According to the Palm Beach Post, it looks like Ann Coulter will be investigated for felony voter fraud after all.
Supervisor of Elections Arthur Anderson said on Friday that Coulter’s voting in the wrong precinct this month in a Palm Beach Town Council election was an isolated incident, one that will be referred to State Attorney Barry Krischer. When that happens, Democrat Krischer, who didn’t return calls for comment, will be investigating two White House cheerleaders based on The Island. The other one is radio talker Rush Limbaugh, subject of a doctor-shopping probe.
Both Coulter and Limbaugh under investigation? Hmm. Perhaps I should reconsider my support of restoring voting rights to convicted felons?
She should have voted Democrat a dozen times during the last election in Detroit, Chicago, or King County. If she said she was black any questions into voter fraud would be “racist”! Detroit: 115% Democrat, and proud of it!!!!!
Dear HA posters, Today, I’m black; therefore, any critisisms of my posts and now “hate crimes”.
Lamer than ussual fuckwad. You need new material. Ask your RNC handlers for a raise.
hmm, how about this then: Those convicted of vote fraud (ie Coulter) lose their voting rights…
In king county that means 4 republicans and no democrats!
What is fair is fair. She willingly broke the election laws. The election worker told her that she was in the right place and just needed to change her address. She storms out in a hussy fit to go to another precinct that she was told was illegal. With all of the love she spews on her ‘wingnut fantasy hour’ I hope they literally throw the book at her! (Preferably Websters Unabridged)
4…….OK, Nationwide, 4 Republicans votes lost, 4 million Democrat votes lost.
Would not the proper thing to do be to wait until just before the election and send out a challange to Ms. Coulter and a thousand other people, many of which are legitimate voters, threatening to take away their right to vote based upon a list that has not been checked against reality?
Or to have someone that doesn’t understand the law threaten her when she tries to vote?
That is how one does it here apparently.
funny thing there, our reality (4 people found in court to have voted fraudulently) vs. your fantasy (4 million imaginary fraudulent votes)… Perfect example of whats wrong with you guys
Just another Chicken Hawk @ 6:
That only works if you use Vice Presidential logic, the “rules” don’t apply when you are a Republican. Given you intellectual abilities, that is the only way you can be right.
Who says irony is dead? HAHAHAHAHA
the only way JCH can get out of his mom’s basement is if he says he is a RepubliCON. But as soon as anyone tries to strike upa conversation the realize that his ‘learning processes’ stopped working in the 4th grade
I don’t exactly know why, but I think this is the appropriate time to post the latest google search I know about, maybe it’s been here before, I can’t read all the comments. Ann is about 2/3 of the way into the filmstrip.
In the Google search box, type the word asshole, click I’m Feeling Lucky.
Count Every Vote!! [Except military and Republican votes]
We be “disenfranchized”!!!!!!!!!!! [Oh, Ann’s a Republican? Never mind!]
Bush be usin poooooooolice dogs and roadblocks to “disenfranchize” dis po women!!!!! [Oh, Ann’s a white Republican? Never mind!]
Save the “Milwaukee Five” shashers, or we be riotin and takin da 52 inch Sony HD TVs from Best Buy!
We need ta “get out da Democrat vote”!!!!! [needed: twenty thousand cases of Marlboros, crack cocaine, food stamps, and “guvment” checks!]
Get ready for da Ten Million Democrat Protest March!! [Breakdown: REV Al and staaff, REV Jesse and staff, and six San Francisco liberals]
Larry the “urbanite”……..???? “unbanite”??? Is that transsexual or gay or what?
That only works if you use Vice Presidential logic, the “rules” don’t apply when you are a Republican. Given you intellectual abilities, that is the only way you can be right.
Comment by JDB— 2/21/06 @ 10:24 am [JDB, Yeah, right……. the “rules” apply to Jesse and Al and REV Louis. [hehe] The black community votes Democrat at 115% of registration, and you point the finger at Bush. Classic!!!!]
Here’s a perfect husband for Coulter.
Whewww!!! Seems an awful like the typical wingnut who comes here.
“Lamer than ussual fuckwad. You need new material. Ask your RNC handlers for a raise. Comment by rujax206— 2/21/06 @ 10:05 am”
He should ask them for a brain. He was skipped when God handed them out, because God thought he was a mold.
” … Perfect example of whats wrong with you guys Comment by windie— 2/21/06 @ 10:24 am”
They’re pathological liars, that’s what’s wrong with them.
13, 14
You know the pukes are desperate when they dust off their lie about military voters being disenfranchised.
Quick facts:
Number of overseas/military ballots mailed by King County: Approx. 15,000
Number of overseas/military ballots returned: Approx. 85%, identical to turnout by electorate at large
Number of overseas/military votes not counted in King County because they were received late: 16
Number of late overseas/military votes cast by military voters: Unknown because King County doesn’t distinguish between civilian and military overseas voters, but it’s possible all 16 of these ballots were civilian voters
Don’t you realize that pukes think that if you repeat the same lie over and over again it becomes the truth?
Representatives of Washington’s doctors and lawyers, meeting at Gov. Christine Gregoire’s request, have worked out a compromise of their differences on medical malpractice suits. The compromise will be presented to the Legislature.
Meanwhile, the Washington State Republican Party, which doesn’t believe in compromise and whose governing philosophy is “our way or the highway,” complained “this agreement [is] ‘a minor fix,'” and continued to demand “a limit on attorneys’ fees.” Fuck ’em.
Most Republicans are so gullible they believe their lies the first time they tell them.
Does Florida execute drug dealers and people who commit voting fraud?
Two less Republicans in Florida … good riddance …
Roger Rabbit has posted 100% of the last 5 comments. If you don’t like it, go fuck the armadillo you rode in on. JCH, nobody gives a shit what color the armadillo is. We already know what color you are.
Good…I hope they go after her and get to the bottom of it.
At the same time, I hope they go after all the New Yorkers who voted in both Florida and NY… well as all the illegals registered in Florida.
Integrity of elections is important.
Folks who are legal voters ought to only be able to vote one…..where they actually live.
For all I care, Anne Coulter can do some jailtime with the other beeches!
Every State needs to clean up their Voter Registration.
Let’s start with the high profile folks….celebrities!
For photo of JCH, click here
Is “pathetic” a color?
30, RR, very close to “hate speech” considering that today I’m black. You may need to pay a little “shake down” funds to JCH’s Rainbow Push Democrat Get Out The Vote Fund!
33, Anonymous……..Maxine, REV AA, REV “Calypso” Louis and I may have to pay you a visit to accept your tithe. A small ten thousand dollar tithe will ensure your family and chillin are happy and safe!!
Just another Chicken Hawk:
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please,
walk into a meeting of the Black Muslims or any other black group and start spouting your third rate neo-nazi racist blather. Your scrawny white pimply “no woman will ever have me” ass would get stomped harder than a hippie chick at a biker festival.
Finally the HA “team” is on board – If someone votes using an incorrect address they should be prosecuted. And poll workers should be able to challenge voters if something does not look right. Now we can perhaps change WA law to make it possible to contest election fraud.
Thanks Ann…you have converted the unconvertable!
the big problem here is that you like to pretend this was a problem in WA state… whereas everyone, including a republican judge agree’d it wasn’t.
Further, they did contest the election, dumbass…. and they lost, because they had no case!
Hypocrisy Mr. Yearight? Maybe. But I should keep in mind that there is a helluva difference between a simple mistake and a deliberate fraud, especially if you are told by a poll worker that you have to file a change of address and you decide to ignore him/her.
I do not like Ms. Coulter. She is a partisan hack living off the corporate welfare of conservative think tanks, the so called the Four Sisters (Funding for the culture war – conservative foundations and corporations fund many right-wing organizations). Her research is shoddy and never subject to peer review, her methodology suspect, and she frequently takes quotes out of context or makes them up.
Having said this, any investigation of her voting illegally should be straight forward and up front, with neither excessive scrutiny pursued nor special favors granted. To quote Joe Friday, “Just the facts ma’am, just the facts.”
Ogg….’Just the facts ma’am, just the facts.” I do believe that is about 99.8% impossible from a neocon! Try that approach with the ChickenHawks in the white house. Seldom does anyone get the truth from those two idiots.
Ann is one hot babe….anything she does is ok with me!
windie-38 ..’whereas everyone, including a republican judge agree’d it wasn’t.’
What ruling did you read? There were 1700+ illegal votes subtracted from the vote total, yet because there is no way to know how the ballots were voted the candidates kept their counts. It was and still is a problem in WA. The election contest statute allows for illegal votes to count and for more ballots than voters. There is also no meaningful way to catch fraudulent voters who register in the wrong precinct or using fake names, etc. The “republican” judge found plenty wrong with the election results, as would anyone beyond the third grade. What is your excuse?
‘Further, they did contest the election..’
Reread what I wrote – Now we can perhaps change WA law to make it possible to contest election fraud.
That means actually making fraud illegal and not impossible to catch before the votes are counted.
Play it anyway you want. It just takes a lot of gall to point fingers at ms. Coulter in FL when the lefty propaganda in WA has been to make excuses for the same activities here in WA.
fraud, fraud… your playing with words got old like 8 months ago, yearight. You got slapped down.
there were 4 cases of ‘voter fraud’ found, and you know it. We were talking about fraud, no?
oh yeah and they were all Republicans… but you know that.
windie-43 We were talking about fraud, no?
You bet. And how, in WA does one catch and prove voter fraud? And to make sure it does not affect election results when discovered after counting? It appears that the only way is to put felons on the stand to truthfully say who they voted for, with no way to prove otherwise. And, how does one contest the residency of someone registered in a little mailbox at a mall? You must have “personal knowledge” of where they actually live, even if the name is not real and/or not listed. And how do we stop someone who registers using a fake name at a valid address via mail, and then votes provisional, making sure to use the same signature on the ballot?
Keep telling yourself that there was no significant bogus votes here in WA, even if the law does not allow it to be called “fraud” in the legal sense. If a repub ever wins here in WA by a few votes the left will come unglued, thinking they have been outfoxed in their own game.
yeaWrong – Sam Reed has taken care of the felons with the statewide database. The mailboxes thing is a non-starter – you have no proof of any deliberate fraud. The mailbox registrations is a problem everywhere in the state not just the places Sotelo chooses to look.
A slim Repub victory is the perfect victory for the whacked-out righties of which you are a clear example – a slim victory means that the far right agenda was not compromised. The “Will Baker” voters plus anyone deceived by radio and tv ads is the perfect Rovian election. Dino Rossi was the perfect Rovian candidate, a Norm Coleman of the Northwest. Marketable face and campaign hiding an ugly agenda.
-If a repub ever wins here in WA by a few votes the left will come unglued, thinking they have been outfoxed in their own game.-
Sorry, yearight, the exact opposite would likely happen. You didn’t see the Demo party threatening, spitting and blowing smoke out their ears when Rossi was up after the first count. The Dems would likely roll over like they always do.
Similarly, if Rossi had won by five votes (with or without dead voters, felons, or mailboxes etc. voters) the entire conspiracy theory machine over at SP (including you) could care less about “fraud” – manufactured, or not. It’s only when you lost that you guys lost it, and went down this insane manic obsessive path.
And back to the subject of the thread:
I wish one of these right wing commentators who “lives” in Florida had a “black-sounding” last name. Then, they could see what it feels like for Jeb Bush to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to continuously try and wipe them off the Florida voter rolls.
Of course, GOP Inc. avoided scrubbing those Latino names from the list. Wouldn’t want to disenfranchise a couple of ten thousand Republican voters, would we?
No – Sir Yearight —- we will differentiante between the many, better word – myrid mistakes that occurr when democracy puts a million plus people and ballots into play —– A N D —- real fraud.
Criminal acts of intent and execution.
Over and over and over — like the robots you all are — Repeat, fraud and mistakes are not the same. Even if Chris Vance and S Shark tell you what to think.
Remember the almost 90 year old who addmitted he voted for his recently dead wife, a staunch R activist. I hope you see that case, fairly bad idea on his part, was really not the F R A U D that I speak of. By the way, he was charged with a crime by the R prosecuter, and fortunately given a suspended sentence. The common elements of dementia of old age and great grief are not fraud.
Chances of any election ever being that close again are remote, I am sure RR will give us a link with the odds.
Am I the only one with a fantasy about figure skaters?
Should that not be part of the national defrief on the Olympias?
48..Interesting that those “Latinos” who lived under “Progressive” Castro all vote Republican! Gee, I wonder why??????????
@ 36 Bikers like “Hippie Chicks” as long as they bath.
Reply to 34
“30, RR, very close to “hate speech” considering that today I’m black. You may need to pay a little “shake down” funds to JCH’s Rainbow Push Democrat Get Out The Vote Fund! Comment by REV Jesse [JCH] Jackson— 2/21/06 @ 12:41 pm”
Is this you, JCH? I need to know, because I’m gonna step on it!
JCH — I don’t hate you. It isn’t personal at all. It’s a business decision.
yearight above,
Man…you crack me up. You so misunderstand most of the legal findings as well as the practical aspects of the election contest…
“in WA does one catch and prove voter fraud?”
In many ways. But, the real cases of fraud in the 2004 election were a handfull of double voters and people who voted on behalf of dead spouses. These made up such a tiny fraction of the illegal votes that they are, statistically, hardly worth discussing. But, of course, the cases brought before the court were sent on to prosecutors (as they should be). Many felon votes were found to be illegal, but few were likely to be actual frad (as in the legal definition, not the wingnut definition).
“And to make sure it does not affect election results when discovered after counting?”
That is a function of a secret ballot, really. But, in any case, as was shown during the election contest, using the GOP methodology, there was almost no chance (1 in 10,000, as I recall) that eliminating the illegal votes from the 2004 election would have changed the election outcome. It is amusing to see you whine, as you lost with our without the judge accepting the Wingnut methods.
“It appears that the only way is to put felons on the stand to truthfully say who they voted for, with no way to prove otherwise.”
False. They certainly did not do that with the four identified illegal votes (i.e. the four Republican voters and the one Libertarian voter). In fact, social scientists have developed a number of ways of getting at this information. That the GOP didn’t really get any social scientist involved until late in the contest is their own fault. Both sides could have done much more to identify the actual votes from some of the illegal voters. But, it wouldn’t have made any difference to the outcome of the election as there were both Gregoire and Rossi illegal votes.
“And, how does one contest the residency of someone registered in a little mailbox at a mall? You must have “personal knowledge†of where they actually live, even if the name is not real and/or not listed.”
Very simple. Contesting is not necessary. All one has to do is provide the information to the county and the county will contact the voter (at least in King County). In fact, we can only call it duplicity, the stunt pulled by the KC GOP. They could have provided the information to KC weeks earlier–before the voter rolls closed–and KC would have contacted people to have their address corrected, if necessary. KC even INVITED such information well in advance of the 2005 election. The GOP was uninterested in that, though, because they were just pulling a cheap publicity stunt.
“And how do we stop someone who registers using a fake name at a valid address via mail, and then votes provisional, making sure to use the same signature on the ballot?”
Get a grip dude. There isn’t a shread of evidence that anyone is doing this. But, the real solution is to contact your state elected officials and ask them to close any loopholes (real or perceived). Whining about it on a blog, however, just makes you look stooopid…and like you wingnuts are bitter, bitter sore losers.
“I do not like Ms. Coulter. She is a partisan hack”
No, she’s not. She’s this guy, reincarnated.
“And how, in WA does one catch and prove voter fraud?”
Easy — raid these guys.
“It appears that the only way is to put felons on the stand to truthfully say who they voted for, with no way to prove otherwise.”
Interestingly, the GOP lawyers didn’t want to do this — and for a very good reason, namely, the demographics of Washington’s felon population which has a higher percentage of white males than most states. And the GOP knows damn well that white male ex-felons are far more likely to vote Republican than Democrat.
Just abother republican crook getting caught doing what hypocritical republican crooks do. Not really news anymore. I expect a republican to be arrested or convicted every single day. At least they should be.
We should put all the Republican Neocons, and their Symps on a leaky boat to China where they would feel welcome.
Clueless-46 ‘The mailboxes thing is a non-starter – you have no proof of any deliberate fraud.’
Just like there is no proof that GW wiretapped innocent citizens, or that Iraq WMD intelligence was faked, blah, blah blah. The recent challenges to the mail box voters shows that there is no way to effectively police it. It is a problem everywhere in the State? If everyone does it it is OK?
‘..a slim victory means that..Not the same for the far left wing? Get a clue.
LiberalRedneck-47 ‘You didn’t see the Demo party threatening, spitting and blowing smoke out their ears when Rossi was up after the first count.’
They knew, of course, that there were thousands more ballots about to turn up in KC. And then the scramble to fund the recount using Kerry campaign funds. Give me a break.
BOEING-49 ‘like the robots you all are ‘
There is the pot calling the kettle black. The dems have been yelling fraud all over the country, except for KC. That says a lot.
dj-54 ‘most of the legal findings as well as the practical aspects of the election contest’
No, the findings showed that if those illegal votes can get counted the dems win. And that KCE was a terrible excuse for an election department. And that it is OK to have more voters than ballots, or at least OK not to have checking that be part of the “process”.
‘It is amusing to see you whine, as you lost with our without the judge accepting the Wingnut methods.’
It is far more amusing to see the justification of such grand errors in such a close election. The election contest only showed that WA law makes it virtually impossible to adjust totals for illegal votes. The GOP methods were pitiful, yet the law gives no real recourse to an election won with illegal votes.
‘False. They certainly did not do that with the four identified illegal votes.
Actually true. They submitted to the court the “statements” attesting to whome those felons voted for. I know the dems were convinced, believing so much in “rehabilitation” and all.
‘All one has to do is provide the information to the county and the county will contact the voter ‘
Who will then verify that the mail box is their current residence. Or, give another mail box as the “new” address. Only “personal knowledge” is valid for actually contesting the registration.
‘There isn’t a shread of evidence that anyone is doing this.’
Of course not. How on earth could one be caught doing this? As long as the adress used is valid, regardless of who lives there, and the signature on the provisional matches the mailed in registration, there is neither “cause” or ability to find the problem. Kind of like wire taps without warrants. Now do you get it?
Rabbit-57 ‘and for a very good reason..’
You bet. They are generally pathological liars. The highest price gets the right answer, and the dems were flush for election contest money from John “Cambodia” Kerry, etc.
and the truth will set you free: Attn: Puddybud, Righton, yearight, JCH and MTR.
Roger Rabbit, why don’t we just do away with the court systems altogether? Since all we have to do is ask criminals if they voted and who they voted for, why don’t we just ask them if they are guilty of a crime they are accused of and avoid a trial?
YeaWrong is one of “History’s Actors”. Like the rest of his crowd, if he lies enough and continues to manufacture straw men eventually reality will warp to his twisted views. People like this are the true enemies of this country.
Our best hope is nuts like this stay isolated.
Something Richard Dawkins said in an interview made me laugh: “We have wingnuts here in Britain, too, but here they have no power.”
If only that were true here in the U.S.
Clueless-63 ‘Like the rest of his crowd, if he lies enough and continues to manufacture straw men..’
Coming from the biggest bands of scare-mongers and liars in the history of the US, I take that as a compliment. Name-calling instead of facts….you are ready to be sterotyped as Michael Moore.
Fraud is a crime. Bring your evidence to a prosecutor. If you have none, you do not know that any fraud has been committed or is intended to be committed. Why do you tell us that things you know nothing about are fact?
Coming from the biggest bands of scare-mongers and liars in the history of the US
What? Little old us here on You don’t say yeaWrong! You must be really high up on the wingnut pyramid to be making such a lofty judgement there yeaWrong.
The facts are pretty straightforward. You believe you have more to fear from people who disapprove of Bush (59% of polled Americans last time I looked) than from Islamist crazies like OBL. I believe I have more to fear from people who have egregiously squandered my kid’s future in the form of policies that produce dead and maimed American soldiers and innocent foreigners together with over 3 trillion in debt which is ever rising.
If you believe this is the only rational course this country could have taken after 9/11 then it’s clear to me that you are insane.
yearight is a commie.