After reading Goldy’s post below, I had to check out whether or not the number of people who voted Yes on I-25 in November 2007 outnumbered the total number of votes cast in the special election they voted to have.
King County Initiative 25 – 11/07
YES 240998
Director of Elections – 2/09
Ballots Cast: 249086
So, either there were really less than 10,000 people who both voted NO on I-25 and then voted in this election, or there were a large number of people who went to the polls in November 2007 to demand that our elections director be elected, then didn’t even have the motivation to fill out a ballot that was sent to their house and mail it back in.
Hooray for apathy!
Oh, come on, Lee! They were probably just too caught up in listening to Rush’s Free Will to bother to send in their ballots.
Don Joe may be correct but then again perhaps they were just too caught up in checking their pants to see if they were free men.
Either way it appears the influence of the KVI gasbags has been overestimated.
The solution is simple: One more February election. This one to repeal I-25. If a dozen of us get together to vote for it, it’ll pass.
Once the February 2009 “e-canvass” datafile is released, it will be possible to examine the entire set of precincts in King County, correlating the percentage of yes votes for I-25 with the percentage of Elections Director votes going to Sherril Huff. My guess is that the correlation is strongly negative — that the lower the support for I-25, the higher the support for
competenceHuff.I’m not volunteering to do the study, but it wouldn’t be that difficult for anyone with a bit of database skills.
@ 2
Do a web search for “rush free will lyrics”.
PS to my comment @4:
It will also be rather interesting to see whether there are appreciable differences in the turnout by precinct and/or by LD and/or by Seattle vs. Eastside.
Don’t be so mean Lee, they just didn’t know who to vote for without that R after the name.