Pastor Ted Haggard confesses:
Pastor Ted Haggard came out of his house Friday morning and admitted to 9NEWS that he bought meth from a gay escort in Denver. Haggard says he bought the meth from a gay escort, 49-year-old Michael Jones, after contacting him for a massage.
A “massage.” Um, yeah… massaging his penis.
Until yesterday’s scandal broke, Haggard was the pastor of a 14,000 member Colorado Springs mega-church, and the president of the 30-million strong National Association of Evangelicals. He is also a close advisor to President Bush and the primary backer of Colorado’s anti-gay marriage amendment.
What with so many of our most prominent gay-bashers turning out to be closeted homosexuals, it’s almost getting to the point where straight men will start strutting their support for gay rights, as a sign of their own machismo. Fearful of being perceived as gay by bashing gays, men will start picking up women with slick lines like: “Hey babe, I support marriage equality for same-sex couples, how about you?”
(Actually, considering how my gay friends in college always had the most beautiful women hanging on them, I’ve often wondered if the most effective pick-up technique might be to actually pretend to be gay myself.)
Perhaps the most shocking part of these allegations is how unschocked most Americans seem to be about the news. A right-wing, gay-bashing evangelical preacher/politician outed as a meth-snorting closeted homosexual? Tell me something I don’t know. Jim West, Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, the mule-fucking Rev. Neal Horsley… right-wing hypocrisy is now so commonplace it barely warrants a headline.
Still, you can’t help but believe that there will be political fallout from Haggard’s high-profile fall from grace as the Republican’s usually reliable evangelical base struggles to energize itself on behalf of a party that simply doesn’t practice what it preaches. I guess we’ll find out Tuesday.
…and yet again we see that moderates of both parties should be the ones banding together and getting rid of the extremists of both parties. Fucking hypocrite right-wing Republicans wingnuts that this article, Foley, and other demonstrate. And then the left-wing moon bats that want dogs have the right to vote and endless entitlements.
I wish instead of swinging the pendulum the other way we could learn our fucking lesson and see that the American ideal should be one of tolerance, leaving others the fuck alone that aren’t hurting you, and to talk about issues in respectful discourse.
Moooooooooooooooooslim terrorists want you to vote Democrat!! Welfare hacks and “guvment” workers, too!!! [“gosta gets da guvment check”!!]
18 REPUBLICAN Congressman are under Federal investigation!!!!
T. Haggard: “Excuse me. I have to go to the bank and make a deposit and then get poked in the ass by a gay prostitute before I phone George Bush with some spiritual advice.
Exit! Stage left!”
More Republicans are sucking at the public tit than welfare recipients.
Goldie –
If you really want to get chicks, I wouldn’t advice pretending to be gay… that works right up to the instant where they realize you want to place your pint-sized Jewish organ into their bodies… then, after hysterically laughing, they will leave.
Goldie said: “(Actually, considering how my gay friends in college always had the most beautiful women hanging on them, I’ve often wondered if the most effective pick-up technique might be to actually pretend to be gay myself.)”
I knew a guy in college who swore that strategy worked. He would go to bars and pretend to be gay. His goal was to get a girl to try to convince him that sex would be more fun with girls. But it didn’t work once the word got out that thes supposed “gay” guy was going home with girls virtually every night. After that, he couldn’t get a date if his life depended on it.
8 – well, Goldie already can’t get a date, so he would be no worse off… maybe he should try it!
Rujax @ 6
And your proof is?????
You see, the right wing bible thumper, friend to George Bush (Notice how many of Bush’s friends are criminals?) had to drive to Denver to get a massage. Turns out there are only 127 massage therapists in Colorado Springs and it seems that NONE of them were good enough for the right wing pastor so he drove all the way to Denver where he bought meth, but didn’t use it.
Jeeeeeeesus fucking christ on a crutch is there no end to the depravity of these right wing cowards, traitors, thieves, liars and hypocrites?
rujax@4………yes….and i for one am glad that they are under investigation. creeps are creeps…they don’t know a party.
but here’s a thinker for all you little “AH HAH-ERS” out there [in the fullest sense]…….when clinton was in office, when the democrats controlled everything…how many of their own people did they investigate?
the answer….NONE.
think about it and take the sage advice of a previous commentor….ignore the far right and far left…they are one and the same. BAD NEWS.
There’s nothing like an ELECTION that ends with a HAPPY ENDING…
Another lying, drug-using, sanctimonious, hypocritical, flock-fleecing fundie paster is exposed as a QUEER!!! My God! We can’t have butt-fucking in OUR church! Nosiree! The other stuff is okay though.
Well, I guess if the right-wing Republicans are kind enough to take Clinton at his word that he didn’t inhale the pot, then we should take this guy’s word for it that he bought the meth but didn’t inhale….
No, wait…..
Which is the best public policy?
[ ] 1. Government intervention to protect fisheries from over-exploitation.
[ ] 2. Keep government out of it! Competition and free market principles will solve the problem!
[ ] 3. Watch in glee when Russia and Japan go to war over the last 10 fish in the Northern Pacific.
[ ] 4. What problem? No problemo. Lomborg said so! All scientists are liberals, so nobody should pay any attention to them.
You would think that politicians, preachers/priests, and actors, from every scope of the political spectrum, would have gotten the word by now.
1. Just because you don’t tell someone who you are doesn’t mean you are anonymous, especially if you appear on TV on a regular basis.
2. Do you really believe that the drug-addicted prostitute who is willing to perform sex acts for twenty bucks has such high professional standards that they will protect your anonymity, even in the face of huge cash offers from political rivals or tabloids?
3. Yes, there are some people who will try to “set you up” by placing a temptation in front of you. No, it is not their fault, it is your fault if you succumb. Expect it, and reject it.
4. Just because an allegation is “politically motivated” doesn’t mean it isn’t true, or that it can be just as damaging to your career.
5. Alchohol and drugs affect your judgment. The first thing they do is make you think that alchohol and drugs don’t affect your judgment.
“Maryland Governor Returns $540,000
“Campaign Skirted Donation Limits Using Federal Account
“BALTIMORE (Nov. 3) – Gov. Robert Ehrlich has returned more than $540,000 in political contributions to the Republican Party that were funneled through a federal account to his re-election effort, according to campaign officials and documents obtained by The (Baltimore) Sun. The money was returned after the state board of elections said the money shifting violated state law.
“By using the federal account to pay for the governor’s re-election effort, Ehrlich was able to receive large sums of in-kind contributions from the Maryland Republican Party by bypassing a $4,000 donation cap set by state law … election officials said that using the federal account violates state law because it allows an entity to contribute in excess of state contribution caps.”
This article is quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info, kiss my cute cottontail or click on
Roger Rabbit Comment: Ever notice how Republicans only obey the law when they feel like it? And these guys call themselves the “law and order” party! Well I agree with Republicans on one thing — crime is way up and we need a crackdown! We’ve been way to lenient with criminals. Execute this guy! Hey just kidding … if Coulter can tell jokes like that, why can’t I? Why should Republicans have a monopoly on execution jokes?
Which do you think is in poorer taste?
[ ] 1. Kerry’s bungled anti-Bush jibe
[ ] 2. Coulter’s remark that liberals should be “executed”
Sure, Lomberg is right! If we fish more, then the fish will breed more, replacing the stock as fast as we pull them out of the water! We don’t need any government regulation of fisheries at all, the “market forces” and nature will take care of this by themselves.
If you want evidence to support this, just look at how whales have rapidly re-populated the oceans, even without any government intervention. You can almost walk across the Pacific by jumping from the back of one whale to the next, without even getting wet….
No, wait a minute….
Hey christmasghost-
When Clinton was in office the Democrats LOST the Senate AND the House.
The republicans TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED and TRIED to pin SOMETHING on the Dems.
They got:
Ron Brown
Henry Cisneros.
Just a TAD bit disingenuous (or CLULESS…which is more likely) of you.
Goldie, don’t forget Luke Esser on your list of hypocrites
Okay Luke Esser is a friend of some friends of mine, and i admit to ignorance here… what did he do?
and Rujax @ 22. Exactly right. (and thanks for typing and TRIED so many times.)
Haggard claims that he just bought the meth out of curriosity, and that he didn’t use it.
Who hasn’t bought meth out of curiosity? And once you have satisfied your curiosity by buying meth, why would you want to use it?
For that matter, who around here hasn’t had a little butt-sex out of curiosity? And remember it is only a sin if you are a bottom (right JCH?).
And while we are at it, who hasn’t killed a hobo out of curiosity? Especially while on a meth bender?
We should be applauding The Rev. Ted Haggard. Most preachers don’t have the curiosity to experience the things that they preach against. Has Jerry Falwell ever had an abortion? Has Pat Robinson ever watched a couple of witches have a lesbian orgy? Of course, but he was doing coke, not meth at the time. Completely different thing
John Craig:
Come on, spill the dirt, what all did you and Haggard do together? And did you really charge him $300 for a “massage?”
Diogenes would now be searching for a single straight Conservative.
Not Even Kerry Can Help Republicans
Kerry’s pointless (or was it?) performance appears to have had no effect on the election. Dems are actually polling higher now, although not even old Yankee McLongface would try to take credit for that.
New polls prove that Bush remains far more hated than Kerry, presumably because the loathsome Kerry hasn’t actually been destroying the country for the past five-and-a-half years. (Kerry spends his time issuing robotic statements about whatever happens on a given day: Iraq, oil prices, the World Series, forwarded e-mails, Brad and Angelina gossip, recipes he’s trying, etc.)
And across the board, Dems have “their biggest monthly advantage of the last two campaign cycles.” If John Kerry can’t even sink the Democrats, the GOP is finished. Luckily for the White House, the “military option” is still on the table.
I found this link through
Overhead Highway Signs We would like to see:
McGavick’s New Mailer Full of Lies and Hypocrisy!
I just received a McGavick campaign mailer courtesy of the U.S. Postal Service and the Green Lake Park litter barrel. It’s a hoot!
“Mike McGavick understands both parties are guilty of irresponsible government spending. … Reckless spending by the U.S. Senate hurts families and puts our children’s future at risk. … Nothing is going to change until we elect new people.”
Yeah right. Has Mike?! endorsed “new people” in WA-5 and WA-8, or is he for the same old borrow-and-spend Republicans currently representing those districts? Um, let me guess.
Got another question. Whooooo has been running Congress for the last several years? Don’t Republicans have majorities in BOTH houses? Haven’t they frozen Democrats out of virtually everything? So how does he figure the Democrats are “guilty of” the “irresponsible spending” of the Republican White House and the Republican Congress?
Mike?! continues,
“Mike’s plan:
“Force the Senate to audit and reduce wasteful spending
“End the practice of last-minute ‘earmarking’ which allows politicians to slip spending on pet projects into the budget
“Set aside partisan differences and tackle reform of big-ticket programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid that drive the budget deficit
“Simplify the tax system and eliminate unfair taxes like the death tax and the marriage penalty”
Where to start. Mike?! says, “Mike thinks the practice of pork barrle spending to buy favor with folks back home must be abolished.” Yeah right! This has been going on for 200 years, and Mike?! thinks he can stop it all by himself? He’s living in Dreamland.
Wasteful spending? What’s that? More cuts in student financial aid and food stamps so multi-millionaires like him can get more tax cuts? You wanna see “wasteful spending” Mike? I’ll show you wasteful spending. In one word. “Iraq.”
Any voter who really wants to cut “wasteful spending” won’t vote for a guy whose campaign slogan is “victory in Iraq.” Nice sentiment, but the Bushies have already lost the war in Iraq, and staying there just pours more American lives and money down a rat hole. BTW hasn’t Mike?! heard that “stay the course” is out and “flexibility” (i.e., the Vietnamization of the Iraq war) is in. If the guy wants to be a senator, he should read a newspaper once in a while.
“End the practice of earmarking.” Go tell Denny Hastert. Go tell Bill Frist. Like you’re not gonna “earmark” if you get elected, Mike?! If you don’t, your constituents ought to tar and feather you! Washington taxpayers already are net exporters of federal taxes to red states. That gap is already big enough without some dumbass giving away OUR earmarks!
Reform Social Security? You mean take $2 trillion out of Social Security for private accounts? How does that help the deficit? Wouldn’t that make the deficit bigger? Or are you for cutting benefits to survivors, disabled people, and old folks by $2 trillion Mike?!
“Unfair taxes like the death tax.” I agree the so-called “death tax” is UNFAIR!!! Heirs get a $2.5 million exemption. What do wage earners get? $3,050! Heirs get a stepped-up basis — they inherit millions of dollars on which no income tax, capital gains tax, or any other tax has ever been paid or ever will be paid! What do small investors get? A $3,000 cap on deducting losses, and unlimited taxation of gains! Yes, Mike?!, our tax system sucks! It rewards being born to rich parents, and punishes working. Why should anybody work in this country? There’s certainly no incentive to work.
I agree with Mike?! that the inheritance tax should be repealed. Inheritances should be taxed as ordinary income, subject to the same exemptions and deductions.
Wanna cure the deficit? Don’t re-authorize the Bush tax cuts. It’s as simple as that. You can’t spend more than you’ve got. Unless you’re a Republican congressman or senator.
I’ve got to say I’m impressed by how much baloney Mike?! squeezed into one 4-page glossy mailer.
Mike?! — He’s the problem, not the solution.
Having lost most of the “security moms” and “NASCAR dads”, if Republicans can’t turn out the snake handlers on election day, they’re truly fucked.
way to go golden one telling it like it is as all ways
what is with santoum and this light purple and pink tie poofers delight suit he has on in the add picture in the margins of the page ?
Are all these republicans gay or what
you no I don’t feel a bit sorry for this right wing blow hole preacher. He is one of the most viserilac mean spirited assholes out there.
Along with dobsons falwel and patty boy robertson.
I think his 14,000 righwing homophobic gay bashing followers should beat the crap out of this little nancy boy . It would do him good to be on the receiving end of some of his right wing gay bashing .
Don’t forget Crist, Gannon/Guckert, Schrock, Drier, Mehlman and the rest of the “friends of dorothy W”
I guess ted was corrupted bye those San Francisco values
12 christmasghost
BTW, the Whitewater investigation began in December 1994 under a Demcratic Congress.
But here’s an investigation from Clinton’s presidency and before the Republicans were sworn in 1/1995:
Whre’s the accountability for the incredible clusterfuck in Iraq, christmasghost? That. Is. About. To. Begin.
Hmmm. I had a link in that one…
Daddy Love you like asking the mafia to start getting tuff on crime .
rujax…you missed the point completely as, sadly, i knew you would. think man….
i asked about the democrats that democrats put over the fire. there were NONE.
aren’t the republicans scorching the creeps that deserve it right now even though they are fellow republicans?
when the dems start doing that …and not just eating their own when they don’t win elections…then you will really have a party worth talking about.
what is with santoum and this light purple and pink tie poofers delight suit he has on in the add picture in the margins of the page ?
Are all these republicans gay or what
Commentby The Socialist— 11/3/06@ 2:58 pm”
you should start by marginalizing the idiots that flock to your party right now…..this is a prime example. homophobic, illiterate and just plain weird.
you know…i really miss the good old days when both parties had something to say other than NAH NAH NAH………..
For one thing im not a demercate butt breath
Harper’s says, “No pastor in America holds more sway over the political direction of evangelicalism than does Pastor Ted.”
“He graduated from Oral Roberts University in 1978 and has received two honorary Doctor of Divinity degrees. He served as the American Vice-President for World Missions for Jesus, a German missions organization, and served as an Associate Pastor at Bethany World Prayer Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which helped him plant New Life Church in 1985. Haggard and his wife, Gayle, have five children. ”
It seems somehow very fitting that he’s an Oral Roberts graduate.
Im not one of these wishy washy demercrates that are afread to even say there liberal
Bob Ney gives a final “Fuck You” to the GOP, resigns the weekend before the election, making sure that the final news cycle contains plenty of stories about GOP corruption.
way to go bob
Pastor Haggard claims that he just got a massage from a gay prostitute. Why go find a license and trained massuse when you can pay a gay prostitute $300?
JCH: How good are your massages? Are you better than a LMP?
What’s the difference between John Craig Herman and Jeff Gannon?
Jeff Gannon was actually in the military. JCH just likes having the military in him.
47 JDB
Maybe it’s hard to find an LMP who has a good meth connection.
Good line from Josh Marshall (
Wow, in one of the all-time great “denials” Ted Haggard admits that a hotel referred him to his male escort accuser for a massage, but denies having sex with the man; admits to having purchased crystal meth from the accuser, but denies actually using the drug.
Makes that Clinton fella look like a rank amateur for his “I didn’t inhale” defense.
I’d feel sorry for his wife except that she’s probably caused people plenty of grief in her self-righteous time.
Screw her! Ted doesn’t.
I hadn’t consider that Daddy Love. And to find one that has both a good meth connection and that will have butt sex with you has to be even harder!
The Republicans WILL NOT investgate ANYONE (except a Dem) unless they absolutely HAVE to.
And then…it’s the most surface level investigation possible.
Sorry, babe…WRONG again.
well teds wife after haveing 5 kid I imagine she looks pretty road hard and put away wet.
so no wonder teddy was a wandering around a bit
Gayle Haggard on Embracing Life as a Pastor’s Wife
Kelly O’Neil
Contributing Writer
As the wife of a man involved in ministry, you sometimes may feel trapped by unrealistic expectations and overburdened by obligations. The constant demands on his time and yours–as well as the feeling that your life is always on display–can lead to discouragement and frustration.
I finnely found a picture of teds wife I wanted to see why ted was a straying.
Shes not to bad looking if you like dead eyed christofasist bimbos.
here is another picture of her and ted
here is a close up of the first picture
I can see why ted was wondering now .
KING 5 News will have a report on their afternoon news show on the discrepancy between what RubberStampReichert told GOP picnickers and what actually happened. Today, the Reichert campaign blew the discrepancy off as “not a big deal.”
“SEATTLE – U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert bragged at a Republican Party picnic … that … he was responsible for getting the driver fired. That differs from … the story told by school district officials and Reichert’s staff this week: That Reichert didn’t speak to the superintendent for weeks ….
“His press secretary said Friday the discrepancy was ‘not a big deal’ and that at the picnic Reichert was just telling a story ….
“The school district learned of the incident because the driver had bragged about it to her colleagues …. School district spokeswoman Sara Niegowski said Friday … the process of terminating her began the day of the incident. …”
I do feel sorry for her though. Oh well
republicans can’t seem to tell the truth about anything huh
Bragging about getting someone fired (when you didn’t) is “no big deal?” Yes, I supposed that kind of bragging would play well to a REPUBLICAN audience who get their jollies from firing single moms for trivial offenses. But LYING about it? To curry favor with audience that enjoys that sort of thing? Pathetic.
So (if we can believe the school district) Dave lied to voters at the picnic for a lark. And yes, as RR said, he also bragged about making a mere woman who didn’t show the proper respect pay for her uppity behavior.
What do right wing Christians and liberal have in common? Their parties both ignore what there values are and only pay attention to them on election season when they want them to vote for them . Then as soon as the election is over they immediately throw them under the bus until next elections.
Why don’t you liberal’s join me in the Socialist Party usa that would actually work for the things you care about .
What was it Paul called her (in the Reichert thread), “pig?” Nice guys, these.
There’s something else about this story that’s disturbing.
“The bus driver … was bringing a busload of middle-school children back from the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle on June 16 when the president and Reichert drove slowly by in a motorcade on their way to a fundraiser, … the children waved; with the windows down in their car, Bush and Reichert waved back.”
The presidential motorcade driving slowly with the windows down?
I’ve witnessed a couple of presidential visits and here’s how it’s SUPPOSED to work. The cops stop traffic and block off the streets for an hour before the motorcade comes through. They check the area. Everyone has to stay in their cars. The motorcade whips by at high speed with a police escort and the bulletproof windows closed. You see the president’s car for about 2 seconds as it flies by, that’s all. You don’t see the president because (a) the limo’s windows are tinted and (b) you’re too far away.
So what the fuck was Bush’s driver doing driving slowly with the windows down? Did they fire all the Secret Service agents and outsource the work to the same outfit that handles “security” at the airport? You know — Republican businessmen who hire Mexicans for $2.00 an hour.
Reminds me of a hateful joke I heard about the JFK assassination in the right-wing town I grew up in from my right-wing friends back when I was a right-winger. In those days, we all thought this joke was funny, and we all laughed at it. Right wingers probably still laugh at it. That’s their speed. It goes like this:
“What did JFK say before the parade in Dallas?”
“Bubbletop? I need a bubbletop on my car like I need a hole in my head!”
(raspberry noises in background)
Yeah yeah very funeeeeee. That’s the Republican sense of humor for you. That, and laughing at getting someone fired — when you didn’t. Well, a sick sense of humor may be better than no sense of humor, and if Republicans didn’t have a sick sense of humor they’d have no humor at all, so I suppose we gotta humor ’em.
59, 62, etc….Hey, folks…maybe there’s more than one person lying here. Didn’t the King Co. Journal report that the superindendent was some big-time is some big-time Republican supporter?
from the SPUSA Statement of Principles
The SOCIALIST PARTY strives to establish a radical democracy that places people’s lives under their own control — a non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society in which people cooperate at work, at home, and in the community…A society based on radical democracy, with power exercised through people’s organizations, requires a socialist transformation from below. People’s organizations cannot be created by legislation, nor can they spring into being only on the eve of a revolution…Our tactics in the struggle for radical democratic change reflect our ultimate goal of a society founded on principles of egalitarian, non-exploitative and non-violent relations among all people and between all peoples…Our aim is the creation of a new social order, a society in which the commanding value is the infinite preciousness of every woman, man and child
POTUS driving by a school bus with the windows down isn’t such a hot idea. Nowadays, every kid from 3rd grade up is armed! Ya never know, the bus might be a decoy, and those kids could be terrorists! Yesirreee bob!!! We gotta stay alert because the TERRORISTS are everywhere!!!
Bush doesn’t need any more holes in his head. He’s already got plenty of holes in his head. ha ha ha ha ha
Hey you fucking Republicans that’s a JOKE don’t you have any sense of humor? I heard it from you guys!!!
If you want to read the KING 5 News story and/or copyright info, flip me off or click here:
To flip off Roger Rabbit, call 1-800-FLIP-ROG and leave a message.
If Reichert had his tongue any further up Bush’s butt, he could give his speeches for him. Not that they’d be any more coherent. What a disgusting, self-aggrandizing, pathetic TOADY he is. Bragging about getting a single parent fired because Il Duce’s widdle feelings were hurt. LAME.
anyone else reminded of Sheriff Hairspray’s whole “I caught the Green River killer single-handed! While barefoot! In the snow! Dodging snipers! Five miles through rivers of broken glass!” schtick?
have you been drinking beer with the lamas agien?
Hey! What happened to that “Kerry Botched Joke Brouhaha” that was supposed to turn the election around?
I guess George Bush’s personal pastor bein’ a secretly corn-holed man of God is a better story.
Do you think the timing might be POLITICAL>
Still like political hardball, Rethugs?
yeah and it only took him 30 years to do it to
There’s more where this stuff came from. So, if you want to get more then just try another dirty trick.
Thanks TED! How was the head?
Marilyn Musgrave – the U.S. House of Reps. and Colorado’s biggest fag hater – must have major agita now.
Let’s hand it to another fag-bashing, hateful, hypocrit for fucking it up for the Republican fuckheads!
Which asshole is next?
Rick Santorum has a super natty appearance. HMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNN!!! I wonder?
You know, Sheriff Hairspray was just curious what it would be like to be a snitch.
Wow, that excuse works for everything. If only GWB had said that he was curious what it would be like to start a disastrous war, we all could have forgiven him years ago.
I think I’ll check out uSP and see what they have to say about Re. Ted Haggard and his secret gaity.
I dunno… I think this is Rove’s covert operation to lure the Log Cabin Republicans back from voting Libertarian or going clubbing rather than hitting the polling stations on Tuesday. “Oh, there ARE some of us in there… they’ve just been HIDING!”
But what of the lesbian evangelicals? Are they protected, or is it not such a big deal when they’re outed, or are they merely fantasies of the Christian conservatives? (“Oh yeah… two women in bed witnessing to each other… ohhhhhh yeahhhhh”)
Wouldn’t it be great if some respected newsperson just asked Bush straight out: “How do you feel about Ted Haggard, the anti-gay gay minister, getting all that “Tookuie Williams” action for the past three years?”
You could follow that up with: “Do you think that $300 a pop is a fair price for some, “Tookie Williams” action?”
3 Commentby JCH [Pennsylvania]— 11/3/06@ 12:57 pm
I thought Penn State was rid of you! Bad news for them.
i asked about the democrats that democrats put over the fire. there were NONE.
aren’t the republicans scorching the creeps that deserve it right now even though they are fellow republicans? Commentby
christmasghost— 11/3/06@ 3:21 pm
What planet are you living on? The Democrats disciplined Rep. William Jefferson even as the Republican leadership was covering up Rep. Mark Foley’s misdeeds!
Name one Republican that has been “scorched” by the GOP. One. You can’t.
have you been drinking beer with the lamas agien? Commentby The Socialist— 11/3/06@ 4:21 pm
Yeah, how’d you know?
91 CG
And why did you ignore MY post that gave you two instances?
rujax……..can you please translate this for me? one of your “peeps” is trying to say something, but what the hell it is, who knows? LOL”< <<<<<<<<< >>>>christmasghost
For one thing im not a demercate butt breath
Commentby The Socialist— 11/3/06@ 3:26 pm”<<<< AND daddy love.....sorry, you are too creepy for words so i guess i just ignore your posts without even thinking about know...that whole "daddy love" thing you have going on........ so you had two instances is that right? okay...i'll bite. explain ted kennedy, robert byrd, hillary clinton and her "investments" bill clinton and his 'zipper' problem ,and hey, wasn't that an intern too? what, it only counts if it's gay?...these people are held up as 'shining points of light' in your party........ don't you agree that we would all be better off if instead of supporting PEOPLE no matter what they do, we supported doing what was actually right instead? look i despise the far [bible thumping] right. but they are no different than the far left moonbats.
AND daddy love…..sorry, you are too creepy for words so i guess i just ignore your posts without even thinking about know…that whole “daddy love” thing you have going on……..
so you had two instances is that right? okay…i’ll bite. explain ted kennedy, robert byrd, hillary clinton and her “investments” bill clinton and his ‘zipper’ problem ,and hey, wasn’t that an intern too? what, it only counts if it’s gay?…these people are held up as ‘shining points of light’ in your party……..
don’t you agree that we would all be better off if instead of supporting PEOPLE no matter what they do, we supported doing what was actually right instead?
look i despise the far [bible thumping] right. but they are no different than the far left moonbats.
I am Republican – I lie, steal and cheat when I’m not being a family or hypocrit, aint that right baby cakes (you fat whore). Hail Hitler!
Poster kid @24
Like Jim West, Luke Esser is a gay man in office pushing the anti gay agenda of the right.
Ted’s wife only married him for the money, I wonder how much money he’s cheated his congregation. I’m sure they weren’t driving a pinto. That’s why I love being a Republican, I can lie, steal and cheat the best of anyone. Hail Hitler.
It’s my freakin’ name, dickbreath.
95 CG
You said NONE. I showed you wrong, and you’re too much of a child to stand up and take it.
There are more instances than that, and I could find them, but fuck you. I could supply 100 names and issues and you’d spout the same old song and dance. No integrity.
Your question:
“many of their own people did they investigate?”
You asserted: “the answer….NONE.”
You were wrong. Fucking admit it.
> It seems somehow very fitting that he’s an Oral Roberts graduate.
Perhaps he could persue some postgrad work at Anal Roberts.
Haggard says he did not inhale the Meth smoke. So he should have no reason not to offer up locks of his hair for testing at an independent lab.
there were none daddy boy……… if your spiraling into foul mouthed name calling…like the socialist…hmmm….doesn’t say enough.
so why don’t you explain to me why i had to watch years of the clintonistas making excuses for billy boy? “it’s just sex, it’s his private life [wrong]” ad nauseum…….
john steinbeck had a great name for people like you and your ilk ,he called them “carrion talkers”. and yes ,commies just like you were doing the same things you all think you invented now way back in the first world’re just nasty old gossips that feel helpless and on the outside.
ah…the angry left. no answers, just excuses and bitching….
nothing new.
Christmas ghost…
Keep ignoring facts, you repug ass.
Perhaps Pastor Fuiten should pay attention to the Mars Hill pastor, one of his final points was:
Pastors have the right to protect their own home. This means that if someone keeps dropping by unannounced and is unwelcome, or a flirtatious woman shows up to a Bible study at the pastor’s home, the pastor and his family have the right to request that they never return. The pastor’s home simply cannot be viewed as yet another piece of church property that is accessible to anyone who desires it. Rather, the pastor’s home must be a safe place for the pastor and his family without the wrong people rudely calling and dropping by.
You are a homophobic asshole. “Male-fucking”? Sounds eerily like those pastors you salivate over while denouncing them.