See that banner behind the picture of DCCC chair Rahm Emanuel in this week’s issue of TIME magazine? Know what it says?
D a r c y
B u r n e r
The article says a lot about Burner too:
Darcy Burner knew that prospective Democratic candidates sometimes left in tears after meeting Representative Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, who heads the party’s efforts to recapture the House and was the one-man screening committee for recruits. Burner, an alumna of Harvard and Microsoft, didn’t cry. But she found the wiry former Clinton Administration official as ruthless as any corporate chieftain she had known, as he went down a checklist of questions, including one at the top he had written to himself: Is she worth the investment of my time and the committee’s money?
“Apparently, it didn’t occur to him that I could read upside down,” Burner recalls. Or maybe he didn’t care. Either way, at the end of all his queries about polls and consultants and budgets, she asked him, “How are we doing on No. 1?”
“The jury is still out,” Emanuel said with studied bluntness.
Burner, who wanted to run in a district that stretches from wealthy Seattle suburbs to farmland at the base of Mount Rainier, passed muster. Now the two are bonded on a historic adventure–the Democrats’ increasingly promising quest to evict Republicans from the leadership suites they have occupied for the past dozen years. “This Microsoft mom is going to be part of us taking back the Congress,” Emanuel said hoarsely at a rally in a Mercer Island, Wash., community center last week.
Equal parts coach, babysitter and disciplinarian, Emanuel, 46, has groomed Burner and 21 other varsity challengers–seven more than the number of seats that Democrats need to take control of the House.
And if that doesn’t put to rest the righties’ wishful thinking that Burner isn’t a top tier challenger, perhaps President Bush’s upcoming trip to raise money for the struggling Reichert will. Not too many House Republicans get (or want) that type of attention, but Reichert’s getting desperate.
What’s Burner’s position on the “Department of Peace and Nonviolence”? That should tell us quite a bit…
Can Darcy Burner do chi squared analysis? Is she “very afraid” that we’re all gonna fucking die?
And most importantly… does she think we need to tax the shit out of the Producers?
Does Bush plan to hug a rabbit while he’s in Seattle?
Reddick, you can be damn sure Burner’s not for warmongering, torture, detentions without due process or trial, or covering up atrocities against Iraqi babies. And that’s what this election is all about.
Reply to 2
We’re all afraid that you’re not gonna fucking die soon enough.
If she does, YOU have nothing to worry about.
And most importantly… does she think we need to tax the shit out of the Producers?
No. She supports a progressive income tax.
Lest we forget:
“Ummm…. if the President says it… it’s not a ‘leak’. A ‘leak’ is disclosing information without authorization. Since the President is the boss, it is by definition not a leak since he can authorize whatever the fuck he wants. That’s how things work when you’re boss.” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/10/06@ 3:06 pm
Hey Welsher, how’s that supply-and-demand curve working out for ya when you fill up your SUV?
There is no energy supply crisis, only an energy distribution crisis. All we have to do is harness the methane blowing out of Reddick’s ass.
This president’s biggest “leak” is the one he’s been taking on the Constitution.
It’s not a matter of taxing the “producers”. It does however make sense to raise money from those who have it. Yeah, just like Willie Sutton’s answer to someone who asked him why he robbed banks: “That’s where the money is”. Now, you could round up all the poor people, and render them down and make a buck or two selling what’s left for fertilizer or something, but I don’t think that would be much help.
Instead, we’ve now been shown the neoconservative “solution” of just borrowing and borrowing and borrowing, and leaving the whole thing for future generations to sort out.
Was the Clinton hack rude?? Gee, that sounds soooooooo out of character!!! [hehe]
The fact that Reichert doesn’t have the sense to take the money and be elsewhere says it all.
That’s how it’s done nowadays. Get Laura or manufacture a scheduling conflict that puts you in another county. Dave’s discomfort with public speaking will be the perfect match for Bubble Boy’s facial tic. The one that comes out whenever he lies. One can only imagine what will happen if Bubble doesn’t get his bike ride in.
Art – Here’s an idea: Instead of playing robin hood, why don’t we setup a system of free education so people can get marketable skills? Free through high school, and then pay only 20% of the true cost of university. Then couple that with an economic system with strong financial incentives for being productive taxpaying members of society?
Aw shit… never mind… that’s crazy talk isn’t it? Only somethin’ a redneck would like. You’re right; tax the shit out of the producers since they “have it” and give it to the bad choice crowd to insulate them from the effects of their bad choices. Karl would be proud of you art..
I’m sure we all agree that working for you would be a bad choice — low wages, lousy working conditions, no worker insurance, crappy boss.
A guy who doesn’t pay his lost bets probably doesn’t pay his employees, either.
Producers? What does this mean anymore?
Frank Blethen, Mr. Death Tax, produces what exactly? How barren and economically broken will we be if his “family farm” gets taxed away from the kids?
If you earn less than what, $100K a year, trust me, you’re producing more than Frank the dog killer and his ilk ever will. And you’re going to keep getting stuck with the bill. So I guess you’re not serf class. Would that put you in Frank and Paris Hilton’s tier?
Wabbit @ 10 – I burn about 100 gallons per month in my big luxury SUV. So my monthly bill is in the low to mid 300s. So the total impact is maybe $150 per month more than I paid a few years ago. Now are you telling me that $150/month extra is a fucking economic catastrophe for most people? C’mon… if you can’t take a hit like that, you’re stoopid with money. Do I like paying it? Of course not… but I’m not gonna lose my fucking mind over it. I’m not gonna launch fucking congressional investigations so kook politcians like Maria can pander to irresponsible fucking idiots.
What I’d really like is for all you robin hood do-gooders to make your own fucking money and keep your greedy fucking hands off mine.
Let’s get this back on topic… other than having a vagina, does she have any qualifications? Does she understand economics? Does she understand science? Does she understand the Constitution?
MTR ejects his stories straight out his anus. He’ll say anything, but judging by the amount of time he spends here he’s a lonely loser.
Yeah, I am sure that Sheriff Dave is literally shaking in his boots woorying about Darcy.
Since when are those qualifications for office. GWB has none of that understanding, why should Darcy.
I know, she has a whole lot less money.
Mark @16:
The gist of your idea is correct. There are two problems with your underlying assumptions, though:
(1) The Republicans have been playing slash-‘n-burn with education funding, making (for instance) the largest cuts EVER in the student loan programs that allow middle class families to send their kids to college. That means that it gets harder and harder for most kids to have any reasonable opportunity to succeed, no matter how hard they work.
(2) Many anti-tax Republicans underestimate (intentionally or not) their fair share of the tax burden. There’s a reason we don’t see Zimbabwean businesspersons with the same kinds of net worth of American businesspersons — it’s because you need the infrastructure that’s here in the U.S., and that infrastructure costs money. Things like courts to enforce contracts, roads to ship goods on, a broadly-educated workforce, functional markets, law enforcement to ensure your goods aren’t intercepted on the way to market, and stores that aren’t pillaged (including by government officials looking for bribes). Huge investments have been made by previous generations to give you the opportunity you have; it’s only fair to ask the people who benefit most from this to make the investments for the next generation. Instead of plundering our country’s wealth and racking up unbelievable debts that our children and grandchildren will be paying off for generations to come.
Mark @ 21:
Yes. Her degree is, according to what I’ve read in her bio, in computer science and economics — from Harvard. So I think it’s reasonable to assume she understands both economics and science. And she got an ‘A’ in Constitutional law in law school, so I expect she understands the Constution as well.
All this, and Dave Reichert has demonstrated that he doesn’t understand ANY of those three topics.
MTR ejects his stories straight out his anus. He’ll say anything, but judging by the amount of time he spends here he’s a lonely loser.
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 6/5/06@ 5:58 pm
What your excuse Harry Tuttle for being a lonely loser.
MTR needs politicians who understand science, since he doesn’t.
Same as your’s, klakker.
Slash and burn…. shit… stop it… The argument is whether students should pay for 20% or 23% of their education in taxpayer funded universities. That’s the whole discussion. To see what I mean…. go look up tuition at Seattle University (private) and UW (taxpayer. Last time I checked SU was about 5 times the cost of UW. So don’t spread your bullshit about funding getting “slashed”… the increase is minor.
I agree with you on the infrastructure stuff… free markets need effective institutions… that’s not my bitch… my bitch is with the robin hood do-gooders stealing my money to give to the bad choice crowd. I also have a hard time with the bottom 50% getting a free ride. They should ante up their share.
What’s up with the defense of MTR, you guy’s sleeping together?
The Canadian terrorist story found KOMO news adoring Sheriff Davie over the weekend.
They didn’t ask why homeland security funding for the cities had been slashed, though.
I guess they didn’t want Mr. Goodhair to begin stuttering, bad for the image.
Mark @ 30:
There aren’t remotely enough slots at the public universities for all of the kids who need college educations, so we have programs to help them go to private universities as well. Student loans are the most important of those programs. Without access to student loans, the vast majority of students couldn’t attend college — and if the repayments are too debilitating because the fees and interest rates are too high, you artificially suppress the startups, new industries, and investments these students might otherwise create after graduation.
As for the freeloaders, well, didn’t Christ talk a lot about feeding the hungry and clothing the poor? They’re not entitled to the lap of luxury, but I’d argue that foodstamps and the most basic safety net are a good thing from a moral perspective. Besides which, who wants people starving to death on your doorstep?
Defending Gary: Unraveling the Mind of the Green River Killer is a new book by Mark Prothero, one of Gary Ridgway’s lawyers. It details the negotiations that led to the plea bargain to spare Ridgway’s life.
Prothero is particularly critical of Dave Reichert, the first King County detective on the case, who became sheriff and is now a congressman. Prothero says Reichert overlooked Ridgway to focus on another suspect, a cab driver who publicly criticized the investigation.
Good preparation for doorbelling for Darcy
Mark, what tax bracket are you in? Roughly speaking, how much of your gross, before your hiding-the-income games, did the government take from you? I’m guessing not very much. And yet whine whine whine.
And you’ve never shared exactly HOW you’re a “producer.” I think your use of the word belies a mistaken belief as to the definition of that word.
Is Kevin Carns a producer?
Well, I’m not afraid of Burner. The 8th District (my district) has not yet shown that it cares to elect a socialist for the House. anything is possible, but I haven’t seen that yet.
Punch: Klake is a nazi.
Judy: No he’s not, he’s an idiot.
Punch: OK, you convinced me, he’s an idiot.
Judy: Waddya mean, you persuaded me: Klake is Nazi.
Punch: OK, Klake is an idiotic nazi.
Judy: Got it. Klake is a blithering idiot who is a nazi!
Anyone who would conflate a Microsoftie with socialism is beyond stupidity. . .by several orders of magnitude. In fact, Misty you are approaching the range of Mark the Retarded Redneck.
Seattle would be better off if Frank Blethen had to liquidate the Seattle Times’ assets to pay inheritance taxes, and the P-I became Seattle’s surviving daily newspaper.
Sorry, Mark, but without government, you wouldn’t have any property except whatever you could carry on your back. Government costs money. Pay your share, and quit whining, you fucking crybaby.
“you unfucking crybaby”
(it’s hard to imagine anyone fucking Mark the Woman Hater, although one could postulate that a gay relationship might be within the realm of possibility for him)
So, Redneck, can we assume that due to higher pump prices you’re visiting Sugar’s less frequently these days, and giving the exotic dancers tens instead of twenties?
Judging from the amount of time Redneck spends on HorsesAss, it’s a fair guess that the only thing he produces is hot air.
How is Burner a socialist? Do you even know what a socialist is? (Don’t answer, because you’ll only further embarass yourself.)
Before I forget — klake is a nazi
Is “Misty” really Kevin Carns in drag?
Misty @ 36
Well, I’m not afraid of Burner.
Good! It is sheeple like you that make the job easier.
“The 8th District (my district) has not yet shown that it cares to elect a socialist for the House. anything is possible, but I haven’t seen that yet.”
Ummm….Misty. Do you even know what the word “Socialist” means?
Didn’t think so.
Mark the Thieving Redneck,
You could make a great contribution to Wingnuts everywhere. The bottom-feeding 50% of Wingnuts fail to make good on their bets. You are one of them.
You made a $100 bet with Goldy and have failed to make good on it. See what you can do about it. (And leave the higher-level economics–ahh…and statistics–to the adults.)
Uh oh! The connections between the White House and the lobbying scandal just got a little clearer. No wonder the righties want to talk about shit like gay marraige. They can’t stand the light of day on their corrupt administration.
I guess Janet S and Pope-A-Dope have decided to run from their earlier rediculous sexist attacks on Darcy. At least it appears that way since they won’t put their names to the claims in a public forum like the newspaper.
What does Dave Reichert think of the party’s new immigration policy that opposes citizenship for babies born here to illegal immigrants and supports a guest worker program only for workers who go back home to apply?
Reichert said that he is willing to consider a proposal that would end automatic citizenship for babies born here. “It makes sense to me. This is people taking advantage of the system,” he said. Reichert said that he has heard stories of pregnant Mexican women “just moments before the baby is born crossing the border and having the baby in a parking lot … then claiming they can’t leave because their baby is a citizen.”
Darcy Burner’s campaign observed that:
“Dave Reichert has been seriously out of touch on this issue from the beginning. First, he voted in favor of the House bill that made it a felony for the clergy to offer aid to immigrants. Now, he’s supporting a clearly unconsitutional proposal to end automatic citizenship for babies born here. It forces you to ask, ‘What is he thinking?’ “
“It forces you to ask, ‘What is he thinking?’”
Reichert doesn’t think. Somebody in the White House does his thinking for him.
@25 And yet, the Bush education plan, actually written by Ted Kennedy, allocates about 50% more for education than Clinton ever did. How can that be?
Was the Clinton hack rude?? Gee, that sounds soooooooo out of character!!! [hehe]
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 6/5/06@ 5:32 pm
Hey Darcy was seen wiping the front of her dress though. Hehe
WHere does your grrrrrlll Darcy stand on outsourcing?;chkFlg=
Here’s an issue where she can demonstrate her economic prowess.
Someone might want to mention to darcy the sacrificial donkette that sounding like a valley girl… you know, the snotty inflections and bubble headed intonations she seems to do so very well… and quite naturally, doesn’t quite cut it amongst grown ups.
Get a speech coach little donkette darcy, or come back when you’ve grown out of valley-girlhood…
Of course she does sound exactly like the bitch triumverates of Hitlary, Pelosi and Cantwalkandchewgum, the illegitimate quenn, Boxer and the dumbest sentaot in US histor so maybe it will work for her with the moron left of Seattle… of course most have alread admitted they can’t vote in the 8th!
Hey we can have a game… let’s name assorted snotty liberal bitch triumverates … the illegitimate queen, the Boxer boobette and the dumbest sentator in US history…
Hey Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats: I already provided you a prime example of taxing the producers to distribute wealth to the consumers; New Jersey.
The latest New Jersey budget gives the unions what they want while taxing the lower middle class from 6% to 7% sales tax. Then they take over $4 Billion from the six rich northern counties and give most of it to the four poorer Hudson River bordering counties. This produces $1Billion/year average for 2000 high school graduates for a whopping $500K spent per graduate. I already provided the links last week and only Green Dumb attempted to answer.
Now just think moonbats, with this exceptional example of record “Educational Achievement” in New Jersey, can you tell us we are not spending enough for education? Remember New Jersey is donkville. The rigged a special election for Frank Lautenberg (D) for DONK.
howcanyou – Do you really think she’s the dumbest senator in history? Is that because she has won the “No Rocket Scientist” award for 6 years running? Or do you have other data? Boxer is dumb too… which one is dumber?
What do you moonbats think? Is Senator Dimbulb the dumbest Senator in history?
So, Redneck, can we assume that due to higher pump prices you’re visiting Sugar’s less frequently these days, and giving the exotic dancers tens instead of twenties?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 7:07 pm
Rabbit Pellet: You were there with Redneck and you didn’t buy him a drink? Man I knew times were tough!
So, if Darcy sounds like a girl, I wonder if the big bad sheriff will have the gonads to debate the girl?
If he does, and Darcy says something mean, do you think Sheriff Dave will go stompping off the stage and start crying about how mean she was?
You know, like he during the 8th Republican primary debates in 2004?
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 59
I think you get the “Dumbest Wingnut ‘Round Here” award for your misunderstanding of the underlying data assumptions necessary for doing a Chi-squared “analysis.” That still makes me laugh….
Oh…and before your pea-brain forgets: you owe Goldy $100 from a bet you lost.
Look, people, the entire Democrat party is tilted toward socialism these days. Go and look up the Communist party USA platform, and you’ll see that there’s not much difference between it and the Dem party these days. It’s eery how similar they are. And if you don’t go check that out first, don’t reply.
Mark, what tax bracket are you in? Roughly speaking, how much of your gross, before your hiding-the-income games, did the government take from you? I’m guessing not very much. And yet whine whine whine.
And you’ve never shared exactly HOW you’re a “producer.” I think your use of the word belies a mistaken belief as to the definition of that word.
Is Kevin Carns a producer?
Commentby Anonymous— 6/5/06@ 6:28 pm
It’s Okay cousin MTR Kennedy. ASSnonymous: I’ll gladly answer that one for ya. I’d even display my 1040 but my accountant sez don’t be stupid. I am NOT stupid!
Year 2005
Worked 26 weeks – Yeah that’s it, only 26 weeks
Stayed mostly in One hotel chain – >135 days
Flew mostly on Alaska Air >90K Miles (doubled as MVP Gold)
Grossed >$170K – it’s higher but why piss you off even more
Money hiding schemes implemented NONE!
Money saved for rainy day: Lots
Money saved for son’s college: Some as don’t know full bill yet!
Just think ASSnonymous, while I was gone my sons stayed virgins. Not like donk kids who are on the news all the time.
So am I a producer or a consumer? Can you figure out my tax bracket. Let’s see, I paid the US Government on April 15th, gladly too!
So now let’s dissect ASSnonymous. Tell me how much did your librul ass make last year? Oh I get it, you are ashamed to say?
So perfessor DJ, with that high falluting attitude over Cousin MTR Kennedy’s chi^2 analysis, how much did you RIP OFF from Evergreen last year in pay? How much “research” did you perform? Or are you just a BIG BULLSHITTER like most Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats!
BTW I didn’t even consider asking For the Cluesless, RudeJacks, Dribble, Donnagetsnonedon, or Tree Frog Farmer. Why embarass the lowest common denominators of ASSHeads?
Damn embarrass…
Misty @ 63
“Look, people, the entire Democrat party is tilted toward socialism these days. Go and look up the Communist party USA platform, and you’ll see that there’s not much difference between it and the Dem party these days.”
He he. Ummm…Misty, do you really understand the difference between socalism and communism? I didn’t think so.
“It’s eery how similar they are. And if you don’t go check that out first, don’t reply.”
Fuck you, Misty. It isn’t your blog. You don’t set the rules.
You didn’t go to the Communist Party USA site, did you dj….
Puddybud @ 64
“how much did you RIP OFF from Evergreen last year in pay?”
None. I’ve never even been there.
“How much “research” did you perform?”
Lots and lots.
@ 57
Of course she does sound exactly like the bitch triumverates of Hitlary, Pelosi and Cantwalkandchewgum, the illegitimate quenn, Boxer and the dumbest sentaot in US histor so maybe it will work for her with the moron left of Seattle… of course most have alread admitted they can’t vote in the 8th!
Hey we can have a game… let’s name assorted snotty liberal bitch triumverates … the illegitimate queen, the Boxer boobette and the dumbest sentator in US history…
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 6/5/06@ 10:07 pm
You know, I was going to tear you a new asshole for this post, then I realized that you did it to yourself. I urge everyone to read this post. Check the spelling, the grammar and syntax…..
Enough said.
Carl Grossman
Liberal Democrat
Misty # 69
“You didn’t go to the Communist Party USA site”
Why should I? I am neither a member of the Democratic Party nor the Communist Party of the USA.
But, in any case, you are committing a logical fallicy. There would be nothing surprising in finding some common elements between the two party platforms (or any two parties for that matter). The two platforms should have common elements that would reflect some mix of (1) planks that address the fascist leanings of the GOP, (2) the Communist party adopting elements from the Democratic Platform, or (3) the Democratic party adopting elements that are “Communist”.
Rather than spewing bullshit, perhaps you could point out the shared elements that you think are particularly “communist” or particularly “socialist.” And then someone who give a fuck might address your concerns.
I was simply pointing out that your lumping “socialism” in with “communism” reflects a misunderstanding of these two concepts.
YO @ 68 raised his deformed little head and squeaked out:
It is always a pleasure to hear from our adorable little chromosomal anomaly. Poor thing. YO is a lethal type of anuploidy.
Our adorable friend doesn’t have much time left, but he sure has spirit!
My caller ID spit out “Darcy Burner” this evening………….geees did they call the wrong house….Ha Ha Good luck, you will need it to beat an ICON!
I just came back from a meeting of the log cabin republicans. Saw Klake, Pope and surprisingly, Janet S who turns out to be a tranny. Ms. Cynical was there sporting her latest boob job and JCH was in the back room turning tricks. The platform of the log cabin republicans is to be gay but then attack gay marraige hoping it will distract America from the failed war in Iraq, Bush’s failure to find Osama, the high gas prices, loss of jobs to overseas workers, staggering deficits, corruption at every level of the republican party, record trade deficits and America’s failed health care system.
YOSUCKSDICK: Yes, you are very intelligent. Nice moniker. Really original. You are a credit to donkland!!!
I am so surprised no one dared to comment on my tax bracket and I know why. It delivers the truth about working hard and working to excellence.
These are my mottos: – – Navigate to the page bottom and click the next link for more truth between your librul eyes.
I like this one: “Zig Ziglar: Quotes about Excellence
Outstanding people have one thing in common: an absolute sense of mission.”
So I ask you full fledged members of Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats; what is you mission besides hatred of GWB? You have no platform. Ha ha ha. In Yakima your party said no guards on the borders. Yet the VAST majority of Americans want them there! So out of touch with reality!
Excellence! Anything else and I’d be a member of the Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats. Oops.. that’s all of you libruls who support Goldy!
Rahm Emmanuel? WOW…
where are the other Clinton hacks? Mandy, Paul, Stephie, Carville?
Emmanual was a ruthless guy, and bought his way into Congress.
YOu know, when confronted w/ ethics issues on the GOP, you don’t need to outduel us w/ sleazier characters…
(ps, glad he calls her a microsoft mom, though again, she was never a mom when she worked there. Is my wife a WaMu mom cuz she worked there one summer in college?)
@67 Socialism – The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.
That’s about it, Michael. Remember, Hillary wanted the govt. to run the show re medicine. And far too many Democrats wanted govt.-only medicine like Canada. Heaven help us, if it goes that way. Just heard another horror story from a Canadian about the failures of their system. Her own doctor got screwed by the govt. when he tried to help her. (Don’t kid yourself, single-payer is not the panacea you all think it is)
You know, I was going to tear you a new asshole for this post, then I realized that you did it to yourself. I urge everyone to read this post. Check the spelling, the grammar and syntax…..
Enough said.
Carl Grossman
Liberal Democrat -Commentby My Left Foot— 6/5/06@ 11:07 pm
I noticed you didn’t/couldn’t debunk the message but instead chose to insult the messenger. How telling.
Woodinville “Native American” Republican here and happy to help Darcy Burner get elected.
I extremely disappointed in the Republican party for their inability to control spending. In fact spending has increased faster under Bush Jr. than any other time in my entire life. All Reichert brags about is how much he can spend, except he really doesn’t get anymore money for the 8th district than an other junior congressperson, yet he brags about the scraps he does get.
I think D. Reichert is a jerk, a lousy detective, and a social liberal. If we are going to have a social liberal in the 8th then we may as well have a Democrat than somebody trying to act like one. Why have an imitation when we can have the real thing.
Darcy has a great bio, comes from the private sector, and a military family; unlike the big government Reichert who’s live on the government dole all his life.
I know many of you are anti-war, anti-Bush, and frankly a bunch of screwballs. But we can all agree that our troop should be supported or pulled out. Bush cheers them when they get sent off, but when some of them flip out because of the stress of combat do they get pardonned, do they get help … no they get trials, they get jail. In WWII and Korea civilians got killed, did our guys go to jail … or were they honored as the heros they were?
As a conservative I’m sick of the Republicans just feathering the beds of their close friends, consultants, and inside business associates instead of working in the best interest of the American people.
However, the Democrats have been pretty lame too. This country needs a strong opposition party to hold the other party accountable. The Democrats have not been doing their job.
The Democrats need to have a positive plan NOW, here are some ideas.
1. Democratic Energy Bill that includes Nuclear, Solar, Wind, Domestic Oil, and Ethanol production and a ton of efficiency standards. And then stay on topic for more than 2 secs. (this will be a pretty good vote getter) … ACT like you’ve already won in November, take a clue from how N. Gingrich acted in ’94.
2. Tax Reduction on Gas and tie it to additional efficiency standards on cars. (this will be a HUGE win for you) as opposed to the Death Tax reduction.
3. Reduce spending on a bunch of Pork in Republican Districts, you ought to be able to easily find 10 to 20 Billion. Filibuster everything until they let you vote on their pork and get the Republican crying for their pork – and then bash them for fiscal irresponsibilty.
4. Go for an extreme anti-spam law.
5. Pull stunts like the GWB DEBT Clock as a massive sign somewhere in NYC or DC.
6. At least 30% of the Gas Price is because GWB has not protected the value of the dollar because of deficit spending. DRIVE THIS POINT HOME, instead of all the minor crap you currently focus on. The dollar has dropped dramatically under Bush.
7. A good model for how to crush the Repub, is how Arnold beat G. Davis in California. Have fun and mock the hell out of Bush on fiscal issues. The anti-Iraq stuff comes off too anti-American I don’t think a Democrat can keep themselves from bashing America when they talk about Iraq. Make this election entirely about Bush and his inability to control spending and thus the value of the dollar and thus high gas prices.
8. Avoid stupid gaffes like Busby said about not needing “papers” too vote. That’s so bad, it makes me want to vote Republican again. I’m an American first, a conservative second, a Republican third. So don’t tell me that it is okay that illegals vote.
This is why Ms. Burner is going to win. Recently, I took an elderly gentleman to Ms. Burner’s rally on Mercer Island. At the end of the rally he said he wanted to meet her. I escorted him through the crowd to the front of the room. My little old man had a lot to say to Darcy, far more than I thought was appropriate. BUT she stuck with him, didn’t budge until he had said everything he wanted to say. On the way back to his house, he said, “I’m calling all my Republican friends about her!”