When state Sen. Ken Jacobsen introduced legislation to allow dogs into bars, the old and new media alike tripped over themselves in a mad rush to heap ridicule on this lone, eccentric senator. But when a full two-thirds of the House Republican caucus sign on to a batch of clearly unconstitutional bills spouting tentherist teabagger bullshit, what do we hear from our depleted political press corps…?
[audio:http://horsesass.org/wp-content/uploads/crickets.mp3]And there are folks who accuse me of not being a serious political commentator.
Why bother reporting on the irrelevant? Do the papers in MA waste ink (or electrons) on the Repubs in the Statehouse there?
Because dogs are more likely to be liberals. You see, the dogs made a pact with the devil through a Haitian witch doctor.
Can you imagine these kind of people being in charge?
What’s scarier? These people actually believing this tripe? Or just mouthing it to get frightened people to vote for them?
It’s so embarrassingly stupid, maybe the other media are afraid some of the stupid will rub off on them?
The is no devil. Christianity is just another explanation of where the hell existence came from. The word “Hell” is based on the Norse goddess, Hel, Goddess of the Underworld. The best thing I can say about Christianity is that it incorporated a lot of Pagan stuff into its dogma, like Saint Bridgett – a Celtic goddess. Heck, if you’re trying to convince barbarian Celts to convert to Christianity, why no throw in a few Celtic gods and goddesses to make it easier for the barbarians to accept?
What do you expect from the conservative-biased media?
@3 “Can you imagine these kind of people being in charge?”
Easily. http://www.painetworks.com/photos/03/033143.JPG
@5 If God didn’t exist, humans would have had to invent Him, because they need religion to keep their species in line.
Love the crickets!
@8 just like Keyser Soze!
Sen. Ken Jacobsen, I live in the 46th LD, and am preparing to vote for anybody else.
C’mon Goldy. If the press actually did their jobs, there wouldn’t be any Republicons….
I see (and pet) dogs in my local coffee shop. Please don’t tell the Pierce County health department about that. There’s no reason why a bar or coffee shop that wants to allow dogs in shouldn’t be allowed to let dogs in.
@13….and some guy named Obama would still be living in Chicago….
@15 You’ll be interested to know the conservative British magazine The Economist gives Obama good grades:
“One year on, how well has he done? Not too badly, by our reckoning …. In his first 12 months in office Mr Obama has overseen the stabilising of the economy, is on the point of bringing affordable health care to virtually every American citizen, has ended the era of torture, is robustly prosecuting the war in Afghanistan while gradually disengaging from Iraq; and perhaps more precious than any of these, he has cleared away much of the cloud of hatred and fear through which so much of the world saw the United States during George Bush’s presidency.
“More generally, Mr Obama has run a competent, disciplined yet heterodox administration, with few of the snafus that characterised Bill Clinton’s first year. Just as important have been the roads not taken. Mr Obama has resisted the temptation to give in to the populists in his own party and saddle Wall Street with regulations that would choke it. He has eschewed punitive taxation on the entrepreneurs who animate the economy; and he has even … turned a deaf ear to the siren-song of the protectionists. In short, what’s not to like?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Get with the program, son. You’re out of step. Obama has earned his stripes with the conservative intellectual elite. It’s time for you to salute.
The Economist also lays bare how nutty rightwing rhetoric has become:
“’I’m neither a Democrat nor a Republican, neither a jackass nor an elephant. But I wouldn’t vote for a socialist. Hell, I’d vote for Adolf Hitler before I’d vote for Barack Obama. At least you know what he’d do to you,’ says Ron King, a retired policeman in Stuart, Virginia. He adds that Mr Obama ‘lies all the time’ and is ‘dangerous; he’s trying to change the entire country.’ Mr King has perhaps not rigorously thought through his Hitler analogy, but his anger is real.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: “Mr King has perhaps not rigorously thought through his Hitler analogy ….” Well, that’s British understatement for you. Btw, Mr. King is wrong about not being a jackass. He is a jackass.
I’m not so sure Ron King does know what a Hitler would do to us, but if he does, and thinks that’s preferable to Obama’s presidency, the town fathers of Stuart, Virginia had no business hiring him to be a cop.
Max @ 15,
We haven’t had a Golden Goat winner in awhile. You, however, seem to really want to grab the award. Keep up your nonsense, my son, and you just might be a winner. (Max, do you know how advantageous it is when you go to a Teabagger Convention to be able to proclaim you’re a Golden Goat awardee? Just ask Puddy, Cynical, or manoftruth.)
@19….when you get done masturbating, dont forget to pat yourself on the back for a job well done…..
@20 Funny how you would think of that …
Max, m’lad, will do, will do. I would posit that a satisfying act of masturbation is something that you have not experienced in quite a long while. The inability to have an erection, Max, must be terribly frustrating. You should not, however, take out your frustration by wanting to kill people of other nations. Rather, you should seek therapy.
@22….so says someone who’s hero’s are Stalin, Castro, Mao, and the rest of the leftist murderers…..
run along now….
Max @ 23
You know me so well. Indeed. Maxie, how is it that you know me so well?
apparently the same way you seem to know me so well……
15 MR
And Bush would never have gotten out of Crawford.
Max only has an inability to hold an erection on the high holy days.