I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, and I just said it over on Slog: Dave Reichert did not catch the Green River Killer.
He simply didn’t. In fact, if anything, it was Reichert’s investigative bungling that allowed Gary Ridgway, one of the earliest suspects in the case, to go on killing for 18 more years.
Of course, the inspiration for both these posts is Michael Hoods excellent series on BlatherWatch, the re-posting of which has become a much looked forward to biennial media event.
As sheriff, Reichert was about as unremarkable as he has been in congress.
A Rogers and Hammerstein musical about Reichert would probably be titles something like: Mediocrity OK!
GOP Senator Blocks M.I.T. Nomination of Nobel Prize Winner
This item is utterly in keeping with the anti-intelligent traditions of the Republican Party:
“One Republican senator is blocking a Nobel Prize winner from MIT from an appointment to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Sen. Richard Shelby says Peter Diamond, who won the economics prize with two other academics for pioneering research on the causes of joblessness, is not qualified to deal with monetary policy at the Fed level, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even though Republicans are against anything that’s rational or makes sense, there is a certain twisted rationale behind what they do. Why would a Republican senator call an M.I.T. economist who won a Nobel Prize for his work on joblessness off the Federal Reserve? Because Republicans like high unemployment. That’s right, Republicans like double-digit unemployment because it guarantees cheap-labor employers a ready supply of desperate workers who will work under bad conditions for low wages and no benefits. So the next question is, why would any working person vote for these assholes? Voting Republican is like cutting your own balls off to get even with your girlfriend.
Remember, the GOP is the party of cheap labor conservatives. One of their primary policy objectives is forcing workers to work for low wages. (Their other primary policy objective is starting wars and killing people, because Republicans hate humanity.)
Mark Griswold, a former GOP legislative candidate who is almost as zany as Hans Zeiger, hoped terrorists would kill innocent Americans because he thought that would help Republicans win elections:
Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM
And then there’s Low Tax Looper, a Republican candidate who tried to win an election by murdering his Democratic opponent:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even Republicans don’t believe they can win elections the old-fashioned way — by competing on the merits of ideas and policies. They understand as well as we do that no Republican anywhere would ever win anything if they didn’t resort to dirty tricks, deception, ballot tampering, and other chicanery. I mean, seriously, who would vote Republican except inmates of a lunatic asylum? Which is what Republican voters are.
By the way, here’s The Snark’s Murray-Rossi poll:
“Can Dino Rossi defeat Senator Murray?
“State Congressional Delegation News
by Stefan Sharkansky, 05:23 PM
“Jeremy Lott writing for the American Spectator seems to think he can.
“And so apparently do former President Clinton, First Lady Michelle Obama and now even President Obama.
“I don’t know the answer to this, but have Lott, Clinton, Obama and Obama ever all been in agreement on something and simultaneously wrong?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Seems to me he’s grasping at straws, to put it charitably.
The ballots are going out in the mail tomorrow!
When I get mine – it’s going to be filled out and mailed the same day…
As I stated a while back. I’m looking forward to examining closely the Republican candidates and their adherence to those same old failed policies of tax cuts for the rich and letting corporations do whatever they damned please to line their executive’s and big shareholder’s pockets.
I’ll laugh a bit and vote accordingly.
The ballot goes out the SAME DAY!!!
And before the right wing nutjobs say Obama’s policies have failed?
You guys have had 30 years.
It’d be pretty stupid to go back to Bush after less than two years with a working right wing majority in Congress stumping for the status quo.
About fucking time. Especially since I have to leave for a gig in Carson City on Saturday and won’t be back until after Election Day. I was quite worried that the ballots and guides wouldn’t show up in time.
Del Bene- trustee of Reed College.
Reed College- drugged out U.
from redstate.com:
“Reed College, in other words, is one of those schools: it is arguably one of the most permissive colleges in America when it comes to illegal drug use. Now, I’m perfectly capable of being hypocritical about underage alcohol consumption and smoking marijuana – I’m a parent now, after all – but we’re not talking booze and pot. We’re not talking booze, pot, and acid, either. We’re talking “pot and alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, ‘benzos,’ LSD, DMT, mescaline, MDMA, PCP, ketamine, nitrous oxide, opiates, depressants and psilocybin.” That’s from the student handbook, by the way – at least according to local paper Williamette Week, which also notes the 71% graduation rate in 2008, and that the dropout rate was mostly drug-related.”
Funny how DelBene omits this from her campaign bio.
John425 @ 10 – Thanks for pointing out DelBenzene’s sordid college choice. I can say without hesitation that she most certainly did all the drugs you mentioned in your comment.
PROOF you ask?? I have the same proof David Axelrod had when insisting the Chamber of Commerce uses foreign money in campaign ads.
Proof isn’t required for HA to gin up lies, or, in this case, rehash them.
11, 12 — In your case, “clinging to my guns and religion” means holding your dick in your right hand.
Rave Deichert is not drain bamaged!
Per your commentary you have a little Rabbit Dick. Human dicks are much bigger so he can hold it per you. Just ask G-Man!