Darcy Burner and friends discuss the 8th CD race:
(This and some 60 other media clips from the past week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.)
by Darryl — ,
Darcy Burner and friends discuss the 8th CD race:
(This and some 60 other media clips from the past week in politics are now posted at Hominid Views.)
After 2 1/2 years in office, do-nothing congressman Reichert still hasn’t hugged a rabbit! Let’s get America moving again! The 8th District deserves a congresswoman who hugs rabbits!
seriously? darcy is your ‘best hope’ again?
arent ya’ll getting a little embarassed with this woman yet? can you at least put up an adult that isnt so easy to knock over?
I’m sure Dave Reichert would absolutely agree with you about how “easy” Darcy was to “knock over,” when as an unknown first-time candidate with a newly formed organization she came with 1.5% of knocking off an incumbent Congressman who had all the money and positioning power that comes from being in the Congressional majority.
I’m also sure that the fact that she’s kicking his lying-on-his-FEC-declarations ass in fundraising convinces him that as a third-string minority back-bencher he’ll come back even stronger, and that she’ll be even “easier” to beat in 2008.
Right. Sometimes the crazy notions you people will swallow are just amazing.
Why are people who don’t live in the 8th district telling residents of the 8th district what kind of representation they should have? Shouldn’t that be left up to the voters of the 8th district?
Oh, I don’t know, maybe…freedom of speech? Seems to me that American citizens have the right to advocate for candidates they believe would improve our nation’s governance, but that’s just silly old Constitution-worshipping me.
But I live in the 8th CD, bitch, so I’ll tell you who should be our representative. Darcy. Feel better now?
No you don’t.
Yes I do.
I can do this all day. Where did you learn it as a debate tactic, in grade school?
Yes I do, to the millionth power, plus one. I win!
ProtchardHoward loses seat in Australia, .. Bush Buddy Bottoms Out, Aussies to Rejoin Rational World!I kind of like Daddy Love’s idea. People don’t vote for representatives in their own district, they vote for representatives in the next district over. So people who live in the 7th, like Daddy Love, would vote for who will serve the 8th district, and people who live in the 8th will vote for candidates who will serve the 7th. Interesting idea. I don’t think the constitution exactly says that, but I won’t argue with on that point, because I like this idea. It sounds like the premise for a reality TV show.
Oops … one Bush Buddy down but another Up!
Nice. You are making the Republican joke. No wonder it didn’t seem funny.
But I have voted against Jennifer Dunn every election she ran in since I moved into the district, then in 2004 I voted against Dave Reichert and 2006 I voted for Darcy Burner, as well as supporting her campaign financially.
Really you can think what you want, and you know what? Your mistaken and/or comical beliefs won’t affect my vote for Darcy being counted. So have at it.
We all know that what Republicans decide to believe only rarely and coincidentally has any relation to fact.
Putin jails opposition, Bush hails his “commitment to democracy.”
And I don’t think about the 7th CD much, but when BullShit over there said I live there, I guessed that it is Jim McDermott’s district, because of course a Republican would accuse someone they want to diss of being a “liberal,” and they hate Dr. McDermott, blah, blah, blah. So of course I was correct.
But BullShit, if you assume that Burner voters don’t live in the 8th, from where do you think she got the 48.5 % of the votes in 2006? And from where do you think she will be getting the Reichert-ass-kicking majority she will get in 2008? I got yer majority right here…
As far as the people like myself, living in the 7th district supporting Darcy, I say hell yeah. The 7th already has adult representation.
Has anyone ever asked the Sheriff if giving tax cuts to the super rich, and passing tons of debt onto the next generation, borrowed from Red China, and Saudi Arabia was a good idea? What he would do about the 79 TRILLION in unfunded mandates, and the 10 TRILLION in regular debt. He would probably come up with a “I used to be a sheriff” line.
Tell a con you will cut his taxes, and his one brain cell causes him to pee his pants. These people can’t see past their noses.
Any of you righties able to name one thing that got better while the cons ran all 3 branches of government? One single thing?
I am not all that happy with Dems, but at least they are not actively attempting to destroy my government, and my country’s future. Don’t even mention the planet.
As far as I am concerned, every person claiming to be a Republiconvict should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting. The whole party is one organized crime family, and nothing more. Being a Republiconvict, and defending their corruption, dishonesty, REAL election fraud, and madness makes you guilty of numerous crimes. Every single one of you. Guilty.
I would rather be part of a disorganized party, one that represents 99% of America, than one that is only there to insure the ruling class get a higher take.
That Military Industrial Complex needs fed, so let’s start some more un-necessary wars! Lots of innocent people need slaughtered! We’re America. We can kill anyone, anywhere, any time we want, and lie about why they had to die! We’re number one! USA USA USA!!!
Since Mr. Decider is at 23%, down from 80%, that means that 57% of the people figured it out.
When are you cons gonna get it?
“Australia Elects New Prime Minister
“Conservative John Howard Voted Out After 11 Years
“SYDNEY, Australia (Nov. 24) – Conservative Prime Minister John Howard suffered a humiliating defeat Saturday at the hands of the left-leaning opposition, whose leader has promised to immediately sign the Kyoto Protocol on global warming and withdraw Australia’s combat troops from Iraq.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/2u9ul9
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Eat dogshit, wingnuts!!!
One by one, the building blocks of the WingNut (TM) USSR (SM) are falling.
eli @ http://www.firedoglake.com
The National Immigration Forum has compiled nearly two dozen polls that show Americans consistently favoring a combination of tough enforcement and earned legalization over just enforcement. Not only is immigration reform the morally right and compassionate thing to do, the practical and sensible thing to do, it’s also the politically smart thing to do. The American people are ready for it, and the Hispanic population is growing.
The demonization of immigrants may play well with the Republican base, but it’s more and more of a loser outside of it. The anti-immigration ship is sinking…
@3 Hard to fathom they actually believe the crap they spew! Ann must be eating her own catshit … meow!!
@4 “Shouldn’t that be left up to the voters of the 8th district?”
Oh, absolutely! But Reichert doesn’t think so. Without his out-of-state donors, he’d have nothing. It takes Texas money to elect a Republican in Washington’s 8th.
7, 8 — Another WingNut (TM) Bushitter (SM) goes down in flames — ya gotta love it!!
@15 Well said, Facts! When the current unelected dictatorship ends, we should gather in the town square for an old fashioned Revival Meeting. We’ll have lots of tar and feathers on hand, and all of our Republicon friends are all invited!! Free admission!! Praise the Lord and Pass the Tar!!!
How is Marcy (that means all you too) gonna run against Reichert in 08? Pres. Bush will be leaving office, so your main attack of him being a mouthpiece for the bush organization is a moot point. How about discussing what Marcy has done in order to prepare herself for being an elected official? Hopefully she will make the same stupid mistakes she made last time with the firefighters Union and push their money and support once again to a congressman who has been an ally for First Responders not only in our region but throughout the Nation.
P.S. What’s Congresses approval rating? How many times have they failed to live up to their promise of an immediate troop withdrawal? Whatever happened to the first 100 hours (The clock was off and on btw)?
@24 How about if she runs on the fundamental philosophical differences between Republicans and Democrats? You know …
Warmongers vs. working for peace
Torturing innocent people vs. abiding by law and morality
Wholesale constitutional violations vs. respecting our rights
Rape, ruin, and run with the money vs. sustaining the environment that sustains us
Borrow-and-spend vs. fiscal responsibility
Pander to the ulta-rich vs. economic fairness
Denude America of jobs and industry vs. family-wage AMERICAN jobs
Give taxpayers’ money to drug and insurance companies vs. real health care reform
Give taxpayers’ money to oil companies vs. rational energy policy
Food inflation vs. food stamps for the poor
Welfare for the rich vs. reducing poverty
Teaching to the test vs. real education reform
Unfunded federal mandates vs. fixing America’s rotting infrastructure
Pulling 100,000 cops off the streets and 1,000 FBI agents off crime patrol vs. real law enforcement
@24 Fireman. Go to her website. The choice is easy. All she needs to run on is the fact that she is not a Republiconvict. You might want to turn off the Fox Propaganda Chanel, and Rushlies, and watch Olbermann a few nights a week.
I know, I know. You can’t handle the truth.
Darcy has about as much experience, running for congress as Abe Lincoln did before he ran for congress. Sometimes having a brain, and a set of values is all you need. I mean real values, not the fake ones the Vitters, Craigs, and Foleys of this world pretend to have.
As far as Reichert being an ally to first responders, how is getting them new walkie talkies to the New York Firemen going? Yeah I thought so. Because of payola, corruption, and basic criminal behavior, they are stuck with the same problems they had in ’93. Reichert was the head of the sub committee that was supposed to fix this. Helping first responders? How, by keeping the national guard in Iraq indefinitely?
When are you gonna wake up? The current administration runs on graft, secrecy, cronyism, and plain and simple corruption. The fact that Reichert’s party refused to hold investigations, WAS THE PROBLEM. When did the Sheriff demand an investigation? Of anything?
Think about it. He used to be a cop. He was witness to so much corruption, and criminal behavior by the people around him that he opened his pie hole ZERO times.
He is just another Republiconvict criminal. If he cared about the law, he would be a co-signer on Kucinich’s bill to impeach the Vice President.
As far as congressional approval, none of us are happy. Since 90% of the media is owned by 14 corporations, people believe what they have been told to believe. The truth rarely hits their eyes, and ears. Heck, over half the Fox Propaganda Viewers still think Saddam attacked us on 9-11, and we found WMD’s in Iraq!
Reichert better start looking for a lobbying job. He won’t last one more cycle.
Today marks Karl “Rasputin” Rove’s inaugural screed in Newspeak. The wingnut machiavelli starts out with a cute story:
“I inherited her West Wing office. Shortly after the 2001 Inauguration, I made a little talk saying I appreciated having the office because it had the only full-length vanity mirror in the West Wing, which gave me a chance to improve my rumpled appearance. The senator … pointedly said she hadn’t put the mirror there. I hadn’t said she did, just that the mirror was there.”
Yeah, yeah, we KNOW who put the mirror there, Karl. So Rovian. So … you. He rambles on, suggesting the GOP nominee
“give the American people hope, optimism and insight. That’s the best antidote to the low approval rates of the Republican president.”
No, Karl. The best antidote to the low approval rate of the Republican president is competence, honesty, and rational policies. Another good antidote is not voting for Republicans, because no matter how bad you think Democrats are, Republicans are far worse.
“Tackle issues families care about …. Jobs, the economy, taxes and spending … ”
Funny how Rove never wanted to talk about jobs, the economy, or spending until now. Strange advice coming from a man whose entire career was built around NOT talking about issues (because he believed, rightly, that Republicans can’t win on issues), and instead focusing GOP campaign efforts on vote suppression, smearing the opposition (including other Republicans, e.g., McCain), and pumping about peoples’ emotions with “wedge” issues.
” … but some issues that used to be ‘go to’ ones for Republicans, like crime and welfare, don’t have as much salience.”
That’s because Republicans don’t do well on these issues, because their record on neglecting law enforcement while domestic crime soared and throwing hundreds of billions of middle class taxpayers’ money at welfare-for-the-rich stinks to High Heaven.
“Aggressively campaign for the votes of America’s minorities. Go to their communities, listen and learn, demonstrate your engagement and emphasize how your message can provide hope and access to the American Dream for all.”
Yeah, tell ’em you’re gonna ship ’em back to the shithole countries they came from! That’ll make ’em vote for ya!!! harharharharharharhar
“Be strong on Iraq. Democrats have bet on failure. That’s looking to be an increasingly bad wager, given the remarkable progress seen recently in Iraq. If the question is who will get out quicker, the answer is Hillary.”
Ohhhh yeahhhhhh, promise the voters MORE WAR IN IRAQ!!! Oh please yes, yes yes yes, yesyesyeysyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!
“The conventional wisdom now is that Hillary Clinton will be the next president. In reality, she’s eminently beatable. Her contentious history evokes unpleasant memories. She lacks her husband’s political gifts and rejects much of the centrism he championed. The health-care fiasco showed her style and ideology. All of which helps explain why, for a front runner in an open race for the presidency, she has the highest negatives in history.”
Now HERE is the REAL Karl Rove — no discussion of issues here, no plan to solve the country’s problems, just good ol’ GOP opponent-bashing at its purest. The old tried-and-true tactic that lost the last 3 presidential elections for Rove’s party. Although he doesn’t mention it in his Newspeak column, undoubtedly he’s thinking there’s always Tim Griffin’s caging boiler room and the GOP’s stable of crooked U.S. attorneys to fall back on; and, without a doubt, Rove and the GOP intend to depend on election-stealing once again to save their sorry asses from oblivion.
For complete side-splitting spew see http://www.newsweek.com/id/71000/page/2, and who gives a fuck about copyright, if Rove doesn’t like my fair use of his material he can fucking sue me!!!
Correction, lost the last 4 presidential elections for Rove’s party.
Over on the pathetic little rival blog, Eric Earling is bemoaning the fact WSU turned down the ’08 vice presidential debate.
A little background (not much) is necessary here. WSU bid for one of the 3 scheduled presidential debates, but those were awarded to other colleges, and WSU was offered the Veep debate as a consolation.
The problem is that hosting the debate requires raising $1 million of private funding, and that’s not easy to do in a one-horse town like Spokane. It is, however, considerably more doable for a high-profile presidential debate than for the lower-octane veep debate. Who wants to donate a million bucks for a consolation debate?
Here’s a thought for Eric and his WingNut (TM) Lapdogs (SM) to chew on: Instead of criticizing WSU for turning down the second-string debate, WHY DIDN’T YOU GIVE THEM THE MILLION DOLLARS? Either put your money where your stupid mouth is, or shut the fuck up.
The thing about these Cheap Labor Conservatives (SM) is they’re always willing to spend other people’s money, but when it comes to getting THEM to put out, you can’t even get Redneck to pay his $100 gambling debt to Goldy.
I’m voting for Darcy Burner.
Roger, all they can do is attack, attack, and attack some more. They are responsible for America’s slide, and they know that more of the same won’t sell to anyone. They can’t even pretend they have “ideas” any more.
They can count on the MSM repeating every baseless rumor, and ignoring every lie they tell. The fact that Scott McLellen claimed he was told to lie to the American People about criminal actions at the White House only made page 15 of the Washington Post.
I heard Greg Palast say yesterday that they have already got a 4 million vote head start by purging 4 million legitimate voters from the rolls for ’08. Mostly minorities. Iglesius said they tried to have him, and the FBI look under every rock in New Mexico for illegitimate voters, to justify the purges. He was fired when he couldn’t find any….
Them caging lists work reeeeeel well!
And you think the “Loyal Bushies” will prosecute anyone? It is part of the plan. Stealing another election.
Their whole party is one giant criminal enterprise.
Nothing could be more true.
@31 Of course. Isn’t it ironic that Rove exhorts his fellow Republicans to campaign on “jobs, the economy, taxes and spending.” then reverts to Hillary-bashing? That’s because he knows damn well the GOP can’t campaign on “jobs, the economy, taxes and spending” because their record in those areas (and on everything else) sucks. Nothing’s change. The GOP will run a very negative campaign. They will lie and smear. They will try to rig the vote. That’s the only way they have any chance to “win” because they have absolutely nothing to offer in terms of competence, policies, or vision.
@31 “I heard Greg Palast say yesterday that they have already got a 4 million vote head start by purging 4 million legitimate voters from the rolls for ‘08.”
Yes, and that’s not new … Palast said that in his book “Armed Madhouse” that came out last year. However, Democrats have some things going in their favor: Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris are both out of office now, and no longer in a position to run Florida elections; Ohio now has a Democratic governor and a Democratic secretary of state, so the GOPers have lost their grip on that state’s election machinery, too. In addition, polls indicate the GOP’s immigrant-bashing will cost them about half the Hispanic votes they got in 2004. And then, since 2004, a number of jurisdictions using electronic voting machines have either abandoned them or added paper trails. Finally, they had the same election-cheating machine in 2006 as they had in 2004 and will have in 2008, but they lost in 2006 anyway, either because they underestimated the public anger against them, and therefore underestimated the number of votes they had to suppress or manufacture, or because of the diminished effectiveness of the machine, or both. It’s falling apart on them. I’m not saying GOP cheating won’t be a problem in 2008 — it will. The election-stealing beast isn’t defanged yet. We still need to worry about it. But this time around, more factors are working against them.
Republicans will be tempted to pull out the stops in suppressing minority votes in the South and key swing states, but here’s something they’ll have to think about.
These activities are illegal, and if they fail to pull a victory out of their magician’s hat, within a few weeks the Attorney General and U.S. Attorneys will be Democrats, and they will be under intense pressure from the Democratic grass roots to investigate and prosecute.
In other words, it’s a high stakes gamble, in which every GOP operative knows he’s risking a prison sentence if his party loses in November. I think a lot of their veteran operatives will walk away, and they’ll have a hard time staffing their caging operations this time.
@34 Which brings up the observation that it appears on close scrutiny of the videos that one of ringleaders of the Brooks Brothers Mafia subverting the Dade County recount in 2000 was John Bolton. Fortunately there are no statute of limitations on civil liberties violations. . .
Here’s a bit on the so-called “Brooks Brothers Riot”
Clearly Bolton was “paid” later.
It is also amusing to note that Mukasey now seems to be repudiating the Bush/Cheney view on torture> This from TPM MuckRaker: “the so-called 2002 “torture memo” signed by Office of Legal Counsel chief Jay Bybee — which appears to have survived in spirit, if not in letter — but he compared U.S. torture to the Holocaust.”
This has also led to speculation that various CIA interrogators may now be in jeopardy of prosecution for war crimes.
With a change to a truly progessive administration this might open the door to going after Cheney.
“As far as Reichert being an ally to first responders, how is getting them new walkie talkies to the New York Firemen going?”
Actually, they aren’t walkie talkies and what you are referring to is called interoperability. Try to get a few facts at least somewhat right before you state how they support any position. And he was actually responsible for making changes to National Policy that helped institute Interoperability. As a side note, this issue includes more than just Police and Fire being able to communicate with eachother. It eliminates the 10- Code, establishes the ICS model for Incident Command among a number of other more complicated issues that you remain ignorant about.
“Yeah I thought so. Because of payola, corruption, and basic criminal behavior, they are stuck with the same problems they had in ‘93.”
You are a moron, and need to do basic research. Because this is simply untrue. Also, congress isn’t responsible for ensuring the communications of any single Fire Department. That is the job of the Fire Department. Now if they need help with this, they can apply for a FireACT grant.
In order to receive this money though, the organizations applying for them must meet certain criteria.
“Reichert was the head of the sub committee that was supposed to fix this. Helping first responders?”
And he did. Just because he didn’t rush into it, took his time and made sure it was done in a manner that was right.
Marcy Bruner on the other hand only let’s her campaign manager make disparaging comments about the Pacific Northwest Largest Firefighters Union as well as make presumptive statements with regards to the WSCFF. I can’t wait to see how she once again doesn’t get their endorsement.
39 Non-union non-firefighter
So because the Democrats are finally implementing the 9/11 commission recommendations Reichert’s doing a good job? How does that work? If the Republicans were still in power there would be no bill for him to amend, even if it is such a popular and safe amendment that it passed with 421 votes. Do you think that means that he’s sticking his neck out for his district?
I know you like the goverment moolah in your pocket, but we in the 8th CD think he’s a useless tool, and he’s outta here in 11/208.
Oh, and non-fireman:
Let’s count up total union endorsements for each candidate next October, OK? Who do you really think will come out on top?
@41 Yer askin’ a Republican tool to think.
By the way, I was a volunteer fireman for years. Better not read this.
I am sure Reichert was calling for an investigation right?
I am sure Reichert was pushing to re authorize the funding for the additional 100,000 cops on the street also right?
It’s all about profiteering, and not giving people like yourselves the necessary equipment, and funding you need.
By the way, how is the Bellevue Fire Dept. doing these days? I read a rather disturbing article the other day about Bellevue losing insurance certification because response times were so pathetic…… How has Reichert supported the largest city in his district’s fire department?
Yeah I thought so.
I understand though. After funneling 2 to 4 trillion taxpayer dollars into the military industrial complex, there is not a lot left over for folks like yourself (myself)……
Reichert reminds me of Sargent Schultz. I know nuuuuuuuuthing!
Reichert did, and does, whatever he’s told to by the Republican leadership. He told us that’s what he does, for God’s sake!
“By the way, I was a volunteer fireman for years.”
That is called being a scab also known as Cheap Labor Liberal.
“Better not read this.”
Well, unfortunately, Bush and Rudy are named, but not Reichert. Also where does it say that the radios are the same now as they were in 93? Oh wait, that’s right, it doesn’t.
“I am sure Reichert was pushing to re authorize the funding for the additional 100,000 cops on the street also right?”
Actually yes, he championed the COPS program.
“It’s all about profiteering, and not giving people like yourselves the necessary equipment, and funding you need.”
Okay, now I understand your line of thinking. So, let me help educate you on this. The Federal Government isn’t responsible for my paycheck, my equipment or my training. My Local Municipality is. The feds give us large amounts of Grant money, when we ask, for things like training and communications. But overall, the local government is responsible not congress. This isn’t Russia.
“By the way, how is the Bellevue Fire Dept. doing these days? I read a rather disturbing article the other day about Bellevue losing insurance certification because response times were so pathetic…… How has Reichert supported the largest city in his district’s fire department?”
Once again, why doesn’t the City of Bellevue work with the Firefighters Union and solve the problem. Seattle did. Congress can’t and shouldn’t step in to solve local disagreements (think Terri Schiavo). Get at least 1 fact straight. Step out of the cloud of ignorance, and educate yourself.
Oh yeah, since you were a volly (and not a PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTER) What do you think of the Democratic congress doing this to Volly’s?
Are you actually on the side of the Heritage Foundation? Or should we eliminate Volunteer Fire Companies and become an all Professional Fire Company Nation?
So 3 out of every 4 firefighters in the country, serving without pay, protecting communities that can’t afford a professional force, are just “scabs” to you? You’re gonna get your ass kicked by a volunteer firefighter, Nancy boy.
BTW, does it make any difference to you that Republicans are implacably opposed to public employee unions? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
????? So flying out of bed at 3AM, racing to the fire hall, throwing on gear, hopping on the truck, hooking up to the correct hydrant, pulling a hose into a burning building on my hands and knees probing for bodies with zero visibility, and risking my life for zero pay is a bad thing in a neo-con’s world right?
You are one sick puppy. If there is a big fire in my home town, I will be there helping out. For free. You can count on it. If there is a wreck, and I am one of the first people there, you can count on me assisting. It will be me pulling the fire extinguisher out of my trunk, and racing up to help, as fast as I can run. Some things are just more important than money in my world. Way more important.
And you call me a scab because I think one of the most useless members of congress should be replaced by a progressive democrat.
With all the corruption going on around him in his party, I just don’t recall Mr. Reichert calling for one single investigation. Even with his “cop” credentials. Got a link?
I won’t hold my breath. He is part of the GOP criminal enterprise.
He needn’t worry though. Their time is almost up. With a Democrat appointing Attorney Generals, we are gonna have to build a bunch more federal prisons to hold Bush, and all his facilitators……
“????? So flying out of bed at 3AM, racing to the fire hall, throwing on gear, hopping on the truck, hooking up to the correct hydrant, pulling a hose into a burning building on my hands and knees probing for bodies with zero visibility, and risking my life for zero pay is a bad thing in a neo-con’s world right?”
Got news for you, that isn’t my position, that is the position of the IAFF a labor organization that endorses primarily democrats.
“So 3 out of every 4 firefighters in the country, serving without pay, protecting communities that can’t afford a professional force, are just “scabs” to you? You’re gonna get your ass kicked by a volunteer firefighter, Nancy boy.”
Two Words: Bring It.
The simple fact is, that the IAFF (You remember, that labor organization that brought you Sen. John Kerry in the 04 Presidential Election) has taken the position that volunteer firefighters cannot do the job as well as a professionally paid career force. In fact, the IAFF has, on many occasions, stated that IAFF members are NOT to be volunteer firefighters, because it takes away Union Firefighting jobs.
I have been a volunteer Firefighter. That is how I got the experience that ultimately led me to be a part-time paid firefighter and later become a Professional Firefighter. I have never denied who or what I am. You libs seem to though. Here you are defending the position of the Heritage foundation. Which are you? If you are truly against as you libs so often put it Cheap Labor Conservatives, then you would recognize that ALL firefighters should be paid for performing their duties.
“BTW, does it make any difference to you that Republicans are implacably opposed to public employee unions? Yeah, I didn’t think so.”
Not all of them are. If that were the Case, Congressman Reichert would not have been endorsed by them or the WSCFF.
“Some things are just more important than money in my world. Way more important.”
I agree, that is why I disagree with my labor Union on politics.
“With all the corruption going on around him in his party, I just don’t recall Mr. Reichert calling for one single investigation. Even with his “cop” credentials. Got a link?”
I enjoy the last line about Sen. Murray the best. Where are the calls for investigation by her?
Great link. Proof that Cantwell did something wrong? Not. I don’t remember Maria pleading guilty, like the Abramoff Gang all did.
I don’t see anything wrong with taking money from tribes. It is not like we don’t have first americans here.
The problem is you need tens of millions to run a campaign, and we all know how pathetic this is.
Cantwell is not my favorite Senator, but compared to folks like Ted Stevens, and Conrad Burns, she is a goddess.
Two Words: Bring It.
Well, tough guy, why don’t you just find a nice tight little group of volunteer firefighters and tell them how you think they are useless, job-stealing scabs. What, am I here to do your work for you? You’re kinda lazy o be a union guy. Good thing you have job protections, isn’t it?
The simple fact is, that the IAFF (You remember, that labor organization that brought you Sen. John Kerry in the 04 Presidential Election)
Good job with that one, by the way. Remind me to ask for your help in the next election.
…has taken the position that volunteer firefighters cannot do the job as well as a professionally paid career force. In fact, the IAFF has, on many occasions, stated that IAFF members are NOT to be volunteer firefighters, because it takes away Union Firefighting jobs.
Yes, of course communities that canot afford firefighters should be forced to bankrupt themselves to provide your union buddies with jobs. If you want to expand your union, get off your lazy I-don’t-want-to-find-firefighters-to-fight ass and organize. But no, you want the legislature to do your work for you.
I have been a volunteer Firefighter. That is how I got the experience that ultimately led me to be a part-time paid firefighter and later become a Professional Firefighter. I have never denied who or what I am. You libs seem to though.
WHO supports unions? Republicans? Hint: the answer is no.
Here you are defending the position of the Heritage foundation.
No, YOU are creating a false dichotomy, as you contend that disagreeing with forced unionism and the dissolution of volunteer firefighting in poor communities IS THE SAME THING AS opposing any and all unionism. I think you should expand your union (if you can–your game seems weak), but not by coercive legislation and not at the expense of other ser ices in poor communities.
“If you are truly against as you libs so often put it Cheap Labor Conservatives, then you would recognize that ALL firefighters should be paid for performing their duties.”
The obvious conclusion we can draw from your comments is that we should not ANY volunteers to help in any aspect of life. Bullshit.
“… any difference to you that Republicans are implacably opposed to public employee unions? Yeah, I didn’t think so.” Not all of them are. If that were the Case, Congressman Reichert would not have been endorsed by them or the WSCFF.
Right. I don’t believe that this proves anything. The union endorsed who they thought would be likely to funnel money to them. he had pledged to help first responders, so it was a good bet. It had nothing to do with whether first reponders were union or not. Republicans are still hostile to public employee unions, and when legislation affecting, say, the use of union dues for political purposes comes up, Reichert will toe the line.
I just don’t recall Mr. Reichert calling for one single investigation. Even with his “cop” credentials. Got a link?” http://seattletimes.nwsource.c om/html/politics/2002725782_ca ntwell07.html
What was that? Reichert, in that article, DID NOT CALL FOR AN INVESTIGATION. Are you hard of hearing? Of course, the tribes represented by Abramoff did nothing wrong anyway, so why would people return their contributions unless Abramoff guided contributions to them specifically for favors, WHICH HE DID ONLY FOR REPUBLICANS? Indian tribes have always contributed to Democrats, who tend to represent their interests.
Are you really as stupid as you seem?
Glad to see that you have finally given up.
MaMa Hate,
“Yes, of course communities that canot afford firefighters should be forced to bankrupt themselves to provide your union buddies with jobs. If you want to expand your union, get off your lazy I-don’t-want-to-find-firefight ers-to-fight ass and organize. But no, you want the legislature to do your work for you.”
See, this is where your ignorance shows. I can’t go into these communities and organize the. They themselves must organize, but then again, facts have never been your strong point.
The point is, it is the position of the IAFF, not of republicans, not of me and not of the Heritage Foundation, that ALL firefighters should be paid professional and union members. If they are not, they are taking away Union jobs. What part of that don’t you understand? Like I said, that is the position of the IAFF (A labor organization).
“No, YOU are creating a false dichotomy, as you contend that disagreeing with forced unionism and the dissolution of volunteer firefighting in poor communities IS THE SAME THING AS opposing any and all unionism. I think you should expand your union (if you can–your game seems weak), but not by coercive legislation and not at the expense of other ser ices in poor communities.”
Let me pull 1 phrase out of that passage
“forced unionism”
Now 1 company name
Will your hypocrisy ever cease to amaze even your fellow libs? The IAFF has been on a mission to expand it’s membership by dissolving the volunteer firefighter companies. The Republicans have come to their rescue time and time again. This is exactly what you are doing when faced with this scenario or the position of the Labor Organization in question. You take the side of the Republicans and the Heritage Foundation (See comment above about hypocrisy)
“The obvious conclusion we can draw from your comments is that we should not ANY volunteers to help in any aspect of life. Bullshit.”
Once again, I was referring to the often mentioned Cheap Labor Conservative argument. You libs think that Republicans are so against Labor, but when the IAFF wants all firefighters to be professionally paid career firefighters, you jump on the side of conservatives. You can’t have it both ways. Once again, you are making the argument FOR the Heritage foundation. How many times have you heard them say FORCED UNIONISM? (Hint: More than 1)
“It had nothing to do with whether first reponders were union or not.”
Actually that was discussed at the WSCFF Political committee meeting in Vancouver, Wa for our convention. See, I know this, because I was there. Where you? Oh wait nope. Only UNION firefighters where there. We also discussed how Professionally Paid Firefighters should treat Volly’s different and not trust them as much as paid professionals, and about our members not becoming volunteers. Once again, the overwhelming majority of people at this convention were self described Democrats (WSCFF brought you Queen Gregoire in 04)
“Are you really as stupid as you seem?”
Let’s see, you are the hypocrite that is crying about Forced Unionism and volunteers being just as good as professional firefighters and how communities shouldn’t have to pay for their fire protection. Then you start in about the evils of the republicans. Seems to me you are having an identity crisis. Take a Zanex MaMa Hate, your own lies and ignorance are starting to form a new personality.
Re @2:
Ann says:
seriously? darcy is your ‘best hope’ again?
arent ya’ll getting a little embarassed with this woman yet? can you at least put up an adult that isnt so easy to knock over?
11/24/2007 at 6:30 am
Good one Ann! Ditzy Darcy isn’t fit to be a manager at a McDonald’s drive-thru, let alone in Washington D.C. Goldy and his merry band of fiscal recklessness club are certainly grasping at straws here, and for that I’m glad. BTW, is her last name Burner or something else? Sorry, just not worthy of rememberence. A mosquito comes to mind….
@1 Roger Rodent:
Well, hop your lil ass in a taxi and go see Dave if you want a hug that bad. Oh wait, I forgot; your food stamps don’t count as cab fare….
Maybe all the ‘goods’ that your buddy Clinton sold to China under the guise of NAFTA are more of an issue than you lefties want to deal with?
How about asking your savior, Hillary, what she thinks of NAFTA now? Oh that’s right! She laughed when shown that Perot was right about NAFTA taking the US down the hole and giving China a strong hold on our economy.
Good going idiots!