Apparently, shamelessly racist smear campaigns aren’t limited to anonymous emails anymore, what with the Clark County Republican Party’s official website front-paging the “Barack Obama is a Muslim” hoax:
Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. […] It is reported that Obama swore his oath of office using the Koran and pictures have shown him standing for the Pledge but not reciting it and holding his hands to his side while others place their hands over their hearts.
This is chilling information about a candidate for the highest office in the Country especially given the radical Muslim claims that they will destroy American from “the inside”.
Really. I’m not making this up. Jon Devore gets the credit for exposing this pathetic attempt at swiftboating Obama, and just in case the Clark County GOP attempts to cover up their shameful hate-mongering, Jon’s captured a screen shot for posterity.
FYI, I’ve Googled several distinct phrases from the Clark County GOP’s post, and the only thing that comes up is the post itself, so either they copied it from an email or party memo, or they actually composed this garbage themselves. What a bunch of wankers.
Gee, that was fast…
Grays Harbor County GOP chair Cathy Colley has been caught forwarding the Obama smear from her party email account. Looks like we’re starting to see a pattern.
The GOP eats its own – such as the smear of McCain and his “black love child” back in one of the past races. It’s only a surprise that this sort of anti-Dem crap isn’t nastier. Just wait.
So which is worse: his muslim father (and step-father) or his atheist mom? The web site notes all of this. Given that the Clark Co. GOP may just think of both atheism and Islam as “un-American”, they probably didn’t bother to note that atheism and Islam are opposites.
So goes the party of PuddyHater and Pooper.
Everyone notice how Goldy remains silent about the Clintons swiftboating Obama?
And how is it a “racist” smear campaign? If they are falsely claiming he’s a Muslim, what does that have to do with race? I think Goldy diminishes real racism, when he throws the word around so carelessly.
Once again, you seem to misunderstand the purpose of this blog in several ways:
If you want to read the bullshit about Clinton supposedly “swiftboating” Obama, kindly surf your ass over to Little Green Wingnuts.
Otherwise, if you chose to hang out around here, drink yourself about a quart of prune juice try to get some more fiber in your diet. It may help with your whining problem.
Troll: Nary a peep from Goldy on headless lucy “racism” of 9-9-2005 to 9-15-2005. Still waiting for a teeny tiny response. In fact the only Goldy minion to break ranks on the racist rants was Darryl. All else closed ranks. Lee went chicken when confronted. He left the thread that day.
Nary a Peep from Goldy on the Bill Clinton attacks on Obama. Then Bill goes on Black Radio and lies again. Nary a peep.
Let me explain it to you. Read slowly, for maximal comprehension.
Because the GOP rat-asses are not accusing Hillary Clinton, or John Edwards, or Dennis Kucinich of being secret Muslims, but only the black candidate, Barack Obama, this attack is racist. It is a smear, because Mr. Obama is not a Muslim. In fact, all of the other things that have been said, that he doesn’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance, that he took his oath of office on the Koran, etc. are all demonstrably false as well. Because these things are untrue, that makes repeating them to scare some ignorant voters a smear. Clear enough for you, or are you still going to pretend you are too stupid to comprehend it?
Well Darryl, now you come to Goldy’s defense because it’s his blog.
My wife visited PacMan’s wife today. They are doing fine. Ever notice he seldom posts here? He told you why. RACISM on this blog.
I choose to point it out. The old time 16%ers, here when racist lucy let loose with his diarrhea are Clinton and Edwards supporters.
Nuff Said.
Dismissed through Prejudice.
Ms Tlazolteotl:
I didn’t comment on the Goldy entry just Goldy because I researched it.
There are crazies on both sides of the aisle.
It’s the 16%ers here who can’t admit there are crazies on their side and only claim they are on our side.
I lived it growing up in inner city Philly. ‘Burb boys Lee and David can’t tell me shit about racism. And… they allow it to grow and fester here on HorsesASSHoles.
So do you want only people who agree with you to write comments?
That Clark county post was an email going around, You can check it out on Snopes. It’s toatlly bogus.
The comment threads are open–that means you get the bad with the good. In these threads you will find racist, sexist, and classist statements, veiled threats, xenophobia, a plethora of personal attacks, and some of the most offensive, vile comments one could imagine. This stuff comes from all corners of the political hypercube. Goldy’s policy is to not purify the comment threads.
PacMan is by no means alone in avoiding the comment threads because of the offensive nature of some of the comments. And you are certainly one of the more active contributers that makes the comment threads offensive to potential (and actual) readers. Lucky for you about Goldy’s policy, huh?
Oh, and…please give PacMan my greetings the next time you see him.
“So do you want only people who agree with you to write comments?”
The question is irrelevant. These are open threads. Which means that I feel free to point out your mistaken views about what this blog is supposed to be.
There is only one word for this Clark Co. missive …
anyone who would do this deserves to be treated as utter scum.
I suggest:
1. people call Rossi and demand that he disown the Clark Co. GOP.
2. that people drown the Clark Co. phone system,with protests.
Also, Goldy, why can’t we use this for a serious riff on your original HA campaign? Why not have a state initiative on the intentional slurring or any candidate by a political party or any entity acting in the interests of that party?
Penalties could be
a. loss of recognition by the state for elections
b. notice in the voter’s pamphlet that the culprit party has engaged in illegal campaign tactics. This notice would extend one term beyond the current election term.
c. referral of the election results to the Supreme Court where the court may require a re-election with assignment of all costs thereof to the culprit party.
buttwiper: “There are crazies on both sides of the aisle.”
Undoubtedly true. You, however, have NEVER denounced racist conservatives. When you do with equal vehemence and with an equal amount of bandwidth, I’ll give your mindless rantings a modicum of consideration.
Case dismissed. With predjudice, I might add. :)
Way to go, Clark Co. GOP. Irrelevance looms. More Democratic legislators! You’re well on the way to marginalized scum.
There is hope for America.
Phone: 360-695-1609
call em.
their email system seems broken.
another useful
address. Rossi’s campaign manager.
I intend to start an email chain letter to her.
Apparently whoever is running the Clark County GOP gets his entire worldview from rightwing hoax e-mails. “Sad” is not the right word; these guys are pathetic. I can’t imagine that anyone who wants to be considered an intelligent, educated, and contributing member of the community down there would have anything to do with these twerps, much less vote for their candidates. This is a good example of why Republicans can’t win elections in Washington — there’s nothing there that responsible people could possibly vote for. I don’t think a one-party state is a good thing, but that’s what we’re going to have here in Washington until God strikes this generation of Republicans dead to make room for a new, rational, generation of Republicans.
The Clark County Republicans are quite the group. Cliff Pluard used to run for one office after another until he was convicted of baby raping. Joe Zarelli lied about his criminal background when he first ran for office(he was stopped by a police officer who caught him with cocaine, but let him go). Joe Zarelli also lied about the status of his marriage to steal money from the military. While a state senator Cocaine Joe stole $12,400 from the Washington taxpayers when he illegally accepted unemployment benefits for 25 weeks while employed as a legislator. Jim Dunn has been stripped of his legislative committee positions after making sexual harrassing comments to a woman at a Republican event. And don’t forget Southwest Washington’s cross dressing but not so happily married Richard Curtis who picked up male whores after attending a Republican event in Spokane. Just when is Pam Roach moving down here anyway?
@1 The thing is, people have gotten used to expecting this kind of campaigning from the GOP, and aren’t listening to it anymore, so it’s not as effective as it used to be. There’s hardly a sentient human being left in North America who doesn’t know what “swiftboating” means — or believes the swiftboaters. The term has become synonymous with “vicious liars motivated by political gain.” And everyone knows Republicans — and only Republicans — play the political game this way. My prediction: The Republicans had better be awfully skilled at rigging voting machines or they’re not going to survive this November because there’s an awful lot of angry voters out there.
hey nutjobs,
I hear Ralph Nader is going to run again.
@4 There’s no comparison, and you are a fool for suggesting there is.
GOP = party of haters and race-baiters
@6 See #5.
@8 You don’t seem to have a problem with the alleged “racism” on this blog, or you would have been gone long ago — if you had any self-respect.
A Republican accusing Goldy of racism is like Hitler accusing Churchill of mass murder.
@10 “There are crazies on both sides of the aisle.”
I see you’re now reverting to the wingnut last-resort defense of “b-b-b-ut Democrats behave just like us.”
No. We don’t. You pigfuckers are in a class by yourselves.
@11 Have you ever been censored here?
Has there ever been a rightwing blog that DIDN’T censor liberal commenters?
The defense rests.
@12 It’s grade-school stuff, not what you expect from adults.
Further proof that Republicans know they only have a shot at the White House if HRC is nominated.
@19 My, what a coincidence.
@22 If you live in that cesspool, I feel sorry for you. My condolences.
224 Who cares?
I suppose we shouldn’t hold our breath waiting for Stefan to expose the Clark County GOP’s vicious lies on the “other” Seattle political blog. Another giant leap toward irrelevance for the gadfly blogger.
@33 They “know” no such thing; they have merely deluded themselves into believing that myth. The polls show Hillary kicks their asses no matter which of their losers gets nominated.
For anyone who wants to join my chain, I have just sent this out:
I do not usually send out chain mail, but this is very important.
The Clark County Republican Party has posted a horrible, racist, unamerican slur
on Senator Obama. I found out about this disgusting behavior on, of
all days, Martin Luther King Day.
Here is a link to the specifics:
or you can read about this at my blog,
I make no secret of my support for Mr. Obama, but this sort of behavior goes far beyond partisan politics.
I ask, regardless of your party or even nationality, that you join me in sending a chain letter of protest to
the GOP and to Dino Rossi, their candidate for governor in WA state.
The easiest way to do this is by replying to my letter replacing the CC with your own list of friends
Thanks, and be good.
Stephen M. Schwartz
It is hard to understand the state and county Republican groups in Washington state. They keep pulling these stupid stunts…one after another after another (for example, the election contest, sex offender postcards, the Lori Sotelo voter challenges, the secretive U.S. Chamber of Commerce hit on Deborah Senn, Rossi dissing the Supreme court, and goofy shit like Rep. Dan Roach’s “Whooo woooo!” moment).
And every time they pull this bullshit, they lose more elections, and lose moderate Republicans who either become independent or affiliate with the Democrats.
Why can’t they try to gain power by coming up with better governance? Why can’t they exhibit genuine leadership? Why can’t they try to win over voters through integrity and honesty?
Given the damage they have done to themselves, it might take decades to gain back power with these techniques. But it’s the only way it will work—the voters are seeing through the tricks.
“Goldy and his co-bloggers write about what they want to write about–not what you want us to write about.”
C’mon, Darryl, get off your high falutin ethical horse. According to Will, you guys can be had for a pie! $25 (damn expensive pie!) in Goldy’s Pay Pal account, and I’m told I can get a comment thread written on how it’s a guaranteed lock that you’re the illegitimate child of Bruno Hauptman.
Please, spare us you righteous indignation.
The Piper
does it get better than this?
“”Senator Obama, it’s hard to have a straight up debate with you because you never take responsibility for any vote,” Clinton said to loud boos. “On issue after issue, you voted present … Whenever someone raises that, there’s always some sort of explanation.”
hillary just doesn’t get it at all. clueless…..
didn’t the ‘boos’ give it away for her? dr. king must be very amused right now…………
@41 Piper
This goes way beyond partisan politics. The Republican Party needs to disown the people responsible for this and do it NOW!!
As an AMERICAN I have zero tolerance for racism and there is no nicer word to describe this sort of bigotry!
If you really care about the GOP, I urge you to join me in calling for Dino Rossi to immediately disown these comments.
believe it or not, I remain a friend,
seattlejew…exactly which comments did you find to be racist?
Piper Scott,
“C’mon, Darryl, get off your high falutin ethical horse.”
What are you babbling about? What “high falutin ethical hourse?” My comment to Troll was explaining what this blog is about…my comment was not about ethics.
“According to Will, you guys can be had for a pie! $25 (damn expensive pie!) in Goldy’s Pay Pal account…”
Ummm…no. According to what I saw, Will was offering to write on a topic for a pizza. Apparently, he can get excited about nearly any topic for a pizza, although, I suspect his post was intended to be humorous. (I’ve not spoken to him about it, so I cannot say for sure.)
“…and I’m told I can get a comment thread written on how it’s a guaranteed lock that you’re the illegitimate child of Bruno Hauptman.”
I have no idea what the hell you are babbling about.
“Please, spare us you righteous indignation.”
What “righteous indignation?”
They spelled Democrat wrong. Wow.
christmasghost @ 44,
“seattlejew…exactly which comments did you find to be racist?”
Considering you determined that this comment was sexist…it sure looks like you’ve developed a huge blind spot in your nuance detector.
Hey…perhaps you would be willing to offer a few words of justification and support for your Clark County G.O.P. friends?
Kerrey Says Obama Attended A Secular Madrasa
Former Demcrat Senator Bob Kerrey who recently endorsed Hillary Clinton said the following.
This is the second time in as many days that Kerrey has brought up Obama’s links to Islam. On Sunday, Kerrey declared: “It’s probably not something that appeals to him, but I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and that his father was a Muslim and that his paternal grandmother is a Muslim. There’s a billion people on the planet that are Muslims, and I think that experience is a big deal.”
During his CNN appearance today, Kerrey denied that his remarks were an effort to “stir up” talk about Obama and Islam.
Maybe the Clark County GOP read the Huffington Post to get it’s info. Either way they should have stayed out of it and let the democrats bring up Obamas ties to Islam.
You liberals are really pathetic! I’d ask, but I’m sure the color of your sky is always “pink”. Racism? SOME UNDENIABLE TRUTHS:
1) Undeniable. The GOP was founded to eliminate slavery. The democrats fought ’em. It was called the “American Civil War”. Some of you may have heard of it. Thank God Lincoln (A REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!!!) and the GOP led NORTH won.
2) UNDENIABLE: Both the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act were passed because of OVERWHELMING MAJORITIES of REPUBLICANS in BOTH HOUSES overcame the democrats who fought tooth and nail against these bills. STUDY HISTORY: THESE ARE INDISPUTABLE TRUTHS. Everett Dirksen was a great man, not a member of the Klan like Clinton’s mentor, Fulbright, or Byrd, or anyone of countless other DEMOCRATS including the founder of the Klan: “Nathan Bedford Forrest (a registered Democrat)”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Racism?!?! You Democrats founded the KLAN! You separated from the States to fight the Republicans who eliminated slavery! Hypocrites!!!!
No, Will was serious. I asked several clarifying questions in order to understand his ground rules, and it was made abundently clear to me that if I pony up $25, I pick the nature of the thread. While I won’t say that’s tantamount to telling the Blithering Blethen’s what their Sunday lead editorial ought to be, it’s close…real close.
And tempting…real tempting.
The Piper
Proud to be an Ass says: Until you and others denounce headless lucy, I will stay mute on these topics. Remember that was 2005.
Got that?
Is that plain enough for you?
Did I make myself clear?
Dismissed by your own Prejudice!
Eh hombre, the issue is Goldy lack of denunciation. That’s all I asked. That’s all PacMan asked. But he’s chosen to be mute, and then has the audacity to place that article above. How can he look at himself in the mirror and not be the Pot or the Kettle?
Untrue…Can’t remember exactly when it was, but the upper case poster who said some despicable things was called out by me, although I do find the indignation of the HA Happy Hooligans to be quite selective.
But selective or not, right is right and wrong is wrong.
The Piper
Nice try, but Kerrey was not suggesting Obama was a terrorist. In fact, Kerrey’s larger statement gives better context:
Later, he was asked to explain his statement:
Very different message from the email hoax that the Clark County wingnuts posted, which is basically insinuated that Obama is a black radical Muslim who has vowed to destroy America.
Puddy: Where is the outrage for Huckabee and the confederate flag? or bush for that that matter in SC? They are using symbols of slavery and the racist south to appeal to southern white voters (still!).
the republicans have played the race card (since Willy Horton) using code words.
Were you out marching on MLK day?
I read the Vancouver offering, and had it been my decision, it would never have seen the light of day.
Set aside for the moment the literal “truth” of any of the individual assertions, the overall context of the totality of the piece is misleading and very inappropriate.
The “race” card or the “religion” card get slapped often and hard these days…by BOTH parties. Let’s all snicker about the number of wives Mitt Romney might have stashed somewhere or how Mike Huckabee is a Bible-thumping low-life hick. According to a lot of the HA Happy Hoolihaters, that’s all fair game and appropriate commentary because, when it comes to Republicans, nothing is out of bounds and the gutter’s the limit.
I find the Vancouver piece on Obama both disturbing and offensive. Don’t you find some of the stuff that’s said on this blog to be the same?
The Piper
Roger Rabbit says: You don’t seem to have a problem with the alleged “racism” on this blog, or you would have been gone long ago — if you had any self-respect.
alleged “racism”? What are you kidding? Ever been called a house n^@@3r before Pelletizer? I still haven’t seen your denunciation. Where is it ROGER RABBIT. FUR ON YOUR TONGUE?
Mamma told me to attack assholes with all due vehemence. I do have a problem with it. But I don’t run away. Sure PacMan told me to leave, but I made a deal where I would lead the charge. I disagree with his decision but we agree in the fact, there are many worthless racists here.
And you proved to me with your Clinton choice your fit right in with t e other 16%ers.
Pud- if you’re harping on posts from 2005, I can only say, get a life.
correctnotright says: Nothing important. Just joining to the conversation with psychobabble.
Go back to your subculture please.
See post #51. When the 16%ers deliver I’ll deliver.
Who gives a flying fuck what any of these dumb-ass politicians’ religions are? They’re all a bunch of power-hungry assholes. Why else would they spend so much damn money to get a job that only pays $250,000 per year?
Here’s a clue: everyone is racist to some degree. Controlling it is what’s key to getting along.
Cmik @ 49- have you been paying attention since 1968? Remember the southern strategy?
ASSWIPE@30: End of the Road Pelletizer. You are a ignorant of American History as The Eugenics_Project(YLB)
In the early 1900s progressives, the ones Hilary love, were eugenicists, race haters, and women haters – misogynists as most of you want to slew here. I already proved it here with he URLs placed last week. Scared of the truth?
Where is your denunciation of headless lucy? And you dare to speak to me of anything? You are a racist bitch, and certified bestiality lover. Go fuck a rabbit!
Pelletizer@29: Ever use your dick for something relevant, cause your surely wasted your mind in this lifetime.
Roger Rabbit: “A Republican accusing Goldy of racism is like Hitler accusing Churchill of mass murder.”
Progressives – Democrats in the early 1900s.
Goldy – NEW Progessive democrat today. Where is his voice against headless lucy since Sept 9 2005? I still haven’t seen it here. PacMan pleaded with Goldy to denounce him.
Goldy chose otherwise, so did PacMan.
You know who’s a real man? GBS. He denounced headless lucy and he met us for lunch. He’s a real man. What are you”rabbit”, besides a fucker of animals! Or is that just in your mind. Such a terrible thing!
Piper Scott,
“No, Will was serious.
I suspect the intent of his post was humor, not to seriously solicit commissioned pieces.
“I asked several clarifying questions in order to understand his ground rules, and it was made abundently clear to me that if I pony up $25, I pick the nature of the thread.
Don’t you think he was jerking your chain? Yeah…if you gave him a pizza he might write on a topic, but it would be a big joke and the post would make the nature of the “commissioned” post amply clear.
“While I won’t say that’s tantamount to telling the Blithering Blethen’s what their Sunday lead editorial ought to be, it’s close…real close.”
Hogwash. You seem to have lost perspective on the difference between a BLOG (generically: people posting on the internet whatever the hell they want to write about for whatever reason motivates them to write) and a newspaper.
In any case, your (currently hypothetical) scenario of giving Will pizza for a post is irrelevant to my original comment. I strongly suspect the real topic of such a commissioned post would likely be “Haaa! Piper Scott actually gave me a pizza to write on this stupid-ass topic!”
“And tempting…real tempting.”
Go for it…it is always fun to have you serve as the butt of a another joke, Piper Scott.
You are a sanctimonius bore, Pud. You play google games to prove what others don’t know then spout rage at perceived slights. I have no interest in looking back at posts going back YEARS. And I have condemned the nature of discourse here as being at times all heat and no light. Your heat to light ratio is nothing to brag about.
Steve@39: Link doesn’t work.
K: You are a guvmint moron. Sure you generalize this and that, but you are right there aren’t you? And I’m the sanctimonius bore? You are as abrasive as Pelletizer! You prove my Puddystudy on HorsesASSHoles racism just now.
Where is your headless lucy direct retort? MIA like the other 16%ers.
Oh you can kiss my IVY League Black Ass too.
K: headless lucy went there with another 24/7 in November.
That’s 2007. Being an ignorant lefty with no memory is par for the course!
@57 I didn’t see anyone call you a “house n^@@3r” (as you put it). If you provide a link, I’ll be happy to denounce it. Racism is unacceptable; you suck for other reasons, but I won’t tolerate the use of racial epithets or anyone else.
against you or anyone else.
darryl you dont you understand fuck that simple enough for your one cell brain
@41 We liberals gotta eat, too! If you don’t like our fundraisers, then give US the next big tax break instead of keeping it for yourselves.
Roger the Pelletizer: Why do I have to do your work for you? Do you ever read anything at all besides the worthless psychobabble you place in pixels? I and PacMan and Marvin Stamn and Mark the Redneck Goldstein reposted it last fall 2007. We all found it. Want to see it again – Go back to September 14 & 15 2005? Or Google it field and house.
Or better yet, ask the moron himself. I know he’s lurking in the shadows reading this thread. Headless, come on out and admit it.
@73 Which brings up another subject — how the tax system favors NOT WORKING.
Marginal tax rate on worker making $50,000 a year: 32.65% (25% income tax = 7.65% FICA tax)
GOP-proposed tax rate on $50 million inheritances: 0%
GOP-proposed tax rate on corporate income: 0%
GOP-proposed tax rate on capital gains: 0%
GOP-proposed tax rate on dividends: 0%
Funny how the only thing Republicans are willing to tax is LABOR. Sooooo … why should anyone work?
I don’t work. I used to, but I gave that up after the GOP-controlled Congress punished working by taxing it 3 times as much as flipping stocks, which is how I make money now. Sitting on my fat rabbit ass in front of a computer screen pushing little virtual dollar signs in circles is much more rewarding than working, and is taxed far less, so why should I work or produce anything? I’m just sayin’ …
@44 Are you really this stupid? Note: Don’t embarrass yourself even more by trying to answer that question, because you’ll certainly make a hash of it.
@45 C’mon, Darryl, there’s no shame in admitting we’ll work for food. We do it all the time. Only Republicans think they’re too good to WORK for food.
I dropped a Puddybomb on you in thread 4154. Go read it!
Re: 54. Sorry for the delay but i was informed dinner was ready and had to eat.
In response to your spin of Kerrey’s statements. I never said Kerrey said Obama was a terrorist. All I did was post his statements implying that Obama was a Muslim. In case you don’t have a TV it was all over the news as well.
Your post of his further comments stating that “Obama is black and I think that is great” reinforces his implacation that “Obama is Muslim and he thinks that is great too. IE: we all know Obama is black and we all know Obama is Muslim. I personally like Obama and don’t care if he is Muslim, Jewish, Catholic or Born Again. I won’t vote for him because he associates with liberals.
Darreyl, I can see why you are here with the rest of us on HA instead of spinning for the Clinton Crime Family.
You aren’t very good at it.
One other thing about Goldy’s post and the racism remark. Muslim is a religion not a race Goldy.
If you want to see racism look at the exit poll numbers for demcrat voters in New Hampshire and Nevada.
@48 “Maybe the Clark County GOP read the Huffington Post to get it’s info.”
Maybe you’d like to provide a link for this — or would you prefer to admit you simply peeled this bullshit off your toilet wall?
Gee Puddy – are you obsessing about a posting 2 years ago that was supposedly racist? I wasn’t even reading this blog then.
In the meantime – I have yet to hear you critisize your favorite republicans who use code words to appeal to southern whites….
or the above clark county republicans using a pathetic smear against Obama.
Psychobabble is what your conscience is doing when it confronts your republican beliefs. That is your excuse for not confronting the explicit racism in the republican party.
Instead – you babble on about some post from 2005 that I have never even seen. Grow up and live in the real world.
@49 You have to go back 50 years to find a Democrat racist. We don’t have to go back in time at all to find Republican racists — today’s GOP is full of ’em.
Re: 80, I did provide the link rabbit. It’s that thing you can click on that takes you to another website.
@51 You? Stay mute?
Pudhole- not my job to keep track of Lucy and jump on her alleged sins. I am an intermittent reader and poster, and I let days go by without commenting. One constant is your aggressive obnoxiousness, and borderline stalker behavior.
And I might say of my many accomplishments, my Ivy League credentials are on the low end of the scale. Perhaps you peaked at college.
You’ve got a hell of a nerve for criticizing others for selective outrage. You consistently refuse to engage when challenged on Republican wrongs.
You’ve already gotten more of my time then you deserve.
Checking out
Since Roger Rabbit is obviously a “victem” of Seattle Public schools and can’t read to well I will repost the link formally posted with my first post on this subject. 2007/12/17/kerrey-says-obama-a ttende_n_77209.html
Oh but correctnotright: As I said earlier to The Eugenics_Project(YLB) I only say something once. If I choose to say it again I will as it’s my choice. So you weren’t here in 2005? Well go and search the HorsesASSHoles archives. You’ll see my official answer on that to GBS.
Google works just fine in most cases.
@57 “And you proved to me with your Clinton choice your fit right in with t e other 16%ers.”
Is this supposed to be a subtle way of calling ME a racist? Or are you wandering off-topic in your own comment?
I suppose if you consider my attitude toward the human race to be “racism,” then maybe you’re right. Humans are in the bottom 10% of the evolutionary scale, and probably aren’t long for this world. After you humans are gone, the forests and meadows and grasslands will grow back again, and there will be lots of habitat for RABBITS. The post-human world will be run by rabbits, and I’ll be their king. So — fuck the human race.
@63 “Go fuck a rabbit!”
Break out the champagne! This is the first useful idea you’ve had in your entire miserable useless life.
@63 (continued) P.S., I certainly will. Can never have too many rabbits.
I am NOT going to try to justify this behavior by exploring who else belongs under the same rock with these scorpions and millipedes. The stuff you refer to on this blog is not done in the name of the Democratic part and the mainstream stuff by the editors has never passed this boundary.
Moreover, UNAMERICANISM is NOT a matter of partty. Or ought not to be. Jo McCarty, Father Coughlin, Farrakhan, all of this is the wrong anf none of it justifies any other.
FWIW I called Rossi headquarters today and expressed my hope that DR would immediately disown this hate and demand that the guilty parties in Clark County be immediately expelled from any party activity.
You know that I have opposed CG for her behavior toward DR in the last campaign, this is far worse. It makes me want to vote against republicans per se, regardless of any other
postive feelings I may have.
I seem to have irritated poor puddy. (pause) Poor, poor, puddy. (snicker)
K- The moron you are headless is a man!
Borderline stalker. Ummmm… clue for your small mind. I attack racism, stupidity and idiocy. It exists all over here. When I am making money I am not here. As to last Friday, I went away for a long while.
I peaked in college? If you knew who I am in real life you’d be eating those words. Nuff said. I don’t need to brag about myself, as my work speaks volumes for me. As JSA about my mental acumen! Maybe you’ll STFU for a change.
@64 What’s wrong with fucking rabbits? But, I lack your human perspective.
@64 (continued) I could easily go to a porn site to find a photo of a naked human female, and cut and paste it here, and say, “You fuck THAT?!!! And you criticize me for fucking rabbits?!!!” but this is a family-oriented web site, so I’ll spare you the photo.
@39 .. sorry, the link to SJ should be /
I never go there myself
puddy @ all — poor puddy seems to be losing it tonight. Wonder if he’s been drinking?
@72 “yo” is a contraction of “yahoo” (as in “trailer park yahoo”) and is properly spelled “y’o.” Like most wingnuts, y’o can’t even spell his own fucking name.
Rob@86: Yes that was a nice post.
Yes Pelletizer, to your ignorant mind I be losing it. To a person who cares about their race I am a champion.
You can’t figger out the difference.
@74 Who’s asking you to do my work? I never suggested that. I couldn’t give you my work even if I wanted to because I don’t have any work. I live like a Republican now.
See #75.
SeattleJew: How do I contact you directly? What I say will be personal and direct.
101: You wrote “If you provide a link, I’ll be happy to denounce it.”
You can’t even remember what you wrote an hour ago!
Pathetic Pelletizer.
You include calling people Nazi’s in that?
The Piper
@83 I don’t see anything in the Huffington article that supports the Clark County GOP’s smear against Obama. All I see is that Kerrey is mistaken about Obama have attended a madrass, and a discussion of where that falsehood originated and how it was debunked.
Pelletizer: Please post that picture where you are the middle rabbit in a three rabbit scrum. You know the one where you were giving it and getting it at the same time.
@86 What makes you think I went to Seattle public schools? In fact, I grew up in another state and came to Washington after college. You’re as stupid as you look, rob.
@99 Apart from the factual errors and rote wingnuttism it contains …
Sorry, Darryl, sucks to be you…Here’s what Will actually said (Lee read it too):
“15. Will says:
@ 14
Piper, if you’re serious about buying my services, this is how it works:
Donate 25 bucks (Pagliacci isn’t cheap) to Goldy’s Paypal account (on the right hand column of the page) and when I get confirmation that it’s in there, I’ll get back to you for topic ideas.
Costco pizza is awful!
01/13/2008 at 5:24 pm”
In addition, I found the source of Rabbit’s oft bragged about wealth:
Selling pies to the French?
The Piper
Correctnotright:”that was supposedly racist”
Okay you need proof:
“Puddybud is a house nigger. But he knows enough not to leave the house at night.” -Comment by headless lucy 9/16/05 @ 12:00 am …
That’s just one of them.
Re: 106. Like I said Rabbit, you must be a victem of Seattle Puplic Schools and can’t read to good. Here is my quote for the SPC Reading impared.
“Maybe the Clark County GOP read the Huffington Post to get it’s info. Either way they should have stayed out of it and let the democrats bring up Obamas ties to Islam.”
It is curious that the liberal “tolerant” left believes that showing Obama’s ties the the Muslim Relegion is somehow a “SMEAR”
Why does the left hat Muslims so much?
I think it would be racist to keep Osama’s name off the ballot if he doesn’t win the democrat nomination for Prez. We are the democrat party and need diversity of choice in our candidates.
re: 112 hate
@100 It would be interesting to know how many members of your “race” (as you indelicately put it) consider you their “champion.” I’d start by asking them what Republicans like you have done for them lately.
Speaking of “nice,” it would be nice if you’d be a champion of your country, instead of a champion of a race, party, or ideology, for a change. Of course, it’s axiomatic that you can’t be a Republican and a champion of America and its principles at the same time.
@107 Don’t say I never did anything for you, puddy.
Re: 113, You should talk to your racist brother and sister democrats about that. According to all polls white democrats are overwhelming supporting The Clinton Crime Family while black democrats are overwhelming supporting Obama.
@111 That’s a disgusting comment. It has no place on a liberal blog. Headless lucy is hereby censured.
Thanks Pelletizer. So as the middle rabbit were you Pelletizing or getting Pelletized?
@112 ” … Seattle Puplic Schools … can’t read to good …”
Wow Pelletizer. Censured? You can’t censure anyone here. Only Goldy can. He chooses not too.
@113 Just what this blog needs — another wingnut pretending to be a democrat (your choice of large “D” or small “d”).
@114 While you’re at it, why don’t you also fix “Puplic” (Public), “to” (too), and “impared” (impaired)?
Next sick comment: YOU ARE A NIGGER. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT. YOU CAN BE OUT IN MASSA”S COTTONFIELDS (and you will) WHEN HE SEES FIT. -Comment by headless lucy— 9/14/05
Want to see more nevercorrectnotright? Now you see why he is disgusting?
Yet Goldy can’t denounce this!
@114 (continued) And you accuse ME of having gone to Seattle Public Schools?
Oh but there is more boys and girls.
Now you see why PacMan left.
@119 I happen to be on top, but what business is that of yours? We’re just feral rabbits. So why do you try to hold us to human standards of behavior (ugh)?
I agree with you on that Pud – a racist and gratuitous comment.
‘Nough said.
Re: 125, Pitiful try at changing the subject. It is in the liberal playbook though so I can’t fault you for being a lemming. All liberals are lemmings.
Thanks correctnotright.
@121 I censured headless lucy. What you like me to do it again, just to prove I can? Headless lucy, that comment was out of line, and I hereby censure you for it.
BTW correctnotright, he said more much more…
Okay Roger I accept your comment.
Wow two people tonight…
@124 Most likely Goldy didn’t see it, although I’m not Goldy (regardless of what Xmasghost believes) and can’t speak for Goldy. If I were him, I’d condemn it.
Correctnotright, did you take your history lesson in link 4154?
I ask you because it’s proven the Eugenics_Project(YLB) is an American History idiot!
Even taking into account that you may be lifting HL’s comments out of context and HL may have used the term in a satirical or tongue-in-cheek manner, I don’t approve of any use whatsoever of that language.
Roger@135: Very much doubt it. If you navigate back to those days, we asked Goldy to denounce it.
I hope you enjoyed your dinner…but fear you had a little too much wine.
“I never said Kerrey said Obama was a terrorist.”
And I never said you said that…so there! That was the implication of the Clark County Wingnut post.
“All I did was post his statements implying that Obama was a Muslim. In case you don’t have a TV it was all over the news as well.”
I don’t watch TV, but that’s irrelevant. Kerrey’s statements were not implying that Obama was a Muslim. They were stating that his heritage offered his some significant strengths in (1) inspiring African American youth, and (2) working with 1/6 of the worlds population. His statement was factual and positive. On the other hand, I would have preferred him to hold his tongue until after the primary.
Here is a comparison I might offer. Remember the 2000 South Carolina smear campaign against McCain, in which a push poll asked likely McCain voters, “Would your opinion of Sen. McCain change if you knew he had fathered a black child?”
This isn’t directly a lie, because it poses it as a hypothetical. But, it relied on the fact that McCain has a “dark child” that he and his wife adopted from Bangladesh. It was an unethical spear a la the Clark County Wingnuts. Now compare that to a statement like, “McCain and his wife understand the issues that infertile couples go through in trying to adopt a child because he and his wife adopted a child from Bangladesh.” I suppose some McCain supporters might call this a smear—suggesting McCain is impotent, or highlighting that they adopted a Bangladeshi child instead of an American child, etc. That, it seems to me, is what happened with the Kerrey statement.
“Obama is black and I think that is great” reinforces his implacation that “Obama is Muslim and he thinks that is great too.”
No…Kerrey was simply, and factually, pointing out that Obama is black (something the press seems to do on an hourly basis), and pointing out how Kerrey believes this is a strength.
“I personally like Obama and don’t care if he is Muslim, Jewish, Catholic or Born Again. I won’t vote for him because he associates with liberals.”
Yeah…well, I suspect Kerrey’s statement wasn’t targeted to you wingnuts.
“Darreyl, I can see why you are here with the rest of us on HA instead of spinning for the Clinton Crime Family. You aren’t very good at it.”
Or…um…maybe I’m not spinning anything. Ever considered that?
“One other thing about Goldy’s post and the racism remark. Muslim is a religion not a race Goldy.”
You missed the point. John McCain’s child isn’t black, and the question was hypothetical, but the S. Carolina smear campaign was certainly racist.
“If you want to see racism look at the exit poll numbers for demcrat voters in New Hampshire and Nevada.”
What the fuck???????
@137: Now you just became Pelletizer again. I suggest you go back and see the threads.
You got to love the donks. Sounds sort of like their ancestors arguing about the knot they used when lynching their last black guy. heehhehehe
@129 Changing the subject? It was you who brought up Seattle Public Schools (and you couldn’t even spell it right, but that’s a different issue). The subject of your comment is your unfounded assertion that the cavemen running the Clark County GOP web site lifted their slime from Huffington. To which I say, bullshit! Your response was to post a link to an article whose principal thesis is that Clark County GOP’s principal thesis — Obama is a closet Muslim and/or attended a madrass — is false. How, exactly, does linking to that article prove your point? It seems to me it proves the reverse.
@133 You’re welcome. Racial comments have no place in our society.
@138 Taking you at your word, I can’t speak for Goldy, but my opinion is that it should be denounced.
@137 I’m not going to spend time doing that, nor is there any reason to. My denunciation here is unequivocal and I haven’t qualified it in any way. Regardless of what the context or intent was, as I stated above, I disapprove of any use of that language in any context. There is too much history underneath it to consider it anything but mala prohibitum.
@145 is in respone to #140.
in response to
@51: Duddypud sez: “Proud to be an Ass says: Until you and others denounce headless lucy, I will stay mute on these topics.”
Rabbit has obliged you. Well, in the same spirit, so do I.
OK, your turn, fuckwad.
More mute?
More scatalogical ‘dismissed with predjudice’?
Com’on fuckwad–speak.
Shallow fucking fool.
I hate to see you victimized by racial name-calling, puddy, but that doesn’t change the fact you’re a wingnut. Remember what I said in the ad hoc HA posting rules: No mercy for wingnuts! We’re not going to let up on you until you see the light and abandon your Republican ways. To reiterate another one of the ad hoc posting rules, our terms are unconditional surrender.
Re: 139, Darryl, I am sorry you are unable to see what the rest of the United States saw in Bob Kerrey’s comments including the Huffington Post (which several authors have written extensively on). He was in the opinio of majority of citizens of this fine country trying to connect Obama to the Muslim Religion in that all Americans know that there are certain factions of that religion who hate us and want to kill us. I am sure this is a news flash for you. If you have a different opinion than the rest of us you are entitled to it. Kerrey’s repeated use of Obama’s middle name (Hussien) is something that liberal blogs have been slamming republicans for since Obama got in the race for president. Of course you are not a consumer of news by your own admission so “Who Knew?”
Regarding the smear on McCain with the push polls implcating he might have fathered a black child, How about Bob Kerrey pointing out that Barak Obama’s middle name is Hussein, his father is a Muslim, his paternal grandmother is a muslim and he attendended a secular Madrassa (in your endorsment speech for The Clinton Crime Family. You seem to be the only one I have heard defending his statements.
Regarding your statement.
“Obama is black and I think that is great” reinforces his implacation that “Obama is Muslim and he thinks that is great too.”
No…Kerrey was simply, and factually, pointing out that Obama is black (something the press seems to do on an hourly basis), and pointing out how Kerrey believes this is a strength.
In case you missed it, he said the same thing about Obama’s Muslim ties.
Regarding Muslim as a race, here is Gody’s opening statement. I see nothing in it or his entire post about John McCain? You need to quit smoking that stuff! I am serious, you are really a very poor spinner of facts or are impaired.
Goldy says,
“Apparently, shamelessly racist smear campaigns aren’t limited to anonymous emails anymore, what with the Clark County Republican Party’s official website front-paging the “Barack Obama is a Muslim” hoax:”
As for my statement to look at he polls from Nevada and New Hamphire regarding democrat racism.
All Polls show that white democrats overwhelmingly supported The Clinton Crime Family while black democrats overwhelmingly supported Obama.
I will await your pathethic spin on those numbers.
Newsweek has a fascinating lede this week: The impending destruction of the GOP as a viable force in American politics, which is now so obvious even the MSM can’t ignore it. Some choice quotes:
“The president has left his party in a precarious state. But the GOP candidates running in the wake of his wreckage can learn much from his failures.”
“The … GOP’s core ideology — lower taxes, stronger defense, conservative social values — was a story that voters could follow. … President George W. Bush has squandered that trust.”
“The Democrats have a fundamental advantage in 2008: none of them is George W. Bush.”
“Political eras, in modern times, have not been wiped away in landslides. … This time around, however, the Republicans appear poised on a precipice.”
“[I]t is … likely that the long run of Republican dominance in national politics is coming to an abrupt end.”
“Bush himself appears to be playing a movie in his mind of ultimate redemption … hop[ing] … that future historians will regard him as a latter-day Harry Truman. Grover Cleveland, or some other 19th-century mediocrity, is probably more like it ….”
@150 Come back after you figure out what the article actually says. Until then, no reply is necessary or useful.
In any case, why should anyone care what Kerrey says? He holds no office, isn’t running for anything, and has no following.
Re: 151, Newsweek wrote a negative article about repubilcans? What would be worth a post rabbit is if you could find anything in newsweeks history where they wrote a positive article about republicans. This blog has more influence than newsweek unless you are part of the choir.
re: 153, In case you also don’t watch the news Kerrey is a surrogate for The Clinton Crime Family.
I am watching the rerun of the democrat debate, the Hildabeast has already been booed twice by democrats. Priceless!
Very heavy stupid again tonight.
Everyone: the ONLY kind of satisfaction PuddyIdiot should receive is the on-coming runaway train called
NOV 2008.
That’s all he should get. ALL. Period. End of story.
Always remember: you don’t take orders from the likes of him.
@155 No, Kerrey is merely a political has-been who is shilling for Hillary.
Re: 158, Is there a differnce there? No
@157 See #149 — no one is giving pudwhacker “satisfaction” — only an opportunity to throw in the towel.
@159 WTF are you talking about?
rob @ all — I’m supporting Hillary. If you don’t like it, suck on it. Altrenatively, you can kiss my cute cottontail! For a good time call 1-900-LICK-ROG. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Re: 162, I wouldn’t expect anything less from a white democrat.
I hate to see you victimized by racial name-calling
Victimized? The asshole plays the victim to get some sort of twisted ego gratification and satisfaction. Then he turns around and brags what a great guy he is and that people who make less than 50k are stupid.
Nuts, pure and simple.
Bwahhhaaahhhaaaa, did you guys know that John Edwards dad worked in a mill?(#1,000,000,9999 my dad worked in a meeiiil) If there is anything you know about that hack lawyer is that his dad worked in a mill and he keeps repeating it.
Does that strike a cord with liberals?
@165 Of course he’s full of shit.and nuts too. I’ve never said differently. At the same time, I condemn any and all use of racially charged language, in any and all contexts — that’s not personal to puddy, it victimizes our entire society, and we all — not just puddy — deserve better than that.
Saying that is not catering to puddy, it’s simply reaffirming a core value of liberalism and the Democratic Party — namely, that we as liberals and Democrats insist on a color-blind society.
Hey Everyone:
Anyone feel like signing the Puddybud ego gratification pledge?
I, so and so, declare myself a racist because I don’t denounce anyone Puddybud doesn’t like at exactly the time and in the exact words he orders me to.
I also pledge to join the Republican party which is the paragon of virtue. Anything like the Clark County smear of Obama is just another “moonbat” plot.
Oh and I’ll dance to any other tune Puddybud cares to whistle.
A Total Idiot
@163 What does my ethnicity have to do with it, and why do you mention it?
@168 You’re going overboard. Nobody says you have to like puddy. We can criticize racist remarks without endorsing the guy.
167 – That’s ok to affirm those values but remember it’s not enough for you and Darryl to do that. He wants Goldy to do it as well.
He called everybody here “racist enablers”. He’s not going to stop even at Goldy.
Bullshit on that – he deserves NOTHING.
Re: 169, because the democrat party is showing their racism, white democrats in New Hampshire and Nevada voted overwhelmingly for The Clinton Crime Family and black democrats voted the same for Obama.
Any other questions? You and Darryl should watch the news.
172 – Asshole. Iowa is 98 percent white and voted strongly for Obama. Plenty of blacks support Hillary.
Race has nothing to do with this. You’re just a fucking jerk.
It’s your party that has exploited race. McCain in 2000, South Carolina? And now this Clark County thing?
Robtard I bet you got one of those “Hussein” Obama e-mail didn’t you? You bought the fear-mongering hook line and sinker.
@171 “He called everybody here ‘racist enablers’.”
Puddy says a lot of things that lack validity. In fact, nearly everything he says is bullshit. I don’t give a shit what he or his ilk all me — considering the source. I’d worry if they started liking me.
call me
@172 If you’re intent was to insinuate that I’m supporting Hillary because Obama is black, you’re dead wrong about that buddy. I explained my reasons on this blog. You can take your racist crap and shove it up your ass with a stick — or, if you want to come to my burrow, I’ll do it for you.
your not you’re
Re: 173,
Obama, Polls, and Race
Tonight, despite all the talk of how little race matters in this campaign, it is clear that race is still a big deal in bi-racial campaigns. And it has showed up for the first time, in a measurable way, in the 2008 presidential race.
Yos Libtard, when you have something else other than your biased BC bud induced opinion come back and talk to me.
Although you are free to spout your uneducated opinion wherever they will let you, just don’t attack me with it. I will prove you wrong everytime.
RE: 176, You and the rest of the white democrats can come up with whatever excuse you want. The numbers don’t lie though. I would love to come to your whatever and let you try. Most people on this blog don’t think you exist though so where would I find you?
RE: 177, Seattle Public School victem.
@179 Let me know when you’re coming to DL and I’ll make a point of attending.
Meantime, kiss my ass.
Bwahhhaaahhhaaaa, did you guys know that John Edwards dad worked in a mill?(#1,000,000,9999 my dad worked in a meeiiil) If there is anything you know about that hack lawyer is that his dad worked in a mill and he keeps repeating it.
Does that strike a cord with liberals?
So Robtard, you believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama is a devout Muslim and swore his oath of office on a Koran?
Did you get one of those e-mails asshole? Why is that shit being distributed among Republicans?
And are you logically deducing that even though IA Dems who are mostly white voted for Obama just because Hillary won the next two states that automatically means all Dems are racist?
I will attack you because you are not making any sense at all and you can’t accept the fact that race baiting and fear mongering is used to motivate the base of your party.
My daddy did work in the mill asshole. He served three months and got three purple hearts before being discharged 9 years later.
Re: 181, I don’t associate with liberals sorry and evidently no one has seen you at DL? What’s up with that since you are resposible for the majority of posts on this blog. We can meet anywhere you want other that with a bunch of libtards.
Re: 184, I said on another thread on this blog that Borak Obama was not a Muslim. PERIOD.
I don’t agree with Bob Kerrey and the Clinton Crime Family.
“I am sorry you are unable to see what the rest of the United States saw in Bob Kerrey’s comments including the Huffington Post (which several authors have written extensively on).”
Hogwash…all you have offered is a couple of non-representative anecdotes. (Sheesh…it is difficult carrying on an intelligent conversation with people who cannot properly evaluate evidence!)
The example of the McCain statement about adoption was specifically to point out that some supporters of McCain would, no doubt, cry foul—even if the statement was given in earnest. So, I am not surprised that some supporters of Obama have cried foul. And the opinion of Republicans are completely irrelevant—Kerrey was addressing Democrats in making his statement. (BTW: I am completely neutral about the D. candidates—I’ll wholly support Obama, Clinton or Edwards fully—so the truly negative statements released by all three campaigns have all pissed me off).
“He was in the opinio of majority of citizens of this fine country trying to connect Obama to the Muslim Religion in that all Americans know that there are certain factions of that religion who hate us and want to kill us.”
So? That’s one opinion.
“I am sure this is a news flash for you. If you have a different opinion than the rest of us you are entitled to it.”
Uh-huh. I suspect that I read a hell of a lot more liberal blogs and press than you, and you are incorrect in feeling that even a majority of liberals found Kerrey’s statement offensive. Some did…no doubt. But, not all, and there is no evidence that “most” did.
“Kerrey’s repeated use of Obama’s middle name (Hussien) is something that liberal blogs have been slamming republicans for since Obama got in the race for president.”
Ummm…but he didn’t make repeated use of his last name. He used it once in his original statement. Later in the day, when asked to elaborate, he used it once again.
“Of course you are not a consumer of news by your own admission so “Who Knew?””
(Oh brother…more wingnut idiocy!) I said I don’t watch TV. You know…it is the idiots who think that TV is the only medium around who pose a greater danger to the U.S. than al Qaeda/Iran/Communists, etc.
“Regarding the smear on McCain with the push polls implcating he might have fathered a black child, How about Bob Kerrey pointing out that Barak Obama’s middle name is Hussein, his father is a Muslim, his paternal grandmother is a muslim and he attendended a secular Madrassa (in your endorsment speech for The Clinton Crime Family.”
Ummm…I don’t think he said anything about attending a secular Madrassa! Conspiracy theories notwithstanding, Kerrey’s statement was a pretty straightforward statement of how being black and of Muslim heritage is a positive attribute for being President.
“You seem to be the only one I have heard defending his statements.’
Just to be clear, I am not defending Kerrey’s statements, per se, in that I don’t think they were the wisest thing for him to say during a primary. Rather, I am calling bullshit on YOUR comment that Kerrey was intentionally smearing Obama and that his statement was, in any way, equivalent to the Clark County Wingnuttery posting lies about Obama.
The CCW were implicitly WARNING REPUBLICANS about Obama as a black, Muslim man bent on destroying America, using some factual statements and some overt lies. Kerrey was plainly stating how being a black man of Muslim ancestry was a big positive (and using true statements).
“Regarding Muslim as a race, here is Gody’s opening statement. I see nothing in it or his entire post about John McCain? You need to quit smoking that stuff! I am serious, you are really a very poor spinner of facts or are impaired.”
You fucking moron…I used the McCain example, not Goldy. Try to keep up!
“As for my statement to look at he polls from Nevada and New Hamphire regarding democrat racism.
All Polls show that white democrats overwhelmingly supported The Clinton Crime Family while black democrats overwhelmingly supported Obama.”
Ummm…first things first. There ARE NO exit polls for Nevada. (There are entrance polls, but those don’t tell one who a person ended up caucusing for.)
So…in the NH exit polls, there are not enough African Americans to even register (see the CNN exit poll results, for example). So all we have is 39% who voted for Clinton and 36% who voted for Obama. How can one determine racism from these numbers (as opposed to, say, a slightly higher percentage of voters thinking Clinton is the better candidate?)
Likewise, in the Iowa entrance polls, 38% went for Obama versus 29% Clinton. How can you test the “reverse discrimination” hypothesis versus voters in that state genuinely finding Obama to be the better candidate??????
It is true that a much higher proportion of African American caucus participants went for Obama in the Arizona entrance polls. Is this racism? Or is this Obama inspiring more blacks to participate?
“I will await your pathethic spin on those numbers.”
Yeah…like you “knew the numbers” without even realizing that there wasn’t an exit poll for Arizona :-) You wingdings crack me up.
Re 188, Darryl, you keep trying to get further away from the facts. Let me help you with them.
1. Goldy implicated racism because some misinformed republican got into the argument about Obama’s religion. I said that Islam is not a race it’s a religion and you brought up John McCain from 2000 and his adopted child as evidence that Goldy comparing race to religion was correct. There is no one with a brain that can follow you on that. Like I said, Goldy didn’t bring up John McCain, why would you while defending him.
Darryl, I know when liberal get bested in a debate they have to resort to name calling because it makes you little concave chest dweebs feel powerful. I would be assured if I was sitting next to you, you would think twice before calling me a “fucking moron” if you don’t believe that we could meet tonight. Got that?, You are part of this blog and you have my email. You can contact me anytime you want to see if you can back that up.
As for the polls on white democrats voting for The Clinton Crime Family and Black Democrats voting for Obama. Look them up yourself and please email me with the results and we can get together and discuss them.
Hmmm still haven’t got your email to meet, from you or roger rabbit. It’s easy to puff up your chest in your mom’s basement, it’s different in the real world.
Have a good night Darryl.
“Goldy implicated racism because some misinformed republican got into the argument about Obama’s religion. I said that Islam is not a race it’s a religion…”
Goldy knows full well that Islam is a religion. The posting is racist not simply because it implied Obama is a Muslim. It is the entire picture painted by the statement. But, I was responding to your statement about Kerrey.
“and you brought up John McCain from 2000 and his adopted child as evidence that Goldy comparing race to religion was correct.”
No I didn’t. I brought it up as an analogy to demonstrate how McCain’s Bangladeshi child could be brought up in two different contexts: a negative context (as was done) and a positive (but hypothetical) context. I then suggested that, as some people have done with Kerrey’s statement, a positive statement can be taken as negative.
“There is no one with a brain that can follow you on that.”
Yeah…I’ve invented the concept of an analogy and will release the secret of it to the world next week so people can follow my nifty new debating technique. Sheesh…Wingnuts.
“Like I said, Goldy didn’t bring up John McCain, why would you while defending him.”
Ummm…first off, because I was not defending Goldy. I was responding to what you wrote 48.
“Darryl, I know when liberal get bested in a debate they have to resort to name calling because it makes you little concave chest dweebs feel powerful.”
Not me…I call people things like “fucking idiot” when they say stupid shit, fail to understand the concept of evidence, argue objectively verifiable things from emotions rather from the evidence, etc. Sorry…these HA comment threads are “edgy.” If you don’t like it, don’t play.
“I would be assured if I was sitting next to you, you would think twice before calling me a “fucking moron” if you don’t believe that we could meet tonight. Got that?” You are part of this blog and you have my email. You can contact me anytime you want to see if you can back that up.”
(*rolls eyes*)
I’ll tell you what Rob…stop by Drinking liberally and I buy you a beer for being so nasty to you. Will that make you feel better?
“As for the polls on white democrats voting for The Clinton Crime Family and Black Democrats voting for Obama. Look them up yourself and please email me with the results and we can get together and discuss them. “
I DID look them up. The problem with entrance (exit) polls is that they only tell you who people will vote or (or have voted) for. They don’t tell you WHY people decided to vote this way or that.
But consider this: Alan Keyes, an African American man, was on the New Hampshire Republican primary ballot. He got a total of 203 votes out of some 233,500 ballots cast in the Republican primary. Does that make the Republicans racist???????
Why or why not?
Well, we are at 192.
It is amazing how little of this thread is substantive.
Maybe I can stimulate some of this by offering a few controversial thoughts, Rabbit style.
Rabbit style, as in rabbit droppings, evenly spaced between massages,
Why do we have the R wing trolls hewre and do they drive intelligent folks away?
On Ronuld Raygun
WADR, my repricanischer brudern, Reagan’s residency was all show and NO GO.
can one of you kindly red staters tell me something he actually achieved besides making you feel so good?
196 and counting …..
I am, concerned about a Mormon in the Presidency. Mormonismk more than just another variant on the Jesus/Astarte/Dinysius/Mithra themes. It puts forward a cosmology and world history that is .. well goofy.
Pipe says he believes in the Christian set of “truths” because he has pure faith. OK, that mjeans when it comes ot moral issues I can not rust Piper unless I have someone spell out for me these rules he follows. How maI, who has no faith in these stories to trust that Piper will do the humane thing? Same for Romney.
Or .. maybe Romney ois onloy a born-a-Mormon. Maybe he does not believe the elders speak for God? If so, sholdn;t he tell us?
Odd. we put anyone who has ever read Pravda through a security ringer buy someone who attends secret meetings once a wekk where the leaders claim t be channleing the truth from the Deities, that is OK??
197 .. and soon we break the 200 barrier.
Where is the line between gotcha and real debate? There si no more difference between Hillrie’s health carfe plan and Obamas than there is between Tweedel dee and tweedle dum. Why do we need to hear a meaningless debate?
What pisses me off si that on hard issues, we get NO debate. If I could get Billary and BHO in a room, across a table, under brigyht lights here is my version of a debate:
1. The US now houses 12 millioj illegals. Deprting this many people would cost tens of billions of dollars. Are you willing to spend that money? If not what is your plan?
2. TH=he US is the only developed country that charges for higher education. Why?
3. The largeet single source of wealth in the USA is an “industry” that generates nearly no jobs. How would you reform the hedge fund industry?
4. George Bush and Richard Chaney have broj=ken several laws. They are not likley to be tried while in office. Should they be tried after leaving office?
moving on .. anyone mad yet?
5. Why is it that the US only has one day named for a specific American, MLK day? Do you think Dr, King would like day named for him or should the day celebrate civil rights and freedom?
6, You claim to be person of faith. Do you have aby atheiest friends?
7. Currently internet businesses cost States billions of dollars in npaid sales taxes. What would you do about this inequity?
8. Should American women serve in frnt line combat units?
9. Should missionaries pay reparitions for cultural genccide?
10. Despite years of effort, no scientist has found evidence that marijuana s as harmful as burgers, coffee, or birth control pills. Should we legalize pot?
11.; Political campaigns in the US have been afflicted by dirty campaigning since Jefferson’s time. What penalties would you impose to stop this?
12. In a low energy world, suburban housing is not systainable. Should the government have buy back/restoration program and convert Bellevue back to apple farms?
2oo and counting ……
13. Can someone tell me if anyone is listen ing to the Li=uke Burbank show??? They stills eem to have sponsors. Makes me use my ipod more!
14 Thgere is a rumpor that Apple has a mod of the iPOD that will be called the iGOD. or was the iDOG??? I do remember I, Robot.
And before i lay me down to sleep ..
The Clark County Repricans pulling this crap off of their site is NOT enough. Someone wrote this. That oerson is guilty of a hate crime … more guilty than f he had burned a cross in front of BHO headquarters.
Why is it illegal to burn a cross but legal to do this?
At a minimum, the GOP should put dunce cpas on these miscreants and pull the out for a Chinese Commie self confession and show trial. Put dunce caps on the fools and have them admit to being fascisti. They can promise to reform or maybe work it out as volunteers in the BHPO campaign spreading rumors about Romney or Giuliani’s underwear o claiming that McC is the Manchirian candidate.
Is this a record yet? And almost none of it dealing with the unamerican freeks form Clark County.
Clueless Goober Fool: At least ProudAss and Pelletizer rejected Headless.
You can’t even reject headless when I place his words on the board.
Dismissed through prejudice!
Regarding the 50K comment, I mentioned the same thing the liberal MSM newspapers mentioned who voted for Heilery in New Hampshire and Clueless decides he will take me to task instead of the papers. That’s okay, as he’s can’t change.
Regarding my other comment on making 50K, he took it out of context. But that’s the way he debates, as a simpleton. Glad he’s not my brother and I wonder what his children will do when they get out and see the world and compare it to their father?
When I mentioned people choose their careers and then they cry about not having the money for the luxuries, they next blame the government because it’s GWB’s fault. Roll the tape. That’s the clueless one here.
ProudASS as I told correctnotright, I already answered the Southern Strategy when GBS asked. If you can’t search the ‘Wipes blog or choose not to search I can’t help you.
Regarding the Clark County screech above, why do I have to answer it now, for you, just because you finally decided to denounce headless today. Where was your mouth before today?
Correctnotright: Your history lesson is still waiting for you to answer on thread 4154…
SeattleJew: are you history ignorant too?
Nixon combined Lincoln and Washington’s birthday back in the early 70s. I didn’t exactly remember the date so I looked it up.
“Until 1971, both February 12 and February 22 were observed as federal public holidays to honor the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln (February 12) and George Washington (February 22).”
Puddy history lesson complete.
ProudAss, this is Goldy’s blog and he can post whatever he chooses. But I as free American can call him on his two-faced actions. So you’ll receive my response on this board about Clark County when Goldy denounces headless.
As I counted 62 loonie lefties (not counting all the names used by headless and his syllojisms) I see 6 have denounced him.
Good job 16%ers.
I mentioned the same thing the liberal MSM newspapers
Yeah and you added the word “stupid” to it. Time and time again you brag about your income and denigrate those who earn less than you.
You don’t fool anyone.
Clueless: Don’t worry, PacMan thinks the same of you too.
That’s right Clueless, they were STUPID to vote for Heilery. That’s what I wrote. Parsing again…
And Clueless I always give glory and honor to God. Who again do you serve?
PacMan thinks the same of you too.
I don’t think much of that fool either.
I always give glory and honor to God.
So you say but you’re always bragging how much better you are than everyone else. Someone who’s secure in their beliefs wouldn’t do that.
And in the past you’ve made the “insurance policy” argument about faith. So you can act like an asshole here as long you give “glory and honor”.
I call bullshit.
Clueless I’ll tell PacMan you said that.
I’m better than you. Of course. Let’s review the tape from another thread.
You are always eviscerated by Piper.
Marvin Stamn has dissects you regularly.
MTR-K makes fun of you to the point you only have one rant against him, pay his debt.
I proved you are an American History moron.
You have problems using simple Excel Spreadsheets.
Yells to everyone take a fake test.
Said GWB rejected Kyoto Protocol when it was never Senate Ratified.
Got caught plagiarizing other people thoughts on HorsesASSHoles.
You think Media Matters is always right.
Never pass your morning coffee without a view of Kos.
And that’s just a starting list. Instead of the Movie Title Running Man, they should make a movie of you called Yelling Man. Only thing it’s in an echo chamber.
How do you debate Clueless Goober Fool? Who do you talk to except the voices in your head?
So you LYAO at your ignorant self? Well, at least someone can laugh at you!
217 – Well there you go.
You and people like you are going to get your comeuppance in Nov.
Look at the stock market – a worldwide meltdown – thanks to you wingnuts and your braindead policies and bankrupt ideology.
Thank you very much for the mess you’ve left. Now excuse us while we clean up after you.
Clueless@218: Changing the subject again?
I post the Best of Clueless on HorsesASS and he runs away.
You are truly Amazing…
Clueless Your hero Jose Padilla got 17Yrs 4 months in prison by a jury of his peers.
I think it’s absolutely hillarious that the Wingnuts here keep using the reference to the “Clinton Crime Family”, although they got zilch from eight years of Special Counsel investigations and partison-funded private lawsuits, other than to prove the President had engaged in one sexual act while in office and lied about it. Funny, lots of prominant Republicans seem to have been caught lately in the same boat. At least Clinton’s dalliance was with a woman.
Obviously, the phrase is an attempt to muddy the waters in the face of Republican criminial activity. Anybody want to compare the number of indictments between the Reagan, Clinton, and Bush II administrations? I’d list them here, but I don’t have time to do the research right now (the list is getting longer every week, and it’s not the Democrats who are adding to it).
Funny how after one year of Republican stonewalling of investigations by the current Congress, the Republicans are trying the “we’ve been investigated enough – it’s time to move forward, not look backwards” approach. I guess if I had the baggage the Republicans are carrying right now, I would be inclined to try the same approach myself.
National Defense? U.S. now has more enemies in the world than seven years ago. Couldn’t seem to anticipate the problems in Iraq which were obvious to just about everyone.
Competence in Management? Can’t even get water to the Superdome for five days, even though news organizations managed to get whole crews there overnight. Watched while bankers and financers made fortunes in giving “signature loans” (i.e., no proof of ability to repay required), then act surprised when the house of cards collapses. (I could go on, but it’s become so commmon that I almost shrug at it anymore).
Fiscal Prudence? Turned a budget surplus into a deficit, wasted money like a sailer on a drunken shore leave, gave no-bid contracts to their buddies, and left us with another budget deficit and added debt which it will take another generation to make right again.
Moral Values? Republicans have held the Evangelicals in toe for years with homophobia and vague promises to do something about abortion, but instead expend all their political capital to give tax cuts to the rich. In the meantime, their moral values have been hanging out for all to see – Congressmen trolling for high-school age Congressional pages, their key supporters being caught with male or female prostitutes, etc., etc., etc.
“Protectiong the Constitution” – leaving aside the illegal wiretaps, etc., lets point out the attempts to subvert the election process (Ohio 2004, for just one example), the use of the Dept. of Justice to penalize opponants for political advantage, etc.
I’m sure there are some well-meaning moderate Republicans somewhere, who value their country and its values more than the whims and greed of those that currently control the party. But it seems to me that they have largly been run out of the party – as the Dept. of Justice firings indicated.
Rhp6033: My friend are you too history deficient.
Did you forget Jorge Cabrera, Johnny Lau, Charlie Trie, no controlling interest 1996 Al Gore. That’s when the Clinton Crime Family was penned…
This came so fast to the Puddymind.
Janet Reno – Waco Attack.
These just a popping into myhead…
and he runs away.
Nope just have other things to do than deal with your bullshit.
Have a nice day!
Stay on Topic Clueless.
RHP6033: More Clinton Crime Family Types. I had to look up this guy’s name to get it correct and I found others too
Grigory Loutchansky. I forgot the T and used an e.
Do a search on Clinton Crime Family – Results 1 – 10 of about 305,000 for Clinton Crime Family
Rhp6033: Revisionist history again. How many times do you post the same crap.
“Competence in Management? Can’t even get water to the Superdome for five days, even though news organizations managed to get whole crews there overnight.”
Another Puddy History Lesson: Do you remember Kathleen Blanco – ex guvnur of LA? Why did she choose to not get reelected?
She got busted when the American Red Cross said Blanco stopped them from delivering the water to the Superdome. As I remember there were seve trailer trucks with water. She didn’t want people in the Superdome. Plain and simple rhp6033.
Why rhp6033 are you so ignorant of history? This is well known, I published link after link here of her stupidity. Her decision making was her downfall!
Fiscal Prudence? Turned a budget surplus into a deficit, wasted money like a sailer on a drunken shore leave, gave no-bid contracts to their buddies, and left us with another budget deficit and added debt which it will take another generation to make right again.
I agree with you here. Ted Stevens, the ass that he is took a page from the Porkmaster himself, $5 Billion in pork and climbing Robert 3K Grand Klagon Byrd. On the net it’s called Byrd Droppings. Ted didn’t help our cause and the liberal MSM gives Byrd a pass on his $5BM while the $233MM was never spent. Why is that rhp6033?
Repukes are a criminal conspiracy, not a political party.
RICO the GOP!!
Moral Values? Republicans have held the Evangelicals in toe for years with homophobia and vague promises to do something about abortion, but instead expend all their political capital to give tax cuts to the rich. In the meantime, their moral values have been hanging out for all to see – Congressmen trolling for high-school age Congressional pages, their key supporters being caught with male or female prostitutes, etc., etc., etc.
Correct again. When we emulate the donkey party in behavior we should be castigated. There is only one party of political debauchery and it’s the donkeys.
Tax cuts for the rich again. Did you miss my posting of how Clinton didn’t help the little people when the truth is known with his fiscal policies? How about those 22+Million $7 hour jobs created I proved through multiple links from lefty sites? It even shut up the Pelletizer for a while. Then his pixel fixation took over again.
Do you remember anything rhp6033?
As far as the screenshot at the top of the thread, where is the racism?
@186 “evidently no one has seen you at DL”
That’s not true — lots of people have seen me at DL. (How would you know, if you’ve never gone there?)
“We can meet anywhere you want other that with a bunch of libtards.”
My offer is on the table. Take it or leave it.
Enough of the comments section on this blog. White closeted faggots pretending to be offended black republicans. What absolute children. Get the hell out of my country. Join the military Pudboy and SHUT UP. All of you. Dino Rossi can’t fix this, either. He’s a closet case himself. Get lives and move away from this cesspool.
Kevin: Such NEW Progressive feelings.
Too old for military….
Very black… GBS met me…
Not a faggot… In fact you should see my previous comments…
Tough for you… was born here…
Will agree Pelletizer and YLB and racist others on the left make this a cesspool.
See ya…
#233 kevin says:
A little homophobic aren’t you Kevin.
You’re in the right place. Chat up headless lucy, the two of you have a lot in common.
@ Stamm
If you can not see racism when it is this blatant you need lessons.
This is no different than a cross burning.
#236 SeattleJew says:
I see them using his alleged religion against him. I believe each paragraph had the word muslim.
Teach me. Where is the racism?
Is Pussy going for the record? Has HA ever hada thread that got to 300?
Go Puddy go .. not that I ever read your blather. Too much to do.
BTW, if any sane person sees something interesting in a Puddy post, could you wake me up?
Go Puudy go.
Marvin ..
“Race” is a wierd word in our society with precious little connection any concept of genetics.
Americans consider Hispanic language, Jewish religion, native american identity, etc a s racial issues.
In fact, to NO ONE’s credit, the govmnt even defines these things as racial.
So, grasshopper, when someone riffs on an American because he is descended form Africans, has an African identity, etc .. we call that racism.
Don’t blame me, I just call it all bigotry and ther eis too fucking much of it. BHO is BHO, I am impressed with the man . GWB is GWB. He is a disaster. Those are not racist comments. PTOH >IF
@234 You got something against cesspools? What do you think the comment threads of rightwing blogs are? I’m a party hack and propagandist. I post a lot of partisan garbage. So do you. The difference is I admit it.
#239 SeattleJew says:
So insulting someone because they are mormon would be racist? What about mocking christians for their beliefs, racist?
So reporting the fact that his father was from africa makes it racist?
KATU TV news in Portland, OR (“Little Beirut”) just had a report on this very thing on their 6pm broadcast.
“There is only one party of political debauchery and it’s the donkeys.” – Puddybud
That is the most retarded thing I’ve ever read. Nothing like reading blowhard BS, its entertaining like Rush, which I’m sure you’ve got your #1 preset station on. “Very selective memory/historical record” describes your facts very well. The MSM is anything BUT liberal. It’s so conservative I can feel the newscasters and editors bursting into their white sheets. GET REAL.
Is it possible to find the original on ClarkCountyGOP using Google cache?