Wanna know where Democratic congressional candidate Darcy Burner stands on issues? Go read her rather in depth (3100 words) Q&A over on Slog.
by Goldy — ,
Wanna know where Democratic congressional candidate Darcy Burner stands on issues? Go read her rather in depth (3100 words) Q&A over on Slog.
Wow — Darcy Burner has the perfect platform to run on. She wants to cut federal taxes, raise federal spending, and balance the federal budget. Should prove to be extremely popular.
Wow – Richard Pope has the perfect platform to run on. He wants to be a Port Commissioner. Should prove to be extremely popular.
Wow! Richard can’t read!
The tax system must be changed to ease the burden on the middle class and small businesses and ensure that large corporations and the very wealthy pay their fair share.
That says there must be a shift in the tax burden, and corporations and the guys who run them to get $400 million retirement funds must pay more and people who make $50K – 75K per year must pay less.
The comparison is clear. During the Clinton years, the economy was better for the average person, under Bush the average guy is becoming poor.
There’s no mystery, the Democrats are better stewards of the economy than the ‘thugs.
Hey Richard Pope – Why are you always so negative man? You’re twisting my mellow man.
Hey – Did any of you moonbats go to Maria Cantwell’s gig on Sunday at the gas station in Tukwila? She was gonna rail about “gouging”… not that she’d know gouging from the invisible hand doing its thing…
I’m looking for some good moonbat economic theory to add to my collection. Do any of you have any gems or do you have text of her speech?
How bout we shift the tax burden so the lower half pays more than 4 fucking percent? How bout we give The Producers another tax cut that will increase federal revenue (through investment) and have the bad choice crowd start picking up their fair share?
You know Mark, when you don’t have any income, your income tax in total dollars is going to seem small in comparison to those that have more. But for you it is still a big percentage of the little you have.
Shift that Mark.
Mary The Redneck said “How bout we shift the tax burden so the lower half pays more than 4 fucking percent?”
Now all Mary has to do is prove her enormously erroneous statement.
This should be entertaining!
Do you guys hate women? Is that supposed to be insulting?
Daniel – Tough shit. Everybody needs to pay their fair share. What would you think of flat tax. I think the revenue neutral number is 17%. Yeah or nay?
“How bout we shift the tax burden so the lower half pays more than 4 fucking percent? Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/24/06@ 3:21 pm”
How bout we shift the balance of power between capital and labor so the lower half gets more than 4 fucking percent of the income?
6 (continued)
“How bout we give The Producers another tax cut that will increase federal revenue (through investment) and have the bad choice crowd start picking up their fair share?” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/24/06@ 3:21 pm
Who are you referring to, the workers who produce everything, or lazy-ass Republicans who sit around telling other people to work and collecting rents, dividends, interest, and stock options?
Problem with federal taxes is that NOBODY wants to pay their fair share. Our federal tax rates are too low all around, which is the main reason for our incredibly huge federal deficits.
Clinton was able to push through a federal income tax increase in 1993. Then the GOP took control of Congress and reduced a lot of spending. This balanced the federal budget for about the only time in the last 35 years or so — and even got us some decent surpluses.
Increasing taxes for the so-called super-rich and reducing taxes for the so-called middle class isn’t going to balance the budget. No matter what demagoguery the Democrats try on this issue.
The only way to balance the federal budget is by either increasing taxes or reducing spending. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats want to do either of these.
“Do you guys hate women?” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/24/06@ 3:53 pm
None of us can match your credentials in that department.
9 (continued)
Naturally, I understand WHY you hate women, Mark — or, at least, a PARTICULAR woman.
Hey Rabbit – Even taking a hit like that, I still am better off than you will EVER be. Tell us again how you gave up $200/hour to serve humanity. Tell us again how you spend 1/3 of your income on medical. Bellow at us why we should pay your bills. But now it’s too late for you. You fucked up your life, and now ya gotta live with the consequences. Tough shit pal…
Pope – yeah or nay on flat 17% (or whatever the revenue neutral number is)?
BTW… the flat tax will NEVER happen as long as gummint is involved in social engineering. Taxes today have two purposes:
1) Pay for gummint operations
2) Act as tools for policy deployment.
By giving some behaviors favorable tax treatment, gummint can encourage those behaviors and get more of them. By giving other behaviors punitive tax treatment, those behaviors are discouraged and there is less of them.
So until there is a fundamental shift in the role of gummint… to get them out of the social engineering business… the tax code will continue to be complex. With that complexity comes all the infrastructure and cost to administer it.
Hey Rabbit -Story in today’s PI that Mrs. Gregoire gonna take up health care as next big issue. Make the moral case why the Producers should pay for theirs and everyone else’s health care. Just because YOU are in a bad spot thorough a lifetime of bad choices is not sufficient reason.
I now realize Pope must in fact be a lawyer because he’s lying. President Clinton raised the taxes on the richest of the rich and in fact balanced the budget. Not that it seems to matter since the new republican mantra (now that THEY are in control) is deficits don’t matter. As usual, the hypocrital right wants it both ways. Well when you all go to jail you’ll get it – both ways !!! HE HE HE!
It will never happen because the rest of us will rise up and behead you, you arrogant asshole.
“Arrogant asshole”? Moi? Surely you jest sir.
When have I EVER come across as arrogant or an asshole? Examples please…
Did Maria give a party and nobody came? What happened to her grandstanding event at the gas station in Tukwila? No mention of it in either paper. None of you moonbats went. Goldy’s not drooling over her. WTF?
Was it a bust?
Example of Mark the Asshole
How bout we shift the tax burden so the lower half pays more than 4 fucking percent?
Mark the Asshole emitting stink
How bout we give The Producers another tax cut that will increase federal revenue (through investment) and have the bad choice crowd start picking up their fair share?
The only bad choices the oppressed have made is allowing your kind to breathe.
Redneck – I have political economic theory to add to your collection:
The right-wing bet welshing curve:
The number of bets welshed by wingnuts is proportional to the utter failure of wingnut policies.
More welshing=More failure
Pay up Redneck if you want your pet policies to have a chance.
A billionaire chatting with his friends
They’ve gotta stop and laugh
“We’ve really got those suckers fooled,
We’ve gotta ’em trained like rats!”
The riches plot, control your thoughts, to make you blame yourself
“The rich are rich because they’re smarter than me..”
You’re taught this is right, that it’s your fault
“How bout we give The Producers another tax cut that will increase federal revenue (through investment)”
Unfortunately that fantasy was tested in the Reagan-Bush I missadministrations and the Shrub misadministration and it caused nothing but debt that the Freeloaading Neocons shuffled off to another administration to fix, and to future generations.
Mary the Redneck seems to think Producers = Freeloaders.
Meanwhile the Freeloaders put their ill gotten tax avoidance into buying bonds on the debt that the Freeloader-Tax cuts caused.
Praise boss when morning work-bells chime.
Praise him for bits of overtime.
Praise him whose wars we love to fight.
Praise him, fat leech and parasite.
Billionaires For Bush Celebrate Tax Day
New York, N.Y., Thursday, April 13, 2006 – Dressed to the nines in tuxedos and ball gowns, delighted Billionaires For Bush will gather in cities across the country to say to American taxpayers, Thank YOU for paying OUR fair share!
As Ola Garky, Senior Policy Analyst for Billionaires For Bush explained, “This most recent round of tax cuts will continue to explode the deficit by giving away over $900 Billion to the super-rich over the next ten years. [4/5/06 NYTimes]
The Bush administration forecasts that the deficit will hit a record $423 billion this year. Thanks to tax cuts for the wealthy, corporate subsidies, and no-bid contracts, most of that is going right into our pockets. All I have to say to the future middle-class generations who’ll be picking up the tab is: Thanks, kids!”
In New York City, Billionaires will celebrate with a public Waltz for Wealth from 2-4pm on Monday, April 17th, at Columbus Circle. With champagne flutes, extra copies of IRS Form 8302 (for electronic deposit of a refund of $1 Million or more), and signs reading “It’s a Class War, and We’re Winning,” Billionaires will express their exuberance in a spectacular burst of upper-crust dancing. Between waltzes and chants of “Let the workers pay the tax, so investors can relax!” the Billionaire Follies will croon gospel-style anthems celebrating the end of the Dynasty Tax.
“Since George W. Bush took office, Tax Day has become a national holiday for Billionaires everywhere,” says B4B National Co-Chair Monet Oliver de Place, lounging on his yacht, the SS Write-Off. “Thanks to Bush’s most recent tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%, I was able to open my eighth factory in China. See? Who says tax cuts don’t create jobs?”
The Monday festivities will tie up a full weekend of well-heeled revelry. Billionaires will also party it up at the feisty and hilarious Billionaire Follies show Spring Bling!” Saturday, April 15th’s show is “The Big Tax Day Blowout,” and Crazy George will be slashing programs for the middle class like they’re Brazilian rainforests! 7:30pm, Ace of Clubs, 9 Great Jones Street. Tickets available at http://www.TheaterMania.com.
Some have suggested that, with scandals clattering around their ears, now is not the time for Billionaires to gloat about their success at gaming the system. But B4B National Co-Chair Meg A. Bucks scoffs at the notion. “Balderdash. It’s possible that all these scandals will drive some of our “investments” out of office. Now is the time for a take-no-prisoners looting of the treasury. You never know when the salad days will come to an end. Carpe Diem! Or as I prefer to say, Carpe-Everything.”
April 29th: Rally in NYC! Support Our Contractors: Send them to Iran!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
On Saturday, April 29th, Billionaires For Bush’s War will stand up to UFPJ and their appalling march for “Peace, Justice and Democracy”.
Our plans are as follows:
We’ll privatize a portion of real estate along the march route,
speak power to truth as the march goes by,
then follow the end of the march to Foley Square for the War Profiteering Festival.
Tax cut “giveaway”? Really? Gummint sending checks to wealthy people? Do tell? Where do I sign up? Letting people keep more of THEIR FUCKING MONEY is a “giveaway”?
Because it isn’t your fucking money you twit. You’ve only been allowed to keep it in anticipation of providing jobs to people in the United States. You have failed miserably at that, and now we’re going to take it back an try something else.
You scum sucking leach. You’re mo better than a three card monte dealer, and smell worse.
Take you screw public, pour in into my account bullshit and sell it to the Chinese.
re 6: How about redistributing the wealth so the top 1% don’t own 60% of all the property in theU.S.?
Regarding all the lies the rightie trolls are repeating here again about how much taxes the rich pay, here is a factual article that unmasks every lie they’ve just been telling: http://www.thirdworldtraveler......_CWIA.html
Breaking News:
ROTC member tries to blow up high school. Probably Richard Pope’s son. Tell me again why we should allow para-military organizations in our schools?
Harry @ 35
When someone besides the “top 1%” comes up with better ideas AND takes chances with their own resources, they can have a piece of that 60%.
Do you know where the majority of productivity occurs in the US? Not in union-heavy manufacturing companies. It happens in mom-n-pop small businesses who operate without having to give “skim” to the union rackets. It happens when someone gets a good idea and puts their heart into it instead of just punching a clock. If everyone “worked to rule” like you quasi-Socia1ists do, there would be no innovation to speak of.
LeftTurnIntoTheDitch @ 37: “Tell me again why we should allow para-military organizations in our schools?”
To keep the protesting granola/peacenik-wannabe kids of sellout-hippie parents in line.
Harry @ 34: “Because it isn’t your fucking money you twit.”
So, whose money is it?
“Atlas” please shrug!!!
Seriously, those of you Republican morons who think of yourselves as “the Producers” (Ken Lay, Bernie Ebbers, Sanjay Kumar, Jeff Skilling, Richard Scrushy, Joe Nacchio, Walter A. Forbes, John Rigas), please get the fuck out. Quit, leave, go to your “valley”, deprive us of your minds. Please God, deprive us of your minds. If only you would deprive us all of your minds.
We don’t need you. Go away. You’re bad news.
A list of more “Producers” here: http://home.att.net/~fcwriter/
Take you screw public, pour in into my account bullshit and sell it to the Chinese.
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocate— 4/24/06@ 5:42 pm
So Harry, are you talking about Bernie Schwartz selling our techology to the CHinese? Bernie with Bill Clinton’s approval, decided to use the Chinese over Hughes Aerospace and the American free workers to send satellites into space using the Chinese communist workers? Remember the Chinese before Bernie Schwartz could not hit the broad side of a barn with their rockets. This Bernie Schwartz gave the Chinese rocket telemetry technology now can hit Seattle, San Francisco or Los Angeles with their Dong Feng (East Wind) 5A and their Dong Feng 31 CSS9.
Yeah Harry what do you think about that?
So with them caps, harry poon was really YO? Or was it DAWO?
If 1% of the population of the US gets the same amount of dollars yearly as the bottom 50%, why is it unfair to tax them at a higher rate?
So, the “caps” are what is important to you, Puddwhack?
No hairy poontang. It’s just you leftist librul moonbats always complained when YO or DAWO used caps. Now when I turn the tables you blow a cork! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Notice I conserve space with my laughter, unlike Rabbit Pellet!
No harry poontang, it’s the missile telemetry sold to the chinese that has my children under the threat of chinese rocketry! Thanks to Bill and Bernie, yet you donks don’t care your glorious donko capital Seattle could be vaporized by the chinese using our technology sold for political dollars.
re 48: You mean all those countless billions spent Star Wars won’t protect us? For whose benefit was that money spent?
Hairy Poontang, why do you espouse the politics of of class warfare? http://www.ntu.org/main/page.php?PageID=6
re 50: Why do you?
actually read her nonsense on the stranger
man, i remember coming up w nearly the same stuff years back running for junior class president. Not a darn thing in their very memorable….
after shoving Patty on us, you all owe us some quality….
(ok, fire your bush blast back…but remember, topic is Farcy)
Wrongo hairy poontang:
Today’s Poontangisms:
re 6: How about redistributing the wealth so the top 1% don’t own 60% of all the property in theU.S.?
Commentby harry poon— 4/24/06@ 5:54 pm
Regarding all the lies the rightie trolls are repeating here again about how much taxes the rich pay, here is a factual article that unmasks every lie they’ve just been telling: http://www.thirdworldtraveler......_CWIA.html
Commentby harry poon— 4/24/06@ 6:10 pm
If 1% of the population of the US gets the same amount of dollars yearly as the bottom 50%, why is it unfair to tax them at a higher rate?
Commentby harry poon— 4/24/06@ 7:51 pm
All I did was provide the National Taxpayers Union real figures from the IRS. You barf over real data hairy poontang or is it YO? Or is DAWO?
Pudd: Why not answer the question I posed in # 45 instead of all this jibber-jabber about missiles?
Really, really Mark @ 38 illustrates the caricatured thinking that justifies trickle-down economics. He paints a black-and-white picture where unions are corrupt shake-down operations that destroy all vestige of efficiency and adaptability.
Utterly lost in his world view is the reason why unions grew in the first place: Workers were getting ripped off by robber baron-style capitalism. What goes around comes around, Mark. Get used to it.
Uncle Tom Puddybud @ 48
You’re an asshole. While Bush Jr. was parlaying his popularity gained by killing black men in Texas into record-breaking unpopularity, deficits, and no accomplishments, he has been giving everything away to the Chinese he possibly could.
Harry 49 – You mean the SDI Initiative that ended the fucking Cold War with us as winners, freed a few hundred million people, and consigned USSR to the trashbin of history? That one?
Seems like pretty good investment to me. Confront evil and break its fucking back.
DLaw: Why thanks. Anything you and others throw at me I take the anti-matter approach to it. So you are really saying “You Like Me”. Good for you!
Look if they were criminals and the justice system proved they were criminals and they did heinous crimes I HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH RIDDING SOCIETY OF CRIMINALS! Do you comprehend that DLaw? Capital punishment works. If you execute the guilty criminals instead of coddling them you rid society of the menace.
BTW it was not Bush who gave rocket telemetry know-how to the Chinese! Do you feel good about that?
Poontang@54. I did answer you in #50. You can’t comprehend facts!
Poontang@everywhere: It’s your worthless jibber-jabber that’s wasting pixels!
Uncle Tom Puddybud
Look at the crime statistics in Texas and Florida and tell me it’s working.
I’ll tell you what’s working, the Republican formula for Southern candidates: Kill enough black men legally and you are a political shoo-in.
Harry 45 – Uhh…. ’cause the EARNED IT? It’s their fucking money? What claim do you have to it? Why should your greed, jealousy, laziness, and stoopidity cost somebody their money?
Richard Pope @ 13
It must be clear to you by now that the Republicans are completely dishonest on the tax/spending issue. At the federal level, and in the majority of states, Republicans only cut taxes when they are RAISING spending.
It must also be clear to you that racism runs RAMPANT through your buddies here. Why do you tolerate this kind of talk? Republican talk is not credible because of the attitudes evinced by the people doing the talking.
GreenThumbUpTheA$$ @ 55: “What goes around comes around… Get used to it.”
… and goes around again. The knock on your door tonight will be my Pinkertons coming to “chat.”
DISCLAIMER: Mark the Redneck does not have graduate training in economics. Instead, he had a religious experience reading Milton Friedman, and since then has been a fire-and-brimstone preacher for neoliberalism.
When you’re dealing with MTR, forget the facts. Forget the logic. What matters is that you’ve gotta believe. And if you don’t — well, you’re a moonbat. End of discussion. God has spoken.
Greenie @ 55:
Are you saying that small business is NOT primarily responsible for economic growth in this country?
And if unions were so gosh-darn good, why must they resort to strong-arm tactics like closed shops? If the value of the union is so obvious, why not make WA a right-to-work state and have unions justify their existence instead of paying union leaders six-figure salaries &
donating tobribing Dem politicians?Calling All Marys! Calling All Marys!
We are tired of trying to explain what a society is, and why people have to support it. You are sociopaths and parasites, so go away. Go to your “valley” in some Carribean tax haven. GO someplace where the rich sit around not paying for government. We don’t need you. You are greedy, whining fucks and we will do a lot better without you.
A list of other “Producers” who should join you can be found here: http://home.att.net/~fcwriter/
Really, Really Mark @ 66:
I love your debating style: Set up a straw man so you can kick it down with great indignation. If we were having a real discussion we would acknowledge that no system is perfect, and that too much power will breed inefficiency and even corruption. That holds true for unions just as much as it does for multinational corporations — or even one-party government.
Yup, we could have an even-handed discussion about the relationship between unions and corporate power during an era where traditional notions of economic security are fraying. You don’t want to have that discussion because it gets in the way of your effort to score cheap propaganda points against unions. Are you one of those paid trolls?
Mary @ 66
Yeah, actually large corporations vastly outproduce small businesses in output per worker.
Yet another piece of the Republican mythology is found to be crap.
(The Real) Mark: Unions are so good they use patronage to keep deadbeats and worthless union hacks on the payroll!
Mary The Redneck @ 57 “You mean the SDI Initiative that ended the fucking Cold War with us as winners, freed a few hundred million people, and consigned USSR to the trashbin of history? That one?”
No, the one that Reagan advanced, cost billions, accomplished nothing, and increased the amount that China owns of the US.
The one you describe does not exist.
Neocons = Freeloaders and Chinese lap dogs.
You have to admit that the racket the dems and the union have is pretty good. One of the most efficient ways to turn public money into political payoffs there is. Prevailing wage=union contribution (both as a business benefit and out of the worker’s pocket)= Political donations/bribes to the donks. Most of the money doesn’t even touch the workers hand. Of course we repubs know the donks need to be subsidized by the taxpayer to compete. The public money along with fraudulent votes makes the democrats more formidable then they really are.
For quite a bit of my life, the upper tax rate was 90%, the for much of my young adulthood, 75%.
RR really hated that, because he was such a producer after all — what would we have done with out the GE Hour? So we all had to buy in to the fantasy that, if you assholes were allowed to keep your money, you’d do good things with it.
That was bullshit. We need to reinstate confiscatory taxes, and, if you can point to the hard numbers of people you employ at a living wage, maybe you can have some of it back.
Employ in the 50 United States, of course
@ 74 After all the War Proffitering and Traitorous acts, we need to confiscate the money and hang the thieves!
re 74: A 90% tax rate on the richest 1%’s yearly INCOME ( not on their accumulated fortune ) is perfectly logical and fair to all. First , let us dispell the notion that anyone on their own “produces” enough to “earn” 10 million dollars a year. They don’t. And the super rich want you to think that a flat % is fair. It isn’t.
Anyway, as the rich are fond of reminding us all: LIFE ISN’T FAIR!
The way things stand now, 1% of the people in this country earn the same amount as the lower 50% ( and that’s only the portion they can’t hide or deduct ).
If we say that out of 100 people one person earns $1,000,000 and 50 people earn $1,000,000 and everyone is taxed at 10% , then we have the one person left with $900,000 and the other 50 with $18,000 apiece. So, if we tax the millionaire at 90%, he still has $100,000 and the others still only have $18,000. This is fair to all.
re 73: The only thing that makes Dems. formidable is Republican greed, stupidity and incompetence.