If there is one thing that Americans can agree upon and rally behind is that Elvis Presley was the King.
So it’s just plain ol’ good, smart politics for Rep. Michele Bachmann to head down South today to help celebrate Elvis’ birthday:
Only one problem. It’s a small wrinkle, but one we shouldn’t overlook…today isn’t the anniversary of Elvis’ birth.
It’s the anniversary of Elvis’ death.
Holy shit…someone’s been taking stupid lessons from Sarah Palin!
ok, did you hear sarah palins crazy idea yesterday? she proposes that the government make up a story of an imminent invasion from space so we can gear up ala ww2 and this will fix the economy in 18 months?
manoftruth @ 1,
Shitfaced again, eh?
Shitfaced again, eh?
no,this time i’m sober. didn’t you hear about that?
manoftruth @ 3,
“no,this time i’m sober. didn’t you hear about that?”
What. You’re giving the Massachusetts state patrol DUI teams a couple days of holiday?
Thoughtful of you!
daryl, is this you?
Well, one need only put on the crazy hat to understand that Crazy Eyes got it right. Death is re-birth, so Happy Death Day Elvis!
Fits right in. Remember Crazy Eyes blames the S&P downgrade on Obama for getting a higher debt ceiling to pay off the past due bills run up under GWB and the Republican Congress.
Up is down. Wrong is right. Death is birth. It all fits in teabagging universe.
It could be him, but we have to get Darryl to verify whether or not he’s the guy anthropology guy from the U-dub.
Here’s an excellent article that came out today on the meaning of Rachel Beckwith’s birthday wish,
It has been clear for some time that Bachmann is an idiot, but the thing that amazes me is that she is running for President and so must have a bunch of advisers. Are they all idiots too? Or does she just “go rogue” all the time and cause them nightmares?
And yes, I know you would have to be super cynical or stupid or have some great disconnect to work for her, but except for that… you think they could read or google for chrissake.
Hmmmm…guess everyone forgot that we actualy have 57 states…obama even said so, so it must be true.
@5. manoftruth spews:
daryl, is this you?
Well that explains it, Anthro depts are notorious for being full of dogmatic leftists. On the other hand, it’s a good opportunity to see if he can back up his bullshit;
“How Rob McKenna is like Santorum
by Darryl, 06/08/2011, 5:56 PM
For what it is worth, the American Anthropological Association—you know, the folks who study humans and their cultures, cross-culturally and historically—take exception to both Santorum’s and McKenna’s narrow, conservative view of marriage and family:
The results of more than a century of anthropological research on households, kinship relationships, and families, across cultures and through time, provide no support whatsoever for the view that either civilization or viable social orders depend upon marriage as an exclusively heterosexual institution. Rather, anthropological research supports the conclusion that a vast array of family types, including families built upon same-sex partnerships, can contribute to stable and humane societies.”
So Professor, show us those cross-cultural studies that support same-sex marriage, you must have numerous examples of Asian and African cultures where same-sex marriage is legal. It couldn’t possibly be limited to Western liberalism, could it? You wouldn’t falsify the research, would you?
Lol @ american anthroplogical association……for christs sake, talk about a bunch of people that can’t get a job in the real world….
You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be actually something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and very broad for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!