Congratulations to Rep. Dave Reichert for being named the GOP Crony of the Week. The honor was bestowed on Reichert by the DCCC in recognition of his pandering to special interests, and close ties with disgraced members of the corrupt GOP establishment. For example….
- Rep. Reichert voted against cracking down on the oil and gas industries price gouging.
- Rep. Reichert voted for the GOP energy bill that gave billions to oil, gas and nuclear industries.
- Big oil and gas industries have given Rep. Reichert $42,166. Any surprise?
- Reichert received $15,000 from House Majority Leader John Boehner’s “Freedom Project” PAC.
- Reichert received $20,000 from GOP Whip Roy Blunt’s “Rely on Your Beliefs” PAC.
- Reichert voted with President Bush 86% of the time.
- Reichert voted the GOP party line 88% of the time.
- $20,000 from Tom DeLay’s ARMPAC.
- $5,000 from Bob Ney, the first congressman to be implicated based on the Jack Abramoff guilty plea.
- $1,000 from Duke Cunningham’s PAC.
- Voted to weaken House ethics rules when DeLay proposed doing so as GOP Majority Leader.
- Voted with Tom DeLay 91% of the time (through 3/31/2006)
And much, much more.
Reichert tries to sell himself as an independent-minded moderate, but when you look at his record, he’s about as Republican as they come. No wonder Dick Cheney comes out here to campaign for him.
Reichert is a lost cause.
Burner is great.
Porter Goss Resigns!!!!
Republicans in free-fall!
Dlaw…..I think YOU are in Free fall.
This bit about Reichert voting with Bush 86% of the time, with the GOP 88% of the time, and Tom DeLay 91% of the time is extremely misleading.
The vast majority of Democrats in Congress would be over 50% in all three categories, since well over half of the bills passed by Congress receive majorities of both Democrats and incumbents.
Someone could similarly criticize Maria Cantwell, and say that she voted with Bush over 50% of the time, with the GOP over 50% of the time, and with Bill Frist over 50% of the time. If she isn’t over 50% in these categories, she is probably pretty close to it.
Would that justify voting for a “real” Democrat in the primary over Cantwell, or voting for a third-party candidate in the general election — based on an argument that Cantwell isn’t any better than a Republican if she votes with the Republicans half the time anyway?
re 2: [JCH] is code for a knee-jerk Republican computer program that , once it’s turned on, spews iggrint GOP crap all day long about guvmint, welfare queens, and the shriveled state of Ronald Reagans private playground the last time he was there in a fondling mood.
Laura Bush drove over her boyfriend and killed him after she consumed a box of pink chablis and huffed a couple packs of un-filtered Chesterfields.
RNC’s gettin’ their money’s worth outta Sheriff Dave!
Um… Richard… and your point is? If a Democrat votes with the GOP leadership 50% of the time, and Reichert votes with the GOP leadership 90%, doesn’t that say something about what a reliable Republican vote Reichert is?
If voters are sick of Republican policies and Republican incompetence and Republican corruption, then perhaps they shouldn’t vote for somebody who sides with the Republicans 90% of the time.
Reichert ran as a republican and votes as one. So what’s the problem? Oh, it must be his republican base district. And, OK Laura killed someone in a preventable accident. But how much personal damage did Clinton cause when he raped Ms. Broderick or pulled “it’ out in front of Ms. Jones? Now, lets be fair…Laura was a 17 yr old minor being dumb, while Clinton was just the governor of the great state of Arkansas and in his forties.
Leaving the actual percentage aside, Reichert has to answer for his actual votes:
*Reichert voted for the GOP energy bill that gave billions to the already profitable oil, gas and nuclear industries.’
*Reichert voted to continue awarding contracts to Halliburton even if the Pentagon’s own audit processes found that more than $100 million of their contractor’s costs in Iraq were unreasonable.
*Reichert opposed expanding access to the military’s TRICARE health insurance program to thousands of Reservist and National Guard members, even though 20 percent of all Reservists do not have health insurance, and 40 percent of Reservists aged 19 to 35 lack health coverage.
*Reichert voted to weaken House ethics rules when DeLay proposed doing so as GOP Majority Leader.
*Reichert voted for a massive sell off of public lands to mining interests.
*Reichert voted to cut Federal student aid by $12.7 billion — the biggest such cuts in history.
This is not a moderate voting record.
The Republicans have been in control of the Presidency and BOTH houses of Congress since winning control of the U.S. Senate back in the November 2002 elections.
So when voting for Congress this fall, we should strongly consider the effects of Republican policies and Republican competence (or the lack thereof) on our economy in the last 3-1/2 years?
and why do you Lib trolls accuse laura Bush of causing the accident while under the influence? Why do you make this crap up and spread it as if it were the truth? I submit the following article from the AP, a liberal rag…
Laura Bush Recalls Painful Past
The Associated Press
Thursday, March 2, 2000; 7:15 p.m. EST
PROVIDENCE, R.I. –– Laura Bush, wife of GOP presidential candidate George W. Bush, on Thursday recalled the pain of a 1963 accident that killed her boyfriend, saying “it was crushing.”
“All I can say about that (is) it was a very, very, tragic accident I was involved in when I was 17 years old, almost 40-something years ago,” Bush said. “It was a terrible accident. It was terrible for everyone involved.”
Bush said the grief remains.
“I know this as an adult, and even more as a parent, it was crushing … for the family involved and for me as well,” she said.
Bush would not comment further and quickly resumed talking about her husband.
The accident occurred Nov. 5, 1963, when Bush was talking to a friend while she was driving to a party in her hometown of Midland, Texas, the New York Post reported.
At an intersection, she apparently failed to see her boyfriend, Mike Douglas, driving south. The vehicles collided and Douglas was thrown from his doorless Jeep, breaking his neck. He died instantly.
Midland officials would not release the full accident report, referring Freedom of Information requests for the document to the attorney general of Texas. He has until May 15 to decide if he will make the report public.
An abbreviated version of the report concluded neither Douglas or Bush could be blamed for the accident, the Post reported.
© Copyright 2000 The Associated Press
Dow Jones Industrial Average
October 9, 2002 — 7,286.27
May 5, 2006 — 11,577.74 (at 4:03 p.m. ET)
DJIA increase — 58.9%
The economy the past three and a half years? Are you insane? The unemployment is now lower than when Clinton left office and in fact it was better nearly two years ago. The stock market is booming and all the mexicans have work. Life is good and terrorist are on the run. And Goldy gets his helmut buffed regularly.
Unemployment Rate
December 2002 — 6.0%
April 2006 — 4.7%
Decrease in unemployment rate — 1.3%
Gas prices are high, so the right thing to do is prosecute the oil companies for price gouging. This will lead them to divert resources to court costs and away from producing gas, which will lead to higher prices. Then they can be investigated for colluding to limit supply.
Then we can prevent them from producing new sources of oil or building new refineries. A big party will erupt to celebrate the increase in gas prices.
Then we can pull out off Iraq immediately, causing the country to collapse and allow the Islamists to take over the middle east. This will eliminate the flow of oil from there, and thereby increasing gas costs by several dollars. And there will be great shortages.
Yeah, let’s all vote for darcy.
re 2: [JCH] is code for a knee-jerk Republican computer program that , once it’s turned on, spews iggrint GOP crap all day long
Commentby GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO [Hey, Dumb ass Illegal…………English!! Yes, English!! “iggrint”??? Typical. “Just doing the gang banging work, drive bys, and dope dealing that American Democrat welfare hacks refuse to do”. hehe, JCH
Civilian EMPLOYMENT level (# of folks w/jobs, excluding military)
December 2002 — 136.400 million
April 2006 — 143.688 million
Richard Pope, I respect your intellectual honesty. facts speak loud…but oh so hard for these lib trolls to swallow….except Goldy, he swallows.
Of course, some Democrats are addicted to narcotic drugs, and are probably unable to see the economic prosperity that has taken hold of the United States under Bush’s leadership.
Rep Kennedy seeking addiction treatment
Fri May 5, 2006 3:21pm ET
By Richard Cowan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy, son of Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy, on Friday announced he will seek treatment for a substance abuse problem.
“I have been fighting this chronic disease since a young man,” Kennedy said, adding that he will return to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. He said he wanted to continue working for his constituents in Rhode Island.
The announcement came shortly after U.S. Capitol Police reported that the younger Kennedy was charged with “failure to give full time and attention” and “failure to keep in proper lane” after he crashed his car Thursday night into a security barrier near the U.S. Capitol.
The report made no mention of possible alcohol consumption.
Kennedy told reporters he will seek re-election in November. “I need to stay in the fight,” he said.
Kennedy said he had no recollection of Thursday’s crash. “I simply do not remember getting out of bed, being pulled over by the police or being cited for three driving infractions.”;rpc=22
When did Roger Rabbit finally come to his senses? In any event, it is a nice change to see in him.
Janet? Yes the oil companies are gouging us. Like Exxon posting 8 Billion in profits. of course YOUR government collected 16 billion in tax on that 8 billion. So, who is gouging who? You’re all helpless and hopeless.
since I became constipated…..there are two Roger Rabbit…..I am the honest one with constipation for libs
Well, things do look good for the Democrats at the moment, however, as Joel Connelly said in today’s PI:
“Democrats will gain in the Legislature, and maybe upset freshman Republican Congressman Dave Reichert. GOP Senate candidate Mike McGavick has just picked a bad year to run.
What’s wrong with this picture? The election is still six months away. And Democrats find ways to fritter away leads.”
Let’s put this bullshit about a great economy into perspective. While the percentage of people looking for a job is down, the NUMBER of people looking for a job is UP. In other words, there are MORE PEOPLE UNEMPLOYED TODAY THAN EVER BEFORE!
Also, the number of UNDEREMPLOYED people has gone up significantly. The DOL reports that average wages have gone DOWN, while the cost of living has gone UP. So the few jobs created under Baby Bush have been low wage, menial jobs that won’t support a family.
As for the stock market, it’s appreciating at a rate of about one percent per year under Bush – five percent per year under Clinton.
Add to this the fact that Bush has created the largest budget and trade deficits in history, and anyone can see why America is down on the Bush regime’s economic policy.
Richard, you should stick to just posting under one name.
Still waiting to hear when Janet S will let the Big Oil assholes drill for oil in her backyard. And by the way, it was the Bush brothers that stopped the biggest domestic oil drilling project in decades when they closed off Florida to drilling to protect Jeb’s political career.
My question is this: anyone hiring a lawyer would hopefully do some due diligence and see what they’re all about. Why would anyone, in that case, hire Richard Pope, especially as many of the billables would seem to be spent ranting nonsense on a political blog? Weird.
NOW it’s clear. Porter Goss “resigned’ today and it turns out he was probably involved in the Hookergate at the Watergate scandal. Hookers – what a moral bunch these GOP turds are. NBC has all the details in a report by Norah Odonnell.
When I see “Janet S” “dilling” “oil” and “asshole” in the same sentence, a typically republican “abstinence pledge” scenario comes to mind…
This is a fun game, Richard.
Satisfaction with the direction of the country
February 1999 – 71% satisfied
April 2006 – 27% satisfied
R. Pope: Can I call you “Dick”? Good. Because the interjection of the sound bite financial statistics you have engaged in above is insulting to eveyone’s intelligence. Paraphrasing Mark Twain there’s lies, damn lies and economic analyses. Cherry picking the numbers you think make you look good to the peop,e without the math skills is an effective conservative tactic, but doesn’t actually mean the economy is improving. Here’s a few issues you don’t address:
What is the rate of growth of the economy under previous administrations and under Bush, normalizing for population growth? (The answer is, Bush admin’s economy growth has been lackluster)
Supply side economics says that tax revenues will increase with lower taxation. While tax revenues have increased in an absolute sense (again due to population growth, and due to increase in the GDP), if you normalize for this, have they really grown? (The answer is no)
Bush and the Republican drunken sailors congresscritters cannot seem to control spending, even after 6 years of complete control. Why?
What is the long term outlook for entitlement programs due to this spending? Are the Republicans trying to spend them into default?
Huge deficits make US dollars seem less attractive to foreign investors. Consequently the dollar is sliding wrt other currencies and gold is going throuhg the roof. How long till the next depression?
Even if there is no depression, will anyone but the super wealthy in the US be able to afford travel to a first world country next year?
Employment may have grown, but how has it grown. Most of the new jobs ar elow paying service industry jobs, not middle class wage jobs, so mor epeople are employed, but they are making much less. Hmm, that doesn’t really sound all that good does it.
Anyone who wants the straight poop on these issues and ammo to fire back at conservatives when they claim the economy is great, check out
Excelelnt commentary and, with a little concetration, even the math challenged should be able to follow along.
Final note: The DOw Jones average is just now approaching it’s Clinton era high. AND, that doesn’t mean crap.
Wow, I’m a crappy typist.
…another little clarification – unemployment figures don’t include people who have given up entirely on finding work (which, in the Chimperor’s economy, is a whole lot more folks than there used to be).
Good time to be an oilman, though….
Economic Confidence Rating
August 2000 – 74% Excellent/Good
April 2006 – 38% Excellent/Good
You can find more fun facts about the people feel about the 3 1/2 years of total Republican rule at .
Still waiting for all the right wingers to jump on WHAT A DICK CHENEY for getting a free pass from Texas lawmen after getting drunk and SHOOTING a motherfucker with a shotgun!
Here’s a really good article over at Angry Bear:
Money (ahem) quote: Looking at the actual GDP growth figures for 2001 through 2005 as well as the OMB projections for the rest of the decade, it seems that our average annual growth rate over the past 5 years was only 2.55% and will be only 2.9% for the decade if actual growth follows these projections. Think about it. From 1947 to 1980, average annual growth was 3.5% and for the 8 years that Clinton was President, average annual growth was 3.7%. During the Reagan-Bush41 years, average annual growth was only 3.0% and according to the OMB, average annual growth for this decade will be less than that. So much for that supply-side mythology that President Bush keeps muttering as if it were the gospel.
Richard Pope:
(Discussing Real wages, 2003-2005)
The decline in inflation-adjusted pay has been the largest for lower and middle-income employees. For example, workers at the 20th percentile of the income scale suffered a 0.8% decline in real pay. Only the highest wage employees enjoyed pay gains that outpaced inflation—those in the 95th percentile of wages had gains last year of 0.8%
And let’s not forget:
Total return on the Dow Jones since Bush took office in real dollars: 1.2%
39, JDB, My mutual fund is I’m up, up, up!!!!! Eat shit and die, commie libs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1-Year: 3.41%
3-Year: 14.03%
5-Year: 4.35%
10-Year: 9.47%
40, returns are average per year. YTD [2006]: 7.92%
JDB, I bet I can buy and sell you, and your wife. [Is she a fox?]
[Just a Cocksucking Hyprocrit]:
Adjust that into real dollars, and I think you will see how bad that performance really is. Other than the 3 year performance, you are barely keeping up with inflation.
Or is this like you being a sailor or a policeman, you assume that if you suck off an accountant, you must have a mutual fund? That would explain why you would be happy with such crappy returns.
[Just a Cocksucking Hyporcrit]:
I know you sale your body, but that doesn’t mean you can do it with others. You need to realize that your fantazies are not reality (or are you going to bore us about how you are a sailor again?)
[Just a Cocksucking Hyporcrit]:
“I know you sale your body”
Commentby JDB— 5/5/06@ 3:28 pm [……………………………………………………………….JDB, Return to 5th grade. Listen this time. Spelling counts.]
10-Year: 9.47% [average per yr]………….That and San Diego real estate equals retirement at 50!!! Fuck you, libs!!! Atlas has Shrugged!!
JDB, Is your wife better looking, than, say, Cindi Mckinney??
JDB, Will she “pull the soul train”?? [as a lib we must be sensitive to the minority experience]
[Just a Cocksucking Hypocrit]
Yeah, yeah, you are retired and in Hawaii.
We all know you are a lowly gay prostitute sucking off sailors in Aberdeen with fantasies of finding a nice big black cock to call your own. If Atlas has shrugged, it is only because he just came in your ass.
Now go wipe the santorum off and make up some more lies.
Larry the Cable Guy 37: average annual growth rate over the past 5 years was only 2.55%
Not bad when considering 9-11 and the tail end of the internet bubble bursting. The airlines and auto companies are still reeling from 9-11.
Is that the best you can come up with? How about the 2004 claim about how the economy is the worst since the depression?
You should probably do some searches of the archives at kos before your handlers get mad.
Maybe economic growth was slightly faster under Clinton than it has been under GW Bush. On the other hand, the USA is facing a lot more competition from other countries this decade than it did last decade. Oil prices are MUCH higher, since other countries have dramatically increased their demand. At the same time, other countries have improved their ability to produce goods inexpensively, which drives down what we can receive for our products and prices many products we used to make right out of the market.
The major point is that the USA economy is not going to hell in a handbasket. The extremely low poll numbers of people’s confidence in the economy are not justified. Historically, the poll numbers have been higher even in major recessions with high unemployment and inflation.
If Bush and the GOP are able to get this message accross, the poll numbers will begin to improve dramatically. These will be helped even more if some sort of exit solution from Iraq appears to be starting implementation, or the Iraq situation otherwise stabilizes in any slightly positive way.
Since the Democrats don’t have any real platform, an improvement in the polling numbers will prove fatal to Democrat hopes of any major gains this fall.
JustDB 38: Data from EPI is all you have? How about finding something outside of the lefty-whore organizations?
Everyone is waiting…………
Richard Pope 51:Since the Democrats don’t have any real platform, an improvement in the polling numbers will prove fatal to Democrat hopes of any major gains this fall.
They have a platform – raise taxes back to where the top 10% pay only 64% of the total. (Currently 66%)
JDB, If I Cindi McKinney “bitchslapped” your wife, would she enjoy it? Would she come?
“If Bush and the GOP are able to get this message accross, the poll numbers will begin to improve dramatically.”
Steak tomorrow, and steak yesterday, but no steak today. Oh, and I suppose it’s the liberal; media that is not telling the “good” news about the economy.
And another thing: What would oil prices be if a) we had not gone to war with Iraq and B) we were not saber rattling at Iran? Hmmmmm? Economic policies and results are affected by foreign policy, ninny.
Oh, and the Conservatives are STILL pushing for the estate tax repeal. Puleeze.
Sometimes politicians, journalists and others exclaim; “It’s just a tax
Cut for the rich!” and it is just accepted to be fact. But what does
That really mean?
Just in case you are not completely clear on this issue, I hope the
Following will help. Please read it carefully. Let’s put tax cuts in
Terms everyone can understand.
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for dinner and the bill for all
Ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it
Would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.
So, that’s what they decided to do.
The ten men ate dinner in the restaurant every day and seemed quite happy
With the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. “Since
You are all such good customers,” he said, “I’m going to reduce the cost
Of your daily meal by $20.” Dinner for the ten now cost just $80.
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the
First four men were unaffected. They would still eat for free. But
What about the other six men – the paying customers? How could they
Divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his ‘fair share?’
They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted
That from everybody’s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would
Each end up being paid to eat their meal. So, the restaurant owner
Suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man’s bill by roughly the
Same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33% savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28% savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four
Continued to eat for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men
Began to compare their savings.
“I only got a dollar out of the $20,” declared the sixth man. He
Pointed to the tenth man,” but he got $10!”
“Yeah, that’s right,” exclaimed the fifth man. “I only saved a dollar,
Too. It’s unfair that he got ten times more than me!”
“That’s true!!” shouted the seventh man. “Why should he get $10 back
When I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!”
“Wait a minute,” yelled the first four men in unison. “We didn’t get
Anything at all. The system exploits the poor!”
The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.
The next night the tenth man didn’t show up for dinner, so the nine sat
Down and ate without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they
Discovered something important. They didn’t have enough money between
All of them for even half of the bill!
And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our
Tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most
Benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being
Wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might
Start eating overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.
David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D
Professor of Economics
University of Georgia
Here’s a little humor for all of you down on America liberals.
How the fuck did Reichert “give billions to oil, gas and nuclear industries”. Are we giving them tax dollars? Really?
I’ll say it again. Letting people or corporations keep THEIR FUCKING MONEY is not “giving” them a fucking thing. It’s THEIR MONEY. Gummint has no entitlement to other people’s money.
Congrats to Reichert for not being a greedy fucking nazi like most moonbats.
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 60,
How the fuck is it NOT stealing when you refuse to pay your gambling debts?
You are a fucking thief!
DJ – I’m a Kennedy now. I can do whatever the fuck I want.
Dave Reichart for CIA Director :-)
Goldy receives the Demo talking points and plagarizes them verbatim.
62……Classic!………May I follow and become a Kennedy, too?
Ahh, the banal anals of the donkey are flatulating again. Perhaps you all can aspire to become crack adddicts like Rep Patrick Kennedy (D-Rhode Island) and crash your car around the capital. Or perhaps those of you who are not into the hard drugs yet, can go ahead and just drive drunk like democrat and Washington State Supreme court Bobby Bridge. In both cases, you’ll get a free police escort home and
And before you try to compare either of those people to Rush Limbaugh, ask yourself, to what office was Rush Limbaugh elected? Crack addiction is the highest apiration of a Democrat these days? Given the company that posts their blather here, I am not surprised.
Carry on now, make up some lie to deflect this. That is what liberals do best. Instead of taking responsibility they deflect.
The wingnuts are making a fucking pathetic showing. This is sad y’all.
Yellow Elephnat at 59:
Have you enlisted yet?