Sure, the Clinton’s say they’re fighting on through West Virginia, Oregon and beyond, but their faces say something entirely different. This thing’s over, and they know it.
But she is still fighting!!! WTF?!? She needs to put her tail between her legs and bow out and let the party unite behind Obama!
A graceful exit leaves dignity intact – more of the same excuses, pandering and posturing leaves nothing left.
Clinton could not afford a blowout loss – she got a great deal on the Wright controversy – but that is over and now she cannot even claim momentum.
Time to focus on McSame.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
The Clintons continue the process of destroying their legacy and any future influence they may have had.
duncan renaldospews:
Hillary may in retrospect look pretty good when the country is watching Obama say: “Yes I can! If someone will tell me how.”
Glad to see the divide and the incompetence of the Democratic party becoming apparent and shooting itself in the foot. The longer Hillary continues the better. Haha.
Give her a little time to phase out of this. Perhaps she’ll let go of the negativity and go out taking the high road for a week. She was a decent candidate and did the Democratic Party a huge favor by giving Obama one hell of a warm-up fight prior to the main event Obama will soon face. It’ll all work out in the end. Goopers will likely lose big across the board. Even Diebold and the suppression of the 90 year-old nun-in-a-wheelchair vote can’t save them now.
Duncan – doubtful. Where was Clinton on the Iraq war when we needed her? MIA
She pandered then and will pander in the future – such as the gas tax idea that would give back 5 bucks a month and not lower gas prices – stupid idea, but a pander to the voters….
No – Obama is the better candidate, has run a better campaign and is free to attack McCain on the two issues that democrats will win on – the economy and the war (Clinton was for nafta before she was against it).
@5 is reduced to hoping that Democrats shoot themselves in the foot. How pathetic. At least he seems to realize that Republicans have shot their wad and have absolutely nothing at this time to offer the American voter.
Rad Dyke Rabbit & Loose Nukesspews:
Hillary’s Nuclear Option is here, via Huff’n’Puffington Post.
It’s not over until Florida and Michigan are over. Because your Rules Committee is an almost wholly owned subsidiary of shrill Hillary and grumpy Bill, the Death March to Denver proceeds.
Jay Silverheels sends a hand-sign shout out to Duncan Renaldo, who was a friend of mine while liberally drinkin’ whiskey & wine .
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I reported to you on May 1st that I sold out of these positions & at what price:
I reported these buys to you previously:
Wells Fargo I bought in March @ 27.25 (SOLD today @ 31.65…that’s 16.2%)–Now at 29.91
McDonalds on 3/24 @ $54.10 (SOLD today @ 60.70….that’s 12.2%—You said it was a foolish trade) Now at 59.39
National Oilwell Varco (NOV) on 3/28 @ $56.10 (SOLD Tueswday @ 72.85…that’s 30%—thank you Rog Rabbit!!)Now at 68.88
Microsoft on 3/31 @ $28.10 (SOLD today @ 29.05—not much gain here 3.4% IN A MONTH!)Now at 29.21
Putting that money in the deep-freeze by adding it to existing CD’s for 6 months @ 5.25%
may be an ok move.
Still have plenty of “dry powder” just in case an opportunity arises.
Frankly I still like these 4 companies.
Just real concerned about the next huge crisis…credit card debt.
Today was a good day to be on the sidelines.
Regardless of what you think of Billary, at least she doesn’t have a Nutburger Pastor that we will hear about from now until November. Wait till the commercials with digitally packaged sound bites of the Rev. Wright, with Barry Hussein’s mug in a split screen shot start running ad nauseum……day and night for weeks and weeks before the election. This insane pastor is going to be the “Willie Horton” of hit piece ads and will become a fatal liability for Barry Hussein.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Chew on this from an article on Yahoo today:
“Clinton supporter Herb Buecher of Charleston, South Carolina, said he would no longer back Obama after hearing controversial remarks by Obama’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
“I can’t support a man who sits for 20 years and listens to that rhetoric and then says he didn’t hear it,” he said of Wright’s comments, which have included the assertion the U.S. government purposefully spread the AIDS virus to blacks and the September 11 attacks were payback for U.S. foreign policy.
Buecher said he would vote for McCain if Obama wins the party nod.”
Mr. Buecher ain’t alone.
10 We’re still not finished with the “last” crisis–there are still mortgage-backed derivatives with issue prices totalling at least in the hundreds of billions getting tossed around the financial markets like so many bushels of hot potatoes.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I’m with you on that.
Pretty unstable practice those derivatives.
One other quote from the Yahoo article to gnaw on:
“In exit polls of Democratic primary voters in Indiana and North Carolina by ABC, more than six in 10 said they would be satisfied with either Obama or Clinton as the nominee, leaving substantial numbers unsatisfied. In Clinton and Obama matchups against McCain, anywhere from a quarter to three in 10 Democrats said they wouldn’t vote, or would support McCain.”
Will be interesting.
14 – From the same idiot who brought us a “muslim” president.
Note to Stupes: sorry to disappoint you, we’re not reflexive Hillary lovers here. Go sell your Hillary paranoia somewhere where someone actually cares. JCH is somewhere out there on some deserted island. I’m sure of it.
The Clintons had their day. Too bad it sucked dealing with the likes of Gingrich and his crew but tough luck. On paper it could have been better this time around but the odds point to just more of the same and that’s not what this country needs.
Barack Attackspews:
Exit poll data from Indiana and North Carolina tell a more complicated story.
Voters in both states were asked if “the situation with Rev. Wright” was important. Here are the findings:
• In Indiana, 46% said it was; in North Carolina, 47%.
• Those who said it was important went for Mrs. Clinton, 70% to 30% in Indiana and 57% to 41% in North Carolina.
• Those who said it was not important went for Obama, 68% to 32% in Indiana and 72% to 26% in North Carolina.
re 19: John Fund is a lying crank who will say anything to sell a book to a bitter, gun-toting conservative.
duncan renaldospews:
re 12: Aren’t you going to chastise me for saying ‘pussy hair’?
I’ve been a bad boy — and I deserve it.
So all of a sudden, the Democrats are supposed to have a monopoly on nutbag preachers? Feh!
Wright puzzles me a bit. To start with, I’m with him on the original “God damn America” rant that started all the furor. At the rate we’re going, if we don’t get off this tear of We’re-the-mighty-USA-and-ours-don’t-stink hubris, it’s going to be more like “God help America!”
The HIV statement is another story. Are we dealing with a random “brain fart” from a naive man who let himself get carried away when he found himself on a national soapbox? Is he giving voice to a paranoid (and presumably false) notion held by significant numbers of African-Americans? Or has someone from the other side….er, “gotten” to him?
Is this last a totally absurd notion? In view of some of the things we’ve seen the Bush/Cheney/Rove gang do in the last ten years, I hardly think so.
I don’t understand how the MSM continues to have this double-standard when it comes to nut-job pastors. What has Rev Wright said that is any worse than Haage, who’s endorsement McRage actually embraces and welcomes?
Of course the Right Wing will try to make it an issue in the fall, but they have far less ammunition with Obama than they would have with Clinton. It was really something to see all the Republican pundits madly spinning for the Clinton’s, hoping she would pull off the nomination, because they already have the campaign ads queued up and waiting for her… in fact they have a documentary already made by the same folks that brought us the John Kerry swiftboat experience.
They sure must be pissed today that all that anti-Hillary money is going to be for nothing. heh
In the last few weeks I’ve heard from a surprising number of people I knew who are Obama supporters and say they’d never vote for Clinton in November, and an equal number of Clintonites who say they won’t support Obama.
There’s of course the question of whether this is “heat-of-battle” sentiment and that most of them will get behind the nominee after the convention. On the other hand, I suspect there may be a significant number of long-term Democrats who now feel there’s no reason to support the party, and the blame for that rests squarely with Pelosi, Reid and the other gutless appeasers who’ve done nothing but drop trou for the administration ever since we busted our butts to put them in the majority.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
My CD’s are with a Montana Bank.
They had a promotional CD offer last year for 10-months at 5.25% AND you could add to the principal anytime…with the catch you could only put in $100,000 per CD. So we open up several…and max’d them when I got out of the Stock Market.
Nothing close to that available now.
And my CD’s mature in November.
Good Luck.
Look for the promo’s on-line.
@24 – The difference between Wright/Hagee and Obama/McCain….McCain didn’t attend Hagee’s services all those years. That’s what the MSM is focusing on.
Even to me I was shocked by Wright, but over time and research, realized it isn’t as big as everyone is making it. Obama is his own man, he can handle the job!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The difference you refuse to acknowledge is O-blah-blah actually sat in the pew of Racist Rev. Wright for 20 years….and even after Oprah quit that hate-filled “church”.
HUGE difference…but keep ignoring it if it makes you feel better.
@22 – I think Wright’s HIV paranoia comes from his generation witnessing US Health Department being caught in “The Tuskegee experiment” where a group of black men were left untreated for years after contracting syphillis to see how the disease affected them. And even this I believe his words have been taken out of context. He said the US Government was capable of doing this sort of horrific thing… which obviously it is capable of. Of course it’s not true, but I can certainly understand how a black man his age would be paranoid about it… especially while watching large populations of black Africans being wiped out by the disease and seeing how it attached the Black community in Chicago.
Unfortunately, the MSM doesn’t try to look at these things rationally, they just see an opportunity for a sensational story, egged on by the Right Wing party and the Clinton Slime Machine, and divert everyone’s attention from the real issues we should be discussing.
Mr Cynical – And what you refuse to acknowlege is that Obama has rejected what Wright has said over and over again. Wright is not part of the Obama campaign and Obama would not accept his endorsement. McRage, on the other hand, embraces Haage, commends his “leadership skills” and welcomes his endorsement. But keep on ignoring that if it makes you feel better. Ignorance it bliss I for some folks.
By the way, that “hate filled church” also happened to be the only African American church doing anything to reach out to Blacks in the community affected by HIV/AIDS and was the only African American church that was welcoming of gay and lesbians….. Very rare even today in Black Churches.
But I guess you only like to focus on the negative and sensational, but that’s not surprising coming from you.
@30 – I think people have a hard time with the fact that in March, Obama backed Pastor Wright and refused to denounce him then, he spent 20+ years listening to him. Hagee is an endorsement, a political “toy”, so to speak, for McCain and the religious right. Just like Wright has become a political “snag” for Obama, after standing up for Wright in March and 2 months later finally denouncing him.
JamesA – People need to put to rest the Wright issue and let it be. But in order to do that, they also need to put to rest the Hagee issue.
Hannah – So why are the right wing fanatics not calling on McRage to denounce Haage?
Oh, that’s right, they actually agree with him.
Good luck with that Christianist extremism in November.
If you think Wright is an issue, you’re wrong. You’re dabbling in political self-flaggellation for pleasure. The Wall St. Urinal’s political pages are now Fox News in print. Don’t belittle your own mentality. Quit playing with yourselves.
I don’t know why everyone keeps bringing up Wright! Get over it! It is a NON-issue!
The more people bring it up, the more it gets back into peoples twisted little minds.
It is of some interest to note that an increasing number of evangelical Christian leaders are backing away from politics in general, having come away from their previous involvements with a modicum of moral slime on their hands. As one put it, “When you mix politics and religion, what you end up with is politics.” Unfortunately, this lesson hasn’t been learned (at least not yet) by folks like Ken Hutcherson, Pat Robertson or James Dobson, whose political dealings appear to have seduced them into a fondness for the trappings of power.
I hope the GOP focuses on Rev. Wright. You kow why?
It doesn’t have a thing to do with fixing what is wrong with America.
Hillary’s and McBush’s attempt at pandering the gas tax for votes didn’t stand up to the principled position Obama took. He told the TRUTH and guess what?
We remembered Americans like the truth. It is one of our core principles as a nation. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Today’s ditto head Conservatives say “My country, right or wrong!”
With complete disregard to the original intent of the slogan: “Our country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.”
Too bad the Republicans of today lost their moral compass. They should have followed the lead of their earlier leaders and not their contemporary leaders who obviously are corrupt and many of them convicted felons doing time in multiple prisons around the country.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Since when do politicians have dignity?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Of course, your boy McCain will never admit he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Not in a million years. He could be standing on a railroad track with a cellphone glued to his ear and not hear the train coming like that guy who got killed in Auburn today and he’ll exude acknowledge he shouldn’t be on the track …
“Of course, your boy McCain will never admit he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
Neither has the jerk who presently warms a seat in the Oval Office.
The only question of interest on the Republican side is who McCain’s running mate is going to be. Picking another Cheneyesque demagogue may be one surefire way the Republicans can step on their collective anatomy.
Richard Popespews:
Clinton could always win with the extreme nuclear option. If she can control the Michigan Democratic State Convention, she can seat committed Clinton delegates for the 55% that would be pledged Clinton delegates, and Clinton supporters for the 40% that are officially uncommitted.
Michigan has 156 pledged delegates, more than enough to close the gap if Clinton gets them all. Also, there are a couple dozen more superdelegates, who have also been excluded, and who heavily favor Clinton.
Add a couple dozen more from seating Florida, and Clinton is clearly ahead. In the remaining primaries, West Virginia, Kentucky and Puerto Rico will heavily favor Clinton, and will net her more delegates than Oregon, Montana and South Dakota will get for Obama.
@41 Not that it would ever happen, but to really throw a monkey wrench into the system, I’d like to see McCain go with Hillary as his VP choice. Imagine the lovely chaos to be had… That’s assuming that she doesn’t somehow pull her party nomination out of the fire, of course… Guaranteed victory for him, but my oh my, how’d you like to be one of his bodyguards at that point? ;)
Sorry Hannah – McSame has accepted the endorsement of Hagee – who has said the Catholicism is the devil and other heinious stuff. McSame never disavowed him – he just said he didn’t agree with everything Hagee said and then he had Hagee introduce him at a rally.
At this point, Wright is a former pastor and has been denounced by Obama – Hagee is still signed on to the McSame campaign. Where is the pressure on McSame to denounce his association with the pastor? Freekin’ double standard here by the media.
@44 – yes agreed to a certain degree, but a HUGE difference..Hagee is not and has not been McCain’s spiritual advisor for 20 years, and from the getgo, he said he respected the man but did NOT agree with everything he spits out. Whereas Obama tried to ignore then finally after months, (in a political move only) denounced his PERSONAL spiritual advisor.
Everyone needs to let the whole Wright issue go, it’s done, it’s been wrapped up, why keep dwelling on it? The people who throw Hagee at McCain are the same ones bringing on the Wright attack.
Pete Zuhhspews:
Are we sure we want Clintons and Bushes in the White House for more than a generation? I am against it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. “Hannah” spews:
So headless…so are you now duncan also? I clicked on your name and it takes me to a duncan renaldo (page can’t be displayed)
headless lucy the 24/7 racist is such a joke. He has to post under different names so it looks like someone agrees with him.
Hey headless, how’s it feel to get punked by Hannah?
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
Wondering why I a democrat/Reel in a newbie!! @ 45
You are correct there is a HUGE difference between Hagee and Wright. McBush actively sought support from, and stood on stage with John “The Catholic Church is the great whore/ NOLA brought Katrina on itself” Hagee!!
Obama did none of those things. Obama has stated that he did not hear Wright say the controversial statements he has made, and Wright has backed that up.
When Obama saw the youtube videos that Clinton and the other Republicans put out, Obama IMMEDIATELY denounced the statements, and he used the incident to give an awe inspiringly great speech on race.
And when Wright continued to publicly make his controversial statements, Obama denounced him.
McBush has never denounced the crazy racist whose support he feverishly sought!
So yes, Wright and Hagee are not even in the same league. Hagee is much worse!
And your ludicrous nonsense that the wingnuts will let the artificial Wright controversy die, is the babbling of an idiot, or a wingnut. They will play that 24/7 in their desperation, and we as loyal Americans cannot let them get away with it.
But a wingnut DINO like you wouldn’t want to say that, because lying is something that comes too easy for you, Wondering/Reel!!
Well once again a hard psycho lefty continues spewing the Wright issue, making an issue out of a NON-issue, giving the reps exactly what they want…if we don’t let the Wright issue go to rest, I guess we cannot expect the other side to let it rest either.
Don Joespews:
“Well once again a hard psycho lefty continues spewing the Wright issue.”
Hm… The first comments to actually make Wright an issue in this thread came from wingnuts. But, BO is a “hard psycho lefty”.
Nice to see you’ve figured out what the word “objectivity” means.
Read back thru the thread DJ, I have been saying to let the issue go, the more WE keep dragging it up, the more it will stay in the mainstream talk. Here some people keep saying it should not be an issue, but then some of the people who want Obama are the ones who keep bringing it up….so which is it?
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
Wondering/Reel @ 49, what you either do not comprehend, or just plain want to ignore, is that the Repugs you play with are never going to let “controversies” like this die.
It is all they have.
And you pretending it will go away plays right into their hands. Which by your downplaying of the much more nasty Hagee disaster, might be exactly what you are attempting.
We will never win by letting the repugs swiftboat Obama with lies. We need to be ever vigilant to strike back with the truth. LOUDLY!
I know Obama has no desire to play this kind of dirty politics, and I admire that about him. But that does not mean that we have to sit back and watch the trolls try to make traction with a non issue.
And we wont. The fuckers are simply not going to get away with it this time.
And neither are you.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
39. GBS spews:
“I hope the GOP focuses on Rev. Wright. You kow why?
It doesn’t have a thing to do with fixing what is wrong with America.”
Ahhhh, but it has everything to do with both the CHARACTER and MINDSET of the man you propose to put his finger on the button!
20 years O-blah-blah CHOOSE to sit in that pew listening to Rev Wright. 20 Years.
May not matter to you…but it is irreconcilable to many other folks…including Conservative Dems.
Trying to make the Hagee-McCain relationship appear to be the same as the O-blah-blah–Wright 20 year/spiritual mentor relationship is simply a stretch that DOES NOT REACH.
But keep trying JamesA!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The main reason I would never support O-blah-blah is he has done nothing in the Illinois Senate or the US Senate…and his voting record in both is THE MOST LIBERAL!
O-blah-blah has THE most Liberal Voting Record of all 100 US Senators…and he is foolishly proposing to raise the Long-Term Capital Gains Tax to 28% from 15%….and proposing a costly Health Care Plan that merely creates another massive inefficient Government Bureaucracy.
I oppose O-blah-blah because of his LEFTIST Dogma. The Wright controversy merely confirms his VOTING RECORD.
I get a real kick out of a guy who is THE most Liberal of all 100 US Senators spew platitudes about bringing us all together!!
What a joke!!!!!!!!!!!
He will desperately find a couple wounded former R’s to try & hold out as proof.
I know of NO Conservatives who feel good about O-blah-blah. ZERO!!
Because….HE IS A 100% LIBERAL promoting 100% LIBERAL Policies!!
Don Joespews:
Ahhhh, but it has everything to do with both the CHARACTER and MINDSET of the man you propose to put his finger on the button!
For 20 years, Barack Obama chose to be a member of a church community that was doing more to help the poor and down-trodden of Chicago’s south side than any other agency. While Bush preached it, Obama lived it.
Trying to make the Hagee-McCain relationship appear to be the same.
You’re quite correct. During the entire 20 year relationship between Obama and Rev. Wright, we see absolutely no evidence that Obama sought Rev. Wright’s advice on political issues. At the same time, McCain’s relationship with Hagee is all about McCain’s positions on political issues–which is why Hagee’s endorsement is far more relevant to this election that Wright’s sermons.
Blue Johnspews:
Because….HE [Obama] IS A 100% LIBERAL promoting 100% LIBERAL Policies!!
@54 So what liberal policies do you fear? And why?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
1) Increase Capital Gains tax to 28%–will stifle investment.
2) Huge tax increases on Oil Companies–will stifle investment.
3) His Health Care Plan—too expensive.
The list goes on & on.
Blue Johnspews:
You use investment like it’s the end all and be all of society.
What if they raise the capitol gains tax to 45% on all foreign investment, but left it at what ever absurdly low number it is now, if the investment was done in the US and employed actual Americans?
What if that tax increase on Oil companies was put into Manhattan style projects of oil independence?
Universal Health care is a huge cost I grant you, but not trying anything is just as bad. Personally, if given the extremes of Universal heath care and high taxes and say, the health care system of Ecuador and low taxes, I’d like the first. ( I think the current system is going the way of Ecuador, give it 30 more years of Republican rule and it will reach that level. )
What about other Liberal agendas like ending the occupation of Iraq that is bleed us dry? Do you fear that?
I see the trends of stying the course, so it’s time to try a change. Some will work, some won’t, but not changing is going to be disastrous.
I don’t think we should talk abou the Rev. Wright issue.
See “Hannah” how to avoid talking about the Rev. Wright issue? Just keep talking about not talking about it.
Sheeeeez, get a clue.
Mr. Cynical,
Well, then, if it’s characther we’re talking about then I want to see the North Vietnamese files on John McCain’s captivity that McCain himself requested of the communist Vietnamese government to suppress.
Why did McCain ask that his records in Vietnam be kept secret?
Did he say or do anything to harm other American servicemen?
I mean, we need to know about his character, right?
If you read thru several threads, I respond to the Wright issue with the basics, not mud slinging about him. And I have repeated several times in response to Wright, that he should be a NON issue. Yes I will continue to repond to anyone who makes claims about him, in telling them Wright is a NON issue.
Thanks for keeping it alive, “Hannah”. Brilliant.
Jim T.spews:
Ohio, Florida & the broad “flyover country” will not vote for Obama. Get used to President McCain.
Note to clueless idiot@18: First time I’ve posted in this thread moron.
I see my naming you HAs clueless idiot as PuddyFact #295 is as true today as it was on Saturday, November 10, 2006 at 10AM.
Veni vidi vici – Thanks for playing…
24. JamesA spews moronic pablum. Apparently you haven’t been paying attention to the MSM. ABC (All Bullshit Channel) and CBS (See Bullshit) carried Hagee along with the NY Times and other large lefty newspapers. Unfortunately for JamesA (A for ASS?) the public is not interested so these “direct attack special interest stories” died in the fishrag they were posted in…
But early this week Frank Rich kept hope alive with his editorial commentary on Hagee trying to compare Wright to Hagee. It too was a failure because it was written through blue colored glasses and slanted…
JamesA@29: yes it’s sure amazing what the Donkey liberal white man will do to my people because they are illiterate and lack a basic education. So which party put them in that syphilis predicament again?
Oh I know teach, I know…
As my wife said last night… “When are black people gonna wake up to the Democrat Party tactics?” I answered “Never!”
I realize it make take you a while to process some of the PuddyFacts…
JamesA@31: I hope you are white because this is an ignorant statement: “also happened to be the only African American church doing anything to reach out to Blacks in the community affected by HIV/AIDS…” That is very untrue.
As to the gay/lesbian charge – black churches for the most part believe in God ordained man/woman settings…
Maybe JamesA, you should attend one in the future…
I post my links whole because HAs clueless idiot thinks everything from the right is from Murdoch or Scaife…
BO spouting off crap again; BO pizzed here: “Obama did none of those things. Obama has stated that he did not hear Wright say the controversial statements he has made, and Wright has backed that up.”
Wrong oh. I guess you missed his comments in late April… Oops my bad… You are another 16%er and your memory capacity ends at 24 hours too.
“‘ABC News’ Tahman Bradley reported:
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has admitted, in the past, attending church when Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his former pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, has made controversial comments, but he has never explained what he heard.
Until now.
Obama, in an interview broadcast on “Fox News Sunday,” said he’s been on hand for worship services that included “provocative” messages delivered by Wright that have touched on race and issues plaguing the black community.
“He will talk about the failure of fathers to look after their children in ways that, sometimes, people might be taken aback by. He can use street vernacular in his sermons in ways that people wouldn’t expect to hear,” Obama said.
Obama continued, “He has certainly preached in the past, when I was there, about the history of race in this country in very blunt terms, talking about slavery and talking about Jim Crow. The problem – and I’ve pointed this out in my speech in Philadelphia – was, where often times he would error, I think, is in only cataloging the bad of America and not doing enough to lift up the good. And that’s probably where he and I have the biggest difference.”
Careful to point out that he does not endorse all of Wright’s sermons or the way in which they were delivered, Obama said, “I go to church not to worship a pastor but to worship God.” Obama also said his vision for the country is much more hopeful than some of the black elders who grew up in a more racially charged America. ”
But BO (which we know what that stands for) only remembered this: “”The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation.”
John DOH wrote:
Well once again a hard psycho lefty continues spewing the Wright issue.”
Hm… The first comments to actually make Wright an issue in this thread came from wingnuts. But, BO is a “hard psycho lefty”. Nice to see you’ve figured out what the word “objectivity” means.
2. correctnotright spews:
A graceful exit leaves dignity intact – more of the same excuses, pandering and posturing leaves nothing left.
Clinton could not afford a blowout loss – she got a great deal on the Wright controversy – but that is over and now she cannot even claim momentum.
Time to focus on McSame.
Yes John DOH – nevercorrectandstillnotbright is a wingnut of the Primer Order!
But she is still fighting!!! WTF?!? She needs to put her tail between her legs and bow out and let the party unite behind Obama!
A graceful exit leaves dignity intact – more of the same excuses, pandering and posturing leaves nothing left.
Clinton could not afford a blowout loss – she got a great deal on the Wright controversy – but that is over and now she cannot even claim momentum.
Time to focus on McSame.
The Clintons continue the process of destroying their legacy and any future influence they may have had.
Hillary may in retrospect look pretty good when the country is watching Obama say: “Yes I can! If someone will tell me how.”
Glad to see the divide and the incompetence of the Democratic party becoming apparent and shooting itself in the foot. The longer Hillary continues the better. Haha.
Give her a little time to phase out of this. Perhaps she’ll let go of the negativity and go out taking the high road for a week. She was a decent candidate and did the Democratic Party a huge favor by giving Obama one hell of a warm-up fight prior to the main event Obama will soon face. It’ll all work out in the end. Goopers will likely lose big across the board. Even Diebold and the suppression of the 90 year-old nun-in-a-wheelchair vote can’t save them now.
Duncan – doubtful. Where was Clinton on the Iraq war when we needed her? MIA
She pandered then and will pander in the future – such as the gas tax idea that would give back 5 bucks a month and not lower gas prices – stupid idea, but a pander to the voters….
No – Obama is the better candidate, has run a better campaign and is free to attack McCain on the two issues that democrats will win on – the economy and the war (Clinton was for nafta before she was against it).
@5 is reduced to hoping that Democrats shoot themselves in the foot. How pathetic. At least he seems to realize that Republicans have shot their wad and have absolutely nothing at this time to offer the American voter.
Hillary’s Nuclear Option is here, via Huff’n’Puffington Post.
It’s not over until Florida and Michigan are over. Because your Rules Committee is an almost wholly owned subsidiary of shrill Hillary and grumpy Bill, the Death March to Denver proceeds.
Jay Silverheels sends a hand-sign shout out to Duncan Renaldo, who was a friend of mine while liberally drinkin’ whiskey & wine .
I reported to you on May 1st that I sold out of these positions & at what price:
I reported these buys to you previously:
Wells Fargo I bought in March @ 27.25 (SOLD today @ 31.65…that’s 16.2%)–Now at 29.91
McDonalds on 3/24 @ $54.10 (SOLD today @ 60.70….that’s 12.2%—You said it was a foolish trade) Now at 59.39
National Oilwell Varco (NOV) on 3/28 @ $56.10 (SOLD Tueswday @ 72.85…that’s 30%—thank you Rog Rabbit!!)Now at 68.88
Microsoft on 3/31 @ $28.10 (SOLD today @ 29.05—not much gain here 3.4% IN A MONTH!)Now at 29.21
Putting that money in the deep-freeze by adding it to existing CD’s for 6 months @ 5.25%
may be an ok move.
Still have plenty of “dry powder” just in case an opportunity arises.
Frankly I still like these 4 companies.
Just real concerned about the next huge crisis…credit card debt.
Today was a good day to be on the sidelines.
re 7: I was originally for Edwards and with Obama and/or Clinton, policy-wise, there’s not a pussy hair’s breadth of difference between them,
So headless…so are you now duncan also? I clicked on your name and it takes me to a duncan renaldo (page can’t be displayed)
It’s over….
Regardless of what you think of Billary, at least she doesn’t have a Nutburger Pastor that we will hear about from now until November. Wait till the commercials with digitally packaged sound bites of the Rev. Wright, with Barry Hussein’s mug in a split screen shot start running ad nauseum……day and night for weeks and weeks before the election. This insane pastor is going to be the “Willie Horton” of hit piece ads and will become a fatal liability for Barry Hussein.
Chew on this from an article on Yahoo today:
“Clinton supporter Herb Buecher of Charleston, South Carolina, said he would no longer back Obama after hearing controversial remarks by Obama’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
“I can’t support a man who sits for 20 years and listens to that rhetoric and then says he didn’t hear it,” he said of Wright’s comments, which have included the assertion the U.S. government purposefully spread the AIDS virus to blacks and the September 11 attacks were payback for U.S. foreign policy.
Buecher said he would vote for McCain if Obama wins the party nod.”
Mr. Buecher ain’t alone.
10 We’re still not finished with the “last” crisis–there are still mortgage-backed derivatives with issue prices totalling at least in the hundreds of billions getting tossed around the financial markets like so many bushels of hot potatoes.
I’m with you on that.
Pretty unstable practice those derivatives.
One other quote from the Yahoo article to gnaw on:
“In exit polls of Democratic primary voters in Indiana and North Carolina by ABC, more than six in 10 said they would be satisfied with either Obama or Clinton as the nominee, leaving substantial numbers unsatisfied. In Clinton and Obama matchups against McCain, anywhere from a quarter to three in 10 Democrats said they wouldn’t vote, or would support McCain.”
Will be interesting.
14 – From the same idiot who brought us a “muslim” president.
Note to Stupes: sorry to disappoint you, we’re not reflexive Hillary lovers here. Go sell your Hillary paranoia somewhere where someone actually cares. JCH is somewhere out there on some deserted island. I’m sure of it.
The Clintons had their day. Too bad it sucked dealing with the likes of Gingrich and his crew but tough luck. On paper it could have been better this time around but the odds point to just more of the same and that’s not what this country needs.
Exit poll data from Indiana and North Carolina tell a more complicated story.
Voters in both states were asked if “the situation with Rev. Wright” was important. Here are the findings:
• In Indiana, 46% said it was; in North Carolina, 47%.
• Those who said it was important went for Mrs. Clinton, 70% to 30% in Indiana and 57% to 41% in North Carolina.
• Those who said it was not important went for Obama, 68% to 32% in Indiana and 72% to 26% in North Carolina.
– Via John Fund, WSJ today
re 19: John Fund is a lying crank who will say anything to sell a book to a bitter, gun-toting conservative.
re 12: Aren’t you going to chastise me for saying ‘pussy hair’?
I’ve been a bad boy — and I deserve it.
So all of a sudden, the Democrats are supposed to have a monopoly on nutbag preachers? Feh!
Wright puzzles me a bit. To start with, I’m with him on the original “God damn America” rant that started all the furor. At the rate we’re going, if we don’t get off this tear of We’re-the-mighty-USA-and-ours-don’t-stink hubris, it’s going to be more like “God help America!”
The HIV statement is another story. Are we dealing with a random “brain fart” from a naive man who let himself get carried away when he found himself on a national soapbox? Is he giving voice to a paranoid (and presumably false) notion held by significant numbers of African-Americans? Or has someone from the other side….er, “gotten” to him?
Is this last a totally absurd notion? In view of some of the things we’ve seen the Bush/Cheney/Rove gang do in the last ten years, I hardly think so.
I don’t understand how the MSM continues to have this double-standard when it comes to nut-job pastors. What has Rev Wright said that is any worse than Haage, who’s endorsement McRage actually embraces and welcomes?
Of course the Right Wing will try to make it an issue in the fall, but they have far less ammunition with Obama than they would have with Clinton. It was really something to see all the Republican pundits madly spinning for the Clinton’s, hoping she would pull off the nomination, because they already have the campaign ads queued up and waiting for her… in fact they have a documentary already made by the same folks that brought us the John Kerry swiftboat experience.
They sure must be pissed today that all that anti-Hillary money is going to be for nothing. heh
In the last few weeks I’ve heard from a surprising number of people I knew who are Obama supporters and say they’d never vote for Clinton in November, and an equal number of Clintonites who say they won’t support Obama.
There’s of course the question of whether this is “heat-of-battle” sentiment and that most of them will get behind the nominee after the convention. On the other hand, I suspect there may be a significant number of long-term Democrats who now feel there’s no reason to support the party, and the blame for that rests squarely with Pelosi, Reid and the other gutless appeasers who’ve done nothing but drop trou for the administration ever since we busted our butts to put them in the majority.
My CD’s are with a Montana Bank.
They had a promotional CD offer last year for 10-months at 5.25% AND you could add to the principal anytime…with the catch you could only put in $100,000 per CD. So we open up several…and max’d them when I got out of the Stock Market.
Nothing close to that available now.
And my CD’s mature in November.
Good Luck.
Look for the promo’s on-line.
@24 – The difference between Wright/Hagee and Obama/McCain….McCain didn’t attend Hagee’s services all those years. That’s what the MSM is focusing on.
Even to me I was shocked by Wright, but over time and research, realized it isn’t as big as everyone is making it. Obama is his own man, he can handle the job!
The difference you refuse to acknowledge is O-blah-blah actually sat in the pew of Racist Rev. Wright for 20 years….and even after Oprah quit that hate-filled “church”.
HUGE difference…but keep ignoring it if it makes you feel better.
@22 – I think Wright’s HIV paranoia comes from his generation witnessing US Health Department being caught in “The Tuskegee experiment” where a group of black men were left untreated for years after contracting syphillis to see how the disease affected them. And even this I believe his words have been taken out of context. He said the US Government was capable of doing this sort of horrific thing… which obviously it is capable of. Of course it’s not true, but I can certainly understand how a black man his age would be paranoid about it… especially while watching large populations of black Africans being wiped out by the disease and seeing how it attached the Black community in Chicago.
Unfortunately, the MSM doesn’t try to look at these things rationally, they just see an opportunity for a sensational story, egged on by the Right Wing party and the Clinton Slime Machine, and divert everyone’s attention from the real issues we should be discussing.
Mr Cynical – And what you refuse to acknowlege is that Obama has rejected what Wright has said over and over again. Wright is not part of the Obama campaign and Obama would not accept his endorsement. McRage, on the other hand, embraces Haage, commends his “leadership skills” and welcomes his endorsement. But keep on ignoring that if it makes you feel better. Ignorance it bliss I for some folks.
By the way, that “hate filled church” also happened to be the only African American church doing anything to reach out to Blacks in the community affected by HIV/AIDS and was the only African American church that was welcoming of gay and lesbians….. Very rare even today in Black Churches.
But I guess you only like to focus on the negative and sensational, but that’s not surprising coming from you.
@30 – I think people have a hard time with the fact that in March, Obama backed Pastor Wright and refused to denounce him then, he spent 20+ years listening to him. Hagee is an endorsement, a political “toy”, so to speak, for McCain and the religious right. Just like Wright has become a political “snag” for Obama, after standing up for Wright in March and 2 months later finally denouncing him.
JamesA – People need to put to rest the Wright issue and let it be. But in order to do that, they also need to put to rest the Hagee issue.
Hannah – So why are the right wing fanatics not calling on McRage to denounce Haage?
Oh, that’s right, they actually agree with him.
Good luck with that Christianist extremism in November.
If you think Wright is an issue, you’re wrong. You’re dabbling in political self-flaggellation for pleasure. The Wall St. Urinal’s political pages are now Fox News in print. Don’t belittle your own mentality. Quit playing with yourselves.
I don’t know why everyone keeps bringing up Wright! Get over it! It is a NON-issue!
The more people bring it up, the more it gets back into peoples twisted little minds.
It is of some interest to note that an increasing number of evangelical Christian leaders are backing away from politics in general, having come away from their previous involvements with a modicum of moral slime on their hands. As one put it, “When you mix politics and religion, what you end up with is politics.” Unfortunately, this lesson hasn’t been learned (at least not yet) by folks like Ken Hutcherson, Pat Robertson or James Dobson, whose political dealings appear to have seduced them into a fondness for the trappings of power.
I hope the GOP focuses on Rev. Wright. You kow why?
It doesn’t have a thing to do with fixing what is wrong with America.
Hillary’s and McBush’s attempt at pandering the gas tax for votes didn’t stand up to the principled position Obama took. He told the TRUTH and guess what?
We remembered Americans like the truth. It is one of our core principles as a nation. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Today’s ditto head Conservatives say “My country, right or wrong!”
With complete disregard to the original intent of the slogan: “Our country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.”
Too bad the Republicans of today lost their moral compass. They should have followed the lead of their earlier leaders and not their contemporary leaders who obviously are corrupt and many of them convicted felons doing time in multiple prisons around the country.
@2 Since when do politicians have dignity?
@4 Of course, your boy McCain will never admit he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Not in a million years. He could be standing on a railroad track with a cellphone glued to his ear and not hear the train coming like that guy who got killed in Auburn today and he’ll exude acknowledge he shouldn’t be on the track …
“Of course, your boy McCain will never admit he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
Neither has the jerk who presently warms a seat in the Oval Office.
The only question of interest on the Republican side is who McCain’s running mate is going to be. Picking another Cheneyesque demagogue may be one surefire way the Republicans can step on their collective anatomy.
Clinton could always win with the extreme nuclear option. If she can control the Michigan Democratic State Convention, she can seat committed Clinton delegates for the 55% that would be pledged Clinton delegates, and Clinton supporters for the 40% that are officially uncommitted.
Michigan has 156 pledged delegates, more than enough to close the gap if Clinton gets them all. Also, there are a couple dozen more superdelegates, who have also been excluded, and who heavily favor Clinton.
Add a couple dozen more from seating Florida, and Clinton is clearly ahead. In the remaining primaries, West Virginia, Kentucky and Puerto Rico will heavily favor Clinton, and will net her more delegates than Oregon, Montana and South Dakota will get for Obama.
@41 Not that it would ever happen, but to really throw a monkey wrench into the system, I’d like to see McCain go with Hillary as his VP choice. Imagine the lovely chaos to be had… That’s assuming that she doesn’t somehow pull her party nomination out of the fire, of course… Guaranteed victory for him, but my oh my, how’d you like to be one of his bodyguards at that point? ;)
Sorry Hannah – McSame has accepted the endorsement of Hagee – who has said the Catholicism is the devil and other heinious stuff. McSame never disavowed him – he just said he didn’t agree with everything Hagee said and then he had Hagee introduce him at a rally.
At this point, Wright is a former pastor and has been denounced by Obama – Hagee is still signed on to the McSame campaign. Where is the pressure on McSame to denounce his association with the pastor? Freekin’ double standard here by the media.
@44 – yes agreed to a certain degree, but a HUGE difference..Hagee is not and has not been McCain’s spiritual advisor for 20 years, and from the getgo, he said he respected the man but did NOT agree with everything he spits out. Whereas Obama tried to ignore then finally after months, (in a political move only) denounced his PERSONAL spiritual advisor.
Everyone needs to let the whole Wright issue go, it’s done, it’s been wrapped up, why keep dwelling on it? The people who throw Hagee at McCain are the same ones bringing on the Wright attack.
Are we sure we want Clintons and Bushes in the White House for more than a generation? I am against it.
headless lucy the 24/7 racist is such a joke. He has to post under different names so it looks like someone agrees with him.
Hey headless, how’s it feel to get punked by Hannah?
Wondering why I a democrat/Reel in a newbie!! @ 45
You are correct there is a HUGE difference between Hagee and Wright. McBush actively sought support from, and stood on stage with John “The Catholic Church is the great whore/ NOLA brought Katrina on itself” Hagee!!
Obama did none of those things. Obama has stated that he did not hear Wright say the controversial statements he has made, and Wright has backed that up.
When Obama saw the youtube videos that Clinton and the other Republicans put out, Obama IMMEDIATELY denounced the statements, and he used the incident to give an awe inspiringly great speech on race.
And when Wright continued to publicly make his controversial statements, Obama denounced him.
McBush has never denounced the crazy racist whose support he feverishly sought!
So yes, Wright and Hagee are not even in the same league. Hagee is much worse!
And your ludicrous nonsense that the wingnuts will let the artificial Wright controversy die, is the babbling of an idiot, or a wingnut. They will play that 24/7 in their desperation, and we as loyal Americans cannot let them get away with it.
But a wingnut DINO like you wouldn’t want to say that, because lying is something that comes too easy for you, Wondering/Reel!!
Well once again a hard psycho lefty continues spewing the Wright issue, making an issue out of a NON-issue, giving the reps exactly what they want…if we don’t let the Wright issue go to rest, I guess we cannot expect the other side to let it rest either.
“Well once again a hard psycho lefty continues spewing the Wright issue.”
Hm… The first comments to actually make Wright an issue in this thread came from wingnuts. But, BO is a “hard psycho lefty”.
Nice to see you’ve figured out what the word “objectivity” means.
Read back thru the thread DJ, I have been saying to let the issue go, the more WE keep dragging it up, the more it will stay in the mainstream talk. Here some people keep saying it should not be an issue, but then some of the people who want Obama are the ones who keep bringing it up….so which is it?
Wondering/Reel @ 49, what you either do not comprehend, or just plain want to ignore, is that the Repugs you play with are never going to let “controversies” like this die.
It is all they have.
And you pretending it will go away plays right into their hands. Which by your downplaying of the much more nasty Hagee disaster, might be exactly what you are attempting.
We will never win by letting the repugs swiftboat Obama with lies. We need to be ever vigilant to strike back with the truth. LOUDLY!
I know Obama has no desire to play this kind of dirty politics, and I admire that about him. But that does not mean that we have to sit back and watch the trolls try to make traction with a non issue.
And we wont. The fuckers are simply not going to get away with it this time.
And neither are you.
39. GBS spews:
“I hope the GOP focuses on Rev. Wright. You kow why?
It doesn’t have a thing to do with fixing what is wrong with America.”
Ahhhh, but it has everything to do with both the CHARACTER and MINDSET of the man you propose to put his finger on the button!
20 years O-blah-blah CHOOSE to sit in that pew listening to Rev Wright. 20 Years.
May not matter to you…but it is irreconcilable to many other folks…including Conservative Dems.
Trying to make the Hagee-McCain relationship appear to be the same as the O-blah-blah–Wright 20 year/spiritual mentor relationship is simply a stretch that DOES NOT REACH.
But keep trying JamesA!!
The main reason I would never support O-blah-blah is he has done nothing in the Illinois Senate or the US Senate…and his voting record in both is THE MOST LIBERAL!
O-blah-blah has THE most Liberal Voting Record of all 100 US Senators…and he is foolishly proposing to raise the Long-Term Capital Gains Tax to 28% from 15%….and proposing a costly Health Care Plan that merely creates another massive inefficient Government Bureaucracy.
I oppose O-blah-blah because of his LEFTIST Dogma. The Wright controversy merely confirms his VOTING RECORD.
I get a real kick out of a guy who is THE most Liberal of all 100 US Senators spew platitudes about bringing us all together!!
What a joke!!!!!!!!!!!
He will desperately find a couple wounded former R’s to try & hold out as proof.
I know of NO Conservatives who feel good about O-blah-blah. ZERO!!
Because….HE IS A 100% LIBERAL promoting 100% LIBERAL Policies!!
Ahhhh, but it has everything to do with both the CHARACTER and MINDSET of the man you propose to put his finger on the button!
For 20 years, Barack Obama chose to be a member of a church community that was doing more to help the poor and down-trodden of Chicago’s south side than any other agency. While Bush preached it, Obama lived it.
Trying to make the Hagee-McCain relationship appear to be the same.
You’re quite correct. During the entire 20 year relationship between Obama and Rev. Wright, we see absolutely no evidence that Obama sought Rev. Wright’s advice on political issues. At the same time, McCain’s relationship with Hagee is all about McCain’s positions on political issues–which is why Hagee’s endorsement is far more relevant to this election that Wright’s sermons.
@54 So what liberal policies do you fear? And why?
1) Increase Capital Gains tax to 28%–will stifle investment.
2) Huge tax increases on Oil Companies–will stifle investment.
3) His Health Care Plan—too expensive.
The list goes on & on.
You use investment like it’s the end all and be all of society.
What if they raise the capitol gains tax to 45% on all foreign investment, but left it at what ever absurdly low number it is now, if the investment was done in the US and employed actual Americans?
What if that tax increase on Oil companies was put into Manhattan style projects of oil independence?
Universal Health care is a huge cost I grant you, but not trying anything is just as bad. Personally, if given the extremes of Universal heath care and high taxes and say, the health care system of Ecuador and low taxes, I’d like the first. ( I think the current system is going the way of Ecuador, give it 30 more years of Republican rule and it will reach that level. )
What about other Liberal agendas like ending the occupation of Iraq that is bleed us dry? Do you fear that?
I see the trends of stying the course, so it’s time to try a change. Some will work, some won’t, but not changing is going to be disastrous.
I don’t think we should talk abou the Rev. Wright issue.
Don’t even think the name Rev. Wright.
Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright Rev. Wright
See “Hannah” how to avoid talking about the Rev. Wright issue? Just keep talking about not talking about it.
Sheeeeez, get a clue.
Mr. Cynical,
Well, then, if it’s characther we’re talking about then I want to see the North Vietnamese files on John McCain’s captivity that McCain himself requested of the communist Vietnamese government to suppress.
Why did McCain ask that his records in Vietnam be kept secret?
Did he say or do anything to harm other American servicemen?
I mean, we need to know about his character, right?
If you read thru several threads, I respond to the Wright issue with the basics, not mud slinging about him. And I have repeated several times in response to Wright, that he should be a NON issue. Yes I will continue to repond to anyone who makes claims about him, in telling them Wright is a NON issue.
Thanks for keeping it alive, “Hannah”. Brilliant.
Ohio, Florida & the broad “flyover country” will not vote for Obama. Get used to President McCain.
Note to clueless idiot@18: First time I’ve posted in this thread moron.
I see my naming you HAs clueless idiot as PuddyFact #295 is as true today as it was on Saturday, November 10, 2006 at 10AM.
Veni vidi vici – Thanks for playing…
24. JamesA spews moronic pablum. Apparently you haven’t been paying attention to the MSM. ABC (All Bullshit Channel) and CBS (See Bullshit) carried Hagee along with the NY Times and other large lefty newspapers. Unfortunately for JamesA (A for ASS?) the public is not interested so these “direct attack special interest stories” died in the fishrag they were posted in…
But early this week Frank Rich kept hope alive with his editorial commentary on Hagee trying to compare Wright to Hagee. It too was a failure because it was written through blue colored glasses and slanted…
JamesA@29: yes it’s sure amazing what the Donkey liberal white man will do to my people because they are illiterate and lack a basic education. So which party put them in that syphilis predicament again?
Oh I know teach, I know…
As my wife said last night… “When are black people gonna wake up to the Democrat Party tactics?” I answered “Never!”
JamesA@30: read – My discussion on Wright/Obama and other pertinent topics.
I realize it make take you a while to process some of the PuddyFacts…
JamesA@31: I hope you are white because this is an ignorant statement: “also happened to be the only African American church doing anything to reach out to Blacks in the community affected by HIV/AIDS…” That is very untrue.
As to the gay/lesbian charge – black churches for the most part believe in God ordained man/woman settings…
Maybe JamesA, you should attend one in the future…
I post my links whole because HAs clueless idiot thinks everything from the right is from Murdoch or Scaife…
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
That’s why he is HAs clueless idiot.
BO spouting off crap again; BO pizzed here: “Obama did none of those things. Obama has stated that he did not hear Wright say the controversial statements he has made, and Wright has backed that up.”
Wrong oh. I guess you missed his comments in late April… Oops my bad… You are another 16%er and your memory capacity ends at 24 hours too.
“‘ABC News’ Tahman Bradley reported:
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has admitted, in the past, attending church when Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his former pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, has made controversial comments, but he has never explained what he heard.
Until now.
Obama, in an interview broadcast on “Fox News Sunday,” said he’s been on hand for worship services that included “provocative” messages delivered by Wright that have touched on race and issues plaguing the black community.
“He will talk about the failure of fathers to look after their children in ways that, sometimes, people might be taken aback by. He can use street vernacular in his sermons in ways that people wouldn’t expect to hear,” Obama said.
Obama continued, “He has certainly preached in the past, when I was there, about the history of race in this country in very blunt terms, talking about slavery and talking about Jim Crow. The problem – and I’ve pointed this out in my speech in Philadelphia – was, where often times he would error, I think, is in only cataloging the bad of America and not doing enough to lift up the good. And that’s probably where he and I have the biggest difference.”
Careful to point out that he does not endorse all of Wright’s sermons or the way in which they were delivered, Obama said, “I go to church not to worship a pastor but to worship God.” Obama also said his vision for the country is much more hopeful than some of the black elders who grew up in a more racially charged America. ”
But BO (which we know what that stands for) only remembered this: “”The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation.”
John DOH wrote:
President Obama — get used to it.
Next subject please.