With 24% 25% 26% of the precincts counted, Hillary Clinton is leading Barack Obama 40% 39% to 34% 35% 36%. I suppose it’s still early, and Obama could still squeak out a victory… but either way, Clinton wins. The polling over the past few days predicted a big win for Obama, but as Bill Clinton predicted early in the day, it’s gonna be a lot closer than expected. Nobody’s gonna count Clinton out after tonight.
I’ll be live blogging throughout the night, updating well, whenever I feel like it.
Clinton 39%, Obama 36% with 48% of the vote counted. Curiously, in checking for the most up to date results I’ve discovered that the TV network’s websites are lagging significantly behind the broadcasts. Hmm. Intentional?
NBC just called it for Clinton. So I guess I should replace the question mark in the headline with an exclamation point, huh?
Nick just took the remote away from Andrew.
Hillary Clinton | 67,828 |
Barack Obama | 62,736 |
John McCain | 52,142 |
Mitt Romney | 43,920 |
John Edwards |
29,126 |
Mike Huckabee | 16,233 |
Rudy Giuliani |
12,146 |
Ron Paul | 11,157 |
Bill Richardson | 8,212 |
Dennis Kucinich | 2,478 |
Fred Thompson | 1,696 |
Duncan Hunter | 723 |
With about 65% of precincts reporting, the big news tonight is in the race between candidates with hot, much younger wives, where Dennis Kucinich clearly kicks Fred Thompson’s ass.
I’m dreading the prospect of a Clinton nomination. If Huckabee manages to win in South Carolina (which is pretty likely!) and continue with that momentum, there is *no* way that Clinton would be able to survive in the presidential race.
Of course, if McCain wins, it’ll be the duel of the secular centrists, and with a Romney nomination, it’ll be an animatronic faceoff. She’d better pray for either of those two possibilities at this point.
MSNBC call McCain. Congrats McCainiacs!
Rudy who?
LMAO!! Poor Rudy shuts off the TV!
Maybe I should moderate my opinion of Republican voters. So far they’re rejecting Rompin’ Shag Fund Rudy and the animatronic homunculus Romney.
Oh but Huck Norris still has the most delegates?
Sorry nevermind…
you can’t count hillary out…that’s for sure.
there is a god after all…..
now goldy…why do you think huckabee is a loon again?
can you imagine a mccain/huckabee ticket?
buh bye hillary………
Ho ha. Even Joe Scarbourogh laughed at how awful McCain’s victory speech was.
Rudy still vows ultimate victory, but can’t even beat RON PAUL (loon).
Republicans–there is no combination of candidates that will beat a randomly chosen dem ticket. The GOP is running true to form…an exhibit of monumental waste.
Here’s the magic dust that like garlic to a vampire will make Ghost fly to another losing Rep candidate:
Huck Norris raised taxes in AK…
eeeek eeeek eeeak eeeeeek eeek eeek!
Looks like a good night for Clinton. A bit of a surprise, but not a shocker.
but either way, Clinton wins. The polling over the past few days predicted a big win for Obama, but as Bill Clinton predicted early in the day, it’s gonna be a lot closer than expected.
I knew she could do it. Go Hillary!!!
proud…..i have heard all that rhetoric before. i think it was in 2000 and 2004…yup, it was.
i just want one liberal on here to tell me exactly why i should vote for any of the democrats running. we keep hearing CHANGE. is that spare change? tire change? good change? bad change? what?
it’s just all rhetoric. i think most of the candidates on BOTH SIDES have missed the point. and the point being the american people are generally suffering from politician fatigue. or maybe just empty promises BS fatigue.
and i think most of the politicians have missed the really important point…..most americans are AMERICANS FIRST and then whatever political party they are. not the other way around.
so give me , a fiscal conservative, a reason to vote for a democrat…or any of the candidates. they have all been pretty short on info on what THEY are actually going to do….they are great at tattling on each other, but that’s it so far.
and don’t we all just love whiny tattlers? isn’t that why most people will actually go out of their way to rent small children for a long car trip? so we can hear ‘he’s touching my side, he did this, she did that…..”
i don’t know about you ,but i just LIVE for it……
so any takers? anyone have a REAL reason to vote for any of these people?
YLB…..ah, but he’s going to get rid of the IRS. i can dream,can’t i?
I’d like to see her win. The media has put her threw the wringer the last few days, all but writing her off.
You know, after that show of emotion by her, I find myself liking Hilliary a lot more.
It is McCain’s night. The start of a march to a third consecutive Republican term. There is no way on earth Hillary Clinton beats McCain in the general. Gloria Steinems’s opinion piece in today’s NYT will be used by the conservative media as a broad brush to paint Hillary as cowtowing to the feminist fringe of the Democratic party. It helped her in NH, but that kind of shit is going to be her downfall in the general election.
Huckabee promotes the “Fair Tax” which is a regressive fantasy and cannot possibly work, but I’ll give him this, it’s more realistic than the delusional mantra pushed by ALL of the other GOP candidates that lowering taxes increases revenue, a proposition so demonstrably false as to raise doubts as to their sanity.
So you ask how can anybody vote for a democrat? Well, since the above eliminates all the republican candidates, I’ll let you pick your own favorite democrat. Zell Miller, perhaps?
but he’s going to get rid of the IRS. i can dream,can’t i?
That still leaves one IRS in each state. Poor Ghost, yes you can dream, of what? A 40 percent sales tax rate?
Pretty silly…
Christmas Ghost. If the Dems win, prepare to put your
paycheck on direct deposit with the government. Change
refers to that coin in your couch, they want that too.
They had to bring “extra” ballots to New Hampshire. Is
Dean Logan accounted for? Hey, did anybody hear any more
about the underground Nuclear weapons bunker they found
in Iraq today?
The IRS should go away. They break the constitution by forcing private citizens to provide a SS # every year. This alone is reason enough to eliminate this fascist organization.
You know, after that show of emotion by her, I find myself liking Hilliary a lot more.
My freaking Lord, why?
proud…the fair tax is hardly a pipe dream. we didn’t always have the IRS you know.and i asked for someone who is running..or i think i did…does that have to be pointed out? come on…,.give me someone…anyone….that is actually running.
and YLB….gawd you are dense! where on earth do you get your facts from? one IRS in every state. sorry toots …that’s not how the fair tax/ national sales tax would work. anyone that is FOR the IRS has serious issues……..care to explain why you think what you earn should be passed out to everyone else? by someone other than you? what? you don’t trust yourself to be magnanimous?
and dead donkey…you have a point. did you know that they are the largest LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY in the US? and that they have their own courts where you [the victim] are GUILTY until proven innocent? talk about violating the constitution.
Well, now let’s see how Hillary does in states that aren’t 98% white. Let’s see if she takes one southern state.
mike……you hit the nail on the head i think. she just isn’t “likable” that’s what most of the polls have shown time and time again.
i sure wish that the contest for president would be more about issues and accomplishments rather than a big and rather sophomoric popularity contest.
but please liberals…nominate her. please please please…..
Because it is the Bush budget deficits that created the large national debt of the USA; the last regime to convert deficit to surplus was Democratic.
Wars require funding, very much funds. And even more if the nation borrows money to pay for the costs, as the USA has done with the Iraq waer. It now is almost as expensive as Vietnam, I believe. But since the taxes were not rasied, it will cost more in the long run. Essentially the Republican program is to impose large taxes on the generations to come through debt. This is fiscally reckless, not fiscally responsible.
@17: The notion of “private citizen” is a contradiction. Please refer to the entire history of Western Civilization starting with the Greek city states. “Citizen” refers to man in city, in the polis, in the political community. If you want to refer to man in a state of nature, you can use that terminology.
Then, we can argue as to whether that state of nature is an Arcadian paradise with no government and no taxes and no regulations, or whether it is a Dante’s Inferno, with every man’s life, liberty, family and property subject to the predations of the stronger humans.
You also may wish to refer to the entire history of Western Civilization in which states were created then democratized for the benefit of all; and every state-less society, or low-government society, has been basically a state of brutal warfare and violence as in the Dark Ages.
Regardless of how one feels about Hillary it was good to see the political pundits/gasbags wrong again. They were wrong in Iowa on Huckabee/Romney and wrong again tonight on Clinton/Obama. Unfortunately we all know they will never admit that they don’t know jack shit.
marcel…..old news and not especially relevant to the republicans only, don’t you think? politicians have done the same for generations.
and i must point out that in the US we do not have “regimes”……
so who are you going to vote for and why if i may ask?
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
I think the Iowa caucus system itself was a factor in Obama’s victory there. If you have to stand
up and declare your vote in public, you are less likely to lie about who your first choice is. In addition, people in
Iowa are less likely to lie (Mrs. Tuttle told me the Iowans wouldn’t lie) than those in New Hampshire (she said those in New Hampshire would.)
Tom Bradley, Doug Wilder, the record of the polls coming out different than the votes for a black candidate still holds up in New Hampshire.
The “black baby” push polling in SC against McCain in 2000,
the “he likes Playboy bunnies” (n—– in the wood pile) against Harold Ford Jr. in TN, Obama would be subject to a vicious racist campaingn if he gets the nomination, and they work. Maybe not in WA, but elsewhere.
Democrats better wait awhile before jumping on any bandwagons.
With 79% of precincts reporting, Democrats got 54.8% of the total vote and Republicans got 45.2%. I have to believe McCain drew off a sizeable chunk of independent votes that otherwise would have gone to Obama. In the next round of primaries, voters won’t be able to cross party lines as they can in New Hampshire, so Hillary won’t have this tailwind helping her as it did tonight.
If you are really a ‘fiscal conservative’ then there is obviously no candidate, especially in the GOP, that should garner your support.
The so-called fair tax would be a regressive nightmare that would raise the average taxes paid by someone in the middle class. Malcolm Forbes touted a similar (and similarly silly) tax scheme. I wonder why. Experts have calculated that, in order to be revenue neutral, it may have to be as high as 60%. That seems a bit of high price to overturn the progressive income tax and writing down you #SSN once in a while. Politically and intellectually, it is a non-starter.
As for US history–prior to the income tax, most taxes were raised by protectionist tariffs which benefitted northern industrialists at the expense of agricultural interests, i.e., the vast majority. Some things never change.
Who to ‘give’ you? Please. Pick a democrat, any one of them. If you want Hillary so bad, register as a democrat and vote for her, and you too can help make her president.
We thank you for your support.
And that’s on a record turnout for New Hampshire.
donkey……..AND, you have to be a citizen to get a driver’s license and you have to speak english to be a citizen YET old [and stupid] sam reed [dumbass/washington state] spent more time putting together ballots in chinese than he did making sure that last governor’s election wasn’t full of fraud. which it was,btw.
go figure!
you have it right….okay to use SS# to rob you but not okay to make sure people that shouldn’t be voting aren’t. gee….do you think it has anything to do with the fact that most illegals vote for dems ….the party of entitlements thanks to your wallet and mine?
and who, pray tell, would be against getting rid of the IRS? i’d give you a clue…but you already know, don’t you?
@4 “why do you think huckabee is a loon again”
You really are uninformed, aren’t you? Try looking up his positions and you’ll understand why.
You Nutroots losers sure now how to pick ’em. Edwards is doing great.
oops, that’s “know.”
“Then why do donks argue that it is unconstitutional to ID people when voting…”
Because this effort is a transparent and tawdry effort to limit the voting pool by exluding some groups that tend to break for the Democratic Party. What is it about this that is so hard for you to understand?
Plus if is fiscally irresponsible–large amounts of tax dollars spent to eliminate a problem that doesn’t exist.
@6 Omigod!!! KRYPTONITE!!!
“and who, pray tell, would be against getting rid of the IRS?”
Rich people. That’s all I need to know.
Isn’t it funny. The news shows, papers and web sites still talk about Fred Thompson like he’s a “real” candidate, like he’s really in the race. The same sources will “mention” Ron Paul but completely write him off as a fringe candidate, and not even invite him to some debates. But….Ron Paul is pulling MORE votes than Fred Thompson.
Fred Thompson got 1% of New Hampshire, and 13% of Iowa. Ron Paul won 8% of New Hampshire and 10% of Iowa.
Total between the two states 17,000 folks voted for Thompson overall, and 25,000 for Paul.
So why is Ron Paul treated as some fringe “not serious” candidate like Dennis Kucinich, while Fred Thompson is talked about like a serious main line candidate?
“Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” — Denis Diderot
proud……”IF” i am really a fiscal conservative???
what the hell?
don’t be such a bore. stop trying to second guess anyone that doesn’t agree with you. you just look stupid doing it. after all, by questioning my position all you are really saying is “no one here can make ME look stupid so i am throwing in this little “IF” to cover my ass”
not on the debating team, i take it?
you bet i’m a fiscal conservative. and the national sales tax is a great idea whose time has come [why do you think huckabee won ohio????] and on top of that we as a country need to get spending under control…no earmarks and no pork…and then we need to do something so sensible that politicians everywhere think it’s CRAZY. why not stop giving away OUR hard earned money to very damn country on the planet until there is NO ONE in this country that suffers from poverty and everyone can afford health care, their own home etc.you can’t buy friends after all you know……..
isn’t that a wacky idea?
and then i will add this. we are not the world police. no, i don’t want to be isolationist but you have to draw the line somewhere. we needed to go after the terrorists. would i have done it the way it’s being done? nope.
my motto is, someone attacks us and they get hammered. but you can drill for oil through glass you know…….
the japanese LOVE us…not so much the germans……….it’s a thinker……..
“spankings” are a great deterrent…i would just use something that glowed to do it……….
“which it was,btw.”
Simply incorrect. So what does that make you? Stupidly ignorant or a liar?
Pick one.
@10 Dream about paying a 40% federal sales tax (on top of your state and local sales taxes) honey because that’s what you’d get — plus a massive shift of tax burden from the rich (who else?) to those who work (who else?) and are less able to save and invest.
Here’s how the (un)Fair Tax works:
The average American makes barely enough to pay his bills therefore spends 100% of his income, and saves nothing.
A very rich person may spend only 5% of his income and invest the rest, thus he pays very little sales tax.\\
Effective tax rate on wage earner: 40%
Effective tax rate on rich guy: 2%
Not content to pay less than half the tax rate paid by their employees, wealthy Republicans are shooting for the moon — CEOs will make 1,000 times as much as their workers and pay only 1/20th as much tax to Uncle Sam.
What this does, of course, is incentivize being a CEO and disincentivize working. For example, I’m the CEO of Roger Rabbit Investments, Uninc. I get 100% of the revenue, and workers get none. I only pay capital gains tax. And I don’t work! Or produce anything. The only thing I produce is paper profits from flipping investments! And I don’t spend much money, so I’ll pay virtually no tax under the new tax system — that’s what you Repugs want, isn’t it? Capitalists paying no taxes? Well, I’m a capitalist, and if Huckabee gets in I’m gonna do no work and pay no taxes!
Ghost, my, my are YOU dense. Ever hear of the Franchise Tax Board? Under the silly fair tax not only do they collect whatever’s needed for Caaaaaleeeefuuurneeeaaa, they have to collect for Uncle Sam and send it on to pay for the endless wars you nutcases love!
@12 Well, you’re right about one thing, McCain’s the ONLY Rethug who’s got a chance in November. But I don’t believe the Rethugs will nominate him. In fact, I think they’re gonna trash him like they did in 2000.
“proud……”IF” i am really a fiscal conservative???
what the hell?”
Well, I could be wrong. IF you voted for the GOP at any time since 1980, you are not a fiscal conservative, or at least not one who translates their deeply held principles into honest political action.
I rest my case.
And I may be way out there, but even I do not claim that Huckabee “won Ohio”. You have a tough time with geography, too, I see.
why do you think huckabee won ohio?????
Oh my this is just too rich!!!!
Huck Norris should be so swift!
@15 “Christmas Ghost. If the Dems win, prepare to put your
paycheck on direct deposit with the government. Change
refers to that coin in your couch, they want that too.”
If the Dems win, everyone except the top 1% will be better off.
proud@34 and 36…….
“Because this effort is a transparent and tawdry effort to limit the voting pool by exluding some groups that tend to break for the Democratic Party”
wow wow wow…what a racist elitist statement to make!
“some groups” huh? gee, i wonder who you are talking about??? what are you saying? if you are non white then you are too stupid to NOT be scared just because someone asks to see ID? really? how did they drive to the polls? does that mean if they get pulled over by a cop on the way there they will just abandon their cars and make a run for it rather than just showing their license?so…should the police not be able to ask anyone who is in “some groups” for their license because they might have “a situation” on their hands???
you know how [wink wink] those “some groups” are. wow….you are so demeaning aren’t you? were you in the same sorority with gregoire?
and rich people. what a comment to make. hear the wee mouse roar. what do you have against people that work hard to earn money so they can provide jobs and NOT be a burden on society???
where do you think your “check” comes from honey?
@16 Watching Chuck Norris movies again?
Thanks, 41. It is also interesting to note that the enforcement of the so-called fair tax would create a monsterous government bureaucracy to collect and administer the tax and enforce adherence.
But fear not…it’s all about making millionaires richer.
IOWA………..can you say migraine?
@19 “proud…the fair tax is hardly a pipe dream”
Yeah? You planning to win both houses of Congress?
@21 she just isn’t “likable”
Well you got a point there, ghost — she’s comes across like you.
@22 “every … low-government society, has been basically a state of brutal warfare and violence as in the Dark Ages.”
But you see, Marcel, that’s what the rich want because they profit from mayhem and lawlessness, and figure they won’t have to fight themselves because they’ll hire the poor to do that.
Ah…lose the argument, engage in ad hominum attacks. Your rant betrays only your meanness and lunacy.
Racist GOP attacks to disenfranchise those of color, the elderly, the infirm (you know, the ones who run from there cars when stopped by the police), and the poor are well known, and have been widely documented (cf Florida, 2000). So your little rant is trite, lame, and really pretty dumb.
I have nothing against working hard and getting ahead. I have a problem with rigging the game. Pretty simple, even for you I should think.
@24 “i must point out that in the US we do not have “regimes”……”
I beg to differ, the US has had a fascist regime for the last 7 years. Just ask the ladies who were arrested at a Bush appearance on public property to which the general public was invited to discuss a topic of public concern (i.e., the GOP’s scheme to steal our social security benefits) for having a bumper sticker on their car that Bush’s hired thugs didn’t like. That doesn’t sound to me like a country where people are free to have their own opinions.
roger…no need to get ugly. LOL.
AND why on earth would the democrats want to foil the will of the american people if they want to get rid of the tax system we have now? i mean…as you are always telling us….they are ALL ABOUT what the people want ,right?
and roger…if the dems are so fiscally responsible and create green, pollution free worlds where ever they are allowed to rule then explain washington state please? it’s been the best lab experiment for how the liberals work for, what? the last 40 years?
and have you heard that nancy and the gang are polling right down there with the president? maybe it’s cause she lied so much, ya think? i don’t think they are going to be hard to get rid of really. the american people have been paying attention and, thankfully, new election cycles come along ALL THE TIME…….
Re gime (reh – zheem) – n. a form of government under which the Leader gives speeches only on military bases because (a) he considers the citizens’ opinions irrelevant and (b) he needs to be protected from the citizens.
rog @54…is your memory fading so soon? clinton and the woman that was arrested because she yelled out “you suck” at a rally????? outside?
please…can we keep this adult and both admit that politicians are politicians. cut from the same cloth. we can only hope to get a good one…or at least not as creepy as most, right?
rog@57…..thanks for making my point for me……
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
@28 “Malcolm Forbes touted a similar (and similarly silly) tax scheme.”
That would be Steve Forbes, an arrogant prick who thought he could buy himself the White House.
@30 “you have to speak english to be a citizen”
Actually, you don’t. And why should you? We have plenty of Hispanic and Chinese speaking people here in Washington who are better informed and exercise better judgment in public affairs than plenty of Republicans (most of whom don’t speak English either).
proud@53..you grow so tedious. now i’m mean for pointing out that you have a bad case of racism and elitism. that’s mean? no, honey, what IS truly mean is you regarding people you have never met with so little regard that you consider them dolts. well, i’ll be willing to bet that at least most of “them” have jobs and i’ll bet you don’t…….
you spend too much time whining about what others have and you don’t.
If speaking English was a voting requirement, that would eliminate all the Republicans who speak Redneck, and you don’t want that do you ghost?
roger…wrong again. you do have to be able to speak english to pass the exam. now i know you aren’t an attorney……
Proud to be an Ass says:
Thanks, 41. It is also interesting to note that the enforcement of the so-called fair tax would create a monsterous government bureaucracy
Not as monsterous as the IRS. It would be like trading in a 18″ battleship gun for a air pump BB gun. Now that is the type of gun control anyone would back. heheehhe
@34 “Then why do donks argue that it is unconstitutional to ID people when voting…”
Technically speaking, because voting requirements are set forth in the Constitution, and that’s not one of them, and you can’t amend the Constitution with a statute.
another racist comment thanks to the local donkeys….
“We have plenty of Hispanic and Chinese speaking people here in Washington who are better informed and exercise better judgment in public affairs than plenty of Republicans”
the sad part is….YOU don’t even realize it’s racist………
are you going to tell me that chinese people can really drive after all too?
wow….sad. very, very sad. now i know who obama’s voting block will be …elitist guilty white guys who want to act like they care.
I bet on Romney and Clinton in the Rasmussen Reports market. Just wish I had bought more Clinton. I always tend to like the quixotic in politics, of course. The Romney stock I bought in at about 18 for 1,200 shares. Clinton, I bought starting at 1.2 before the polls and even as cheap as 25 when the results started coming in. I have 4,195 shares of Clinton, so I should quadruple my Rasmussen dollars from the initial $10,000. Not bad for someone who started about 3:00 p.m. this afternoon.
@46 “rich people … work hard to earn money so they can provide jobs and NOT be a burden on society???”
Rich people work hard? That’s rich! THE WHOLE POINT OF BEING RICH IS TO NOT WORK!!! As for welfare, the wealthy are the fattest pigs at the trough. Funny how, with these Republicans, welfare is bad only when poor people get it.
I think Obama learned something. Negative campaigning turns on northeast white people. Clinton and Clinton went negative and he lost.
I bet Obama will go negative now.
“Where does it say in the constitution that you are required to have a SS#?”
OK: Where does it say in the constitution that you are required to show ID to vote?
I ain’t feeling so good tonight. The strongest Republican candidate wins in New Hampshire and the weakest Democrat candidate wins. Crap. If we get another four years of Republican “leadership,” I don’t believe we’ll have a nation left.
Too bad Hillary is going to win Hew Hampshire. I was hoping she would lose and eventually withdraw. What I’d really like is for her to die quietly in her sleep so the world wouldn’t have to endure her any more. She’s the one Democratic candidate that I absolutely hate, loathe and despise. Obama? Edwards? I guess I can tolerate them if I have to.
Well I guess that can only mean one thing, we must make mandatory SS# unconstitutional. You are for fairness right? Don’t worry. I know that some (Eyeman) type lawyer will bring a law suit up and knowing that we have competent justices now I wouldn’t bet against it.
proud@53..you grow so tedious.
How elitist of you to say.
now i’m mean for pointing out that you have a bad case of racism and elitism. that’s mean?
You pointed out nothing. You made a baseless claim.
no, honey, what IS truly mean is you regarding people you have never met with so little regard that you consider them dolts.
You make little sense, dearie. Requiring ID is an effort to limit the vote, plain and simple. You support such efforts, which are racist. But I didn’t stoop to calling you a racist.
well, i’ll be willing to bet that at least most of “them” have jobs and i’ll bet you don’t…….
Like Piper Scott and MTR you throw the word “bet” around a lot, and like them, you’re most likely a boastful cur that won’t put your money where your mouth is, or won’t pay when you lose. As for whether or not I have a job…such remarks expose you as a low form of political hack since you throw off this unfounded accusation just like any run of the mill wingnut. How unimaginitive can you get?
Fred who?
Section 1 of the constitution
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
I don’t see the part in there that says they can’t be denied or abridged because they can’t prove they are actually a citizen. If that were the case other countries could just send their citizens over to vote us out of our country. Hmmm it looks like that is happening.
That must be in the rabbit constitution.
“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
Wasn’t that the 14th Amendment? I don’t think it was part of the orginal Constitution, but added after the War Between the States.
@78: Useless cur,
I made the point in #75 to show what a stupid argument you were making.
You are free to not have a SSN#. This is America. You can live under bridges, you can engage in a life of crime. You can pay cash. You can even leave and earn you dough overseas.
As for the constitutionality of Social Security, it’s pretty simple. You contribute to the program to obtain the benefits. The program of social insurance is lawful. The number is to track your account contributions and disbursements. You have a better way of keeping track of these funds?
The fact that you have to give it to everybody (buy a house, get a loan, etc.)is a manifestation of our marvelous free market system where businesses can validate your identity at little or no cost, thanks to this government program, thus showing them as the social leeches they are.
Thanks for playing.
Young people, those who will enter the work force in the next decade, should be offered the opportunity to “opt out” of the social security system. They can take on the responsibility for retirement and disability via their own private choices.
For those of us that aren’t young, we’re stuck with the current system. Oh well.
Yes it is amendment 14. I believe that makes it part of the constitution. There is really no other prescribed right of citizens to vote in the constitution. That is left up to the states to decide in Article 1 section IV.
“I don’t see the part in there that says they can’t be denied or abridged because they can’t prove they are actually a citizen.”
Read this very s…l…o…w…l…y: You have to prove you are a citizen to register to vote.
Repeat until you get it.
So ProudAss: A voter ID card proves you are a citizen?
@84: Those young people will be (or are) paying your social security benefits. If they leave, how will you get your benefits? Rob banks?
@87: No, registration indicates citizenship since you have to document your citizenship status. The voter ID is thus redundant and should be, to your conservative brain, a clear waste of government funds. So why do you advocate wasting OUR money?
Hey Darryl,
How are those polls and statistics, that you reported on earlier, treating you now? Silly Liberal, didn’t you realize that polls and statistics aren’t always right? Bet the computer you used to get to your numbers was made by cheap labor (liberals).
Rudy who?
I thought two things:
Only the IRS can demand your social security number and the drivers license use was repealed by Congress. Otherwise there are restrictions on it.
In certain states employers can not flash your full SSN on computer screens, etc.
CGF@91: Only you have been touting Rudy.
Duncan Hines?
Re: 86, I believe that is what I said. There is nothing in the constitution that says you can’t be denied the right to vote if you can’t prove you are a citizen. It’s kind of a citizens only thing. You can take your time reading it.
Only you have been touting Rudy.
Who is he?
ProudASS: Wasting Our Money.
Hey it can’t be any more waste than the biggest Porker to date Robert 3K Byrd
47: Years served on appropriations committees (since 1959)
$2.95 billion: total West Va. pork from 1991 to 2006
$1.935 billion: total West Va. pork from 2000 to 2006
$229 in 2007
So if we can keep it under $5Billion we’s doing okay!
BTW for the newbies CGF is Clueless Gooberfool.
“There is really no other prescribed right of citizens to vote in the constitution.”
WTF? There is the Amendment that grants the right of women to vote, and there is another amendment that makes it illegal to charge money to vote (poll tax).
I’ll leave it to you to look them up. You obviously need to familiarize yourself with the document. You might also want to read up on concepts such as “due process” and “equal protection” as defined in statute and by the Supreme Court which, I recall, is mentioned somewhere in the Constitution.
Now Ron Paul I recognize, I think.
I like his supporters:
Something is wrong with CFG@100.
He seems to tout the right candidates. Looks like your favorite: $400 Hairspray, 28,200 sq ft mansion, SUV loving John Edwards is slipping away fast.
98 – Rudy Obama?
Naaaaah. You’re mistaken. Obama’s first name is Barack.
And a lot of bigoted, braindead right wing people (some on Faux Noise Channel) make fun of his middle name –
like little immature grade schoolers.
Are you one of those?
I am surprised tonight that the exit polling showed the old white guard democrat came out in droves for Hilary, especially old white women.
I guess it goes to show you democrats have problems when blacks want to get ahead!
So why is that lefties?
Bill O’Reilly ATTACKS! Obama Staffer!!!
Jobs Data Smoke & Mirrors
Speaking of statistics, I found a fascinating number in Barrons, a weekly financial newspaper for investors. It’s called the Bureau of Labor Statistics Birth/Death Adjustment, and it’s used to monkey with the jobs data released to the media and public:
” … estimates are used to arrive at the ‘unadjusted’ changes to nonfarm payrolls along with data coming from … state employment insurance records for some 400,000 businesses. The birth death model accounts for the ‘birth’ and ‘death’ of businesses that are not reflected in the regular survey. This total is then subject to seasonal adjustments, which results in the monthly data that is widely reported in the media.”
Now, for the next quote, remember that the “birth/death adjustment” is a STATISTICAL ADJUSTMENT, NOT REAL JOBS.
“Wall Street … give a fig … who won or lost in Iowa. … [T]hey woke up only to find the wolf at the door. For many months now, there had been plenty of warning that recession was lurking out there in the tall grass. But it went pretty much unheeded ….
“However, even the most ebullient bull began to breathe heavily as 2008 dawned, accompanied by a swell of evidence that the economy was tanking ….
“Came Friday and with it the crusher in the form of an exceptionally ugly report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on jobs — or more precisely, the lack of them — in December. …
“All told, supposedly 18,000 jobs were added. We might note right off the bat that there were no fewer than 66,000 mythical jobs added, courtesy of the infamous birth/death adjustment; save for that curious confection, the total would have gone considerably negative.
Quoted under fair use (emphasis added); for complete story and/or copyright info see http://online.barrons.com/arti.....home_right
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So it turns out that MOST of the jobs “created” by the Bush administration are merely statistical phantoms, and not people actually working. So much for the theory that tax cuts for the rich lift all boats.
@97, Stop dissembling. Answer the point. If you want the roll out the pork barrel, tell us who has the most earmarks in the current Congress.
Clue: It’s a republican.
CFG@102: Take your own advise you gave yourself earlier:
ProudASS: Robert 3K Byrd is in this current congress.
What a moron!
Yo ProudASS: CAGW Porkers of the month
December 2007 Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.)
November 2007 Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.)
October 2007 Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.)
September 2007 Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
August 2007 Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.)
July 2007 Sens. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Gordon Smith (R-Ore.)
June 2007 House Ag. Subcommittee
May 2007 Rep. John ‘Jack’ Murtha (D-Pa.)
April 2007 Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska)
March 2007 Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.)
February 2007 Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.)
January 2007 7 Freshmen Senators Who Voted to Kill DeMint Earmark Amendment
2006 Porker of the Year Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-W. Va.)
December 2006 Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)
I only see two Rs but many Ds. And you guys campaigned on removing earmarks.
“So much for the theory that tax cuts for the rich lift all boats.”
But Roger, what if you BELIEVE? What if you just click the heels of your red slippers together and BELIEVE you’re rich. Isn’t that the same as getting your boat lifted?
And I never understood what is so great about everybody getting their boats stolen.
Wow, any word on why Edwards tanked so bad?
$319,655,000 for projects in the state of Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Member Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) was more than Ted Stevens.
So Voter ID cards it is ProudASS
Take your own advise you gave yourself earlier:
Ahhhhh. No fair. You really must be one of those immature schoolboys.
Now repeat after Faux Noise:
Barack H_____n Obama…
Some immature right wing bigots rhyme his last name with the name of a certain mass murderer who’s still at large (for some reason).
Do you do that?
@97 A Republican complaining about earmarks is like Ted Bundy complaining about the murder rate in his neighborhood.
Edwards tanked because people figgered out Clueless gooberfool (YLB) liked him.
Pelletizer@114: Good try but even Robert 3K Byrd understands that PIG DON’T FLY!
@110 Actually, the fact Bush created no jobs during his reign isn’t much of a problem, because there’s no point in working anyway. Why should anyone work? The thing to do is invest. Then you can live like a Republican — i.e., get a favorable tax rate for not working and not producing anything.
@116 You aren’t denying the last Republican Congress was the all-time earmarks champ, are you?
I’m waiting …
Well, ta-ta, wingfucks! I have to go study my stock statistics to get ready for the market opening bell tomorrow. Don’t forget to tie up the boat for the night.
[BEGIN Republican Logic]
Yes, poor Hillary “only” got 39% of the state to vote for her. See how the public HATES her. She how unelectable she is!
[END Republican Logic]
And yes tonights NH results show…
Clinton=110,550 (279,356 total votes for Dems)
McCain = 86,802 (228,531 total votes for Reps)
McCain, the Republican winner, must be HATED by America more than Hillary and is unelectable I guess. And just like in Iowa, more Democrats came out and voted. More people voted for Hillary than McCain. And Hillary won a bigger percentage of her party than McCain did. But yet I’ve listened to ‘commentators’ say how this shows Hillary isn’t electable. LOL
Jack Flanders: Hilary polls with the most negatives. When in the real campaign, people will ask themselves, another four years of Cliton&Clinton?
Answer me this:
Why do democrap white people dislike Obama? Clueless Gooberfool (YLB) throws up all these Fox News canards but he never answer the real question: When a black aspires to a higher office (through a vote or selection) in a blue state, the real face of the democrap party shows it’s head. I learned this long ago. But many of my sheeple haven’t yet.
But I know why. Stereotypes. With all the old ladies in the democrap party, their view of the black masses was again reinforced last night. Headless Lucy was dancing his line dance in his alligator cowboy boots.
So maybe Jack Flanders you can answer me these quick questions since Clueless Gooberfool can’t:
Why did Mike Steele get the special democrap treatment?
Why did Lynn Swann get the special democrap treatment?
Why did H Carl McCall get the special democrap treatment?
These are three simple questions which none of you HorsesASSHole lefties want to tackle. Why? These are simple questions? You claim to be simple people while you claim Republicans don’t understand the masses today. You claim we’re out of touch. Yet these three were negatively attacked by your side for their color?
Why Jack? Can you answer this? Clueless Gooberfool can’t seem to be a man, so let’s see if you are a man!
Puddy will wait!
Pelletizer: You need help with your meds again? ProudAss didn’t ask that question.
Since Pelletizer asked about 2006:
$360,295,000 for projects in the state of Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee ranking member Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii)
$100,327,000, a 56 percent increase from fiscal year 2005, for projects in the state of Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee member Mary Landrieu (D-La.)
$79,745,000 for projects in the state of Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
$56,078,000 added by the Senate in the state of Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
33+92+47+43=$215MM For Ted Stevens in 2006 is still less than IN-NO-WAY’s total.
I’m glad you asked Pelletizer. Too bad the facts hurt your argument.
For 2005:
$404,175,000 for projects in the state of Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Daniel Inouye (Dhawaii)
How does he do it?
re 121: Q- “Answer me this:
Why do democrap white people dislike Obama?”
A- They don’t.
I’m not worried about my retirement. And I’m not worried that social security will fail if young workers get a choice as to participation: most of them will not “go it on their own,” and will elect to participate in social security rather than opt-out.
But there are some that would be quite comfortble with opting-out, and I think they should be allowed to choose to do so. People can make the correct decisions for themselves.
When the votes were counted by hand, Obama won. When the computer program counted the votes, Hillary won.
Repubs would rather run against Hillary, she has more negatives.
I’m for Edwards/Obama
YLB……”Some immature right wing bigots rhyme his last name with the name of a certain mass murderer who’s still at large (for some reason).”
ummm..that wasn’t a republican you fool…that was teddy “where’s the whiskey” kennedy………
OSAMA OBAMA O O O O OOO…….gulp gulp gulp swig…..