastrophic for major illness) which I neither need nor want in my current state of health. Or I can pay for every insurance patient and medicare patient at each annual visit to the doctor and dentist. The numbers have made me go with the latter.
Actually that choice has been stolen from me by your president giving corporate welfare to insurance and calling it ‘health care reform.’
Now put this in free market. Every citizen pays for his or her medical care as they see fit. Want insurance? Fine. Go buy it. Want to pay as you go, if you’re a healthy person needing little from the medical community? Fine. Pay cash as services are needed. Do this and limit medical malpractice to, I don’t know, medical malpractice and the immediate costs of it, and prices will stabilize over time. What we have is a monopoly where huge corporations and the government decide what is best for me in Seattle for my medical care. It IS NOT free market.
Rail against the free market and capitalism all you like. But do so when either term are accurate to describe our system.
@ 36
The teabaggers do not recognize any constitutional amendments after the tenth. The Second and Tenth amendments to the US Constitution really being the only ones they do recognize. They say so outright, they insist the 4th amendment was a mistake, and the First only applies to christians and landholders. They do not recognize any constitutional amendments made after the States War.
Yeah, its interesting (not) how many people can be so easily swayed against their own self-interests by massively financed and billionare supported propaganda campaigns. How easy it is to convince people that their own needs as a society and civilization should be superceded by the desires of the wealthiest portion of the merchant and banking classes.
Nice that you have cash. Many with no insurance or under insurance don’t have that after getting ill and then losing houses and other assets to pay their medical bills and then after all is said and done declaring bankruptcy.
The old system stunk. Thankfully SOMETHING was done about it to push the current system AT THE MARGINS to promote better outcomes. Hopefully that will turn out to be the case.
By the way, Obama’s plan was not what progressives wanted. We wanted true competition in the insurance marketplace. We wanted a public option.
Before Obama we spent more than any other country on health care to deliver mediocre to poor outcomes compared to other countries. That had to change. SOMETHING was done to change the status quo. Again, we’ll see how it turns out.
In other developed countries, health care is more or less a public good but is it really? In Germany there is no equivalent of Medicare. A retired senior uses a private company for their health insurance however that company is heavily regulated and is non-profit by law. Yes, by contrast, Medicare IS SOCIALIST but any red-faced, teabagger screaming at a townhall will flail their fists at anyone trying to put their greasy “socialist” paws on their Medicare.
Re 40
The old system did stink. It was a Frankensteins monster of capitalism without regulation, socialism without sense and a sprinkling of mindless officiousness to flavor it.
To say ‘we need to do something’ does not imply that anything is a cure, though. My brothers insurance rates doubled this year, as a result of this plan. The CBO itself said that medical costs would increase at a rate greater than doing nothing with mandatory insurance.
I’m far from saying our system works. I won’t say Obamas is an improvement.
Re 39
Wow, someone needs to pause for a deep breath…
“The teabaggers do not recognize any constitutional amendments after the tenth. The Second and Tenth amendments to the US Constitution really being the only ones they do recognize. They say so outright, they insist the 4th amendment was a mistake, and the First only applies to christians and landholders. They do not recognize any constitutional amendments made after the States War.” And your source for any of this would be? See, just because you hate something doesn’t mean you can just make stuff up about it without challenge.
“Yeah, its interesting (not) how many people can be so easily swayed against their own self-interests by massively financed and billionare supported propaganda campaigns. How easy it is to convince people that their own needs as a society and civilization should be superceded by the desires of the wealthiest portion of the merchant and banking classes.” They are ‘so easily swayed’ because the notion of individual responsibility and individual right, together with a desire for small government acting within the bounds of Constitutional mandate is pretty deeply ingrained in Americans over 25. Not, I must add, becasue of some dark corporate conspiracy.
@41 “And your source for any of this would be?”
“a desire for small government acting within the bounds of Constitutional mandate is pretty deeply ingrained in Americans over 25”
Goose and gander time. Your source?
@41: The plan did not go into effect yet at the beginning of the year – your brothers insurance doubled under the OLD plan – i.e.: no plan.
Quit being disingenuous. Either you are too stoopid to figure out that the plan has not started yet – or you are deliberately lying.
Which is it?
Fair enough. I can’t support it with a poll, and don’t attend Tea Parties or have any pamphlets or manifestos.
What my original point was though, is that this crazy fringe movement has impacted American politics more than 6 years of intense leftist propaganda. Even the left is exercised by it, probably more than the right, actually. Most of my Republican friends don’t talk about it. Most of my liberal friends do at any provocation. On that I base a claim of affinity to core American values.
Re 43
Successful businesses don’t plan for the next 2 months. They plan for the year and the 5 years after that.
If I knew that my business was imperilled by government and media sponsored hatred of it (oil, insurance, banking) I’d plan accordingly.
Similarly, if I knew I’d have to raise rates significantly to cover costs in 3 years I’d gradually start raising rates now to avoid as much customer annoyance as possible.
So how about those CBO numbers?
Calling someone a liar because you disagree with them is what really is ‘stoopid.’
Re #38
Part of why hospitals have high overhead costs is because, for emergencies at least, they’re geared up to go regardless of who may or may not come through the door.
If we could all have our heart attacks during regular business hours Monday through Friday for example, hospitals could significantly reduce their overhead. Go a step further and make an appointment so that a hospital can schedule all of their incoming heart attacks on a particular day and then they could have just the right folks on hand and the overhead would drop even more.
A cast set at 3:00AM is going to just cost more than one scheduled during regular business hours.
Their own words.
What I have seen when I’ve been to ‘bagger rallies:
John Birch Society psychos. Five-point Calvinists. Council of Conservative Citizens. White supremecists. Racial segregationists. Anarchists. Anti-public-educationists. Radical right to lifers. Sovereign citizens. Anti-birth control radicals.
I have seen more than one swastika tattoo openly displayed. I have seen exterminationists and radical antisemites. I have seen zionist extremists who will step near to the point of violence in the blink of an eye if you attempt to debate them.
Do NOT try to tell me that the Teabagger party is anything but a resurgence of the KKK, and the radical Fascist movements of the 1920’s-30’s. These are people who firmly believe the US fought on the wrong side in WW2. They will freely admit this once they are sharing your pitchers of beer and think you agree with them.
I have worked with devoted teabaggers. I have gone to several rallies. They all say the same thing once they think they’re in freindly company. It is a racist, jingoistic and ultra-nationalist movement rooted in the desire for the Christian equivelant to Sharia law.
They are cowards, liars and sociopaths. Jesus is Den Fuhrer, and they are stocking ingredients for explosives, ammunition and firearms for a war they are utterly convinced MUST occur, and should not even be avoided.
They are the crazies.
38. lostinaseaofblue
Oh, SO wrong. You have just destroyed the private health insurance industry and probably also employer-provided health insurance. Anyone in your world who wants coverage, even you will never be able to possibly afford it. Oh, and studies show that malpractice costs amount to less than 2 percent of overall health care spending, and that even a reduction of 25 percent to 30 percent in malpractice costs would lower health care costs by only about 0.4 percent to 0.5 percent. Gotta love that CBO, huh?
But to my point, have you ever heard of “adverse selection?” If you have, it sure doesn’t show. Follow the link and be educated. But here’s the consequence: pull all of the healthy people out of the insurance pool and suddenly it becomes prohibitively expensive for insurance companies to pay for services. Premiums shoot sky-high. As premiums go up, more and more marginally healthy people will drop insurance, and that’s a negative feedback loop. More people are also dropped by their insurers, because presumably you and the teabaggers have unleashed the “free market” on America by repealing the provisions that keep insurers from recission, refusal due to pre-existing conditions, and other predatory practices.
Anyone who can’t afford $500 or $1000 a pop for routine care will then put it off until their condition becames and emergency, at which time they utilize the leaste effective and most expensive means of achieving health care goals: the emergency room on the public’s dime.
Then you, when you are no longer “a healthy person needing little from the medical community,” want to jump back into the pool, it’s either incredibly expensive or non-existent.
And in your free market, how are the elderly, who consume the bulk of our health care resources, supposed to pay for it all themselves? Insurance is now too expensive (due to the “free market”) and not every 80-year-old has a lot of income to pay out-of-pocket, for some odd reason. The free market for them DOES leave them free to die, I guess.
On the other hand, insuring healthy people pays for the sickest at a reasonable rate. Then, when it’s YOUR turn to be among the sickest, healthy people will be paying for you. It really works, which is why it makes sense to do.
nice story…but TEH LIAR.
Yes, I am sure you have been to many tea party rallies….LMFAO.
46. BA
And when they’re wheeling you in after you have that heart attack, don’t forget to negotiate your cash discount.
41. lostinaseaofblue
We didn’t do just “anything.” The fixes were tested and found to be the stuff that work.
It has been correctly pointed out that insurers increased rates because they knew they were going to be regulated in the future. Your CBO cite is just bunk. For example, check page 5 on which is states the for a given (fixed) amount of insurance, the effeect of the federal plan is to lower premiums 7 to 10 percent for nongroup enrollees, 1 to four percent for small group enrollees, and only a negligible amount for large group enrollees (who already have a favorable rate).
Everybody’s insurance rates got jacked up this year as every year, including mine. We increased the deductible to keep the rate increace at only 17%. And just about everybody’s increase this year happened well before reform was passed and was still much in doubt of passing.
“If I knew that my business was imperilled by government and media sponsored hatred of it (oil, insurance, banking) I’d plan accordingly.”
So these outrageous insurance rate increases which happen every year like clockwork are because of what now? Some perceived hatred? I’d hate to think that my insurance has doubled these past few years because Regence has some strange phobia.