Markos Moulitsas Zuniga of Daily Kos fame, and his co-author Jerome Armstrong of MyDD will be in town this week promoting their new book, “Crashing the Gate: Netroots, Grassroots, and the Rise of People Powered Politics.”
Please join me tonight in welcoming Markos and Jerome to Seattle:
Friday, April 7th, 7:00 p.m.
Seattle Labor Temple
2800 1st Ave, Hall 1
There will be a discussion, Q&A, and book signing, open to the general public and the media. Think of it as a very special edition of Drinking Liberally… but without the drinking. (Though expect there will be some of that afterwards.)
If you can’t make it tonight, there will be to more opportunities tomorrow (Saturday, April 8th) to meet the authors:
11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Marymoor Park
6046 West Lake Sammamish Pkwy NE
7:00 p.m.
Orca Books
509 E 4th Ave
Again, all the events are open to the public, no reservations needed, so please come out and show your support for Markos and Jerome, and the tremendous work they are doing in building the netroots and transforming the Democratic Party.
I’m out playing the role of “publicity flak for a day,” so consider this one and only post an open thread. There will be media availability at all three events, so if you are a journalist looking for some one-on-one, please contact me, or just show up and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.
Jerome Armstrong supposed to be on KUOW radio with Stefan “Prime Fighting Age” Sharcranky a little later.
I think they ought to ask the cranky one why he hasn’t enlisted in Iraq.
I suspect it is because he is a right wing, Likud supporting, War Hawking ideologue who would prefer to fight from the safe confines of his basement on his keyboard because he would crap his pants if he ever had to face live fire in Falluja where he is so eager to send everyone else’s kids, but maybe I am wrong.
Let’s hope Jerome asks the question.
“WASHINGTON (April 7) – President Bush’s approval ratings hit a series of new lows in an AP-Ipsos poll that also shows Republicans surrendering their advantage on national security — grim election-year news for a party struggling to stay in power.
“Democratic leaders predicted they will seize control of one or both chambers of Congress in November. Republicans said they feared the worst ….
“Just 36 percent of the public approves of Bush’s job performance, his lowest-ever rating in AP-Ipsos polling. … As bad as Bush’s numbers may be, Congress’ are worse. Just 30 percent of the public approves of the GOP-led Congress’ job performance ….
“‘These numbers are scary. We’ve lost every advantage we’ve ever had,’ GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio said. ‘The good news is Democrats don’t have much of a plan. The bad news is they may not need one.’ …
“In the past two congressional elections, Republicans gained seats on the strength of Bush’s popularity and a perception among voters that the GOP was stronger on national security than Democrats. Those advantages are gone, according to a survey … conducted this week for The Associated Press by Ipsos, an international polling firm.
“– Only 40 percent of the public approves of Bush’s performance on foreign policy and the war on terror, another low-water mark for his presidency. That’s down 9 points from a year ago. Just before the 2002 election, 64 percent of registered voters backed Bush on terror and foreign policy.
“– Just 35 percent of the public approves of Bush’s handling of Iraq, his lowest in AP-Ipsos polling.
… By a 49-33 margin, the public favors Democrats over Republicans when asked which party should control Congress. That 16-point Democratic advantage is the largest the party has enjoyed in AP-Ipsos polling.
“On an issue the GOP has dominated for decades, Republicans are now locked in a tie with Democrats — 41 percent each — on the question of which party people trust to protect the country. Democrats made their biggest national security gains among young men …. The public gives Democrats a slight edge on what party would best handle Iraq, a reversal from Election Day 2004.
For complete story, see
If you want to know who copyrighted it, look it up yourself! I’m not your fucking research assistant. I’m a fucking bunny.
… And this poll was conducted BEFORE the revelation that Scooter Libby says Bush authorized leaks of classified intelligence to bolster support for his war policy.
Well, that’s ALWAYS been right-wingers’ shtick: Beat the drums, start a war, send others to fight it, then steal credit for what they did on the battlefield by pretending you were some big brave warrior.
Right-winger drum-beaters are the lowest, vilest, form of human scum. Somebody grab a giant can of “Raid” and spray these cockroaches!
What this means as well is —– support that Democrat — the ruin the necons have made of America can be stopped and mitigated.
Send money and go help. Elect Democrats of A L L stripes.
Do it for revenge on the idiot bigoted asshole trolls on this site.
I have never encountered more insulting verbal garbage in my life.
5, B From B, “I have never encountered more insulting verbal garbage in my life.” ……..Try Cindi McKinney [D-Bitchslap]: National Geographic’s answer to verbal garbage
What this means as well is —– support that Democrat — the ruin the necons have made of America can be stopped and mitigated. Send money and go help. Elect Democrats of A L L stripes. Do it for revenge on the idiot bigoted asshole trolls on this site. I have never encountered more insulting verbal garbage in my life.
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 4/7/06@ 8:27 am
Bob from Boeing you do have some valuable points, first lets address on thing I agree the verbal garbage is true without a doubt. I due believe you should support the Real Democrats and not the Socialist Democrats, and that is where Goldy friends are expressing according to the revues. Before you send your hard-earned money, please encourage those who do not support the American dream to leave for the Socialist Party. Bob your friends are very big in revenge and that produces nothing but more hatred. Bob you get better results with a smile than mouth full of vile spurning all over everyone. Besides not everyone will like or respect you for what life has dealt you. Do not let them take the joy out of your life, and enjoy the people who are different from yourself.
The waiting is over. Your Dear Leader has gotten to the bottom of the mystery over who has leaked classified information.
Here it is.
I’m listening to the Minnow going spluh, splah, spit on KUOW right now.
That guy doesn’t have a tenth of what Jerome Armstrong has. What a joke.
For complete story, see
If you want to know who copyrighted it, look it up yourself! I am not your fucking research assistant. I am a fucking bunny.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 4/7/06@ 8:14 am
General Roger Hindsight Rabbit what is new nobody copyright the challenges of War. Besides your favorite, President L B Johnson had a rating of 36% during Viet Nam. You do remember that conflict, and what it did to this country, and it created your bad attitude. Roger has politics resorted to a popularity contest or is it to make life more enjoyable and support those who are in need. Roger what is your real problem and what can we do to help you express your concerns? Please get it off your chest, and feel free to express it anyway you want.
Military newest weapon to confirm enemy kills and to prove they were not surrendering.
Rogers favorite Presidents. Cool!
We found Seattle light rail but.
Democrats when they are having a great day.
Seattle’s struggle to limit green house gases.
President Bush after he saw Roger Rabbit.
Washington new HOV lane, and how it keeps unwanted vehicles out.
On an interview this morning on Fox News Radio’s Tony Snow Show, Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) revealed a plan to have the Texas legislature oust district attorney Ronnie Earle, the prosecutor who charged DeLay with money laundering:
SNOW: Okay, so at this point, you know — are you willing to let bygones be bygones?
DELAY: Absolutely not. Texas should not allow a district attorney from Travis County have this kind of power. And they can take his power away from him because there was the Texas legislature that gave him this power. And I think that will happen in the next session of the Texas legislature.
SNOW: Oh, really?
DeLay sounds like someone who is really confident of his ability to win on the merits in a court of law.
The bad week for the GOP continues:
House Republican efforts to forge a budget blueprint for the coming fiscal year collapsed last night amid acrimony and name-calling, as the fissures between GOP moderates and conservatives once again burst into the open.
The failure to secure a budget plan before the two-week spring recess was an embarrassment to a new Republican leadership eager to show it could hold its ranks without the party’s chief discipline enforcer, Rep. Tom DeLay (Tex.). After he announced his resignation this week, DeLay took a swipe at his successors, labeling them splintered and “without an agreed agenda.”
The President week is not much better than congress:
President Bush authorized White House official I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby to disclose highly sensitive intelligence information to the news media in an attempt to discredit a CIA adviser whose views undermined the rationale for the invasion of Iraq, according to a federal prosecutor’s account of Libby’s testimony to a grand jury.
I guess we will have to start calling him President Depends.
Flaky klake @ 7 & 10
WTF? Who appointed YOU to be HorsesAss chaplain? Take your patronizing Dr. Phil sermon and shove it up your wazooo! Wingnuts … sheesh …
Hey klake, if you really want to do something constructive, turn yourself in to a looney farm!
“Military newest weapon to confirm enemy kills and to prove they were not surrendering. Commentby klake— 4/7/06@ 10:00 am”
If I know GIs, most of ’em will use it to watch the ballgame.
Since turnabout is fair play, here’s a pic of klake’s favorite President:
“President Bush after he saw Roger Rabbit.
Commentby klake— 4/7/06@ 10:02 am”
Bet you’d love to know what I shoved up his ass, wouldn’t you?
Hint: bunny peckers are furry and tickle
Hey, Richard Pope,
As I indicated in yesterday’s open thread, I attended UW Law during your era. The grades you posted just didn’t ring true; they just appeared too high for that era. Not trusting my own memory, I conferred with one of your classmates. We concurred on three points. (1) The odds of anyone having received a 4.0 in Civil Procedure during that time are phenomenally low. The professors just didn’t give out 4.0s, particularly Phil Trautman. (2) The grades you posted yesterday would most certainly have earned you an invitation to law review. Anyone who would reject an invitation to law review is, frankly, nuts. (3) Craig Allen (remember him, the guy who teaches at the law school now?) was always at the top of your class, first year included. So, your claim to have received an “award” for highest weighted GPA following your first year would appear to be a, uh, lie.
Please tell me you are not guilty of resume puffery. Not you. The irony would be too much to bear.
Is Harry Cross still teaching at UWLS? I know he’s dead, but is he still teaching there?
[Just another Chicken Hawk] insists that he was in the military because he is the only one in charge of the boat he has in the bathtub with him.
So, if Bush believes in this war so much, when are his daughters or Jeb’s or Neil’s children going to enlist?
Ya know, there’s a lot to be said for returning to a more isolationist stance. Let’s just not get involved in these other countries’ affairs. That would surely save money and lives.
More Hate American First Comments from a Congresman:
Earlier Thursday, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee pointedly criticized Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for “stonewalling” by refusing to answer questions about the warrantless eavesdropping program.
Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., said Gonzales was frustrating his panel’s oversight of the Justice Department and the controversial surveillance by declining to provide information about how the program is reviewed inside the administration and by whom.
“How can we discharge our oversight if, every time we ask a pointed question, we’re told the program is classified?” Sensenbrenner asked Gonzales near the start of a lengthy hearing on the department’s activities. “I think that … is stonewalling.”
What? He’s a Republican? Oh, I guess he is just being patriotic then.
Pope is a liar and I am compiling a list of his lies to send to the Bar if anyone wants to contribute list them here.
re 2: The Republican, so-called, Contract With America was not so much a plan for America as a bunch of nice-sounding ideas and slogans that poled well with focus groups. As far as new “ideas”, Democrats don’t so much need that as some politicians with the skill and guts to use the old ones that were never really implemented.
I mean, really! What’s so new with the Republican ideas of making the rich richer and to keep bogus wars and world tensions alive so they can continue the military/industrial complex, which is nothing more than more welfare for the rich.
Here’s a new idea for you: How about get these rich bastards off our backs before we kill each and every one of them?
PL at 26:
By 2001-2, the grade scale at UW was not numeric, it was Distinguished, honors, pass, etc. When did that change occur?
I believe that particular grading change occurred in the mid-1990s. The students ultimately rebelled, claiming that a non-numeric grading system was a barrier to determining class rank, which put UW students at a disadvantage with employers. So, I believe the school went back to a more traditional grading system a couple years ago.
I had a typing brain fart. I should have said the system started in 1991-2, not 2001-2. UW stopped that grading system around 1998. It looked like Richard graduated around 1991, so I was wondering whether that system had been used before the 1991-2 school year.
TACOMA – Talk about taking a bite out of crime.
Government lawyers are trying to remove the gold-capped teeth known as “grills” or “grillz” from the mouths of two men facing drug charges. “Democrat felons can now hide part of their net worth in their mouth”, said Myron Silverstein, ESQ.
With many black American CITIZENS still needing help with housing, medical care, employment and education, why are Kerry and the Democrats in such a rush to legalize an imported underclass of millions? These people are already depleting resources for poor Americans, which compassionate Americans with an ounce of integrity should not accept. Mexico’s wealthy should be taking care of the their own folks, and we shouldn’t expect our own citizens to “share” with illegal aliens with no right to be here. [Reason: Democrats want illegal votes, and could really give a shit about their black voter slaves.]
IN JULY 2004, DURING THE COURSE of a little-publicized event while on a visit to Kazakhstan, Russian President Vladimir Putin made some unusual remarks: I can confirm that after the events of September 11, 2001, and up to the military operation in Iraq, Russian special services and Russian intelligence several times received..information that official organs of Saddam’s regime were preparing terrorist acts on the territory of the United States….
Putin said in 2004 that Saddam had planned terrorist attacks on America. New Iraqi documents suggest coolaberate his coments. [BUSH lied!!!!!!!!! BUSH lied!!!!!! Oh……..He didn’t????????? Never mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
JCH-useful idiots such as yourself now take the word of Russians and unsubstantiated documents? You guys never believed me. Those were the good old days, eh?
Watch out for the black helicopters, especially ones carrying jewish doctors.
Fourth Amendment, President Bush don’t need no stinking Fourth Amendment:
Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales left open the possibility yesterday that President Bush could order warrantless wiretaps on telephone calls occurring solely within the United States — a move that would dramatically expand the reach of a controversial National Security Agency surveillance program.
In response to a question from Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) during an appearance before the House Judiciary Committee, Gonzales suggested that the administration could decide it was legal to listen in on a domestic call without supervision if it were related to al-Qaeda.
“I’m not going to rule it out,” Gonzales said.
“Tornadoes pound Nashville area” – CNN
Authorities say two people were killed as severe thunderstorms and tornadoes swept across
central Tennessee, AP reports.
George Bush and the Republicans in Congress complained bitterly that the liberal corporate media
was focusing on the bad news in Nashville and refused to report on all the good news because
they were on the side of Mother Nature and hated America.
Are there no Republicans around here who will stand up to President Depends and condemn him for leaking classify material simply to try to attack the credibitliy of his critics:
Fitzgerald characterized the disclosure as part of an administration effort to discredit a veteran diplomat whose criticism of Bush undermined the rationale for the invasion of Iraq.
The filing for the first time placed Bush and Vice President Cheney at the heart of what Libby testified was an exceptional and deliberate leak of material designed to buttress the administration’s claim that Iraq was trying to obtain nuclear material.
Nindid @ 42:
The Republican’s have a good point. Think of all the towns in California that were not hit by tornados. Why does the media only report the negative.
“Ya know, there’s a lot to be said for returning to a more isolationist stance. Let’s just not get involved in these other countries’ affairs. That would surely save money and lives. Commentby Libertarian— 4/7/06@ 11:39 am”
Isolationism has a bad reputation because post-World War 1 U.S. isolationism is widely perceived to have contributed to opening the door for Hitler’s aggression. On the other hand, Cold War-driven interventionist impulses are blamed for U.S. debacles in Vietnam, Lebanon, Somalia, and elsewhere. Between the competing schools of isolationist and interventionist thought, which is right?
Neither, and both, depending on the situation. We don’t need an isolationist president, per se. We don’t need an interventionist president, per se. We need a president with good judgment, who can successfully figure out when to intervene, and when not to.
The solution to the dilemma is as simple (and complicated) as the old saying, “you have to pick your fights,” which is based on the common-sense notion that no one, not even a superpower, has sufficient resources or the capability to deal with all of the world’s problems. So if one accepts this idea, then what should guide U.S. foreign policy? Humanitarian reasons? Or protecting U.S. interests, particularly strategic or military interests?
Clinton was criticized for intervening in Kosovo for humanitarian reasons, even though his intervention stopped a genocide and saved hundreds, perhaps thousands or tens of thousands, of innocent lives without a single American combat death (two Americans died in the Kosovo operation from non-combat-causes).
Bush’s invasion of Iraq ostensibly was to remove a threat to U.S. security which did not, in fact, exist. Ironically, Bush supporters — the same people who criticized Clinton’s bloodless intervention in Kosovo — now justify the costly and bloody Iraq war as saving the Iraqi people from Saddam, even though a signfiicant fraction of the Iraqi people obviously do not want our troops occupying their country. Obviously there is something to be said for getting rid of Saddam, so the real question is whether it was worth the cost in blood and treasure, and in this case, there also are questions of the competence in carrying out the operation. It’s not remarkable that Bush’s war has miscarried; most wars do. The plans of mice and men, etc.
Bottom line: Regardless of whether intervening in Iraq to rid the world of Saddam was a good or bad idea, we need a president with better judgment than Bush has, and one who is way more competent. He (and his defense secretary) refused to listen to their own generals’ assessments of what it would take to invade, pacify, and occupy Iraq. Shinseki knew what he was talking about; Bush and Rumsfeld had their heads up their asses when they put political expediency ahead of military necessity.
In the corporate world, the standard response to incompetent management is to fire the manager and get somebody else. The Republican die-hards who continue to defend this grossly unqualified president are far less rational than the average corporate board motivated by financial self-preservation. To all but those who have deliberately blinded themselves, it’s painfully obvious we need to fire the management and hire new people to run our government.
For the future, the solution is not a slavish ideology of either isolationism or interventionist, but to choose leaders with some goddam common-sense and enough integrity and backbone to LEAD the nation rather than merely pander to a madding crowd. In the end, Barry Goldwater ended up neither right nor president, but he got one thing right: Effective leaders do not allow themselves to be led by leaderless or mindless mobs. They THINK, and then they explain and persuade, re-evaluate and make course corrections if necessary. That’s what we pay them for.
“Pope is a liar and I am compiling a list of his lies to send to the Bar if anyone wants to contribute list them here. Commentby LeftTurn— 4/7/06@ 11:50 am”
Save your breath. There’s no rule against lying, as long as you don’t do it under oath or in court.
Sad that there’s no rule against lying. Maybe that’s why so many people (our pretend pres included) feel like it’s okay as a matter of course.
Democrats don’t need new ideas. The old ones work fine:
Unemployment insurance for those unemployed through no fault of teir own, funded by a modest payroll tax.
A no-fault system of guaranteed medical care and income replacement for workers injured on the job, based on insurance principles and funded by premiums paid by employers and workers.
The Social Security triad of disability insurance, survivor insurance, and retirement benefits, with eligibility based on earnings and funded by payroll taxes, and guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
Regulated capitalism that gives markets as much freedom as possible consistent with the need to protect society from the destructive and self-destructive tendencies of unregulated, freebooting capitalism.
Universal free public education, which is the backbone of our both our economy and our democracy, neither of which could exist without it.
Recognizing and protecting the right of workers to bargain collectively for wages and working conditions, in order to offset the concentrated power of capitalism in giant corporations and to level the playing field between workers and management.
Workplace safety, child labor, and minimum wage laws to protect our people from unnecessarily dangerous working conditions and cruel exploitation.
A strong and well funded public health and environmental enforcement system to protect our people from epidemics, dangerous pollution, and other threats to human health.
Preserving incentives for entrepreneurial risk-taking and investment, innovation, and work while providing a social safety net for those who, through no fault of their own, cannot meet their basic human needs within the competitive economy.
There’s lots more … wingnuts who claim the Democrats “have no plan” are just parroting a bumper-sticker falsehood. The Democrats have always had a plan, and it has worked very well for millions of Americans, and has stood the test of time. Just because it isn’t new doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or doesn’t work. The neocons have asked us to buy a pig-in-a-poke, and the more their ideology is tested in real-world conditions, the more manifest it becomes that their ideology is pie-in-the-sky and, like so many flying machines that looked good on paper, doesn’t work worth a damn when you strap it on and jump off a cliff.
“Sad that there’s no rule against lying. Maybe that’s why so many people (our pretend pres included) feel like it’s okay as a matter of course. Commentby LeftTurn— 4/7/06@ 3:17 pm”
Let’s be realistic here. Lawyers are not some sort of superhuman superheroes. They’re just like everyone else, and have all the human failings everyone else has. Human nature works the same after they get their law degrees as it did before.
The rules that regulate lawyers are designed to protect clients and the general public from lawyer behavior that is relevant to their functions as lawyers. The need to keep lawyers from lying to juries or courts is different from the need to keep lawyers from lying to a chick they’re trying to pick up in a bar. Nevertheless, lawyers ARE held to a higher standard of social behavior than the general population. Too many parking tickets won’t get you kicked out of the profession, but one felony assault conviction will, even if it had nothing to do with the practice of law.
Be happy that, after more than 100 years of existence as an organized bar, the Washington bar finally got around to adopting a rule against lawyers fucking their clients. You would think that one would have been on the books since 1879. It wasn’t; it was adopted two or three years ago — after the bar association’s president got caught fucking at least five of his clients.
That’s progress, I guess. Now if we could only get a rule on the books against presidential lying … and a way to enforce it …
Our righty trollfuck friends are fond of pointing out that Clinton was disbarred for lying to a grand jury. The problem with Bush is that nobody can disbar him because he was too stupid to become a lawyer. And that’s saying something, because as I’ve said before in these threads, you don’t have to be very smart to become a lawyer, and the fact someone is a lawyer doesn’t imply that he’s smart. (Not mentioning any names, although at least one of our righty posters may come to mind.)
“With many black American CITIZENS still needing help with housing, medical care, employment and education, why are Kerry and the Democrats in such a rush to legalize an imported underclass of millions? Commentby Hillary [JCH]Clinton— 4/7/06@ 2:01 pm”
Are you saying we made a mistake when we let your ancestors in?
Oh, and one more thing, JCH — why don’t you mention that Bush is one of the biggest promoters of granting amnesty and even citizenship to illegal aliens? Seems like a very convenient omission.
I’ll tell you why Bush wants to keep our borders open to immigrants. CHEAP LABOR, that’s why! Millions of desperate people who will work cheap drives down wages for everyone and makes employers that much richer. BUSH IS A CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE. See http://www.conceptualguerilla......php?id=103 for explanation of what a CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE is, and what they’re after.
JCH — get with the program, son. Get on board! March with the drummer! CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES like you are supposed to be FOR unrestricted immigration and amnesty for illegals so the employing class can enjoy the benefits of CHEAP LABOR.
How can any self-respecting CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE be against immigration? The internal contradictions of these people is nothing short of amazing. Sheesh.
The ethics rules actually state that it is professional misconduct to engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation. This is not restricted to court appearances.
Here’s a new idea for you: How about get these rich bastards off our backs before we kill each and every one of them?
Commentby Winston Smith— 4/7/06@ 12:41 pm
PL at 26:
Winston Smith I have one question for you, who signs your pay check? Yea General Roger Hindsight Rabbit? The French Socialist? Ron Sims? Dean Logan??????????????
WTF? Who appointed YOU to be HorsesAss chaplain? Take your patronizing Dr. Phil sermon and shove it up your wazooo! Wingnuts … sheesh …
Hey klake, if you really want to do something constructive, turn yourself in to a looney farm!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/7/06@ 11:08 am
Roger did hit a sensitive button, but I did overlook the prayer thing. Yes, I do kind of, like Dr Phil, but it will take more than that to get up and running smooth. Someday I should introduce my Friend Harvey the rabbit he has the same problems like you. Roger you be careful the folks in white suits could be looking for you in Green Lake. You might lay of on those prescription dugs a little, we will all be visiting you in the hospital, or would that be the veterinarian hospital. However, Roger I do know a great Chaplain who would love to talk to you about your issues.
The problem with Bush is that nobody can disbar him because he was too stupid to become a lawyer. And that’s saying something, because as I’ve said before in these threads, you don’t have to be very smart to become a lawyer, and the fact someone is a lawyer doesn’t imply that he’s smart. (Not mentioning any names, although at least one of our righty posters may come to mind.)
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/7/06@ 3:36 pm
Roger when I got out of the Air Force back in the early 70 being a Lawyer, Reporter, or a person whose rapes a baby was consider about the same level of work. Oh, I forgot being a politician was included with that group of honorable professions. Therefore, it might be better to have the local Farmer run the country rather than an ex-lawyer.
Roger you can include the Rancher as being capability to running this country as President.
Since turnabout is fair play, here’s a pic of klake’s favorite President:
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/7/06@ 11:12 am
Roger that is not fair, you included the horse ass behind her, couldn’t you find a better picture. You know the one with her wearing that tie-dye dress and not wearing a bra,
This one will work better Roger.
Folks here is one with President Bill Clinton and Roger
Roger what do you think about this one?
Klake @ 58
I recognize that lawyer-bashing is an enjoyable pasttime. We do have our place, however. Here’s a quote from Martin Luther: “We theologians and lawyers must stand or fall together. In this I am not wrong. When the theologians vanish, the Word of God vanishes with them, leaving only heathen people, in fact, pure devils. When the lawyers vanish, justice and peace dissappear with them, leaving behind thievery, murder,vandalism, and violence, in fact,only wild beasts!” So there.
Bunny ears on the guy on the right in the back is that Roger Rabbit
Roger I really like this one with the Pres and the wife at a younger age.
Roger here is a picture of Mark the Redneck with Hillary.
Are there no Republicans around here who will stand up to President Depends and condemn him for leaking classify material simply to try to attack the credibitliy of his critics:
“The thing about the Plame investigation that never quite seemed to make sense was this: Why would Libby or Rove deliberately mislead the grand jury, risking perjury charges when it wasn’t clear the leak was a crime?
“Thanks to Waas, for the first time, we may now know for a fact that Rove and other Bush advisers viewed the truth about the run-up to war as something that could destroy his re-election prospects. It is entirely plausible that Bush advisers calculated that if it came out that they’d outed Plame, Congress would have been forced by the resulting firestorm to run a far more aggressive investigation of Bush’s pre-war deceptions — and possibly uncover the smoking gun Waas reports on, among other things. Remember, Libby and Rove testified in early 2004, during the heat of a presidential campaign which Rove himself had apparently concluded was at risk if existing hard evidence of Bush’s deceptions surfaced.
“So it seems plausible that Libby and Rove sought to minimize the chance of the aggressive congressional oversight that might have resulted if it became known that they’d outed Plame. In short, misleading the grand jury about Plame may simply have been a key piece of a broader effort to get past the election before the truth about the run-up to the war surfaced to sink his campaign.”
–Greg Sargent
Flake, Wrongboy, [Just another Chicken Hawk], Mark the Welching Yellow Back, Doofus, etc. etc., where is your morality now that President Depends has been caught lying and leaking for political purposes?
Where is the rule of law now?
Leftist @ 64
You take Martin Luther’s quote out of context:
“When the lawyers vanish, justice and peace dissappear with them, leaving behind thievery, murder,vandalism, and violence, in fact,only wild beasts!”
What he meant was that when prosecuting attorneys vanish, the Far Lefties* will be left running wild in the streets.
* – to differentiate between your kooky gang and the far less vocal (but much more sane) moderate Dems who both give and deserve respect.
Recognize that lawyer bashing is an enjoyable pastime. We do have our place, however. Here is a quote from Martin Luther: “We theologians and lawyers must stand or fall together. In this I am not wrong. When the theologians vanish, the Word of God vanishes with them, leaving only heathen people, in fact, pure devils. When the lawyers vanish, justice and peace disappear with them, leaving behind thievery, murder, vandalism, and violence, in fact, only wild beasts!” So there.
Commentby proud leftist— 4/7/06@ 4:35 pm
Proud leftist you have a valid point, but when does the theologians return to put the system back inline. My best friend who is a Marine had not love for those previous professions for they put him in Viet Nam and tied his hands to prevent him from winning. Yes there is still a place in this world for Lawyers. Now where that is another question?
Remember how Tom Delay said it would be a dirty campaign? Turns out he knew that for sure:
Lampson’s Press release: “Tom DeLay’s campaign sent out an email asking supporters to disrupt Nick Lampson’s press conference this morning. At that event, a 69 year old woman says she was assaulted by one of the DeLay thugs who showed up to disrupt the event. The woman, Marsha Rovai, of Richmond has asked the Lampson campaign to help see if any of the televisions stations caught this incident on tape so she can consider filing an assault charge. Several of the women at the event complained that they were pushed and shoved by male DeLay supporters.
Email: “We would meet tomorrow morning at 9:45 am on the first floor of the parking garage attached to the Marriott. Please get folks to call our campaign office 281.XXX-XXXX and let us know they can do it-or e-mail Leonard Cash (in the cc field above) so that we can get some head count. Let’s give Lampson a parting shot that wrecks his press conference.”
See the video of Tom Delay’s Thugs roughing up an old woman here:
Where is the rule of law now?
Commentby JDB— 4/7/06@ 4:49 pm
JDB what law was broken? The President can change the classification of any information he wants and does not have to ask you for permission. He is the President of the United States for Christ sake, and he has a lot more latitude that you think. Go back to move on. Org and get some new material.
The ethics rules actually state that it is professional misconduct to engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation. This is not restricted to court appearances. Commentby wayne— 4/7/06@ 3:45 pm”
That’s true, but nobody has ever been disciplined for telling a chick in a bar that he has a 10-inch dick when all he’s really got wouldn’t fill a salt shaker.
“Winston Smith I have one question for you, who signs your pay check? Yea General Roger Hindsight Rabbit? Commentby klake— 4/7/06@ 3:57 pm”
Does this mean I’ve been promoted to the capitalist class?
I’ll be at Marymoor Park tomorrow. I’ll be easy to spot. I’ll be the one with huge guns, large neck, and no noggin’!
“Roger I do know a great Chaplain who would love to talk to you about your issues. Commentby klake— 4/7/06@ 4:08 pm”
I’ve never denied I have issues. I admit I have issues. If someone picks me up by my ears, a chaplain will come in handy by the time I get through with him, because I’ll rip his guts out with my powerful hind feet and razor sharp claws!
To see what a bloody mess looks like, click here: ttp://
And while we are talking about disgusting behavior by Republicans, let’s not forget attacking the parents of a girl with cancer for how they treat her:
The Democratic challenger to Rep. Curt Weldon said Wednesday that any criticism of his family’s decisions on medical treatment for his 4-year-old daughter, stricken with a malignant brain tumor, was unacceptable.
“Any remarks regarding my daughter Alexandria’s treatment will not be tolerated,” Joe Sestak said. His daughter is being treated at Children’s Hospital in Washington.
A story published Wednesday in The Hill said Weldon, R-Pa., suggested in an interview that Sestak should have sent his daughter to a hospital in Philadelphia or Delaware instead of one in Washington.
John Tomaszewski, Weldon’s press secretary, said Wednesday that he had no comment on Sestak’s statement or the newspaper report.
The 10-term Weldon has questioned Sestak’s dedication to the district in the Philadelphia suburbs because the retired vice admiral rents instead of owns a house.
Sestak, who was born in the Philadelphia suburbs, has said he is looking for a place to buy, and his wife and daughter will move to the district from the Washington suburbs as soon as his daughter completes her treatment.
In the statement, Sestak said he and his wife chose to have their daughter treated at Children’s Hospital because of its expertise on pediatric brain tumors.
“I believe these medical choices should be left in the hands of parents and family members throughout the country and not in the hands of bureaucrats, special interests and especially not in the hands of politicians like Curt Weldon,” Sestak said.
Apparently Admiral Sestak didn’t follow the Terri Schiavo case where we all learned that Republican Congressmen know more about a person’s medical treatment than their loved ones.
From #71…
“Proud leftist you have a valid point, but when does the theologians return to put the system back inline. My best friend who is a Marine had not love for those previous professions for they put him in Viet Nam and tied his hands to prevent him from winning. Yes there is still a place in this world for Lawyers. Now where that is another question?”
Huh? Your friend was sent to Vietnam by theologians? I dunno whether either LBJ or Tricky Dicky would take that as a compliment or an insult.
“Therefore, it might be better to have the local Farmer run the country rather than an ex-lawyer. Commentby klake— 4/7/06@ 4:20 pm”
I don’t know who you’re referring to, but if Bush is a farmer, then I’m a lawnmower.
“Roger you can include the Rancher as being capability to running this country as President. Commentby klake— 4/7/06@ 4:22 pm”
We can expect a rancher to be an expert on bullshit, can’t we?
Fair? Who said anything about fair? Why should we be fair to your ilk? Give me one good reason why we shouldn’t confiscate your property and shoot you all for treason. Hey, just kidding! If Ann Coulter can joke about killing people, why can’t I? Why should Republicans have a monopoly on joking about offing their political enemies? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing.
We Democrats do respect private property, Republican propaganda notwithstanding. We’re gonna shoot all the neocon traitors, but they can keep their property! Wait, I’m joking! No, I’m not! No, wait, I’m kidding! Hell, ask Ann Coulter if I’m serious, maybe she knows.
If I were her, I’d get one of those swords, and guess what I would use it on … but that’s between her and him. None of my business.
JDB interesting link but I found something a little more interesting. Please check it out. In any other country he would have been nailed to a cross or behead.
72 ommentby JDB— 4/7/06@ 5:01 pm
Harry Taylor blasts Bush
Full Transcript
THE PRESIDENT: Okay, yes, very good. (Laughter and applause.) Good move.
Q You never stop talking about freedom, and I appreciate that. But while I listen to you talk about freedom, I see you assert your right to tap my telephone, to arrest me and hold me without charges, to try to preclude me from breathing clean air and drinking clean water and eating safe food. If I were a woman, you’d like to restrict my opportunity to make a choice and decision about whether I can abort a pregnancy on my own behalf. You are —
THE PRESIDENT: I’m not your favorite guy. Go ahead. (Laughter and applause.) Go on, what’s your question?
Q Okay, I don’t have a question. What I wanted to say to you is that I — in my lifetime, I have never felt more ashamed of, nor more frightened by my leadership in Washington, including the presidency, by the Senate, and —
THE PRESIDENT: No, wait a sec — let him speak.
Q And I would hope — I feel like despite your rhetoric, that compassion and common sense have been left far behind during your administration, and I would hope from time to time that you have the humility and the grace to be ashamed of yourself inside yourself. And I also want to say I really appreciate the courtesy of allowing me to speak what I’m saying to you right now. That is part of what this country is about.
THE PRESIDENT: It is, yes. (Applause.)
Q And I know that this doesn’t come welcome to most of the people in this room, but I do appreciate that.
THE PRESIDENT: Appreciate —
Q I don’t have a question, but I just wanted to make that comment to you.
THE PRESIDENT: I appreciate it, thank you. Let me —
Q Can I ask a question?
THE PRESIDENT: I’m going to start off with what you first said, if you don’t mind, you said that I tap your phones — I think that’s what you said. You tapped your phone — I tapped your phones. Yes. No, that’s right. Yes, no, let me finish.
I’d like to describe that decision I made about protecting this country. You can come to whatever conclusion you want. The conclusion is I’m not going to apologize for what I did on the terrorist surveillance program, and I’ll tell you why. We were accused in Washington, D.C. of not connecting the dots, that we didn’t do everything we could to protect you or others from the attack. And so I called in the people responsible for helping to protect the American people and the homeland. I said, is there anything more we could do.
And there — out of this national — NSA came the recommendation that it would make sense for us to listen to a call outside the country, inside the country from al Qaeda or suspected al Qaeda in order to have real-time information from which to possibly prevent an attack. I thought that made sense, so long as it was constitutional. Now, you may not agree with the constitutional assessment given to me by lawyers — and we’ve got plenty of them in Washington — but they made this assessment that it was constitutional for me to make that decision.
I then, sir, took that decision to members of the United States Congress from both political parties and briefed them on the decision that was made in order to protect the American people. And so members of both parties, both chambers, were fully aware of a program intended to know whether or not al Qaeda was calling in or calling out of the country. It seems like — to make sense, if we’re at war, we ought to be using tools necessary within the Constitution, on a very limited basis, a program that’s reviewed constantly to protect us.
Now, you and I have a different — of agreement on what is needed to be protected. But you said, would I apologize for that? The answer — answer is, absolutely not. (Applause.)
Aaaawwwwww … lookit the cute sweet iddle widdle funny bunny wabbit! Sweeeeeeet! Cuuuuuuuute! :D :D :D
What’s Bush’s excuse?
63 (continued)
What I mean is, it’s not like Osama is in custody, or anything. For all your cackling and gobbling about Clinton this and Clinton that, Clinton is NOT the president of the United States or the commander of the world’s largest army, which apparently is not large enough for Bush to catch one guy.
We Democrats do respect private property, Republican propaganda notwithstanding. We’re gonna shoot all the neocon traitors, but they can keep their property! Wait, I’m joking! No, I’m not! No, wait, I’m kidding! Hell, ask Ann Coulter if I’m serious, maybe she knows.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/7/06@ 5:19 pm
Roger I do believe they took a chaps parking garage in Seattle for the Monorail and sold it off to a developer when the project failed. Socialist Democrats do run Seattle today. Right Roger?
63 (continued)
Of course, lack of effort may have something to do with the lack of results:
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority. I am truly not that concerned about him.” George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
Those are mouse ears, idiot! Do I look like a mouse? Does that guy look like this? Click here for picture of Roger Rabbit:
Roger and Gang do you support the Democrats position on this subject?
Chairman’s Corner
Senate Democrats refuse to ban protestors from military funerals
After the close of the legislative session several weeks ago, Democrats spun a web trying to convince voters that a budget that squandered our state’s surplus and increased spending by $468 million (a 17.4% increase) was an accomplishment. I am not impressed.
As important to me, though, is the “in your face” failure to address the problem of protestors at military funerals. Rep. Dan Roach (R-31) introduced a bill to ban protestors from military funerals, HB 3293. The bill was a needed protection for the families of our state’s veterans. The bill garnered strong bipartisan support during the session and on March 3rd it was passed unanimously in the House.
As HB 3293 moved to the Senate, Republican Minority Leader Mike Hewitt (R-16) made the bill’s passage one of his highest priorities. In the closing days of the session, he signed a written agreement with Democrat Majority Leader Lisa Brown (D-3) that would guarantee a floor vote on one bill from each party. Brown chose HB 2688 (involving police and firefighter retirement plans), and Hewitt chose HB 3293. But instead of honoring her promise Brown ignored the deal, and after HB 2688 had been voted on she officially ended the session 24 hours early. A floor vote for HB 3293 would have taken less than 10 minutes.
In the days following the incident, Brown did not apologize directly to Hewitt. However, in a letter dated March 17th, posted on a blog, and addressed to “To Whom it May Concern,” she rattles off several excuses as to why she blocked HB 3293 from being voted on. Hewitt promptly replied to Brown’s letter on March 23rd, and stated the obvious:
You said that you look forward to working together on the veterans’ bill’s ‘assured passage’ next year. I look forward to that as well, but I also regret that waiting until next year will put our states’ military families in the line of protestors’ fire for another 10 months.
Honoring America’s fallen heroes is something that our state should take very seriously. Families of Washington State’s 700,000 veterans should be able to mourn their loved ones without being disturbed by angry protesters. After all, these are the men and women that fought and died to protect the very freedoms we take for granted. Brown and the Democrats’ flippant attitude towards this is disturbing.
I strongly urge you to contact (via phone, letter, fax, or email) Senator Brown and her Democratic colleagues to voice your concern for this important bill.
Click here to contact your Democratic Senator.
Don’t overlook the versatility of duct tape:
“Yes there is still a place in this world for Lawyers. Now where that is another question? Commentby klake— 4/7/06@ 4:56 pm”
I would guess your lawyer is at the bail window every Friday night getting you out of the drunk tank.
“Roger I do believe they took a chaps parking garage in Seattle for the Monorail and sold it off to a developer when the project failed. Socialist Democrats do run Seattle today. Right Roger? Commentby klake— 4/7/06@ 5:25 pm”
That’s how eminent domain law works everywhere, klake. Even in Republican counties! Years ago, the first time I heard about something like this happening, it involved orchard land in Wenatchee — which is hardly a hotbed of Democratic activism.
would guess your lawyer is at the bail window every Friday night getting you out of the drunk tank.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/7/06@ 5:33 pm
Sweet Roger what is your number?
What is your reason for omitting the fact these nuts who are disrupting military funerals are right-wing homophobic theocrat nuts?
97 –
So, the dems are against the bill to prohibit homophobic theocrat nuts from disrupting military funerals – why?
I don’t get your point. The behavior is dispicable. Why are the dems against it? To preserve the precious right to openly provoke those who are burying their dead? All rights have restrictions, even the one to assemble.
Maybe they are trolling for votes in a whole new area. Although, nut cases do like to hang together.
I guess stealing elections, lying to The People and acting like a whore to special interest groups has a political cost. According to StrategicVision poll of 3/24 – 3/26:
8. If the Election for Governor in 2008 was between the Democrat Christine Gregoire and the Republican, Dino Rossi, whom would you vote for?
Dino Rossi 51%
Christine Gregoire 38%
And her approval ratings are in the shit too…
1. Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Christine Gregoire’s job performance?
Approve 39%
Disapprove 52%
The Dems are NOT against the bill, you lying sack of fish entrails!
Hey Janet S — why do Republicans hate babies?
From today’s edition of the P-I:
“Gonzales hints at expanded wiretaps
“WASHINGTON — Attorney General Alberto Gonzales suggested for the first time Thursday that the president might have the legal authority to order wiretapping without a warrant on communications between Americans that occur exclusively within the United States. ‘I’m not going to rule it out,’ Gonzales said when asked about that possibility at a House Judiciary Committee hearing.”
For complete story, see
If you want to know who copyrighted it, click on the link and look it up yourself! I’m fucking your research assistant, not your fucking research assistant.
How did Gregoire steal the election, Mark?
When are you gonna pay your gambling debts, Mark?
Hey Mark — did you leave your ex to marry your 14-year-old first cousin? Just wondering.
FIVE HUNDRED BIG ONES!!!! Hooo heee haaa haw ha ha ha
What’s all this bullshit about “People Powered Politics”. Since when do politicians in FUWA give a fuck about what The People think. The elites here do whatever the fuck they want and don’t give a shit what people think or how they vote.
We got that fucking baseball stadium we didn’t want because they said we were too fucking stoopid to understand the issue.
We’ve passed $30 tabs upteen fucking times and they still aren’t $30.
The queen stole the gd election by having her boy Ron count as many illegal votes as he could find and find and find.
We’ve got a few kooks on the SCC who make judgements on crazy shit that could never pass muster with the people.
King, Piece and Snohomish county don’t give a fuck about the property rights of The People.
And I suppose the dumbest fucking thing about the whole issue is that it’s posted here on HA. Think about it, here’s a blog started by a moonbat kook fucking asshole who fervently believes that the People should NOT have the right to initiative, and anybody who thinks they should is a Horses Fucking Ass. Hey Goldy, which is it? Should The People have a voice or not? Seriously, reconcile this…. you can’t have it both ways. Or are you just a complete fucking idiot.
Never mind, I know the answer.
A 7/11/00 Washington Times article by George Archibald outlines Algore’s use of Air Force Two. The article reveals that rich&powerful Al logged 375 flight hours from April 1999 to May 2000. The fuel usage of Air Force Two in use by him can be found on the net. The actual flight time coupled with the aircraft type and configuration gives us the fuel usage by the World’s Best Known Champion of Minimalist Fuel Use. It reveals that AL GORE IS THE SINGLE MOST PROFLIGATE PERSONAL USER OF FOSSIL FUELS in memory, probably EVER. I have chosen the term “personal user” as the ex-vice president’s two constitutional duties, to preside over the Senate and to assume the presidency upon the death or incapacity of the president, were both to be carried out in the District of Columbia and needed no travel.
The math reveals 1,207,125 gallons of kerosene burned by Gore from April, 1999 to May, 2000. It would take 17,446,400 gallons of crude oil to produce enough jet fuel to have flown Algore to his fund raisers and pep rallies in that short time span – nearly two super-tanker’s worth.
Hey, go here and measure your
carbon footprint as deemed by the inventor of the internet.
I guess his carbon is exempt. Typical lying sack of shit librul.
Winston, come on over whenever your ready! I’d even give you the first shot, you stupid liberal jack ass. You’d probably wet yourself and then shoot yourself saving me a dime. Hey, why don’t you invite as many of your friends, we can stack you up like cord wood.
I hunt rabbit all the time, my semi-auto .22 with 18 round magizine cleans up real nice against dumb bunnies. Their good eating too, taste like CHICKEN!
…it’s just that the reality is vaginas make us men .
Comment by GBS— 12/29/05 @ 5:44 pm
…vaginas do indeed make us men.
Comment by Donnageddon— 12/29/05 @ 5:55 pm
…how big a capacitator do we need to shoot MTR into orbit with a flashlight battery?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/12/06@ 3:42 pm
Government exists to make private wealth possible.
Commentby Belltowner— 3/12/06@ 4:15 pm
I like Castro’s system better. He confiscates the employer’s property, shoots the employer, and the workers get quality health care for free. We need something like that in America.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/19/06@ 3:42 pm
Don’t talk to me about “core beliefs…”
Commentby headless lucy— 3/25/06@ 7:07 pm
MTR @ 100, if you want a real breakdown of support for your Governor, go to:
so her 47% approval and 46% dissaproval rates well with the nations weighted averages of 47% for and 47% against.
Once again, MTR, pay your gambling debt….and get the ‘chips’ off of your shoulder.
@ 112: Not a very good try, vagina lips. Your statement of the “MTR vagina theorem” set the standard for stupidity. It can’t be topped.
Fucking marooooon.
A better question to you dumb bunny is why are you for state sponsored legal abortions? Only a million deaths per year at the hands of physicians with over half of them subsidized by the taxpayers. I guess it makes you feel good to know that doctors can legally stab scissors into the skull of a defenseless child then rip it’s limbs off and suck out it brains.
My only other question to you dumb bunny is:
Do you eat the baby when your done? Or do you completely waste the life of that unborn child?
Another delusional spew by the brainwashed bet welsher MTR @ 108. Same old. Same old.
This thread is chock full of garbage from klake the drunken flake.
Geez Goldy! When’s that new software coming?
troll @ 115
Are you against Plan B? If so, why?
“You said that you look forward to working together on the veterans’ bill’s ‘assured passage’ next year. I look forward to that as well, but I also regret that waiting until next year will put our states’ military families in the line of protestors’ fire for another 10 months.”
If the war stopped tomorrow, there would be no more funerals, and no more protests. But why discuss the obvious.
Some say Vagina Lips was banned from Powerline and Free Republic for being a psychopath. Impossible you say? Maybe ace sleuth Richard Pope could investigate this serious charge.
Mark the Welching Yellowback:
Strategic Visions is a Republican Polling outfit, and is well known for being wrong. As Cougar pointed out, check out a reputatble poller. Also, note that the SV poll showed only 17% of the state being independant, when in fact it is about 41%. Kind of throws everything off.
Now be a good boy and pay your bet.
Strategic Visions is a Republican Polling outfit, and is well known for being wrong. As Cougar pointed out, check out a reputatble poller.
Are they as bad as the pollsters that called the election for Kerry in 2004. Bush won 52% of the vote and if you take away all the fraudulent votes he won with 53% of the vote. Just want to get some perspective.
Clueless, yes I’m against all forms of abortion and that would also include “Plan B”. People should be responsible and if they don’t want children either don’t have sex or get fixed. There are plenty of methods of birth control that prevent senseless killing of defenseless children. It amazes me how the libs would rather protect the spotted owl and trees yet authorize the death of millions of defenseless human beings.
Explain to me Clueless, why is it better to protect the environment than our most vulnerable people?
I don’t get your point. The behavior is dispicable. Why are the dems against it? To preserve the precious right to openly provoke those who are burying their dead? All rights have restrictions, even the one to assemble.
Commentby Janet S— 4/7/06@ 6:09 pm
Are you kidding. The left loves to drag the dead soldiers name throught the mud against their families permission. Since when has the left ever cared about the military.
122 – You’re completely wrong about Plan B. Plan B prevents conception. It stops the release of an egg into the uterus. Sperm cannot then fertilize the egg.
Are you prepared to rethink your position on Plan B or do you blindly accept everything that’s told to you by pro-“life” extremists?
re 48: The “no new Ideas” BS is our LIBERAL MEDIA just getting right behind us and plugging for humanity —NOT. They’ll change their tune when a thousand distraught parents who lost their kids in a useless war are AFTER THEIR ASSES —- AND ARMED AND KNOW WHO THEY ARE LOOKING FOR AND WHERE THEY ARE LIKELY TO BE.
In case you don’t know: That’s how labor won their early victories. And if you don’t believe me , just read a biography of Samuel Gompers.
Klake @ 85:
“ In any other country he would have been nailed to a cross or behead.”
Like, England? France? Germany? Switzerland? Italy? Japan? India? Taiwan? Should I go on?
You don’t want to get to full of yourself, after all, you are defending President Depends, and he, after all, is responsible for this:
Three Medford school teachers were threatened with arrest and thrown out of the President Bush rally at the Jackson County Fairgrounds Thursday night, after they showed up wearing T-shirts with the slogan “Protect our civil liberties.”
and this:
Three Claim ‘Secret Service’ Removed Them From Bush Rally
Three Say They Were Targeted Because Of Antiwar Bumper Sticker
and this:
Protesters Ejected from GOP Rally
BANGOR – At least six protesters were thrown out of a campaign rally Tuesday afternoon as President Bush made an appearance at Bangor International Airport, according to witnesses.
At least 30 other protesters were denied access to buses that transported rally-goers from a parking area at the edge of the airport to a hangar on airport property where Bush made his appearance.
Bangor Daily News
But isn’t he most interesting thing about that exchange is that Bush Avoided What He Was Saying!.
Doofus @ 121:
Are they as bad as the pollsters that called the election for Kerry in 2004. Bush won 52% of the vote . . .
You do realize that you just made my point? Or are you that stupid?
and if you take away all the fraudulent votes he won with 53% of the vote. Just want to get some perspective
You realize that you just proved you have no perspective?
Better adjust your tin foil hat!
Feel sorry for the righty nuts….they have a very tough job now. They are defending things that are, on their face, indefensible. Courts of law are showing that all over the republican party…all over the country.
Guess all those courts are filled with “activist judges” -0- by right wing definition…
Oh Clueless I’m thankful to you for the education on birth control options. I obviously confused Plan B with the RU-486 Abortion pill that makes the fertilized egg not implant to the uteran wall. Sorry.
No, I don’t blindly accept everything that’s told to me by pro-“life” extremists. It’s amazing to me the marketing aspects of “Plan B” that it’s “in case your other birth control fails, like a broken condom”. Interesting market segment for this drug.
So, I guess I am for Plan B after all! but not the abortion pill RU-486, Mifepriston. Thanks for forcing me to use Google to rethink my position.
I’m curious if you would do the same to understand anothers point of view. If so, I challenge you to google partial birth abortion and look at some of the links in the images section. If you have any children in your life at all, I’m certian it would have an impact on how you view abortion.
It’s sad really, we use the word abortion so easily and really don’t think of it as a child but rather call it just “cells” or “tissue”.
The really strange part about all of this, is that at one time in my life I used to be FOR protecting a womans right to choose. That was when I was a single person who really didn’t know any better.
Thanks to you, I now know a bit more about something I really will never need. But if this helps prevent abortions, I’m definitely for it.
Thanks Clueless!
and if you take away all the fraudulent votes he won with 53% of the vote. Just want to get some perspective
You realize that you just proved you have no perspective?
Commentby JDB— 4/7/06@ 8:30 pm
Well no donks perspective anyways. I believe in the truth.
re 130: You are a lying sack…
If you believed in the truth, why did I have to truth slap you so badly?
Mikhail @ 129
Thank you for rethinking your position. Right now the Bush Administration is holding up approval of Plan B contraception. There is no sane reason for this. It is sheer ignorance and pandering to the extreme right that is preventing rape victims and others from using this contraception.
I do not support abortion on demand past the point of fetal viability unless the life of the mother is at stake or in cases of violent trauma like rape or sexual abuse. If there needs to be a place to draw a line for most cases I suppose I would draw it at the first trimester. I wholeheartedly support a woman’s autonomy and liberty within reason. Life in this day and age is overly complex and all people and women in particular need more options in life not fewer.
It is a documented fact that many pro-“life” people after bearing unwanted children (or even not) elect to have abortions. I understand many abortion providers will refuse to treat such people who will have a procedure and then go in the street to hector other women electing to make this difficult choice. It is this type of hypocrisy that I find the most galling.
George W. Bush is the absolutely WORST thing that’s ever happened to this country.
But one thing positive you can say about him is that: HE’S NO TRAITOR TO HIS CLASS!
It is sheer ignorance and pandering to the extreme right that is preventing rape victims and others from using this contraception.
Hey clueless. You forgot run ins with democratic presidents (aka) Juanita Broaddrick.
Hey, Richard Pope,
As I indicated in yesterday’s open thread, I attended UW Law during your era. The grades you posted just didn’t ring true; they just appeared too high for that era. Not trusting my own memory, I conferred with one of your classmates. We concurred on three points. (1) The odds of anyone having received a 4.0 in Civil Procedure during that time are phenomenally low. The professors just didn’t give out 4.0s, particularly Phil Trautman. (2) The grades you posted yesterday would most certainly have earned you an invitation to law review. Anyone who would reject an invitation to law review is, frankly, nuts. (3) Craig Allen (remember him, the guy who teaches at the law school now?) was always at the top of your class, first year included. So, your claim to have received an “award” for highest weighted GPA following your first year would appear to be a, uh, lie.
Please tell me you are not guilty of resume puffery. Not you. The irony would be too much to bear.
Commentby proud leftist— 4/7/06@ 11:15 am
Sorry, didn’t notice your post earlier. Haven’t read this thread until now. To respond to your comments, etc.
I wasn’t in Craig Allen’s class. He entered in September 1986 and I entered in September 1987. I think Allen’s first year grades in 1986-87 were higher than mine in 1987-88, at least from the rumors I remember hearing.
The grades that I posted are absolutely correct. And I did take first year Civil Procedure with Phil Trautman. I believe Trautman taught 3 out of the 6 first year sections, and someone else taught Civil Procedure to the other half of the first year class. And yes — Trautman actually did give me a 4.0. And I do remember hearing that Trautman almost never gave anyone a 4.0.
And yes I did get the first year award for 1987-88. There should be a plaque somewhere in the law school building. Craig Allen is listed for 1986-87 and I am listed for 1987-88. I used to know where it was in the old Condon Hall. Not sure where it is located in the new law school building. But if you are ever there, ask them, look at it, and you will see my name on it. The first year highest average award is called the “Judge James J Lawless Memorial Award”.
If you believed in the truth, why did I have to truth slap you so badly?
Commentby JDB— 4/7/06@ 9:16 pm
Truth slap? How? Democratic voter fruad is a matter of public record and not debatable. Do you mean donk truth?
Getting slapped by donk truth is like getting tickled. I laugh may ass off every time.
re 56: Klake: I owned and operated my own business ( for 17 years ) and started it on a shoestring. At my highest point I owned a house, rented one in another city, rented an apartment to crash in and party — and I can’t even begin to remember the vehicles I owned. I could easily make $1,000 a week from the set of equipment I still own and the people who know what I can do for them. I FEAR NOTHING.
Least of all you or Republicans. There are millions like me and we are just beginning to have the time and money to deal with shitheads like you . You should get a passport. You may need it. ‘Cause , bud, I don’t like you one bit.
I do not feel sorry for righty losers and will drive them over the cliff. Keep the pressure on brothers and sisters! Never relent until they are gone from the face of the earth.
Hi! My name be Puddybud! Everthang I say is the black conservative ‘splanation of everthang. It be just the same as conservative white folk ‘cept I be a black.
I be talkin’ dis way so yu NO I be black!!!! Don’t be DISSIN’ me now —– ‘CAUSE I BE COMPLAININ’ EF YU DUUU !!!!!
Clueless, I should have known better than try to reason with the unreasonable. You lament that it’s all the Bush Administrations fault pandering to the far right. I guess it’s just too impossible for you to see life for what it is and what it’s worth. So did you even google abortion? Or are you so blind by your partisan political beliefs that it’s just not worth the five seconds of your time?
You’re just as much a hypocrite as any “documented pro-life person”, opposing death due to violence and war all the while supporting the woman’s choice in “terminating” an unwanted pregnancy because “life in this day and age is over complex”.
I guess it’s ok with you for doctors to kill, but not for men at war? I suppose you also think it’s more appropriate to protect our trees and animals ahead of our children.
Too bad for you that it’s just so impossible for you to consider another’s perspective. It really is a sad day and age when your blind political ambition to protect a “woman’s autonomy and liberty” is so misguided and part of your party’s talking points memo. Abortions are not typically a result of trauma or sexual abuse, but more often due to laziness and irresponsibility which is why I would support Plan B.
Least of all you or Republicans. There are millions like me and we are just beginning to have the time and money to deal with shitheads like you . You should get a passport. You may need it. ‘Cause , bud, I don’t like you one bit.
Commentby headless lucy— 4/7/06@ 10:04 pm
Headless Lucy you like to boast about your success, but lack the mindset to enjoy it before the taxman cometh. Lucy you are like Roger, both of you carries too much baggage. Sweet Dreams and do not let the bed bugs bit. Like a Good Redneck, I have a Passport for years but it is not to running from danger or a sneaking across the Canadian border. My idea of a good time is packing up my gear and heading to the Middle East and work on making positive changes for the kind folks over in that part of the World. I see you as hiding under your bed screaming the sky is falling the sky is falling. Lucy what kind dead have you done for your fellow humanity?
“The elites here do whatever the fuck they want and don’t give a shit what people think or how they vote.” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/7/06@ 6:43 pm
Gee, Mark, it’s that way everywhere, and has been since the dawn of time. So your solution is to facilitate the fucking over by voting for the fuckers? That makes no sense. I can understand the wannabe mentality — want to be a fucker instead of a fuckee at least is logical from a self-interest viewpoint. But to use the undue influence of elites as an excuse to perpetuate the undue influence of elites? And you call other people “idiots?”
“We got that fucking baseball stadium we didn’t want because they said we were too fucking stoopid to understand the issue.”
I voted against it — what can I say? We got it because some people obviously DID want it, and not just the wealthy team owners and players who directly benefit from it. A lot of ordinary folks DO want sports, and sports stadiums. The Legislature didn’t peel this off the wall.
Nor did the legislature turn around and overrule the popular vote, local myth notwithstanding. What the voters defeated was a general tax increase. What the legislature passed was a tax package targeted at out-of-state visitors — a levy on rental cars and motel rooms, to be exact. Many other cities have funded their stadiums with the same exact tax. They rip us off when we visit their cities on business or pleasure, and we rip them off when they visit our city, that’s how it works. Cynical and sordid, yes, but Washington’s voters got a stadium by making nonresidents pay for it, which is exactly what they wanted. The legislature read that one perfectly.
As for the football stadium, the voters did vote in favor of it, and on the first ballot try, too. Many school levies need two or more tries to pass. Kind of tells you where Washington voters’ priorities are, doesn’t it? Seattle has spent more on two stadiums and an arena than it has on all of its school buildings put together. Sad, but what do you expect from working stiffs who stand in line to pay $100 or more to watch a basketball game? Karl Marx was right about one thing, “the masses are asses.”
“We’ve passed $30 tabs upteen fucking times and they still aren’t $30.”
Well, incompetence sucks, yes? You’re paying more than one tax when you buy car tabs, but Eyman wrote his initiative to repeal only one of the car tab taxes. Maybe he doesn’t know how to read a car registration receipt. And then his initiative got thrown out by the courts because he doesn’t know how to write an initiative, and the $30 car tab was actually passed by a Democratic legislature and signed by a Democratic governor. Maybe if you tax protesters dumped Eyman and got someone with at least as much brains as a zoo monkey, you might get better results. And don’t forget the fee you pay to the private vendor who contracts with the state to sell you the tabs. You don’t really expect to repeal that fee, too, do you? You don’t work for free, why should the vendor?
The queen stole the gd election by having her boy Ron count as many illegal votes as he could find and find and find.
We’ve got a few kooks on the SCC who make judgements on crazy shit that could never pass muster with the people.
King, Piece and Snohomish county don’t give a fuck about the property rights of The People.
And I suppose the dumbest fucking thing about the whole issue is that it’s posted here on HA. Think about it, here’s a blog started by a moonbat kook fucking asshole who fervently believes that the People should NOT have the right to initiative, and anybody who thinks they should is a Horses Fucking Ass. Hey Goldy, which is it? Should The People have a voice or not? Seriously, reconcile this…. you can’t have it both ways. Or are you just a complete fucking idiot.
Never mind, I know the answer.
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/7/06@ 6:43 pm
Hey, klake! Got any new Nazi propoganda to prove your absudly racist claim that “More Blacks and Indians owned slaves than white people did?
Huh, Klake?
You fucking Nazi pig.
“The queen stole the gd election by having her boy Ron count as many illegal votes as he could find and find and find.”
Bullshit. You guys had your chance to prove this crapola in court, and even with the state’s highest-priced lawyers representing you, got your asses handed to you by a HAND-PICKED REPUBLICAN JUDGE IN A HAND-PICKED REPUBLICAN COUNTY. Under the circumstances, it’s time to say your blowing smoke out of your ass. You got nuthin’, pal. Nuthin’. Fuggedaboudit.
“We’ve got a few kooks on the SCC who make judgements on crazy shit that could never pass muster with the people.”
SCC? Seattle City Council? I do believe they were elected, so if they’re crazy, so are the voters who elected him. Of course, that’s eminently within the realm of possibility! As our national politics so vividly demonstrate, voters are perfectly capable of electing incompetent fools and continuing to back against all evidence and experience, and beyond all logic or reason. Who ever said you humans are rational? My bunny buddies and the rest of my pals in the animal kingdom all think you humans are a bunch of loons. Just thought I’d mention it, since you asked.
“King, Piece and Snohomish county don’t give a fuck about the property rights of The People.”
Well, this statement is patently false, and I can prove it.
Exhibit 1 – if you shoot someone inside your house, you won’t be prosecuted in any of those counties, even though our legislative has never overtly enacted a Delaware law. We have a Delaware law anyway, thanks to the jury nullification tendencies of the jury pools in those three counties.
Exhibit 2 – do you even know what “private property” is? It’s the right to exclusive possession and use; it’s the right to exclude all others. If someone trespasses on your land, and you call the police, they will come and remove the trespasser. If someone breaks into your home and takes your property, he will go to prison. All of this comes at enormous expense to taxpayers, without charge to you. Washington taxpayers spend billions of dollars a year to uphold and enforce your private property rights. That’s what cops, courts, and jails are all about.
Exhibit 3 – in response to a federal Supreme Court decision that some folks thought carried eminent domain — a legal principle that is so deeply entrenched in our social and legal system it has been around a lot longer than our country or constitution have — too far, our Democratic legislature promptly passed a bill limiting eminent domain in our state to less than what SCOTUS thinks is constitutionally permissible.
Exhibit 4 – they can’t take your property without paying “just compensation” for it. People quibble over how much constitutes “just” compensation, so what? This is America, everybody tries to get the best deal they can, including government. The main controversy arose over who gets the benefit of appreciation that occurs AFTER the government acquires ownership by eminent domain. From a logical standpoint, the government’s argument goes, if the property went up in value after we bought it, why should the previous owner get it? After all, if it goes down in value, the previous owner isn’t asked to make up the government’s loss. What makes perfect sense has been blown out of proportion by government-haters into some kind of theft. There’s stealing going on all right, but not by the government.
I could give you more examples to prove that private property is alive and well in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. However, your assertions are so patently absurd they really don’t deserve a reply. Whining, just fucking whining, that’s all it is.
As for the complaints about government regulation interfering with property rights, I pay plenty of taxes to make sure the government DOES interfere with what some of my neighbors want to do with their property. And if the government doesn’t interfere with it, I will. If the zoning enforcement people don’t put a stop to certain land uses certain neighbors would like to indulge in, then — I have to be honest here — I’ll be sorely tempted to blow up their land use myself. With dynamite, if necessary. There’s an old saying that your freedom to swing your fist stops where my nose starts. They don’t have a right to run a meth lab in their garage next to my property, and if the government doesn’t stop them from doing it, I’ll blow up their goddam garage.
The whole reason we have a government is so people don’t resort to self-help of that nature. If you government-haters get your way and succeed in eliminating government, then self-help and vigilante action is all we’ve got, and believe me, that’s what you’ll get. If there are no cops, courts, or hoosegows to keep my neighbors in line, then me and the other upstanding citizens of the park community will do it ourselves with guns and ropes tied to lamp posts. Whatever it takes to maintain social order and be able to live in peace and safety in our burrows, man. And if it takes a civil war, then so be it.
And I suppose the dumbest fucking thing about the whole issue is that it’s posted here on HA. Think about it, here’s a blog started by a moonbat kook fucking asshole who fervently believes that the People should NOT have the right to initiative, and anybody who thinks they should is a Horses Fucking Ass. Hey Goldy, which is it? Should The People have a voice or not? Seriously, reconcile this…. you can’t have it both ways. Or are you just a complete fucking idiot.
Never mind, I know the answer.
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/7/06@ 6:43 pm
“And I suppose the dumbest fucking thing about the whole issue is that it’s posted here on HA. Think about it, here’s a blog started by a moonbat kook fucking asshole who fervently believes that the People should NOT have the right to initiative, and anybody who thinks they should is a Horses Fucking Ass. Hey Goldy, which is it? Should The People have a voice or not? Seriously, reconcile this…. you can’t have it both ways. Or are you just a complete fucking idiot. Never mind, I know the answer.” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/7/06@ 6:43 pm
Since you’re such a big fan of direct democracy, how about we scrap the Electoral College and elect the president by straight popular vote? That didn’t seem to be what you wingnuts wanted in 2000, when your man lost by 550,000 votes. All we heard from Wingnutdom then was, America isn’t a democracy, it’s a republic, blah blah blah. You guys see nothing wrong with the minority governing the majority as long as it’s your minority governing our majority. But let your majority try to assert suzerainty over your minority, and it’s whine, whine, whine. Which is it, democracy or republic? Majority rule, or protection of minority rights from majority tyranny? Make up your fucking minds! Fucking hypocrites.
Fucking hypocrites. That’s the bottom line: When you deal with wingnuts, you’re dealing with fucking hypocrites.
Before I forget … klake is a nazi.
Wabbit @ 148
The Seahawks football stadium giveaway in 1997 to Paul Allen was proposed by Democrat Governor Gary Locke — the same wonderful person who recently approved $10 million or so in bonuses for U.S. Senate candidate Mike McGavick as a member of the Safeco board.
The Mariners baseball stadium giveaway in 1995 to that offshore Japanese owner was proposed by Democrat Governor Mike Lowry.
Democrat Ron Sims supported both stadium giveaways — as a member of the King County Council in 1995 and as King County Executive in 1997.
Democrat Governor Christine Gregoire appears to be on the verge of proposing a basketball arena giveway to the Sonics. Just wait and see.
You are definitely right about one thing, “the masses [of Democrats] are asses.”
109, 110
Glad you assholes have seen the light and are now conservationists. What took you so fucking long? Got anything to say about Bush’s equally proliflgate use of fossil fuels to (a) attend fundraisers, and (b) use military basis as props for his warmongering pep rallies? How much fuel did that aircraft carrier burn up steaming in circles 70 miles off San Diego?
“I like Castro’s system better. He confiscates the employer’s property, shoots the employer, and the workers get quality health care for free. We need something like that in America.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/19/06@ 3:42 pm”
Interestingly, the more you quote this back to me, the better it looks and the more this idea grows on me.
Let’s start with that lying sack of shit McGavick who pretends he wants to be the kids’ health care senator.
Just kidding. Think I’m not kidding? Ask Ann Coulter if I’m kidding. She says she’s kidding. Well, I’m kidding too! Why should Republicans have a monopoly on kidding? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing.
“A better question to you dumb bunny is why are you for state sponsored legal abortions? Commentby Mikhail— 4/7/06@ 7:33 pm”
The best answer I can give you is that I’ve posted many times on HA that I personally oppose abortion on moral and religious grounds, and it’s not my fault that illiterate fucks like you can’t read. It’s a consequence of being a Republican, which is a lifestyle choice, not a genetic predisposition.
“You said that you look forward to working together on the veterans’ bill’s ‘assured passage’ next year. I look forward to that as well, but I also regret that waiting until next year will put our states’ military families in the line of protestors’ fire for another 10 months.”
“If the war stopped tomorrow, there would be no more funerals, and no more protests. But why discuss the obvious.” Commentby Proud To Be An Ass— 4/7/06@ 7:36 pm
Even if the war doesn’t stop tomorrow, if the right wing nuts who disrupt military funerals chose some other way to peddle their hate-gays message, the disruption of military funerals by right-wing theocratic homophobes would stop tomorrow.
It was inevitable that our lying full-of-shit trollfuck friends would try to blame the anti-gay protests of ultra-rightwing fundie nutjobs on liberals. I’m surprised they don’t claim Clinton put them up to it. Dunno how they missed the boat on that one. Wingers are people of no imagination, they have to be fed a script, or they’re at a total loss.
Here’s the trollfuck game plan in a nutshell:
Blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton blame Clinton
So much for the “party of personal responsibility.”
“Are they as bad as the pollsters that called the election for Kerry in 2004. Bush won 52% of the vote and if you take away all the fraudulent votes he won with 53% of the vote. Just want to get some perspective. Commentby RUFUS— 4/7/06@ 7:52 pm”
Doofus, we all know your perspective is the interior of a rectum.
“Feel sorry for the righty nuts….they have a very tough job now. They are defending things that are, on their face, indefensible. Courts of law are showing that all over the republican party…all over the country.” Commentby Thomas Trainwinder— 4/7/06@ 8:33 pm
The good news is they’re objecting to the despicable behavior of RIGHT WING PROTESTERS WHO DISRUPT MILITARY FUNERALS TO PROMOTE THEIR ANTI-GAY HATE MESSAGE:
“I don’t get your point. The behavior is dispicable. Why are the dems against it? To preserve the precious right to openly provoke those who are burying their dead? All rights have restrictions, even the one to assemble. Commentby Janet S— 4/7/06@ 6:09 pm
“Are you kidding. The left loves to drag the dead soldiers name throught the mud against their families permission. Since when has the left ever cared about the military. Commentby RUFUS— 4/7/06@ 8:05 pm”
The bad news is Janet S and Rufus are lying through their teeth about who is disrupting military funerals.
to avoid confusion:
Yoo-hooo — Janet and Doofus — did you catch that?
So … why do you two defend right-wing religious nuts?
Mikhail – it is YOU who is unreasonable. It is YOU who would restrict a woman’s autonomy or liberty after making the kind of mistake so many of us often make. It is YOU who would force a victim of rape or sexual abuse to have an unwanted child.
And it is YOU who would either brutally condemn or look askance at a pro-life hyprocrite who would have an abortion and then go on to condemn other women for making that difficult decision.
It is YOU who is not thinking past the inchoate rage that animates many who consider themselves pro-“life”.
Why do Janet S and Doofus hate our soldiers?
Why do Janet S and Doofus hate America?
Janet S and Doofus — if you don’t like it here, move!!!! Fucking traitors.
“It’s sad really, we use the word abortion so easily and really don’t think of it as a child but rather call it just “cells” or “tissue”. Commentby Mikhail— 4/7/06@ 8:37 pm
What’s even sadder is that you think a 1-day-old fertilized egg is a “child” not a “cell.” It’s a cell, dude. No arms. No legs. No head. No eyes. No brain. Can’t think. Can’t feel. Doesn’t know it exists.
One of the hallmarks of right-wing-nutism is a compulsion to oversimplify complex concepts. This is a sure sign of a weak mind desperately trying to deal with things beyond its grasp, like a kindergartner staring at a calculus equation. Attempting to make order of a chaotic world, the right-wing mind resorts to pigeon holing: “us, them”, “good, evil,” “black, white,” etc.
A cell is a cell, not a child. What makes the abortion debate so difficult is figuring out when “a cell” or “tissue” becomes a child. The Supreme Court couldn’t do it. Medical science can’t do it. Religion attempts to do it with doctrine, because it can’t do it empirically. No one can do it. That makes it more complicated than the right-wing mind can cope with, so the right-wing mind resorts to doctrinaire answers and pigeon-holding techniques — which, to educated minds, is a form of mental laziness and/or intellectual incapacity.
A cell is a cell, and ignorance does not make a cell a child.
Mark the whacked-out Redneck: Tim Eyman is a child and a shameless opportunist. His claim to fame is winning the battle over paid signature gatherers which made initiative mongering a profitable business for him.
He’s the kind of guy who abuses a privilege and in the process ruins it for everyone. So hell yeah – in an age of paid signature gatherers – most initiatives are useless and cause more problems than they solve. I vote no on almost all of them. Who needs them?
The old mvet was a bad tax but in the absence of a broad based tax like an income tax to fund the things people say they want like smaller classroom sizes and better public transportation you’re going to get things tacked on to the tabs.
So how about an income tax Redneck? We could lower the sales and property tax in the process. Comprehensive tax reform. You’re for that aren’t you?
So where does that leave Roger Rabbit, given that I’m personally opposed to abortion on moral and religious grounds?
Well … it’s complicated. To me, destroying “a cell” or “tissue” is not the same as destroying a “child,” but how can I make this distinction when I don’t even know when a cell or tissue becomes a child?
I have to do it arbitrarily. I have to draw a line and say, this is a cell, that’s tissue, and here is a child. And so this line is where I stop.
Of course, our wingy friends do the same thing, because they don’t know any better than I do what constitutes a “child.” They draw it in a different place, that’s all, because lacking the intellectual curiosity or capacity to tackle difficult distinctions, they don’t even try and simply lump cells, tissues, and children in together. The lazy, ignorant, incompetent way of doing it, but at least it does result in drawing a line somewhere instead of leaving it up in the air like SCOTUS did.
The difference between me and our wingy friends is they think they’re right — not only for themselves, but for the rest of us — whereas I confess I don’t know the answer, and don’t try to impose my idea of where the line is on other people. For example, I don’t tell them they should be for abortion until the fetus is X weeks old. On the other hand, they want to tell me that I should be against abortion when the embryo is .000000000000000000000000000000001~ nanoseconds old, and I happen not to agree with where they’re putting the line, as one fertilized egg clearly is not a sentient human being, only the insensate precusor of one. They want to shove their beliefs down my throat; I don’t interfere with their beliefs. That’s the difference between Roger Rabbit and wingnuts on abortion.
You see, in the end, this quarrel isn’t really about abortion. It’s about asserting the right to tell other people what to do. This impulse pervades everything that right-wingers think and do. Their whole existence revolves around trying to force other people to their will. One of the greatest ironies of human nature is that those who pay the loudest lip service to liberty are the very same people who respect liberty the least. They are not for liberty, they are for tyranny, as long as they can be the tyrants. On the other hand, they think asking them to live under reasonable and moderate social rules (like not making meth in their garage next to someone else’s property) is a tyrannical imposition. Right-wingers like Timothy McVeigh have no problem with the idea of blowing up other people’s babies in the name of getting government off our backs. Don’t try to make sense of this, because wingers make no sense.
By definition, they are irrational.
“I believe in the truth. Commentby RUFUS— 4/7/06@ 8:58 pm”
Hey MTR, you should add that one to your boilerplate, like this:
…it’s just that the reality is vaginas make us men .
Comment by GBS— 12/29/05 @ 5:44 pm
…vaginas do indeed make us men.
Comment by Donnageddon— 12/29/05 @ 5:55 pm
…how big a capacitator do we need to shoot MTR into orbit with a flashlight battery?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/12/06@ 3:42 pm
Government exists to make private wealth possible.
Commentby Belltowner— 3/12/06@ 4:15 pm
I like Castro’s system better. He confiscates the employer’s property, shoots the employer, and the workers get quality health care for free. We need something like that in America.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/19/06@ 3:42 pm
Don’t talk to me about “core beliefs…”
Commentby headless lucy— 3/25/06@ 7:07 pm
I believe in the truth. Commentby RUFUS— 4/7/06@ 8:58 pm
That’s so funny I’m gonna save it and use it myself! There’s no copyright notice, so it’s in the public domain.
Hey MTR, you should add that one to your boilerplate, like this:
…it’s just that the reality is vaginas make us men .
Comment by GBS— 12/29/05 @ 5:44 pm
…vaginas do indeed make us men.
Comment by Donnageddon— 12/29/05 @ 5:55 pm
…how big a capacitator do we need to shoot MTR into orbit with a flashlight battery?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/12/06@ 3:42 pm
Government exists to make private wealth possible.
Commentby Belltowner— 3/12/06@ 4:15 pm
I like Castro’s system better. He confiscates the employer’s property, shoots the employer, and the workers get quality health care for free. We need something like that in America.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/19/06@ 3:42 pm
Don’t talk to me about “core beliefs…”
Commentby headless lucy— 3/25/06@ 7:07 pm
I believe in the truth. Commentby RUFUS— 4/7/06@ 8:58 pm
(This material, not being copyrighted, is in the public domain and can be freely reproduced and disseminated by anyone else who, like me, thinks it’s funny!)
Wow! This thread is almost up to 200 posts already! That’s more than Stefan’s pathetic little blog gets in a year.
Hey Richard, do you know who Judge James J. Lawless was?
Hint: He was murdered by an anti-government extremist.
“Getting slapped by donk truth is like getting tickled. I laugh may ass off every time. Commentby RUFUS— 4/7/06@ 9:55 pm”
A true example of “ignorance is bliss.” If Doofus got run over by a fucking train, he’d sit down there in Hell thinking he’d been kissed by a wingnut babe in a Republican bar.
The funeral protesters are ANTI-BUSH EXTREMISTS! The Democrats in this state don’t want to outlaw funeral protests, because the protesters are anti-war and anti-Bush.
Here is an excerpt from the funeral protesters websitr:
Hell has room for them ALL!!!
George W. Bush has been suckered into a bloody war that God is using to punish this filthy nation, and your children are being blown to smithereens as that punishment.
Bloody Butcher Bush thinks that he can distract from this fact with tall tales about freedom and horror stories of terrorism that could be. It has to happen in order for America to become Babylon and the Last Days to come. Deal with it, America!! You are doomed!
You might think you can pass laws that stop us from preaching at the funerals of your Godless brats, but it isn’t going to happen. The Messengers of God do not stop preaching the truth just because you pass laws. Here’s a little secret. Kansas has had a funeral picketing law for years, and we still picket funerals in Kansas!!! Dying time is truth time! DEAL WITH IT!!!
Number of Americans who have entered hell as result of this bloody takeover of Babylon:
WBC Prays for it to be 222,288!!!
Wabbit @ 192, 193
So do Democrats favor restoring the voting rights of Ricky Anthony Young, who was convicted of murdering Judge James Lawless?
These protesters are the same ones who attended the funeral of the guy who was beaten to death for being gay. Old Fred Phelps is as hard core right-wing theocrat as they come. He is against Bush because Bush is too liberal for him. He makes Ken Hutchinson look rational, and that takes some doing.
Oops. I meant to say protested, not attended.
Is Richard Pope off his medication?
Or is Richard Pope taking way too much medication?
hey Richard Pope, when you come down from your mescaline high, check out this sister site of the website you posted
Richard Pope: A man who supports Nazis.
Bumper stickers will be issued.
Post 153 brags about WA State dummocrapts passing an eminent domain law. Well Rabbit Pellet who made it law on SCOTUS and who votes against it on SCOTUS? – Read below Pellet. Concentrate for a change. Stop chewing on those regurgitated carrots.
“Joining Stevens in the majority were justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter and Anthony Kennedy. Chief Justice William Rehnquist, and justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas joined O’Connor’s dissent. – Seems to me the leftist WA State legislature just corrected a wrong from the leftist SCOTUS justices!
In a concurring opinion, Thomas predicted the ruling would cause long-term problems.
“The consequence of today’s decision are not difficult to predict, and promise to be harmful,” he wrote. “So-called ‘urban renewal’ programs provide some compensation for the properties they take, but no compensation is possible for the subjective value of these lands to the individuals displaced and the indignity inflicted by uprooting them from their homes.” – Justice Clarence Thomas is a SMART man!
From the Clinton News Network the fifth grade english version for Rabbit Pellet.
Posts 142, 150 are white noise. Post 142 is from the lover of Head Start and “wrestling coach”. Why not go back and restart your business coach? Stop polluting minds in the Seattle School District!
Post 150 is an ad nauseum repetition from the king of dull knives. Nothing new, just repetition!
Proud LeftASS and Left Turd: I suggest a lunch meeting with Richard Pope, Esq. with transcripts in hand. Since the lefties here accuse Mr Pope of lying, will they publicly apologize when Richard places his transcript for viewing? Naah, I doubt it. Being a librul moonbat moby troll is saying anything you want and never apologizing!
Take the +50 posts in this thread from Rabbit Pellet. He EXPECTS us to remember he is “morally” against abortion FORGETS everything posted by others when he regurgitates his early morning reading of Daily Kos mantras? Sorry Pellet, the two do not compute!!!
On Sunday, March 26, Mark the Redneck claimed the following:
“Me? hate and intolerance? When? Give me an example.
No, you guys have cornered the market on hate and intolerance.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 3/26/06@ 3:38 pm
This comment was pretty cheeky, because MTR has proposed genocide far larger than that perpetrated by the Nazis:
“There are 6 billion people in the world. 2 billion of them are muslim. That means that all the rest of need to pair up and kill one of them. When we all do that, the problem will be solved. And it really is like a cancer… you hafta get every trace of it… every cell, or it will come out of remission with a vengeance. This also solves the global population problem you guys are so worried about, so we kill two birds with one stone.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 12/17/05@ 8:51 pm
How long will it take for MTR to repudiate or apologize for such hateful remarks?
Another shining example of right wing religious nuts just being plain old perverts.
Problem with Rabbits in Green Lake, Roger is now working on solving the problems.
They found this creature climbing out of Green Lake, it appears they have a new Chemical leak problem.
The Parks Department solution to the Rabbit problem.
Mayors new car H2.
Mark the Redneck mother lost in Seattle.
GLP has no “rabbit problem” that fucking can’t solve! :D :D :D
Just because you regurgitate doesn’t mean everyone else does the same. FYI, I don’t even read Daily Kos. Try again, fucktard!
Wingtards can’t grasp the concept of people who think for themselves and form their own opinions. They’d be lost without a script.
“The funeral protesters are ANTI-BUSH EXTREMISTS! The Democrats in this state don’t want to outlaw funeral protests, because the protesters are anti-war and anti-Bush.” Commentby Richard Pope— 4/8/06@ 1:47 am
Oh please, Richard!! No one is fooled by your lame attempt to portray these RIGHT-WING ANTI-GAY RELIGIOUS NUTS as anti-Bush or anti-war protesters!! These so-called “anti-Bush extremists” think Bush is too liberal!! They are what you get when you cross Far Right homophobia with the Taliban!!
These scumbags are the evil spawn of the GOP’s pandering to right-wing pseudo-Christian extremism!! You righties OWN these bastards!! They’re all YOURS!!
Post #195 is an example of lying that is non-actionable under Washington’s attorney discipline rules. Even though Richard is a lawyer, he can spew any cockeyed bullshit he wants to on this board, without any fear of the WSBA coming down all over his ass. THIS IS AMERICA!! Even lawyers are entitled to FREE SPEECH in America!! Well, right-wing fucktard lawyers like Richard Poop, anyway. Liberal lawyers get ARRESTED and falsely accused of TERRORISM by the evil fascist Bush administration:
Wabbit @ 212
The anti-Bush funeral protestors are DEMOCRATS from the so-called “Westboro Baptist Church” in Topeka, Kansas. This “church” is headed by Fred Phelps Sr., long-time Democrat political activist and disbarred attorney. Most of its members are Phelps’ descendants and in-laws.
Phelps Sr. has run for Governor of Kansas three times as a Democrat — in 1990, 1994 and 1998. In 1998, he came in second place and lost the Democrat nomination by only 15,000 votes.
In the 1980s, the Phelps family were strong political allies with then-senator Al Gore. The home of Fred Jr., Phelps’ eldest son, located in the Westboro compound, acted as Gore’s campaign quarters for one of his senate races, and the Westboro Baptist Church compound was host to a Gore fundraiser. Numerous photos exist on the internet of Fred Phelps Jr. and his second wife, Betty Phelps-Schurle, posing with Al and Tipper Gore in Phelps Jr.’s home. Phelps also served as a Gore delegate on the floor of the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta in 1988.
During Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign, Fred Phelps Jr. and members of Westboro Baptist Church campaigned for the Clinton-Gore ticket. In January 1993, Fred Phelps Jr. and Betty Phelps-Schurle were invited to the inaugural ball in Washington, D.C.
Don’t worry too much, Wabbit. Some CROOKED DEMOCRAT LAWYERS — like FRED PHELPS SR of the hateful so-called “Westboro Baptist Church” — do end up getting disbarred for their misconduct.
Wabbit @ 213
My post # 196 was a quote from the website maintained by disbarred Democrat lawyer and well-traveled professional anti-Bush protestor Fred Phelps Sr.
RPope: As I remember Bill O’Reilly also posted his bent on his TV show. But most ASSWipes or… ASSHeads don’t listen to O’Reilly. You have to excuse Rabbit Pellet. He probably read about on Kos, and assumed Phelps must be Republican since he is anti-gay. But no, Phelps isn’t Republican and this destroys another myth that all donkocrapts are pro-gay!
Rabbit Pellet: While in Atlanta during the week Mrs. King died, I learned MLK Jr’s daughter, Pastor Bernice King, preaches from her Atlanta megachurch pulpit against homosexuals too. She is rabidly anti-gay. Hmmm…? I wonder why? Bernice preaching to blacks from the Bible perhaps? Didn’t you moronic idiots called ASSHeads realize that Mrs King’s funeral was held at the largest anti-gay black church in Atlanta? DUH! Remember Mrs King was pro-gay. So looks like Bernice got the last laugh in! Did you moonbats miss the irony? See marks, I saved this piece of information for the right time.
If only the loony libruls of the Goldy Northwest Division of Moonbats got out and read past their librul blogs and understood more of the country, what a better place WA State would be!
Democrats love to speechify at funerals because they know people are stuck there. They have no choice but to listen to the drivel.
How many times did [JCH] say, “Tookie Williams”, in this thread?
Many , many , many times.
Rufus , Richard Pope, JCH, MTR: You all need some “Tookie Williams” love.
HL, As long as AIDs and HIV are the official disease of the Gay Democrats, anal “Tookie” love will be discussed here. So bend over and take 9 inches of black “Tookie”. Enjoy!!!!
[JCH] 9 inches of dead “Tookie” love.
Well, proof that at its core, [Just another Chicken Hawk]’s racisism is because he has issues with the size of his manhood.
I’m sort of sad it is that boring in the end.
But Phelps’ campaign against homosexuality actually began in earnest just before the 1992 campaign, when politicians, especially Democrats, began to openly court gay voters.
“Westboro Baptist Church” in Topeka, Kansas. This “church” is headed by Fred Phelps Sr., long-time Democrat political activist and disbarred attorney. Most of its members are Phelps’ descendants and in-laws.
Leave it too democrats. They all deep down inside hate blacks and gays but dont show it until they stand on their own away from the democratic plantation.
The bottom line is that the president clearly used his prerogative to classify and declassify intelligence data to leak selectively to the press to give a misleading notion of what his own government believed about Saddam’s WMDs before the war. He was personally involved; and he tasked his veep to coordinate it. The most plausible explanation is that the president believes grave national security prerogatives can be used for political purposes and/or that he had something embarrassing to hide. Bottom bottom line: we can’t trust him to be fully honest with us on one of the bases on which he led us to war. That matters, doesn’t it?
–Andrew Sullivan
Puddy – if you are trying to insinuate that MLK would have been a gay hater like you, look up the name Bayard Rustin.