SurveyUSA has released a new Washington state primary and caucus poll. The poll was conducted Thursday and Friday, and after Mitt Romney’s surrender.
I take a more detailed look at the poll here, but the take home message is pretty simple. Barak Obama should win big over Hillary Clinton in the caucus today, and probably in Tuesday’s (February 19) beauty contest as well.
Likewise, John McCain should easily win in the caucus as well as in Tuesday’s primary. The more interesting race today will be for second place—Ron Paul doesn’t trail Mike Huckabee by much among those who plan to caucus.
Can I vote for Huckabee next Tuesday?
The ballots will allegedly be cross-checked with who attended caucus’s and if they find any hot and sweaty cross party action the ballot gets tossed.
You can vote for Huckabee on Tuesday. It will require that you sign an oath that you are a member of the Republican party and that you have not and will not participate in the nomination for any other party for the 2008 presidential election.
The oath is signed in the poll books or on the absentee outer envelope. Each party gets access to the names of people who voted in the primary (the information will be a public record for 60 days).
To join the Republican party, simply sign the oath. Then quickly vote, publicly renounce your membership, and take a long, hot shower.
(There are rumors that you have to first bathe in tomato juice to fully get rid of the stench.)
Calling all dems:
My daughter wants to caucus for Obama but the “lookup tool” on your party web site does not work. She has no idea where to go.
Precinct Edmonds 28.
Anybody with info please post a reply; thanks!!
@ 4 Call Dwight Pelz at home and tell him to do his job as the leader of the Democratic party and fix their website.
I think its a Clinton conspiracy but that’s a topic for another day
Got it, this site works:
@ 7 Thank you that site worked.
Darryl – thanks. I’ve changed my mind – I’m voting for Paul. Paul was against the war from the start. The stench will not be as strong.
Huckabee’s campaign has been more entertaining to me. Must be the bass playing.
Appropriate way to describe that lying piece of shit mormon’s exit from the campaign – surrender. Of course in the heat of any REAL battle – that’s what they do – they give in, roll over, run – and play dead.
The Dem’s site has been modified to give some alternatives to find your caucus.
@1 Only if you don’t go to a Democratic caucus today. The ballot requires you to sign an oath stating,
“I declare that I am a member of the Republican Party and I have not participated and will not participate in the 2008 precinct caucus or convention system of any other party.”
There is a similar one for the Democrats.
Why should taking an oath stop YippyLil’Boy? Violating oaths and perjury has never been an impediment to DimDems in the past.
The Piper
I wonder if that oath is similar to the one that the republicans had to sign when they violated election laws during the last Governor’s race. Remember when the republican tool signed the oath saying she’d personally examined each complaint? Lying is what republicans do. And for that reason – they are losing control of government.
@13 You’re confusing Democrats with the brand X political party.
How To Succeed In Life
If you’re a young person thinking about career options the best advice I can give you is learn computer skills, hone your English, and move to India!!
That’s right, CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE employers will hire you — if you can operate a computer, speak passable English, and will work for $3 a day in a country where they don’t have to pay Social Security taxes.
You don’t even have to be an American citizen! They don’t care what your religion is. Hell, they don’t even care if you’re a terrorist! And you certainly don’t have to be a veteran. In fact, it’s better if you’re not, because CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE employers don’t want no psycho baby-killers with PTSD!!
So, you can put your al Qaeda training on your resume, but if you’re an Iraq war veteran, you’d better leave that off.
For some strange reason the domestic job market always sucks when Republicans run our government.
According to Barron’s, the conservative investors’ weekly, 89% of the new jobs in 2007 were a statistical adjustment, not real people working in actual jobs.
@14 We need to get rid of Dan Satterberg and elect a real prosecutor who will prosecute Husky football players and GOP vote fraud instead of handing out “Get Out of Jail Free” cards to people with special privileges.
I dropped into my caucus for 5 minutes, just long enough to sign in and vote, and saw gobs of Hillary signs and buttons. At the very least, her supporters are better organized. But I think Hillary is going to carry my precinct.
Obama 4-2 in the delegate count in my precinct. And my son is moving on as an Obama delegate!
Incredible turnout. Standing room only in the cafeteria.
I turned out for Obama at my Caucus. We had an overflow crowd and my neighborhood is largely Republican. My precinct went 78-35 for Obama.
@13 Pooper, with apparently no sense of irony, said
Tell it to George W. “You still need a court order for a wire tap” Bush and Scooter “I’ll out any covert CIA officer working on WMD proliferation in the Middle East I want and then lie about it” Libby.
The fact that the Republican Party requires an oath to vote in any election is an inside joke. They just wink at you. They expect you are a liar! If you are not a Repug when you sign the oath, you are lying, and if you are a Repug when you sign the oath, then they know you always lie.
I just returned from the 37th district caucus. Jam packed, with lots of Obama supporters. 37-1566 is sending 3 deligates for Obama and 1 for Clinton.
Hey Rog–
I was just looking at the Shiney, Glossy Fancy 2007 Annual Report for the Washington State Retirement Fund. Take a look at it.
It’s nice they manage put on the far column of Page 4 that the system is UNDERFUNDED by over $5 BILLION. Gregoire got her “rainy day fund” by not adequately funding the pension fund. The worse news is that 23.7% of Fund Assets are in US Equity & 23.81% in Foreign Equity for a total of 47.51% in Equities. With over $75 BILLION of total invested assets, that means $36 BILLION invested in Equities.
This report is dated 6/30/07 when the Dow was at 13,408. It is now at 12,182 or a drop of over 9%. If the Foreign Markets dropped a similiar amount, that would mean a loss in value of about $3.5 BILLION. Not sure how the Funds Private Equity, Fixed Income & Real Estate have performed.
Have you seen any Quarterly Reports?
Here is the problem–
The Plan counts on a certain ROI. Gregoire is merely passing this on to future generations in the form of an Unfunded Liability.
Start spinnin’ Rog!
PS Sorry to hear about your illness. You are a tough old bastard though. Breathing problems are devastating. My dad died of emphysema…over a 15 year period. It just got progressively worse. Are you on oxygen??
Our prayers are with you.
Are you talking about the disasterous national deficit brought to us by the last 3 Republican Presidents??
Shell-games are a part of BOTH parties motis operendi.
Santa Claus/Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy Syndrome.
My caucus: 5-1 Obama
Other precints in the building: 5-1, 4-2, 6-0, 5-1 all for Obama.
Originally we were: 4-1-1 (the undecided went for Obama)
And why haven’t I heard from the republicans lately about how we should get rid of Social security and let people invest in the stock market – where supposedly they could get much better returns …..because the stock market stinks under republicans because of republican deficit spending and “free trade” that causes huge trade deficits and lowers the dollar.
Yup – republicans sure know how to screw up an economy, cause massive record budget deficits, weaken the dollar, waste money on unecessary wars, give out no-bid contracts and inflate the defense budget. All while making us less secure. Seven years of bad luck so far….
Roger Rabbit says:
For some strange reason the domestic job market always sucks when Republicans run our government.
02/09/2008 at 1:57 pm
Roger the goverment been ran by Socialist Democrats for years, where hve you been? Hell they can’t even fill the pot holes in Seattle let alone evicted rabbits out of Green Lake. Besides you are retired why would you care about the job market? I know your meds’ are raising and you need more goverment subsidies. Maybe an extra job at Taco Bell will help you get by for the month without any extra hand outs.
Obviously not in the institutional you have been committed to.
@30: Socialist democrats in charge of the government? You mean George Bush for the last 7 years?
And even retired people have investments – and unemployment and the lousy economy due to the huge budget deficits run up by republicans are killing our economy and killing the stock market.
The latest GWB budget (with record deficits and tax cuts for the rich): 30% more for the Pentagon – no strings attached for the no-bid contracts, Blackwater private army, expensive weapons systems that are never used and sweetheart deals for military contractors that pay into the republican party- but not a lick of overdue body armor for our expendable troops.
@32 Wow, congrats. You managed to hit every single lib talking point in one post. Most impressive.
Do you have any *original* thoughts? Just curious….
@25 Yeah, I got that brochure yesterday Cynical, and I see that from June 30, 2006 to June 30, 2007 the Washington State Retirement System:
Increased total pension assets from $58.1 billion to $69.0 billion;
Earned a 20%+ return on U.S. equities, a 30%+ return on foreign equities, a 30%+ return on private equities, and a 25%+ return on real estate;
The ratio of assets to liabilities increased from 88% to 91%.
Oh, and by the way: The $5 billion shortfall was as of Sept. 2006, which was BEFORE the oil stocks doubled, and the system’s biggest stock position is Exxon. Sooo — next year’s report should be EVEN BETTER.
@33 Those aren’t talking points, those are facts.
According to the GOP talking points, cutting taxes on the rich increases revenue, and eliminating all taxes increases revenue to an infinite amount, therefore it’s okay for Republicans to give infinite amounts of taxpayer dollars to their friends.
@30 Is that you klake? ha ha ha
@25 “Are you on oxygen??”
No, but I use an electric fan to blow air into my face when I’m sleeping. It seems to help.
The only great republican that I know of in my lifetime warned us repeatedly about getting the “Military Industrial Complex” under control. I liked IKE!
War is good business…please invest your son or daughter.
Reformed republican; Good point!! I never thought about breaking a GOP mirror!! Ha Ha Ha
@ 20 Roger Rabbit says:
“I dropped into my caucus for 5 minutes, just long enough to sign in and vote, and saw gobs of Hillary signs and buttons. At the very least, her supporters are better organized. But I think Hillary is going to carry my precinct.”
Thought you were staying dry and safe in your warm burrow (like you the Sick Rabbit said). Bet it took longer than that just getting to the caucus door!
I’m tattling to Mrs. Rabbit! Lucky I didn’t pee my pants walking home after those two hours of recounting (with no bathrooms in sight). THEN I would have been literally Pissed!
I even talked nice about the old battle-ax for ya Roger! I’ve been played . . .